
pavlushkaHello Kilos and everyone!10:12
Kilosgood day10:12
pavlushkaKilos: strange, there is no #ubuntu-bd log entry in http://irclogs.ubuntu.com !!10:13
Kilosoh my10:14
pavlushkaKilos: what do you suggest? ask in #canonical-sysadmin?10:17
Kilosi see you asked there10:17
pavlushkaKilos: lol10:17
pavlushkaKilos: anything else I can do?10:18
Kilosi cant remember who i asked for a logbot in africa channel10:18
pavlushkaKilos: you mailed and a guy on irc named "I cant remember either"10:19
Kilosmaybe ask in #ubuntu-community-team if they can point you in the right direction10:19
pavlushkaHello AudaciousTUX !10:19
Kilosmaybe that was to that rt@ubuntu.com mail addy10:20
Kiloshi AudaciousTUX 10:20
AudaciousTUXdunno why the hell konversation don't notify me :310:21
Kilosthyat was a tricky setting10:22
Kilossettings-configure notifications10:23
AudaciousTUXactually it shows notification for a really short time.... can't event read :310:23
Kilosthen you have to highlight what notifications you want10:23
Kilosand then tick play a sound and choose the sound10:24
Kilosoh you mean popups10:24
Kilosi use sound10:24
AudaciousTUXi enabled sound ... even set the sound file.... but not sound :(10:25
Kilosoh my10:25
AudaciousTUXkde :(10:25
Kilosyes but what release10:26
Kilosnot kubuntu?10:26
AudaciousTUXrolling release10:26
Kilosoh my then im lost10:26
AudaciousTUXmaybe i have to switch to another client10:26
pavlushkaKilos: you can suggest him where to find help, there must be a #konversation channel, ask there.10:27
Kilosty pavlushka 10:28
AudaciousTUXbetter use hexchat :p10:28
Kilospavlushka see the reply in sysadmin10:29
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: yes10:29
Kilosdiscuss it there 10:29
AudaciousTUXany web dev here??10:31
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: join #ubuntu-za, tell them you know Kilos and ask for web-dev-help, they are very helpful and friendly, :)10:39
AudaciousTUXokay :)10:41
axinothere was no log for this channel on irclogs.ubuntu.com this morning because .. no one talked before pavlushka joined :)11:56
axinothat is all !11:56
pavlushkayeah, Kilos , the log is back, :)12:25
Kilos[13:56] <axino> there was no log for this channel on irclogs.ubuntu.com this morning because .. no one talked before pavlushka joined 12:26
pavlushkaKilos: normally, that's not the case, you will find several channels with no conversation but a blank log is there.12:27
Kilosanyway its ok again12:27
pavlushkahaha, yes, :)12:28
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: just ask your question there12:32
pavlushkagotta go, Iftari, breaking fast, :)12:36
ashabadiAudaciousTUX: after long break15:31
AudaciousTUXgoing for another break :p15:31
ashabadibe back soon15:32
AudaciousTUXokay... how long u'll be here??15:32
ashabadiI'm here for some time15:35
ashabadihello tareq15:50
ashabadihow are you?15:50
Kiloshi ashabadi tareq 15:50
tareqhello guys15:50
ashabadihi Kilos15:51
ashabaditareq: how is it going for your business?15:52
pavlushkaHello everyone!15:57
pavlushkaHello raihan_ !15:57
pavlushkaraihan_: mangoes mmmmmm.15:57
ashabadihello pavlushka15:57
pavlushkaHello ashabadi !16:00
ashabaditareq: welcome back16:00
pavlushkaashabadi: So how was the day?16:01
tareqthank you16:01
pavlushkaHello tareq !16:01
tareqhi pavlushka16:01
tareqafter a long gap16:01
ashabadiday was tiredsome... work load. dont enjoy it anymore... but don16:01
pavlushkaIts so hot, good for mangoes, :p16:01
ashabadidon't want to bore you with my sob story16:01
tareqআমরা আশার গল্প শুনবো, নিরাশার নয়16:02
tareqবলতে গেলে প্রথমবার কুবুন্টু চালাচ্ছি, কিছু টিপস চাই :)16:03
pavlushkaashabadi: যেমন, এখন এখানে আপনি নিশ্চই বোর হচ্ছেন না!16:03
pavlushkaKilos: you are on, :p16:03
Kiloscarry on16:03
Kilosgrow the channel16:04
tareqহ্যালো কিলোস16:04
pavlushkaKilos: you got a client, :p16:04
Kilosclient for what?16:04
pavlushkaKilos: for kubuntu16:04
pavlushkaKilos: tareq said hello to you in Bengali16:04
Kilosjust not 16.04 im still on 14.0416:05
pavlushkaKilos: he is running kubuntu for the 1st time, need some tips16:05
Kiloswhat tips you need16:05
tareqI was opensuse fan16:05
tareqkde actually16:05
tareqnever serieously tried kubuntu/linux mint kde before16:06
Kilossorry for the long link16:06
Kiloskubuntu rocks16:07
ashabadihow to improve lag time?16:07
ashabadiover irc?16:07
pavlushkaKilos: I think you are referring tareq 16:07
Kilosthat depends on the servers16:07
pavlushkaashabadi: yes16:07
Kilostareq check that link above16:07
tareqyep, i checked16:08
Kilosi used their links on 14.04 and helped a lot16:08
tareqkde konsole font look killing me16:08
pavlushkaashabadi: fixed wired lines are better most of the time, wireless connections have too much fluctuations16:08
tareqashabadi: yes, my wi-fi have some problems like this16:09
pavlushkatareq: you can always change the system font at you will anytime.16:09
Kiloshave you looked in system settings font management16:09
tareqwhich one is more suitable for konsole ?16:09
tareqyes, default font setup is fine16:10
Kiloskonsole is the terminal16:10
Kilosthey too small?16:10
tareqproblem is terminal/konsole font size/type16:10
tareqeven mint kde has better setup for konsole16:10
Kilosi also had some probs with that16:10
Kiloslook in aplication appearance16:11
Kilosyou can increase size there and at the bottom  where it says16:12
pavlushkaashabadi: like if you are using 3g or wimax, these connections are a bit inconsistent, but if you use a fiber line from any ISP, that has little lags and of course less fluctuations.16:12
Kilosforce fonts dpi i made mine 12016:12
ashabadinoted pavlushka16:13
Kilosand all the other settings there i use 1116:14
ashabadiHi had found tareq's solution16:15
ashabadiand he left16:15
Kiloshe will be back16:16
Kilossome people are funny though, they login get help then leave16:16
pavlushkaকাজ হয়ে গেছে, এবার যাই, পি16:17
Kilospavlushka you must try get everyone to stay here16:17
ashabadiits from setting > manage profile>new profile >appearance change the fonts as required16:17
ashabadiকি কাজ করলেন আবার?16:17
pavlushkaKilos: how?16:17
Kilosoh is that the new kde settings thing16:18
Kilosbe friendly with them and make them happy to come back16:18
ashabadino its in the konsole itself16:18
pavlushkaashabadi: আমি তারেক ভাই এর কথা বললাম, পি16:18
ashabadipavlushka: did he recieve that message??16:18
ashabaditareq:  its from setting > manage profile>new profile >appearance change the fonts as required16:19
Kilosah i never looked there yet16:19
ashabadithen apply & set the new profile as default16:19
tareqagain wifi disconnected16:19
ashabadiI'm practically lying over my router :P16:20
tareq2nd time rebooted16:20
pavlushkatareq: get an UTP/LAN cable and connect your PC with router.16:20
ashabadiwhat will happen to me??? I use my mobile hotspot as router :P :'(16:20
pavlushkaashabadi: lol16:21
tareqi have a desktop, ubuntu there16:21
ashabadibtw tareq pavlushka can you guys access grameenphone.com?16:21
pavlushkaashabadi: on it16:21
tareqi'm using broadband16:22
ashabadiI can't access since evening16:22
ashabadigetting connection error: connection refused on port 8016:22
ashabadiusing banglalink 3g16:22
tareqashabadi: why not broadband ?16:23
ashabadiold story tareq16:23
ashabadiI guess you forgot how much I bitched about fruadband16:23
pavlushkaashabadi: oh my, no, its not accessible ^16:24
ashabadiok pavlushka thanks for trying :)16:24
pavlushkabut I am using GP 3g right now, my backup plan is now my only plan as my ISP is down here in my City, :p16:25
ashabadithat's the issue with broadband connection in my locality too... too unreliable16:26
tareqashabadi: what happened to BLUA?16:26
ashabaditareq: did you change the font?16:26
ashabadiwhat setup you are using?16:26
tareqnoto mono 1016:26
pavlushkaashabadi: in my case, BTCL took down the service for issues with the ISP, :p16:27
pavlushkaashabadi: still there is a choice left, BTCL BB!!16:28
tareqBTCL :/16:28
tareqI had to wait many days to get Link3 in 200916:29
tareqnow using Amber IT16:30
tareqthey have ubuntu server16:30
pavlushkatareq: I know it is The BTCL.16:30
tareqLIFO days were great16:31
ashabadiwhat was my last message?16:31
ashabadiyes it was nice.. but I miss apro more16:31
tareqapro down i guess16:32
ashabadiit has been hidden16:32
pavlushkaashabadi: if you have a usb cable for your phone to connect to the PC, you can use USB tethering option, then, no need to do the hotspot thing.16:32
tareqprojonmo forum not good enough16:32
ashabadipavlushka: I have become too old to spend days/nights configuring staff16:33
ashabadiI am scared of how much twicking I would have to do to get my set recognized as phone modem16:33
pavlushkaashabadi: its just below the wifi hotspot option in the settings.16:34
ashabadiI meant in linux16:34
ashabadiI hate linux now16:34
ashabadiI'm pissed at linux16:34
ashabadithey have become such an annoyance now a days16:34
pavlushkaashabadi: you would not believe, both windows and Linux recognizes it automatically16:34
ashabadiok I will try some day16:35
ashabadinot today16:35
ashabaditoday is my relaxation day16:35
tareqashabadi: friday is holiday for you, not for me16:36
pavlushkaashabadi: just for the record, choosing that option will connect you automatically, you dont have to do any next, :p16:36
ashabaditareq: nope friday is not holiday for me...16:36
ashabadiits Family Work day16:36
pavlushkayes, its the reality, :p16:36
ashabadiI guess Saturday can be partially called my holiday16:37
ashabadiat least till 12pm16:37
tareqশাহরিয়ার তুমি বিয়ে করেছ ?16:37
pavlushkathank goodness, :p16:37
ashabaditareq: yup I guess I sent invitation to the mail group...16:37
ashabadithough only RJ & Alokito came16:38
pavlushkatareq: আমি বাংলা পড়তে পারি, পি16:38
tareqউপস, মিস করে গেছি16:38
ashabadiআমার মনে হয় একজন বাইরের মানুষ থাকতে বাংলা বলাটা উচিত না, মাইন্ড করতে পারে :P16:38
tareqoh sorry for that16:39
ashabadi#bangladesh চ্যানেলে জিগাইতে পারেন16:39
ashabadino issue tareq16:39
tareqwhat is the present status of BLUA?16:39
ashabaditareq I think my earlier message regarding BLUA was not conveyed16:40
ashabadiits dead because of inability to convert volunteers into leaders & delegating authority16:41
ashabadiif we revolve around RJ then surely it not grow16:41
ashabadiI think this is true for BDOSN BLUA BFOSS every group16:41
tareqlinux community is not growing16:42
ashabadievery group has now gotten into revolving around what leader is saying/doing16:42
tareqwe all are old guges16:42
ashabadilol became old too early16:42
ashabadiman I feel bad16:42
tareqfor being linux user/lover16:43
ashabadican you image how old is Kilos? yet he is active in linux community and I respect him for that16:43
ashabadiKilos please don't mind for bringing in your age..16:43
pavlushkaashabadi: me too, actually I love him for that.16:43
tareqwe have not met officially Kilos16:43
Kiloshaha np16:43
Kilospavlushka show them my wiki page16:44
Kilosthen they will se the old man16:44
tareqKilos: I'm tareq, from Bangladesh; using linux since 2008/0916:44
ashabadiI've already been there... :P16:44
ashabadithat's why was referring to your age16:44
pavlushkaIts https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kilos16:45
Kilostareq im Kils from south africa using ubuntu since 8.1016:45
Kilosso about the same time16:45
tareqKilos: those days were awesome, not much help around16:46
pavlushkame since 8.04, so I am older than Kilos , :p16:46
pavlushkalol@tareq: 16:46
Kiloslol i couldnt get 3g working on 8.0416:47
ashabadithe first version I used was Kubuntu 5.10 :P16:47
pavlushkaKilos: I did16:47
ashabadithough not for longinability16:47
pavlushkaashabadi: again, you win, :p16:47
Kilosin za we had plenty help back then, now everyone is very busy16:47
ashabadinope I used it in 2007 :P16:47
ashabadior end of 2006 I guess16:47
ashabadithen ditched16:48
tareqthat time fedora was known16:48
pavlushkaashabadi: that does not make you lose, you are still ahead. :(16:48
Kilosubuntu improves every release16:48
ashabadiback then documentation was poor & I have not found the local community yet16:48
Kilosbecomes more user friendly16:48
ashabaditareq: no only thing that was preveilant was Red Hat16:49
ashabadithat too for RHCE course16:49
tareqha ha16:49
pavlushkaKilos: yes, even the users are getting friendly, :p16:49
ashabadiKilos: I disagree..16:49
Kiloswhy ashabadi 16:49
ashabadiI was not this much frustrated with Kubuntu 15.10 & 16.04 than I was with 9.0416:50
tareqbest ubuntu was lucid lynx16:50
Kilosi have stayed on 14.04 because ubuntu is advancing fast16:50
ashabadithats a bad thing.. without polishing things the development is abandond & focus is shifted somewhere else16:51
tareqsome people are trying with mint16:51
ashabadiI guess some time down the line Mark's money will dry up behind canonical16:51
tareqmate, cinnamon16:51
ashabadiShipit gone.. ubuntu one gone..16:51
Kilosyeah things have changed16:52
ashabadikubuntu given to differnent team than canonical16:52
pavlushkaashabadi: I started Xubuntu from 16.04 alpha and still it has hell lot of issues, but I am working my way out, if that helps Xubuntu by any means.16:52
ashabadithat's good pavlushka16:52
pavlushkaashabadi: I am not frustrated, But I love Ubuntu-MATE secretly, dont tell nobody.16:53
Kiloseasier for me to stay with 14.04 until 16.04 has had many bugs sorted16:53
ashabadipavlushka: yes we were also was not frustrated once upon a time... we had fun troubleshooting nights after night in the dark googling & reading tutorial typing codes in black screen of terminal16:54
Kilosif you have uncapped you can play around16:54
ashabadibut our focus in life has changed16:54
ashabadinow we want a system that just works16:54
ashabadino trouble shooting16:54
pavlushkaashabadi: may be, btu in my case, I kept coming back, :p16:54
pavlushkaashabadi: then you should have used 14.04 release, not 15.10 or later yet.16:55
ashabadiI was using 14.04 then system update came16:56
ashabadiand my rock solid build crashed16:56
ashabadiwith all my data16:56
ashabadidont even know what hit me :P16:57
Kilosgo back to 14.0416:57
Kilosits supported till 201916:57
Kilosby then 16.04 will be stable16:57
Kilosill wait for 16.04.2 or 316:58
pavlushkaashabadi: some update broke my 14.04 ubuntu as well, it was initramfs-tools what did that, I was like crying.16:58
ashabadi14.04 server is supported till 201916:58
ashabadinot the desktop version16:58
ashabadiits already EOL16:58
pavlushkaashabadi: yes the Desktop version too.16:59
Kilosno man16:59
Kilosi still get updates daily16:59
ashabadiok great16:59
Kiloslts is for 5 years16:59
tareqthats great16:59
Kilosi go eat guys16:59
ashabadiearlier it desktop version had 2 years support & server version 517:00
tareqnow all 517:00
ashabadiok cool17:00
pavlushkaUbuntu, Kubuntu and Ubuntu-server has 5 year support.17:00
tareqdinner time buddies17:00
ashabadithat tells me how outdated I am :P17:00
ashabadiok Kilos tareq17:00
ashabadido want to hear what you had for dinner :)17:01
pavlushkame too hungry, yum yum eat, see ya guys, :p17:01
ashabadiI am not having dinner17:01
ashabadithe ramadan screws with my eating habit17:02
Kilosstew and rice17:22
Kilosand chilli /garlic sauce on top17:23
tareqnice one kilos17:28
Kilostummy nice and warm now17:28
ashabadigreat dinner17:30
Kiloshi Walrider 17:34
Walriderhi kamon asen17:34
Walriderhhow u doing 17:35
Kilosashabadi explain please17:35
Kilosim well ty and you 17:35
Walriderme too 17:35
Kilosi lieim full of flu17:35
Kilosmissed a space while coughing17:36
Walrideram slil bit sick today because of cold + hot mixed weather 17:36
Walridercaught cold 17:36
Kilosnot fun17:36
Walriderpain in my head also liquide trying to cmmoing out of nose etc etc u know how that feel 17:37
Walriderwith this situation i was in my exam hall 2-5 pm :|17:37
Kilosblow nose all the time till it hurts to blow17:37
ashabadigreat description of cold & headache Walrider, liked it :P17:38
Walridersemester final exam started today 17:38
Kilosaw thats not good when feeling sick17:38
WalriderD: thanku 17:38
Kilosgood luck with the exams17:38
WalriderReceived a CTCP VERSION from ashabadi < eta ki ?17:39
ashabadinothing checking your system/chat client version17:39
Walrider:D 17:39
Walriderusing hexa chat on win 7 17:40
Walrideras i m a gamer 17:40
Walriderkilos introduce ur self nro 17:41
ashabadiwell he is a cool kid from SA17:41
Kilosim an old man from south africa. kubuntu user by choice17:41
Kilosand member of the ubuntu membership board17:42
Walriderwow :O17:42
Walriderim shanto 17:42
Walridershanto islam imon 17:42
Kilossearching to get more people to become ubuntu members17:42
Walriderxubuntu and parrot user 17:42
Walriderparrot security Os 17:42
Kilosoh sorry my name is miles sharpe17:43
Walriderat this moment testing ubuntu mate 17:43
Walridernice to meet you sit miles 17:43
Walriderim shanto from bangladesh 17:43
Walridermale 24 dhaka city 17:43
Kilosand nice to meet you as well shanto17:43
Kilosmale 64 pretoria south africa17:44
Walridershanto islam (walrider) aka #octalhacker < (my game nick nothing else)17:44
Kilosmy son is 4017:44
Walriderwhere is his present location sir ?17:44
Kilosi enjoy making friends all over the world17:45
Walriderim lil bit weak in english as u can see sorry for this difficulties 17:45
Kilospretoria south africa17:45
Kilosno problem17:45
Walridernice 17:46
Kiloswe can use morse code as well i think17:46
Walriderim not familier with morse code and i dnt have the pluging installed to quike compile17:47
Kilosi think the bot works with morse17:47
Walridermaybe 17:47
KilosQA_ morse hello  how are you17:47
QA_Kilos: Encodes as .... . .-.. .-.. ---     .... --- .--   .- .-. .   -.-- --- ..-17:47
KilosQA_ morse .... . .-.. .-.. ---     .... --- .--   .- .-. .   -.-- --- ..-17:48
QA_Kilos: Decodes as HELLO    HOW  ARE  YOU17:48
Kilosi dont think pavel knows about that function yet17:49
Walrideroh i see 17:49
Walridernow i get it 17:49
Walriderbot used as compiler text printer 17:49
QA_Walrider: Sorry...17:49
Walriderok :S 17:49
ashabadiQA_:  tell QA_ you are lame17:49
QA_ashabadi: I can't deliver messages to myself17:49
KilosQA_ tell pavlushka the bot does morse code as well17:50
QA_Kilos: Righto, I'll tell pavlushka on freenode17:50
ashabadiQA_: tell QA_ you did not deliver message at the right time17:50
QA_ashabadi: I can't deliver messages to myself17:50
WalriderQA_ whats ur name ?17:50
QA_Walrider: Sorry...17:50
ashabadiand you deliver message even when I say I don't want to read the message now17:50
ashabadiQA_: help 17:51
QA_ashabadi: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.17:51
QA_Ask me "help me with ..." for more details.17:51
WalriderQA_ oi17:51
QA_Walrider: What?17:51
WalriderQA_ how old are u ?17:51
QA_Walrider: One learns a new thing every day17:51
WalriderQA_ lol :|17:51
QA_Walrider: Excuse me?17:51
WalriderQA_ reboot17:51
QA_Walrider: Huh?17:51
KilosQA_ is an ibid bot in ubuntu repos17:51
Walriderok 17:52
Kiloswritten in python 2 and now needs upgrading to python 317:52
tareqI have found an old mail from ashabadi, a non-tech presentation :P17:52
WalriderQA_ morse 12312312317:53
QA_Walrider: Encodes as .---- ..--- ...-- .---- ..--- ...-- .---- ..--- ...--17:53
ashabadido share...17:53
ashabadiI think the background was white...17:53
Walriderhmm finally im ubuntu bangladesh loco group member ?17:53
ashabadionly 4/5 page17:53
Walriderany one familiar with that ?17:53
ashabadinever heard of it17:54
ashabadiwhat is that?17:54
ashabadido they give away new locomotive?17:54
Kilosashabadi havent you joined17:54
pavlushkaQA_: help me with silly fun stuff17:54
QA_pavlushka: I use the following features for silly fun stuff: bash, choose, coffee, duel, dvorak, fml, fortune, insult, mlia, morse, nickometer, random, redirect, rot13, saydo, tfln and werewolf17:54
QA_Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details.17:54
QA_pavlushka: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell pavlushka the bot does morse code as well" 4 minutes and 45 seconds ago17:54
Kilosashabadi join here as well http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bd17:56
Walrideryea 17:56
Walriderthats it 17:56
pavlushkaQA_: thanks for delivering the message, :)17:56
QA_no problem, pavlushka17:56
Walrideri was serching for this link on launchpad17:56
pavlushkaKilos: ashabadi is an admin there, :p17:56
Kilosits in the topic bar at the top17:57
Walrider:O 17:57
Kilosyay we getting the admins17:57
ashabadino no I'm no admin... I have been framed17:57
Walrideryou will see shanto islam on that page member list 17:57
* pavlushka rolling on the ground laughing17:57
Walridernow a days im providing iso and written disk ubuntu / linux and kali iso for free 17:58
Kiloswell done Walrider 17:58
Walrider5-6 days ago i'hv sent 2 dvd's 17:58
ashabadigreat Walrider17:58
Kilosinvite everyone to join us here17:58
Walriderwith ubuntu xubuntu kali and ubuntu xenial 17:58
Walriderthanks sir 17:58
pavlushkaWalrider: wow17:59
ashabadiWalrider: if possible do send them with a short guide on how to install/configure17:59
ashabadithat would be great help I think17:59
Walriderofcourse 17:59
Kilosand how to get to irc17:59
ashabadiKilos: :P17:59
Kilosbest place to help newcomers17:59
Walrideri have writtent a pdf describing how to install and run linux live by putting iso in usb using rufus and more about grub dual boot 17:59
Walrider1 page pdf 18:00
tareqWalrider: great work18:00
Kiloshave a look at systemback18:00
ashabadithanks tareq for sharing18:00
tareqthat was my passion once, writing these18:00
Kilosyou can make iso's of working updated systems18:00
Walridermy collection: http://prntscr.com/bh7iew18:01
ashabadiI think if I can remember I hastly made that note in 2/3 hours time to give to you or someone else on email18:01
ashabadieven made my first presentation with this slides :P18:02
Kilosi like to hear about guys spreading ubuntu18:02
tareqI convince my students to get used to in linux life18:02
Kilospavlushka we have more here today hey18:02
Walriderthanks :) 18:02
Walrideri will learn py 18:02
Walriderand will work as software and some game dev 18:03
pavlushkaKilos: now I can rest in peace, :p18:03
ashabadipavlushka: :P18:03
Kilosnono pavlushka i can, you have to fill the channel18:03
tareqenjoying irc after many days, thanks all18:04
Kilosnice to have you here18:04
Walrideri see windows users get 60fps in a game same config same type os but linux users getting reduced fps  thats why i am thinking about it sir kilos 18:04
tareqonly ashabadi was known to me here18:04
Walriderthanks 18:04
tareqthanks Kilos18:04
pavlushkaNo Kilos , Its your Job, You are the IRC Guy, You have to be there for everyone, :)18:04
Kiloslinux is a bit behind in gaming18:05
tareqi have a list of softwares18:05
Kilosthere is a world of broken locos that need fixing18:05
pavlushkaI play King of Fighters in my Xubuntu, Robert Ryu, Kio, :p18:05
Walridersteam have given the opportunity to play call of duty on linux as known steamos <318:05
Walriderthere is a bunch of game in steam market place 18:06
tareqCST Microwave Studio, Optisystem -- I need linux version of these 18:06
Walriderthat u can play any where 18:06
Walridercross platform i ment 18:06
tareqI'm not a gamer anymore, don't have enough time18:06
Walrideri understand 18:06
Walriderjust saying18:06
Kilosi dont have time for gaming18:06
Walriderjust saying sir18:06
Kiloscall me kilos18:07
Kilossir died18:07
pavlushkame neither, I just play for the players, they feel lonely, :p18:07
Walrideras u wish 18:07
Kilosim one of the guys18:07
Kilosask pavlushka 18:07
Kiloswe are all friends18:08
pavlushkayo Kilos ! whassup?18:08
Kilosyou watch too many yank movies18:08
Walriderpavlu watch some dabbe ;) 18:08
Walriderdabbe cin carpmaci :3 18:09
KilosWalrider when you type a nick name type first three letters and hit tab18:09
Kilosauto complete18:09
Walridernot working on windows http://prntscr.com/bh7n4d18:10
pavlushkaKilos: unfortunately these are my nick derivatives for twitter and some other, I dont know how g=he get that, :p18:10
Kilosoh my18:11
Kilosi thought all irc worked like that18:11
Walriderashabadi bhai 18:12
pavlushkaMy windows ver of Hexchat works fine with tab.18:12
pavlushkathough I dont work with windows18:13
Kilosit should yes18:13
ashabadilol this page is still available? https://web.facebook.com/bdlinux/photos/a.10150101017496163.314454.29050026162/10150101018256163/?type=3&comment_id=10154078513026163&ref=notif&notif_t=photo_reply&notif_id=146498167137139418:13
Walriderase to dekha jay :D18:13
Walriderparty place location ?18:14
Walriderkothay eta ?18:14
ashabadicheck the date18:14
ashabadiits ancient history18:14
Walrider2010 :#18:14
ashabadiback then we had meeting/party every first friday18:14
ashabaditareq: was asking about BLUA so checked it out18:15
Walriderbhai apne launchpad ubuntubd er admin ? :O18:15
ashabadibanai rakshe ami keu na18:15
Walridernice 18:15
Walriderami walrider join korsilam oikhane 18:16
Walriderpgp key tey lagaya 18:16
ashabadiI know18:16
Walriderhttp://www.linux.org.bd/ ta down search korte korte launchpad paisilam 18:16
Walrideram i allowed to change key ? as i changed OS 18:17
Walriderpgp 18:17
ashabadiwhat did I miss?18:21
Walriderwcback 18:22
Walrideram i allowed to change key ? as i changed OS ?18:22
ashabadiI can't see why you can't change pgp key18:22
Walriderwc back ashabadi bhai 18:22
Kilosi think one can have many keys18:22
Walriderjust asking 18:23
Walriderok 18:23
Walriderjantam na bhai tai ask korsi 18:23
pavlushkathanks Walrider !18:23
Kilosi have 2  i think from changing pcs18:23
pavlushkaWalrider: Its good, keep asking, :p18:23
ashabadiI also don't know brother... try and let me know18:23
Walriderbanlgalink modem use koren ashabadi bhai 18:23
pavlushkaWalrider: yes you can change key, but after that what I dont know.18:24
ashabadino banglalink 3g being hotspot18:24
Walriderho oitai to 18:24
ashabadimodem is one thing and using hotspot from walton mobile is another ;) that's why said no18:24
Walridertatibazar 18:24
Walridergmm 18:24
Walrider:D 18:25
Walriderbujhsi mia :D 18:25
pavlushkaashabadi: I like Walton.18:25
Walrideri have a primo F618:25
Walriderwith shitty battry 18:25
ashabadiI love walton18:26
ashabadiI want to be brand ambassador of walton instead of Ubuntu18:26
Walrider6510 mha :|18:26
ashabadiI have given up on the hope to receive a free ubuntu phone18:26
Walriderkan pathabe na apner kase ?18:27
pavlushkaashabadi: I was thinking of writing love instead of like but something kept me back18:27
ashabadiI guess if I pamper Kilos enough he will gift 1 to pavlushka and then I can snatch it from him18:27
Kiloshahahaha i cant even get one for me18:27
ashabadiWalrider: ken pathabe?18:27
Walriderna oije bollen asha bad disen e jonno bollam 18:29
Walridergota make some tea 18:30
ashabadiwelcome back AudaciousTUX18:30
pavlushkaWalrider: অনেক request কইবা আপনি আপনার মডেলের জন্য porting feature enable করাইতে পারেন, এর চেয়ে বেশি না18:30
ashabadiWalrider: you should get by nick name18:30
ashabadiI always baad asha18:30
Walrideri dnt know the command please 18:31
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: heya Tanjim!18:31
ashabadipavlushka: I was actually thinking of buying original ubuntu phone18:32
AudaciousTUXi was thinking buying odroid xu418:32
pavlushkaashabadi: I got that , I was telling Walrider 18:32
AudaciousTUXor banana pro m318:32
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: keep thinking, :p18:32
AudaciousTUXnot gonna buy ubuntu phone ever :v18:33
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: no one is begging you, :p18:33
Walrideri think in future kali will release phone like watchdog with all tools for hacking lol xD :D18:33
=== Guest32901 is now known as Rezwan
pavlushkathere is a huge possibility18:34
Kiloshi Rezwan 18:35
pavlushkaHello Mr Rezwan !18:35
Walrideringame player can hack traffic light and do other staff with security cam and many more18:35
Walriderye 18:35
Rezwanhello Kilos18:35
Rezwanhello Mr. pavlushka !18:35
Walriderwc  18:35
* pavlushka laughs18:35
Walridermatha betha kortase 18:36
pavlushkaWalrider: কন তো মাথার নিচ থেকে টিপা শুরু করি?18:36
Walriderare nah ki je bolen :>18:38
=== QA_ is now known as QA
WalriderQA_ ,,,18:39
QAWalrider: What?18:39
ashabadiodd that can't find Ubuntu touch phone on amazon18:39
KilosQA wb18:39
QAThank you so much Kilos my good friend18:39
WalriderQA_morse tumi ki asholei mara geso ? 18:39
KilosQA just dropped her tail18:39
QAKilos: Sorry...18:39
WalriderQA_ morse tumi ki asholei mara geso ? 18:39
QAWalrider: Encodes as - ..- -- ..   -.- ..   .- ... .... --- .-.. . ..   -- .- .-. .-   --. . ... ---   ..--..   18:39
Walriderdot dash 18:40
Walriderlike binary 18:40
pavlushkaWalrider: you just morse code18:40
pavlushkaWalrider: you just told QA to convert that into morse code,:p18:41
Walriderreminds of interstellar movie :D18:41
Walriderho bhai 18:41
pavlushkaWalrider: apni mosen.18:41
Walriderjani command ta 18:41
tareqRezwan bhai, is it you?18:41
Walriderhoe ami mosbone shomessha nai :|18:41
Rezwantareq, ermm.... are you the teacher Tareq bhai?18:42
tareqyes, I'm18:42
RezwanOK :)18:42
pavlushkaI think no one here is anyone else, :p18:42
Walriderrhct lubotu2 jediking2 era kara 18:44
Rezwantwo of them are bots18:45
Walrideroko :|18:45
pavlushkaWalrider: rhct is from Pakistan18:45
Walrideroh 18:45
pavlushkaand Researcher- 18:45
Walrideroh 18:45
Walriderpavel bhai 18:45
pavlushkaWalrider: you will see them in #ubuntu-pk as well.18:45
Walriderneed suggession 18:46
Walriderwindows xp er equivalent akta distro er nam kon :|18:46
Walriderlinux dist 18:46
Kilosi go sleep now guys. you all have a good time and keep visiting here18:46
Kiloswas nice to have so many here18:47
Walridergood night 18:47
Walriderhave e sound sleep 18:47
ashabadiWalrider: cinxp18:47
Kilosty all of you as well18:47
ashabadiKilos: good night18:47
pavlushkaI am almost an core linux/ubuntu user, didn't looked for windows alternative but once, that was Linuxmint I guess.18:47
pavlushkaKilos: Night, sleep tight.18:48
RezwanWalrider, are you looking for a linux distro to run on a low spec computer?18:48
ashabadiI think there was another zorin os18:48
Walrideryes 18:48
RezwanGo for Lubuntu18:48
ashabadiand few paid version18:48
Walrider1.6 Ghz dual core 18:48
WalriderMSI CS43018:48
Walriderlubuntu faltu lage bai trust me 18:48
WalriderMSI CR43018:48
RezwanI've been using Lubuntu since 2011 on my 10" atom processor netbook18:49
pavlushkaWalrider: Ubuntu-MATE is light and Ubuntu-gnome, and may be Xubuntu but Xubuntu has some issues18:49
Walridergnome beshi resource use kore i have changed from gnome to mate yesterday 3 am 18:49
pavlushkaall this flavors I use with my celeron 540M 1.86 ghz, 2GB ram lappy18:50
Walriderhm 18:50
Walrideramon akkhan laptop amar amd64 dileo RAM lock hoia thake :|18:51
Walrider4gb ddr3 lagano ase but usable 1.6GB :(O18:51
Walriderlinx + win same issue 18:51
Walrideri have updated bios 18:51
Walriderbut no improvement 18:52
pavlushkaWalrider: ask this issue in #ubuntu, you will get some help for sure.18:52
pavlushkathey solved some peculiar problem of mine, :p18:53
Walrider#ubuntu:  Synalicious has quit (Remote host closed the connection)18:56
Walriderlol :|18:56
AudaciousTUXhei rezwan vai18:57
pavlushkaWalrider: not like this, just mention your problem there once and wait, some who can help will knock you.18:57
pavlushkaWalrider: the problem, not "I need help please"18:58
pavlushkaWalrider: all in one line, dont repeat18:58
pavlushkaWalrider: be specific18:59
RezwanAudaciousTUX, hello! do I know you?19:00
Walridercommand akta paisi 19:00
pavlushkaok, Walrider : like "I have Ubuntu-MATE 16.04 installed with 4GB RAM , msi cs430 board laptop, but the system cant use more than 1.6 GB of RAM "19:01
AudaciousTUXyah... u know me :319:02
Walridercommand dise akta 19:02
AudaciousTUXrezwan: i'm tanjim19:02
Walrideraktu pore ran korbo 19:02
RezwanAudaciousTUX, এইরকম উৎকট নিক নিলা কেন?19:02
AudaciousTUXtux boy aniruddha vai niya niche.... tai nickname paitechilam na :'( @rezwan19:03
tareqgood night guys19:17
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: what kind of problem you are having in wordpress? just curious.19:30
pavlushkaHey its ashabadi_ again, :)19:30
AudaciousTUXlooking for a plugin19:45
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: name it.19:51
walriderho thik ase ebar bangla show kore 19:55
walriderhay re win7 :|19:55
AudaciousTUXdunno the name :319:55
AudaciousTUX. i need to find a plugin that can group a bunch of post.... for example: i have created 3 posts to summerize all information about installing linux.... then i want to group that 3 posts into one... in http://www.techtunes.com.bd/  search for "নতুন পর্বের চেইন টিউন".... they named the groups as "chain tune" 19:55
AudaciousTUXcopy pasted19:55
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: have you posted it anywhere else?19:59
pavlushkawalrider: why win 7?20:00
AudaciousTUXon #wordpress20:01
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: and?20:02
pavlushkawhat they said?20:02
walriderami dualboot user bro20:04
pavlushkawalrider: ami pentaboot, ^^20:05
AudaciousTUXthey said to use native category option -_- bullshit.... grr.... :3 20:05
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: May Allah help you, I really mean it.20:06
walrider কাঁদেনক্যান20:07
walrider  বাই20:07
AudaciousTUXoitar jonne onek kisu atkai ache :320:08
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: come on, you might solve it by yourself20:08
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: That's what happened in my most cases, :p20:08
pavlushkawalrider: bye20:09
AudaciousTUXyah... have to make my own solution :320:09
walriderbhua comand disi kaj hoy nai kono 20:09
walriderbhai 20:09
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: night night, :)20:09
walrideroi command disi 20:09
AudaciousTUXgood night... have a sweet nightmare :v20:10
pavlushkawalrider: you didn't get it, it will report the details to termbin.com from where Eric^^ can look into it.20:11
walrideroh assa :S 20:11
walriderato jotil bepar separ 20:11
pavlushkawalrider: go tell Eric^^ that "you did what they asked and now what"20:12
pavlushkaHey AudaciousTUX , why dont you post the issue to some forum like ubuntuforum or askubuntu?20:16
AudaciousTUXmy reputation too low... can't post in askubuntu :320:19
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: obviously you can, you got it wrong.20:20
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: give me your link20:21
AudaciousTUXwait... maybe  i can.... not sure... have to check tomorrow20:22
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: of course you can, its the main way to grow reputation, if you cant then how you can grow your rep? think logically.20:23
pavlushkaI mean if you cant post then how can you grow your rep?20:23
AudaciousTUXyah.... that's why i'm confused... but my question is not related to askubuntu.... have to ask this in stackoverflow20:24
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: yes you can ask in askubuntu, its the general forum, stackoverflaw is for programming.20:25
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0f25ydana3, you see the "Ask Question" on the upper right corner of the page?20:34
Rezwanguys, where to ask for medical problems?20:35
AudaciousTUXmy problem is all about web dev and wordpress20:36
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: thats no problem, will not disqualify you asking the issue there.20:38
pavlushkaRezwan: ask QA20:39
RezwanWho is QA ?20:39
pavlushkaQA help20:39
QApavlushka: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.20:39
QAAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.20:39
pavlushkaQA help me with browsing the internet20:40
QApavlushka: I use the following features for browsing the internet: bash, bible, fml, google, imdb, lastfm, lotto, microblog, mlia, oeis, rfc, tfln, tinyurl, translate, tvshow, weather and youtube20:40
QAAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.20:40
pavlushkaQA how do I use google20:40
QApavlushka: Retrieves results from Google and Google Calculator. You can use it like this:20:40
QA  google[.<tld>] [for] <term>20:40
QA  googlefight [for] <term> and <term>20:40
QA  gcalc <expression>20:40
QA  gdefine <term>20:40
RezwanLOL who brought this bot here?20:40
pavlushkaRezwan: Its Kilos' bot20:41
pavlushkaQA google medical problems20:41
QApavlushka: That didn't go down very well. Burp.20:41
pavlushkagoogle medical problem20:41
pavlushkaQA google20:42
QApavlushka: *blink*20:42
pavlushkaQA Google medical problems20:47
QApavlushka: That didn't seem to agree with me20:47
pavlushkalooks like QA's googling part is broken, no problem, will be fixed.20:48
RezwanWho fixes her?20:49
pavlushkaKilos can tell you better20:50
pavlushkanight guys21:05

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