
OvenWerk1Anyone know if flowblade is any good02:21
sakrecoerOvenWerk1: no, but by the looks of it, i'd say its somewhere in between pitivi and kdenlive..13:52
OvenWerk1Has anyone else noticed that cpu governor setting in 16.04 is changed?14:38
OvenWerk1the path /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/ no longer exists.14:41
sakrecoerOvenWerk1: i have that path 14:42
sakrecoerassuming that by cpu* you mean cpu0 to cpu_howevermanycores14:44
sakrecoerall my cores have the cpufreq folder inside, with a bucnh of files like "cpuinfo_cur_freq"14:44
sakrecoeroh, but maybe you mean, the governor is using something else?14:45
OvenWerk1sakrecoer: no I don't have those files at all in 16.0414:46
sakrecoerweird... i do... let me check on my other 16.04 machine.14:47
sakrecoerOvenWerk1: yup, its there too14:48
OvenWerk1sakrecoer:  what cpus do you have?14:51
OvenWerk1cpufreq-set works, but any of the change sys/* stuf doesn't.14:52
sakrecoercpu0-cpu7 on one machine also cpufreq and cpuidle14:55
sakrecoeron the other one i have cpu0-cpu314:55
sakrecoer ^OvenWerk114:55
OvenWerk1cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor14:56
OvenWerk1gives what?14:56
OvenWerk1That at least makes sense14:57
* OvenWerk1 thinks he has missed something... http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTM3NDQ14:59
sakrecoerOvenWerk1: ok... why... do i have it then? 15:01
sakrecoergeirdal: maybe something to use?... just a suggestion. I like what ralf did, but the resolution of the photos is realy poor.15:30
sakrecoeri guess it evokes more photo than video.. but yeah...its a common tool in video these days...15:32
sakrecoerits from this: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/77959 just replaced the branding really,15:33
sakrecoerhmm... now that i think of it, it says CC0, but probably it needs deformation for us to use... never mind those pics :D15:34
OvenWerk1sakrecoer: I must have missed part of my path18:49
OvenWerk1(or my upgrade fixed it)18:51

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