
ashabadi_z4ki: hello03:10
z4kihey.. 03:10
z4kiashabadi_, 03:11
ashabadi_interest & location?03:11
z4kiwhat about you?03:12
ashabadi_interest dead blog dead community and street photography03:12
z4kimy interest is in linux.03:14
z4kiname please! :)03:14
ashabadi_what's the use of name??? will know each others name when we get more acquinted03:16
ashabadi_just kidding03:16
z4kioky. :)03:16
ashabadi_Shahriar Tariq03:16
ashabadi_my full name is too long03:16
z4kimy full name is also too long, you can't imagine 03:17
ashabadi_would like to know :)03:18
z4kiZaki Chowdhury.03:19
z4kiআপাতত এটা জেনে রাখুন। :D03:19
z4kiso you are using KDE now?03:20
z4kiKubuntu 16.4? ha?03:21
ashabadi_have been kubuntu user for too long03:22
z4kihow's it?03:22
ashabadi_dont use 16.04 instead use 14.04 or 10.04 even03:24
ashabadi_I have been pissed off with Kubuntu 16.04 more than anything....03:24
z4kibug problem?03:24
z4kii'm using 16.4 now, unity03:25
ashabadi_*buntu is turning shit... they don't polish out features yet turn focus to new projects/developments03:25
z4kimay be.!03:26
z4kidid you use gnome? 03:28
ashabadi_my second flavor was gnome...03:28
z4kii'm planning on to install ubuntu gnome03:29
ashabadi_but I still prefer kubuntu03:29
ashabadi_its feature rich03:29
ashabadi_and hell lot of tweakable03:29
ashabadi_you can configure it to your liking03:29
z4kioky. waht about gnome?03:29
z4kiwhat* 03:30
ashabadi_gnome is okay... no fuzz system03:31
z4kihmm. 03:31
walrider শুভ সকাল05:22
ashabadijust in time to catch the morning :)05:22
ashabadiশুভ সকাল আপনাকেও05:22
walrider ধন্যবাদ  ভাই05:22
ashabadiশরীর কেমন এখন?05:23
walrider এইতোআছি05:25
walriderসর্দি আছে05:25
walrider মাথা বেথা  কমে  গেছে 05:25
z4kiশুভ সকাল। walrider 05:26
walrider আপনাকেও  ভাই05:26
walrider রোজায়  ধরসে  :D05:27
z4kiএতো সকাল সকাল।  :D05:32
=== Rezwan is now known as Guest60041
tareq1hello kilos10:18
Kiloshi tareq1 and others10:26
tareq1kilos:what time is there?10:26
tareq14:25 here10:27
tareq14 hr advanced10:27
Kiloswhew 4 hours ahead10:27
tareq1I have updated my launchpad last night, I was member of ubuntu-bd since 2010!10:28
Kilosi struggle at times australia is 8 hours ahead and usa 8 behind10:28
Kilostareq1 you guys must invite more from your fb to here and get the loco running like a traditional loco again10:30
tareq1yea, we should10:31
tareq1I've decided to give time like old days in irc10:31
tareq1need more people10:32
Kilosi spoke to russel john about it and he was going to get your loco reverified again and then he went awol10:32
Kilosif he isnt there anymore he needs to hand over admins to someone that is actively involved10:33
tareq1ashabadi is here10:33
Kilosis he admin?10:33
tareq1i think so10:33
tareq1another person named adnan quium is busy with his phd10:33
Kilosthat will be good then we help him sort things10:33
Kilosbring the bangladesh peeps back into the ubuntu scene and not all stuck in facebook where they cant apply for membership10:35
tareq1i have lots of love for linux world, but have to visit windows for few things10:35
Kiloseveryone has to, the world is too full of microsoft still10:35
tareq1yes, what is the way to get ourselves out from their box10:36
Kiloswe have many sysadmins in za and they all complain about all the windows stuff everywhere10:36
tareq1we need to think out of the box10:37
Kilosmy whole box is ubuntu10:37
Kilosonly time i touch windows is when repairing some kids crashed windows laptop10:38
tareq1companies are selling windows based laptop10:38
tareq1most of them10:38
tareq1i've found some opensuse and ubuntu installed laptop here10:39
Kilosthats the problem and schools and varsities still use windows10:39
tareq1one thing kilos, South Africa cricket team is my second favorite; after Bangladesh10:40
Kilosour team is playing bad these last few years10:40
tareq1I badly wanted to see a trophy in SA10:40
tareq1specially World Cup10:41
tareq1bad luck all the time10:41
Kilosit will come again when they settle down and concentrate10:41
Kilosand new bloods grow up10:41
tareq1yea, one day they will rule; we need gentlemen here; not money maniac10:43
Kilosyes everything is all about money now adays10:43
Kilosits very sad actually10:44
tareq1people are getting windows, ant-viruses but they don't even interested on free linux distros 10:44
Kilosno one wants to do anything until they know how much they can make out of it10:44
tareq1i think media plays a vital role here10:45
Kilosyes of course10:45
Kilosand all the junk on television10:46
Kilosall brinwahing10:46
tareq1i'm fed up with pendrive viruses; all are 10:47
tareq1but no none talking about linux, even CSE people10:48
Kiloscrazy hey10:48
tareq1yep, whole world is like money making machine10:49
Kilospeople are very slow to accept linux, but when they do they say why didnt i do this years ago10:49
tareq1we should provide ubuntu to kids, in schools10:49
Kilosthats where the problem starts, you need to convert the schools admin first otherwise they force the kids to use windows10:50
tareq1so that they can found linux in interesting manner10:50
tareq1you know i've tried many times to convince head of computer dept. of my university10:51
tareq1i wanted to give seminar on linux10:51
Kiloseven some of the za members children who grew up with dad using linux have to use windows at school10:52
tareq1he is not interested at all10:52
tareq1thats the facr10:52
Kilosyes thats right10:52
tareq1another thing is bothering, which is piract10:53
Kilosits all those in charge that are brainwashed into windows and are scared to learn something new10:53
tareq1they are missing the joy10:53
tareq1but thanks to android10:54
Kilosyes but because they are in charge they like to act like they know better10:54
tareq1without knowing we are using linux10:54
Kilosyes tablets and smart phones are converting them10:54
tareq1you know now a days kids are very smart10:55
tareq1they want to know more10:55
Kilosbut android is googles and i think google is part of the evil system10:55
tareq1hmm, kind of true10:55
Kilosyes from young they handl tablets like pros10:55
Kiloshi pavlushka 10:55
tareq1i got my first pc after completing school exam10:56
tareq1mobile also10:56
tareq1but i know linux from the begining10:56
pavlushkaahoy Kilos !10:56
pavlushkatareq1: lucky you!10:56
pavlushkaI had to manage 1/4 th of the money for my 1st PC.10:57
tareq1i had interest on linux from very beginning10:57
tareq1windows pc :P10:57
tareq1Windows 9810:58
pavlushkatareq1: tried win95?10:58
tareq1I bought Red Hat from Banani market once10:58
pavlushkaI did ^10:59
tareq198, me, xp, vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 1010:59
tareq1how was the taste ?10:59
Kilosi played games on 95 and battled then went 98 then xp then ubuntu10:59
pavlushka95, 98, me, 2000, xp, vista, 7, 8, 8.1 , 10, :p10:59
Kilosi must go eat guys11:00
tareq198 was the beast11:00
Kilosbe good11:00
pavlushkaKilos: sure11:00
tareq1get some food kilos11:00
pavlushkaKilos: please, :p11:01
Kilos:D very hungry11:01
pavlushkatareq1: for some reason I liked Me a lot, after all, it is me.11:01
tareq1what is today menu kilos ?11:02
* pavlushka already drooling11:02
tareq110 is good again11:04
tareq1but my feeling only for buntus11:05
pavlushkatareq1: yes, now I am only linux11:05
imtareqmhdback with a new name11:07
pavlushkaI only use win7 when some official work made me.11:07
=== pavlushka is now known as tareq2
imtareqmhdwhat do you think, libre is good enough to compete with msoffice ?11:08
imtareqmhdwait wait, who are you pavlushka ?11:09
tareq2It needs more time, :p11:09
=== tareq2 is now known as pavlushka
imtareqmhdi know a tareq, he is tareq hasan11:09
imtareqmhdanother guy shahriar tariq11:10
pavlushkaimtareqmhd: I am just playing, lol11:10
imtareqmhdand me 11:10
pavlushkaI am S. M. Pavel Sayekat11:10
=== pavlushka is now known as DJ3
DJ3Now I know Researcher- 11:12
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imtareqmhdhello TUX11:45
AudaciousTUXheelu :D11:48
pavlushkaHello AudaciousTUX !11:48
AudaciousTUXmy wordpress problem solved11:48
ashabadiimtareqmhd: suddenly nick change?12:26
pavlushkaahoy ashabadi !12:26
ashabadihi pavlushka12:26
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: congrats! how you do it?12:27
AudaciousTUXhave to make own plugin :312:27
ashabadicongratulation due for?12:27
pavlushkaashabadi: counting the last moments of my......12:27
ashabadihmm iftari... so near12:28
pavlushkaashabadi: AudaciousTUX solved his problem on his own, for that.12:28
ashabadidon't know what was his problem.. I was not online sorry12:28
pavlushkaashabadi: AudaciousTUX was looking for a wordpress plugin to organize his site comments.12:29
ashabadiwhat was you looking for AudaciousTUX? may gain some knowledge to use on my blog as well12:29
AudaciousTUXnot comments... posts12:30
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: potato-potato12:31
ashabadiohh that does not require any plugin.. you can do it when posting the blog12:31
ashabadiyou can switch off commenting12:31
AudaciousTUXi was looking for this12:31
ashabadiok will check out in your blog in action :)12:34
AudaciousTUXthat may take 6-7 month or even more than year :p12:35
pavlushkaSo, I am done with iftari, now what?13:53
ashabadinow bear to see these aweful shot : https://www.flickr.com/photos/ashabadi_shahriar/13:54
imtareqmhdhello guys16:00
imtareqmhdanyone there ?16:00
pavlushkaimtareqmhd: How can I help you16:00
imtareqmhdjust chat16:01
pavlushkaoops, I need to run for groceries, be back withing 30 mins, 16:02
Kilosimtareqmhd why you made such a hard nick now16:04
imtareqmhdhi kilos16:04
imtareqmhdbecause there were other tareq :(16:05
Kiloswere you unhappy with tareq16:05
imtareqmhdi wanted to be tareq, not tareq116:05
Kilosnp ill get used to it16:05
imtareqmhdthats why16:05
imtareqmhdyou can call me tareq sir16:06
Kiloshello tareq sir16:06
Kiloshee hee16:06
imtareqmhdnot me as sir, i am calling you sir16:06
imtareqmhdtareq is fine16:07
Kilosim not a sir, they have lots of money16:07
imtareqmhdha ha16:07
imtareqmhdseriously looking for some alternative softwares16:08
Kilosyeah trying to find a nick no one else has sucks16:08
Kilosand when you find one, if you stay offlinr a couple of months someone steals it16:09
Kilosbut this one is ok too man, dont stress16:10
imtareqmhdyea, we need to make some plans16:11
Kilosjust register it16:11
Kilostype it /msg nickserv register imtareqmhd email address16:12
Kilosi think thats it16:12
Kilospavel will know16:13
=== 1JTAAEJ1I is now known as imtareqmhd
imtareqmhdjust registered16:28
imtareqmhdthanks Kilos16:28
imtareqmhdsomeone using tareq :/16:28
Kilosis it registered?16:29
imtareqmhdok, now i need a road-map16:30
Kilosto where16:30
imtareqmhdhow i can be a good ubuntu ambassador 16:30
imtareqmhdi would like to motivate people to come here16:31
imtareqmhdfew already been16:31
Kilostell them we are trying to revive the channel and the loco16:31
imtareqmhdwhat would be functions of loco ?16:32
imtareqmhdrelease party only ???16:32
imtareqmhdor hangout16:32
Kilosthe loco is the community all together helping each other and having fun while doing it16:33
Kilosits like a cricket team, you make friends and work together better as friends16:33
imtareqmhdour loco team is sleeping16:34
imtareqmhdno one there to kick it16:34
Kilosthen you can get local guys together and have ubuntu hours at any place with internet connections and you go demo ubntu to strangers there16:35
Kiloscoffe shops , steak houses and so on16:35
imtareqmhdthis is good idea16:35
imtareqmhdright now i am facing printing problem16:37
Kiloseven schools and oter gatherings16:37
imtareqmhdmy printer is lbp 330016:37
imtareqmhdnot working on ubuntu16:37
imtareqmhdor any linux16:37
Kilosoh my16:37
imtareqmhdcan you help me to solve the problem ?16:37
Kilosi dont even use a printer16:37
imtareqmhdhp has great support for ubuntu16:38
imtareqmhdcannon sux16:38
Kilosthere must be someone that will know16:38
Kilostry asking on #ubuntu16:38
imtareqmhdyea, need to look around the net16:38
Kilosthere are many people  there16:39
Kilosthat is the official help channel16:39
Kilosthats why it is good to have many in your channel as well16:40
Kiloshi ashabadi 16:41
Kiloswhat you know about printers on linux16:41
ashabadiI know they are plug and play16:45
Kilosimtareqmhd is having probs16:46
ashabadiat least that I have been told. I have never used one on linux sorry...16:46
imtareqmhdnot all16:46
ashabadiwhat's the model you are using & what is your problem?16:46
ashabadisorry that you would have to repeat yourself16:46
Kilos<imtareqmhd> my printer is lbp 330016:47
Kilosi remember someone using sudo modprobe bla  bla to get one working years ago16:51
Kilosdinner time for me16:59
ashabadiyou have dinner so early16:59
ashabadiits 7pm I guess16:59
pavlushkathank goodness I had mine, :p17:15
pavlushkaimtareqmhd: you there? you were saying about canon printer issue?17:17
pavlushkawb ashabadi !17:17
imtareqmhdmine is lbp330017:18
imtareqmhdpavlushka:can you help me?17:18
pavlushkaimtareqmhd: is it this https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&hs=5NK&channel=fs&tbm=isch&q=Canon+lbp+3300&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi72L3oyK_NAhWBvI8KHe6LAgYQBQgbKAA?17:19
imtareqmhdyep, this one :)17:20
pavlushkaimtareqmhd: all scanner drivers in linux are supported through SANE (scanner Access Now Easy) project.17:24
imtareqmhdyea, what about printers17:25
pavlushkathere is a channel #sane, you can ask there17:25
pavlushkaimtareqmhd: oops, sorry17:25
pavlushkaimtareqmhd: on it, give me some more moment17:25
pavlushkaimtareqmhd: your system specs please.17:28
imtareqmhdcore 2 duo, 4 GB ram, running Ubuntu 64 bit17:29
Kilosyyip we eat at 7pm ashabadi 17:30
pavlushkaimtareqmhd: Here, http://www.canon-europe.com/support/consumer_products/products/printers/laser/i-sensys_lbp3300.aspx?type=drivers&language=EN&os=Linux%20(64-bit)17:30
pavlushkaHey ashabadi, what was the menu? ^^17:32
imtareqmhdlet me check17:32
ashabadiI've not have my dinner... 17:32
ashabadibut I'm guessing Kios had stew rice today again...17:33
pavlushkaashabadi: poor you are, :p17:33
Kilosno soup tonight17:33
Kilosthick mixed veggie and beef soup17:33
Kiloswith chilli/garlic mix of course17:34
pavlushkaimtareqmhd: select the 2.70 version CAPT driver there.17:34
imtareqmhdpavlushka: I'm downloading that17:35
* pavlushka drooling17:35
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=== ashabadi__ is now known as ashabadi
pavlushkanice playing18:05
ashabadisorry I was registering my nicks18:06
ashabadiI guess freenode deletes registration after a while if not used18:06
ashabadiall these ids were registered to me18:06
pavlushkaashabadi: what? come on.18:18
ashabadinothing. I meant if my changing names was annoying18:19
pavlushkaashabadi: yes after 15 weeks of inactivity18:19
pavlushkaashabadi: but its good that you got that18:20
ashabadihmm :)18:21
pavlushkaashabadi: I think you can register one nick against one email but dont know about groups18:21
ashabadiyes you can register multiple nick18:22
Kilosi registered one and grouped the others under it18:22
ashabadiyou have to register & login to one of them then switch nicks and /msg nickserv group18:22
ashabadiit will group other nicks18:23
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pavlushkaashabadi: sorry back.18:31
Kilosnight all of you. sleep well18:42
pavlushkaHello AudaciousTUX !18:47
pavlushkagood night guys!19:32

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