
Kiloshi popey and everyone else07:06
dpmgood morning all07:13
Kiloshi svij dholbach08:15
dholbachĥi Kilos08:16
svijhi Kilos08:17
popeydholbach: wanna do Q&A with me today?08:25
popeyI'm setting up the hangout now08:25
popeyhangout created, uoa site update08:28
davidcalleMorning o/08:28
davidcallepopey: up for it o/08:29
dholbachpopey, sure08:29
dholbachnice one08:29
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
popeydholbach: got a moment to help me share the ubuntuonair about?13:51
dholbachhum... you mean share it on the @ubuntu accounts?13:51
popeywherever we usually share it :)13:52
josemhall119: hey, joining us today?14:04
mhall119jose: can't today, sorry, have to run the kids to school14:05
josemhall119: no worries, enjoy!14:06
nigelbmhall119: out of curiosity, do we still have render.py in summit? :)14:20
mhall119nigelb: render.py will never die, because nobody knows how to kill it14:21
nigelbI probably know how to kill it. Just not enough motivation to deal with fall out.14:21
czajkowskiany of the Mycroft devs in here by any chance?15:14
mhall119czajkowski: I don't think so, but I can give you an email if you need a contact15:15
czajkowskiyes please15:16
czajkowskiI know I spoke to two of them at OSCON15:16
czajkowskibut for the life of me I  cannot find where I toook a name15:16
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you tomorrow! :-)16:01
Kilosnight dholbach16:02
Kilosrest well16:02
dpmlol, I've just noticed an e-mail reply I sent this morning: "I'll be traveling from Wednesday onwards, so I might not be too responsible"16:52
svijas always, dpm? ;)16:56
popeyEnglish is hard, let's go shopping!16:57
* svij had to read 2 times to find the mistake…16:57
* dpm was just trying to find an excuse not to be responsible16:59
=== MooDoo is now known as Guest42922

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