thatgraemeguy | mornings | 05:44 |
theblazehen | morning all | 06:06 |
theblazehen | squish102: What's the cpu load like? Fan running? | 06:06 |
theblazehen | I've idled at ~70 with a pentium E2220 or something with the fan stopped | 06:07 |
Kilos | morning all | 06:41 |
theblazehen | hi Kilos | 06:52 |
inetpro | good mornings | 08:13 |
theblazehen | hi inetpro | 08:15 |
Kilos | hi inetpro theblazehen | 08:16 |
theblazehen | hi Kilos | 08:16 |
theblazehen | Anyone else forget what the command is they need to run, so they just look away from keyboard and display and type from muscle memory? | 08:19 |
gremble | When that happens I default to "sudo pacman -Syu" so I try not to | 08:21 |
chesedo | lol, morning all | 08:23 |
gremble | Cheers. Time to go write calculus | 08:24 |
theblazehen | hey chesedo | 08:24 |
theblazehen | cheers gremble | 08:24 |
theblazehen | repeatedly typing ls also helps me concentrate | 08:24 |
chesedo | oh, all of the best with that gremble | 08:33 |
inetpro | theblazehen: it irritates me that I do this but pressing ENTER, ENTER and ls -la helps me to remember what I wanted to do | 09:21 |
inetpro | not always, but often | 09:22 |
theblazehen | inetpro: Glad I'm not alone then :) | 09:23 |
* Kilos keeps quiet | 09:24 | |
paddatrapper | I do exactly the same. ls is stuck in my muscle memory | 09:25 |
chesedo | I would normally use '<ctrl> + r' to search the history if i can remember part of the command | 09:25 |
Kilos | lol | 09:26 |
Kilos | i ask the pro or you guys what i must use | 09:26 |
chesedo | Kilos: now you know what we do behind the scene to help you :D | 09:27 |
Kilos | hahahaha | 09:27 |
Kilos | ty | 09:27 |
chesedo | ... so just ignore the start of our help if it starts with 'ls' | 09:28 |
Kilos | and here i was thinking you guys have wonderful memories | 09:28 |
theblazehen | Kilos: Heh. We have a small cache (brain), then main memory is ^R, and disk is google | 09:30 |
Kilos | hahaha | 09:30 |
chesedo | lol | 09:31 |
chesedo | theblazehen: you saying my brain is volatile :P | 09:31 |
theblazehen | chesedo: Well when you're powered off (Not suspend), you *do* lose all the data in your brain.. | 09:32 |
chesedo | ...only after about 5 mins thu, which asks the question: why aren't main mem like that yet | 09:34 |
theblazehen | Well, they kinda are.. Just gotta keep them cold | 09:35 |
theblazehen | chesedo: | 09:35 |
inetpro | lots of info is available in your long term memory as well, we're just lazy to access this slower resource often enough | 09:35 |
chesedo | theblazehen: wow, thats interesting | 09:37 |
inetpro | wish I could see the total usage in units of digital information | 09:37 |
theblazehen | chesedo: for more fun | 09:37 |
theblazehen | Here we go on a wikipedia binge again.. | 09:38 |
chesedo | inetpro: heard the other day that our brains contain can something in the EB (exabyte = 1024 petabyte) of data | 09:42 |
Kilos | our brains are wonderful, its us that dont know how to use them correctly | 09:42 |
chesedo | ... or was that our body... one DNA stran is 18MB which it was built on if i remember correctly | 09:42 |
theblazehen | chesedo: Yeah, but a lot of it is redundant | 09:44 |
chesedo | Kilos: well imagine a computer trying to sort that many raw info | 09:44 |
Kilos | yip | 09:44 |
chesedo | theblazehen: yip | 09:45 |
chesedo | ... but that is still 18mb stored in a few nano units | 09:46 |
Kilos | i read another arcticle that we actually have more dna but its not active | 09:46 |
Kilos | the aliens disabled it | 09:46 |
Kilos | hi ChrisDames | 09:47 |
Kilos | what broke | 09:47 |
ChrisDames | lmga | 09:48 |
inetpro | chesedo: the bigger challenge is to transfer from body to another | 09:48 |
inetpro | from one body* | 09:48 |
Kilos | they are working on that inetpro | 09:48 |
ChrisDames | just trying to register | 09:48 |
ChrisDames | hi Kilos | 09:49 |
Kilos | to put human brains in robot bodies | 09:49 |
ChrisDames | how do I login? | 09:49 |
Kilos | loin where | 09:49 |
Kilos | login where | 09:49 |
ChrisDames | xchat | 09:49 |
chesedo | Kilos: lol, maybe that because more that 95% of all DNA are the same - they are a lot like program functions and we only differ in the parameters we send those 'functions' | 09:49 |
Kilos | you mean on this channel | 09:49 |
ChrisDames | yip | 09:50 |
Kilos | you have registered the nick ChrisDames | 09:50 |
Kilos | didnt you | 09:50 |
ChrisDames | dunno received a mail saying must use this link to register | 09:50 |
Kilos | to make it identify you you type in /msg nickserv identify password | 09:51 |
Kilos | to register you do /msg nickserv register ChrisDames email address | 09:51 |
Kilos | i gthink | 09:52 |
Kilos | more than that the clever guys must help | 09:53 |
ChrisDames | thats why we have you | 09:53 |
ChrisDames | clever | 09:53 |
Kilos | ai! nono thre others think better | 09:53 |
Kilos | i do basics | 09:53 |
ChrisDames | any visa progress? | 09:53 |
Kilos | nope | 09:54 |
ChrisDames | eish! | 09:54 |
ChrisDames | ok Kilos lets just leave this register process, maybe someday | 09:55 |
Kilos | why | 09:55 |
Kilos | didnt you register it long ago | 09:55 |
ChrisDames | gotta go and to complicated | 09:55 |
ChrisDames | too | 09:55 |
Kilos | ok anytime | 09:55 |
Kilos | go safe | 09:55 |
ChrisDames | maybe we did, chris is lazy about reading mails | 09:55 |
Kilos | lol | 09:56 |
ChrisDames | you too thks | 09:56 |
ChrisDames | pas my skape op | 09:56 |
Kilos | maak so | 09:56 |
ChrisDames | ek kom nog eendag braai | 09:56 |
Kilos | lol | 09:56 |
ChrisDames | lmga | 09:56 |
ChrisDames | mooi loop | 09:56 |
Kilos | jy ook dankie | 09:57 |
ChrisDames | groete van ChrisDames ook | 09:57 |
Kilos | julle lewe te lekker | 09:57 |
Kilos | ry te veel rond | 09:57 |
ChrisDames | ja daar doer in de Bosveld | 09:57 |
ChrisDames | cheers Kilos | 09:57 |
Kilos | cheers for now | 09:58 |
Kilos | ai! | 09:58 |
Kilos | apparently our disabled dna gives us other powers chesedo | 09:58 |
chesedo | hmm, ok | 09:59 |
Kilos | like telepathy and those advanced things | 09:59 |
Kilos | bending spoons with the mind and so on | 09:59 |
Kilos | and foresight | 10:00 |
thatgraemeguy | o_O | 10:00 |
Kilos | hi thatgraemeguy | 10:00 |
chesedo | lol, i also use my mind to command muscle contraction - which can bend spoons (if strong enough) | 10:01 |
Kilos | lol | 10:01 |
Kilos | no man | 10:01 |
Kilos | some peeps can pick up a cup of coffee with their minds | 10:01 |
Kilos | hands at their sidews | 10:02 |
thatgraemeguy | nobody can do that | 10:02 |
thatgraemeguy | end of story | 10:02 |
Kilos | maybe only magicians | 10:02 |
chesedo | they must be quite the sight with their brain sticking out :P | 10:02 |
Kilos | lol | 10:02 |
Kilos | ive read lots of funny stuff | 10:02 |
Kilos | even a tweet about the uk queen shapeshifting | 10:03 |
thatgraemeguy | yeah you can read pretty much anything, that doesn't make it true or possible | 10:03 |
thatgraemeguy | nobody is moving things with their mind. period. | 10:03 |
Kilos | im not arguing | 10:04 |
Kilos | but if we could use our whole brain im sure we will be able to do many things we see as impossible now | 10:05 |
thatgraemeguy | the idea that we only use a portion of our brain is a myth | 10:06 |
Kilos | like ptotographic memory | 10:06 |
Kilos | photographic | 10:06 |
thatgraemeguy | photographic memory isn't impossible, just rare | 10:06 |
Kilos | and those others we see as retards that can do magic maths | 10:06 |
chesedo | Kilos: when things do not have dates, names or explanations then you can be sure that it is false (just look at the whatsapp message - and others - that is constantly doing their rounds) | 10:06 |
Kilos | thats just a different part of their brain that works as ours all should | 10:07 |
Kilos | ok the queen shapeshifting gave dates times and place | 10:08 |
chesedo | Kilos: magic maths is just build on doing maths a bit different than normal (from left to right for a base) | 10:08 |
Kilos | tweeters should be able to find it | 10:08 |
thatgraemeguy | people don't shapeshift. people don't move physical objects without physical contact of some kind | 10:08 |
thatgraemeguy | twitter is not a scientific source of anything | 10:09 |
Kilos | they gave links to the event but i dont waste data | 10:09 |
thatgraemeguy | it. didn't. happen. | 10:09 |
Kilos | ok | 10:09 |
chesedo | Kilos: regarding the shapeshifting - do you think it might be similar to other optical illusion and would you have spotted it if someone did not point it out to you first? | 10:10 |
Kilos | i have no idea, that stuff is all beyong me | 10:11 |
Kilos | i battler to shift this boby around as it used to | 10:11 |
thatgraemeguy | if you didn't see it happen in front of you, it is bull | 10:11 |
MaN1 | even if it did it might be, the eyes and brain are quite good at playing tricks on you :p | 10:15 |
=== MaN1 is now known as MaNI | ||
thatgraemeguy | If anyone recently jumped on the google music bandwagon and has been lamenting the lack of media key support: | 10:43 |
thatgraemeguy | now if only I could find a cost-effective radio upgrade for my Jeep I wouldn't need to muck around with CDs full of MP3s like some kind of savage :-( | 10:44 |
Kilos | lol | 10:45 |
thatgraemeguy | yeah 1st world problems, haha! | 10:46 |
=== pavlushka is now known as tareq2 | ||
=== tareq2 is now known as pavlushka | ||
=== pavlushka is now known as DJ3 | ||
=== DJ3 is now known as pavlushka | ||
magespawn | good morning | 11:19 |
magespawn | afternoon | 11:19 |
magespawn | day | 11:19 |
pavlushka | afternoon magespawn ! | 11:36 |
thatgraemeguy | Hiiii | 13:12 |
theblazehen | hi thatgraemeguy | 13:13 |
thatgraemeguy | quiet in here today. everyone took leave I guess | 13:14 |
theblazehen | yeah | 13:14 |
superfly | actually, I've been kinda busy | 13:29 |
pavlushka | lol | 13:54 |
pavlushka | ahoy everyone | 13:55 |
Kilos | hmm... | 14:26 |
Kilos | everyone on their way home | 14:26 |
pavlushka | Kilos: but they left you? | 14:29 |
Kilos | lol im always home | 14:30 |
Kilos | and maaz makes me coffee | 14:30 |
Kilos | Maaz coffee on | 14:30 |
* Maaz washes some mugs | 14:30 | |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for Kilos! | 14:34 |
Kilos | Maaz ty | 14:34 |
Maaz | You are welcome Kilos | 14:34 |
magespawn | chat later | 16:36 |
Kilos | yoo hoo mountain dew | 16:44 |
inetpro | lol | 16:44 |
Kilos | anyone remember that | 16:44 |
inetpro | whisky or rum? | 16:45 |
Kilos | wasnt it an advert for a colddrink in the old days | 16:45 |
inetpro | carbonated soft drink brand produced and owned by PepsiCo? | 16:46 |
Kilos | ah | 16:46 |
Kilos | i dont know why that popped into the mind | 16:46 |
Kilos | lol | 16:46 |
inetpro | nothing wrong with your long term memory | 16:47 |
Kilos | nope | 16:48 |
inetpro | just need to tweak it some so we can transfer it to a backup | 16:49 |
Kilos | lol | 16:49 |
inetpro | life is way too short | 16:51 |
Kilos | yeah | 16:51 |
Kilos | actually life is long enough but time is the prob | 16:51 |
inetpro | would be awesome if one could analyse all the stuff inside that memory for many years to come | 16:52 |
Kilos | yeah | 16:52 |
inetpro | friend of mine on his bike was hit with a car from behind this week | 16:53 |
Kilos | eish | 16:54 |
Kilos | is he ok | 16:54 |
inetpro | happened as he stopped to turn off with a car coming from the front | 16:54 |
inetpro | he's still in very critical condition... back broke in two places... under heavy sedation | 16:55 |
Kilos | oh my thats bad | 16:55 |
Kilos | we need to learn to teleport from place to place | 16:56 |
inetpro | he's a big fighter, been in hospital like this before, but he's not doing well at the moment | 16:57 |
Kilos | shame man | 16:57 |
Kilos | i go eat | 16:59 |
inetpro | me too | 16:59 |
Kilos | Maaz watch them | 16:59 |
Maaz | oh Kilos I will watch them no problem, but you better be back soon! | 16:59 |
inetpro | enjoy the meal | 16:59 |
inetpro | Kilos: what did you make for dinner today? | 17:50 |
Kilos | sister made veggie soup | 17:50 |
Kilos | thick | 17:50 |
inetpro | lekker | 17:50 |
Kilos | \and of course had meat in too | 17:50 |
theblazehen | Kilos: nice | 17:51 |
Kilos | soup helps warm you in winter | 17:51 |
Kilos | normally we have it in rainy weather but cold passes too | 17:51 |
Kilos | and losta chilli/garlic sauce as well | 17:52 |
Kilos | what did you have inetpro | 17:52 |
* inetpro had a nice stew with veggies and cooked to perfection with homegrown jalapeño and all | 17:52 | |
Kilos | yum | 17:53 |
Kilos | eating is really a pleasurable pastime | 17:54 |
Kilos | now im eating pickled peppadews as pudding | 17:54 |
inetpro | klink baie lekker | 17:55 |
Kilos | they sell them at supermarkets | 17:55 |
Kilos | i grew lots this year and the ou tannie next door pickled and gave me a bottle | 17:56 |
inetpro | the girls made Jellie for pudding but forgot to make custard so we'll wait for tomrrow with that | 17:56 |
Kilos | jellie lekker like that too | 17:57 |
inetpro | sure, but lekker warm custard is a must | 17:57 |
Kilos | eat and they can make more to go with tomorrows custard | 17:57 |
inetpro | too much of the goodness all at once is no good | 17:58 |
Kilos | lol | 17:58 |
Kilos | only if you have it too often | 17:58 |
Kilos | inetpro pavlushka is getting like you | 17:59 |
inetpro | why? | 17:59 |
Kilos | slowly getting life back into bd channel | 18:00 |
Kilos | so i said soon i can retire | 18:00 |
Kilos | he said no im the irc man and not allowed to leave | 18:00 |
inetpro | haha | 18:00 |
pavlushka | I am here! | 18:02 |
Kilos | haha hi pavlushka | 18:02 |
inetpro | uh oh! | 18:02 |
Kilos | i tried to retire here as well once | 18:02 |
pavlushka | Hello guys | 18:02 |
inetpro | wb pavlushka | 18:02 |
pavlushka | inetpro: are you angry with me, or something like this? | 18:03 |
Kilos | lol | 18:03 |
inetpro | nope, why would i? | 18:03 |
pavlushka | inetpro: you dont respond like that, I miss you man! | 18:04 |
Kilos | hahaha | 18:04 |
Kilos | banglori peeps have funny ways | 18:04 |
pavlushka | Kilos: like? | 18:05 |
theblazehen | German people too. I like it | 18:05 |
Kilos | like asking someone that just said wb to you if he is angry with you | 18:05 |
inetpro | maybe he didn't read that Kilos | 18:06 |
Kilos | pavlushka keep up man | 18:06 |
pavlushka | yes, I missed that, so I was checking the logs | 18:06 |
Kilos | haha | 18:06 |
pavlushka | and by the way inetpro , thanks for the welcome | 18:07 |
inetpro | pavlushka: did I ignore you somewhere? | 18:07 |
pavlushka | ahoy theblazehen ! | 18:07 |
pavlushka | inetpro: let me think, mmmmmmm | 18:07 |
Kilos | hahaha | 18:07 |
Kilos | see | 18:07 |
pavlushka | inetpro: remembered, stakes, :p | 18:09 |
inetpro | stakes? | 18:09 |
theblazehen | hey pavlushka | 18:09 |
inetpro | I see stakes and read steaks... luckily have just had dinner | 18:10 |
pavlushka | yes, I remembered stakes, bad joke, but your and superfy's and cryterions jokes are too smart, I need minutes to get those, :p | 18:10 |
theblazehen | no longer works :( from what I've found | 18:11 |
pavlushka | inetpro: yes its steaks. | 18:11 |
pavlushka | I re-remembered. | 18:11 |
inetpro | steaks are lekker but I can't afford them any more | 18:14 |
Kilos | the good old days | 18:15 |
Kilos | steak egg and chips | 18:15 |
Kilos | ohi superfly | 18:15 |
Kilos | sorry if i missed you today | 18:16 |
theblazehen | Kilos: You make me hungry now.. | 18:16 |
Kilos | time for debconf16 to get done | 18:16 |
Kilos | im always hungry when i see the word steak | 18:16 |
inetpro | theblazehen: steek 'n vuurtjie aan die brand en gooi vir jou 'n lekker boerwors op die kole | 18:17 |
Kilos | ai! | 18:17 |
Kilos | even daai goed is duur nou | 18:18 |
inetpro | boerewors* | 18:18 |
Kilos | i enjoy boerewors raw | 18:18 |
inetpro | 'n lekker aand om vir die sterre te kyk | 18:19 |
Kilos | te koud | 18:19 |
theblazehen | Lost my motherboard pc speaker :( | 18:19 |
Kilos | same as this t410 | 18:19 |
Kilos | only get sound over headfones | 18:20 |
theblazehen | Was really tired other morning, couldn't concentrate enough to find the pid of the process running the `while:; do beep; done` script, so just removed pc speaker from motherboard | 18:20 |
theblazehen | Can't remember where I put it | 18:20 |
Kilos | eish | 18:20 |
theblazehen | `ps aux | grep beep` Hmm.. I `still` haven't found it :p | 18:21 |
inetpro | watch the brilliant waxing gibbous moon swing by the planets Mars and Saturn, plus the star Antares, on June 16, June 17 and June 18 | 18:21 |
Kilos | you mean that tiny speaker | 18:21 |
theblazehen | Kilos: yes | 18:22 |
Kilos | why would you take that off | 18:22 |
theblazehen | Kilos: Because it was beeping :( | 18:22 |
Kilos | lol | 18:23 |
inetpro | ai! | 18:23 |
Kilos | thats what its there to do | 18:23 |
theblazehen | And couldn't find process to kill to stop it while I was just woken up after 4 hours sleep | 18:23 |
pavlushka | inetpro: too late for the moon swing, I guess. | 18:23 |
superfly | Kilos: it's fine, it was a nice quiet day, which meant I got a lot more done today | 18:23 |
Kilos | cool superfly | 18:23 |
Kilos | im even trying honey with lots of finely chopped garlic in to try kill this flu now | 18:24 |
Kilos | tomorrow ill chop onion in too | 18:25 |
theblazehen | I need to find another speaker :( | 18:25 |
theblazehen | So usefull. long script; beep | 18:25 |
Kilos | why it will wake you | 18:25 |
theblazehen | Only if I turn the alarm on Kilos :) | 18:26 |
Kilos | lol | 18:26 |
Kilos | hmm... | 18:26 |
Kilos | you removed that one why? | 18:26 |
Kilos | isnt it lying in the box at the bottom | 18:27 |
Kilos | why take it elsewhere | 18:27 |
pavlushka | Kilos: try ripen jack fruit for your flu, I was recovered in one day. | 18:28 |
Kilos | what is jack fruit | 18:28 |
Kilos | dont give me links to eat my data | 18:28 |
theblazehen | Kilos: /me doesn't have pc in a box | 18:29 |
Kilos | 'oh my is your mb in the open | 18:29 |
=== pavlushka is now known as pavlushka- | ||
theblazehen | Kilos: yeah | 18:30 |
=== pavlushka- is now known as pavlushka | ||
Kilos | sjoe | 18:30 |
=== pavlushka is now known as pavlushka_ | ||
Kilos | thats why they make boxes so its hard to take parts out | 18:31 |
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka | ||
inetpro | theblazehen: you remind me of an old colleague of mine, used to run his PC with everything mounted on an open cardboard box | 18:32 |
theblazehen | inetpro: At least mine isn't on cardboard :) | 18:33 |
Kilos | lol | 18:33 |
Kilos | i thought of that once | 18:33 |
pavlushka | lol | 18:33 |
inetpro | it worked | 18:33 |
pavlushka | theblazehen: then, on a shoe box? | 18:33 |
inetpro | makes me want to try it even just for the fun of it | 18:34 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: On wood shelf above my monitors etc :) | 18:34 |
theblazehen | older pic | 18:34 |
theblazehen | heh. Used to have transparent terminals. Now just black | 18:34 |
Kilos | why you shpowing a panty there | 18:35 |
Kilos | showing | 18:35 |
theblazehen | Kilos: where? | 18:35 |
Kilos | tiny pic 37 on the right | 18:36 |
theblazehen | Ah. Not mine. Image hosting site | 18:36 |
Kilos | lol | 18:36 |
Kilos | thats like fb with russian chicks looking for za husbands | 18:37 |
Kilos | fbpurity killed them all | 18:37 |
theblazehen | well.. There goes my night | 18:38 |
pavlushka | thatgraemeguy: btw, what do you used to do with that unattached memory module in the pic? | 18:38 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: Was just waiting for me to reboot to add it to computer | 18:39 |
theblazehen | I don't reboot often | 18:39 |
theblazehen | " Outline of MySQL ("My Structured Query Language") – world's second most widely used relational database management system (RDBMS) and most widely used open-source RDBMS." listed on I don't think it's *that* important | 18:39 |
Kilos | night all. sleep tight | 18:42 |
theblazehen | night Kilos | 18:42 |
inetpro | theblazehen: what are you trying to say about MySQL? | 19:11 |
theblazehen | inetpro: I don't think it's appropriate as a whole category in the computing portal. Cryptography as an example is a single link, which branches out. Mysql doesn't deserve to be on the portal itself, but maybe behind a databases category | 19:12 |
inetpro | hmm... ok | 19:13 |
theblazehen | doing a *great* job of making me like it /s | 19:13 |
inetpro | cool | 19:14 |
theblazehen | I hate websites that try and look good but fail at high res. Literally the title on the left and a picture on the right.. On a 4k display.. | 19:16 |
inetpro | hate is a strong word theblazehen | 19:26 |
paddatrapper | Why do people insist on sending me .doc files?? At least use a sensible format like PDF | 19:27 |
inetpro | paddatrapper: PDF are often an overkill though | 19:28 |
inetpro | files* | 19:28 |
theblazehen | inetpro: Dislike then | 19:29 |
inetpro | :-) | 19:29 |
paddatrapper | inetpro: But a booking sheet does not need to tied into the Microsoft ecosystem, even just a plain text file would be preferable | 19:30 |
inetpro | exactly | 19:30 |
inetpro | in fact, I often say, just send me the contents in a plain email message | 19:31 |
inetpro | without an attachment | 19:31 |
paddatrapper | I'd agree with that | 19:31 |
paddatrapper | Then I could answer it on my phone without having to wait until I get home/in wifi range to deal with it | 19:32 |
inetpro | paddatrapper: what really irks me is when people ask for software to convert a PDF file to something else | 19:34 |
paddatrapper | They clearly don't get the point of a PDF then... | 19:35 |
inetpro | I rest my case | 19:35 |
theblazehen | Eh, we don't need anything more than ANSI anyway. It has line drawing characters after all | 19:37 |
inetpro | used those back in the days of MS DOS to draw borders around app display areas | 19:38 |
theblazehen | heh | 19:48 |
* theblazehen used to love qbasic... | 19:48 | |
theblazehen | Then moved to quickbasic. You could compile stuff! | 19:48 |
MaNI | gorillas.bas \o/ | 19:49 |
inetpro | Clarion 3.0 with it's Turbo C compiler ftw! | 19:57 |
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