tempspace | Does anybody know if Ondrej Sury is ever around this room? | 00:50 |
nacc | tempspace: off and on, but he's more likely to be found in debian channels, i think | 00:54 |
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nelson777_ | hello, I recently bought a vps from interserver.net and I found it strange that iftop command shows as source host mirror.xpinator.com instead of the name I put in hostname. Anyone knows why ? | 01:48 |
sypher | nelson777_: What ubuntu release, and how exactly did you set the hostname? | 01:56 |
nelson777_ | ubuntu server 14.04 | 01:57 |
nelson777_ | I set the hostname to yggdrasil | 01:57 |
sypher | nelson777_: How *exactly*? | 01:57 |
nelson777_ | http://pastebin.com/VMzAhpGc | 01:58 |
sypher | nelson777_: You might find it easier to simply use hostnamectl. | 01:58 |
sypher | nelson777_: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/hostnamectl.1.html | 01:58 |
nelson777_ | I used it. But I already found what it was: the reverse dns was set to that name | 02:01 |
nelson777_ | thanks anyway | 02:02 |
masuberu | hi | 02:24 |
masuberu | I would like to nfs mount a folder on my ubuntu server to my mac | 02:24 |
masuberu | at the moment it is giving me a permission denied | 02:24 |
masuberu | I believe because the UID doesn't match | 02:25 |
masuberu | now the question is, the UID on my mac is 501 which is lower than 1000 | 02:25 |
masuberu | would it be ok to create my user on my ubuntu server and manually change the UID to 501? | 02:25 |
tarpman | masuberu: if you haven't already created the user, you can tell adduser which uid to use, see the man page for details | 02:27 |
tarpman | masuberu: some things in ubuntu might ignore users with a uid less than 1000 due to considering them 'system users'. not sure if that's true of anything on server; anything I can think of offhand that would do that are all desktop-ish things | 02:28 |
masuberu | yes, but i know that ubuntu gives an UID higher than 1000, I am not sure if I am breaking something assigning an UID lower? | 02:28 |
masuberu | ok | 02:28 |
tarpman | assuming the uid already exists, I don't think you'd be breaking anything | 02:28 |
tarpman | er | 02:28 |
tarpman | *doesn't already exist : | 02:29 |
tarpman | :) | 02:29 |
masuberu | yep | 02:29 |
masuberu | ok I will give it a go | 02:29 |
masuberu | thank you! | 02:29 |
masuberu | for NFS access... does it have to match the username, UID and GUID? | 02:29 |
tarpman | uid and gid for sure, for the type of nfs you're talking about I don't *think* username matters (but I could be wrong) | 02:30 |
tarpman | and gid only if it matters for your access control needs, really | 02:30 |
tarpman | I think by default a new user in ubuntu will get a 'personal' group (a group with the same name as the user) - I don't remember whether mac does that? | 02:32 |
tarpman | you don't need to make your ubuntu user's personal group gid match the 'users' group gid on your mac, is the point I'm meaning to make | 02:32 |
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mowthegrass | Has anyone tried setting up password for grub | 07:10 |
mowthegrass | i did set up one , but autoboot doesnt work it always wait for user intervention | 07:11 |
mowthegrass | TIMEOUT in /etc/default/grub does work however its gets highlighted and selected on selection it prompts for username and password | 07:12 |
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lordievader | Good morning. | 09:11 |
adun153 | hi! | 09:12 |
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lordievader | Hey adun153 | 09:32 |
adun153 | hey lordievader | 09:35 |
adac | how to solve such a locale error? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/779ebf4e59c465083e8035535fe95dbb | 09:43 |
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adac | actually it is more of a warning | 09:43 |
lordievader | adac: http://askubuntu.com/a/227513 | 09:51 |
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adac | lordievader, thanks I'll try that out | 10:00 |
lordievader | Let me know if it works ;) | 10:03 |
pirx | i just installed 2 new ubuntu 14.04 servers, and i can't TAB-complete on arguments to the "service" command. Any ideas why? :) (i can on almost all other of my ubuntu-servers) | 10:08 |
adun153 | pirx, does your user have a .bashrc in its home directory? | 10:15 |
pirx | adac: yes | 10:42 |
pirx | and it seems to source /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion at the end there | 10:43 |
pirx | and that file there is identical to one that i have in a server where this tab-completion works fine | 10:44 |
pirx | also, tab-completion in general *does* work, but not for arguments to the "service" command | 10:45 |
pirx | annoying:) | 10:45 |
lordievader | pirx: Is the bash-completion package installed? | 10:48 |
pirx | isnt it always? :) | 10:49 |
pirx | yes its installed | 10:49 |
pirx | all other completion works so... | 10:50 |
pirx | all other that i know of anyway | 10:50 |
lordievader | What happens when you source it manually? | 10:52 |
pirx | lordievader: i source it, no errors, but tab-completio still fails | 11:30 |
lordievader | Hmm, not really sure where the problem might lie. | 11:36 |
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jamespage | coreycb, erm | 13:28 |
jamespage | * Note: Skipping 0ubuntu3/4 because they were yakkety-only releases. | 13:28 |
jamespage | ? | 13:28 |
coreycb | jamespage, doesn't seem ideal | 13:30 |
jamespage | coreycb, 2:13.0.0-0ubuntu2.1 would have been better | 13:31 |
coreycb | jamespage, yakkety has moved on to 2:14.0.0~b1-0ubuntu3 so I figured 2:13.0.0-0ubuntu5 would be ok | 13:31 |
jamespage | coreycb, well it is ok from a versioning perspective but the .1 is more consistent with sru point releases... | 13:32 |
jamespage | just looks odd like you say | 13:32 |
coreycb | jamespage, ok. I never really understood when to do a .1 or not tbh. | 13:32 |
teward | coreycb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Update_the_packaging is the guide I use | 13:32 |
teward | logic stands for both Security and SRU updateds | 13:33 |
coreycb | teward, thanks, me looks | 13:33 |
teward | version examples is the string i rely on pretty heavily | 13:34 |
teward | jamespage: sorry for hijacking :0o | 13:34 |
teward | :) * | 13:34 |
jamespage | teward, you saved me find it - ta | 13:35 |
teward | jamespage: bookmarks are nice :) | 13:35 |
teward | that, and I had it open anyways :0 | 13:35 |
teward | that, and I had it open anyways :) | 13:35 |
* teward is working on debdiffs for an SRU | 13:35 | |
teward | 'cept that the same version of the package exists EVERYWHERE so it's even more painful :) | 13:35 |
teward | rbasak knows which package/bug I"m referring to :p | 13:35 |
coreycb | teward, that's very useful thanks | 13:38 |
teward | coreycb: you're welcome | 13:38 |
teward | you can thank the MOTUs and Security team for giving me that an age ago when I started out working in the packaging world :P | 13:39 |
teward | coreycb: but to echo jamespage, the data in that guide is pretty good for identifying what should be done for a package version bump. There are edge cases, I think, but in most cases the guide is far more useful | 13:39 |
teward | that, and yakketyVersion > xenialversion > wilyversion > trustyversion > preciseversion is a valid analysis | 13:40 |
teward | SRU version string shouldn't ever be higher than any of the releases after the affected one, AIUI | 13:40 |
teward | https://launchpad.net/~teward/+archive/ubuntu/pymssql/+packages is an example of how I did this for one mass SRU, but I should point out that that's gonna get poked and nuked shortly because I messed up *those* debdiffs :P | 13:41 |
teward | 1.0.2+dfsg-2 --> 1.0.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1 (yakkety), 1.0.2+dfsg-2ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), etc. | 13:42 |
teward | :P | 13:42 |
teward | but in the case of what it looks to be here, a .1 would be sufficient | 13:42 |
teward | per the guide | 13:42 |
* teward goes back to poking the servers at work to migrate dovecot and inbox data from an ancient server to a new one | 13:42 | |
coreycb | teward, sorry, been reading. bookmarked, thanks again :) | 13:44 |
teward | jamespage: so, Yakkety is 2:14.0.0~b1-0ubuntu3 and their verisonstring/changelog had 2:13.0.0-0ubuntu5 ? | 13:51 |
teward | just so I'm fully understanding :) | 13:51 |
teward | coreycb: ^ | 13:51 |
coreycb | teward, yes the 13.0.0-0ubuntu5 is xenial | 13:52 |
coreycb | teward, 13.0.0-0ubuntu2 was xenial, and 13.0.0-0ubuntu3 and 13.0.0-0ubuntu4 were yakkety. | 13:52 |
coreycb | 13.0.0-0ubuntu2.1 would've made more sense for the xenial update | 13:53 |
teward | indeed | 13:53 |
teward | just wanted to clarify what the problem was when I randomly interjected :) | 13:54 |
jamespage | coreycb, don't stress about it to much - 3 and 4 are superceeded versions and as you point out its still earlier than the version in yakkety | 13:54 |
teward | ^ | 13:54 |
jamespage | coreycb, the SRU team accepted it after all! | 13:54 |
coreycb | jamespage, I'm not :) | 13:54 |
teward | speaking of SRU I need to get these debdiffs rolling | 13:54 |
* teward is just a little lazy :/ | 13:54 | |
coreycb | teward, get back to work! | 13:55 |
coreycb | :) | 13:55 |
teward | coreycb: coffee | 13:55 |
* teward has none | 13:55 | |
* teward needs some | 13:55 | |
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jamespage | ddellav, coreycb: as I did not do my ci shift yesterday fixed up newton failures am today | 14:31 |
jamespage | mainly rebase/drops of patches | 14:31 |
coreycb | jamespage, thanks | 14:32 |
ddellav | jamespage thanks. I'll mop up anything left | 14:32 |
jamespage | a few stable failures (4) but that's it | 14:33 |
jamespage | coreycb, ddellav: fwiw I think we should have branch builds going for anything that we have charmed; so once we get there, we need to include mistral and murano as well | 14:33 |
jamespage | we can discuss... | 14:34 |
coreycb | jamespage, makes sense | 14:35 |
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ddellav | coreycb before i head out to lunch, here's the keystone sru repo: lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/keystone it builds successfully, plz review and push and i will subscribe the sru team to lp:1592865 | 16:28 |
coreycb | ddellav, ok | 16:28 |
jamespage | smoser, have you actually seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-novaclient/+bug/1559072 on xenial? | 16:34 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1559072 in python-novaclient (Ubuntu Xenial) "exceptions.from_response with webob 1.6.0 results in "AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'get'"" [High,Confirmed] | 16:34 |
coreycb | ddellav, keystone still fails with the dh-python failure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17440199/ | 17:21 |
ddellav | coreycb are you building locally? https://launchpad.net/~ddellav/+archive/ubuntu/xenial-mitaka/+build/10035503 | 17:21 |
coreycb | ddellav, you mentioned you had a fix for dh-python yesterday? | 17:22 |
ddellav | coreycb my fix was to remove that line from requirements.txt but it builds successfully as-is in the ppa so i didn't make that change | 17:22 |
ddellav | i assume its because the sbuild chroot does not pull in proposed updates or something like that | 17:23 |
coreycb | ddellav, hmm not sure because the dh-python fix is in xenial-updates already: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dh-python | 17:24 |
ddellav | coreycb im not sure then, for some reason the ppa is getting the fixed version of dh-python and sbuild locally is not. | 17:25 |
nacc | ddellav: are you making sure to run an `apt-get update` locally? and possibly pass -U ? | 17:25 |
ddellav | nacc the first thing sbuild does before it runs the build is update apt-get and upgrade | 17:26 |
ddellav | but i explicitly ran an update and upgrade anyway just to make sure | 17:26 |
nacc | ddellav: ah you're right, i was confusing with adt, sorry! | 17:27 |
nacc | ddellav: do your sbuild logs indicate it's hitting updates at all? | 17:27 |
ddellav | nacc all good, any suggestions welcome | 17:27 |
ddellav | nacc yes, it hits it and updates but there are no upgrades to be done currently. I also watch the build as it's running and it shows the update | 17:28 |
coreycb | ddellav, I wonder if by default sbuild doesn't have -updates enabled | 17:28 |
ddellav | coreycb that would certainly explain it | 17:28 |
coreycb | ddellav, from your ppa build -- Get:13 http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 dh-python all 2.20151103ubuntu1.1 [74.1 kB] | 17:28 |
nacc | ddellav: it would depend on your local sbuild env's configuration | 17:29 |
coreycb | ddellav, from sbuild logs -- Get:9 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 dh-python all 2.20151103ubuntu1 [74.4 kB] | 17:29 |
nacc | ddellav: you can always try passing an --extra-repository | 17:29 |
ddellav | coreycb i see that as well: Get:17 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 dh-python all 2.20151103ubuntu1 [74.4 kB] | 17:30 |
ddellav | let me look at the config | 17:30 |
ddellav | yea, its not enabled in the chroot. This needs to be fixed on all our sbuild envs | 17:31 |
coreycb | ddellav, we may just need to fiddle with SKIP_UPDATES: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild | 17:35 |
ddellav | coreycb https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild these are the instructions i followed when setting up sbuild ages ago, in the .mk-sbuild.rc they have SKIP_UPDATES and SKIP_PROPOSED | 17:35 |
ddellav | lol | 17:35 |
coreycb | ddellav, heh | 17:36 |
coreycb | ddellav, anyway can you rebase your keystone updates and I'll fix up my sbuild and land that | 17:36 |
ddellav | coreycb thats for making new environments though, so does that mean i'll have to nuke them all and start over? | 17:36 |
ddellav | ok | 17:36 |
ddellav | coreycb will do | 17:36 |
coreycb | ddellav, yeah but that's not a huge deal | 17:36 |
ddellav | coreycb thats true, there's nothing stored there | 17:37 |
ddellav | coreycb ok, keystone rebased and pushed | 17:52 |
coreycb | ddellav, ok | 17:54 |
coreycb | ddellav, nacc: btw, I just created a yakkety sbuild chroot with SKIP_UPDATES and SKIP_PROPOSED commented out and updates is now enabled. same config as last time but I have a feeling maybe the updates pocket didn't exist last time. | 17:56 |
ddellav | coreycb i went to re-create my sbuild chroots and when I did a reverse history search for the command i found i passed the --skip-updates flag as well, not sure why past-me was a dumbass | 17:57 |
coreycb | ddellav, oh that'll do it | 17:58 |
ddellav | jamespage it looks like you updated python-glance-store to 0.9.2, possibly to fix a ci issue. Are you going to upload that to wily? | 18:07 |
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hggdh | kirkland: just a question: why does gnome-software show byobu as non-free (I know it is GPL3)? | 18:29 |
hggdh | kirkland: also, it seems the copyright notice in ./share/doc/byobu/copyright should be updated (goes up to 2014 only) | 18:30 |
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