ahri | i'm trying to force mysql to start after remote filesystems have been mounted (as i've moved /var/lib/mysql to an NFS share and left a symlink in its place). i altered /etc/init/mysql.conf so that: "start on (runlevel [2345] and started remote-filesystems)" but upon reboot the service is stuck in "mysql stop/waiting" - i'm on 14.04 LTS (but actually it's Mint) | 08:39 |
AnrDaemon | Do not edit tasks. | 08:40 |
AnrDaemon | Create .override if you want. | 08:40 |
ahri | oh, ok! | 08:40 |
ahri | will that make the execution order i want actually work, though? | 08:41 |
AnrDaemon | And MySQL will not start with moved datadir, becaus it is not allowed to read from any other places. | 08:41 |
ahri | um, running "service mysql start" or "start mysql" works fine | 08:41 |
ahri | obviously after mounting | 08:41 |
AnrDaemon | Then try mounted MOUNTPOINT=/xxx | 08:42 |
ahri | cool, i'll try that. can i selectively override with a .override file? i.e. only say "start on (runlevel [2345] and mounted MOUNTPOINT=/share)" in that file? | 08:45 |
ahri | also: "mounted" worked perfectly! thank you very much for that tip! | 08:46 |
ahri | now it's working i just need to revert that file and make the .override | 08:46 |
AnrDaemon | Of course. .override is read after main task definition, and any stanzas found in .override will… well, override stanzas in .conf. | 08:47 |
ahri | nice, upstart seems way neater than other solutions | 08:48 |
ahri | i've not really had much need to investigate this stuff before | 08:48 |
ahri | one last question: what should me "stop on" stanza be? i guess i want to stop mysql before that share is unmounted | 08:49 |
AnrDaemon | It's straightforward. >.> Translating initd job to upstart job often means you delete 90% of it, and then it just works. | 08:49 |
ahri | is there an "unmounting"? | 08:49 |
AnrDaemon | IDK. Probably not. | 08:49 |
AnrDaemon | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/ | 08:49 |
ahri | excellent, thanks a bunch | 08:54 |
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