
mterrytrainguards: a u8 silo landed a while ago today, and the package migrated to main a couple hours ago, but trunk has not been updated with the new code -- any ideas why?00:18
mterrytrainguards: looks like signon-apparmor-extension didn't get updated in xenial in the overlay PPA from silo 65 -- I'm guessing that's preventing the train from completing the steps (like merging code to trunk)00:43
mterrytedg, ^00:43
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* mterry fixed the train thing01:04
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robrumterry: huh, publish log clearly shows that copy happening, not sure why it didn't go02:21
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robrukenvandine: around? can you rebuild https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1551 ? I need to test something06:24
robrulol 2am in NC, I fail at TZs06:26
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robrucmoooooooon somebody build something!07:17
robrupstolowski: lol thx07:22
pstolowskirobru, my pleasure07:23
robrupstolowski: I just decreased the verbosity of the build job logging, wanted to see a real-world example without building somebody else's silo07:24
pstolowskirobru, heh, i see :)07:24
robrupstolowski: looks great, thanks07:25
pstolowskirobru, one more coming ;)07:26
davmor2Morning all08:00
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dbarthsil2100: hey, so i can mark approve the silo for now (ubuntu-html6-laucnher)?09:04
dbarthsil2100: at least if that helps, as i think the actual landing should be gated by the sdk ppa seed change09:05
dbarthbzoltan_: wdyt ^^ ?09:05
sil2100dbarth: yeah, it's fine to land that I suppose :)09:05
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Saviqseb128, hey, could you please ♻ https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/ticket-1483/landing-025-xenial/excuses.html for me, thanks :)10:11
seb128Saviq, done10:19
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sil2100Elleo: hey! Did the new fonts-emojione package get a preNEW review?11:49
Elleosil2100: yep, seb128 reviewed it yesterday11:56
sil2100Elleo: ok, so it's good to land then I suppose?12:05
sil2100seb128: can you just formally confirm that fonts-emojione is approved by an archive admin?12:05
Elleosil2100: there's a comment from seb128 on the MR here: https://code.launchpad.net/~michael-sheldon/emojione/no-op/+merge/29750612:07
sil2100Elleo: hm, strange12:09
sil2100Elleo: why is the silo using this branch for merging, since it's already merged?12:09
Elleosil2100: ah, woops, I meant to replace it with the no-op MR12:09
sil2100Elleo: shouldn't the no-op branch be used instead?12:09
Elleosil2100: the end result package wise will be the same though12:09
Elleosil2100: do you want me to rebuild it with the no-op one?12:10
sil2100hm, let me ask robru what he thinks12:10
robrusil2100: Elleo: I don't see any reason to change it at this point.12:12
sil2100Let's try this then12:13
robrusil2100: Elleo: as long as you're happy with the changelog that was generated, that would be the only reason to change it12:13
sil2100We're on a sprint together so he can fix things if they get broken ;p12:13
Elleookay, cool12:13
sil2100dbarth: hey! How's the oxide-qt arm64 build going? I see a silo for it, but empty ;)12:15
sil2100dbarth: no pressure, but oxide is the last piece right now..!12:15
rvrChrisTownsend: Silo 49 approved12:22
ChrisTownsendrvr: Sweet!  Thanks!12:22
rvrmardy: dbarth: Silo 5 is described as "Implement 2FA for OA" but says "The 2FA part is there to be used by the upcoming U1 plugin which is developed in another silo". Is the other silo ready?12:28
mardyrvr: no, the only thing that can be tested now is the password query dialog12:29
rvrmardy: Then either remove that feature until it can be tested or I'll block the silo until the other is ready.12:30
mardyrvr: well, it's not harmful to land it, it cannot be triggered12:31
Saviqjibel, davmor2, note ubuntu-settings-components just got published so neded to rebuild that in silo 2513:00
Saviqdoes not affect anything other than the huge network icons so testing may continue13:01
Saviqalso, davmor2, Bug #1435923 was incorrectly linked there13:12
ubot5bug 1435923 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[greeter/desktop] the password entry is not focussed by default" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143592313:12
rvrmardy: The idea of QA is to assure the quality of the code that lands. Merging un-validated code bypasses QA, and we don't want to do that.13:17
mardyrvr: well, the silo (and that same branch) contain other changes, but none are critical, so I'm fine with waiting13:19
rvrmardy: Ack13:19
rvrdbarth_: Hi, just received a card for silo 58, but it needs rebuilding.13:23
dbarth_rvr: we'll postpone to monday; i'd like to make sure the last branch is reviewed again13:28
rvrdbarth_: Ok13:28
dbarth_i'll do the rebuild on monday13:28
dbarth_rvr: but functionnaly it is operational13:28
dbarth_you can enjoy the appear.in webap on your phone, at long last13:28
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marcustomlinsontrainguards: question: do no-change-rebuild MPs not get marked as Merged when they land in a silo?15:42
marcustomlinsonE.g. https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/platform-api/no-change-rebuild/+merge/296017 and https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/unity-scopes-shell/no-change-rebuild/+merge/29601915:42
marcustomlinsonthey "landed" in https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/145115:42
marcustomlinsonbut are not marked as such15:42
robrumarcustomlinson: that's a question for lp people, train doesn't mark merges, lp does15:45
marcustomlinsonrobru: ok, (I actually pinged you there ;))15:45
robrumarcustomlinson: ping an lp person 👅15:46
Elleotrainguards: I seem to recall this silo needs some sort of manual publishing stage now that its approved due to the manual rebuild upload that happened in yakkety: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/149115:50
robruElleo: there is no such thing as auto publishing, so that just requires regular publishing like anything else15:55
Elleorobru: ah, okay15:57
robruElleo: so you should hit publish yourself and then if it doesn't work, get a core dev to do it, maybe Ken is around15:59
Elleorobru: okay16:01
robrukenvandine: pls help Elleo publish, I'm off for dinner16:07
mterryrobru: I just found a bileto ui bug?  I have a silo with two MPs for two different projects in it.  I added a third MP for a third project.  When I go to click build, I only see checkboxes for the first two projects.  Leaving them blank will build my new project, but also the first two, which I didn't need to do16:10
Laney17/06 16:47:16 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Laney, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1558 Too many merge targets: ['lp:ubuntu-themes', 'lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/ubuntu-themes/16.04']16:48
LaneyI thought this was the way to do devel + stable upload16:48
Laneywhat *is* the way? :)16:49
dobeyLaney: that doesn't seem right16:57
dobeyLaney: also https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubuntu-themes/progress-bars/+merge/297790 results in conflict in debian/changelog16:59
dobeyand also apparently pulls in more changes which aren't in that stable branch16:59
dobeyLaney: are you trying to land this in y and SRU to xenial too?17:00
Laneyreally I was just seeing if it would work17:00
robruLaney: what are you expecting to happen? Train builds yakkety for trunk then copies for older series18:32
robruLaney: you must target all MPs at same trunk18:33
dobeyrobru: shouldn't you be enjoying greece or something18:34
robrumterry: yes unavoidable unfortunately, it detects the packages at build time18:35
mterryah well18:35
robrumterry: you can add the package to the sources list by hand18:36
mterryrobru, ah that sticks?  hmm18:36
mterryrobru, good workaround, thanks18:36
robrudobey: been out all day, now I enjoy AC18:36
robrumterry: yw18:37
robruLaney: if you are tracking two different branches you need two tickets. The dual silos build all series off one trunk18:46
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Saviqmterry, publish https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1483 please? :)19:50
Saviqkenvandine, if around, could you publish https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1483 for me please?20:19
Saviqmterry, you back? publish silo 25 please?21:33
Saviqthink I caught you in a time out before21:33
dobeyheh, nope21:39
dobeymaybe kenvandine can do it? ^^21:39
Laneyrobru: Merge each branch into the target of the MP and then build the resulting packages22:12

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