msodrew | JeZxLee: I have that exact card. It's an amazing graphics card, but I am having issues with it and my monitor (Dell P2715Q). The mini DisplayPort > Displayport connection is just not stable (X session dies if u turn off the monitor). I doubt this is becuase its the GTX 970, my money's on the monitor to blame....though, something to consider. | 01:06 |
chuckmcm | msodrew: have you looked at the xfsettingsd bug? | 01:42 |
chuckmcm | my issue was that the screen would blank and not unblank, even though the session had in fact woken up | 01:43 |
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msodrew | chuckmcm: that sounds like roughly what i am experiencing. i can rewake the screen by forcing the console (CTRL+SUPER+ALT F1), but if i ever try to switch to the desktop environment F7, it never unblanks. what's the xfsettgsd bug? | 04:21 |
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chuckmcm | that is the bug msodrew | 04:35 |
chuckmcm | I'll find you the patch | 04:35 |
chuckmcm | pull the patch (jkampe68) and apply as the patch | 04:37 |
ubottu | bug 11107 in Xfsettingsd "xfsettingsd resets TV mode to NULL on power cycle" [Critical,Reopened] | 04:37 |
chuckmcm | that fixed it for me | 04:38 |
chuckmcm | same symptoms | 04:38 |
chuckmcm | This was my original bug report: | 04:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1581302 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Monitor remains blanked with Intel Graphics" [High,Confirmed] | 04:41 |
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xubuntu63w | i forgot my password | 08:37 |
xubuntu63w | how to reset my password | 08:37 |
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well_laid_lawn | !password | 09:58 |
ubottu | Forgot your password? See What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see | 09:58 |
well_laid_lawn | xubuntu63w: ^^ | 09:58 |
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xubuntu96i | wifi non funziona | 11:05 |
xubuntu96i | wifi not working | 11:06 |
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msodrew | chuckmcm: wow thank you so much. ive never applied a patch before, but i will try this today and report back. what is the easiest way to apply said patch to xfsettingsd? | 14:12 |
msodrew | rather, ill google it first of course–as the responserate in this IRC is at a reasonably slow pace | 14:12 |
msodrew | could anyone provide me with a reputable guide on how to patch xfsettingsd with the patch that chuckmcm suggested? Do I fetch the source for xfce4-settings using apt-get and attemp to recompile from there? how do I make sure that my recompilation using the patch will build with a consistent, correct environment (vars, paths, etc) as compared to if apt-get handled it? | 14:57 |
flocculant | msodrew: might help | 14:58 |
msodrew | flocculant: wonderful. I will try this, thank you | 14:59 |
flocculant | | 15:00 |
flocculant | also - don't often do it myself so don't be asking for help from me ;) | 15:00 |
flocculant | as I generally end up scratching my head anyway ... | 15:01 |
flocculant | msodrew: second might read more logically | 15:02 |
msodrew | hahah | 15:02 |
msodrew | aren't we all scratching our head in this linux troubleshooting world? | 15:02 |
msodrew | :] | 15:03 |
flocculant | heh | 15:04 |
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msodrew | flocculant: oh my god, it took me an hour of trying–but it worked. patch applied to an official xfce4 package from ubuntu's repos w/ the version number incremented to create no conflicts with APT, and most importantly, the patch seems to fix my screen blanking bug that i've struggled with for weeks! thank you thank you chuckmcm :D | 17:00 |
Pici | !yay | 17:00 |
ubottu | Glad you made it! :-) | 17:00 |
msodrew | One other random question about xfce4: I love the "Editable Accelerators" feature where you can dynamically reassign a shortcut to any menubar entry as you mouseover + press new accelerator sequence. Problem is, it only works about half the time. I'm assuuming this has to do with some sort of userland app compliance thing? perhaps people developing apps w/ GTK+ (or whatever) are not allowing? | 17:08 |
chuckmcm | you are most welcome msodrew | 17:16 |
chuckmcm | if you have a launchpad login add a note to the bug that it fixed it for you, ideally it will get pulled upstream quickly | 17:17 |
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msodrew | im adding my thanks and 2 cents on xfce's bugzilla as we speak, should I also comment on launchpad? | 17:18 |
msodrew | k. i pretty much spammed my success story on the bug reports in xfce's bugzilla, lightdm's launchpad, and xfce4-setting's launchpad. | 17:43 |
msodrew | I'm noticing that the original reports of this bug were from 2014... nearly two years ago. Does it routinely take *this long* to get such a blocking bugfix into an upstream release? | 17:44 |
knome | msodrew, depends on the bug and available developer time | 17:45 |
msodrew | knome: of course, that is understandable. I am just not familiar with bug lifecycles in the linux world; not to mention bugs as esoteric as this one. | 17:46 |
knome | tbh, i'd say a bug reported in 2014 is still young ;) | 17:46 |
knome | unfortunately, there are so much older bugs | 17:47 |
msodrew | i wish i could help. the amount of cognative load it would take to tackle a bug anywhere in the graphical stack (X server --> xfce4 --> xenial upstream) is mind-numbing to think about :\ | 17:48 |
knome | i guess so has it been for everybody else in the beginning :) | 17:49 |
msodrew | haha of course. ive been writing software for nearly 15 years, but since most of my work has been in languages higher-level than C/C++ (easier, more abstracted).... so the idea of attempting to fix something written in those languagse under Linux is, well, ( ((head explodes)) ) | 17:53 |
chuckmcm | Random question, is there a way to get an indication on the top menu line for processes running on other workspaces? | 18:55 |
chuckmcm | I just spent 20 minutes trying to figure out why Firefox couldn't spawn a new window only to find it was creating it on a different workspace page | 18:55 |
xangua | You can just add the workspace widget? | 19:21 |
chuckmcm | interesting but I don't see a workspace widget | 20:43 |
chuckmcm | xangua: where would I find that? | 20:44 |
flocculant | chuckmcm: windows buttons is default installed, check out the preferences - you can make it show all workspaces | 20:57 |
flocculant | I don't use that personally - have workspace switcher instead | 20:58 |
chuckmcm | sorry for being dense but xfce top bar is the launcher icon (left), apps on this workspace, power, network, volume, clock on the right | 20:59 |
flocculant | check the preferences for the workspace one - you can filter to include all workspaces | 21:01 |
ddybing | Hi. I just installed Xubuntu 16.04, and I have some problems with samba shares. I have a file server on my LAN running Debian with a samba share, and it works fine on Ubuntu (The "official version"), as well as Windows. But it will not show up in Xubuntu. I just get the message "Failed to retrieve share file list" | 21:02 |
chuckmcm | workspaces settings has "general" and "margins" tab. General lets me select how many | 21:02 |
ddybing | I've tried Googling alot, and I've tried disabling my firewall, but it none of that has worked. Suggestions are highly appreciated, as I need to be able to work with the files on my server. | 21:03 |
chuckmcm | margins, well window margins. Nothing about 'all workspaces' | 21:03 |
chuckmcm | ddybing: what tool are you using to access your samba shares? | 21:03 |
chuckmcm | and did you install cifs-utils when you installed 16.04 ? | 21:03 |
ddybing | Just the file manager | 21:04 |
ddybing | chuckmcm: No, I have not. | 21:04 |
chuckmcm | ah, then try that 'sudo apt-get install cifs-utils' will help a bit I think | 21:04 |
ddybing | And with file manager, I mean Thunar | 21:04 |
ddybing | Thanks. I will try that out! | 21:04 |
ddybing | Will I have to restart my computer for it to work? | 21:05 |
chuckmcm | I don't think it does, but easy to test | 21:05 |
ddybing | It did not work, but I will try rebooting:-) | 21:05 |
flocculant | chuckmcm: there are 3 different workspace/window plugins - exactly which one do you have? probably easiest to add them 1 by 1 and see what gives you what you want - I can see apps running on other workspaces here | 21:06 |
chuckmcm | not sure I have a workspace plugin install flocculant just the default xfce window manager. Hmm. | 21:07 |
krytarik | chuckmcm: | 21:07 |
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chuckmcm | yeah, that is where I just landed thanks to the big G | 21:08 |
flocculant | chuckmcm: on a default xubuntu install, windows buttons is there - and as I said you can filter all workspaces with it | 21:09 |
chuckmcm | looking for the workspace switcher on my install | 21:09 |
flocculant | chuckmcm: right click on panel > Panel > PAnel Preferences | 21:10 |
flocculant | chuckmcm: and unless you actually added workspace switcher you won't have it visible | 21:10 |
chuckmcm | hmm, ok, right click -> Applications -> Settings -> Panel got me to the panel settings. Whereupon I added the Workplace switcher | 21:13 |
ddybing | chuckmcm: I tried rebooting, but it did not work, unfortunately. But thanks for your suggestion :-) | 21:13 |
chuckmcm | odd ddybing, I don't suppose the samba source you are trying to mount is complaining is it? | 21:14 |
chuckmcm | You can also try mounting it directly 'sudo mount.cifs //server/share /mnt' | 21:14 |
chuckmcm | You can also try mounting it directly 'sudo mount.cifs //server/share /mnt -o guest' | 21:14 |
ddybing | chuckmcm: It works perfectly in Windows, and I've not have any problems with the "standard Ubuntu". | 21:14 |
ddybing | Thanks, chuckmcm, I'll try that :-) | 21:15 |
ddybing | Chuckmcm: Yay, that worked. I just added the user and password on the share, and it mounted right away! | 21:16 |
chuckmcm | my guess then is that it isn't allowing guest access so it doesn't show up when just browsing. | 21:16 |
ddybing | Yeah, I'm pretty sure I blocked it from guests, as I share LAN with another residence. | 21:17 |
ddybing | Again, thanks alot mate. | 21:18 |
chuckmcm | no worrries | 21:19 |
chuckmcm | odd I got the workspace switcher on my panel bar but its super tiny | 21:20 |
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