
magespawngood morning04:43
magespawnhi tha05:52
* thatgraemeguy gets back into bed and tries again05:52
magespawnhi thatgraemeguy 05:52
magespawnstay there, work from home05:52
magespawngood morning06:29
inetprogoeie more07:00
inetprojust a single AA battery is enough to run the world’s first 1,000-core processor http://mybroadband.co.za/news/hardware/168845-the-worlds-first-1000-core-processor.html07:01
inetproand called the “KiloCore” chip07:02
inetproKilos, waar is jy?07:02
sakhiMorning #ubuntu-za07:14
Kilosgreetings all.power just came on10:50
magespawnload shedding of fault? hi Kilos 11:05
Kilosmost likely bad connections where they have strung aluminium wires to replace copper, to try stop thefy magespawn 11:06
Kilospoor crimping jobs or something11:06
magespawnthe guys will just steal the aluminium11:15
andrewlsd_q\o  Hi all.11:20
magespawnhi andrewlsd_q 11:31
andrewlsd_qam trying Quassel web interface11:41
superflyandrewlsd_q: ah, I tried that. it's not bad.11:48
superflyKilos: ai. http://mybroadband.co.za/news/energy/168803-gauteng-power-outages-are-here-to-stay.html12:00
* theblazehen considers getting an UPS12:28
andrewlsd_q... or move a little closer to Koeberg power station ;-)12:30
theblazehenEh. Almost never get load shedded. But just in case.. gotta get that reddit.com/r/uptimeporn12:31
theblazehenNote: this used to be a VM, to explain the large amount of restarts, and low average uptime12:32
* andrewlsd_q watches theblazehen do a "netinstall" of Xenial server12:39
* qwebirc49051 greets all13:00
=== qwebirc49051 is now known as The_Ookmeister
pavlushkaHello Kilos !13:18
pavlushkaand every one ahoy13:18
andrewlsd_qahoy pavlushka13:35
superflyandrewlsd_q: are you coming to DebConf at all?13:57
theblazehenhey qwebirc49128, superfly14:17
superflysup qwebirc49128, theblazehen14:19
andrewlsd_qsuperfly: I am yip.15:21
andrewlsd_qsuperfly: I am yip. (attending Debconf)15:21
Kiloslol  hi guys15:21
Kiloswhat the added q now andrewlsd_q 15:22
andrewlsd_qHi Kilos, it's my connection via quassel15:22
andrewlsd_qso, since I'm not actually always present, I thought I'd rather test with a visibly different nick.15:22
Kilosthank heavens for tab complete15:22
=== andrewlsd_q is now known as andrewlsd
Kilosso the bouncer thing works15:25
andrewlsdAm using same quassel web interface that theblazehen showed us a few days ago15:25
andrewlsdand have wrapped it in "Franz", so that I have all my chat clients in one again.  (like I used to with Kopete)15:26
andrewlsd... in KDE3.15:26
andrewlsdwhatsapp, skype (text-only), Google Hangouts, Rocket Chat and this IRC.15:27
Kilosi dont enjoy them all in one place15:27
andrewlsdeach has its own tab15:27
Kilosi like apartheid for irc client15:27
andrewlsdwife and kids are home. Time to disconnect. "See you" again soon15:30
Kilosinetpro how is your friend that had the bike accident?16:14
magespawnchat later all/ home time16:25
sakhicheers cheers16:41
magespawngood evening18:22
Kiloshi magespawn 18:29
magespawnPower stable the rest of the day?18:33
Kilosyeah some drunk hit a pole in the early morning hours 18:33
magespawnalways something like that happening18:34
Kilosthis was about 4ks from here as well18:34
Kilosim happy we are in a dead end road so no traffic here18:34
magespawnor rather less traffic18:41
Kilosonly 2 houses past us to the end 18:55
magespawni am off to bed, early night for me19:31
magespawngood night all19:32
Kilosnight magespawn 19:32
Kilossleep tight19:32
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:50

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