
=== prince|offline is now known as prince
=== prince is now known as prince|offline
jak2000hi all01:26
jak2000how to copy a file from svr1 to svr2 without ask a password? using scp command01:26
patdk-lapjak2000, it should *just work*01:29
patdk-lapassuming you setup your key01:29
=== vaas is now known as Beautiful
Beautifulhello. can anyone give me examples of big companies that currently use ubuntu as their server solution? thanks02:49
XinBeautiful; many use it for servers etc05:31
Xinfew use it for full desktop networks supporting end users05:31
BeautifulXin, oh yeah. right after i ask the question i found on their page they are partnered with a bunch of people. well their logos05:35
Xinwhich means.. what?05:35
BeautifulXin, um....that it can be trusted?05:36
Xinim partnered with google technically05:36
Beautifulit means that many big companies use ubuntu servers05:36
Xincan my os be trusted now05:36
Beautifulso its like battle tested and shit05:36
Xinlol yes, it is very widely used..05:37
Beautifulyeah. it stood the test of time05:37
Xinso was ssh with hartbleed05:37
BeautifulXin, if your OS was used by many many people i'd be inclined to trust it a bit more than others that have not been used by people05:37
Beautifulbut yeah i understand its not a definitive metric05:37
XinIt's used by 10,000 people05:37
BeautifulXin, your OS?05:40
Beautifulwell how is it being used? is it used as a hobby or in production systems?05:40
BeautifulXin, what is your os05:41
XinI call it UbuntuWithATrojan05:41
XinYou should use it05:41
Xinim in partnership with google05:41
Beautifulwhy the Trojan part?05:42
XinNo reason.05:42
Beautifuly u always lyin05:42
BeautifulXin, link me to your project then lol05:43
XinI'll send you a download link what's your email05:44
Beautifuli'll pass on dat05:44
Beautifulemail for more inquiries05:45
Xinwtf im sponsored by google05:45
XinI put their logo on my page bro05:45
Beautifulthats why i give you the top secret email bro05:45
Beautifulso you can send me in privacy05:45
=== Xin is now known as Jerk
=== Jerk is now known as DatJerk
=== DatJerk is now known as Xin
=== ashleyd is now known as ashd
jak2000how to copy a file from svr1 to svr2 without ask a password? using scp command07:11
jak2000need generate a key right anyone know a tutorial?07:12
LostSoulAnyone common with corosync and crm?07:26
Yuri4_Guys, I'm a linux noob. Going to follow the tutorial on how to set up meteorjs (+nginx) on ubuntu 14.04, but on Ubuntu 16.04. Might I encounter problems because I'm using different version? It's for VPS in Azure.11:10
vbotkaYuri4_, you may, but fitting to 16.04 should be trivial and straightforward.11:36
Yuri4_vbotka, it wasn't trivial when my Apache wasn't working because of config location chane in 16.04. Is there are list of all of this changes?11:37
vbotkaYuri4_, I see, best start would be to review the release notes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes11:39
Yuri4_Nope. Nothing about apache config change location there11:41
vbotkaYuri4_, I see, 16.04 records are missing http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=apache211:46
Yuri4_vbotka, what does that mean?11:47
vbotkaYuri4_, default is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf11:48
vbotkaYuri4_, did the location change in 16.0411:48
Yuri4_vbotka, I had to edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf11:50
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== logan_ is now known as Guest27607
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=== BigGun4Hire_ is now known as BigGun4Hire
=== Guest27607 is now known as logan-
=== X-Rob_ is now known as X-Rob
=== Edgan_____ is now known as Edgan
=== \9_ is now known as \9

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