
Sir_AndreiHmm, VGA compatible controller, Intel Corporation Atom Processor D4xx, bla bla bla, Kernel driver in use: i91500:00
wxlSir_Andrei: is xserver-xorg-video-intel installed? (apt-cache policy)00:01
Sir_AndreiWith apt-cache policy im getting repository list at output00:04
Sir_AndreiNothing about xserver.., well, ill try to install that package, ill realize if it is installed or not xD00:04
Sir_AndreiHmm, it is not :o00:04
wxlyeah that might help00:05
wxlyou might want to00:05
wxl"me too" this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-meta/+bug/157546000:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1575460 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Intel video driver not installed by default on Lubuntu 16.04 fresh install" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:05
wxland also comment if that does fix the problem00:05
Sir_AndreiHey man, it worked!00:06
Sir_AndreiYou deserve a f**cking beer00:06
wxli don't drink but i appreciate the thought :)00:07
Sir_AndreiIll post in launchpad00:07
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as cuffs
=== cuffs is now known as SonikkuAmerica
fenecoafter I used exit command on one tty1, and changed to tty2, everything stopped working, keyboard, mouse, but the system was running04:46
fenecoin tty204:46
fenecowhat to do in these cases?04:46
fenecoonly thing i could think was hard reboot04:47
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Guest72132
=== PresidentPip is now known as Pipton
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
z121231211I'm using ibus and Lubuntu 14.04 and was wondering if there was a way to stop the cursor from disappearing when typing. I can't find a solution on google, but I may not be googling the right thing.19:42

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