
mackeminthello! Trying to configure MIDI in Qiana studio, what do I set as "master input"?19:11
studio-user442I have a problem with screen jitter. On bootup, it goes to an odd refresh rate of 77 Hz. Another monitor, an older one is hooked up, and runs fine. Do I have to go into the settings editor to re-set the refresh rate?20:20
studio-user442The older monitor runs at 73 Hz.20:21
studio-user442When I disconnect the older monitor, and hook up the newer one, the LG montor looks fine, but is stuck at a low res- 640x480.20:22
studio-user442But on reboot, it goes back to 1600x1200, and 77 Hz, and I get flickering and ghost images.20:23
joe_____good morning from australia21:16
joe_____hhmm nobody home huh ?21:18
joe_____Hello New21:20
joe_____its a bit slow this morning !!21:21
joe_____seems you and I are the only ones not asleep :-)21:21
krytarikjoe_____: Well, this is a support channel.  And hi.21:23
joe_____morning krytarik and I did come looking for support !!21:24
krytarikjoe_____: So, just ask a question then?21:24
joe_____so, I just installed 16.04 and find it works well APART from the desktop!!21:25
joe_____Is there any way to remove Unity completely?21:25
joe_____I have used Gnome for 15 years and Unity is  a completely unfriendly and almost unuasable desktop21:25
krytarikjoe_____: Well, Ubuntu Studio isn't shipping it..21:26
joe_____A few bugs with initial install as it didnt update GRUB but a manual grub-update fixed that21:26
joe_____so what is that horrible orange "thing" that jumps out of left screen when you get to screen edge ? I thought that was Unity style21:27
joe_____I downloaded the install image and installed from there21:28
joe_____my other OS is Debian 8.421:29
krytarikjoe_____: From where exactly?21:29
joe_____Official release from Ubuntu Studio21:30
joe_____It took two days to get with my internet speed21:31
joe_____I have used studio for some years and always do a complete new install with each new release rather than try upgrading21:32
joe_____The computer is also brand new, but is an older ROG I721:33
joe_____I also downloaded and installed Gnome but it also appears to be Gnome 3, so it integrates with Unity rather than replaces it, so I still have that "cluster" of applications that you need scroll up and down to use21:52
sakrecoerjoe_____: sounds like you didn't download ubuntu studio.these are the offical ISO's for ubuntustudio: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/xenial/release/21:54
joe_____thats what I have !!21:55
sakrecoereasy way to verify the iso you have is to verify the checksum21:55
sakrecoerthen you installed something else, because ubuntustudio doesn't come with unity21:55
sakrecoerno orange thing jumping out on the screen edge so to speak.21:55
joe_____OK so some how its not a genuine version I admit I didnt verify the checksum21:56
sakrecoerjoe_____: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM21:57
joe_____Morse code is the speed of my internet !! so I try and go a bit fast I guess21:57
joe_____I shall do that and return21:57
joe_____thats what I get and that is what is listed22:13
sakrecoerjoe_____: a9403fe6d359d95b1c1da39043adff465cf36815 *ubuntustudio-16.04-dvd-i386.iso22:15
sakrecoer2abf415d45fdd816354ac39d1add3c81b6f78281 *ubuntustudio-16.04-dvd-amd64.iso22:15
joe_____if its 32 bit yes22:15
joe_____I have 64 bit22:15
sakrecoer64 bit: 2abf415d45fdd816354ac39d1add3c81b6f7828122:16
joe_____94fdf0ea891009e5bc459959f429c8c8 *ubuntustudio-16.04-dvd-amd64.iso a3375aeec2aa4cbcc411782c21631013 *ubuntustudio-16.04-dvd-i386.iso22:16
Unit193sakrecoer: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/xenial/release/MD5SUMS22:16
sakrecoer:D my bad... sorry22:17
joe_____thats what I get from the the checksums listed here22:17
sakrecoeranyhow, unity is _not_ in there by default...22:17
joe_____so I dont have it anywhere on my machine!!  unless after the install it sneaked in ??22:18
joe_____there was another day of updates after the initial install22:18
joe_____even though I did updates while it installed22:18
sakrecoeri find it hard to believe it sneaked in tbh...22:19
joe_____my internet speed is ~ 25k so hence the long download times22:19
joe_____me too !!! hence my begging answers here :-)22:19
Unit193Could look at /var/log/dpkg.log22:19
joe_____If I can find it !!! the desktop is woefull !!22:20
sakrecoernot sure how i can help you joe_____ :'( i have updated everytime since release, but no unity here...22:23
sakrecoerperhaps something to do with you installing gnome3? i don't know...22:23
joe_____its a bit more readable with Gnome 3!!   but to me it still looks and feels like Unity22:24
joe_____I did have a look at Unity when first released !! I hated it from the beginning :-)  especially as I have used gnome since year 200022:28
joe_____so I have found libunity !!! in my logs22:30
joe_____2016-04-20 22:23:17 status unpacked libunity-protocol-private0:amd64 7.1.4+15.10.20151002-0ubuntu2 2016-04-20 22:23:17 status half-configured libunity-protocol-private0:amd64 7.1.4+15.10.20151002-0ubuntu2 2016-04-20 22:23:17 status installed libunity-protocol-private0:amd64 7.1.4+15.10.20151002-0ubuntu2 2016-04-20 22:23:17 configure libunity-scopes-json-def-desktop:all 7.1.4+15.10.20151002-0ubuntu2 <none> 2016-04-20 22:23:17 22:31
joe_____I admit I dont know every file that may be associated22:31
joe_____json are mail files arent they ?22:32
joe_____OK all thanks for your help!!22:34
joe_____seems I might have a play and try hacking it out22:34

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