
=== aa_ is now known as Guest50018
Khaoticis there a way to get window tabbing back?00:55
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ModManMattis it better to run the older version of kubuntu cuz i keep having issues with newest 102:48
ModManMattE: Malformed entry 54 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (Component)02:52
ModManMattE: The list of sources could not be read.02:52
ModManMattget that now when i try to update02:52
Irish_canonQuestionback to read only : when I add 777 rights to a external drive it works ntil i unmount when i remount it03:05
abhishekis there any way to get kde 5.6.95 on kubuntu 16.04?03:52
=== hemanth is now known as hemanth_savasere
soeeabhishek: no04:29
soeeabhishek: but you can try Neon devstable version04:29
abhisheksoee, neon is not supported on kubuntu.( Looking at their website).04:29
soeewell it is based on Ubuntu 16.04 same as Kubuntu :)04:30
soeebut 5.7 Beta isn't that stable as i thught, i tried it yesterday04:30
abhisheksoee, thanks! I am a new user to ubuntu so I am not so inclined. When is the release of kde via backports expected, any ideas?04:31
soeeThere is not eta. Main blocker is Qt 5.6.1 that is required for Plasma 5.7 and ubuntu 16.04 hs 5.5.104:32
soee5.6.1 isn't even in Yakkety yet04:32
abhisheksoee, I think 16.10 may have 5.7 someone mentioned here before. Normally, after much time is the new kde available via backports after an release.04:34
abhishekafter *how much04:34
soeeyes 16.10 will have it04:35
soeebut i just said it hasn't yet :)04:35
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viewer|6724hi guys, my driver manager isn't working.  could someone point me to the right direction how to solve it?05:18
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lordievaderGood morning.07:45
lordievaderHey Smurphy, how are you?07:50
Smurphyohf. Lots to do - apart from that, fine :)07:51
SmurphyHope that is valid for you too ;)07:51
lordievaderYeah, seems about applicable ;)07:54
SmurphyCool :)07:54
SmurphyOK - will go and finish the scrap-booking environment for my wife. Was her Birthday present. Have mounted all the 6 Halogene spots for light, and need to electrify all that now.07:55
lordievaderGood luck ;)07:56
SmurphyDone. :) Just had to finalise it. Cables and stuff.08:06
ikmaakHi, i am having an issue after upgrading 14.04 -> 16.04, the current playing track in Amarok keeps flashing in the playlist. I have looked with #amarok, but got advised this would likely be in  Plasma/KWin. Could someone point me in the right direction?08:10
ikmaakanyone present today?08:41
lordievaderProbably many... but that doesn't mean we know...08:43
lordievaderHowever #plasma might be able to help.08:43
ikmaaklordievader: still great to know someone saw the issue :)08:44
ikmaakI will try there too :)08:44
QenxinI had to reinstall 12.04 LTS on my laptop.  I tried to download plasmoids and desktop but get error "Plasma Desktop Shell Add-On Installer Unknown Open Collaboration Service API error. (0)" I cannot find through search engine a solution.  Is there a way to fix this?10:44
Qenxincorrection -->download plasmoids and desktop wallpapers10:46
hateballMight be those services have dropped support for an old release such as 12.0410:46
hateballQenxin: Did you fully update it after installing?10:46
Qenxinhateball:  yes. I ran update and upgrade.10:47
hateballhmmm, going to kde-look.org manually... it looks all borked10:49
Qenxinhateball: Konsole after upgrade reads: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.  What is borked?10:49
hateballQenxin: yeah it aint working in 16.04 either10:49
hateballQenxin: fetching plasmoids and stuff using the builtin stuff10:50
hateballsomeone broke this10:50
hateballQenxin: http://forum.opendesktop.org/t/welcome-to-opendesktop-org/810:50
hateball"One of the biggest transitions will be kde-look.org, which will take the most time, since OD resources are tightly integrated into Plasma's GHNS service. The whole transition could take up to another 12-15 weeks."10:51
Qenxinhateball: Thank you.  I feared I done something wrong on this end.  I choose a bad timing to reinstall.  Thankfully wallpapers and plasmoids i seek are not necessary for use.10:55
hateballQenxin: that said you may want to think about migrating to at least 14.04. 12.04 has less than year left10:55
Qenxinhateball: My laptop is old.  I tried 14.04 but it is too much for the laptop.  I like Plasma 5 -- a friend has it on his desktop.  Perhaps it will be a good reason to buy a new laptop.11:00
lordievaderHow old is old?11:00
Qenxinhateball:  It is almost 10 years.  It had Vista on it.11:02
lordievaderYeah, that is quite old.11:03
hateballImpressive it still works :D11:03
JohnDroidif it is that old maybe try an alternative like ubuntu-mate or lubuntu?11:04
JohnDroidwith a 16.04 release11:04
lordievaderOr Xubuntu.11:04
lordievaderYou could make a live-usb to try it out.11:04
QenxinIt has lasted very well.  Once I learned how to use Gimp, I was able to leave Photoshop and Illustrator behind not needing Vista anymore.  One other question, Rekonq is having many certificate errors. Is this normal?11:05
hateballWhat kind of errors?11:06
QenxinI will consider Xubuntu, but I am very fond of Amarok, Okular, and PIM.11:06
hateballQenxin: I'd raid the piggybank and get a new laptop that can run Plasma 5 before the alternatives ;p11:06
JohnDroidsure that's even a better option if you can afford it11:09
QenxinLol. This is like taking a car to the mechanic.  When i typed in "certificate errors" in search engine and brought them up Rekonq gave no errors.11:09
hateballQenxin: it can be outdated ca-certificates, dunno if those get updated on 12.0411:10
QenxinHere is the Rekonq error:  The server failed the authenticity check (www.kubuntuforums.net).  The certificate does not apply to the given host. The certificate is not signed by any trusted certificate authority11:14
hateballQenxin: yeah, so probably outdated ca certs then, as there is nothing wrong with the page11:18
hateballerrr... cert11:19
QenxinYes.  Pale Moon seems to not do that.  If there are package managerment people here maybe consider Pale Moon installer.  Thank you all for your help.  Kubuntu is a very fine OS with very good programs.11:20
hateballQenxin: I *think* rekonq uses the system certs, where other browsers like firefox use their own11:21
hateballand pale moon seems to be based off of that11:21
Qenxinhateball:  Thank you very much for helping.  Hopefully parts of the site will be up and running soon enough.11:25
Qenxinhateball: http://kde-apps.org/ is still active and can manually install them from there.11:49
Qenxinthem--> plasmoids11:50
hateballQenxin: yes11:53
BluesKajHiyas all12:06
=== Shiva is now known as TreeOfLife
BluesKaj'Morning genii , cooled off there yet ?14:11
geniiA little14:12
geniiGood thing my office is in the basement where it stays pretty constant14:12
jimarvanis it that hot?14:12
BluesKajguess I should have done that in OT14:12
BluesKajjimarvan, was 30C yesterday, 32 on Sunday14:16
yossarianukwell think yourself lucky you are not in the UK - its rained for weeks here...14:41
chinmoyhi all, is it possible to set an image as desktop wallpaper directly from the images' context menu in dolphin.14:41
Smurphyit rained also for weeks in france ...14:49
jimarvanchinmoy_: that is a good question :D haven't tried it ever14:49
jimarvanchinmoy_: I do not think so though. :)14:50
=== chinmoy_ is now known as chinmoy
jimarvanyossarianuk: It is more like 1 day rain, 1 day sunshine :))14:51
chinmoyjimarvan: well sombody just said there might be a plugin for dolphin.are you aware of any such plugin??14:52
jimarvanbut tbh that is a very simple and awesome idea14:53
jimarvanwould worth to look at it, put it on my to-do list :)14:53
chinmoyjimarvan: you mean "set as wallpaper" option.14:54
jimarvantechnically it is not hard to do it through terminal14:54
jimarvanso if you can add it on dolphin menu as a command should be possible, correct?14:55
chinmoyi think so14:55
chinmoyso how you do it through terminal?14:56
jimarvanthat is ubuntu :D14:57
chinmoyya and gnome :p14:57
jimarvanye ye :P14:58
jimarvanjust google it, I am sure something can be found (sorry at work atm) ;)14:58
chinmoyya i googled it but only found links to forum with problems in kde 4.x14:59
jimarvanhmm :/14:59
jimarvanI will have a look after work then ;)14:59
chinmoysure do have a look :)15:00
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Guest5294what are the system requirements for kubuntu?19:59
BluesKaj!specs |Guest7213220:00
ubottuGuest72132: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu20:00
BluesKajinstant gratification fails again :-)20:02
geniiBluesKaj: That doc is pretty old too, 2010-ish20:02
BluesKajreally genii , thanks , good to know20:03
geniiGuest72132: From personal experience, i can say that you want a processor better than a Pentium 4, at least 2G RAM, and at least 40G HD space ( preferably as much as you can get)20:06
BluesKajgenii, Guest72132 didn't ask the question, 5294 did and he left in less than a minute20:07
geniiTab fail :(20:07
BluesKajthink I'm gonna call it a day ...later genii , take care20:09
=== pat__ is now known as A^Guy
=== gollum is now known as helium-3
bit0hi, do someone speak sanish?20:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:47
bit0ok, I need codes for mp3, mp4. I do not know why dragon player don't play .mkv20:51
bit0I found this page. is it working? http://www.fiz-ix.com/2012/11/installing-media-codecs-for-mp3-wmv-wma-acc-mp4-m4a-dvd-quicktime-mov-and-flash-in-ubuntu/20:51
bpromptbit0:    for what kubuntu version again?20:52
acheronukmedibuntu repositories are gone AFAIK20:53
bpromptbit0:    there are many lts, so  hmm which one?20:53
bpromptbit0:    don't need anything then, mplayer is already installed by default, and it comes with codecs for pretty much everything, including mkv and mp420:54
bpromptbit0:   what's the core issue you're having anyway?20:54
bpromptbit0:   you get sound but no video?20:54
bit0I will try mplayer20:55
bpromptalrite... one sec, I assume youi're missing the phonon backend, is all20:55
bpromptbit0:    mplayer is installed by default, so, hold the mayo20:55
acheronuksmplayer and vlc work nicely here20:56
bit0cool, thanks20:56
bpromptwell, smplayer is just an mplayer frontend, and vlc comes with its own codecs20:56
acheronukI know dragonplayer used to have problems with some formats/codecs20:56
acheronukwell, I'm using smplayer with mpv, not mplayer, but that's another issue20:57
bpromptbit0:    try installing -> gstreamer0.10-x   <---    that should give kde a phonon backend for the kde apps to work with mplayer20:58
bpromptbit0:    sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-x   <--- if that helps20:59
bit0it popup something21:08
bit0see you ^_^21:09
DoyleHow can I disable systemd-ask-password-wall.service?????22:38
Khaoticis there a way to get window tabbing back?22:39
Doylesystemctl disable & stop actions are being erverted22:39
=== helium-3 is now known as dilfridge
bpromptKhaotic:    window tabbing?23:01
Khaoticit was in 15.1023:02
bpromptKhaotic:   what's "window tabbing"?23:02
Khaoticwith the oxygen23:02
Khaotictabs all windows of the same application23:02
Khaoticor you can tab any window with anything23:02
Khaotici can use task switcher for now23:04
Khaoticjust eliminates the needs to find stuff in the task manager23:04
allenwjonesI have recently installed Kubuntu 16.04 with 3 monitors in portrait mode. The wallpaper is displaying in landscape, overlapping to the adjacent monitors. After multiple reboots, it may align one or more of those screens, but intermittently forgets and revers to portrait.23:15
allenwjonesThis is with an NVidia card, 1 VGA, 1 DVI, 1 HDMI23:16
allenwjonesI have searched the forums, but perhaps I am not hitting on the correct keywords.. anyone here with experience in this area, or a better boolean ninja?23:17

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