=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo [00:03] thanks! [00:04] Hey, I have something odd going on. My computer is suddenly unable to access about half the internet. [00:04] i added PATH=$PATH:Location:location2:locations3 [00:04] export PATH underneath it then restarted SSh and it worked [00:04] OneM_Industries: contact your ISP? [00:05] OneM_Industries: "half the internet not working" is usually not an Ubuntu issue :P [00:05] what websites cant you load? [00:05] [00:05] especially if it just randomly happens [00:05] I can't even get into the router's setting page. [00:05] reset the router and if that doesnt work call your isp and tell them they screwed up [00:05] if a vpn fixes it it is definitely your isp [00:05] OneM_Industries: then reset your router, and then call your ISP [00:05] if that doesn't work [00:06] OneM_Industries: if rebooting the Ubuntu computer, and the router, doesn't fix it, the ISP is at fault [00:06] and if a VPN makes it all 'work' then, then your ISP is still at fault [00:06] Ok. [00:08] OneM_Industries, do you have any other computers hooked up to your router, that might be updating in the background? [00:12] btw what is all this tracker-* process madness? it tops out on i/o it crashes and behaves badly in general. can i savely delete those or does gnome-shell depend on its functionality? [00:16] So I made a bash script with gedit and I wanted to run it [00:17] Optiprism: great! [00:17] But for some reason the permissions aren't with me per default [00:17] How come? [00:17] Optiprism: you may need to +x it, chmod +x filename.sh (actually you shouldn't use .sh for reasons) [00:17] Actually correction, "sh script.sh" works but "./script.sh" doesn't [00:18] it may not be executable [00:18] Optiprism, you've not made it executable. chmod +x script [00:18] ah [00:18] Why shouldn't I use .sh? [00:18] Thought that stood for script [00:19] ...or rather shell script [00:19] Optiprism: idk, #bash keeps telling me that, figured if it's best practice then pass it along. sh is also different from bash, so .sh may literally mean sh. [00:19] extensions are not a thing in linux :) [00:19] well, they are for some programs, but they really aren't [00:19] doesnt really matter if you have a shebang line at the top [00:20] linux itself doesn't care about extensions [00:20] could be handy for syntax highlighting if your editor use extensions for that though [00:20] even nano can detect the shebang and highlight appropriately [00:21] Optiprism, sh is another shell, but you dont see scrips named script.bash, so no idea why you cant name it sh [00:21] Generally, the first line of a shell script is '/usr/bin/env bash' to make it use bash [00:21] Ooh thanks [00:22] gin: I actually started doing that, because I liked being able to cp /usr/bin/*.bash /path/to/backup/location/ and automatically collect all the garbage I've added. [00:22] SchrodingersScat, that a great idea, I rarley give my scripts extensions at all, I just put em in a folder for scripts :P [00:23] That's the great thing about linux. As long as it works for you, it's right [00:24] I'm studying for the Linux+ certification. AMA [00:24] whats your favorite distro and why [00:24] merced: #ubuntu-offtopic [00:25] merced, Debian derivates since I cant be arsed learning new package managers these days :P [00:25] ubuntu server 14.04 LTS. why does /etc/resolv.conf become blank after reboot? [00:25] therealtbe: I thought it normally warned about that [00:26] SchrodingersScat: I have eth0 set to static in /etc/network/interfaces why is anything touching /etc/resolv.conf [00:26] therealtbe: # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN [00:26] hi, anyone know if there are configuration options for the dell xps touch screen? [00:26] SchrodingersScat: I have specified a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces. I do not want /etc/resolv.conf to be destroyed. what is blanking it out [00:26] therealtbe: although I notice that on my server it does not give this warning, because they've edited things in their image, is this possibly the same with you? otherwise I have that warning. === deweydb_ is now known as deweydb [00:28] SchrodingersScat: okay so I don't really care about this comment.... tell me how to set a static nameserver please [00:30] therealtbe: I use dns-nameservers in my /etc/network/interfaces, this does not work for you? [00:30] hi, when i open an gtk application like geany and try to crate a new file the save dialog turns up and show me the path with sth like "symbol" (with ctrl + l) it possible to enter an entire path (the field it self is empthy), is there a way just to edit the current path manually without tipping the entire path (the path is already shwon (with "symbol") but just can be edited)? [00:31] therealtbe: you've only mentioned specifying a static ip in your eni file, are you specifyin dns? [00:31] therealtbe: either add them in /etc/network/interfaces, or edit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base [00:31] therealtbe, tell your router to distribute the nameservers you want or use the gui interface to add the custom dns server from there. alternativly edit /etc/network/interfaces [00:31] nacc no I thought the dns nameserver was in /etc/resolv.conf, and I was obviously surprised that it disappered. [00:31] the recommended way would be to add them where you are setting the static address [00:31] I have no gui intetface. [00:31] it is ubuntu-server [00:32] gin: it's a static IP [00:32] therealtbe: then add it in /etc/network/interfaces [00:34] therealtbe: it is, at run-time, but not necessarily over reboots, etc. tgm4883's advice is sound [00:35] thanks everyone I specified dns-nameservers line in /etc/network/interfaces [00:35] one more question.... [00:36] now that I have dns... I run sudo apt-get update; the last line says extras.ubuntu.com trusty Release public key is not availalbe [00:38] here is a pastebin showing the last bit from apt-get update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17346890/ [00:38] GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C1192 [00:40] therealtbe, Have you tried to "re-install" your apt-sources? Just asking... [00:41] nope, should i ? [00:41] therealtbe, It won't hurt... [00:41] how to [00:41] you install popcorn time on ubuntu 16.04 mate === jeremy_ is now known as Guest48457 [00:42] can you download and install popcorn time [00:42] therealtbe, Try going through this set of pages - so you can "remove" and then "add" the proper sources again, mate. http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Trusty_Packages_and_Repositories [00:49] hello people, i have an issue with SSH and raspberry pi, can anyone help? === the_ant1 is now known as the_ant [00:50] !ask | computer [00:50] computer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [00:52] what version of ubuntu on the pi computer [00:52] i connect to a raspberry pi through SSH and run a very long terminal command, when i log out the command is cancelled, how can i log out and keep the command running? [00:52] !info screen | computer [00:52] computer: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.3.1-2build1 (xenial), package size 541 kB, installed size 978 kB [00:52] computer: use something like screen or tmux [00:52] i am using 16.04 the pi is using the latest raspian [00:53] or nohup if you want to slum it... [00:56] Hi! I need some help getting my A2DP Headset connected properly.. [00:56] somsip: tmux? let me read about it [01:03] hey guys, I'm trying some python script excutable without having to write python at the beginning of the command everytime I want to run it. [01:03] I wrote which python and saw the excutable location of it and added it at the top line of script : #!/usr/bin/python [01:04] iirc its #!/usr/bin/env python [01:04] when I write which python [01:05] is shows this location #!/usr/bin/python [01:05] Now my problem is that I still need to cd to that folder to be able to make it to work...Is there a way I can excute it from any location without errors?? [01:06] somsip: does this mean i can run a command and exit ssh then return to it? [01:06] Hi again!(Sorry for leaving) Can someone help me connecting my Bluetooth headset properly? [01:06] cd to the script folder I mean... [01:06] computer: yes [01:06] dancingd3mon__: you should never have to [01:06] did you chmod +x your script? [01:06] yes I did [01:07] it keeps failing for some reason...the script is in a folder that has .config and lib [01:07] dancingd3mon__: worked fine for me.. https://gyazo.com/76668b43e18fecdaff2eadcf7683bd42 [01:07] somsip: thanks :-) [01:08] if you need to make the script pretend its somewhere else.. [01:08] import os os.chdir('/wherever') [01:09] dancingd3mon__: the script must be in $PATH. I'd suggest creating a symlink from /usr/local/bin to your script === nathanleclaire_ is now known as nathanleclaire [01:10] i use RTL2838 DVB-T usb stick, it 'sorts of' works out of the box, because it freezes on frequency change and i have to reset the usb device to get it working again [01:11] i can't seem to find another driver for it [01:11] looking at a way to fix the freezes [01:11] I added the whole folder to PATH like... 1- I added this #!usr/bin/python to the top of the script 2- chmod +x script.py 3- sudo nano .bashrc and added :/home/dancingdemon/SCRiptFolder/: to path [01:12] dancingd3mon__: did you then resource .bashrc? [01:12] *re-source [01:12] should i remove THE whole folder from path and only move the script to /usr/bin? [01:13] I did but I will do it again [01:13] dancingd3mon__: just echo $PATH [01:13] :/home/dancingdemon/SCRIPT/:/home/dancingdemon/tSCRIPT/lib/: [01:13] those are part of path :) [01:14] hi, i installed ubuntu server 16.04 and it wont boot. it prints one line when it boots, something like "/dev/sda1: clean, xxx/xxx files, xxx/xxx blocks" and then nothing else. anyone know what's up? [01:14] dancingd3mon__: those two paths are different - one references SCRIPT and one tSCRIPT [01:15] https://ncry.pt/p/DiCn#tZ01up2tD0y8Pyna_G-kYjYmWSzwZlyowTJUe5kze8g [01:16] oh i just rename it right now :) [01:16] I'm connecting via SSH to an old Ubuntu machine, and I'm trying to figure out what version it's running, but I'm having trouble. [01:16] its not the real script folder [01:16] dancingd3mon__: and "sctipt.py' looks like a typo. You need to fix this stuff up so it makes more sense [01:16] lsb_release gives me "Command Not Found" [01:16] And /etc/ has no *release files. [01:17] How else can I determine the current version through Terminal? [01:17] marc_v92: ' lsb_release -a ' . [01:17] Bashing-om: As I said, lsb_release isn't being recognized. :( [01:18] yeah they are all typo [01:18] marc_v92: cat /etc/issue maybe? [01:18] cat /proc/version [01:18] dancingd3mon__: so fix them and then ask if it doesnt work [01:18] now what do i need to do to make all the modules that this script work with run normal.. [01:18] how can i do this ? [01:18] Life was beautiful with ubuntu 14.04. I upgraded to 16.04. what a mistake :( [01:18] marc_v92: On my box .. I have to supply the argument . [01:19] marc_v92: cat /proc/version [01:19] dancingd3mon__: fix the problems with typos and wrong directories first first [01:19] What command is best to kill active tcp connections beside tcpkill? (tcpkill doesn't kill tcp6 connections) [01:19] roger`: Perfect, that one did it! [01:19] :) [01:19] n [01:19] you're welcome [01:19] Thanks for the help, all. :) [01:20] thanks man but i manually edited it because the script name is something personal...In ssh they are correct. [01:20] I just edited it before pasteing it and kinda rushed them so I made those mistakes :( [01:20] dancingd3mon__: dont rush, do it right, check it, then ask [01:21] I really did ...from the folder, it works perfectly [01:21] but from any other location, it fails... [01:21] I didn't add the script only to /usr/bin but added the whole folder of the script to the path.. [01:22] can it be dos2unix error? I've had this before but how can I know if the script is dos or unix hehe.. [01:23] dancingd3mon__: is this a python script, as you said before? [01:23] yup [01:23] dancingd3mon__: so what has dos2unix got to do with it? [01:25] is there anything i cand do with this? [01:25] dpkg: error processing package libapache2-mod-php5 (--configure): [01:25] subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [01:25] Errors were encountered while processing: [01:25] libapache2-mod-php5 [01:25] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [01:25] idk tbh..I'm unexperience guy when it comes to scripts.. [01:26] how do i install lamp on ubuntu 16 but with php 5x with sudo apt-get install lamp-server [01:27] http://paste.ubuntu.com/17348189/ [01:27] VectorX: you would have to install each component manually and add something that provided php5 [01:27] somsip ty [01:28] VectorX: eg: http://askubuntu.com/questions/756181/installing-php-5-6-on-xenial-16-04 (but see !PPA) [01:28] got it [01:39] what is the command you told me about the import os one ? [01:52] What's going on [01:54] hi, i need help getting my ubuntu server 16.04 up and running. it prints one line: "/dev/sda2 clean ..." and then nothing. anyone know how to fix it? [01:58] dyc3: are you trying to log in or something or are you already logged in? [01:59] Hello all. I would like some help setting up wireless network card, Ubuntu 16.04 [02:00] nityanandi: have you looked up the model of computer you use to see if the wifi is supported by Linux? [02:00] most cards that are supported by linux work out of the box in ubuntu [02:01] John[Lisbeth]: no, this is before im presented with any login screen whatsoever [02:01] dyc3: did you just recently install ubuntu or this an install you've had for a while and it suddenly started happening? [02:01] so i have a file on my computer /etc/init/resolvconf.conf and i accidentally overwrote it [02:01] John[Lisbeth]: this is a fresh install that i just did about an hour ago [02:02] how do i find out what the originaly was and fix it [02:02] or can i regenerate === IdleOne is now known as Guest99325 [02:02] dyc3: the most likely problem is that your installation medium was corrupted. this can be caused by an error in downloading the iso file but also in a scratch in the disc [02:03] !fsck [02:03] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [02:04] glassresistor: I'll send you mine [02:05] John[Lisbeth]: its definitely not a scratch on the disk, i booted the iso over LAN. [02:06] glassresistor: http://www.hastebin.com/irufusujib.vhdl hopefully that works for you. Make sure to make copies next time :) [02:06] dyc3, that message has something to do with a filesystem error that might be repaired, to be sure, run filecheck on that disk again [02:06] dyc3: I have never booted over lan so I am not sure. Perhaps a network connection problem could hav ecorrupted the stream of the iso [02:06] it is shutdown dirty, i guess [02:07] dyc3: Otherwise I thnk it must be a hardware problem [02:07] The card is a TP-Link Archer T8E with broadcom 4360 chip. It does not appear in the list at http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_chipset.php?chipset=Broadcom [02:07] !bcm [02:07] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [02:07] dyc3: one good way to test if it is a hardware problem is to make a liveusb and see if you can boot into a live environment. If you can then your hardware is probably fine [02:08] John[Lisbeth]: i can't boot from usb for some reason, thats why i did it over LAN [02:08] nityanandi, does the driver menu not give a driver to install ? open dash: driver # and the driver tool should pop up [02:08] dyc3: Please try booting into recovery mode via the grub menu. [02:08] Thanks ubottu, I will have a look there [02:08] Jordan_U: I didn't get a grub menu [02:09] Yes I have installed the proprietary driver. It allowed the operation of the card and connection to my router but no internet access [02:09] dyc3: If you're booting via BIOS then hold shift during boot. If booting via UEFI, spam the escape key during boot. [02:09] nityanandi: type lspci into the terminal and copy and paste the output to hastebin.com and paste that url in here so I can read it [02:10] dyc3: if you can't boot from usb that is soundign more and more like a hardware problem [02:10] dyc3: did you have any problems with your hard drive recently or possibly a power outage? [02:10] also ram can commonly fail [02:10] John[Lisbeth]: I consider it a security feature. And no, its on a UPS. [02:11] UPS? [02:11] universal power supply [02:11] aka a battery [02:11] any power supply can fail. It could also be hardware or ram. But likely I would say hardware overall [02:12] Does anyone here use ubuntu with an optimus laptop, nvidia card and onboard? i'm having issues with the graphics. Is bumblebee project still used for new kernel/driver in ubuntu 16.04? [02:12] If you cant boot a live usb its a really bad sign [02:12] Fizzik: nvidia is notorious for having bad support for linux. It may be that you are unable to configure it for your linux install, thought maybe you will be able to [02:12] write an angry letter to nvidia and tell them how dumb they are :) [02:12] http://pastebin.com/mA52SwRf [02:12] John[Lisbeth]: i can boot into an arch live cd just fine, and my hardware is new [02:13] dyc3: can you boot in to x from the arch cd? [02:13] Fizzik: nvidia is notorious for having bad support for linux. [02:13] !FUD [02:13] Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here! Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt [02:14] OerHeks: sorry nvidia is great for linux it will certainly work [02:14] sorry, i have to say this as it is not helpfull at all [02:14] Reason I was asking as the bumblee repo tried to use nvidia 304 which is very old [02:14] John[Lisbeth]: x is not included with the arch iso [02:14] dyc3: try a cd that has a graphical environment on it. That will be a better test of whether or not your hadware is having issues === Tundra-Fallout is now known as Finetundra [02:17] Fizzik: You may be able to try ndiswrapper and get the windows drivers working, though I dont have alot of experience with ndiswrapper or nvidia drivers. [02:18] Soon as I try to use the nvidia driver from 'additional drivers' section 361.42 my external monitor via HDMI instantly starts to cause issues with display untill i disconnect my HDMI. [02:18] So i'm stuck using X.Org [02:18] Nouveau display driver [02:19] The gui option for installing drivers often doesn't show the full breadth of drivers available to you on the internet. If you keep googling you may find a driver that works for you. It's really hit and miss with drivers and can be tricky business [02:20] which specific nvidia card was it if you dont mind me askign [02:20] dyc3: Did you see my message about how to get the grub menu to show? [02:20] for newer drivers, use the official driver ppa >>> https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [02:20] Jordan_U: I believe they said that grub was not loading [02:21] Jordan_U: yes, and it didn't work [02:22] dyc3: if you're able to run arch linux disc you should be able to mount /dev/sd /mnt [02:22] and then you can get into the filesystem [02:23] John: http://pastebin.com/mA52SwRf any ideas please? [02:25] nityanandi: are you using a mac? [02:25] also see if this solves your problem, nityanandi http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2205494 [02:33] John: This is not a mac, Homebuilt desktop. Reliable machine for several years, brand new wireless card === psimon is now known as crumbhead [02:34] John: I have tried a method from the links you provided. restarting system, will return shortly === crumbhead is now known as psimon === psimon is now known as crumbhead [02:34] nityanandi: keep in mind I can't garuntee you that will solve your problem. THats just what I got from google [02:35] One of those links was new to me [02:35] for reference I just serached for "broadcom BCM4360 linux" [02:40] John: No luck with different driver, not detecting the card at all again [02:41] Proprietary driver allows detection and connection. Could it still be a driver issue preventing internet access? === jta is now known as Guest54331 [02:44] dyc3: Is this a BIOS based or UEFI based machine? Are you able to use the keyboard you're currently using in your boot firmware menus? [02:45] hey guys, can someone tell me what to edit in the script to be able to excute it from anywhere ? https://ncry.pt/p/FiCn#9C9YTWxlyYr8kOe2cm5bnuUrfE0lE8RMZfuE3cvXsTk [02:45] Jordan_U: bios, and yes, keyboard is usable. going to attempt to boot an ubuntu desktop live cd [02:46] Jordan_U: no, wait, uefi. i just double checked [02:46] dancingd3mon__: http://askubuntu.com/questions/60218/how-to-add-a-directory-to-my-path [02:46] dancingd3mon__: you need to sys.path.append the full path to /home/dancingd3mon/script/lib (or whatever it is) though that is an ugly fix and you should seek advice in #python === Senj is now known as Senji [02:47] nothing wrong with editing a little path [02:47] thanks ! somsip [02:47] John[Lisbeth], I've already done this but It won't work.. [02:47] John[Lisbeth]: it's the lib loading that fails [02:47] May I know what should I add to my path? [02:47] ^ [02:48] dancingd3mon__: no, you say you've fixed that. It's the loading of the lib expecting a relative path [02:48] dancingd3mon__: are you asking how to add to your path or what to add to your path. Also it seems somsip understands your script better than I do [02:49] John[Lisbeth]: neither, and possibly though he needs to ask in #python to get a better answer [02:49] yes, you are right. [02:49] somsip: yes I would suggest this too [02:49] anyone know if Microsoft Xbox 360 Windows Controller joypad works with ubuntu linux games? [02:50] useraa: xbox controllers should work on linux jsut fine [02:50] as far as I know [02:50] useraa: the control should work [02:51] peripherals genreally work on linux most of the time [02:51] Hi, I was wondering how I can mount a raid 0 array in fstab. [02:51] So no windows drivers required xangua? [02:51] !fstab | torey (maybe start here) [02:51] torey (maybe start here): The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions [02:51] useraa: maybe but it will almost certainly be able to work is what we are saying [02:51] Cool, I'll try Supertux Kart racing game on Ubuntu Software centre [02:52] What I mean is I hope the controller works with Linux games natively [02:52] somsip There is no UUID equivalent for raid arrays? [02:52] useraa: the xbox controller is really almost like a glorified keyboard. [02:52] nto much different technologically [02:52] useraa: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Controller [02:52] thx somsip for info [02:52] torey: no idea - just thought the ftab fact page was the place to start [02:53] useraa: looks quite out of date actually. Plug it in and see if it works. [02:54] Latest Xubuntu detects the controllervia USB port and controller lights up like it works, Yet to see it actually in action though, might have to install a Windows game via PlayonLinux [02:55] useraa: intalling the game under playonlinux will not affect it. It has nothing to do with teh game you use, it has to do with whether or not your controller has successfully paired to ubuntu [02:55] once it is paired you can use it in all programs regardless of what the program is [02:56] its highly likely you will have to map the controller however === dancingd3mon__ is now known as dancingdemon [02:56] yes [02:56] Ive gotten generic joypads to work fine it just doesnt know the exact button layout sometimes [02:56] useraa: basically when you play a game on the computer you may use the WASD keys for example, and so you would bind your left joystick to be the wasd keys [02:56] so when you move your joystick up you'd literally be pressing the w key [02:57] Where do you map the controller can I ask? [02:57] http://askubuntu.com/questions/165210/how-do-i-get-an-xbox-360-controller-working [02:58] Nothing is being controlled ATM, Not even a Xbox360 game called Warzone 2100 from Ubuuntu SOftware Centre [02:59] sorry I meant Playstation [02:59] Oh lol that makes a huge difference [02:59] wait playstation controller or playstation game? [03:00] Sorry Warzone 2100 is a very old playstation game converted to linux for ubuntu. I am using Windows Microsoft XBox360 controller from JB Hifi [03:00] yeah the game that you are using makes 0 difference at all [03:00] Thx for info JohnLisbeth [03:01] hey guys.. good evening.. can anyone assist... ( i am using ubuntu 14 and i am receiving a UDP stream ).. i am pushing approx 390Mbit/s input and i am showing some drops on /proc/net/udp .. anything i can do to fix this ? [03:02] Can somebody help me to repair my ipv6? I have only a link local address but my ifupdown won't give me a global one. Here is my network configuration -> https://paste.ricl.de/view/f645d6b4 [03:02] i have set " net.core.rmem_max = 167772160 " [03:02] I think I will have to install the Windows 7 drivers on Windows and run Windows games. Ubuntu doesnt seem to utilise the controller [03:03] useraa: if you follow the instructinos in teh link I sent you it should allow you to make your controller work for whatever game you'd like [03:03] you simply have to copy and paste the commands into your terminal and then open teh program it installs [03:03] installign windows drivers will be alot more difficult I promise you [03:04] Thx Lisbeth I will read the info hen I have time, I think I'll try the controller on Windows first, otherwise might have to use Vmware to run Windows 7 in Ubuntu for it to work [03:04] anyways this is a very interesting gaming project [03:05] alright have fun [03:05] can't wait to play lego star wars on Ubuntu if it works hehe [03:11] can anyone help me out.. hitting about 34,000pps on the input [03:11] cpu's are doing nothing.. SI's doing very little [03:11] not sure where this limitation is coming from [03:12] Prelude2004c: could you give us some more details about what it is you are doing nad how it is going wrong? [03:12] LisaBeth I am enter the commands you recommded in terminal, fingers crossed and thx heaps again for helping me configure the controller [03:12] you as well DonRichie [03:12] :) [03:12] useraa: the main thing is to get that joystick program that they have a picture of in the link running. once you have that program you can do what you are trying to do with the controller really easily [03:12] useraa: let us know if you have any errors ;) [03:12] i am getting a bunch of UDP streams ( input ) .. they are multicast and they bring in about 390Mbits ( 37,000 PPS ) ... when i watch /proc/net/udp i see UDP drops on some of the pids [03:13] not sure where the drop is coming from or if i simply need to adjust some param in sysctl or something like that [03:13] yeh I am not enough of a wizard to touch that one but hopefully someone else knows [03:13] ok, I'm waiting for Supertux KArt to finish downloading and then I will work on the terminal commands hang on... good thing I have time to do this today [03:14] useraa: it may take you several days to get lego star wars working. I know it would take me that long [03:15] I'll be happing playing the existing Ubuntu game or old Windows games if this works. [03:15] useraa: if you have steam installed try some games in there. Steam has controller configuration built in and should detect your 360 controller immediately [03:15] the Lego games are great for toddlers and kidfs [03:16] Hi all [03:16] rmasad: hello [03:16] playstation controllers are more troublesome to set up (Iuse one) but 360 controller should just work [03:17] nityanandi: good call I hadn't realized this [03:17] I have a little problem here... I install Ubuntu next to my windows partition and when I start my pc only start windows (don't show me grub) [03:17] rmasad: there is a way around this, let me google a sec. Which version of windows are you using? [03:17] 10 [03:18] rmasad: do you have uefi? [03:18] Yes, but I desactivate in the bios and still don't work [03:19] uefi is a tricky beast from hell === wessles is now known as w_sleep [03:19] Yes jaja [03:20] rmasad: I can't find a really good guide on it but this link may help answer some of your questions http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2015/11/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-alongside.html [03:20] are you a new linux user? [03:21] yeah nityanandi thxz for the tip, I will have to download Steam, too bad I jhave slow internet [03:21] Actually Steam is proabbly my best bet to play game under Ubuntu [03:22] steam has the most linux games but also check out gog.com and humble bundle [03:22] no, I am not [03:23] rmasad: just checking. Yeah windows 10 is finicky with dual boot [03:23] What is Humble Bundle? I already know about GOG- I like the point and click adventure games such as Technobabylon, I played using a mouse only though. [03:23] I will try what you send me John. Thanks a lot :) [03:23] useraa: humble bundle often makes bundles that often have linux games in them. You choose what you pay and choose how much money goes to the developers, the humble bundle, or charity. [03:24] rmasad: no probs but keep in mind I am not sure if that link is a good one> i just couldnt find a good guide [03:24] ok thx for tip again:) [03:24] There is a "step" I didn't do === athairus is now known as afkthairus [03:24] Using efibootmgr [03:24] I will try that :) [03:25] good luck :) [03:25] hello anyone care to help me about this [03:26] i want to reset my mysql password [03:26] and did this steps [03:26] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset [03:26] but when i type mysql -u root [03:26] kristhian: you can get help here but you might also enjoy checking out the channel #mysql [03:26] My next concern is whether I can play my existing xbox360 game dvd collection on the pc under ubunt/windows [03:26] it says ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) [03:27] kristhian: sounds like you havent restarted it correctly so it's stil checking privs. [03:27] useraa: I read that there was a way to do this if you have a legal disc of the game [03:27] useraa: let me google it [03:29] I appreciate all the help Lisbeth, but the playing Xbox360 games on PC part is not nbecessary, Ill be really happy just to see the controller in action under Ubuntu games [03:29] useraa: now after reading I think it won't work. [03:30] btw is uninstalling and reinstalling mysql an option? [03:30] kristhian: try this instead maybe http://askubuntu.com/questions/489098/unable-to-reset-root-password-of-mysql [03:31] Plus I think you need a powerful gaming PC to emulate the Xbox360 games, and I dont have on Lisabeth [03:31] thx for trying anyways, probably not worth trying hehe [03:34] I can't wait until the original xbox is just an emmulator. I have some childhood favorites I would like to play [03:35] ok supertuxkart finisahed downloading and now i'm playing it on keyboard, controller is not working, now let me tinker with terminal... [03:35] useraa: I would go with that steam thing that the other dude mentioned [03:35] that way you kill two birds with one stone [03:36] I have download another 400mb which might take another hour [03:36] Hello, is anyone here? [03:36] ... and that means i will be locked out of downloading material in terminal... so === Andre is now known as Guest3097 [03:37] Andre there's always someone here :). Do you have a question? [03:37] Hello, i'm trying to make a bootable USB drive, I made one, but my computer won't boot with it. Whenever I select the Driver D, it just goes to windows, and doesn't boot ubuntu. [03:37] i guess nobody is an expert on this ? [03:37] i am getting a bunch of UDP streams ( input ) .. they are multicast and they bring in about 390Mbits ( 37,000 PPS ) ... when i watch /proc/net/udp i see UDP drops on some of the pids [03:38] Guest3097: what kidn fo computer are you using? what's the model number [03:38] ah thanks somsip [03:38] I'm using an ASUS computer. [03:38] Guest3097: is it a laptop or a desktop computer? [03:38] Asus Q501L Laptop Computer [03:39] Guest3097: hold on let me do some readign and I'll get back to you momentarily [03:39] ok [03:41] hello [03:41] I am a new guy here. [03:41] Cool, me too. [03:42] Guest3097: I did not find alot of good guides on the subject [03:42] this is a guide for windows but the principle shoudl be the same if this is indeed the same hardware as yours [03:42] https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/248sy1/need_help_booting_from_usb_to_install_windows_7/ [03:43] hello jack_rip_vim [03:43] hello , John[Lisbeth]. [03:43] Yeah, i've read countless articles, and done countless things. Is there any chance I could Skype or Facetime you and you could help that way John? [03:43] yeah that is definately doable [03:43] Skype? Facetime? What works best [03:43] private message me your skype username [03:44] well I would actualy prefer google hangouts to be honest [03:44] I don't know how to private message... Sorry lol [03:44] you type /msg John[Lisbeth] contents of message [03:44] !skype [03:44] To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga [03:45] Ok sure, whats your google? [03:45] OerHeks: I think they were not trying to install skype on ubuntu. They said they wanted someone to meet with them on skype and help them fix their computer [03:45] my google is john.morris.beck@gmail.com [03:45] oh, nice quick action. [03:45] good luck with skype, tons of issues with that crappy out-of-date package of microsoft .. why does one need your skypename btw? [03:45] emacs is the best hehehe [03:46] :) [03:46] OerHeks: they wanted me to help them over video chat which I accepted to [03:46] Alright, downloading it on my phone, will be ready in a sec. [03:46] John[Lisbeth], , i hope video works .. [03:46] on teh phone it should be fine [03:47] I have a windows pc too if need be [03:47] :-) that will do [03:47] sorry, misread the skype question [03:47] Messaged you John [03:48] i remember when you give a phone call, you can take a video chat too. [03:48] Guest3097: did you message me or email me? [03:48] I messaged you [03:48] On google hangouts === jrusso is now known as MadcapJake === Guest4 is now known as McLight [04:00] I rebooted my server today to find that it wouldn't boot. Is there something up with kernel 3.19.0-61? Selecting the last kernel (-58), it will boot. [04:01] choose advance from you boot menu. [04:01] then choose kernel. [04:04] Yes, that's what I'm saying I'm doing currently. But I'm wondering if there's a known bug or if something is wrong in my configuration. [04:04] I don't want to have to remember to select the previous kernel each time, cuz who knows if I'll remember the next time I reboot. [04:05] i don't know it. maybe you should check the source code. [04:05] lol k, I'll get right on that. [04:05] or google your error, [04:08] Yeah, I tried googling a bit, but I'm not getting any boot errors or anything, just a black screen after the grub selection menu. Makes it a bit harder without that. [04:09] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-vivid/+bug/1592501 [04:09] Launchpad bug 1592501 in linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu) ""error while doing dist-upgrade from command line" package linux-image-extra-3.19.0-61-generic 3.19.0-61.69~14.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] [04:10] another one, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-vivid/+bug/1591194 [04:10] Launchpad bug 1591194 in linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-3.19.0-61-generic 3.19.0-61.69~14.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] [04:10] no solutions mentions htere [04:10] c/there [04:10] When I enter my registered nick and its password hexchat connects to freenode but once I close and reopen hexchat the settings are all gone. [04:11] trying to use thunderbird to add RSS feeds however when i try to add hackernews it says its not a valid RSS feed [04:11] what am i doing wrong [04:12] squarebracket, make sure you have linux-headers-3.19.0-61 installed too [04:12] john_rambo, odd, hexchat saves my credentials fine [04:16] OerHeks: I do, and I'm assuming my kernel modules were rebuilt. Though I guess it's possible they weren't. Can I trigger that with a dpkg-reconfigure? [04:17] OerHeks: Also, I saw those bugs, but I don't think I got those errors, as they both look to be failing the install? I definitely have kernel 3.19.0-61 on my system, and everything looks good grepping through /var/log/dpkg.log [04:18] squarebracket, not sure reconfigure solves this, apt-get install -f perhaps, i would try apt-get install linux-headers-3.19.0-61 [04:19] with the -f, you mean? dpkg -l | grep linux-headers says it's installed. [04:19] hmm, so it is not the headers .. === exio4 is now known as hacker === hacker is now known as exio4 [04:21] Worth noting: my grub was totally messed up, it reported a syntax error. had to manually boot from the command line [04:22] Once I got in, I did an autoremove and an upgrade, that rebuilt grub, with the new vmlinuz/initrd-61. Which fixed the syntax error, but it won't boot on -61 [04:22] And while I was booting from command line, I noticed that the autocomplete wasn't showing kernel -61, even though it was the default in /boot/grub/grub.cfg [04:24] So who knows, maybe my grub is just fubar'd [04:28] Hi! Anyone here running ubuntu natively on a Mac? [04:28] hi [04:29] Nope, I'm running it on a crappy celeron m 430 desktop :s haha [04:29] When I am trying to run ubuntu with 7th gen some of it's feature stop woking like my cursor. [04:29] Have you tried any other linux distro's? :) or oterh versions of ubuntu? [04:29] trying to follow instructions from this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1585434 [04:29] Launchpad bug 1585434 in linux (Ubuntu) "ecryptfs_decrypt_page: Error attempting to read lower page; rc = [-4] " [Medium,Incomplete] [04:30] it says missing firmware noveau [04:30] no clue what i'm supposed to do === cooloutac is now known as Guest19622 [04:31] Anybody know a good irc channel for web design chat please? ^_^ [04:34] I mean the whole thing is i'm supposed to test it for gaming in steam with nividia driver. is this even possible with a mainline kernel? [04:34] I know nothing of these thigns. should I just say screw it and go with arch where their kernel does not have the bugs? [04:38] no wonder ubuntu kernels are so fkd up. they make it too difficult to test the new kernels. It would probably be easier if I just compile my own [04:44] so noone knows what i'm supposed to do for possible missing firmware moduel noveau? [04:48] Hi. How can I exclude an app from font settings, or have settings for it that aren't affected by global font settings? [04:51] now to sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labors === Guest19622 is now known as Jaro [04:52] 1873 people and the room seems dead === alexandr2 is now known as alexandros_c [04:58] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1585434 [04:58] Launchpad bug 1585434 in linux (Ubuntu) "ecryptfs_decrypt_page: Error attempting to read lower page; rc = [-4] " [Medium,Incomplete] [05:05] /dev/null > 1 bash: /dev/null: Permission denied [05:05] Why not work? [05:06] you tried to execute /dev/null [05:06] How to do? [05:06] sag: what are you trying to achieve? [05:07] dd analog [05:07] but in fs [05:07] dd /dev/null /dev/sda === gms is now known as Guest33436 [05:07] sag: dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sda maybe? [05:08] I want use > [05:08] How to do? [05:08] make your own sh [05:08] how? [05:08] sag: in that context there is no point. Do it the way it should be done, not the way you just want to [05:08] !behelpful | merced [05:08] merced: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. [05:08] help plz [05:09] lol [05:09] fuck this lamp [05:09] im going back to xampp [05:09] echo /dev/null > 1 [05:09] now better? [05:11] sag: read these two to understand where you are going wrong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_device https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki//dev/zero [05:12] help plz [05:13] can I backup my home directory by booting a live cd, then simply drag and drop the home folder into an external usb drive?? [05:15] Is there a way to check if IPV6 is disabled in 16.04? [05:17] ROPA, sure you can. [05:18] thanks OerHeks [05:19] I was a little concerned about retaining the original file permissions. [05:20] Bray90820, 'ifconfig' will show if you have an IPV6 adress assigned [05:20] hi [05:20] ROPA, better way is copy on the comandline with the -p flag = preserved [05:21] interesting, thanks OerHeks [05:22] OerHeks: Thanks that helped a lot [05:22] !lamp [05:22] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process. [05:26] cat /dev/null > 1 Why no work? [05:26] hi [05:27] sag, you have been given an url what /dev/null /zero means .. what do you really want to do?? [05:27] how much size should i set up for manual partition if i have to installl ubuntu in 8 gb drive [05:28] desktop 14.04 lts trusty tar [05:28] from null to file [05:28] HOW? [05:28] shinigami, 8 gb drive .. that would be too small for install + swap. [05:29] /dev/null is null you can't read from it [05:29] Hecks: would the minimal version would do [05:29] zero yes [05:29] no [05:29] need sleep to night [05:30] OerHeks but on ubuntu size its given that 5gb disk space is sufficient. [05:33] hello [05:34] Afternoon everyone: Any ideas why my wifi wont connect when my openvpn connection is set to autoconnect on startup (16.04)??? Network manager... [05:35] sudo su && /dev/zero > / && /dev/null > / Why no work? [05:35] shinigami, not sure that is correct, i end up with 8-9 gb basic install, ex swap [05:35] sudo su && cat /dev/zero > / && cat /dev/null > / Why no work? [05:35] sag: Why are you trying to do that? [05:35] for install Ubuntu [05:36] sag, you are funny. [05:36] hello [05:36] I'm not equipped to handle Schrödinger's troll. [05:36] test [05:36] !ru [05:36] Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. === yourname is now known as hide4 [05:37] hello [05:37] hi [05:38] hello [05:38] OerHecks ok [05:39] exit [05:40] !who [05:40] As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) === funky is now known as Guest855 [05:46] can't change name ??? /nick funky [05:46] someone already has that nick [05:46] oh probably me a long time ago [05:47] !register | Guest855 [05:47] Guest855: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [05:50] hello [05:50] hello [05:51] q === agnarus__ is now known as agnarus [05:52] #freenode [05:53] I give up I'll just post my question [05:53] drive not showing up [05:55] I'm running ubuntu 16.04 with 3 drives one is Esata it won't show up but it does show in Disks [05:55] is it mounted guest5855? [05:55] not sure [05:56] I'm real new at this ( well I'm kinda forgetful [05:56] normally harddisks are auto-mounted.. its been over 10 years since i manually mounted a drive [05:56] maybe someone more experienced can help you [05:56] how do I go about mounting it? do you have a link [05:57] if it shows up in disk then it may already be mounted [05:57] That's probably why I can't rememb er about mounting [05:57] it did show up in 14 lts [05:57] dani_: you can do a sudo blkid to see what devices are known to the system - then a sudo mount /dev/xxx /mnt -- Than cd /mnt -- and you are off. [05:58] please help guest855 [05:58] i think you may have to walk him through it Blue1 [05:58] amm /mnt is the system mount point [05:59] do you happen to have a link or something I can put that in my termanl I type real slow [05:59] sorry that is the best I can do tonight. tired -- heat -- exhuasted -- that's the core of it. [05:59] Guest855: Do you not have a GUI? Does the disk/partition now show up in Nautilus? [05:59] s/now/not/ [05:59] Thanks blue1 [06:00] night - welcome [06:00] I don't have nautilus runnning [06:01] Well whatever the file manager under Unity is called these days [06:01] I thinks it's called Disks [06:01] That is what I was using and it showed up there === NickG365_ is now known as NickG365 [06:02] where are all the kernel modules? === agnarus_ is now known as agnarus [06:02] I'm trying to modprobe ip_tables, but /lib/modules/{kernel version}/ only has a bunch of modules.* files [06:03] how the hell i can know where is installed hexchat? [06:03] i need to find the folder for put a new theme [06:03] hi [06:03] hi [06:03] bambanx: run "which hexchat" in a terminal [06:03] am new to irc chat [06:03] bambanx: and most likely you have a ~/.hexchat where themes go [06:03] Well thanks anyways folks have a great night/day [06:03] user/bin [06:04] welcome agnarus [06:04] any advice on me? [06:04] thank you bambanx [06:04] what kind of advice are u looking for? [06:05] privacy update or behavioral or any you feel i should know [06:06] for irc? [06:06] when i use this irc [06:06] Can someone tell me what these errors mean [06:06] http://pastebin.com/raw/z4X38gZq [06:07] well find a nice client program like hexchat and change the theme for a monokai , this will care ur eyes of burning with this aberrant white themes [06:07] agnarus: http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html [06:07] agnarus, download hexchat is nice client [06:09] thanks somsip and bambanx [06:11] some users shown as "name@IP" you know the reason ? [06:12] agnarus, that is normal, others have a 'cloak' to hide the ip [06:12] becouse they are cool [06:12] name@unaffiliated/bla bla === user928112 is now known as sierra [06:12] I have the option of installing ubuntu alongside windows10 in the installer [06:12] does this give me an option to pick which drive [06:12] hello [06:12] or is it better to go with something else and manually create partitions [06:13] mnathani, if the suggested location does not fit, choose 'something else' [06:13] Why would boot be full? [06:14] oerheks can you tell me how can I 'cloak' to hide my ip ? [06:14] !cloak | agnarus [06:14] agnarus: To get any kind of cloak (Ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page. For unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode. [06:14] agnarus, see ubottu ( somsip is awesome fast) [06:15] !cloak | agnarus [06:15] agnarus, please see my private message [06:15] ok [06:15] hola [06:15] agnarus: the idea is, you read the link [06:16] ubuntu software is stuck guys how i can fix? [06:16] Bray90820, after many kernel updates, it can: use autoremove to make free space, you will keep current and previous kernel [06:16] !details | bambanx [06:16] bambanx: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [06:16] im on fresh install [06:16] Bray90820: because of old kernels. sudo apt-get autoremove [06:16] Hi is there a hardware watchdog on ubuntu 14.04 LTS [06:17] i installed a updates of os on ubuntu software and the wheel is spinning for like 1 hour [06:18] ha ha I am noob :D [06:19] how i can find the folder where is installed a app? no the executable, i used which hexchat but it point me to /usr/bin/hexchat and that is a executable not the folder [06:19] manual partitioning [06:19] . /boot what type? [06:20] !partitioning | mnathani all info is here [06:20] mnathani all info is here: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap [06:20] !fhs | bambanx [06:20] bambanx: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview see also: man hier [06:20] How to have an app have different font than the appearance settings' [06:20] hateball: Almost now when I run sudo apt-get upgrade I get this error "The following packages have been kept back: libcec3" [06:21] Bray90820: run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" [06:21] Bray90820: did you run "sudo apt-get autoremove" first to free up space? [06:21] I did [06:22] Or well... [06:22] Hi is there a hardware watchdog on ubuntu 14.04 LTS [06:22] I ran sudo apt-get upgrade then it told me both was full so i ran auto remove that reran apt-get upgrade [06:22] !fullupgrade [06:23] bah. [06:23] Boot not both [06:23] Bray90820: Right, well some packages do not get updated with upgrade, so either use "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" or "sudo apt full-upgrade" [06:23] Thanks [06:23] Everything seems to be in working order now [06:28] quit [06:29] anyone know how change theme of hexchat? [06:29] idownloaded a theme but cant find the folder for place it [06:31] according to https://hexchat.github.io/themes.html there is a manual https://hexchat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/appearance.html#theme-files >> unzip .hct -d ~/.config/hexchat [06:32] is nothing there [06:32] .config does not exit [06:32] should i create? [06:32] bambanx, sure there is a ~/.config/hexchat, hit ctrl + h to see hidden files [06:32] the . in front of the foldername = hidden [06:33] ls -la ~/.config/hexchat [06:33] cd ~/.config [06:33] /root/.config: No such file or directory [06:34] founded [06:35] bambanx: why... are you doing things as root? [06:35] why as a root does not work? [06:35] !rootirc | bambanx [06:35] bambanx: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. [06:35] ugh, doing all things as root gives vary results [06:35] I'm stepping back from this one [06:36] bambanx: what version of ubuntu are you on anyway? [06:36] 16 [06:36] last one [06:36] k [06:36] i just installed and , the ubunt software is still stuck rebooted 2 times :/ [06:36] bad welcome from ubuntu to me [06:37] bambanx, drop root with 'exit' [06:37] im not root right now [06:37] then try again, but if you did install a theme with root, it might not work either. [06:38] nice grep script for find files guys? [06:38] bambanx: find what files? [06:38] well. the easiest way that I managed to break my Linuxes before moving to Ubuntu and learning the ways of sudo was logging in to and using root. So don't use it unless you have to, qnd especially don't enable the root account. [06:39] i just downloaded a file with firefox , i can see on the folder but i can find using shell === moz is now known as Guest89164 [06:42] bambanx, you will love our wiki's https://help.ubuntu.com/community/grep [06:54] hi guys i have a pretty powerful laptop but it has a very small storage.What would be the best ubuntu based distro to use to have the most storage ? [06:55] jianu81: I would probably recommend lubuntu. Lightweight and shouldn't take up too much storage. [06:56] jianu81: ubuntu in general doesn't use much storage, only your data does. [06:56] tried it,too lightweight [06:56] where mac address is attatched? [06:56] it is quite a lot of space for a 16 gb ssd [06:56] i kinda like how ubuntu mate,ubuntu gnome and xubuntu look [06:57] xubuntu too [06:57] which uses the less space ? [06:57] Try xubuntu then. It's hard to tell which one uses less size, because it all depends on how fine gained your intial package selection is. [06:58] also is mate lighter tan xubuntu ? [06:59] basically xfce vs mate / [06:59] ? [06:59] where mac address is attatched? [06:59] :) [06:59] jianu81: you need to try to find out. [07:00] how ?I have like 1 spare hour to install one of them [07:05] ubuntu mate installation is unusually big even bigger than linux mint [07:05] why ? [07:06] it seems to be a low end DE [07:07] jianu81: if you install only the default applications, i would expect xubuntu to be the lightest of those. but you might want to install from the server image and choose packages manually. [07:07] can't do it [07:07] laptop doesn't even have a ethernet port [07:08] jianu81, bigger than mint, hahahah really? [07:08] yes [07:08] ubuntu mate is around 1.5g [07:08] gb [07:08] http://us-west-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ is bogged or DDoS'd or something [07:08] sorry us-west-2 <<< [07:08] us-west-1 is okay [07:09] apt-get update is taking 30 mins lol [07:09] also i could use kubuntu [07:09] how much space does it use ? [07:10] jianu81: everything you may need to know http://askubuntu.com/questions/333795/what-are-the-system-requirements-for-each-flavour-of-ubuntu-desktop [07:11] well it says that kubuntu uses less space than both lubuntu and xubuntu [07:11] yeah ubuntu mate uses a LOT of space [07:12] mint.iso is 1.5 gb ... kubuntu.iso 1,4 gb [07:13] 'uses less space' is so personal, without updates and additional programs/codecs/fonts/webplugins ... or with [07:13] hi all [07:13] hi vak [07:14] also look at the first one here https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-best-looking-Linux-desktop-youve-seen [07:14] can i actually make xfce to look like that ? [07:15] jianu81: it's possible. Whether you can do it is an unknown [07:15] what application could you recommend to graphically monitor *arbitrary* resources on the desktop (ideally in a status-bar like system monitor) ? [07:17] vak watchdog perhaps? [07:17] !info watchdog [07:17] watchdog (source: watchdog): system health checker and software/hardware watchdog handler. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.14-3ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 71 kB, installed size 230 kB [07:18] also what about linux mint mate ? [07:19] mint is not supported here, jianu81 [07:19] oh [07:19] anyway [07:20] OerHeks: thanks for hint, gonna look at it. Could i pipe e.g. output of "ping ...|cut ..." in there? i mean is it customizable with convensional CLI-invocations? [07:21] vak: you might want to look at conky [07:21] vak, not sure about that, maybe someone else here knows .. [07:22] how do I force removal of packages? [07:23] I have ubuntu on a dedicated server, and it had no modules -- in fact, the module package's version (4.2.0-38) don't match the kernel (4.2.0-42) [07:23] there's nothing in /boot either [07:23] http://us-west-2.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ [07:23] I'm not sure how their server boots :) [07:23] should i file an Ubuntu bug for that? or aws? [07:24] nevermind [07:24] fixed [07:25] but after installing those things I got a ton of errors.. and even removing them is erroring too [07:25] ducasse: thanks for a hint. Now I have a point to start including alternatives http://dooblet.com/alternative-to-conky :) [07:25] http://www.pasteall.org/70679 [07:25] if anyone can help me here I'd greatly appreciate it, as I can't install other packages now [07:28] hello [07:29] vak: the only alternative i like is gkrellm, but it's pretty limited unless you write your own plugins. [07:29] hell world [07:29] hgdh [07:29] hellow every one [07:30] you are chinese? [07:30] !ot | jediborn [07:30] jediborn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [07:31] 你是中国人么? [07:31] !zh | jediborn [07:31] jediborn: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw [07:32] join#ububtu-cn === jackcom_ is now known as jackcom [07:33] hey [07:34] ducasse: no-no. own plugins is a no-go. i'd need only visualize in graphs some regular CLI output [07:34] somsip: 妈的,你是不是中国人? [07:34] i'm having some issues with the ubuntu software center, have not been able to load software descriptions or do package searches on 16.04. [07:34] jediborn: no. Join the chinese channel [07:35] C\c++? [07:35] hi may I knw the difference between Gnome Xchat n XChat IRC , what is the best [07:35] no can no bb [07:36] !alis | jediborn [07:36] jediborn: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http [07:36] i have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software center, as well as apt-get upgrade|update|auto-clean|clean, and changing servers [07:36] vak: then you might want to look at things like rrdtool and script something around that, or look at one of the many monitoring systems. [07:36] Dike, hexchat, xchat is abandon ware [07:38] Dike, all xchat has been dumped, officially. Use hexchat, identical interface and works great, even the commands are the same as xchat. === jackcom_ is now known as jackcom [07:40] HexChat is the stable version to use on ubuntu ...Thanks for the info.. but still available on the software center , I ll move quickly , thnks again [07:42] Dike, hexchat hasn't been updated in years, hexchat is an improved version by the same software writer and was intended to replace xchat. [07:45] hello [07:47] how can i change abc@ubuntu to jackcom@ubuntu? === EDKA is now known as Dike [07:48] Hi all on Ubuntu with HexChat [07:49] hey [07:49] ubuntu is using the audio of my video card which i dont use , how i can change to the motherboard audio device? [07:50] ROPA [07:56] other than ubuntu what is the most popular DE ? [07:56] Unity* [07:57] I like Gnome quite a bit [07:57] KDE prolly [07:57] jianu81: that's not a sujpport question - ask in $ubuntu-offtopic [07:57] plugged in, everytime i get this message during boot- Assuming drive cache: write through. Is it uncommon? What does it mean [07:57] ducasse: thank you! [07:58] When i start ubuntu with pendrive plugged in, i get this message during boot- Assuming drive cache: write through. Is it uncommon? What does it mean [07:58] vak: np. just ask if you need more info :) [07:58] Thinker_: Normallt you get that with usb drives and nothing to worry about [07:58] Normally* [07:59] how can i change abc@ubuntu to abc@mypc? [07:59] wokko, does that mean OS is using pen drive as swap or cache? [07:59] jianu81: in what context? [08:00] Thinker_: No, it just means it is using the whole drive [08:00] wokko, thanks [08:03] jackcom: what do you mean? [08:03] i want to change hostname [08:04] jackcom: /etc/hostname [08:05] what girl name is pretty and beautiful? [08:05] jackcom: http://askubuntu.com/questions/9540/how-do-i-change-the-computer-name [08:07] thanks i change it for help of ducasse and somsip [08:07] ;) [08:10] abc@ubuntu —> abc@Sopia [08:10] good [08:15] /w/win 9 [08:18] <[L7]> =j-hu9aeb [08:18] <[L7]> ooops sry [08:18] <[L7]> hi :) [08:18] with raid 5 , 6 TB x 5.. if one drive dies, how long would it take to rebuild, software raid? any guesses [08:19] hi [08:19] <[L7]> few thousand lightyears [08:19] hi [08:19] <[L7]> hui [08:19] <[L7]> oi [08:19] <[L7]> moin [08:19] but a long time [08:19] hi [08:20] <[L7]> acidburn hehe [08:20] <[L7]> moooooooooooooo [08:20] <[L7]> lol pickd up a netbook with 2gb ram but preloadd with windows 10 [08:20] <[L7]> + norton, so.... dadadadadadadadadadadadadadad ubuntu 2 the rescue [08:21] eeew [08:21] <[L7]> ne network gurus around [08:22] who know Dancer2 I have one probleme of this....I do not understand how to define a file with variable tt [%%] [08:22] HexChat is better than XChat thanks for the guide [08:22] <[L7]> i dont understand why comcast route me fake ip [08:22] <[L7]> haha [08:23] <[L7]> likes for intsance.... ip-75.75-75-75.com [08:23] <[L7]> i know arpa, it doesnt work like that [08:24] <[L7]> y0 [08:24] <[L7]> could some1 traceroue me n post in pm pls [08:24] <[L7]> tryn to fix routin issues, thx [08:25] Hi all. I am having a problem with ubuntu 16.04 on hp pavilion. When I enter password to login, I get a blank desktop wallpaper with no icons, folders and status. When i press Ctrl+ Alt+ F1, I am able to login in CLI. When i run command startx, the GUI is restored but no dock is there. Kindly help [08:26] <[L7]> mebbe ls -la from /home/user [08:26] <[L7]> n rm .* [08:26] <[L7]> n other files storin custom settings, [08:26] <[L7]> or deluser and re adduser fumblehool === [L7] is now known as L7 [08:29] @L7 It will remove all files from the user.\ [08:33] fumblehool: try to create a new user and log on with that user-id. if that works there is something in your user's config. [08:33] hello I do not understand how to define a variable and display it with perl template toolkit on .. [08:33] lo [08:36] spaceship: try in a perl channel, you will have a better chance of getting an answer === AcidCras_ is now known as AcidCrash [08:43] Hello, what is vesa? Is it a universal video-driver? [08:46] Oflor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_Electronics_Standards_Association#Standards === altinu is now known as altin [08:57] I recorded my computer booting, there are so many things wrong. where can I upload the video? [08:58] youtube? [08:58] can I do that directly in launchpad? [08:58] uh, go to youtube.com [09:00] lerner: or even better, just post your logs and problem descriptions - far easier to go through than a video. [09:01] ducasse, problem is, i don't know where in /var/log to look [09:01] Can anyone tell me whether xorg uses intel drivers for graphics? http://pastebin.com/CJFamizs [09:01] lerner: syslog, dmesg and kern.log are the typical places to start. [09:02] ducasse, I have a syslog, a syslog1 and 7 syslogx 1 to 7.gz, where x is a digit 1 to 7... which one? [09:03] lerner: there should be one called just syslog, that's the current one. same with the others. higher number = older. [09:04] lerner, that's a thing called log rotation. when a log file gets too big it gets compressed and stored and a new file starts. older files will get deleted after n rotations c; [09:05] lerner, good log about booting, in svg format, systemd-analyze plot > filename.svg [09:05] upload to imgur and let us see === daniel is now known as Guest29900 [09:05] ducasse, there are several dmesg also, the only one without a digit (dmesg0) is from 14 months ago... [09:05] ducasse, there are several dmesg also, the only one without a digit (like dmesg0 or dmesg1.gz) is from 14 months ago... [09:06] OerHeks, is that a command? [09:06] yes [09:07] I just tried and failed to open syslog with geany, what program should I use? should I export dmesg, syslog and kern.log to svg as OerHeks suggested? [09:07] this plot routine grabs log info, no need to do any additional steps [09:08] OerHeks, can I do that with a different file format? odt? txt? [09:09] no, tool creates .svg only AFAIK [09:14] OerHeks, I dont see all information I read when I boot: I get a huge list of apps and programs being activated in list form with [ ok ] or [ failed] appended. Thats what im looking for... [09:17] lerner: try 'systemctl --state=failed' if you are running 16.04 [09:18] whenever I run a window fullscreen, my screen turns off and on for a shortwhile, running 16.04, intel 4000 [09:18] anyone got a fix for this behaviour? === ubuntu is now known as Guest48333 [09:23] chl_: you could look at the X log or if dmesg has anything to say ('dmesg -w' before triggering the behaviour) [09:24] ducasse: thanks, will try that [09:27] i am trying to install drivers for intel high definition audio device, and i get this error http://pastebin.com/JRyK6GVV , what's means? [09:27] uh... are you sure you need to install drivers? [09:28] no [09:28] but [09:28] A case of the old "I think Ubuntu is Windows with a different theme" [09:28] ubuntu is taking the audio from my video ati card, instead of my motherboard wich use that drivers [09:28] so not sure how swithc [09:28] switch [09:29] what do you mean "taking the audio from" [09:29] on the top right on volume settings [09:29] the only profile there are is for my video card audio [09:29] and i dont use that [09:29] The default output device is apparently the wrong one. Unity has no GUI for changing that does it? There is padevchooser to use instead [09:30] Well, pavucontrol is probably better [09:30] open terminal: alsamixer # and hit F6 to select sound-device [09:30] pavucontrol ftw [09:31] installing it [09:32] in output devices , port only are hdmi of the video card, is not showing my another device [09:38] OerHeks, did you read my last message? connection over me broke [09:38] bambanx: can you see the sound device with 'lspci'? [09:38] OerHeks, i did and switch then i go to volume setting and still show me the only audio of my video card :/ [09:39] OerHeks, I mean this: OerHeks, I dont see all information I read when I boot: I get a huge list of apps and programs being activated in list form with [ ok ] or [ failed] appended. Thats what im looking for... [09:39] in pavucontrol too [09:40] lerner: 16.04? [09:40] ducasse, yes, 64 bits [09:40] lerner: 'systemctl --state=failed' [09:40] ducasse, that's also a command I assume... [09:40] lerner: yes :) [09:41] thanks ducasse [09:42] ducasse, yes http://pastebin.com/cCVA000Y is the intel in audio line, and in bottom is the video card audio too === marklyford___ is now known as marklyford [09:43] bambanx: 'lspci -k' will show you if there is a driver loaded for the sound device. [09:45] ducasse, this is http://pastebin.com/v4yVcni0 not sure if is ok [09:47] how many lines can paste here? [09:47] bambanx: as you can see from that, the kernel driver snd_hda_intel is loaded for both devices. i don't think that should be a problem, but i don't know enough about how sound works. but you don't need a driver. [09:47] ok man [09:48] thanks anyway for you help [09:48] i will keep researching === ThatGuy is now known as ThatGuy1 [09:48] finding the right sound driver was like 10 years ago .. [09:48] bambanx: pavucontrol should see that device, though. [09:48] I can't switch to A2DP with my bluetooth headset on Ubuntu gnome.. any tips? [09:51] ducasse, is not seeing it [09:52] maxxD, though this is a mate and debian page, might be any help https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/how-i-got-my-bluetooth-headphones-to-work/410 ::: https://wiki.debian.org/BluetoothUser/a2dp [09:53] hello [09:53] i have a problem about my windows [09:54] when i start the windows stuck in windows screen [09:54] i tried the chkdsk but it did not work [09:54] windows as in microsoft windows?? [09:54] bambanx: then i don't know what to suggest, sorry. maybe you need to pass some option to the snd_hda_intel driver - try finding some docs for that. [09:54] windows 10 [09:54] CRDarwin: ##windows might help [09:54] CRDarwin, wrong channel, try ##windows [09:54] okey sorry [09:55] may the force be with you .. [10:04] Hi, can anyone help me delete a windows partition please? I've installed a patition manager 'n see a list of dev/sda's [10:05] OerHeks, can u use the force for fix my audio card? [10:05] Homely_Girl: start the "gparted" gui and delete it? [10:06] kil I did not install gparted, that sounds familiar too! Thanks [10:10] Kill I've deleted to two ntfs partitions....yay, now it says that space is unallocated! how can I make it available to Linux? [10:11] Homely_Girl: first: you cant resize the linux partitions while that linux is booted. you need a live linux for that. [10:11] Homely_Girl: then you start gparted. choose the linux partition next to the unallocated space, then choose resize, then slide the end of the linux partition to include the unused space. [10:12] kil That makes sense!! I will have to unearth my live disc, I'm relieved to be in a MS free zone again!! [10:12] Thanks for that advice, I will print screen this convo to refer back to when I find my disc! [10:12] choose 'use whole disc' then you get a fresh MBR too [10:14] why does Minecraft use a different icon for the launcher than it does for the actual game once launched in Plank? [10:14] Many thanks to you brains for being here for us mortals! :D [10:14] i'm having trouble setting up partitions for installing ubuntu 12.04 on my PC. the first entry in the partition table is "/dev/mapper/isw_bfhaghaief_Volume0", and then there are a lot of entries underneath. there is only a Volume0, and one etx4 disc mounted on /, and a swap disc... the boot loader is set to /dev/sda ... is this ok? or do I need to change the device names to "/dev/sda" aswell?? thanks! [10:15] necku: is there a reason you are installing an OS that will go EOL in less than a year in the first place? [10:16] hateball, I'm a developer and all the other stuff runs it so I need to keep an older version [10:19] i should change my nick to polandball [10:19] #TeamSkyFire [10:20] Someone please can clue me on why setting Acquire::PDiffs "True"; seems to have no effect upon installing packages? There is no output indicating that package diffs are downloaded. [10:26] hi.. i have bunch of virtual servers in Azure and would like to implement some sort of caching for apt-get update. i found apt-cache and apt-mirror. can those two be easily setup for different distributions of ubuntu? i have mainly 14.04, but now i can found more and more 16.04 servers. Any link/tutorial/blog post would be really appreciated [10:26] tomaz__: USing apt-cacher-ng works for all Ubuntu releases. [10:27] English ? [10:27] test1: yes [10:28] bekks: thanks [10:28] Ok thanks, im french [10:28] !fr | test1 [10:28] test1: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [10:29] And its my first time on this IRC, what are the discussions ? problem with ubuntu ? [10:30] test1: yes, this channel is for technical ubuntu support. #ubuntu-offtopic is for chat [10:31] Ok thanks, it's very great. Good afternun, im come back in few days [10:34] i installed apache2, where i can find it? [10:34] www folder [10:34] /var/www/ [10:34] /var/www [10:35] thanks for help [10:35] :) [10:38] !lamp [10:38] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process. [10:38] i can’t copy to /var/www, what’s wrong? [10:38] i can’t copy it to /var/www, what’s wrong? [10:39] chmod +x /var/www [10:39] juanonymous: Nope. [10:39] bekks: then? [10:39] jackcom: Everything is fine. That folder is not writable for all users, but for the www user only. [10:39] jackcom: put your user into the www-data group [10:39] jackcom: If you want to copy stuff into that folder as your user, add your user to the www-data group [10:40] juanonymous: Folders are executable, always. [10:40] ok [10:41] i must get root power? [10:41] jackcom: No. [10:41] jackcom: You've just been told on what to do. [10:41] hmm pretty nice 16.04 tutor https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-16-04 [10:41] thanks [10:42] * OerHeks bookmarks [10:44] how can add user to the www-data group? [10:45] open the user gui, add it to the group www-data [10:45] what is user gui? [10:45] the user admin gui [10:45] jackcom: I suggest you read https://help.ubuntu.com before going any futher [10:45] user admin gui? [10:46] you appear to be asking a lot of very basic questions (which is fine) yet you'll have a lot more sucess reading that page [10:46] it will explain the basics to you [10:46] oh good thanks === Eon is now known as Guest2210 === anonymous is now known as Guest46709 === mohammad is now known as sad [10:55] hello [10:55] hi guys, am running a script that contains a variable that echoes as "re\re" but when i use it as a parameter to another command, it is parsed in as "rere", how can i keep the escape character in it? [10:56] how can i create my flash usb bootable while i have ubuntu iso file [10:56] k-joseph: use two \'s [10:57] ducasse: that mean i need a regex to do the replacement [10:57] hello guys, i have a problem with glassfish. clean unzip of glassfish and clean jdk8. when i try to deploy my application with secure admin running, the application conflicts with the admin console and i end up reaching the application over ports 4848 and 8080. funny part is, if i copy the whole glassfish folder to my pc, my pc runs it all fine. ubuntu server 16.04 brings the problem [10:59] sad, use "ddrescue ubuntu.iso /path/to/usb --force" [11:00] hi everyone [11:01] i need tutorials [11:01] anyone knows? [11:02] Hiyas all [11:02] hey man [11:02] hello BluesKaj [11:02] !rute | rehan [11:02] rehan: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-799/rute.pdf [11:02] hi grnolive [11:04] hello people [11:04] REHAN [11:06] isit hard to keep ubuntu use newest fresh linux kernel? [11:07] splashing: why would you want to do that [11:07] splashing: ubuntu keeps one kernel base after the release. (except the LTS version which gets backports kernel from the new ubuntu releases). but you can use the mainline builds but dont have automatic udates then [11:07] ikonia, because i am bored now [11:07] splashing: bad reason. [11:08] splashing: then research it if you're bored, you have time on your hands to research rather than expect us to do it for you [11:08] "let's break stuff, that keeps my blood pressure high and I feel invigorated!" [11:08] i hate GNU [11:08] but i like linux [11:08] splashing: not interested in that sort of discussion, we are here to help support ubuntu only [11:08] ok. Do you want a medal for that? [11:09] sa you wish [11:09] sa [11:09] as [11:09] splashing: make sure you have backups, then test the mainline kernels if you like. its your system. [11:09] !mainline | splashing [11:09] splashing: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds [11:11] unstable [11:11] at all [11:11] but thanks anyway === yoni is now known as Guest49826 [11:13] !general [11:14] hi! [11:15] I'd like to set the DSCP-value for a certain application to 46. [11:17] does that work like iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 6650:6657 -j DSCP --set-dscp-class ef [11:18] or have i to use magle - A POSTROUTING ? [11:18] 'lo [11:19] I installed (l)ubuntu 16.04 on our media center and installed kodi. Apparently it's normal that it will show an fsck message like 'dev/sda1 clear 2920348092834 098423984 blocks' or something. However, when logged in as kodi, this message keeps prompting itself over all other display after boot, making the system unusable. Any idea what could be causing it to override everything else? [11:19] всем привет, люди кто либо пользуется редактором brackets [11:19] amen [11:20] I'm confident it has booted and isn't just stuck there; I can pull up a tty for a second, after which it will just disappear behind this message again [11:20] everyone hello. Ho use brackets editor? [11:20] looking for the standard steps of hardening my dd-wrt router. any suggestions? [11:21] glass: try ##hardware [11:21] !ru | rusich [11:21] rusich: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [11:22] thanks hateball (your name sounds like a crazy new biker/ghetto drug) [11:24] glass: you could also try ##linux [11:25] glass: might want to check ##networking as well [11:27] Is it safe to update 14.04 to 16.04 yet? [11:27] !ltsupgrade | soupnanodesukar [11:27] soupnanodesukar: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st. [11:28] okay, neat [11:38] I was wondering if anyone wouldn't mind looking at my installation for Firefox and Selenium on Ubuntu? [11:38] I am continually getting an error with my Driver [11:41] i am trying to install libapache2-mod-php5 but this is the result [11:41] http://termbin.com/racj [11:42] !info libapache2-mod-php [11:42] libapache2-mod-php (source: php-defaults (35ubuntu6)): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module) (default). In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.0+35ubuntu6 (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB [11:43] juanonymous: which ubuntu exactly? [11:44] since 16.04 they switched to php 7 as standard, so there is no libapache2-mod-php5 but a libapache2-mod-php which links to libapache2-mod-php7.0 [11:44] i am using the latest release [11:44] 16.04 [11:44] ah [11:45] /msg NickServ identify pa$$1234# [11:45] agnarus: New password time [11:51] which web browser is less laggy? firefox is really annoying. [11:51] none of them are laggy really [11:51] they are all quite simple [11:51] elinks [11:51] not really realistic as a browser [11:51] so it could be a network problem [11:52] loki_: whats the actual symptoms you see [11:52] firefox just sucks more and more [11:52] I don't think so [11:52] it dips in and out trying new things, but mostly it functions well [11:53] for me it's the slowest of all browser [11:53] the main symptom is that it is getting slower [11:53] in what way slow [11:53] loki_: what's getting slower - can you try to explain the symptoms [11:54] some web sites stuck when loading [11:54] especially outlook [11:55] guess I'll just reconfigure the kodi autologin and see where it gets me [11:55] so some specific sites are having a problem but others are fine [11:55] the only site that loads fine is google [11:57] hi [11:58] loki_: you need to describe things better [11:58] hi [11:58] it's gone from "fire fox is slow", to "some sites are slow" to "all sites part from google are slow" [11:59] loki_: pause for a moment, think, and try to explain honestly what your symptoms that you see are [11:59] Since the latest updates it’s really, really slow when Firefox and X server run on different machines. The data being sent while scrolling a web page increased from ~350 kbit/s to ~300 Mbit/s. [11:59] loki_: ^ [11:59] elinks is dead deeeaaaaad [12:00] vlt: I'd use nxserver/nxclient instead. [12:00] sudo a2enmod php7.0 [12:00] ERROR: Module php7.0 does not exist! [12:00] I'm genuinely interested in having a smooth text-based browser [12:00] for those times in which X dies [12:01] i open 10 FF pages at once, no problem === jsmp is now known as jsmoo [12:02] flash content starts only when i focus that tab === cigumo_ is now known as cigumo [12:04] how can I add widgets to the main taskbar in kubuntu 16.04? Formerly it was possible to do it with right-click and selecting some option, but now this isn't available any more... [12:05] am running a script that contains a variable that echoes something like "re\re" but when i use it as a parameter to another command such as mysql, it is parsed in as "rere", how can i keep the escape ('\') character in it? [12:05] \\ [12:05] I guess [12:05] looks running a double / replace doesn't worl === mist is now known as Guest96531 [12:05] loki_: ^ [12:06] Hmm could be that 4 work ... try that :P [12:06] k-joseph, [12:06] yeah, i tried with four which failed [12:06] it actually is a network problem. [12:07] when i use the variable as a parameter, it seems to remove all of them [12:07] Or pass it as 're\re' not "re\re". [12:07] there we go [12:07] so investigation over randomly blaming "firefox is slow - what is a faster browser" wins [12:07] as a different browser would still have had problems [12:08] anabain: maybe the helpers in #kubuntu know better about those kde specifics [12:08] what does ^ mean? [12:09] k-joseph, tried it with single quotes alreadY? so e.g. echo 'test\123' [12:11] How do I change the icons that Plank uses? [12:12] hi, i tried all sorts to get my media partition shared with samba so my phone can access files. i can see the sharing computer but no files/cant open folder. can someone walk me through fault finding please? [12:12] quit() [12:20] hey, I have an issue compiling my project it says undefined reference to symbol 'fmod@@GLIBC_2.2.5', but i have already linked to -lm [12:20] any knows what might be the problem? [12:20] very quiet here [12:20] oh [12:21] fuck it [12:21] lol [12:21] skin up and wait [12:21] exit [12:22] hi [12:22] akaisora: we dont support compiling in here. Maybe ##c can help [12:23] anyone support fixing samba? [12:23] somsip: alright, thanks! [12:23] do i need to try elsewhere? [12:23] !patience | ed_1 [12:23] ed_1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [12:23] hi [12:24] sorry seems unusually dead here [12:24] how about bluetooth? === manjit_ is now known as manjit [12:25] ed_1: we are so quiet because everyone is waiting for the real technical issue :p [12:28] ed_1: does the samba share work from another client? [12:33] no the samba is seen but no shares [12:33] hi [12:34] does the share need to be in /home? [12:34] ed_1: No. [12:35] hi [12:36] permissions are owner read and write, but group and others are none. cant seem to change them [12:37] when i change anything it greys out [12:37] gives me please wait. now trying to change group to sambashare [12:37] ed_1: Permissions of what? [12:38] the directory (partition) i want on the network [12:38] ed_1: And what about the share definition? [12:39] ed_1: btw filesystem contents are shared, not partitions. [12:39] the please wait never ends and dont see much disk activity. not sure about definitions === csyogi1 is now known as csyogi [12:40] ed_1: Where did ou setup a samba share then? [12:40] Hi, [Ubuntu 14.04] why does `ss -4ltn` not show port 443, but apache is lithening on it. I checked it with `nmap -p 443 $host` from an other machine. [12:40] [12:41] The port is "open" but not listet by ss. [12:41] tuor: Why not just using netstat -tulpen and rely on it? [12:41] ed_1: Where did you setup a samba share then? [12:42] ed_1: What did you do to share that directory? [12:42] in /media/ed/media/ [12:42] thats not a great place to share stuff from [12:42] I am saving some file to /Desktop/test/demo but i am unable to open the test directory ? It is happening only when i am saving some file directly from browser. [12:42] Can anybody help me ? [12:43] Ben64: Quite bad plce actually. [12:43] *place [12:43] its only a local network [12:43] manjit: ls -ld Desktop/test [12:43] and just music [12:43] ed_1: The samba server is started before the content is mounted to that directory. [12:44] do i need to / can i start all over again? [12:44] ed_1: doesn't matter, that directory and its content is created on the fly, and is limited in access to your user [12:44] bekks, because I want to learn how to do stuff with new tools. But I found it, it's listed under ipv6. `ss -tln` lists the port. [12:44] Ben64, there is not a permission issue :) I have give test a 777 [12:44] permission [12:45] can i install ubuntu on any phone ?? [12:45] asif: No. [12:45] i pasted from various places to setup samba [12:45] what should my first step be [12:45] manjit: ls -ld Desktop/test [12:45] ed_1: MAnually mount your content to /mnt/myshre and then share /mnt/myshare [12:46] ed_1: mount the thing somewhere else... either manually or fstab, share there instead [12:46] ok i will try that. can i just make a symbolic link and share from that? [12:47] asif: Best place to ask would be in #ubuntu-touch for specific info on installing different phones [12:47] ed_1: No. [12:48] how about a directory within /media/ed/media/music for example? === Guest99325 is now known as IdleOne [12:48] ed_1: No. [12:48] ed_1: don't mount it in /media. [12:49] ed_1: You need a directory outside of /media [12:49] ok cheers. i will mount it within my /home/me/ [12:49] ed_1: Why not using /mnt/myshare ? [12:49] you should use /mnt/blah [12:49] ed_1: Thats what /mnt is for. [12:50] Ben64, drwxrwxrwx 3 manjit manjit 4096 Jun 15 18:08 /home/manjit/Desktop/test/ [12:51] Why not using /mnt/myshare ? shall i create /myshare or will mount do that for me? [12:52] ed_1: create it. [12:52] ed_1: you need to create /mnt/myshare not /myshare [12:52] wow, mnt is empty [12:53] manjit: Desktop/test is different from /Desktop/test (which is what you said originally). Are you sure you aren't using /Desktop/test by mistake? [12:55] Ben64, mcphail here it is drwxrwxrwx 3 manjit manjit 4096 Jun 15 18:08 Desktop/test [12:55] ed_1: Of course it is. [12:58] manjit: yes, but are you sure you haven't set your browser to save to "/Desktop/test", which is a different directory? Sorry to be annoying, but it is a common mistake made on here where absolute and relative paths get confused [12:58] bekks do i change it in fstab now i have a directory in mnt [12:58] ed_1: Yes, you can create an entry in /etc/fstab [13:00] mcphail, problem is not that i have set browser to save the files in "/Desktop/test" . Problem is when i am saving any file with "save link as" and going to "/Desktop/test" or any other place that folder is not going to open :( [13:02] mcphail: because /Desktop is not the same as ~/Desktop [13:03] manjit: ^^ [13:03] sorry, mcphail. [13:03] manjit: yes, but my point is you are not going to be able to save anything to "/Desktop/test" with any browser. "/Desktop/test" is an absolute path, under the / directory, rather than a relative path under your $HOME directory. You're not going to have permission to save there [13:03] ed_1: if you have a symbolic link in the samba share path, or the samba share path is a symbolic link, samba in my experience will not see it. [13:04] manjit: what happens if you try to save under "/home/manjit/Desktop/test/" explicitly? [13:06] ok thanks. im still trying to digest fstab [13:07] its ntfs as well [13:11] nfts has nothing to do with samba [13:12] UUID=06B95AC51647D69A / ntfs is about to go in fstab. am i ok? [13:12] ed_1: No. [13:13] glad i asked [13:13] ed_1: Thats an invalid fstab line. Show us the complete line you want to add please. [13:13] that was it [13:13] Thats an invalid line. [13:13] It does not contain a filesystem, nor the mountoptions to be used. [13:13] why is / ntfs ??? [13:13] what the devil are you doing [13:14] ed_1: what are you trying to do EXACTLY [13:14] ed_1: Before doing enything else. Pastebin your current, unchanged /etc/fstab please. [13:14] i copied the line above with the blkid of the disk and changed ...er dont know [13:14] ed_1: if you don't know what you are doing - why are you doing something [13:15] ed_1: Undo all changes you did and pastebin your current /etc/fstab [13:15] you cant have ntfs as / since that doesnt work with file permissions. [13:15] if you don't know what you are doing - why are you doing something === JanC is now known as Guest29167 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [13:16] ed_1: if tell us in short what you plan to do we can point you in the right direction. [13:16] http://pastie.org/10877912 === BlackHatThomaso is now known as GreyHatThomaso [13:17] ed_1: you want something like 'UUID=06B95AC51647D69A /mnt/myshare ntfs defaults 0 0' if you want to mount it at /mnt/myshare [13:17] he really doesn't [13:17] i want to get the partition 'media' to mount at boot or manually to /mnt/myshare so i can then samba my music to my other divices [13:17] ntfs is not a share file system [13:18] ed_1: do not use /media [13:18] how many times have you been told this ? [13:18] ed_1: are you trying to mount a local disk or a network share [13:18] ikonia: His external disks ntfs filesystem name is "media" too. [13:18] but to make it a samba share he needs to mount that first. that is right [13:18] bekks: thats useful to know [13:20] im getting there. saving new fstab [13:20] show is the line first [13:20] UUID=06B95AC51647D69A /mnt/myshare ntfs defaults 0 0 [13:21] ed_1: Is that disk connected to your computer ALWAYS? [13:21] that looks better, just keep in mind it will be read only [13:21] its a partition on my laptop === Guest79 is now known as moonman [13:21] its ntfs because its dual boot [13:21] ed_1: It is a FILESYSTEM on your computer. [13:22] ed_1: NTFS is a filesystem, not a partition. [13:22] ed_1: make sure that windows doesnt use the "fast reboot" option, so the ntfs is clean unmounted form windows and ubuntu is able to mount it. === bjornar__ is now known as bjornar [13:24] never use windows anyway. just for xp legacy stuff [13:24] so fstab saved [13:24] then why keep all your data on a windows file system ? [13:24] why not move it to native linux if you never use it [13:25] do i need to reboot or logout? i keep it on crappy ntfs untill i get another hard drive big enough to copy it to [13:25] hola folks, if you had to walk into an environment with several hundred completely unmanaged workstations mostly running trusty desktop (no ssh enabled), what tool(s) would you recommend to get a handle on things? i'm thinking ssh + possibly some kind of remote management software [13:26] ed_1: 'sudo mount -a' [13:26] there is nothing "crappy" about ntfs [13:26] this "cool to bash windows" stuff has to stop [13:27] no final newline in fstab [13:27] ed_1: So add one... === afkthairus is now known as athairus [13:27] mcphail, yes [13:27] yay! [13:28] its all good. so back to samba afresh [13:30] need help, after upgrading to ubuntu 16.04, wifi device is not being detected [13:33] is there an Ubuntu MATE Raspberry Pi channel or is this sufficient? [13:33] #ubuntu-arm is a good place [13:33] but you can ask here [13:35] Hi, I installed ibus-m17n on xubuntu 16.04, added a keyboard layout from it, can change to it, but then can't type anything anywhere. Can only type with default layout (En-US). [13:37] ubuntu doesn't detect my wifi === sypher_ is now known as sypher [13:38] on some laptops, theres a switch to turn off wifi. a security feature, I guess [13:38] not sure whether that is a question or a statement [13:39] compdoc, yes the switch is on [13:39] lspci doesn't show my wifi hardware [13:39] is it pci based? [13:40] sometimes embedded stuff uses usb [13:40] just that it's connected to the hub internally [13:40] ok, how do i check for that? [13:40] lsusb [13:40] also check dmesg [13:40] aashaka, how do you tell 'lspci does not show my wifi hardware'?? [13:40] maybe you need firmware [13:41] maybe there is no driver [13:41] joelio, lsusb shows the hardware [13:41] what is that hardware, has it worked in other OS etc etc etc [13:41] ok, so [13:41] ifconfig -a [13:41] does it list the wlan? [13:41] joelio it used to work in ubuntu 14.04 [13:41] just updated [13:41] ok, so ifconfig 0a [13:41] sorry, ifconfig -a [13:41] or iwconfig /iwlist [13:42] what type of wifi is it? [13:44] no, only localhost and enp1s0 [13:46] aashaka: ok, so perhas it's missing a module [13:46] can you output the lsusb line [13:46] and lsmod, etc [13:47] also grep through dmesg for the adapter [13:47] generally if there's missing firmware, it'll try and bootstrap the device [13:47] but will fail and output in dmesg [13:48] joelio, sorry lsusb showed my bluetooth device, it doesn't show my wifi [13:48] ah, right ok [13:48] I'm suprised if it worked in 14.04 it doesn't in 16.04 tbh, but it can happen [13:49] aashaka: "rfkill list | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here please [13:49] aashaka: try command "sudo lshw -C network" to show all your detected network devices. If it doesn't show up there, it maybe disabled from BIOS/firmware [13:49] http://termbin.com/q23v [13:50] some chips are combo BT + wifi [13:50] ah [13:50] !nvidia [13:50] For AMD/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto [13:50] aashaka: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf [13:50] aashaka: "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" [13:50] is it blacklisting dell_rbtn [13:50] noibus, only ethernet interface [13:51] rfkill list all [13:51] k1l +1 dmesg would show possible firmware missing .. [13:52] joelio, not there [13:52] softblocked could be firmware... [13:53] yea, why I said check dmesg for f/w before === keroberos is now known as kerozene [13:54] also, try and #sudo modprobe dell-rbtn [13:56] joelio, done but network manager doesn't show [13:56] aashaka: joelio 'modinfo dell-rbtn' shows its description as "Airplane mode switcher". Makes me wonder if airplane mode is switched on in network settings [13:56] that would be funny :D [13:57] joelio, yeah but unfortunately no [13:57] airplane mode if off [13:57] aashaka, are you going to share dmesg ? [13:57] aashaka: dmesg output would help [13:58] OerHeks, http://pastebin.com/3k0t8cB4 [13:59] Has anyone else here put ubuntu touch on a oneplus one? [14:00] mlw: #ubuntu-touch is the related channel for that [14:00] mlw, mario did, join #ubuntu-touch for that [14:00] Thanks guys [14:00] line 262 ... [14:01] that's ACPI, don't imagine related [14:01] but could be.. [14:02] aashaka: was this a dist-upgrade by any chance and did it use ndiswrapper perhaps? or was it a native driver [14:03] fresh install not dist-upgrade [14:03] right, ok [14:04] can't see anything wrong in dmesg there [14:04] no device showing up in additional drivers ?? [14:04] dmidecode -t system [14:04] I'm surprised no one has suggested the "wireless-info" script yet. It could give some useful hints. https://github.com/UbuntuForums/wireless-info [14:05] OerHeks: device is it? [14:07] http://termbin.com/mm8s [14:09] Is someone aware of a known problem with ibus + xfce4? I can't type with the changed layout (inscript, from ibus-m17n package, on Xubuntu 16.04). [14:11] aashaka: it's Dell Wireless 1705/1703 right? [14:11] joelio, how do i check that? [14:11] it is dell wireless dont know the version [14:11] I've just referenced the inspiron page on Dell [14:12] do you have linux-firmware installed? [14:12] as, afaiu it's broadcom [14:12] broadcom typicall binary blobs firmware [14:14] joelio, yes it is installed [14:14] and firmware-b43-installer ? [14:14] wireless info output http://pastebin.com/2v6gefFt [14:15] afaiu it's a b43 [14:15] just installed [14:15] if you apt-cache search broadcom [14:15] that pops up [14:16] there's also broadcom-sta-dkms - but not sure if that's related [14:16] anyway, need to get on with $DAY_JOB [14:16] lemme know how you get on [14:16] ok i installed it [14:17] may need reboot etc.. I'd take a look at the other packages too (apt-cache search broadcom) [14:17] aashaka: joelio it's not broadcom, but an atheros. See the wireless-info (lsusb part) [14:17] joelio, ok sure thank you very mush [14:17] 0cf3:0036 [14:17] noibus, that is bluetooth not wifi [14:17] http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/product-support/product/inspiron-15-3537/drivers [14:17] !steam [14:17] Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion. [14:18] noibus: aashaka: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/product-support/product/inspiron-15-3537/drivers [14:18] I assume [14:19] aashaka: bluetooth and wifi can reside on the same card. This device seem to use ath9k which is a wifi driver. See http://askubuntu.com/a/379444 [14:19] joelio, it is only for windows not support for linux [14:19] no, I know [14:19] just to check it was the right hardware [14:19] noibus: ath9k should load ok [14:19] you'd assume, at least [14:19] joelio, yes it is right [14:19] not really had issues with those before... especially with kismet etc [14:20] they run monitor mode just fine without any other work [14:23] what is the maximum size HDD a 32bit OS can support? [14:23] doesn't make a difference [14:24] it's only the manximim available RAM a process can address in 32 bit vs 64 bit [14:24] 3.2GB [14:24] for Hard drives, it's not related [14:24] so max ram i can have is 3gb? [14:24] GPT will make a difference though [14:24] no [14:24] the maximum a single process can address [14:24] There is no such OS limit, but a BIOS limit. [14:24] you can have more RAM, using PAE [14:25] I am creating an application in C++ for setting timezones on Ubuntu 14.04. What can be a good way to get and set all timezones in C++ [14:25] joelio: you are mixing up things at that point. [14:25] Good day, Ubuntu community! [14:25] bekks: nope [14:25] im using 16.04 on an older dell laptop d630 [14:25] joelio: You are. [14:25] bekks: ok, well elaborate [14:25] joelio: I already did. [14:26] 0615 162453 < bekks> There is no such OS limit, but a BIOS limit. [14:26] I am using Ubuntu 14.4.4 but I am a bit puzzeled about the kernel support. It seems it is going to support kernel 4.2 for 6 months only. After that, in Ubuntu 14.4.5 it will migrate to 4.4. [14:26] when did I say it's anything to do with BIOS or OS [14:26] it's arch?!? [14:26] joelio: Sorry, I meant skilo :) [14:26] right, well read first please [14:26] I was wondering, is it OK just to skip to 4.4 in the current kernel? I am using StorPool, a distributed storage provider, that requires custom kernel modules, taylor made for the major version, so [14:29] i wonder if there is a newer driver than the i965 [14:31] hello I am running ue4 in kubuntu 14.04 and I just rebooted because of a loop crash while programming in the editor...there was no chance to kill ue4 process nor with xkill nor with kill ##### is there any command to reset or clean the system now that is back again? [14:31] what is ue4? [14:32] unreal engine 4 [14:32] its fun [14:32] and free [14:32] i didn't know that ran on linux [14:32] it does quite good btw [14:32] epic account needed [14:32] sounds neat, too bad all i have is old computers [14:32] only requisite [14:33] hmmm [14:33] you may need a good graphics card and 4 cores cpu at least [14:33] yea im on an old dell d630 right now, core 2 duo [14:33] try opensim instead [14:34] it is more networking based [14:34] that's ok i don't play much games anyway [14:35] guys, can I skip to kernel v4.4 in 14.4.4? will it kill the server or what? [14:35] buntu [14:35] Renich: firstly, why do you need to (genuine question) [14:35] secondly, yea, there are lts kernels available in Trusty [14:36] Hi. Is there any way of extracting an unsaved document from a laptop on which root has been re-mounted as read-only? [14:36] joelio: because current kernel has a lot of wholes that are affecting us constantly. 3.13 doesn't cut it. Neither 3.16. We're, actively, running into several bugs. Learned this after enabling kdump [14:36] linux-generic-lts-xenial [14:36] joelio: yeah, but will they break Ubuntu in any way? I was planning on using the xenial lts kernel [14:36] so how to clean the system after a crash? [14:36] no, it's part of the LTS [14:36] any command? [14:36] joelio: so you could say they will work as flawlesly as expected? [14:37] JunkHunk: no, it's reset.. unless you have coredumps enable [14:37] I am having an issue with my /boot being full.... I've thrown at least 10 different commands at this term and it just won't remove any older kernels.... Even tried a shell script I found on Ubuntu Forums, but no matter what I do it just keeps telling me it can't do anything because /boot is full..... What else can I do to fix this please? [14:37] Renich: I never give nay guarantees, but I use it all the time [14:37] joelio: yeah, that's what I expected ;D [14:37] apt-get install linux-generic-lts-xenial [14:37] you can always roll-back [14:37] joelio: thanks man. I am unexperienced with Ubuntu. This is why I ask [14:37] no danger [14:37] Renich, "Storpool requires custom kernel modules" so how do we now it will work flawlesly?? [14:38] joelio: yeah, well, like I said, we're using some custom modules for the kernel. [14:38] Thanks OerHeks :) [14:38] lochlann: apt-get autoremove? [14:38] Renich: apt-get source linux-generic-lts-xenial [14:38] joelio so if a program hangs the system and the only thing I could do was reboot...am I done? is it perfectly fit to run again the same process? [14:38] JunkHunk: yea [14:38] sipior: nope [14:38] cool [14:38] ubuntu rocks [14:38] OerHeks: StorPool will build their modules. I am concerned about the kernel in the system's context. StorPool will take care of StorPool ;=) [14:39] JunkHunk: you may have kernel dumps or crash logs, but only if you've enabled them, even then it's just some disk spaced used [14:39] joelio: yeah, figured as much. Thanks for your opinion and feedback. [14:39] lochlann: does it give an error? [14:39] Renich: you can build the kernel the 'debian' way [14:39] lochlann: have you manually installed the kernel packages? [14:39] sipior: read my question please [14:39] obviously if the headers and soruce for your custom module are out of line with the main tree, your patches will be difficult to merge [14:40] joelio it was a loop not a crash I guess but plenty of work to do [14:40] joelio: yeah, we could. But I'd rather have a team of devs support my kernel than me having to do so, hehe. [14:40] lochlann: i did. you don't answer my questions there. [14:40] lochlann: good luck. [14:40] joelio: don't worry about the custom modules. StorPool takes care of that. [14:40] ok, fair enough [14:40] * joelio just used pbuilder, dkms and jenkins :D [14:40] thanks guys, you've been very helpful [14:40] sipior: my question answered that when I stated " no matter what I do it won't remove old kernels because /boot is full [14:41] lochlann: apt-get autoremove - handles kernel removal, well, most of the time [14:41] lochlann: "no matter what I do" isn't very descriptive. if you want help, details would be nice. [14:41] otherwise dpkg -r the kernel [14:41] the *old* kernel [14:41] joelio: doesn't work says /boot is full [14:41] no, dpkg -r will [14:41] trust me :D [14:42] then apt-get autoremove once you've cleaned out a bit of /boot [14:42] that'll automate it [14:43] there are hooks in apt to handle the kernel removal via auto-remove [14:43] but it requires a working space first [14:43] br? [14:43] so a dpkg -r on the older kernels will sort it out [14:43] where are from brazil? [14:43] there is no reason why autoremove does not work when boot is full .. only read-only prevents it [14:43] alguem fala portugues? [14:43] OerHeks: because you're uncompressing a newer kernel first [14:43] so it needs the space first before it'll remove the original one [14:44] catch 22 [14:44] tem br aqui n? [14:44] * joelio had to deal with this for a good number of users [14:44] and makes you realise a 1g /boot probably wiser in your preseed :D [14:44] !br [14:44] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [14:44] br [14:44] amem [14:45] joelio: thanks.... the dpkg -r led me to another error that wasn't being shown to me... Now I am able to fix it... Thanks for your help :) [14:45] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/1183692 [14:45] Launchpad bug 1183692 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Not enough disk space for kernel security update on /boot" [Undecided,Confirmed] [14:45] http://sendvid.com/apcbaui1 <-- There's a fsck message flickering through the kodi interface when I autostart it (oddly enough not through lxde itself). Any ideas what could be causing it? [14:45] lochlann: anytime :D [14:45] i'm trying to force mysql to start after remote filesystems have been mounted (as i've moved /var/lib/mysql to an NFS share and left a symlink in its place). i altered /etc/init/mysql.conf so that: "start on (runlevel [2345] and started remote-filesystems)" but upon reboot the service is stuck in "mysql stop/waiting" [14:46] ahri: you can set dependencies in the init [14:47] ahri: like for network [14:47] tbh, that sounds really slow way of doing it [14:47] and not something I'd suggest [14:47] use mysql replication properly [14:48] it's already fast enough :) [14:48] fair do's just seems, yukky :) [14:48] * joelio no fan of NFS [14:49] we all did that, moving var/lib/mysql to an nfs share [14:49] yeah, it's not too bad in this case as the servers are next to eachother and we have a backup strategy for the disk space machine [14:50] joelio: well, thought I could fix it... Turns out I am caught in a loop.... Maybe you have some advice for me? ... So I have a dependency problem.. which can't b e fixed due to /boot being full, but I can't remove old kernels due to dependency problems... [14:50] also the data is not particularly important, and is backed up in a redundant manner, sooo.... it'll do for now :) [14:51] anyway, joelio, what do you mean by "you can set dependencies in the init" ? i thought i did that already by editing /etc/init/mysql.conf ? [14:51] ahri: in this init scripts, not the mysql config [14:52] lochlann: yea, well can you paste the errors [14:52] difficult otherwise [14:52] you could just move the old kernel from /boot to / (somewhere with space) and then do the upgrade [14:52] joelio: is that in the comment block at the top of the init script? [14:52] ahri: yea [14:53] dunno what version you're on, hence why not mentioned systemd or upstart etc [14:53] anytime I try to fix deps I get --> failed to write (no speace left on device) and anytime I try to remove any old kernel I get --> linux-image-extra-3.19.0-61-generic : Depends: linux-image-3.19.0-61-generic but it is not installed (Can't fix the dep without the room to install whats missing) [14:54] I'm trying to start xterm with tmux like this: `xterm - e tmux`. How do I put this in a .desktop file so I can do it by default? [14:54] joelio: hm, so that's what i did first, and thought perhaps i was being stupid; my /etc/init.d/mysql contains: "Required-Start: $syslog $remote_fs" - is this correct? [14:58] ahri: dunno, I wouldn't do it that way, as I said, but yes.. it's along those lines :) [14:58] you can also specific _netdev in fstab etc [14:58] ahri: if you're on 16.04, then those init scripts may not be used as systemd in effect etc. [14:58] athogh if you can see that header, would assume earlier version [14:58] so i'm quite confused; in the init script i'm depending on $remote_fs, and in the upstart conf i'm starting on "started remote-filesystems" - and neither of those has worked post-reboot: it just fails [14:58] ahri: what version of OS? [14:58] i'm on 14.04 LTS [14:58] ok, so that's upstart [14:58] joelio: anytime I try to fix deps I get --> failed to write (no space left on device) and anytime I try to remove any old kernel I get --> linux-image-extra-3.19.0-61-generic : Depends: linux-image-3.19.0-61-generic but it is not installed (Can't fix the dep without the room to install whats missing) Tried to dpkg -r linux-image-extra-3.19.0-61-generic but again I am met with the error (no space left on device) [14:58] can someone help me with mod_proxy_fcgi ? [14:59] I'm trying to compile but I'm missing apxs only have apxs2 [14:59] joelio: so that means the /etc/init/mysql.conf ought to be the correct place to address this? [14:59] lochlann: I bet it's trying to install others, notice you're using the extra kernel - are the acault kernels still htere too? might need to dpkg -r both [14:59] hello how do i add seperate public_html folder that a user can add web contents? [14:59] I tried to install apache2-dev and it's only installing apache2-threaded-dev instead apache2-dev [15:00] lochlann: are they the old kernels you want to remove too [15:00] dpkg -l *image* [15:00] anything with ii in first column is installed [15:00] remove the older ones first [15:01] if you still hit issues, move (live mv /boot/vmlinux...OLD /somewhere/with/space [15:01] joelio: this is where I am having an issue... I try to remove old ones but I get error about the new ones dep problem [15:01] so move the old ones and run the update [15:01] then move them back and purge [15:02] I'm trying to get either icinga or icinga2-classicui working in Xenial. Under both, the menu on the left displays for a moment and then slides up and is invisible. Anyone seen this? [15:02] and if I try to fix dep problem I get /boot full (even when trying to remove old ones) [15:02] yea, so move (don't use dpkg, move the thing) [15:02] that way there becomes space in /boot [15:02] you can do an upgrade [15:03] then you can move the kernel back to /boot [15:03] and pruge the old out [15:03] and run autoremove [15:03] Is it possible to disable the panel commands Super+1, Super+2 etc. to launch applications? [15:03] hello, I'm trying to install ubuntu alongside windows 10 [15:03] just move any old kernel? I've never had to do it like this before.... so much for having a simple basic media server, lol [15:04] @lochlann: There comes a time in every's Linux user life when he/she decides to - "f@ck it, I'll recompile another kernel myself" [15:05] lochlann: it's only a move, of an old kernel... just imagine it's an empyty file if it makes you feel better :D [15:05] obv don't move the running one [15:05] uname -a [15:05] and check [15:05] TanNguyen: this machine is all automated (well supposed to be) [15:06] joelio: thanks again :) [15:06] and I bet if you got the correct incantation of dpkg -r for both the generic and extra kernel it would magically work ;) [15:06] Hi. Is there any way of extracting an unsaved document from a laptop on which root has been re-mounted as read-only? (network on this computer, nc and scp does not work.) [15:06] lochlann: no worries [15:06] time to install a script to automagically remove old kernels when the system updates itself [15:07] http://askubuntu.com/questions/787290/ubuntu-server-16-04-glassfish-4-1-1-problems [15:07] lochlann: you mean, it has automatic upgrades enabled? [15:07] lochlann: there already is [15:07] it's called autoremove [15:07] there is a file to handle kernel removal [15:08] that checks which version and release your running [15:08] and will only remove the ones it's safe to do so [15:08] joelio: but it mustn't be working then if my /boot is full (considering my /boot is 500MB) [15:08] did you run autoremove regularly? [15:08] you need to run it [15:09] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/RemoveOldKernels [15:09] lochlann: are you using unattended upgrades? If so, what version? [15:09] joelio: I haven't "manually" run it in quite some time to be honest as it is just my media server. I was more talking about a script that automates the autoremove [15:10] sure there is option for that [15:10] /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades [15:10] Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies "true"; [15:10] it's not enable by default [15:10] * mcphail thought he heard something about apt automatically removing old kernels now by default. Did that happen? [15:10] joelio: which was only patched in Jan 2016... [15:11] somsip: I've used it since before then, I'm certain :) [15:11] unless I dreamt it all :D [15:11] joelio: you're like my life saver today... lol... Many thanks :) [15:12] nah worries [15:12] :D [15:12] joelio: on 14.04 (not sure if this applies here), unattended-upgrades is not a security patch, so if you're running unattended-upgrades for security only, it wont have updated unattended-upgrades and it won't use that directive correcrtly https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unattended-upgrades/+bug/1267059 [15:12] Launchpad bug 1267059 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu Trusty) ""Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies" does not work " [High,Fix released] [15:12] somsip: fair enough [15:12] joelio: on 14.04, upgraded unattended-upgrades will fix it. Not sure but expect 16.04 to be unaffected. Thats all [15:13] I actually wrote a shell wrapper for a lot of this stuff for users at $WORK [15:13] saludos, instale una libreria en elementary freya, libc6 y ahora no entra al sistema, alquien que pueda ayudarme? [15:13] !br | astrolabio (I think) [15:13] astrolabio (I think): Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [15:13] why is open url in bit torrent showing last wget url ? [15:13] so perhaps we never hit that as they were using the script already, that would manage puppet runs and autoremove / clean / remove old dkms from /boot [15:13] etc [15:14] somsip: I'm on 14.04.1 and yes to unattended upgrades... [15:14] lochlann: 14.04.4 out now! [15:14] maybe .5 actually too [15:14] I don't usually both too much with dist upgrades on this machine.... [15:14] lochlann: if you are only allowing security upgrades, it maybe that package unattended-upgrades is out of date. Just update that one package and the ""Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies" will work as you might want it to [15:14] bother** [15:15] lochlann: yea, why fix if not broken etc [15:15] I getcha [15:15] I've built a PHP-based tool for migrating tables/data between SQLite-MySQL DBs. I currently intend to create at least a Ubuntu package for the app. My question is, would it really be crazy to make it so the app will check for MySQL/SQLite already installed and if they don't exist then automatically install them? [15:15] Ive used unetbootin to create a live usb, I'm booting on the pc and I want to install it on a partition on my drive that was previously used for ntfs. I have two disks, an ssd with windows, and an hdd, 1tb, two ntfs partitions. How can I use the installation partition manager to dual boot and also install on the space of the second ntfs partition_ [15:15] this machine literally does nothing more than serve video/music/photo's to the internal network [15:15] skinux: check debian packaging guide [15:15] specifcally Depends: [15:15] skinux: make it a composer package, would be my recommendation [15:16] Wait a minute...all I really need to do is make it so they are dependencies of my package, right? [15:16] skinux: yes [15:16] !packaging | skinux [15:16] skinux: The packaging guide is at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring [15:16] skinux: for an ubuntu pacakge, just add dependencies, right [15:17] Composer package may not work, as I installed Laravel Framework as a web-app project and used Laravel (Artisan) Command system to built the tool. [15:17] skinux: still smells like a composer package to me. Still - your project [15:18] So, if it gets installed using composer, it would then be easily callable as a php command-line app? [15:19] how do i start up a program in a separate pthread [15:19] from a shell ? [15:19] skinux: if you built it using laravel and artisan, surely it would be an artisan command call [15:19] i start up a program mormally, then i press ctrl-c to close it [15:19] i want this program to be executed asynchrounously [15:20] so that i can resume to my shell [15:20] how is this done in a linux command line ? [15:20] Wouldn't composer install it under vendor directory? [15:20] soLucien: would backgrounding it work? Or a multiplexer like tmux/screen? [15:20] skinux: composer can install globally. This is getting offtopic though... [15:20] i don't know .. maybe backgrounding it wold work [15:20] how to use backgrounding ? [15:20] it doesn't matter what the script interpretter is, it's just a shebang line [15:20] soLucien: so "command &" [15:21] soLucien: also you can run an app, ctrl-Z and it'll fork it to backgroung [15:21] type fg to restore to foreground [15:21] or just use scree/tmux/byobu ;) [15:22] soLucien: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-bash-s-job-control-to-manage-foreground-and-background-processes [15:22] saludos [15:22] i need help whit elementary freya [15:22] !info screen | soLucien (the other suggestion) [15:22] soLucien (the other suggestion): screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexer with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.3.1-2build1 (xenial), package size 541 kB, installed size 978 kB [15:22] !elementary | astrolabio [15:22] astrolabio: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution. [15:22] thanks [15:23] How can i share internet from ppp0 on eth0 to eth2(DHCP relay wifi router)? http://paste.ubuntu.com/17365385/ - my dhcp.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/17365416/ - isp-dhcp error [15:24] shoul i remove network manager? [15:24] suntux: you need more than just dhcp [15:24] you need to forward ip [15:25] suntux: https://askubuntu.com/questions/95199/two-network-cards-and-ip-forwarding [15:25] !ics | suntux (this might help) [15:25] suntux (this might help): If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing [15:25] or that :D [15:28] Hey guys quick question. I have a large hard drive mounted on my current Ubuntu system. I want to do a fresh install of Ubuntu however I don't want to lose any of my data on the mounted drive. Is this easy to do? [15:29] does anyone know when 16.04.1 will be released? [15:29] sure DanOpi , just don't format that drive [15:29] moparisthebes, 16.04 linux mint? [15:29] DanOpi: if you want to feel extra safe about it, unplug that drive while you do it? [15:30] no mikolotko , the .1 release, 16.04.1 [15:30] Hmm okay [15:30] Ahh [15:30] moparisthebest: 27th of July if memory serves [15:30] DanOpi: yea, take the drive out if uncertain [15:30] moparisthebest: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule [15:30] I should be fine just going through a fresh install and making sure not to format the mnt? [15:30] is dnsmasq and isp-dhcp-server are same services? Should i delete one of them? [15:31] DanOpi: it should get mounted [15:31] *shouldn't [15:31] suntux: they are different programs [15:31] Anybody experiencing hangs/freezes on their system? the kind where alt+sys req + f/k can't help? Ubuntu mate 16.04 [15:31] perfect that's what I was looking for thanks hggdh [15:32] joelio: hmm okay sounds good [15:32] when going through the installer, if it's just the default, then it's pretty obvious when you get to the partitioner [15:32] it'll list the drives and capacities [15:33] I disconnect sometimes, but only because we use automated preseeds [15:33] and would rather be safe, than sorrt [15:33] joelio: okay i'll just be cautious when going through the installer [15:34] is 16.04 stable? [15:34] DanOpi, I'm experiencing some "random" hangs lately. [15:34] So 15.10 would be better to use for a HTPC? [15:34] DanOpi: fine for me on servers and desktop, dunno though, different hardware, different shiz [15:35] DanOpi: 15.10 out of support in a few months [15:35] Hmm okay [15:35] I'd just go 16.04, personally [15:35] DanOpi: 15.10 will be going eol in about a month [15:35] Makes sense. I'm on 14.04 still. That's why I came here to figure out if i'm safe to update without losing my data [15:35] nacc: is it that soon already, jees, time flies [15:36] joelio: per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases [15:36] DanOpi: 14.04 still in support for some time [15:36] if it aint broke... [15:36] joelio: i'm guessing it's coordinated with 16.04.1 [15:36] could be [15:36] Are Thunderbird, firefox, and pidgin permanently installed in the system? i can't seem to remove them [15:36] generally 7 moths after afair [15:36] mikolotko: no, they're no, but could be dependencies on another oackage [15:37] *package [15:37] oh [15:37] like say ubuntu-desktop - or somethng like that [15:37] Cos I keep seeing this "Profile missing - Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible" [15:37] you should be able to remove them [15:38] I can't seem to remove them. Tried the synaptic route. The purge route on terminal. And even on ubuntu software center route. They just keep on popping back [15:39] stuff shouldn't just pop back [15:39] Yea, I figured that. That's why I'm on Hexchat. === ubuntu is now known as Guest58468 [15:42] hi [15:43] mikolotko, just a thought system settings -> details -> default applications [15:44] why is open url in bit torrent showing last wget url ? [15:45] mikolotko: `apt-cache policy firefox` ? [15:45] user1_, why does that bother you [15:46] Thunderbird is not on preferred applications. But firefox is one of the options browsers. [15:47] nacc, 47.0+build3-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 [15:47] mikolotko: please pastebin the whole output; and i guess the output of whatever command-line you tried to use to remove it [15:48] how to permanently remove iwlwifi ? [15:49] therealtbe2: that's a kernel module, you'd have to blacklist it, if you don't want it to autoload [15:49] http://pastebin.com/w7eYnxZf [15:50] mikolotko: ok, and then you tried, i guess `apt-get purge firefox` ? [15:51] http://pastebin.com/7DXfv7zh [15:51] interesting bit is the "setting up thunderbird", nacc [15:51] The following packages will be REMOVED: firefox* [15:51] The following NEW packages will be installed: thunderbird [15:51] lol [15:51] mikolotko: i'm guessing, that something requires one or the other to be installed [15:51] mikolotko: try `apt-get purge firefox thunderbird` [15:52] and it should say [15:52] apt-get purge firefox thunderbird pidgin [15:52] I just removed Firefox by itself and it let me. [15:52] or that [15:52] Apocope: could be mikolotko has different packages installed [15:52] also, it may be down to destop env [15:53] some metapackages have recommends on firefox etc [15:53] joelio: yep, gnome-core, iirc, depends on firefox [15:53] nacc: Sure. This was a pretty generic Xenail install. [15:53] http://pastebin.com/6BEiyYKb That did the trick. Thank you :)) [15:53] Xenial even [15:53] mikolotko: ace :) [15:54] Will restart to confirm. [15:54] if you have a metapackage with a 'Recommends' on it and have autoupdates enabled.. then it'll come back [15:55] you can disable installing 'Recommends' with apt-no-recommends option too btw [15:55] it makes installs smaller :) [15:55] https://askubuntu.com/questions/179060/how-not-to-install-recommended-and-suggested-packages [15:56] kinda thing [15:58] when making vm images or containers, it's useful to set as it makes the images smaller [15:58] also, minimal is good, right :) === FierceDeityLink is now known as Caplain [15:58] Confirmed, the three zombie programs were removed. Thanks. :) Now I go try to solve this mystery hang-ups [15:58] cool beans [15:59] Hi! I am using dual OS (Linux+windows) in which i wanted to move some disk space from windows to linux and I did it successfully (I moved 50 gb from windows to linux) and luckily I did not loose any data but while using windows builtin disk manager I shrank my C: drive by 50 gb but it was mounted and I read that disk should always be unmounted before resizing. So how do I unmount my disk so as to create 150 gb more unallocated spac [16:02] jatin30, boot from live dvd/usb -> gparted [16:03] squinty, I did exactly that but gparted is not allowing me to shring my windows c: drive [16:03] so I have to unallocate space in windows and expand in linux === M365 is now known as M367 [16:04] jatin30, make sure it's not mounted.... you can unmount it in gparted if it is [16:04] ok thanks === ptnecniv is now known as tnecniv [16:12] Am sharing pptp to 2-nd lancard for dhcp relay on wifi router, but in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing there are message that i could "Remove dnsmasq because it conflicts with NetworkManager". Maybe i should remove NetworkManager? Couse am followed instruction "Ubuntu Internet Gateway Method (iptables)" [16:12] hello [16:12] can u tell me my location [16:12] hi [16:12] ? [16:12] can anyone please tell me my location.. [16:13] you are here: freenode irc, ubuntu channel [16:13] I'm trying to get either icinga or icinga2-classicui working in Xenial. Under both, the menu on the left displays for a moment and then slides up and is invisible. Anyone seen this? [16:13] Codfection: You are in the channel #ubuntu on the Freenode IRC network. This channel is the support channel for Ubuntu linux. [16:14] Codfection malaysia? thi is off-topic here [16:14] hi all! i just installed 'ubuntu 16.04 and vlc gui doesnt start. the console does. i get the error : skins2 interface error: no suitable dialogs provider found (hint: compile the qt4 plugin, and make sure it is loaded properly) [16:14] theos, how to disable location?. [16:15] or hide it. [16:15] I am using ubuntu [16:15] qt and vlc people say its a packaging issue [16:15] Codfection ask for a cloak in #help [16:15] !cloak | Codfection [16:15] Codfection: To get any kind of cloak (Ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page. For unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode. === ivo is now known as Guest35564 [16:16] HI! I was trying to resize disk partitions in gparted and Its not allowing me to shrink windows as you can see here http://imgur.com/ZSYtC2k . What to do? [16:17] BR? [16:17] algum br [16:17] ???? [16:18] !br | nicolas5512 [16:18] nicolas5512: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [16:20] hey my webcam (dell l502x) is not working. any ideas how to fix this? [16:24] hi guys [16:24] please help with this one http://askubuntu.com/questions/785338/skype-audio-not-working-in-16-04 [16:24] re: hi all! i just installed 'ubuntu 16.04 and vlc gui doesnt start. the console does. i get the error : skins2 interface error: no suitable dialogs provider found (hint: compile the qt4 plugin, and make sure it is loaded properly) [16:27] theos: what does this show: ldconfig -p |grep libQtC [16:29] going away now [16:29] try this: sudo apt-get purge vlc* && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install vlc && vlc --reset-config [16:29] gear4 http://pastebin.com/raw/kT0bijQu [16:30] i have done all of that ^ [16:32] why cant my problems be just like everyone else's? they have to be impossible to solve! [16:34] theos: what problem are you trying to solve? [16:34] re: hi all! i just installed 'ubuntu 16.04 and vlc gui doesnt start. the console does. i get the error : skins2 interface error: no suitable dialogs provider found (hint: compile the qt4 plugin, and make sure it is loaded properly) [16:34] EriC^^ this one ^^. qt and vlc people say its a packaging problem [16:41] No longer have access to the ubuntu forums, how do I contact the moderation team about outstanding issues? [16:44] theos: maybe it's the same as mine [16:44] uninstall some programs until you find old libqt [16:45] gear4 so i need to downgrade libqt? [16:46] down or up [16:46] why lxd is installed by default on 16.04 server? [16:46] Bun-Bun, well well how could that happen?? try #ubuntuforums here on #freenode [16:46] and why it blows a lot of 'premission denied' when using find / ...? [16:47] even from root [16:47] OerHeks: thanks [16:47] Qlawy, its is weird. I disable it [16:47] Qlawy, the lxc environment is standard now, but not active, so no worry [16:47] it tries to be active each boot [16:47] active without container? [16:48] wasting time [16:48] it annoying ;) [16:48] EriC^^: hi [16:48] hi Norux [16:48] EriC^^: how are you [16:48] I have no containers at all [16:48] Norux: good thanks you? [16:48] EriC^^: good aswell, thanks [16:48] and no intention to use it - on those servers [16:49] EriC^^: I got another problem haha [16:49] so only solutions is to uninstall lxd/lxcscript or sth? [16:49] EriC^^: my mouse & keyboard don't work when I boot a DVD [16:49] EriC^^ can you help with my problem? [16:50] Norux: what dvd? [16:50] theos: what's the problem? [16:50] EriC^^ i just installed 'ubuntu 16.04 and vlc gui doesnt start. the console does. i get the error : skins2 interface error: no suitable dialogs provider found (hint: compile the qt4 plugin, and make sure it is loaded properly) === Evol is now known as Nuwanda [16:51] maybe its a qt problem because calibre is not working either. and i think it uses qt too [16:52] !find qt4 [16:52] Found: fcitx-frontend-qt4, libavahi-qt4-1, libavahi-qt4-dev, libdee-qt4-3, libdee-qt4-dev, libpoppler-qt4-4, libpoppler-qt4-dev, libqt4-dbg, libqt4-dbus, libqt4-declarative (and 155 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qt4&searchon=names&suite=xenial§ion=all [16:52] EriC^^: Windows 7 [16:53] hello everyone === philip is now known as Guest1438 [16:53] theos: try apt-cache depends vlc | awk '/qt/ {print $2}' | xargs audo apt-get -y install --reinstall [16:53] System information disabled due to load higher than 4.0 [16:54] Norux: join #windows :D [16:54] System information disabled due to load higher than 4.0 [16:54] EriC^^: okay then^^ thanks [16:54] theos: there's a typo, sudo instead of audo [16:55] Norux: no problem [16:55] hi, is this the right channel to ask for help with luks encrypted root partition? [16:56] EriC^^ E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. [16:56] theos: try to reinstall qt4 packages [16:56] not the ones vlc says it depends on [16:56] theos: sudo apt-get -f install [16:56] System information disabled due to load higher than 4.0 [16:57] please help with this one http://askubuntu.com/questions/785338/skype-audio-not-working-in-16-04 [16:57] nevstah ask your question in one line and wait [16:57] starisaloon.com [16:57] sorry wrong chat [16:58] what does it take to get a certification updated? http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201412-16242/ [16:58] abhishek, tons of bugreports about skype, sound & video good luck! [16:59] and what is the liklihood that an upgrade to 16.04 would be successful? [16:59] OerHeks, haha..link? [16:59] fester: very likely but I would wait until the next unstable release of ubuntu comes out before you upgrade to 16.06 [16:59] sorry 16.04 typo [17:00] It depends though on your ppas. That can throw a wrench in the mix from what I understand, though I've never had it happen to me personally [17:00] EriC^^ so i should uninstall libqt4 and install libqt5? [17:00] fester, Feedback: If there is an issue with the information for this system, please let us know. ( clickable url) [17:00] John[Lisbeth]: John[Lisbeth] in general, or for that hardware in particular ? [17:00] theos: no, try to reinstall or install qt4 stuff without removing qt5 stuff [17:00] oh [17:00] fester I thought I had read somewhere that ubuntu isn't officially ready to jump between stable versions until the first unstable versino comes out, or somethign along those lines [17:01] abhishek, https://bugs.launchpad.net/skype-wrapper [17:01] Though you probably won't have any "serious" problems upgrading now if at all [17:01] Ubuntu is heavily based on Debian so it is very stable in design [17:01] !ltsupgrade [17:01] Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st. [17:02] OerHeks: is there a formal certification process so that I can send feedback? [17:02] That is waht I meant to say. The .1 release [17:02] i've installed 16.04 with encrypted root partition and created the /etc/crypttab and run 'update-initramfs -u' and rebooted, but there appears to be no attempt to decrypt - i'm pushed to the initramfs prompt as a result. using live-usb i can decrypt the partition manually OK [17:02] apparently not the next unstable release, so even sooner thn I thought [17:02] EriC^^ vlc depends on libqt5core5a libqt5gui5 libqt5gui5-gles libqt5widgets5 libqt5x11extras5 [17:03] anyone know why after router reboot, I cannot ping/ssh into a computer on the network anymore. If I reboot, I can once again. [17:04] fester, i thought i answered that [17:04] theos: yup try to reinstall qt4 stuff [17:04] theos: i'll paste you the packages i haev [17:04] http://paste.ubuntu.com/17370153/ === Gill_ is now known as Gill [17:05] OerHeks: it says " This system was tested with 14.04 LTS, running the 3.13.0-35.62 kernel. " What does "tested" mean? Can I reproduce that for 16.04? [17:05] nnnngghh, I gotta say I hate the download-fuckery [17:06] EriC^^ ok thanks [17:06] first I copy the link from the download page and wget it over ssh... and it's a html page [17:06] then I go to that page and find some money begging, which is ok, but eh. anyway, I again copy the link on that page and repeat the process with wget... and it's html again [17:07] fester, https://certification.canonical.com/ maybe this page is any help, else contact them [17:07] Cursarion: please mind your language [17:07] then I open that link in my browser and see a "download should start shortly" bla bla or whatever, and my browser starts downloading it [17:07] theos: try sudo mv /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/gui/libqt4_plugin.so{,.old} [17:07] so I cancel the download, copy this link over to wget and now it actually downloads [17:08] Cursarion, so you fixed it yourself, bravo [17:08] it isn't a technical problem [17:08] it isn't a support-problem either. [17:09] hggdh: afaik fuckery is a pretty excellent term for this kind of thing, but okay [17:09] System information disabled due to load higher than 4.0 [17:09] more like a complaint [17:09] because imho it's done wrong [17:09] System information disabled due to load higher than 4.0 [17:09] that's partly subjective though === marklyford___ is now known as marklyford [17:11] Cursarion: transmission-cli http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent [17:11] I don't have transmission on that system [17:13] Cursarion: sounds like you've solved the problem anyway [17:13] it just takes doing it once and you figure it out [17:13] fester: like I said, it's not a technical problem [17:13] I mightn't even call it a problem [17:13] sure it is, you made a technical assumption, but it was wrong [17:14] something milder [17:14] generally, if there's a button that says download, it also takes you to download [17:16] but then they couldn't put a please donate interstitial [17:17] it could be on the last page that remains [17:18] obviously easier to skip, but less naggy [17:18] but dunno which way gets more donations [17:19] Hello. Would this be considered a bug? http://paste.ubuntu.com/17370828/ [17:20] hello guys, got silly question about askubuntu . how do I post my wireless-info.txt in comment ? [17:20] hi [17:21] davyjones_: you don't - you put that into a gist or something and link to it [17:22] Cursarion ok, we get your point, now back to support questions [17:23] ___--- [17:25] ok, thank you :) [17:34] Hi there, any TexStudio users here ? [17:34] ogl [17:36] orac2 better ask your real question [17:37] MonkeyDust: I'm using TexStudio 2.11 not all \section commands are listed in the structure view. I'm wondering whether this is a bug or whether I'm doing something wrong. [17:37] MonkeyDust: However the document compiles fine. [17:37] !find texstudio [17:37] Found: texstudio, texstudio-dbg, texstudio-doc, texstudio-l10n [17:41] MonkeyDust: TexStudio 2.10.8 doesn't have this problem. So I guess it is a 2.11 bug [17:43] will ubuntu 16.10 get mesa 12 ? [17:43] est31: #ubuntu+1 [17:43] What do you recommend for UML diagrams? [17:43] orac2: could be a 2.11 bug, wherever you got that from [17:44] FishK: no, not a bug [17:44] hi guys, this is crazily failing my script; export PASS="mysql\Password";mysql -uroot -p$PASS even when $PASS contains the right value, it seems that echo $PASS echoes the right value but using the variable as a password parameter seems to evaluates to 'mysqlPassword' and fails, any way to retain '\' as when i echo? [17:44] i would like to have less latencies in my audio setup .any tips? [17:45] it works pretty well when $PASS doesn't contain '\' character [17:45] k-joseph: escape it: PASS="mysql\\Password" [17:47] hggdh: that still fails; export PASS="mysql\Password";mysql -uroot -p${PASS/\\/$'\\\\'} [17:48] hello there [17:49] please give me some tips how to have less latencies in my audio setup .thanks [17:50] any one here who uses ubuntu to program robots ? There are a lot of robots , pretend to be open source, all with windows or os x software for coding ( kids ) based on scratch [17:50] hggdh: looks weird, echo ${PASS/\\/$'\\\\'} echoes "mysql\\Password" but still fails in mysql as a parameter [17:50] tips welcome [17:50] hggdh: Ah okay. It is just that it does not look right when it comes to the path displaying (expecting it to stay in the same place as the previous directory does not exist). [17:52] hello friends when i try to mount a internal hard drive i get a message " Failed to mount "500 GB Volume".Not authorized to perform operation." [17:53] I did `sudo apt-get purge *pulse* ; sudo apt-get purge skype; dpkg -r skype;` Now I can't login into kde. It doesn't show the kde bootscreen. Any ideas? I can still use CLI with Ctrl+Alt+F7. [18:02] Lan_di_, is that hard drive for windows 10 maybe? If so, the problem might be with boot setup. Windows leaves hard drives as hibernate status in order to boot fast. you can set it off on Windows [18:15] any good how to's on changing plymouth themes in ubuntu 16.04 [18:16] you can google or bing it [18:17] I have look they most for 14.04 and back. I guess they plymouth this release or something as they do not work [18:18] move or chnage * [18:19] 7u7 [18:20] Lan_di_: you have no rights === svedantham3-gtri is now known as samm === samm is now known as samirr [18:20] !google | notadeveloper [18:20] notadeveloper: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. [18:23] Please help with this http://askubuntu.com/questions/787454/recovering-uninstalled-packages [18:25] abhishek: have you tried 'sudo apt-get -f install' [18:26] that may install the missing packages [18:27] how do i get to join #php ? [18:27] so, apparently the .mod files for grub-signed aren't signed :P [18:27] dara_ type /join #php [18:27] dara_: its ##php, and you need to be registered and identified to join. [18:27] abhishek try this... it offers a choice ... normally it's for ubuntu, not sure if it works for plasma ... sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth [18:27] !register | dara_ [18:27] dara_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [18:28] Captain_Proton: doesn't work update the output on the question [18:28] *updated [18:30] hi guys [18:30] can you help me ? [18:31] hi jianu81 [18:31] jianu81 start with a question [18:31] i wanna install a Playonlinux virtual drive to an external hard drive [18:31] how do i do tht ? [18:31] hi MonkeyDust [18:31] there is also an alternative to use symlink but i don't know what that is [18:31] is it basically faking where the folder is ? [18:32] jianu81, make sure the ext hdd is not fat32/ntfs [18:32] made it ext4 [18:32] what should i do next ? [18:32] i saw some thread on their forums [18:32] but it was too complicated [18:33] installing arch was easier than what they were saying(not using arch though) [18:33] MonkeyDust: thanks for the reply. what does this do? [18:33] so can you guys help me ? [18:34] MonkeyDust: I am using kubuntu 16.04, kde 5.6.4 [18:34] jianu81, if you compile playonlinux you can set the installation path [18:34] abhishek have you tried it? [18:34] are you installing or you wanna use a virtual drive feature of playonlinux [18:34] a virtual drive [18:35] to an external hard drive [18:35] what does the virtual drive do? [18:35] it is where programs install [18:35] list [18:35] basically i want to install League Of Legends to my external hard drive [18:35] list! [18:36] bia: This is not a filesharing network. [18:36] !list | bia [18:36] bia: Bashing-om: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [18:36] http://wiki.playonlinux.com/index.php/How_to_move_PlayOnLinux_virtual_drives_to_another_disk [18:36] if you want to help me try solving my bug... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1592933 [18:36] Launchpad bug 1592933 in linux (Ubuntu) "there are several errors on booting my laptop (xubuntu 16.04 64 bits)" [Undecided,New] [18:36] yeah but it just copies the virtual drive [18:36] i guess that moves all games in that virtual drive [18:36] MonkeyDust: There is only one alternative in link group default.plymouth (providing /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth): /usr/share/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo/kubuntu-logo.plymouth Nothing to configure. [18:37] jianu81, why not use windows instead? [18:37] because windows sucks [18:37] and i would rather kill myself [18:37] dont [18:37] well i won't use winows [18:37] windows* [18:37] Is there a way to have a windows panel with all open windows in Ubuntu 16.04 on the bottom of the screen. [18:37] do an ls -la on your home folder [18:38] what is that ? [18:38] Like an open windows task bar... like Windos? [18:38] lerner: Thats not a bug but a summary of various unrelated symptoms. [18:38] playonlinux must have stored the game data or virtual drive on a hidden folder on your home folder [18:38] hemmd in 16.04 : gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom [18:38] lerner: Pick one, and ask for help on solving it. [18:38] playonlinux is just wine [18:38] abhishek: have you tried 'sudo dpkg –configure -a' [18:38] yeah but it also installs some stuff automatically [18:38] no I don' twant to move the unity bar ... I just want another panel that will list all of the open windows. [18:39] i can't install the game on my current hard drive [18:39] i want to install it on the external one [18:39] MonkeyDust. [18:39] hemmd ok, xfce and lxde have their bars on the bottom, iirc [18:39] jianu81, so click ubuntu icon -> type terminal hit enter then on terminal do: cd ~ then do: ls -la [18:39] No way to add one to 16.04? [18:39] ok did it [18:39] what shall i do next ? [18:39] jianu81, what does it say? [18:39] hemmd yes, there's cairo dock, plank and others [18:40] ok... I'll check em out, thanks Monkeydust. [18:40] $ cp -av ~/.PlayOnLinux /mnt/extradisk/mysecondhome/ [18:40] !list [18:40] bia: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [18:40] sorry [18:40] total 420 drwxr-xr-x 18 alex alex 4096 iun 15 21:16 . drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 iun 15 2016 .. -rw------- 1 alex alex 792 iun 15 21:16 .bash_history -rw-r--r-- 1 alex alex 220 iun 15 2016 .bash_logout -rw-r--r-- 1 alex alex 3771 iun 15 2016 .bashrc drwxrwxr-x 10 alex alex 4096 iun 15 21:30 .cache drwx------ 10 alex alex 4096 iun 15 21:27 .config drwx------ 3 alex alex 4096 iun 15 2016 .dbus drwxr-xr-x 2 [18:40] this is what it says.. [18:40] Captain_Proton: then. [18:40] dunno how to copy it [18:40] Hello, [18:41] jianu81: ls -lha | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:41] ciao [18:41] jianu81, do mv .playonlinux /path/to/externaldrive/ [18:41] ok [18:41] i'll try it [18:41] then in home do: ln -sf /path/to/externaldrive/.playonlinux . [18:41] .playonlinux :no such file or directory [18:42] .PlayOnLinux [18:42] play on linux should have a virtual drive in the .playonlinux folder [18:43] what i just instructed you to do is to move .pol to external drive [18:43] ok i did that [18:43] but [18:43] lerner, clevo says it is an Macbookair ??? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/265545392/boot.svg [18:44] to configure how to setup a virtual drive you should consult playonlinux.org or .com [18:44] OerHeks, thats obviously not true [18:44] jianu81, have fun [18:44] yeah,thanks! [18:44] playonlinux may have also symbolic link to /home/USER/Play\ On\ Linux/ folder [18:44] not sure though [18:45] bekks what does your command do ? [18:46] jianu81: It creates a pastebin, since your copy&paste into one line was unreadable. [18:46] jianu81 paste that command in terminal, you'll get a link... paste that lik here in the channel [18:49] btw if you have a modern pc would there by any reason to use xfce instead of kde ? [18:50] jianu81 yes, if you like it more [18:52] hello [18:52] does someone knows if ubuntu provides driver for m-audio audio interfaces? [18:53] the device specifically is of vendor M-Audio, model FastTrack [18:54] i have a problem [18:54] using .mv PlayOnLinux [18:54] it says [18:54] mv: inter-device move failed: '.PlayOnLinux' to '/media/alex/490aa0cd-8ebc-4a8c-84c4-178c3c9a20f3/.PlayOnLinux'; unable to remove target: Directory not empty [18:55] the external hard drive is formatted as ext4 [18:55] Does the sudoers file work with gksudo [18:56] i just installed the game launcher on my hard drive [18:56] i want to just move it to the external one [18:56] can i use symlink ? [18:57] jianu81 try ln -s [from] [to] [18:57] jianu81 try ln -s -r [from] [to] <-- correction [18:57] ctrl + alt + t doesn't work on kubuntu :( [18:58] jianu81 it's because kubuntu use Kate, not Terminal [18:59] here it is http://termbin.com/e8bq [18:59] what you asked me to do [19:01] so i should i do : ln -s -r /home/alex/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/ /path/to/damn/removabledevice [19:01] ? [19:02] ? [19:02] jianu81 ln means link ... what happens when you try [19:02] I created an ecnrypted volume with veracrypt. Is that a different filesystem for fsck? [19:03] nothing happens [19:04] anyone know how to assign the CapsLock key to "ctrl+b"? [19:04] jianu81 do you now have a link on your external drive, go and check [19:04] how should i check ? [19:05] jianu81 navigate to the external drive [19:05] it is empty [19:05] jianu81 navigate to the path you set [19:05] jianu81 what is empty? [19:05] the external drive [19:06] jianu81 you lost me [19:08] i did : sudo ln -s -r /home/alex/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/ /media/alex/490aa0cd-8ebc-4a8c-84c4-178c3c9a20f3/ [19:08] and well [19:08] it shows me these [19:08] > [19:08] is it loading ? [19:08] jianu81 you have to specify a *folder* to link it *to* [19:08] yeah [19:08] media [19:08] why do you have 3 arguments for ln [19:08] jianu81 49... is a drive, not a folder [19:08] it should only be two [19:09] jianu81: it's showing you a > because you need to escape the ' in the path name. Aka: /home/alex/PlayOnLinux\'s virtual drives/ [19:09] ok thanks [19:10] I am unable to launch apps after installing with "sudo apt-get install ... " [19:10] does anyone know how to open dolphin as sudo ? [19:10] they do not show up in my launcher and I cannot run them from command line [19:10] file browser [19:10] any thoughts? [19:11] gbert press alt-f2, then type it [19:13] nevermind [19:14] done [19:14] it is finally done! [19:15] jianu81 great, how did you do it === step21_ is now known as step21 [19:16] sudo ln -s -r /home/alex/PlayOnLinux\'s virtual drives/ /media/alex/490aa0cd-8ebc-4a8c-84c4-178c3c9a20f3/asd/ [19:16] why my chrome is flickering [19:16] on ubuntu [19:16] has anyone ever used drivemount on android ? [19:17] what's the command for alt+f2? I don't have an f2 key [19:17] Codfection: cross posting is bad because then people don't see each other's replies [19:18] the newly installed packages don't show up when I run "which" either [19:18] akik, what do u mean [19:18] wrong name [19:18] has anyone ever used foldermount on android ? [19:18] Codfection: people on #linux don't see discussion about your problem [19:18] Guys, why my chrome screen is flickering on ubuntu 16.04 [19:19] so what does symlink actually do ? [19:20] any solutions please? === Hartmann is now known as ghartmann [19:21] does it fake that the symbolic linked file is where it is used to be and not where it is now [19:21] symlinks are basically shortcuts or aliases. A symlink makes a file or folder appear to be in two different places [19:21] IIRC. [19:21] Codfection: when is chrome flickering? [19:21] during web watsapp and video plays other than utube [19:21] * Volund knows nothing of the nuances or specifics, just that that's what they are. [19:21] jianu81 ln means link ... -s means symbolic ... the -r is needed because it's to a different drive [19:22] Codfection: so its a flash issue? [19:22] ok so i did symlink the game from my hdd to my external hard drive,does that mean that the game will install on the external hard drive ? [19:22] no idea [19:22] k1l_, [19:22] jianu81 i use it to symlink from my nas [19:22] MonkeyDust ? [19:23] k1l_, cant it be driver issue? [19:23] I can't run newly installed packages from command line but they show up in /usr/share/applications - how can I get them to launch from command line? [19:23] ? [19:23] ok so i did symlink the game from my hdd to my external hard drive,does that mean that the game will install on the external hard drive ? [19:24] Codfection: what video driver is it? [19:25] k1l_, I couldnt find on ubuntu driver section [19:25] so didnt install any [19:25] So here's an odd question. I'm looking to get into providing managed hosting to a tiny little corner of the market - this means I need to learn how to easily and neatly manage many users, automate things like setting up mysql databases, configure permissions and restrictions, etc. And back stuff up. Majorly back staff up. I realize this is an insane thing to be asking here, but Ubuntu is the only Linux I know and I'm hoping [19:25] someone can tell me: WHERE should I start researching such things? What kinds of tools would I be using? [19:25] dell e6420 [19:25] k1l_, I just installed ubuntu on e6420 dell. [19:25] Codfection: what desktop is in use? unity? [19:25] Like, I don't know where to begin or if there are some miracle tools I should know about. [19:26] k1l_, ubuntu [19:26] default is unity [19:26] yea [19:26] Codfection: systemsettings -> software & updates: last tab. see if it provides some drivers [19:27] Volund: start in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel. there are some admins and they could point you in some directions [19:27] k1l_, additional drivers? [19:27] hi, so i have an apache server that for some reason, when accessed externally, returns a page with some javascript: window.location = "/UI";. ( See https://convex.st4r.io/ )but when accessed internally, returns the correct index.html page. [19:27] none. k1l_ [19:27] * Volund thumbs-up [19:27] Is it just me or is Ubuntu less stable than it used to be? I’ve got a fresh install 16.04 and it completely froze up when I unplugged a USB stick. Then gnome-disk segfaulted when I tried to eject another disk. [19:28] it shows 1 proprietary driver in use. k1l_ [19:28] Codfection: which? [19:29] Unknown: Unknown [19:29] Codfection: keep in mind that we dont see what you see. so if you dont tell us we cant know [19:30] Using processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUS from intel-microcode (proprietary) === marklyford___ is now known as marklyford [19:31] so? k1l_ [19:31] Codfection: ok, open a terminal and run "lspci | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here [19:32] I can't run newly installed packages from command line but they show up in /usr/share/applications - how can I get them to launch from command line? [19:32] http://termbin.com/oinw [19:32] gbert_: such as ? [19:33] i have been googling this /UI redirect problem that i have for 2 months now, and i have made no progress. i was hoping that someone here would have a better idea of where to look? [19:33] dyc3: just explain the problem [19:33] ikonia: I ran "sudo apt-get install goldencheetah" - but can't access the installed program from command line- it does not come up when I run "which" [19:34] Codfection: ok, you got a intel card. thats drivers are already inside the linux kernel. so you dont need to install them [19:34] gbert_: what is the name of the binary you are trying to run [19:34] ikonia: see https://convex.st4r.io [19:34] "goldencheetah" [19:34] yea k1l_ [19:34] so what would be the solution ? [19:34] gbert_: are you %101 sure that is the binary name [19:34] ikonia: it returns a page with javascript on it that redirects to /UI [19:34] ikonia: how can I double check? [19:34] Codfection: well, i dont know what the issue is. chrome is working on most systems. [19:34] Codfection: is it 16.04? [19:34] dyc3: a prank ? [19:34] ikonia: which is not in the index.html file [19:35] yup 16.04 [19:35] I get random flickering issues [19:35] Hi there! Some months ago I found a kind of file system wich is able to connect to several cloud storages and offer that space as drive on unixoid systems. I do not find it anymore. I think I remember first letter was a "T"... any ideas? [19:35] ikonia: i wish, but i read my logs [19:35] dyc3: what logs ? [19:35] gbert_: The binary name is GoldenCheetah. See here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/goldencheetah/filelist [19:35] dyc3: you've just pasted a url that loads a prank site [19:35] Codfection: start chrome from a terminal and keep that terminal open. then see if there are any errors [19:36] ikonia: https is important, i have something else on http [19:36] ikonia: yes, it does show up in usr/shr/applications as goldencheetah and I can launch it from there via a file browser [19:36] but not from command line [19:36] k1l_, and when I run aptget update. it shows that key is weak for chrome [19:36] gbert_: The binary name is GoldenCheetah. See here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/goldencheetah/filelist [19:36] gbert_: GoldenCheetah <> goldencheetah [19:36] Codfection: yes, that is an issue from google. but its only a warning, not an error [19:36] bekks: oh, thank you [19:37] dyc3: your https cert is invalid for that site. [19:37] dyc3: it's loading an invalid cert [19:37] dyc3: I'm not accepting that onto my system [19:37] gbert_ works? [19:37] MonkeyDust: yes [19:37] ikonia: ok, make a pastebin of what it returns [19:37] Thank You All :) [19:37] ikonia: i will make * [19:38] k1l_, the problem ids [19:38] is [19:38] it occurs randomly [19:39] Codfection: that sounds like a website issue, not a ubuntu issue, tbh [19:39] ikonia: http://termbin.com/6ayx [19:40] k1l_, facebook videos also [19:40] so I think its not website. [19:40] dyc3: is this your website ? [19:41] ikonia: thats what https://convex.st4r.io returns, and its supposed to return something way different. [19:41] dyc3: is that your website [19:41] ikonia: yes [19:41] dyc3: so how are we meant to fix your website code ? [19:43] ikonia: one sec, im going to go double check my configs [19:47] hey [19:47] ikonia: yep, nothing in my /var/www/ or /etc/apache2/ contains "UI" and i have no idea where its getting that javascript page from === Senj is now known as Senji [19:51] hey weet iemand hoe je google chrome instaleerd hier [19:51] booting to a LiveUSB is still a good way to make sure things work well? [19:51] (for testing ahead of bare-metal installation or upgrading) [19:51] s/a good/the best/ === marklyford___ is now known as marklyford [19:57] How would I select the second column using cut (or any other tool)? echo "M bin/gg-git" | cut -f 1 [19:58] nerium: 'echo "M bin/gg-git" | cut -f2 -d' ' [19:58] nerium: also read `man cut` [19:59] nerium: the delimiter is tab by default [19:59] nerium: you may want to use awk if you need to handle arbitrary whitespace === Phoenix is now known as Guest19495 [20:00] nacc: git status --porcelain | cut -f2 -d' ' gives ”M\nok” as output. Input is [20:00] M bin/gg-git [20:00] ?? ok [20:02] nerium: it's -f3 for that output, i think [20:02] nacc: awk works, thanks! [20:02] nacc +1 [20:02] nerium: np [20:05] what command do I need to revert to the latest stable kernel? uname -r shows kernel 4.7.0-040700rc2-generic (testing for a bug), but on synaptic I got rid of it and xubuntu automatically installed Why is not being shown on uname -r? [20:06] lerner: "dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 9999" === moz is now known as Guest49716 [20:08] lerner: have you rebooted since then? [20:08] dpkg -l | grep linux-image shows kernel 4.7 as installed k1l_ , so all I have to di is sudo dpkg --purge linux-image-4.7.0-040700rc2-generic ... [20:08] nacc, like 5 times [20:09] i would use apt but that should work too [20:09] k1l_, unless you want to personally see that output... [20:10] Hi [20:10] can someone help me out. I just ran an apt-get command on a huge list of packages and alot of them got marked as manually installed. Can i somehow revert the flags for just those packages? Maybe grep the apt log and use that somehow? Any ideas would be great! [20:11] gadget: apt-mark showmanual [20:12] Hi found a disto call ethos that is base on ubuntu they take 35usd for download it [20:12] http://ethosdistro.com/ [20:12] nacc: yeah but that really doesnt help me. [20:12] for digtal copy [20:13] GreatLord: and? [20:13] It is not allown make mony from gpl [20:13] GreatLord great, but not supported here ... if someone wants to pay for it, then the 'ethos guys' did a good job [20:13] GreatLord: yes, it is. [20:14] GreatLord: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/selling.en.html https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#DoesTheGPLAllowMoney etc. [20:14] gadget: you'd intersect that with the list of packages you passed to apt-get and unmark them? [20:14] dax not like how they do it [20:14] I'm trying to apt-get upgrade. There's an update for php5-common to version 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.18, but it looks like php5-intl (a package I also need) depends on 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.17 and will be removed as a consequence. How do I tell apt that I really want to keep php5-intl? [20:14] GreatLord: if they dont ship the sourcecode you should tell the free software foundation [20:14] gpl 2.0 say u for not make proft of a digtal distro [20:15] GreatLord: not sure how that is an ubuntu support question? [20:15] GreatLord: no, it doesn't. regardless, the correct place for such things would be legal@canonical.com [20:15] GreatLord: but this is out of the scope of this channel. you should talk about this in #ubuntu-offtopic [20:15] Tobias92: that's the version in -proposed [20:15] Ok I will email legal@canonical.com [20:15] thx for the help === lethu_ is now known as lethu [20:16] I did not known where to trun to [20:16] thx [20:17] nacc: i got the list of packages that caused this from the list of installed packages. showmanual shows tons of packages i never personally installed. I assume ti shows default packages as well? [20:17] nacc, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/amd64/php5-common/5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.18 lists it as "published"? [20:18] Tobias92: published just means it's ... published... meaning it's been pushed to the archive. But it's int he -proposed pocket still (see "Downloadable files" mentions that) [20:20] Tobias92: you need the php5-intl from the same build, so just wait til it migrates to release [20:20] nacc, ah, I see! Thanks for clearing that up [20:21] gadget: it shows all packages ever marked as manually installed [20:23] nacc: does this look anything like yours? --> http://paste.linuxmint.com/view/ueg0 [20:25] nacc: i dont have the original list of packages that i ran the command from. it was piped to xargs and the terminal is flushed. [20:26] so whats the difference between apt und dpkg? === thateternalmomen is now known as theeternalmoment [20:29] lerner: dpkg installs packages. apt downloads packages and handles dependencies, then passes off to dpkg for the actual install [20:29] What commands would I run to clean up a system after removing a large suite of software, such as libreoffice? [20:29] depends on what "clean up" means [20:30] Remove dependencies that are no longer needed, configuration files, stuff like that. [20:31] #slacware [20:31] #job slacware [20:31] i wonder if pulseaudio ever will work correctly. probably not. [20:31] OneM_Industries: apt-get autoremove for the first, use apt-get purge instead of apt-get remove for the second [20:31] Ok. [20:32] so, if I have several kernels (one upstream) and I want to use a stable one, I have to establish that with grub, right? I access grub pressing esc or left alt, right? both sentences right? [20:32] the latter removes systemwide config. there is no command to remove per-user config in ~/, that isn't handled by package management [20:32] OneM_Industries: apt autoremove for removing every packets that is not needed. If a package X is recommended by package Y but was installed by package Z, it won't be uninstalled [20:32] Just wanted to make sure what I am doing is correct before using it on a machine I like. [20:32] There's alls othe apt autoremove --purge option as well [20:32] s/alls othe/also the/ [20:33] Ok, looks like I'm good. Thanks! [20:33] Now, to download libreoffice 5.0... [20:36] ...... [20:36] gadget: it should be in your history? [20:37] but, if synaptic lists as installed and uname -r list can thac explain that my laptop runs like a turtle? it is usually not this slow [20:37] gadget: or look in /var/log/dpkg.log [20:37] lerner: packages being installed does not determine what the default kernel is [20:37] lerner: meaning you need to pick the right kernel from grub [20:38] but if uname .r list 4.7, then thats the default one, right? [20:39] and why do synaptic and uname return different outputs? in synaptic the upstream kernel simply does not exist [20:39] lerner: not necessarily, it just means that's what you're runing right now [20:39] lerner: you installed manually the mainline packages. so since grub always boots the highest kernel number as default, that is the reason why you are on that 4.7 kernel [20:39] lerner: packages installation and running kernel are rather unrelated in my mind [20:39] uname only lists the actual booted kernel [20:40] lerner: if you want to get rid of the 4.7 kernel remove it [20:40] the moar I know... === GarrettShields_ is now known as GarrettShields [20:51] Can someone help me with my usb disk? [20:52] KTHNXBAii: depends on an actual question. [20:52] !ask | KTHNXBAii [20:52] KTHNXBAii: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [20:53] My usb disk just isnt showing up anymore when I plug it in [20:53] It's showing up in lsusb as an SD card reader instead [20:54] KTHNXBAii type this in a terminal and then plug the usb in and out ... do you see something change ... tail -f /var/log/syslog [20:54] I keep geting gpartman exit code 10 when I try to install, and also a notification that i've got not free space on the disk. What am I doing wrong? I have only encountered this on one computer [20:55] I know that there's plenty of space on the target drives. Is it the space on the live media that's the problem? [20:55] i cannot lookup my ipv6 address, i get no AAAA record [20:57] It goes through startup of the disk as a new device and then says it is not an MTP device [20:59] KTHNXBAii: "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" run that in terminal and show the output url here [21:00] http://termbin.com/nmyl [21:02] i just made a change to an upstart script, when i restart the service it doesn't appear to have the change? do i need to reload the script or something [21:05] anyone know how to assign the CapsLock key to "ctrl+b"? === step21 is now known as step21_ === ubuntu is now known as Guest27944 [21:10] KTHNXBAii: are you sure the disk is still working properly? [21:10] i made a small change to my upstart script, for whatever reason when i restart the job its picking up the new job [21:10] It isn't mounting at all [21:11] KTHNXBAii: on other pcs, too? [21:14] It isn't loading no. In lsusb it has the same serial number but it is called "Super Top SD Card Reader" [21:14] That's on other pcs too [21:16] KTHNXBAii: "Buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 0" means its hardware failure. its broken [21:17] Yep [21:17] Ah damn. Thanks for your help! === KindOne is now known as GitGud [21:18] what does this mean when i run initctl reload-configuration, nitctl: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.511" (uid=1000 pid=12885 comm="initctl reload-configuration ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6" member="ReloadConfiguration" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init ") [21:19] on 16.04, hit "restore defaults" in unity tweak tool after messing with some settings, and the panel and launcher vanished entirely. killing the sessiona nd logging in again doesn't bring it back. i can still right click the desktop and it still sets wallpaper, but that's it. [21:19] fission6: It means use suso [21:19] Sudo , rather [21:19] oh ok [21:21] genii: thanks! [21:21] anyone know how to assign the CapsLock key to "ctrl+b"? [21:22] #whois F0K5 [21:22] #whois F0k5 [21:23] derpSauce: you could try installing "autokey", so you can map whatever combination to whatever you want [21:23] !autokey [21:24] Hmm, I've tried autokey, I don't know if it goes anywhere as close to where I'd like. [21:24] So long as it can re-map Caps_lock to something obscure, I *should* be good [21:25] how can i remap my caps lock key to act as ctrl? [21:25] danmulvey: xmodmap [21:26] EriC^^: thanks! [21:26] i can use that to reassign my "function" key too? the one that activates things like volume/brightness control etc on my laptop? [21:26] derpSauce: make a python script, or a "script" in autokey, have it "record keyboard strokes", when done, do the mapping for that script [21:26] Any good documentation for xmodmap? I've seen how powerful it is, I've never had a solid read bout that [21:30] derpSauce: `man xmodmap` ? [21:31] Heh, yeah. I guess that's all one needs. I had a really rought time of it when I tried this out last time [21:31] can i opt out of seeing messages of members who have joined? [21:32] derpSauce: http://efod.se/writings/linuxbook/html/caps-lock-to-ctrl.html [21:33] Nice! thanks [21:33] daumie: The method varies depending on what IRC client [21:33] daumie: in IRC? [21:33] derpSauce: that one uses ctrl only, but you can "just add water" to it, and sugar maybe =) [21:33] daumie: that varies client to client on how to do that [21:34] daumie: yes, you can, but thats done in the "settings" of your irc client [21:34] what client are you using? [21:35] !quietirc [21:35] To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages [21:36] and thunderbird? [21:36] irssi has a really nice script that silences hide/join/etc unless the person has been recently active, that way you still know if someone you're talking to has left or rejoined [21:37] @genii @teward @bprompt Am using weechat irc client from the terminal............Any suggestions please? [21:37] daumie: see the bots message === tigefa1 is now known as tigefa [21:38] I was trying to install package name from file. For example "cat file | xargs sudo apt-get -y install" here inside file there is a list of packages [21:38] daumie: check the link provided, it has weechat as well in it [21:38] But i am getting this as a output: E: There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes [21:39] bipul: you mean, from .deb files? [21:39] bipul: probably you have something that is leading to a downgrade, unauth'd package, or removing an essential package, as documented in the man-page [21:40] bipul: feel free to to pastebin the resulting command and output [21:40] bprompt: Thanks ...i'm a newbie in using weechat ...I will look at the settings.. [21:40] bprompt, Yes, the packages comes from apt-get repository. [21:40] bipul: you can install those with just "dpkg" -> sudo dpkg -i SOMENAME.deb <- [21:41] nacc, sorry i don't get you. [21:41] bipul: read `man apt-get`, specifically the part about what -y does. It tries to run non-interactively, but there are cases where it won't. [21:41] bipul: i'm guessing you've hit one such case [21:41] actually i am trying to automate the things [21:42] bipul: bear in mind though, that if it's needing dependencies, dpkg will install it, but won't get the dependencies, you could always though do a -> sudo apt-get -f install <- so apt-get gets the missing dependencies if any, you may also want to check with -> sudo apt-get check <- if any is needed firstly [21:42] bipul: you are welcome to pastebin the file and command outputs, that's really the only way anyone is going to be able to help [21:42] bprompt: bipul said they are using apt-get above (afaict) [21:42] not dpkg directly [21:42] bipul: There are some packages which require manual confirmation, for instance license agreements in some cases if it's from restriced or partner repositories [21:42] ok [21:43] sure let me pastebin it === anderson_ is now known as anderson [21:44] Fun prank to pull on someone if you are a terrible person: Set up the bashrc so that it cats some random data from /dev/urandom each time they open a shell. it'll utterly destroy the character set for that shell, leading to 'fun'. [21:44] https://img.sharo.se/oluIu.png this is what htop looks like [21:44] ShaRose: #ubuntu-offtopic [21:44] ShaRose: please read the channel topic. This is Ubuntu support only [21:45] http://paste.ubuntu.net/17380914/ [21:45] The above link shows you my half work [21:46] bipul: uh, how woudl this ever work [21:46] dpkg -s $i &>> /dev/null [21:46] $i is the name of package [21:46] not the name of a deb file? [21:46] cat example.list | xargs apt-get -y install <-- I am stuck at here , after googling i found a solution of mapfile [21:46] ...but in any case [21:46] nacc, Yes, it's name of package. [21:46] bipul: oh your'e checking the status? [21:47] bipul: one line says pacakge.list and one line says example.list [21:47] is that intentional? [21:47] Oh yes it's my typo mistake === bashar_ is now known as basharfes [21:50] hello [21:50] allo [21:50] how are you bprompt? [21:51] Any idea? nacc ? [21:51] bipul: does it still happen if you fix the typo? [21:51] what's in example.list or package.list when it fils? [21:51] *fails [21:52] example.list is same [21:52] bipul: you haven't show me what's in it? [21:52] bipul: in a pastebin [21:52] example.list is same as package.list, it was just my mistake [21:53] bipul: I am not on your system, I can't know what is or is not in a file on your system. [21:53] bipul: please pastebin the *contents* of the file that is being used [21:53] cat package.list | xargs apt-get -y install [21:53] EriC^^: hey, for if you ever have to answer the question about making an encrypted home directory non-encrypted again: http://virtually-a-machine.blogspot.com/2010/08/howto-disable-ecryptfs.html [21:53] bipul: you're not listening. pastebin the contents of package.list. [21:53] basharfes: well, thanks [21:54] basharfes: bear in mind the channel topic though :) [21:55] package.list contain php5 [21:55] how can i install windows inside ubuntu ? do you know anything? bprompt [21:56] bipul: what version of ubuntu are you using? [21:56] basharfes: try virtualbox [21:56] ? [21:56] basharfes: yeap, use a Virtual Machine, like Virtualbox, it's in the repositories [21:56] It's work thanks [21:56] kll: how to get the virtual box [21:57] !virtualbox | basharfes [21:57] basharfes: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [21:58] bipul: Please do not PM me [21:58] genii, I am sorry. :) [22:00] my architecture is i386 [22:01] my architecture is i386, does it support virtual bbox [22:01] yes [22:02] basharfes, Check VT-ex enabled or not in BIOS [22:02] but you cant install 64bit guest OS then. btw, why are you running 32bit os at all [22:02] VT-X* [22:03] that's the only pc i have. :kll [22:04] does skype of any big issues on ubuntu? [22:04] why you want to install windows on ubuntu afterall? maybe something not so boxed and a bit more integrated like wine could suit your needs to run windows programs on ubuntu aswell [22:04] !info wine [22:04] wine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu14 (xenial), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) [22:04] basharfes ^^ [22:05] have*? [22:05] Danielh90 skype sucks, but it does run on xenial without major issues === gustav is now known as gustav___ [22:05] i have a printer model: canon ip2772 which has no support driver for ubuntu === gustav___ is now known as GustavSvenIsrael [22:06] Does dpkg have an option to install from a URL? [22:06] de-facto, I know that skype sucks but my friends don't know of any other chat program (Or they will not switch) just wondering if skype will run fine on ubuntu [22:06] dgarstang: no, i don't think so [22:06] Danielh90 yes it does [22:06] nacc: Darn. Tried to pipe it on the command line, but no luck [22:06] I'm thinking about switching to ubuntu [22:06] dependency failed for PNFS block. how do I fix that? [22:07] dgarstang: i can't think of many use-cases where you'd want to pipe something to dpkg... wget and then dpkg? [22:08] nacc: I can think of many use cases, and yes, dpkg and wget or curl [22:11] dgarstang: dpkg takes as input a .deb file ... you're assuming that is sensible to read on stdin? [22:11] nacc: The lack of functionality doesn't decrease the use case [22:12] dgarstang: it feels like you're confusing 'lack of functionality' and 'outside the scope of the tool' (to me) [22:12] nacc: rpm does it [22:14] dgarstang: not sure how that's relevant? dpkg isn't trying to be like rpm or guarantee to replace it's functionality. [22:14] dgarstang: and rpm does it by downloading the file and then installing it, afaict, which is feature-creep IMO :) [22:14] it's pretty darned useful functionality [22:14] dgarstang: use a package manager at that point [22:15] nacc: like ... dpkg? [22:15] dgarstang: sorry, use a more full-featured package manager at that point [22:15] like apt. [22:15] nacc: Can apt install from a URL? [22:15] basharfes have you tried (and googled about) using some like those: PIXMA iP2770/ iP2772 Linux drivers: http://bit.ly/1VZZC2J [22:16] Hi there, just checking who's around :) [22:16] dgarstang: No, but it can install from a repository you add. [22:16] dgarstang: and it seems like most users should be using repositories, not one-off .deb files === GitGud is now known as KindOne [22:16] basharfes: what cpu is it in this pc? [22:17] nacc: This is a script run from user-data to an ec2 instance. Repositories haven't been set up yet. Yes, I will circle around later and maybe put our repository server into the AMI, but for now, it's not tehre yet [22:18] dgarstang: ok; seems trivial to write a wrapper function then, i guess [22:25] Is there a way to record the choices for a server install in preseed format? I've been trying to PXE install 16.04 on a particular server for days w/o much success, but a CD install worked fine. I'd like to use the choices from that process as the basis for the foreman install [22:26] andrej: you might be able to use dpkg-genchagnes [22:26] err, wrong command one sec [22:27] cheers nacc [22:27] hi [22:27] debconf-get-selections --install didn't reflect my options at all, btw [22:28] no mention of disk device in there [22:28] ah that was going to be my suggestion :) [22:28] andrej: --^ [22:28] Hello [22:28] heh - stink ;} ... thanks for trying [22:29] andrej: did you pass --install or --instaler? [22:29] What's the main difference between ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, hardware compatibility speaking ? [22:29] basharfes if i was in your position i would first try to get http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/0/0100002720/01/cnijfilter-ip2700series-3.30-1-i386-deb.tar.gz working and if that fails try to compile from http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/4/0100002724/01/cnijfilter-source-3.30-1.tar.gz [22:30] Tameiki: new kernels mean new hardware support. but if you have amd video card you cant use fglrx anymore since 16.04 [22:30] Uuuuh d'oh! Thanks nacc. missed the er :/ Will try again :} [22:37] Because I have a problem on Ubuntu 14.04. While playing on some (not all of) games on Wine or VMware (windows). At one time, a "wind" sound appear on my left ear (headphone) and in my mic. During 2-5 mins, this noise increase and start to crackling and shut my left ear (and mic). I use wine 1.9.12 (lastest) and pulseaudio. I already try to not use pulseaudio, that didn't resolve my problem. [22:37] Anyone have an idea please ? [22:38] engage with the wine team [22:38] the latest wine is not shipped with ubuntu, so you may have got it from elsewhere [22:38] yeah, would first start looking with the wine guys. since i bet ubuntu is not doing this without running wine. [22:38] ikonia: I thought it was wine, but the problem is the same with VMware. [22:39] Tameiki: what do you mean vmware ? [22:39] And VMware doesn't use wine [22:39] ikonia: VMware workstation, for virtualization [22:39] I konw what it is, but how are you using it [22:40] ikonia: Normally, I gues. W10 on it, to run some game which are not really compatible with wine (or for testing, or other things) [22:41] Tameiki: so you're running vmware on ubuntu, then installing a windows guest ? [22:41] ikonia: Yes [22:41] so again 3rd party virtualization [22:41] is it possible it's a bug with the game/sound interface of the game under windows [22:41] as that will all be emmulated the same [22:41] ikonia: With two differents games ? [22:41] (It was not the same game on wine and on VMware) [22:41] ok, so two different games [22:42] does it do it on anything thats not a game, eg: just general use of ubuntu [22:43] On simple ubuntu usage or ubuntu-nativ game (like steam & other), the problem wasn't here. [22:44] what about virtualization thats not a game, eg: playing a music file [22:44] (just an example) [22:44] I'm going to make a wild guess that it will be directx sound thats a problem [22:44] although I've never heard ot that exact symptom, there are other cases similar [22:45] ikonia: I don't play music on VMware (but I play other "musical" game on VMware without this problem, and I have an other game on Wine which don't have this problem) [22:46] Tameiki: I apprecaite you don't, I'm asking you to try [22:46] but it is useful that others don't do it [22:46] there are similar examples of this type of problem (although not exactly the same) with some of the directx functions [22:53] ikonia: Nope, still no weird noise while listen music... On Internet I only found "crackling" problem from start [22:55] How do I get the Ubuntu release name? [22:55] Like, cat /etc/debian_version except different. [22:56] solidsnack: cat /etc/lsb-release [22:57] solidsnack: lsb_release -c [22:57] solidsnack: lsb_release -c [22:57] How can i verify iptables is running on ubuntu 14.04 ? i did service --status-all and i dont see it even listed [22:57] ah, bprompt was quicker [22:58] My command wasn't good ? :( [22:59] Tameiki: test the commands :) your command gives everything. our command just lists the codename [22:59] stacks88: `iptables -L` ? [22:59] nacc: is listing the rules going to confirm its running ? or is blocking a test ip the only way to find out [23:01] k1l_: Yep :) [23:01] bprompt k1l_ Tameiki Thanks everybody.