
jrwreni just had the kswapd0 process using high CPU usage. echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches fixed it. I'm on 4.4.0-22-generic. Anyone else seen this?00:45
naccjrwren: you just took away memory pressure00:59
naccjrwren: not seen any high kswapd here, but not heavily loaded00:59
tom[]somehow i screwed up my lo interface during an update. i don't know how. `ip addr show lo` has odd output shown here together with my inyerfaces file https://gist.github.com/anonymous/48985686561070a55e55a00ea503b71601:42
tom[]what is the correct command to bring lo up?01:42
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lordievaderGood morning.07:45
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LeMikehello. I have installed ubuntu-server but now the resolution is very low. so the screen shows the terminal only in the upper left quarter of the screen. is there a way to solve this? I am working on an old fujitsu futro and don't know a thing about it, neither the max possible resolution.10:35
lordievaderSounds like modesetting is not happening.10:56
lordievaderThen again, why not use ssh?10:56
AtuMHello... Can someone tell me what is the best way to put a line "rdma 20049" into /proc/fs/nfsd/portlist ? RedHat made a service called nfs-rdma for this.. does Ubuntu have anything similar?11:16
AtuMI've put it into rc.local, but it disappears after service restart.. so I need something more persistent.. perhaps a unit file that would add the option after nfs-kernel-server restart11:17
jamespageddellav, coreycb: blue balls everywhere11:33
coreycbjamespage, lol thank you for the early morning giggle11:51
gelbeEnteHello! I have some problems with "ecryptfs-mount-private": "Signature not found in user keyring. Perhaps try the interactive 'ecryptfs-mount-private'". My home folder doesn't decrypt. I tried "ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase" but nothing changed. Is it possible to decrypt?12:01
gelbeEnteInserted auth tok with sig [0496470557959537] into the user session keyring12:07
gelbeEnteERROR: The key required to access this private data is not available12:07
ruben23hi guys any one familiar with ddos deflate..?13:17
cpaelzerrbasak: there is a dovecot related package called dovecot-antispam13:37
cpaelzerrbasak: it is not build from the same source, it looks like a sync to me13:37
cpaelzerrbasak: debian and Ubuntu only have rebuilds from time to time13:37
cpaelzerrbasak: now that we will "up" dovecot given the merge takes place13:37
cpaelzerrbasak: we will need to rebuild (or resync) that as well13:38
cpaelzerrbasak: how to coordinate that best ?13:38
cpaelzerrbasak: reference http://paste.ubuntu.com/17641820/13:38
rbasakcpaelzer: good job spotting that. We don't really have a process for dealing with this, but if the dependencies are right dovecot will end up stuck in proposed until antispam is rebuilt - looks like this is the case.13:46
cpaelzerrbasak: yes it depends13:47
rbasakcpaelzer: sponsors should be willing to accept whatever you want to do here to point it out. For me, I suggest just pointing out that it needs a no-change rebuild in the merge proposal, and the sponsor can do it at the time. Or if you want the credit for the no change rebuild, supply a debdiff for that too (dch -R is a handy shortcut)13:47
cpaelzerrbasak: it never breaks, as on a dist-upgrade without a rebuilt dovecot-antispam it gets removed (as it reaslized it is no more compatible)13:47
cpaelzerrbasak: since it is a no-change-sync instead of a no-change-rebuild I think I'll mention it on the sponsor request13:48
rbasakcpaelzer: right, so proposed migration should detect that moving dovecot to the release pocket would cause dovecot-antispam to become uninstallable, and thus refuse to do it.13:48
rbasakcpaelzer: ah right. Yes, sorry. I forgot you mentioned that.13:48
cpaelzerrbasak: ok, will do so and we will pick up on any issues that will show up along the way13:48
rbasakcpaelzer: I don't think it'll be syncable. It'll need to be a no change rebuild upload.13:49
rbasakcpaelzer: note the output of "rmadison -u debian dovecot-antispam". Debian has done binNMUs for it, so the source is still actually on 2.0+20150222-113:50
rbasakUbuntu doesn't have binNMUs.13:50
cpaelzerrbasak: that is the +b4 in what I linked?13:52
rbasakcpaelzer: that's an indicator - Debian convention (maybe policy?) for binNMU versioning.13:53
rbasakcpaelzer: also note though that "source" doesn't appear against +b4, only against the plain -1.13:53
rbasakcpaelzer: you can confirm with chdist. I did "hcdist sid apt-cache show dovecot-antispam" and see that it has "Version: 2.0+20150222-1+b4" but "Source: dovecot-antispam (2.0+20150222-1)".13:54
cpaelzerrbasak: that is a good one to note, thanks13:54
rbasaknacc: ^ you might be interested in this edge case too. Shouldn't impact the importer since it doesn't need to care about binaries and Ubuntu doesn't have binNMUs, but an interesting edge case nontheless.13:55
cpaelzerrbasak: I'll do a debdiff with a rebuild request then - does that has to go to an extra bug ?13:56
cpaelzerthe merge I'd associate to the functional issue that drove me to create it13:56
cpaelzerI wonder if I can add extra package to the bug and then add the debdiff for the rebuild as well13:57
cpaelzerrbasak: ^^13:57
rbasakcpaelzer: if you wish. We don't really *require* bugs for uploads; it's just generally handy to track progress of the sponsorship request over time, a place for review feedback, and an item that can go into the sponsorship queue. I wouldn't bother with an additional bug, but if the sponsor misses it *and* you want it in the sponsorship queue then you may end up creating one anyway. As a sponsor,13:59
rbasakI'll accept a debdiff for this without a bug :)13:59
coreycbjamespage, what do you think about installing the theme files into /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme/static/ubuntu instead of /usr/share/openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme/static/ubuntu?14:38
coreycbthat may fix the SuspiciousFileOperation issue14:39
bitfuryhey all good morning14:53
bitfurydoes anyone know if the trusty-security universe repos contain security updates for universe software?14:56
jrwrenwhat happens when my LVM thinpool fills?14:56
rbasakbitfury: yes, where security updates for universe have been contributed.14:59
bitfurygot it, thank you rbasak15:00
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cpaelzerthis tests wants to be enjoyed I think - autopkgtest.enjoE515:05
cpaelzerto the power of 515:05
tom[]what comand(s) can i run to apply (changes to) interfaces config files in the same way that system init applies the configs in those files?15:16
naccrbasak: yeah, i've seen them before, thanks for the heads-up15:21
nacctom[]: you mean /etc/network/interfaces?15:22
nacctom[]: you presumably want to reload or restart the networking service15:22
rbasaknacc, tom[]: you don't want to restart networking. Things can explode: http://askubuntu.com/a/376586/780815:23
naccrbasak: thanks for the link15:24
rbasakThe right way is to ifdown the interface(s) being changed, *then* change the interface files, then ifup again. From a screen, and carefully.15:24
rbasakOr reboot.15:24
tom[]ifdown requires the config files to correspond to the current interface state?15:25
rbasakYes. It's a bit backwards.15:25
tom[]i'm reacting to your *s15:25
rbasakOtherwise, for example, dhclient won't be stopped for an interface switching from DHCP to static, since it won't know to do that later.15:25
rbasakThere are various efforts to make this better. All of which deprecate ifupdown I think. But that won't be coming for a while.15:26
tom[]i'm trying, among other things, to understand what happened when i screwed up my loopback on a server yesterday15:27
rbasakIt's a pretty challenging problem to solve when you consider complex network setups that include bonds, bridges, vlans, tunnels and so on. The dependency tree is pretty complex.15:27
tom[]sure. i'm glad i don't deal with any of those complex configs15:27
naccrbasak: i suppose, then, it's not entirely true that restarting networking won't work (as i've done it many times). But it may not work depending on how much eni was changed15:28
rbasaknacc: it also depends on what you mean by "restarting networking" as to whether it'll do what you want or not.15:28
naccrbasak: yep, that makes sense15:29
rbasakSo yeah, it might work as expected in certain cases, but certainly not in the general case.15:29
naccrbasak: and i'm sure there are dependencies that may not re-trigger properly (or at all)15:29
rbasakAlthough I hear the dbus issue is fixed, it's also not unreasonable for running programs to explode when the loopback interface disappears underneath them.15:29
rbasakSo then "restart networking" clearly shouldn't cycle loopback interfaces, and then we're back to the definition problem.15:30
naccyep, it makes sense to be more nuanced in what you're trying to control15:32
patdk-lap2clearly shouldn't?15:32
naccrbasak: ok, so re: php-horde-db, shall I file a `requestsync`?15:39
rbasaknacc: no need, I synced it.15:39
naccrbasak: ok, wasn't sure, thanks!15:39
cpaelzernacc: about the importer I think I would change the doc once you ack about the following15:50
cpaelzernacc: "Go to Launchpad page for USD git project and request a merge review."15:50
cpaelzernacc: "Go to the Launchpad page of your just uploaded merge branch and propose for merging into the USD git project"15:51
cpaelzernacc: ?15:51
cpaelzeror is it really reverse than I expected15:51
nacccpaelzer: ack, that's correct15:51
naccplease fix :)15:52
cpaelzernacc: while at it I should provide guidance about "target repository" and "Target reference path"15:57
cpaelzernacc: is that already in the readme files and I could copy from there ?15:57
cpaelzermy first assumption of "~usd-import-team/usd-importer/+git/usd-importer" was wrong ... :-/15:57
cpaelzernacc: I'll open a quikc HO so you know what I'm asking about15:58
nacccpaelzer: sorry, missed the pings, yeah we should provide better instructions for that part16:00
naccfor target repo, just search by the source package name16:00
naccand it should find the corresponding usd-import-team tree16:01
nacccpaelzer: and for target path, use 'debian/sid' (presuming that's what you merged to -- use whatever referenced you merged to in the process)16:01
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KallisCould anyone possibly help me with my openvpn setup, I can connect fine but I cannot access internet when connected or the local shares on the VPN server17:07
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magicalChickenrbasak: I can take a couple more bugs this week probably. I was looking through the list and I saw 1296835, which I can take care of pretty quick17:24
magicalChickenif there are any other simple-ish ones i can probably do one or two more17:24
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rbasakmagicalChicken: thanks! I hadn't prepared any more, but I'll find a couple more for you tomorrow.18:30
rbasakThere's a big enough backlog - I just pick a few in advance of the meeting every week.18:30
magicalChickenThanks. I'm getting a bit quicker using the tools so hopefully I can get more bugs patched now18:32
jhobbsI have an openstack cloud I've deployed with juju charms, and have an internal network and a provider network. By default, only the internal network's interface is being brought up in instances that have both networks attached. What's the best way to get the second interface to come up also?18:47
coreycbjamespage, ddellav: here's my fix for the mitaka-proposed error - https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/ubuntu/+source/horizon/commit/?h=stable/mitaka&id=55e2f7ec3666d66d5cbc7e22d12f90bcd60163fa19:21
coreycbI just tested it and the theme seems to be fine19:21
akira1980What would be the way to do this,  I'm wanting to have a private email relay server. Basically pull all the mail from the mail server as pop then have the secondary server as imap and keep all the mail on that one. It's there a better solution?19:48
concertiis there an equivalent to SAR preinstalled on ubuntu servers?20:48
mgriffinconcerti: you can install sysstat20:49
concertiyep that's the plan , just making sure there is not something like that already running w/ ubuntu20:50
mgriffinconcerti: look in cron log?20:50
mgriffinconcerti: and ps20:50
RoyKconcerti: just install sysstat and enable it in /etc/default/sysstat21:42
RoyKconcerti: for some reason debian/ubuntu doesn't enable it by default21:42

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