=== Guest89679 is now known as Mamarok__ | ||
=== Mamarok__ is now known as Mamarok | ||
=== Mamarok is now known as Guest35980 | ||
=== Guest35980 is now known as Mamarok | ||
=== vaas is now known as Beautiful | ||
supuslol | bazhang is faggot, he sucks dicks for ops | 02:59 |
supuslol | dax: cao ni ma | 02:59 |
supuslol | you ben shi bie gai ming | 02:59 |
supuslol | bie +g | 02:59 |
supuslol | elky sucks bazhang's penis | 03:00 |
supuslol | bazhang is faggot, he sucks dicks for ops | 03:00 |
supuslol | bazhang is faggot, he sucks dicks for ops | 03:00 |
supuslol | 03:00 | |
seesc | !ops | 03:21 |
ubottu | Thanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently | 03:21 |
ubottu | seesc called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () | 03:21 |
seesc | 真他妈一群乌合之众 | 03:22 |
seesc | Pici 也是个傻逼 | 03:22 |
seesc | 叫baz当狗 | 03:23 |
seesc | elky you suck ass | 03:23 |
seesc | you suck dax | 03:24 |
dax | well i mean... | 03:24 |
seesc | when will you get staff | 03:24 |
dax | seesc: I used to be staff. I quit because it's dumb. | 03:24 |
Unit193 | Beautiful: Hello, anything we can help you with? | 03:40 |
ubottu | allorder called the ops in #ubuntu () | 03:47 |
elky | Unit193: tonyyarusso banforwarded him after he quit earlier with cussing in his quit message, i suspect he's not even aware he's here. | 03:51 |
Unit193 | Ah. | 03:51 |
Beautiful | Unit193, oh hey. yeah i think i got ban forwarded here | 04:37 |
elky | Beautiful: usually we lift bans if the naughty words mysteriously disappear from the quit message | 05:09 |
Beautiful | elky, it did. but not because you told me so :D | 05:10 |
elky | i removed the ban, try avoid potty mouth in the future, even if it's a quote. | 05:12 |
Beautiful | potty mouth lmao | 05:14 |
Beautiful | thanks | 05:14 |
bazhang_ | <NSABear> is the ubuntu COC the one that state's there's no such thing as reverse racism | 06:12 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
chu | bazhang: Would you have objections to me kicking him from #u? I dare say he is a troll now. | 09:09 |
bazhang | chu you da op | 09:12 |
bazhang | use da force luke | 09:12 |
bazhang | he was spreading extreme fud elsewhere, but seems to have crossed threshold in #u | 09:13 |
bazhang | talk about not getting the message | 09:27 |
ahoneybun | anyone know a wyoung? | 12:08 |
chu | According to the BT, he seems to be a problem user. | 12:11 |
ahoneybun | BT? | 12:14 |
ahoneybun | he' | 12:14 |
ahoneybun | he | 12:14 |
ahoneybun | damn | 12:14 |
ahoneybun | he's in the #kubuntu channel asking to unban him from this room | 12:14 |
chu | BT is the ban tracker, sorry. | 12:15 |
ahoneybun | oh ok | 12:16 |
ahoneybun | it have to be ops in here to unban him from here anyway, but we have not said anything to him yet | 12:16 |
ahoneybun | I trusted there was a reason behind it | 12:16 |
chu | I'm just looking through the reason why hggdh banned him | 12:17 |
chu | The comment left by hggdh on June 2nd says "Please return in one week", but I'll have a look at the actual logs. | 12:17 |
ahoneybun | thanks chu | 12:18 |
chu | Alright, looks like he repeats the same behaviour each time. I dare say, without being in the actual position to say so, that his ban won't be over turned, but like you I do not have ops in here. Just checked the name in BT because I remembered it. | 12:20 |
ahoneybun | he only asked once in the room so maybe he won't again because he thinks no one will | 12:21 |
ahoneybun | *maybe* | 12:21 |
chu | Juging from the BT, seems like they have issues with authority. | 12:22 |
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok | ||
IdleOne | ahoneybun: IIRC the decision is to refer him to !ircc | 21:04 |
IdleOne | !ircc | 21:04 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu IRC Council is the team governance council for the the Ubuntu IRC channels on the freenode network - For serious inquiries please join #ubuntu-irc-council or email irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com - See also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil | 21:04 |
IdleOne | and let them handle it | 21:04 |
teward | can someone take a peek at #ubuntu and keep an eye on the electron101 guy? | 23:07 |
teward | they're on Mint, and are wasting everyone's time in the channel trying to make us "help them" when it's offtopic | 23:07 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
bazhang | thanks teward | 23:13 |
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