
cmaloneyHow's the day so far?12:36
mrgoodcatno A/C12:40
mrgoodcatits not too bad right now but i'm not excited for the afternoon12:40
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Ugh12:45
cmaloneyIs this at work?12:45
mrgoodcatthe guy is supposed to come look at it this morning12:50
cmaloneyNot cool12:50
mrgoodcathopefully he can get it working before it gets too warm12:50
mrgoodcatits 78 in my office right now12:50
_stink_huh, interesting13:13
cmaloneyYeah, I heard about it on Security Now. Definitely brain-fodder.13:18
cmaloneyAfternoon / Evening21:00
cmaloneyhow goes21:01
gamerchick02howdy cmaloney22:08
gamerchick02i'm back from vacation! work tomorrow. :(22:08
greg-ggamerchick02: where'd you go/what'd you do?22:18
gamerchick02i went to Indianapolis IN for a conference22:18
gamerchick02a fun conference. for my Daughters of the Nile group. i'm glad to be home but work tomorrow is gonna be ugh22:18
* greg-g had to look that up22:21
* greg-g isn't in the know about secret groups :P22:21
greg-gI was catholic growing up, so I know of the Knights of Columbus, but that's about it :)22:22
greg-g'supreme queen' heh (sorry, not really making fun of it, I know these things have their history and fun/weird names)22:23
greg-g(surprisingly, Wikipedia doesn't have a dedicated article about DotN, only Shriners, the parent/father/sibling/whatever org)22:25
cmaloneygamerchick02: Sorry to hear re: the vacation ending22:27
gamerchick02greg-g that's ok22:29
gamerchick02eh, vacations always end and we have to come back to reality.22:29
gamerchick02we support the Shriner's Hospitals for Children.22:30
greg-gwhich is awesome, I should say :)22:30
gamerchick02if you watch some of the stations like MeTV and whatnot there are commercials for SHC and their giving program22:30
greg-ggamerchick02: obvious question everyone probably asks you: do you get to ride in the little cars during parades ever? :P22:30
gamerchick02no, and i'm super-mega disappointed in that!!22:30
greg-gsorry, I'm in a punchy mood :)22:30
gamerchick02considering i'm the QUEEN and should get to ride in a small car if i want to!!22:31
gamerchick02(no really, i'm the leader again and the leader is called the Queen)22:31
greg-gbut not the supreme queen, someday!22:35
gamerchick02i... no.22:37
gamerchick02i have no aspirations in that direction. i'd love to work with Supreme Temple on something related to the foundation or whatever but not being Supreme Queen22:38
gamerchick02i LEFT my PEN in my bag and it's at home!!!22:39
gamerchick02(yes it's a thing. i love this pen, it's the one i use with my bullet journal and i use it literally multiple times a day)22:39
gamerchick02my coleto hi-tec C, purple22:39

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