
jayjo_if I have my Certificate Authority, and I sign my database certificate, and I need to sign the client certificates with the same CA, do I sign them myself and distribute them to the client, or does the client do it somehow by exposing the CA?01:51
tarpmanjayjo_: if you are running a CA (even a local/internal one), it's probably a good idea to research how TLS works, to the point that you can answer a question like that yourself01:55
jayjo_Is there a recommended resource for reading up on that? I've been using TLDP.org and the ubuntuserver guide, but they are difficult to onboard01:59
tarpmanjayjo_: nothing off the top of my head, but the first couple of google results for "intro to TLS" look reasonable - the apache.org and gnutls.org ones02:01
tarpmanmaybe avoid the sans.org one - says it's from 2003, might contain some outdated info02:01
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NoHoFoo$php            command gives same response04:37
NoHoFoo$php            command gives NO response04:37
NoHoFoobut php --version04:38
NoHoFooneed to run    $php drush status04:38
NoHoFoogives a frozen cursor04:39
NoHoFoo$php            command gives NO response04:39
NoHoFooso I'm confused04:39
NoHoFoowordpress runs on this server04:40
NoHoFoodrupal does ALSO04:40
NoHoFootrying to install drush04:40
mowthegrassHello All - Can someone help me to point key areas that needs to be monitored for local mirror repo05:21
mowthegrassSomeoff them i have noted are 1)Disk usage 2)Repo URL  3)Server Health05:21
adun153Hi, using apache, how can I make it so that whenever somebody puts is http://myserver.com or https://myserver.com, that it redirects always to https://myserver.com/subdir/      ? Thanks.09:17
van777adun153: google "html redirect"09:55
iberezovskiy|offjamespage, hi. could you please tell me what the status of keystone package with keystone tempest plugin?10:19
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jamespageiberezovskiy, its in newton-proposed - you can always look at http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/cloud-archive/newton_versions.html10:20
jamespageiberezovskiy, notifications of changes are also sent to https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Cloud-archive-changes10:21
jamespagefor example - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/cloud-archive-changes/2016-June/004186.html10:22
jamespageis the one you are interested in10:22
iberezovskiythanks you!10:27
adun153van777 that did it, thanks!11:10
iberezovskiyjamespage, what's the policy of adding dependencies for openstack packages if these dependencies aren't mention in requirements.txt?11:19
iberezovskiyI've faced the issues then python-ddt is required for neutron, but it's not in neutron requirements.txt11:20
iberezovskiyomg, it's in test-requirements.txt11:20
jamespageiberezovskiy, well it is a test library :-)11:21
iberezovskiyyeah, probably it should be installed along with tempest11:21
iberezovskiyso, the problem isn't in packages, sorry for wrong alarm11:23
rbasakcaribou: kexec-tools reviewed, thanks. Looks good to upload. Do you want to upload, or do you want me to sponsor?12:10
rbasakcaribou: actually, let me sponsor if you don't mind.12:10
caribourbasak: thanks! no worry I'll upload it12:10
rbasakI'd like to try the tag/upload/push flow.12:11
caribourbasak: fine by me as well, got another upload on my way12:11
caribourbasak: don't be surprized,it'll sit in proposed until I sync makedumpfile from Debian (which I will do right after I answer to your email)12:12
rbasakcaribou: understood, thanks12:12
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caribourharper: started to work on multipath-tools merge yet ?13:28
caribourharper: I'm working on the lvm / multipath-tools bug I told you about yesterday13:29
=== sypher_ is now known as sypher
rharpercaribou: no, i've not started a merge on multipath-tools yet; did you need something now?13:39
caribourharper: I'm preparing an SRU so I need to get  yakkety in sync13:39
caribourharper: here is the debdiff : http://paste.ubuntu.com/17361015/13:40
caribourharper: moved up the clean-tree & added systemd calls in d/rules13:40
rharpercaribou: sync we're syncing, won;'t we get the systemd link fix automatically ?13:41
rharperfor yakkety, won't we see a new-release from debian, and then a replay of our changes on top ?13:42
caribourharper: in order to SRU to Xenial, I need it in Yakkety now but you're right, this will be dropped in the merge13:42
runelind_qis there a list of containers available for download?13:42
caribourharper: and if I SRU to Xenial as is, it'll get rejected since it's not in Yakkety13:43
caribourunelind_q: on LXC ? lxc image list images, lxc image list ubuntu-daily13:43
rharperso, we're doing a bug fix for the SRU, to be dropped later in yakkety once we sync13:43
caribourharper: sound silly but yes13:44
caribourharper: lemme check13:44
rharpercaribou: my concern is that the systemd service (versus the upstart script wrapper) isn't fully baked anyhow ... so I'm not sure what bug we're fixing here...13:45
runelind_qcaribou: sudo lxc image list images just returns a blank list :-/13:45
runelind_qsame with ubuntu-daily13:45
caribourunelind_q: images:13:45
rharperlxc image list images:13:46
rharperthe images: hits the remote images.linuxcontainers.org13:46
caribourharper: I will recheck but according to our tests, that change was also required in order to fix the issue the clean-tree only was not sufficient13:46
runelind_qcaribou: cheers13:46
caribourharper: let me double-check before I decide13:47
rharpercaribou: I mean the bigger picture13:47
rharperI agree that the changes are needed to enable the systemd multkpath service to "start" property via SD_NOTIFY13:47
rharperbut what *bug* is that solving ?13:47
rharperxnox had looked the systemd service for multipath and it was lacking vs. the upstart wrapper script (/etc/init.d/multipath)13:47
rharperso, even if we fix the systemctl start multipath command ... it doesn't always work, especially if it's not fully configured .13:48
caribourharper: cyphermox is sitting besides me and he also agrees that it is kindof silly but still required in the meantime13:48
rharperso I'm backing up and saying, what are we fixing ?  That is, if we fix the systemd service, we also need to address the other issues that xnox raised13:48
caribourharper: ok, he's also here so I'll check with him13:48
rharperok, lemme find the bug with xnox's investigation13:49
cyphermoxit's a good stop-gap since you might not get to the merge until next week or later?13:49
rharperbut what bug are we fixing that needs to go itno X right now ?13:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1583563 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu Xenial) "System will not start with multipathd enabled" [High,Confirmed]13:50
rharperthat's the one with the rest of the issues for systemd multipath service13:50
coreycbddstreet, hey looking at designate and heat newton ci failures14:07
coreycbddstreet, sorry, not meant for you14:08
tewardwhen trying to rsync data between systems, that are both VMs, i'm getting CPU soft lockups on the target system on the rsync - can I assume this is the hypervisor's fault?14:20
EmilienMjamespage: hey!14:28
EmilienMjamespage: iberezovskiy was able to deploy openstack newton & run tempest, with this workaround: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/327678/33/run_tests.sh14:28
EmilienMdo you think we can solve it in packaging?14:29
jamespageEmilienM: hmm probably not - I'm reticent to include a test requirement for runtime usage...14:30
EmilienMwe'll handle it in puppet14:30
runelind_qhrm, not necessarily an ubuntu issue, but I'm running a CentOS 6 container on 16.04, and an http_proxy variable keeps getting set on login, and I can't figure out where it is being set :-/14:37
sarnoldrunelind_q: iirc lxd by default sets up a link-local ipv6 bridge without network connectivity, and then uses an http proxy to get to the world (e.g. for apt..)14:39
runelind_qsarnold: I have modified my lxc profiles to just bridge with a regular bridge.14:39
runelind_qand my ubuntu containers do not appear to be setting this http_proxy variable14:39
sarnoldrunelind_q: ah interesting14:40
sarnoldrunelind_q: grep -r http_proxy /etc and see what you can find?14:40
runelind_qno hits14:40
runelind_qnor in yum.conf or /etc/environment14:43
sarnoldalright, check your ~/.bash* files14:45
runelind_qyup, did that as well.14:45
sarnoldmaybe check /lib and /usr as well, systemd unit files can set environment variables14:45
runelind_qit only appears to be set for root, not my regular user that I just created, so I guess I'm not super worried about it.14:45
runelind_qjust figured someone else may have created a CentOS container on Ubuntu and came across the same issue.14:46
NoHoFootrying to install drush for drupal 8  on ubuntu server....nothing works....apt get...composer......all fail....what works14:47
tewardNoHoFoo: what do you mean by 'nothing works' and 'all fail'14:48
tewardand what version of Ubuntu Server are you using14:48
NoHoFooerror messgaes and no drush14:49
sarnoldpastebin your errors14:50
tewardis there a way to force rsync to not eat up all the processor power on the target machine14:50
tewardit's literally preventing data migration14:51
NoHoFoo   Failed to download drush/drush from dist: The zip extension and unzip command are both missing, skipping.14:51
NoHoFooThe php.ini used by your command-line PHP is: /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini14:51
NoHoFoo    Now trying to download from source14:51
NoHoFoo  - Installing drush/drush (8.1.2)14:51
NoHoFoo    Cloning 85b58140d576cfdb9546a23c3ff44b72d0dae5bc14:51
NoHoFoonoah@ubuntuServer:~ $ drush status14:51
NoHoFooThe program 'drush' is currently not installed.14:51
runelind_qteward: use zfs send/recv instead! </smartass answer>14:52
tewardrunelind_q: haha, smartass answers don't help me right now14:52
tewardE:OldServer9.10 -> 14.04 server14:52
NoHoFooall from      sudo composer require drush/drush:~814:52
runelind_qcan you nice the process?14:52
tewardrunelind_q: it's not the source machine causing the problem - it's the rsync 'server' spawned on the target machine14:52
naccNoHoFoo: install 'php-zip'?14:53
NoHoFooi thought composer was a package manager.. why doesn't it do it for me?14:54
naccNoHoFoo: and use a pastebin in the future, please14:54
naccNoHoFoo: are you using Ubuntu's composer package?14:54
sarnoldteward: you could login to the machine with another shell and use renice on the process14:54
tewardsarnold: would, if the ting weren't already locked up14:54
NoHoFoo<nacc> don't know whose's composer package I'm using14:54
sarnoldteward: reboot it and start over?14:55
tewardsarnold: fifth force-reboot14:55
sarnoldteward: ugh.14:55
tewardseizes up the moment it starts so I can't renice it14:55
NoHoFoosudo apt install composer14:55
tewardsame problem14:55
runelind_qare you backing up to a raspberry pi?14:55
runelind_qor a graphing calculator14:55
teward[2016-06-15 10:20:32] <teward> when trying to rsync data between systems, that are both VMs, i'm getting CPU soft lockups on the target system on the rsync - can I assume this is the hypervisor's fault?14:56
runelind_qwhat if you rsync just a few files as a test14:56
tewardy'all reading would help.14:56
* teward is a little frustrated over this issue right now14:56
tewardbecause i've given the VM a lot of vCPUs14:56
sarnoldteward: maybe skip the vm-to-vm step? mount both images in one qemu process?14:56
tewardso if it's still locking up14:56
tewardsarnold: ESXi hypervisors14:56
tewardoption not allowed14:56
runelind_qit's before 9AM, I have the memory retention of a three year old.14:56
tewardand VMs on different hypervisors14:56
runelind_qall I know is that I can rsync all day long without having issues.14:57
runelind_qthrough ESX14:57
tewardthat's accurate14:57
tewardand this is a *new* issue14:57
runelind_qtens of thousands of files.14:57
tewardrunelind_q: just had the sysadmin move the thing to a different hypervisor in the cluster14:59
tewardmaybe that's the problem14:59
runelind_qcould be.14:59
tewardokay, so lets see if it chokes again15:01
tewardand if it does kill -9 on the target side is ready15:01
runelind_qdoes the receiving side think it runs out of CPU or does it just lock up?15:02
tewardrunelind_q: literal lockup and watchdog complains15:02
tewardall 4 CPUs observably peaked before it just dies off15:02
runelind_qjust wondering if it is a hypervisor cpu issue or a VM cpu issue15:02
sarnoldthat sonds broken :/15:02
runelind_qhow big of a job?15:02
tewardit looks like it's running better on the other hypervisor15:02
tewardrunelind_q: huge15:02
tewardat least huge for this infra15:02
tewardabout 450GB in a go15:02
runelind_qmillions of files?15:03
tewardrunelind_q: no, but multiple large files15:03
tewardmy *guess* is the hypervisor was misbehaving15:03
tewardbecause it's working fine now15:03
tewardooop maybe I spoke too soon15:03
runelind_qrsync don't care about file sizes (I don't think), but if it is having to calculate on millions of files.15:03
tewardaaaand there it goes peaking15:03
tewarddamn it!15:03
tewardi don't have an alternative to rsync because I need to have the ownership preserved and everything15:04
tewardsource system chokes on tarballing it15:04
tewardor i'd do that15:04
runelind_qmaybe your hypervisor shouldn't be running on a potato :-P15:05
sarnoldteward: maybe --whole-file  ? feels like a wild guess...15:05
tewardrunelind_q: my two cents: that doesn't help15:05
tewardsarnold: running with --whole-file it seized too15:05
tewardif this one fails i'll try that15:05
tewardfailing that15:05
tewardscp everything15:05
tewardand then chown by hand15:05
runelind_qdoes rsyncing a small test file go ok?15:05
sarnoldteward: how bout tar cf - . | ssh root@remote tar xf -    ---- but with the proper flags added for permisssions and owner preservation?15:06
tewardwouldn't compression be needed here?15:06
tewardalso doesn't help the target is /var/mail/ on the target server15:07
tewardgotta move all these mailboxes >.>15:07
tewardwe'll see if it fails, it looks like it's not choking as quickly15:07
sarnolddepends on the CPUs and network involved.. ssh does some compression, so if you use some other compression after tar, turn it off in ssh15:07
NoHoFoohere's the mess: http://pastebin.com/b42uDgN315:08
sarnoldNoHoFoo: looks like you're trying to modify system files but not running as root15:09
tewardsarnold: i think the hypervisor was part one to blame, and rsync the second15:09
tewardehhh there's more lockups >.<15:09
NoHoFooi thought 'sudo' fixed that15:10
tewardi think i'll do the evil method15:10
tewardby-hand it15:10
NoHoFooI'm try to insatll drush for drupal 8 on ubuntu server,,,,any way to do it?15:10
sarnoldNoHoFoo: it could but (a) you didn't use sudo on e.g. lines 3, 22, etc..15:10
NoHoFoohow to become root for a while?15:11
sarnoldNoHoFoo: (b) it may not be a good idea to overwrite those files anyway...15:11
NoHoFoook then15:11
NoHoFooI'm try to insatll drush for drupal 8 on ubuntu server,,,,any way to do it?15:11
sarnoldNoHoFoo: you can get a root shell with sudo -s15:11
NoHoFooI'm try to install drush for drupal 8 on ubuntu server,,,,any way to do it?15:12
NoHoFoowhat r the commands to do it?15:12
naccNoHoFoo: just ask once15:13
naccsorry was afk walking dogs, am back now15:13
NoHoFoojust answer once15:14
naccNoHoFoo: no need for a bad attitude.15:14
naccNoHoFoo: drupal8 is not supported on ubuntu server, in any case, so anyone helping you is being nice.15:14
NoHoFoo<nacc> but there is15:14
naccat least, not supported here15:14
NoHoFoowhat does 'supported' mean?15:15
naccit's not in the ubuntu archives15:15
NoHoFoowhat is an ubuntu archive?15:16
nacc*the* ubuntu archives ... as in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ or mirrors thereof15:16
NoHoFoomy drupal 8 is running just fine on ubuntu server15:17
NoHoFoonice and fast too15:17
naccNoHoFoo: that doesn't make it supported or available as part of the ubuntu archives...15:19
naccNoHoFoo: and the version of drush supported is the one in the archives, as in the one for drupal715:19
tewardsarnold: not even scp works...15:20
tewardi'm out of options15:20
sarnoldteward: damn :/ good luck, dinner time15:21
NoHoFoosudo apt-get drush gives wrong drush,,,I know this15:22
naccNoHoFoo: it gives the drush supported on ubuntu and the one that works with the drupal shipped by ubuntu15:23
naccNoHoFoo: in any case, did you try my suggestion from a long time ago? `apt-get install php-zip`?15:24
naccpossible you also need to `apt-get install unzip`15:24
nacci'm assuming that composer can't alter your system-wide settings/plugins for PHP or applications15:25
naccit's just a PHP manager15:25
runelind_qoh great, one of my containers stopped talking on the network, and when I try to restart it, it craps out15:25
naccNoHoFoo: note, that's *exactly* what composer told you to do... And you shouldn't run composer as root.15:26
hallynarges: rharper: hey, so there's a new qemu in debian worth merging.  I'll get to when I can, but it won't be today or probably tomorrow, so if you have a chance pls feel free.15:34
hallyn(if i find time i should really spend it on this (&$%)$(* systemd+lxcfs bug)15:35
rharperhallyn: hi, cool; thanks for the heads up15:37
jgrimmhallyn, thanks!!15:47
tewardsarnold: i think it's because of incomplete updates15:53
tewardlooks like libraries but not kernel got updated, for Linux, going to finish updates and hope that's the issue15:54
tewardbecause this is a new problem :/15:54
coreycbddellav, jamespage: for ci today I fixed up ironic (newton - patched and submitted upstream to fix test failure), keystone (newton - patches refreshed), designate (newton - rebuilt),  cinder (mitaka - patches refreshed).16:32
jamespagecoreycb, \o/16:33
ddellavcoreycb nice, good job16:33
coreycbjamespage, ddellav, lots of failures today though, so there's more to fix16:33
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: did a sneaky fix to nova-lxd - won't be around tomorrow am todo my normal shift :-)16:36
coreycbjamespage, ah thanks. I've been ignoring that one. :)16:36
jamespagecoreycb, just wait until I get ceph and ovs branch builds going as well ;-)16:37
coreycbjamespage, oh sigh..16:37
hallynrharper: oh, for qemu merge, the easiest way by far is to use the debian git tree;  check out branch ubuntu-dev;  git merge debian-unstable;  merge te changelog, go through patches, and should be all set.16:50
hallynbut i'll try to get to it friday if you don't have a chance before16:50
nwilson5anyone know why after router reboot, I cannot ping/ssh into a computer on the network anymore. If I reboot, I can once again.17:04
naccnwilson5: are you using dhcp? did your lease expire due to the router reboot?17:05
nwilson5yes dhcp, but using dhcp reservation for my mac address.17:05
naccnwilson5: if you simply restart network on your machine, does it work?17:07
nwilson5just tried using a different IP and it worked17:07
nwilson5not certain what that implies17:10
nwilson5I can ping some computers on the network, just not a few unless I change my IP17:10
=== iberezovskiy is now known as iberezovskiy|off
ApocopeI'm trying to get either icinga or icinga2-classicui working in Xenial. Under both, the menu on the left displays for a moment and then slides up and is invisible. Anyone seen this?17:43
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digsI setup this server over a year and a half ago. At ome point I somehow restricted IP's on ssh logins. I can't figure out how I did though. I need to add a new IP. I looked at sshd_config and hosts_allow/deny. I don't see anything that would restrict users. I have a new development team that needs access. I can login to the new user I created using my public key but they cannot. They can18:03
digslogin to the new dev server without issue. Both the dev server and the production server are hosted on AWS and in the same security group.18:03
digsAny ideas?18:03
tewarddigs: iptables on the machine?18:04
tewardyou can run the same port security group on AWS and on the server itself by implementing iptables.18:04
tewarddefinitely an issue i've run into18:04
digsI am running the same security group on both servers.18:05
tewardthat's the AWS side of things18:05
tewardI didn't say the AWS level firewall18:05
tewardI said on the server itself18:05
tewardNOT in the AWS control panel18:05
digsiptables isn'18:05
digsiptables isn't installed on either server.18:05
digsIP blocking is the only thing I can think of that would keep them from logging in. I have tried adding their public key, the same one that is working on the dev server, to a known working user on the prod server to no avail.18:07
digsThey get Permission denied (publickey) -- when I try with my key, I get in no problem.18:08
hggdhdigs: so they *are* getting to the server. Are their public keys correctly set up?18:14
digsYes. their public keys are setup correctly. I copied them from the working dev server and checked the setup 5 times. I added my key to the list and was able to get in no problem.18:15
tewardare we sure that they are configuring their SSH clients to SSH in using the privkey18:19
teward(observed this already in the past with some teams)18:19
digsYeah, I thought of that... but they can connect to the dev server no problem and they didn't have issues when I set that up, so I would have to guess yes. I will just double check though because I am at a loss.18:21
hggdhdigs: ask one of them to run 'ssh -vvv <server>', and give you the output18:22
hggdhperhaps they have different keys for each server18:23
sdezieldigs: can you pastebin your sshd_config?18:23
digsI thought of that too... I had them double verify their keys. sdeziel - I could but I don't think it would help... it is identical to the working dev server.18:24
sdezieldigs: looks good to me. Can you provide the auth.log?18:27
digshere is the -vvv output. http://codepad.org/EVurcEBx18:29
sdezieldigs: sorry, I meant the server side logs (auth.log)18:30
digsYeah, I know... I am working on that.18:30
digshere is the tail. http://codepad.org/qlOLock918:30
digshggdh - there is the -vvv output http://codepad.org/EVurcEBx18:31
sdezieldigs: looks like the sshd couldn't decode one key. What does the ~user/.ssh/authorized_keys look like?18:32
digsa file with keys that are one line per key.18:33
sdezieldigs: it seems to point to a partial public key18:33
digsthe guy just tried a different key which was a different type... he reported it worked.18:34
digsI have 6 or 7 keys loaded and two different devs tried... they both failed... one of them has two keys loaded for some reason, and his other key works.18:34
sdezielfix the formatting of the authorized_keys...18:35
digsprod - #66-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 25 03:47:17 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux ---- dev #118-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 17 22:52:10 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:36
digsI copied the file from dev. the format should be perfect. regardless, I will go over and over it again.18:36
tewardalso check ownership of authorized_keys18:37
tewardand make sure it matches the user they're logging into18:37
tewardnot just file *content* but *permissions*18:37
digsThey can login with one user and not another now.18:37
sdezielsshd[28349]: error: key_read: uudecode AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E... => pretty clearly points to a badly formatted file18:38
digsThey keys that dont end with == <name> work. Keys that end with == <name> dont work.18:38
digsthey work fine on dev though. The dev server is a couple years ahead of the dev server. My guess is that is a version issue.18:38
* sdeziel gives up18:39
digsI will erase the keys that don't work and re-add them sdeziel thank you for your help.18:39
coreycbddellav, jamespage: python-mock 2.0 synced (assert_called_once is actually valid now), and python-keystoneauth1 2.7.0 merged (that *might* fix the heat newton failure)18:44
ddellavcoreycb ok great18:46
digsthanks for the help all.18:53
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:37
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/19:37
geniiThats the one19:37
hallynrharper: arges: meh, it was a trivial merge, pushing a test pkg to ppa:serge-hallyn/virt21:52
rharperhallyn: cool!21:53
rharperbtw, on the gpu thingy ... I think you can copy the previous build in a ppa and select a new arch target ... I think that triggers a new build of the ppa to add the ppc64 build21:53
rharperyeah, edit your ppa, and then select the arch targets21:54
rharperthen if you copy the package to the same ppa; I think it triggers the rebuild21:55
rharperdid that on the docker one a few times when we were filling out the extra arches21:55
hallynrharper: yeah, i just forgot about it.  but anyway, isn't that inthe ubuntu-virt ppa?  so you can do it :)21:56
rharperhallyn: I didn't know where it was, but I'll look now21:56
rharperhallyn: I'm not member of ~ubuntu-virt21:57
rharperhallyn: but it looks like you're admin and can add me21:58
rharperand I'll poke it21:58
hallynone sec21:59
rharperyeah, ~raharper22:00
rharpernot that shady rharper fellow22:00
hallyndone :)22:00
hallynthank you :)22:07
=== Serge is now known as Guest36294
=== kees_ is now known as kees
=== Guest36294 is now known as wtf_freenode
=== logan_ is now known as Guest6911
=== markthomas_ is now known as markthomas
=== bilde2910_ is now known as bilde2910
=== dasjoe_ is now known as dasjoe
=== lynxman_ is now known as lynxman
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== bekks_ is now known as bekks
=== erisrenee_ is now known as erisrenee
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
=== MrPPS is now known as Valfor
=== Guest6911 is now known as logan-
runelind_qI'm using ZFS backing23:17
=== Sling_ is now known as Sling

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