
magespawngood morning06:21
nlsthzngood morning South Africa  08:09
* nlsthzn is busy watching the Soyuz capsule landing... got to love technology :)08:10
magespawngood morning08:27
nlsthzno/ magespawn08:36
pavlushkaahoy everyone!09:19
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
pavlushkawill anyone ping this for me
pavlushkatheblazehen: ahoy10:44
theblazehenHey pavlushka 10:45
theblazehenCan't ping it right now sorry10:45
pavlushkadear inetpro magespawn 10:46
pavlushkapaddatrapper: 10:46
pavlushkahello every one10:46
magespawncheers chat later11:19
inetprogood evening11:53
inetpropavlushka: hi, what did you do with oom Kilos?11:53
inetproMaaz: ping
Maazinetpro: 5 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 4015ms11:55
inetpropavlushka: ^^11:55
pavlushkainetpro: HEllo pro!11:58
pavlushkayes Kilos has 100% packet loss today!12:00
pavlushkaso far12:00
pavlushkainetpro: the ip is mine ad reported by www.ipfingerprints.com but no ping, I wonder12:03
pavlushkagremble: afternoon12:03
gremblepersonal computers generally don't respond to pings though iirc12:16
pavlushkagremble: oh, copy that12:17
grembleOh, nevermind. 12:17
grembleI do. So I lied12:17
pavlushkagremble: what?12:17
grembleI pinged my IP and I do respond with a ping back. 12:18
grembleSo I lied12:18
inetprogremble: his address is not in a private range12:18
grembleI'll just stay with what I know then. I just need to figure out what that is :P12:20
grembleOh, I knew about public and private IP ranges. I just thought that ping-back would not necessarily be enabled on personal computers because they don't need it. But they probably do, because I haven't spent enough time actually learning about networking.12:22
pavlushkainetpro: even freenode says that its my ip.12:22
theblazehengremble: your public IP? General since it comes from inside the network it will reply. Try ping from phone over 3g or something 12:25
inetpropavlushka: ICMP could be blocked by routers or firewalls near you12:25
pavlushkainetpro: ya, may be.12:26
inetproso what is the problem that you're trying to solve?12:27
pavlushkainetpro: I can load ashabadi.com but the owner dont, with his machine but he can load it into his phone.12:37
pavlushkaand me too into my pc and phone12:37
pavlushkahe getrs ping from the ip but the page still does not load for him, running Kubuntu 64 bit12:38
inetprocan he ping ?12:38
inetproMaaz: ping ashabadi.com12:39
Maazinetpro: 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4003ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 177.762/177.828/177.877/0.270 ms12:39
inetprocan he ping it by name?12:40
pavlushkainetpro: sorry, didn't asked that, I had problem sometime when my named crashed.12:40
* inetpro suspects DNS resolution issues12:41
pavlushkainetpro: and now he is not available, gone to Iftari I guess12:42
* pavlushka too12:42
pavlushkainetpro: I forgot to ask, how to fix it?12:50
paddatrapperHey pavlushka13:03
pavlushkaHello paddatrapper , How is it going?13:47
pavlushkaMaaz: tell Kilos that we are worried about him that he has flu and not even here the whole day.13:50
Maazpavlushka: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode13:50
paddatrapperpavlushka: very wet, and I've been outside all day. Warming up now though 13:57
paddatrapperYou? 13:57
pavlushkapaddatrapper: almost same here, thanks!13:58
theblazehen1 GHz overclock 0.o14:16
theblazehen3.5 GHz -> 4.5 GHz14:16
theblazehenon an i514:16
pavlushkaand is it normal?14:32
theblazehenNope.. Not normal. My i7 is currently at 4.5 GHz. 4.0 GHz stock14:34
theblazehenJust set it in the bios14:34
grembleJust make sure you can cool it down at the higher clock speed though. I have a few friends that set their AMD's on fire :P14:35
theblazehengremble: Thermal throttling just in case :p Ran mprime stress test, got to 99C after maybe 15 min14:37
theblazehenThen they throttle down14:37
theblazehenBut normal VM hosting wont run it that high14:37
theblazehenCurrently at 26C, mostly idle. Couple containers and VMs running14:38
grembleI don't think modern CPU's will burn anymore :P Someone hypothesised that the silicon of the various architectures, ie Sandybridge or Haswell, are all the same. They differentiate it to i3-i7 simply by the management chips that they ship alongside the CPU's14:41
theblazeheni7 with aftermarket cpu us at 90C on stress test14:41
theblazehengremble: That is mostly true14:41
theblazehenIf they have too much high grade silicon to make i7's, then they bin it as an i5 with lower speeds etc14:42
theblazehenBut if you take a lower binned i5, turning it into an i7 could cause issues14:42
pavlushkainetpro: update, his pc can resolve google.com but not ashabadi.com, he uses a telco network.14:54
grembleI am watching Die Walkure by Wagner in Beyreuth. Good lord the stage is Enormous14:54
theblazehenpavlushka: Do `dig +trace ashabadi.com` then `dig ashabadi.com @`14:55
pavlushkatheblazehen: on it, lets see how much I can.14:56
pavlushkatheblazehen: see if it shades some light https://bin.snyman.info/mmmy86ft.16:15
pavlushkaand the trace https://bin.snyman.info/mmm898gb16:18
theblazehenpavlushka: Hmm, that looks alright16:25
theblazehenNot sure16:26
pavlushkame too.16:26
theblazehenMy router is kinda screwed up, giving internet issues16:26
theblazehenCan't access http16:26
theblazehenGonna reinstall16:26
pavlushkatheblazehen: but its good that your router is giving something not taking, :p16:27
theblazehenAm I still here?16:32
Kilosmorning all17:25
pavlushkaKilos: really?17:29
pavlushkaKilos: how is your flu?17:55
Kilossame pavlushka 17:55
pavlushkaKilos: for how many days?17:56
Kilosabout a month now i think17:56
pavlushkabeen to a doctor?17:56
Kilosdoctors cost money17:57
pavlushkano general medical service? no general hospital?17:57
Kilosbetter to spend money on data17:57
Kilosyes far from here17:58
pavlushkano, first save your self and then save the world17:58
Kilosi wont die , im getting used to it now17:58
pavlushkayou cant save the world being weak.17:58
Kilosi dont want to save the world17:58
Kiloswell not all of them17:59
pavlushkaKilos: its no good in getting used to flu.17:59
Kilosit will go sooner or later17:59
pavlushkaKilos: how come you care for other's when you dont care of yourself?18:01
Kilosi do care for myself man18:01
Kilosi have 2 track suits on and three jackets18:02
Kilosand legs and feet under the blankets18:02
pavlushkaKilos: then you should be worried, wearing tracksuits is not all, you know it.18:02
Kilosim fine man18:03
pavlushkaKilos: if it has to go, it would go by less than a week, the flu18:03
Kilosdont worry pavlushka 18:03
Kilosit always used to be 2 days18:03
pavlushkaKilos: trust me, its not a good sign.18:03
Kilosthe whole household has had it the same time18:04
Kilosso maybe we keep reinfecting each other18:04
pavlushkafor months almost?18:04
Kiloswe are building up immunity 18:05
Kilosif it gets so i cant still look after sheep and work outside ill go to docs ok?18:05
pavlushkaKilos: flu morphs every time, no point in growing immunity, your immunity is getting low, that's why you get caught repeatedly.18:06
pavlushkaKilos: ok, how long is winter in your region?18:07
Kilosabougt another 3 or 4 months18:08
Kilosill be well before then18:08
pavlushkawe have 2 months span of winter here.18:08
Kilosmaybe i should just sleep earlier at night and wake up later when the cold has gone18:10
pavlushkaKilos: point.18:11
Kilospoint what18:11
pavlushkaKilos: that will help18:12
Kilosyes i think going out when its still cold doesnt help18:12
pavlushkaKilos: and if there is SUN, let it burn you for a while.18:16
Kilosi will18:16
Kiloshehe but even the sun is weak here in winter18:16
pavlushkathat's evident18:17
pavlushkaKilos: if its not been winter, I would have told you to keep your house open all th way to pass fresh air.18:18
Kilosdont stress, ill be fine, you cant escape so easy18:18
Kilosyes in summer everything is open18:19
Kilosjust had a power cut18:19
pavlushkaI bought a ups for that, :p18:20
Kilosi have one but the battery died18:20
Kilosand they expensive 18:20
Kilosi go sleep now18:21
Kilosbe good18:21
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:21
Kilossee you tomorrow18:22
pavlushkaGood night everybody!18:28

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