
geirdalNew background images, fourth try- here: geirdal.is/index.php/studio-001:33
autumnasakrecoer: to clarify, either day (21, or 23) is fine for me. :) 17:53
geirdalwhat time is it for me GMT18:49
geirdalbackground images as suggested by Ralf, it is not nice to call geometric art logs! I dont want to make this.19:02
geirdalfifth try!19:03
autumnawhoa, radical change to the first image geirdal19:24
autumnageirdal: re what you said on off-topic, I actually think set 4 might work just fine (and the first image might even work better than the flat one. main issue is having enough brightness contrast between the white text and the background19:32
autumnawhich front graphic of 4 does better than 519:32
geirdalI will make a new version based on 419:35
geirdalwith more contrast19:35
autumnamore contrast with the text right?19:35
autumnaI think this might be fine19:36
autumnamaybe a bit less contrast within the image. (so that it is the same amount of contrast the section ones have)19:36
autumnabut seriously19:36
autumnait might be readable as it is19:36
autumnaits a bit busy 19:37
autumnabut.. yeah, do you have a copy of the image without the text on top?19:37
geirdalwe will see, its good to have something to choose from19:37
geirdali will post a link19:38
autumnathanks :D19:40
geirdalit need more work on the contrast but I think we are on the right track http://geirdal.is/index.php/studio-019:49
geirdalthey arre in  1280 × 720 pixels like sakrekoer suggested to me19:53
autumna*replaces it at the feature test19:56
geirdalsend me link, Ive lost it :P19:57
geirdalthis one ? http://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/feature-test/19:58
autumnasorry I was just logging in19:58
geirdalok ;)19:58
geirdaltake the backround of the text autumna, can you do that :)20:05
autumnaactually I was just doing that20:05
geirdalgood readability? Yes20:07
autumnayeah I don't see any major issues with it20:07
autumnaok it still is very busy20:07
autumnawhich is not ideal20:07
autumnabut I will also still try to see if I can add the blur in there20:07

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