
Kiloshi Ekushey and others08:38
pavlushkaHello Kilos Ekushey and others!09:57
Kiloshi pavlushka 09:57
pavlushkaKilos: How are you today and your sheeps?09:58
Kilosok ty09:58
Kilosand you?09:58
pavlushkaKilos: My day just started, will tell you later, :p10:00
Kilosive been awake 7 hours already10:00
pavlushkaIt was raining here since night and power was down.10:01
pavlushkaDid some bug fixes around the house and now again, power is down, ;p10:02
pavlushkaKilos: I am back!14:37
pavlushkadont worry, I'll be back again, :p14:38
tareqhello Russel bhai16:29
ashabadiekushey pavlushka hi17:02
ashabadikilos hello17:02
pavlushkaHeya ashabadi !17:02
Kiloshi ashabadi 17:02
ashabadiis ekushey here? or is he sleeping?17:03
Kiloslol he says very little17:03
Kilos maybe sleeping but then all day sleeping is too much sleeping17:03
ashabadihow was your day?17:04
ashabadiI just returned from office... tired and sleepy17:04
Kilosok ty and yours17:04
Kilosthen you should be sleeping17:04
Kiloseat then sleep17:04
ashabadihmm yet to have dinner17:04
Kilosone sleeps better with a full belly17:05
ashabadihumm not hungry... waiting for hunger to strike :p17:05
Kilosoh my17:05
ashabadione can have full belly if hungry17:06
Kilosyes if you dont eat the right food17:06
ashabadisigning out will catch up with you guys later :)17:07
Kilos be good17:07
ashabadigood night17:07
ashabadiyou too17:07
Kilosrest well17:07
pavlushkabye ashabadi 17:07
pavlushkaQA tell ashabadi that he missed the goodnight wish from pavlushka, :p17:09
QApavlushka: Got it, I'll tell ashabadi on freenode17:09
tareq1hello guys17:21
Kiloshi tareq1 `17:21
tareq1hey Kilos17:21
tareq1how are you doing17:21
Kilosok ty and you?17:22
pavlushkaHello tareq1 !17:22
tareq1fine, thanks17:22
tareq1Salam too brother17:22
tareq1met an admin of ubuntu-bd today17:22
tareq1talked about various topics17:23
tareq1asked him to manage a get-together 17:23
tareq1Russel Jon is the factor17:23
Kiloshere or in fb17:24
Kilosyes he is here17:24
tareq1in real17:24
Kilosbut quiet17:24
KilosEkushey ping17:24
tareq1RJ bro17:24
tareq1problem is we are busy with our lives17:25
tareq1i've got time at night because of ramadan17:25
tareq1otherwise my schedule is scattered :/17:25
Kilosthat the problem with everyone in the world today, there isnt enough time17:26
Kilosespecially if you are a family man as well17:26
tareq1this is true17:26
Kilosonly single youngsters have any free time17:27
Kilosand even some of them dont17:27
pavlushkaW AudaciousTUX 17:38
Kiloshi AudaciousTUX 17:38
AudaciousTUXhi pav & kilos17:44
tareq1hello AudaciousTUX17:46
pavlushkaAudaciousTUX: did you get the W? its Welcome, :p extracted from wb (welcomeback) ^^17:49
AudaciousTUXi'm familiar with these shortcuts :v17:50
AudaciousTUXhi tareq vai :)17:50
Kilosvery lazy making a shortcut of wb17:50
pavlushkanot being lazy but a bit tricky, :p17:51
Kiloswas hard enough remembering wb and ty and some of the others like imo and iirc17:51
Kilosand imho17:51
Kilosi had to get the guys to spell them out for months before they sank in17:52
pavlushkaKilos: yes, my point is, if I have to remember wb, then why not W, ;p17:52
Kilosthen its 1 more short cut pavlushka 17:52
pavlushkaKilos: dont worry, I will apply these only to AudaciousTUX , :p17:53
Kilosmy sister used to do that with smsses till i stop answering because i had to say please explain everytime17:53
pavlushkaKilos: sigh, I cant understand their long speech even, forget about shortcuts, :p17:55
Kilosi go eat17:56
pavlushkaKilos: yes please, :)17:58
pavlushkagood night every one!20:30

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