
jbicharobert_ancell: good morning, do you have time today to look at sponsoring bug 1588913 or bug 1588938 ?00:42
ubot5bug 1588913 in gnome-documents (Ubuntu Xenial) "SRU: New upstream release (3.18.3)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158891300:42
ubot5bug 1588938 in gnome-taquin (Ubuntu) "[UIFE] Replace gnome-taquin 3.18 CC-BY-SA 2.0 images" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158893800:42
robert_ancelljbicha, LGTM01:15
robert_ancelljbicha, uploaded01:29
jbicharobert_ancell: thanks! I think people have been pretty busy lately because the sponsoring queue had been filling up01:39
robert_ancelljbicha, always :) But always willing to respond to a direct request01:40
TheMusoHey hikiko.05:22
hikikoHi TheMuso05:23
hikikoHow are you ?05:23
TheMusohikiko: Not too bad thanks. Yourself?05:38
hikikoI'm fine, thanks05:39
seb128good morning desktopers06:17
pittibonjour seb128 !06:22
hikikohi seb128 pitti06:23
hikikohi qengho_06:27
hikiko02:27 am?06:27
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seb128hey pitti hikiko qengho06:28
qenghoI'm out-of-phase a bit. :)06:28
seb128pitti, still enjoying Greece?06:29
hikikoare you in greece pitti ?06:29
pittiyes, kernel/foundations/security sprint in Athens06:29
pittiI'm enjoying the sun during the morning run and on the roof terrace in the evening06:29
hikikooh, I thought you came for holidays...06:29
pittiotherwise, haven't seen much yet06:29
pittibut I have the Saturday for some tourism06:30
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Laney ahoy08:03
LaneyI was like "yay it's friday"08:04
Laneybut then the inconvenient truth came along08:04
didrocks#fail :)08:04
Laneyand slapped me upside the head08:04
seb128hey Laney!08:04
* Laney holds didrocks 08:04
Laneywe're going to be okay08:04
Laneyhi seb128!08:04
Laneyhow's it going?08:05
LaneySo Wet08:06
seb128weather turned good yesterday evening, had fun at tennis it was quite sunny from 7pm to 8:30pm08:06
seb128too much sun at some point, couldn't see the ball well, but I'm not going to complain!08:06
seb128it's still ok this morning but they forecast rain again from this afternoon/evening until sunday :-/08:07
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Laneythere was some flooding down the road from here yesterday08:07
sarnoldwow :/08:22
Laneyand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUAaLheUI-I&feature=youtu.be08:24
Laneythat's the way I go to get to the climbing centre08:24
Laneygood job yesterday was a day off :-)08:24
Laneylooks like someone fixed tkamppeter's problem for him https://launchpadlibrarian.net/265683650/krb5_1.14.2+dfsg-1_1.14.2+dfsg-1ubuntu1.diff.gz08:26
seb128thanks Steve!08:37
willcookeLaney, seb128 - further to the email I just sent, I've put a meeting in the calendar for tomorrow on spec. Let me know if it doesnt work08:39
seb128willcooke, I was just going to reply, I can make it work, I usually meet people for lunch from 12 to 13 but I can skip tomorrow08:39
willcookeseb128, we can probably get it finished by 12 if that helps?08:41
willcookeI have a thing at my kids school until 11 (your time) - so we could start at say 11:15 for 30 mins?08:41
seb128I can be a bit late to lunch08:42
seb128I mean if we go over the half an hour08:42
seb128it's not a strong commitement08:42
seb128but yeah, starting a bit earlier is nicer08:42
seb128deal for 9:15utc?08:42
Laneyk, what evssssssssssssssssssss, i'm easy08:43
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hikikoseb128, ping :) I have another ppa problem... when I upload my packages to my ppa unity fails to build for amd64 and compiz fails for both i386 and amd64 and I don't understand the problem from the buildlog... would you like to get a look when you have a moment?09:02
seb128hikiko, sorry, what ppa/can you share the logs url?09:02
hikikothe ppa09:03
hikikoand the logs:09:03
hikikohttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/265701977/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.unity_7.5.0+16.10.20160606.1-0ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz unity on amd6409:03
hikikohttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/265713158/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.compiz_1%3A0.9.12.2+16.10.20160606.2-0ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz compiz on amd6409:03
hikikohttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/265713412/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-i386.compiz_1%3A0.9.12.2+16.10.20160606.2-0ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz compiz on i38609:04
hikikoit's that ppa I am trying to create...09:04
hikikoalso here are the steps I followed:09:04
seb128hikiko, seems like bugs in the package for compiz09:06
seb128and in tests (maybe flacky/needs retries?) for unity09:06
seb128Trevinho might know better/be able to help you09:06
seb128Trevinho, hey!09:06
hikikohi Trevinho09:07
Trevinhohi hikiko09:22
Trevinhoseb128, hikiko: there should a branch from muktupavels who fixed some tests09:22
Trevinhoit has not merged though since it wasn't running in some archs09:23
hikikoI might disable all the tests for that ppa then09:23
hikikosince it's not official09:24
seb128Sweet5hark, if you don't touch anything, just go to prime,strip there and then "snapcraft prime" you should get a new snap without having to rebuild09:28
Sweet5harkseb128: backing up /snap right now.09:30
seb128Sweet5hark, k, let me know how that goes/if it works09:43
Sweet5harkseb128: still running, but looking good: usr/local/lib/libreoffice/program did shrink to 1/4th pre-squashing.09:45
Trevinhohikiko: yeah, just use cmake flags properly in that case09:48
muktupavelsTrevinho: I did not fix tests...09:52
muktupavelsdo you have time to review my merge proposals?09:52
hikikoi did fix a test09:52
hikikobut that was merged09:52
Sweet5harkseb128, willcooke: -rw-r--r-- 1 bjoern bjoern  287M Jun 16 11:50 libreoffice_5.2.0.0.beta2_amd64.snap09:55
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willcookeSweet5hark, is that the final size?10:28
willcookelike, it's done building10:28
Sweet5harkwillcooke: yes, final size.10:29
willcookeSweet5hark, O_o10:29
willcookeSweet5hark, nicely done sir!10:29
Sweet5harkwillcooke: note for a real release we still need l10n. So with that we will end up at ~500MB without symbols.10:30
willcookeSweet5hark, ack10:30
* Sweet5hark currently writes blogpost.10:30
dpm_Sweet5hark, good work!10:30
dpm_Sweet5hark, quick question: do translations work, though?10:30
dpm_I know they don't work in other snaps, but the LO one might be different10:30
dpm_so if they do not work, it might be worth leaving them out until we get snaps to support them10:31
Sweet5harkwillcooke: https://skyfromme.wordpress.com/2016/06/16/a-third-of-a-libreoffice-snap/ <- blogpost with details, will show up on libreoffice.org/planet.documentfoundation.org soon.10:43
dpm_nice work Sweet5hark10:45
willcookethank you Sweet5hark10:45
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Sweet5harkdpm_: in general translations should work. Currently the build with l10n loops in snapcraft -- weird, dunno why. So no l10n included for now.11:11
Sweet5harkdpm_: expect 100 l10ns to add around 200MBs still.11:11
Sweet5harkdpm_: or half to double that.11:12
dpm_gotcha, thanks!11:13
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seb128Sweet5hark, well done11:39
mhall119willcooke: ping, I've dug a bit more into the LO snap and there is something strange going on12:23
willcookemhall119, the new one or the old one?12:24
tsdgeosis there anyone we can tell at google about google-talkplugin_5.41.3.0-1_amd64.deb checksum being broken?12:24
mhall119willcooke: libreoffice_5.2.0.0.beta1-hotfix1_amd64.snap12:24
mhall119is there a newer one?12:24
willcookemhall119, https://skyfromme.wordpress.com/2016/06/14/libreoffice-5-2-0-beta2-as-a-snap-package/12:25
mhall119downloading now12:26
willcooketsdgeos, I don't know anyone.  Maybe qengho?12:26
mhall119well that's much smaller, isn'tit12:26
mhall119debug symbols, is that why it had 600MB+ .so files?12:27
willcookemhall119, ya12:28
mhall119willcooke: it looks like the snap include LibreOffice SDK, is that working?12:42
mhall119willcooke: the snap still contains ./home/bjoern/ which looks to have some recursion going on, not sure if there's more fat to trim off there or just cleanup12:51
willcookemhall119 -> Sweet5hark12:51
mhall119it looks to contain a copy of usr/ in there12:55
mhall119some of it anyway12:56
mhall119du -sh ./home12:56
Sweet5harkmhall119: the sdk is included, not tested (its a pain to test it)12:56
Sweet5harkmhall119: urgh, ./home. yeah. thats https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapcraft/+bug/1592873 for you12:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 1592873 in snapcraft (Ubuntu) "snapcraft packs full paths to the build location" [Undecided,New]12:58
Sweet5harkI manually deleted the added paths each time so far, but not after rerunning snapcraft after stripping.12:59
Sweet5harkmhall119: note though, while it is ugly, its likely not using extra space as the files there are duplicates of the ones in ./usr/local and squashfs should thus compress them down to ~nothing.13:01
mhall119Sweet5hark: ack13:01
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mhall119Sweet5hark: were you able to fix the problem with the window menu not appearing on other distros?13:02
Sweet5harkmhall119: not aware of that.13:04
Sweet5harkmhall119: And if I fixed it, I would still wait 6 hours for the rebuild.13:05
Sweet5harkmhall119: speaking of menus though, it sounds like it might be a gmenumodel/dbus/unity thing? IOW we build with support for exporting menus via dbus in snapcraft, but other distros are ... different.13:06
mhall119Sweet5hark: but it should only do that on Unity, not other DEs, even on Ubuntu13:08
mhall119it appears to be trying to do it regardless of DE (at least from the comments I've seen about it)13:08
Sweet5harkmhall119: well, reminder we are running a _beta_ using an _experimental_ gtk3 backend right now. speaking of which, Im surprised that the dbus-menus work in gtk3 at all.13:10
mhall119Sweet5hark: I understand that, which is why I'm asking about bugs rather than comlaining :)13:11
Laneyattente: "This example is not really production quality" ????13:57
seb128Laney, what example?14:00
attenteLaney: that's the description that comes back from snapd, ev already knows about it14:37
LaneyI know14:37
Laneyare you sure you want to upload with this as a featured app?14:37
Laneyis it going to be fixed soon?14:37
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attentelet's wait to see what he says14:40
attentesnapd also isn't giving us the correct icons for those featured snaps either14:41
Laneycan if you want14:41
Laneybut it doesn't look very great14:41
seb128it's down to on much we are asked to get that change in14:41
seb128willcooke, ^ do you know?14:41
willcookeI don't, that requirement passed me by.  I'll find out though14:42
Laneyattente: this gs_plugin_add_popular looks shady15:39
Laneyin snappy15:39
Laneywhat is it doing?15:39
attentemanually adding those curated snaps, but since there are fewer than 7, populating the last three or so with other apps from the other backends15:40
attenteotherwise the randomization will most likely not show those few curated snaps15:40
attenteat some point for the next sru we have to read the list from an xml file online15:41
Laneyyou're supposed to just add to the list and let g-s choose which ones to show15:42
Laneyis it some kind of requirement to promote the snaps?15:42
Laneymost of them come from actual popular apps according to ubuntu reviews15:43
seb128Laney, yes, I think there was requirement to promote snaps15:45
Laneythis is weird though15:45
seb128weird like?15:46
Laneyin order to promote 4 snaps we remove every single popular app from the archive15:46
Laneyother than 3 random ones15:46
seb128we for sure don't remove anything from the archive15:46
Laneyparse it differently15:46
seb128rigtht, just making it clear for people lurking here15:46
seb128I didn't look at the actual patch15:46
seb128I would expect the 3 other picks to still be in the most popular ones15:47
Laneycurrently the picks are things that ubuntu reviews has at ≥ 4 stars15:47
seb128but I guess that's not what the code does?15:47
Laneythe remaining 3 will still be popular by that definition15:47
Laneybut it will always only be 3 things15:47
seb128well, that's what we have been asked to do15:47
Laneyand the other 4 will *always* be the same 4 snaps15:47
seb128also it's temporary until there are most snaps a xml we can consume15:47
seb128then things are going to not always be the same15:48
seb128but yeah, it's basically what I was pinging willcooke about15:48
seb128knowing how much that change is a strong requirement15:48
LaneyI think it's a buggy requirement15:48
seb128e.g if we can delay it to next round15:48
seb128right, I agree with that15:49
Laneyeven if the XML exists15:49
Laneypromoting something just because it is delivered in a particular way is weird15:49
Laneysame with the big banner featured app too15:50
Laneythe code deletes all the other ones so it's always going to be this shout thing15:50
seb128how is the big banner decided?15:50
seb128I'm a bit less sure than you on the "it's wrong to promote new things"15:52
Laneyyou can put them in the list15:52
Laneyso they get the same chance as everything else15:52
seb128depends on how much you want to promote them :p15:52
LaneyIt's not that interesting to users how it gets delivered15:54
Laneythe exception being if you have the same thing delivered in two different ways15:55
Laneythen you might want to show the one you think is best15:55
LaneyI have to go to a vote remain debate(!!!!)15:58
* Laney stayed late yesterday to go early15:58
Laneybut I pushed gnome-software to bzr, so if you think it's good15:58
Laneythen upload15:58
Laneythe description and icons can be fixed on the server as far as I know so if those are the only problems then they don't require any more code changes15:58
LaneyI would upload to y and then add a backport entry for the SRU with ~ubuntu16.04.1 or something15:59
Laneythe package will be the same15:59
seb128Laney, enjoy the debate16:00
seb128I read in the news that some remain campain woman got shoot16:00
seb128and that they suspended the campain?16:00
Laneyyeah i heard something about that16:01
seb128Laney, let's see what willcooke says about the snaps recommends, but I agree on principle that it's wrong to promote them if they don't bring value, but you could argue than if confined the snap env brings value (more secure)16:01
seb128Laney, bye16:01
jbichasnaps are kinda experimental right now to be promoting them heavily to LTS users16:02
seb128jbicha, what makes you think they are experimental?16:03
seb128snapd was released as part of the LTS on the iso16:03
seb128with a proper stable version16:03
jbichathey are under heavry development, look at the changelog for snapd alone since 16.04 was final16:07
seb128doesn't mean they are experimental or unstable16:08
seb128they just lack features16:08
jbicha...compared to the .debs also available in the Software app16:08
seb128right, nobody is removing the debs16:09
seb128but yeah I agree it's a bit early to promote them to LTS users16:10
seb128well at least for desktop apps16:10
seb128but they picked only things that work well16:11
seb128so why not16:11
jbichaok, I haven't looked at snaps much to have any more specific issues to report, I was just piggybacking off Laney's skepticism16:13
jbichaand obviously snaps will continue improving16:14
seb128thank you for the feedback :-)16:16
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jbichaI guess it does say "Editor's Picks"16:31
jbichahere's a specific issue: the Cassandra database is featured but I don't believe it has a .desktop file16:32
jbichaand thus isn't something the Software app is designed to show16:32
seb128you mean?16:34
seb128the snap backend should be able to display the info page for any snap16:34
seb128that just looks poor atm16:34
jbichathe Software app intentionally excludes things that aren't "apps"16:34
seb128backends decide what are apps though16:35
seb128like the snap backend could flag any snap as one?16:35
jbichasame thing for Jenkins16:35
jbichaI mean you've got bugs like bug 1553211 which are closed more or less as WONTFIX where users are complaining that16:38
ubot5bug 1553211 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "gnome-software does not treat recommends and suggests as plugins to applications | impossible to install "technical" packages (plugins, kernels...) | Ubuntu desktop no longer provide graphical method to install non-GUI software components" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155321116:38
jbichaSoftware only allows installing or uninstalling a portion of Ubuntu's packages16:38
jbichaso it's inconsistent that snaps aren't being filtered the same way16:39
jbichaI'll just file a bug then :)16:41
jbichaoh wow, I'm still on snapd 2.0.2 since newer versions are stuck in y-proposed16:44
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seb128attente, Laney, let's roll the snap picks/featured changes out of that SRU while it's still be discussed, ok?17:12
seb128willcooke, ^17:13
attenteseb128: ok17:13
attentewillcooke: should we also roll back the snap name/summary change for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/155556917:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1555569 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "[snaps] Show human-readable names for store apps" [Medium,Triaged]17:14
willcooke*I* think so17:14
willcookeI think "Jenkins" vs "Jenkins automation ser.." is better17:14
willcookeand I think we should pause that until the store guys have their fix in17:15
attentefor one-word snaps like jenkins, sure, but for something like the calculator snap, you'd get "ubuntu-calculator-app"17:16
attentestill would rather roll that back though17:16
seb128have a nice evening desktopers18:00
willcookecheers seb12818:06
davidcallewillcooke: so, do you take work items here instead? :)18:44
willcookedamn it davidcalle, I told you not to call me at work18:44
seb128those frenchies, no manners18:47
willcookeI thought you'd finished for the day seb128!?!18:48
willcookemy snap works!18:48
seb128yeah, just hanging around watching the news with the laptop, waiting for dinner to be ready18:48
seb128which it just is18:48
seb128well done for the snap18:49
willcookenight all20:05

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