
RAOFDear GNOME Shell: Focus stealing prevention is really useful. Maybe you've heard of it? >:(02:00
qenghoRAOF: I'm surprised there's no plugin that uses a webcam to watch your eyeballs' attention.02:58
RAOFqengho: Haven't looked :)02:58
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hikikoany idea what this might mean: Failed to create file '/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled.O3TBJY': Permission denied07:51
hikikoI try to build the packages of a ppa07:51
hikikoand compiz fails with:07:52
hikikocp: will not overwrite just-created 'debian/tmp/usr/share/gnome-control-center/keybindings/50-compiz-navigation.xml' with 'obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk/gnome/50-compiz-navigation.xml'07:52
hikikocp: will not overwrite just-created 'debian/tmp/usr/share/gnome-control-center/keybindings/50-compiz-windows.xml' with 'obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk/gnome/50-compiz-windows.xml'07:52
hikikodebian/rules:29: recipe for target 'override_dh_install' failed07:52
hikikomake[1]: *** [override_dh_install] Error 12307:52
hikikosorry :)07:52
hikikoI should use a pastebin for the last 2 lines07:52
hikikohttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/265713158/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-amd64.compiz_1%3A0.9.12.2+16.10.20160606.2-0ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz (buildlog)07:53
sarnoldfeels like there may be two files in the source tree named 50-compiz-navigation.xml07:56
sarnoldhmm, it doesn't seem to be mentioned enough times in the log for that to be it. :/07:56
hikikoI have no idea what might be the problem :s08:02
Laneytoday it really is friday08:04
* Laney checks08:04
hikikohappy Friday Laney !! :D08:04
seb128hey Laney, happy friday!08:06
seb128hey hikiko08:06
Laneyhow's it going?08:07
hikikohi seb12808:09
seb128Laney, good! a bit tired though, also having the feeling I didn't do much this week, being hitting my head against snap for most of the week, though at least I've the feeling I learnt things and I'm getting somewhere08:11
seb128but didn't do much distro work, SRU, sponsoring, etc08:11
Laneyseems like that's the priority08:13
seb128yeah, it's going to be good, just other things pile up a bit on my todo and I like to clear those out regularly08:17
seb128but at the same time the SRU team seems to slack on reviews atm08:17
seb128maybe because most of them are in Greece enjoying the sun :-)08:17
seb128Laney, how is it going with you? still head down in gtk theming?08:17
seb128how was the brexit debate yesterday?08:18
Laneyit was cancelled08:18
Laneybecause an MP got killed so all of the campaigning was off08:18
Laneytoday too08:18
LaneyI didn't find out until after I got there08:19
LaneyI got SO wet riding there08:19
Laneywas making puddles on the floor from my dripping clothes08:19
seb128well good thing you didn't have to sit down wet for some hours08:20
seb128yeah, the campain off is the thing I read just before you left08:20
seb128I didn't know the meeting you were going to was an official thing though08:21
seb128I though it was a local debate08:21
Laneysort of08:21
Laneybut they decided to as well08:21
Laneyguess that was decided late on08:21
seb128do they know if the shooting had to do with her politic position on the brexit?08:22
Laneytaking a little break from full time theme while waiting for Trevinh_o to come with some fixes ;-)08:22
Laneyalthough I have to sponsor somethign from w_i_l_l_c_o_o_k_e08:22
Laneyapparently the guy shouted something like 'put britain first' so maybe08:23
seb128don't make the boss wait!08:23
seb128though he's not around yet it seems, so can still slack a bit :p08:23
Laneygoing to upload g-s first08:23
Laneyhttps://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-software/log/src/plugins/gs-plugin-snappy.c?h=wip/ubuntu-xenial <- revert the top three there08:23
Laneypoor other will08:23
seb128that branch looks wrong08:24
seb128oh, ignore that08:24
seb128you filtered on one source08:24
seb128I was going to say that it misses the other fixes that are supposed to be in the SRU :p08:24
Laneythe other ones are good08:24
seb128but yeah, +1 on those 3 to be reverted08:24
seb128let's see08:25
seb128but they should08:25
seb128we trust a_ttente right?08:25
Laneyok refresh, they are gone08:26
* Laney makes a tarball08:26
Laneyhikiko: your compiz package is weird by the way08:30
Laney-rw-rw-r-- 1 laney laney 218M Jun 17 09:10 ../compiz_0.9.12.2+16.10.20160606.2-0ubuntu2.tar.gz08:30
Laneydid you delete the orig.tar.gz? because it got converted into a native package08:31
Laneyand it's huuuuuuuuuuuuuge08:31
Laneyhi willcooke08:31
hikikoI didn't have any orig.tar.gz I think08:31
Laneyare you working from a bzr branch?08:31
Laneyuse: bzr bd -S to make a package08:31
seb128hey willcooke08:32
hikikoLaney, should I delete this package from the ppa08:32
hikikoand add a new one?08:32
hikikoor it will be overwritten?08:32
Laneyjust upload a new one with a higher version number08:32
Laneylike change 20160606.2 to 20160617.108:33
Laneyrun "dch"08:33
Laneythen edit the version string at the top08:33
Laneythen if you look at compiz..._source.changes it should reference three files - .orig.tar.gz, .diff.gz, .dsc08:34
hikikoso, 1st: dch, then bzr bd -S, then dput?08:35
* seb128 got an evince snap working, including opening backends from the correct locations and loading translations08:39
seb128but quite some manual hacking08:40
seb128trying to get more things working without manual poking in the builddir08:40
Laneyand *then* get compiz from xenial (apt-get source compiz) and debdiff <old.dsc> <new.dsc> and you can see if it only contains the right changes08:42
seb128hey Trevinho!08:42
Laneyhi Trevinho08:43
Laneywhat's up08:43
hikikodone :D I'll wait for the build, Laney, thanks a lot!!08:43
TrevinhoHi Laney08:46
willcookeTaleo is the biggest pile of....08:47
seb128Trevinho, how is London? did you sleep at the office?08:47
Laneytally ho08:48
seb128willcooke, Laney, we can put back the meeting to 9:30utc if you prefer, the people I was planning to lunch with can't today08:48
willcookeseb128, Laney wfm - I'm just catching up on the 1st round filter, so a few more mins would be good08:48
Laneydon't mind08:48
seb128k, let's do :30 then08:48
Laneygives me more time to put clothes on08:48
* seb128 doesn't want to picture that08:49
willcookeLaney, we dont mind08:49
Laneyit's good to work for such a liberal company08:50
hikikommm Laney :) 1 more question... I dput the new packages and they are "successfully uploaded" but I don't see any changes on launchpad08:54
hikikois this normal?08:54
Laneydid you get an email?08:55
Laneyand was the package signed?08:55
Laneynormally it only takes 2 minutes08:55
hikikoit seems to be signed:08:57
hikikoGood signature on /data/canonical/staging/unity_7.5.0+16.10.20160606.1-0ubuntu4.dsc.08:57
hikikobut I received no email08:57
Laneyand the _source.changes?08:58
Laneyand what command did you use to upload it?09:00
hikikodput ppa:hikiko/lowgfx unity_....changes09:00
hikikohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/17427420/ that's the log09:01
hikikoand that's the changes:09:01
hikikoand I did the same for compiz before unity09:01
Laneynot sure why you wouldn't have had a reject mail09:02
Laneyis it the ~ in ppa:~?09:03
LaneyI always do ppa:laney/ppa09:03
Laneybut I'm not sure if the other form is an error09:03
hikikoI got one buut in the canonical email :s although I use the gmail for lp09:04
hikikoLaunchpad failed to process the upload path '~~hikiko/lowgfx':09:04
hikikoCould not find person or team named '~hikiko'.09:04
* Laney is the best guesser09:05
hikikotrue :)09:05
willcookeyay, spam from Gitter.09:06
seb128same here, I hate when new service you use do that09:12
seb128it makes me want to unsubscribe09:13
seb128"that's how you thank me by using your service, by spamming me, great"09:13
willcookeand Gitter is awful09:14
willcookeso slow09:14
Laneyk, gnome-software is uploaded09:15
Laneylooks like someone is reviewing now too09:15
Laneygood times09:15
seb128Laney, an already approved09:15
seb128good timing09:15
willcookeseb128, Laney oki, I'm done with the CV sift.  So ready when you guys are09:15
seb128now wfm09:15
seb128my snap just finished building09:15
seb128but that I start debugging now or after the meeting is the same09:15
seb128might be better if I start after so I don't stop in the middle of something09:16
Laneynot for me09:16
willcookeLaney is still naked09:16
willcookeping when you're ready Laney09:17
Laneyjust need to get tea and have a piss09:17
Laney5 minutes09:17
Laneyalso TMI09:17
willcookeTea for me too09:17
Laneybut you demanded it09:17
seb128hum, coffee09:18
Laneyjust need to install lastpass /o\09:26
Laneysomething broke firefox yesterday and I lost my extensions09:26
Laneyi'm there homies09:31
willcookeseb128, ^09:32
seb128willcooke, oh, I was waiting for the url but I guess it's in the invite, coming!09:32
willcookeJust use Google calendar man09:33
Trevinhoseb128: ahaha, no no sleeping there... :-D, but almost... As we left our staff in there and so we hacked for a while during the night09:35
Trevinhoseb128: we're back to italy though.... Minisprint continues in Florence09:35
seb128oh ok, enjoy!09:35
andyrockhey guys09:56
willcookemorning andyrock10:05
seb128hey andyrock10:05
flocculantpitti: I thought those systemd-resolved bugs were dupes - but the only ones I could find were fix released, and I still see it pretty much every day here  *shrug*10:08
willcookeInteresting read:  https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/4ofu01/how_do_employees_and_other_canonical_insiders/10:17
willcookevia popey10:17
* seb128 reads10:21
qengho_Yeah, I saw that on the g+ or something.10:24
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LaneyEverything that's used gets flamed10:26
LaneyTry being GTK this week :-)10:26
* Laney shouldn't be allowed sweets10:30
pittiflocculant: yeah, I just committed the real fix to the packaging git10:33
pittiflocculant: they are more or less all different expressions of the same root cause10:33
pittiflocculant: and I don't see much point on spending much time on those10:33
flocculantpitti: I did think so - but could only find fixed bugs so reported them - I assume I can un-private the dupes I did report ?10:34
flocculantthanks though :)10:34
pittiflocculant: disabling dnssec indeed made the crashes much less likely, but it was still a race condition10:34
pittiflocculant: un-private> sure10:35
willcookeqengho, you're up and about early :)10:35
flocculantpitti: okey doke - thanks for replying :)10:35
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qenghowillcooke: Depends on reference frame. I'm in Taiwan where it's 18:40 now.10:39
willcookeoh yeah!  Nice!10:39
willcookeqengho, how's the humidity?10:39
qenghowillcooke: Awful, which is to say, "same as Florida's".10:40
Laneyworking holiday?10:43
qenghoI came within 100m of Canonical's office today.10:44
qenghoLaney: Normal working, just in a different place for ~6 weeks.10:46
LaneyGo do some hardware enablement10:48
Laneythey love it in there10:48
seb128lunch, bbl10:48
qenghoAFAICT, my previous plan for losing 5kg this summer is doomed.10:53
* Laney considers heading down t'allotment at lunch10:57
Laneyrain forecast for the evening10:57
Laneythose courgettes need to go out gosh darn it10:58
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mhall119willcooke: pong12:44
willcookehey mhall11912:44
* willcooke wonders what he was going to speak to mhall119 about12:45
mhall119willcooke: hey, so the thing on G+ is about the KDE desktop app store12:45
mhall119basically they need the same kind of work that went into Gnome Software to make it find and install snaps12:45
willcookeoki, so flexiondotorg is doing the same in the MATE store too, so they should all chat12:46
willcookemhall119, I can point you to the REST API for the store, one sec...12:46
flexiondotorgYep, happy to collaborate.12:46
mhall119for the store or for snapd? I thought Software was speaking to snapd12:46
flexiondotorgI'll be implementing in Python.12:47
willcookedoh, snapd12:47
willcookeit is the wisdom flexiondotorg12:47
* mhall119 doesn't know what Discover uses, but it's probably C++12:47
flexiondotorgSo I'm planning to add snap support to Ubuntu MATE Software Boutique.12:47
mhall119which is why I didn't volunteer to help them myself12:47
willcookea REST interface should be simple either way12:47
willcookemhall119, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/rest/12:48
willcookemhall119, and then of course, they are welcome to ask questions here12:48
willcookeor we can set up a HO, whatever12:48
willcookeand take a look at the g-s bits as well, link coming up...12:48
mhall119thanks willcooke12:57
willcookemhall119, nw12:57
Trevinhofinishing a branch just before of the Italy match... nothing better12:58
* Trevinho in EU 2016 mode.12:59
seb128Trevinho, good luck ;-)13:00
didrocks /!\ football reference alert13:10
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flexiondotorgI can talk to the snapd socket :-)14:34
willcookeflexiondotorg, congrats \o/14:44
TrevinhoBah... Until we win, everything's fine... :-)14:51
seb128Trevinho, nice game/goal?14:53
Trevinhoseb128: goal nice, game boring... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FP3WDRA2pQ14:53
Trevinho(higher quality https://streamable.com/8ai5)14:55
seb128Trevinho, nice one indeed15:01
* Laney tries landing the same branch in two places by creating two MPs15:45
Laneywonder if this works15:45
desrthey peeps15:46
* desrt starts to decompress a bit15:47
Laneyunxz desrt.xz15:47
Laneyis it over?15:47
desrtmore or less15:47
desrtthere were a few people left this morning15:47
desrtit was a pretty good week.  i made the front page of /r/linux twice :p15:48
Laneybuilding bridges15:48
desrtwe may want to discuss strategy in terms of how we deal with this in ubuntu...15:48
desrtultimately, i think it's gonna be pretty OK15:49
Laneydid smcv moderate my comment yet?15:49
desrthaving smcv at the table was really useful to the discussion15:50
desrthe has an interesting viewpoint.. in his ideal world, only the stable x.6.x releases ever end up in a debian stable release.... meaning that from now on, they will ship whatever gnome version that falls on15:51
desrt(testing/unstable will follow the party, of course)15:51
desrtit probably makes sense to do something like this for LTSes too15:52
Laneyit only really works if the cadences are aligned15:53
Laneyif .6 comes out 1 year before the LTS / stable freeze then you need to not package the .0 and .215:54
desrtin ubuntu we probably want a cycle or two to let the release firm up, as usual15:54
Laneyso LTS - 2 LTS - 1 and LTS all have the same gnoem release15:54
desrtand then break again in LTS+115:54
Laneyand testing and unstable for a year15:54
Laneyplus freeze time15:54
Laneyso 18 months15:55
desrtthat doesn't make sense15:55
desrtthe release will go in _before_ the freeze time, according to what you say15:55
Laneyit's whatever is current when the freeze happens15:55
desrtso the release is getting older concurrently with the freeze15:55
desrt(which is sort of the usual case anyway)15:56
Laneythe usual case is whatever GNOME release was stable at freeze time15:56
Laneynow it's the latest .6 release at freeze time15:56
Laneywhich, in the worst case, could be pretty old already15:56
desrtah.  so you're actually concerned about the case where the cadence lines up _too_ well15:57
desrtie: new release comes out before the new debian release, but during the freeze15:57
Laneyfor debian you should think about the freeze date, not the release date15:57
Laney'release when ready' and that15:57
Laneysabdfl made this offer to align schedules a few years ago15:58
desrti'm just saying that the freeze thing has always meant that debian is releasing 6+ months old software15:58
Laneymaybe people want to do this now :)15:58
desrtya... i already tried to push back the stable date to 3.2815:58
desrtthose present wanted 3..2415:58
desrtwe landed on the theoretical 3.26 as a compromise15:58
desrt3.28 would let it land 6 months before our LTS... which is perfect15:59
desrtwait... i'm off by one... 22 is this fall, 24 is spring 2017, 26 is fall 2017... so 3.26 actually is perfect for us16:00
desrtwe end up releasing 6-months-old GNOME in the LTS... which is pretty much what we aim for these days anyway16:01
desrtanyway... we'll see how the plan actually ends up working out16:01
Laney3.20 -> 16.10, 3.22 -> 17.04, 3.24 -> 17.10, 3.26 -> 18.04 LTS16:01
Laneythat would be the normal cycle anyway16:01
desrtif we keep the 6 months delay thing up16:01
desrtso at least as far as we go, we're in sync16:02
Laney5th February 201716:02
Laneythat's debian16:02
desrtwe discussed the possibility of debian syncing up with us... since we're the ones who have the release schedule set in stone for the past decade16:03
desrt(and the other distros tend to drift, at least a bit)16:03
desrtbut ultimately it seems like it doesn't make a lot of sense since debian isn't about fixed release dates..16:04
desrtthe only thing that you could do is have fixed freeze dates (irrespective of the actual time of the last release) so that even if a release is later than expected, it won't drift the schedule over time16:04
Laneythey've been kind-of trying to do that lately16:05
desrtin any case, we have another 18 months of status quo... and maybe even better than status quo.... people are already starting to think about this new approach in really positive ways16:05
desrtthere was a lot of "well, we don't have to break that now... we can wait for 4.0..." being thrown around16:06
desrtanyway... i managed to convince everyone that we should have relocatable libraries (at least) as a matter of course -- no hardcoding of paths ever16:08
desrtas a general policy for gnome platform libraries16:08
desrtbut the scope of the problem also increased in size... the new API sort of has to do 'all the things' now... and on windows and mac, too16:09
desrtso... yay...16:09
desrtmeanwhile, it seems that will had a lot of success with the menu positioning stuff.... i got a picture of him making diagrams at a whiteboard... this guy is the next mpt16:10
desrtthat pic is solid16:13
desrtlike, profile pic material16:13
flexiondotorgwillcooke, I've got a primitive class working. I can query some aspects or snapd and install/remove snaps :-)16:23
flexiondotorgGood point to finish for a Friday I think.16:23
seb128desrt, is there a list somewhere of relocation-issues in GNOME? or a bug to discuss those?16:24
desrtProbably it will be more like a good gnome goal16:25
desrtI will open a bug about the patch soon16:25
seb128on that note calling it a week16:33
seb128have a good w.e desktopers!16:33
Laneyhappy weekend!17:12
willcookecongrats flexiondotorg17:33
willcookenight all17:33
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