
meygahmannhello everyone :)00:22
meygahmannim looking for a command to open application in full screen00:23
ouroumovI don't think there is one meygahmann00:25
ouroumovBut if going full screen after the program is open is OK, you should look towards "wmctrl"00:25
meygahmannnah i need the program to run full screen after booting up00:32
meygahmanncan i write a script that will open an app in full screen?00:34
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niruxcan somebody help me with my ubuntu mate issue?02:03
emma-what's the issue?02:04
niruxmy battery applet disappeared and the brightness applet is a red exclamation point now.02:05
niruxwhen i launch mate-power-manager i get: (mate-power-manager:8854): libupower-glib-WARNING **: Couldn't connect to proxy:02:05
niruxany idea what could be the problem?02:06
glassdid you google that?02:56
meygahmannim trying to launch a program in full screen mode02:59
meygahmanncant find nothing in google02:59
glassits not VMware is it?03:01
meygahmannim making an app and i want it to run full screen when i boot up03:01
glassno idea i can only help with ubuntu-mate stuff03:01
meygahmannits actually going to be on a raspberry pi03:01
meygahmannoh ok03:02
glasswhat lang you writing it in03:02
tm_algunos trucos03:02
tm_me podeis decir03:03
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meygahmannin c++03:04
glassmight try that channel or the pi one03:04
meygahmannhow do i find these channels03:05
glassi use hexchat so i go to server > list of channels > and then you can search there or get a full channel list for whatever server your on03:08
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ToroAm I the only one who gets NMapplet crashes in Ubuntu mate 16.04?18:47
user_is there a torrent for ubuntu mate 16.10?21:13
unclesamCan I load Ubuntu Mate on my Dell Chromebook?22:13
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vo_idHello guys22:37
vo_idi'm trying to switch from ubuntu to MATE following the guide on the wiki, but when I type in the terminal update-alternatives --install "$(which x-terminal-emulator)" x-terminal-emulator "$(which mate-terminal)" 30  it gives me the error: alternative path is not absoulute as it should be22:44
vo_idI'm sure I'm making some very easy mistake, can't figure out wich is it22:45
MarioMeyHi, there.23:14
MarioMeyI'm trying to install Guest-Additions in Virtual-Box in Ubuntu-Mate... and it makes nothing.23:15
MarioMeyRun VBoxLinuxAdditions.run as root... and says:23:19
MikelevelMarioMey~ tienes un paquete en los repositorios23:20
MarioMeyMikelevel: ?23:20
Mikelevelvirtualbox-guest-additions-iso - imagen ISO con las aplicaciones de huésped para VirtualBox23:20
MarioMeyIba a decir que leí por ahí que debía instalar build-essential module-assistant... que no lo hice. debería?23:20
Mikelevelsudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-additions-iso23:20
Mikelevelentiendo que es eso de virtualbox ...23:21
MarioMeySerían los paquetes necesarios... que, al hacer como me acabás de decir, se instalan automaticamente, ¿no es así?23:21
MarioMeyVeo que se están instalando unos cuantos.23:21
MarioMeyNo exactamente los mismos, pero... ¡son unos cuantos!23:22
Mikelevelluego ya dentro de la maquina virtual tienes que instalarlo23:22
MarioMey¿Se habla castellano acá23:22
MarioMeySí, claro.23:22
Mikelevelmejor en #ubuntu-es23:23
MarioMeyClaro... es que pensé que podría ser algo específico de Ubuntu-Mate... ya que creo que ya había instalado el GuestAddition en algún Ubuntu, alguna vez...23:23
MarioMey(no puedo asegurarlo)23:24
MarioMey¿De dónde sos, Mikelevel?23:24

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