
nahuel_hi, i need the direccion of the spanish chanel please, thanks02:08
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potatozillahi all04:20
potatozillai've a problem there04:20
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potatozillaeverytime pop up a window asking for my password04:21
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potatozillahow to disable it?04:22
SonikkuAmericaDon't use a password?04:23
SonikkuAmericaWhat do you mean?04:23
potatozillai use04:23
potatozillai think this is seahorse , how to disable it?04:26
potatozillapop up evrytime it's is annoyning04:26
potatozillaanyone have this same problem?04:26
SonikkuAmericaso the keyring needs unlocking04:27
potatozillai not want use this04:27
potatozillais outdated04:27
potatozillahow to disable it?04:28
SonikkuAmericaOutdated? Insecure? Not even close!04:28
SonikkuAmericaWho told you it was?04:29
potatozilla2014 this is not development anymore04:29
potatozillai just want disable it or uninstall04:30
SonikkuAmericaIt's in development; I use GNOME 3.20 for day-to-day computing04:30
potatozillabut this version in mate not04:30
SonikkuAmericapotatozilla: That's because this is Ubuntu MATE, and it's not going to be because of feature freezes. But GNOME's password manager is used by every Ubuntu flavour except Kubuntu (which uses kdewallet)04:31
SonikkuAmerica*it's not going to be the latest version04:31
potatozillathis not pop up before to me,why it's show everytime now04:31
SonikkuAmericapotatozilla: Does it say that "The login keyring did not get unlocked when you logged into your computer"?04:32
potatozillanot . it's only ask for password04:33
SonikkuAmericaDid you type the password you use to log in?04:33
SonikkuAmericaand it didn't work?04:34
potatozillabut when pop up say that any software ask for password .but i not open anything , this scary me04:35
SonikkuAmericapotatozilla: Hmmm... You may get better help in #ubuntu for this, actually.04:35
potatozillai watching yt videos pop up, i going to toilet i back pop up04:36
potatozillaanyone can report this to ubuntu mate developers or mate desktop project to fix that?04:36
SonikkuAmericaYou could, but it may not be a bug.04:38
potatozillait' s04:39
SonikkuAmerica[ ubuntu-bug seahorse ] in a terminal will get you what you need to report it.04:39
potatozillathe seahorse is storage my facebook,without asking04:39
potatozillai get a print04:39
potatozillahere: https://i.imgur.com/yFDgL7X.png04:40
potatozillaplease i not want use this ,i not want storage my passwords04:41
SonikkuAmericapotatozilla: You can toss it with [ sudo apt remove seahorse ]04:42
potatozillai cant this will broken my system04:43
potatozillabecause depedencies04:43
SonikkuAmericawhich ones?04:43
potatozillaanyone have this problem in mate, know how help ,please04:44
potatozillaubuntu mate core system, ubuntu mate- full desktop04:44
potatozillayou guys not use mate??04:44
potatozillaanyone know where the directory of seahorse are installed , i'll delete this as root, this pop up is annoying, and stored my facebook password without ask me04:47
potatozillaif nobody can't help me there then i join other channel chat , maybe the mate official04:49
potatozillahi guys , nobody can help me in other channels06:21
ouroumov_hi potatozilla06:22
ouroumov_potatozilla, what's your issue?06:22
potatozillai've problems with seahorse, i losting the hopes :(06:22
potatozillaseahorse has stored my facebook password without ask me06:23
ouroumov_Can you manually remove it from seahorse?06:24
potatozillaand this trigger pop up everytime asking password to keyring06:24
potatozillathe problem are the dependencies06:24
ouroumov_What dependencies?06:25
potatozillaif show me where the seahorse are installed i can remove manually with root commands06:25
ouroumov_Maybe you can access seahorse settings somewhere and only remove this particular password from storage instead of removing seahorse? Less violent?06:26
potatozillaubuntu-mate-core, ubuntu-mate-desktop dependecies06:26
potatozillabut 'll still pop up  and wahta garanties 'll give that not storage facebook password again06:27
ouroumov_I didn't undestand that last one06:28
ouroumov_And I'm on a shitty bus wifi I'm probably gonna be disconnected06:28
potatozillai'll be very happy and gratefull if i remove that06:28
ouroumov_What do you have under "Password & Keys" settings?06:28
potatozillai don't know how was stored the facebook password06:31
potatozillano asked06:31
potatozillaand each 1 minute ask to password of keyring06:32
potatozillaany way to find the seahorse instalation directories?06:32
potatozillaseahorse looks aoutdated and insecure https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Seahorse ,please help me remove that06:34
potatozillawhy this storage the passwords without asking06:37
potatozillai've tried #mate ##linux #ubuntu, but everybody ignore me, say that can't help or say nothing about06:39
potatozillaI would be eternally grateful if someone help me06:40
ouroumov_potatozilla, what's with the sour face? =)06:46
potatozillai want disable keyring seahorse or know the installation directories and files to remove as root06:48
ouroumov_<ouroumov_> (btw if you really want to remove it, know that according to the forum those -core and -desktop packages are meta-packages and should be safe to remove06:48
potatozillai 'm afraid to remove it and not boot anymore and if broken my system. i not tested yet06:50
potatozillais secure remove -core ,-desktop packages?06:51
ouroumov_yes potatozilla it is secure06:54
potatozillaok i'll do06:55
ouroumov_As I was saying, removing seahorse is a little bit violent06:55
ouroumov_I'd recommend you go to 'Password & Keys' settings and try to fix your problem there06:56
potatozilla:D i found06:57
potatozillathe synaptic show the directories of seahorse06:58
potatozillai'll try remove manually the specifics directories of seahorse and keyring if this not solve i'll unistall seahorse andyours  dependecies07:01
potatozillawich comman to remove recursive?07:03
ouroumov_rm -rf ./dir07:03
ouroumov_Be careful with that07:03
potatozillaok i do , thanks07:04
potatozilladone , all files of seahorse deleted! i'll reboot to check if this works07:31
potatozillahey ouroumov , this worked07:36
potatozillanot seahorse anymore in my system07:37
potatozillaall filles related at seahorse deleted with root :-D07:38
potatozillai want make a script to auto remove seahorse to help others with same problem07:40
potatozillasomeone can help?07:41
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potatozillai made a script to remove seahorse : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wov9osdwrlz6z7h/remove-seahorse.sh?dl=009:55
rhcan someone tell me know how to install games from http://wildtangent.com i can download but they will not install i tryed wine and it dosent work10:03
eloycrissHello is someone there??10:59
qdkeloycriss: Will your next question be something like "Can I ask a question?"11:10
qdkeloycriss: If someone says "yes" to your first question.11:10
qdkComing from Linux Mint/Cinnamon (13 - 17.3) and testing Ubuntu 16.04 MATE out I was wondering if my sluggish window resizing is some problem/setting/limits of MATE or something else? Like X server or whatever MATE is depending on? Further more, how do I make alt + right click activate window resizing, instead of alt + middle click?11:12
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redmonkieWheres matey?12:48
qdkComing from Linux Mint/Cinnamon (13 - 17.3) and testing Ubuntu 16.04 MATE out I was wondering if my sluggish window resizing is some problem/setting/limits of MATE or something else? Like X server or whatever MATE is depending on? Further more, how do I make alt + right click activate window resizing, instead of alt + middle click? <- seems to be compiz that is bad. Switching to Marco it works as intended.14:46
Akuliqdk, have you even looked at the compiz settings?14:49
Akulimint's defaults are quite different from ubuntu mate, but its easy to change them14:49
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qdkAkuli: I cant find the settings for compiz, so no... I recall some place where you can set all the fanciness of compiz, but dont know where in MATE.15:03
ouroumov_qdk, you have to install ccsm first (Compiz Config Settings Manager)15:04
ouroumov_qdk, but you should try using Marco+Compton as window manager (in MATE Tweak)15:04
ubuntu-matetema nasıl kurabılırım15:31
ubuntu-matehow to install theme15:32
qdkouroumov: Ok, Im using Marco now... And its seems to have what I want... And everything is a lot more snappy compared to Cinnamon.15:36
qdkFor some reason its possible to go above 100% audio in sound settings in both Cinnamon and MATE, is there a way to enable vol+ and vol- to utilize more than 100%, so I dont have to open up settings to turn the volume (extra) up.15:38
ouroumov_ubuntu-mate, you should have instructions about that on gtk-look15:39
ouroumov_qdk, not that I know of (about the volume)15:40
ouroumov_qdk, if you find a way to do it though please post about it on the forums, I'm interested :)15:40
ubuntu-matei look gtk2 or gtk3 theme?15:41
ouroumov_ubuntu-mate, I don't know, I'm not sure the internals. I'd say GTK3 since it's the direction in which MATE is moving though15:42
qdkouroumov: Ill do a bit of research... playing with the idea to raise the offset. Rendering 0% impossible with vol-... Though MATEs sounds settings is like light years faster than cinnamons, so its not that big a problem now.15:42
ouroumov_qdk, take a look a the "amixer" manual, it's interesting but it's lengthy15:46
qdkouroumov: Ill do that... Guessing it works with pulse? which im guessing it the standard today?15:56
potatozillasomeone know how request a resend email confirmation of freenode nickname register??16:04
Akuli/msg nickserv help16:05
tewardpotatozilla: ask #freenode16:05
tewardpotatozilla: if you're just registering and never fot the registraiton verification mail, you have to drop and start over16:05
potatozillathe problem is that not received any email , i checked junk,spam all folders and nothing16:07
tewardpotatozilla: again, visit #freenode16:08
ouroumovqdk: sorry, no clue. I'm no sound expert. :/16:12
tioxAnyone alive?17:12
tioxI am tryign to do something with regular expressions in compiz but I17:22
tioxBut I've no success so far.17:22
randallI don't know much about compiz, I've never even gotten that desktop cube to work17:23
tioxActually, I am more interested about your issue now than mind, randall; What's your issue with desktop cube?17:23
tioxnow than mine*17:24
randallI don't know how to do one, I know how to switch to compiz, but never found any settings to make a cube or anything17:24
Akuliyou need to install compizconfig-settings-manager17:26
Akulicompiz is basically useless without it, but the cube and other stuff are lots of fun :)17:26
* Akuli rotates his desktop17:26
lirikHey everybody. I`m new here. One month on ubuntu (unity7). Now I`m here. Is it really different?)17:27
randallohhhhhhhh, well now I feel ignorant17:27
fifty-sevenCI turn all compositing off17:28
Akulidepends on which computer you run :)17:28
randallubuntu mate is only different from ubuntu unity in desktop environment only17:29
fifty-sevenCDefault apps are different17:30
fifty-sevenCUnity is a compiz plugin where Mate is an actual DE17:30
lirikthanks. Will see,canI live with it or not :D I really like unity. and didn`t like kde. tried. Not for me... Well, will see.17:30
fifty-sevenCSo Mate supports 3d, 2d and no compositing. Unity requires 3d17:30
lirikactually, I surprised by this chat. Didn`t saw something like it on ubuntu desktop.17:34
fifty-sevenCWell linux is all about customizing17:36
fifty-sevenCIf you don't like Mate you can try lxde, lxqt, xfce, cinnamon, i3 and others17:36
randallbefore I turn compiz back off cause everything is so out of focus, what's the hot hey to make a cube?17:36
fifty-sevenCSorry no idea17:37
Akulictrl+alt+drag with mouse17:38
Akulior ctrl+alt+left/right arrow17:39
randallah well, as insanely fun as that was, I still couldn't read any words on the screen17:40
Akuligraphics card issues?17:41
Akulimine runs great17:41
randalldunno, latest nvidia driver in the repos with a gtx 67017:41
damiendoes anyone know why, not all windows games will work in wine?18:03
damienI enjoy using ubuntu mate, it is much more lightweight18:04
tewarddamien: because Wine is not Windows18:05
tewardit's not going to be able to emulate the environment for all needs of all Windows games :p18:05
damienok good answer18:06
damienteward: Do you know anything about vineyard?18:35
tewarddamien: sorry, I don't.19:06
damienif you yourself are interested in this, there are tutorials on you tube about wine vineyard19:12
tioxAnd here I was DC'd all this time.21:24
tioxrandall: Managed to get the fancy stuff going?21:24
tioxAlso, Compiz isn't just about the cube; You can use Expo, which, after some tinkering can let you see multiple tasks on different desktops at once, and you can use the magnification tools to make text *appear* larger.21:26
LangleyHello, how do I configure so that the backspace button goes back in Firefox23:13
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