[03:15] Hello there, this is tareq from Bangladesh [05:31] morning everybody and ghostly forms as well [06:17] Hi Kilos [06:18] hi theblazehen inetpro [06:18] aparently pta block off from all sides [06:18] hope inetpro is ok [06:19] Really? [06:19] What's happening? [06:22] marches [06:23] Hmm [06:24] Ahoy! [06:24] just saw whatsapps sis gets, fires everywhere [06:24] sigh [06:24] hows pavlushka today [06:27] still on loan, and on irssi [06:33] ill be in and out today with outside work [06:33] again [06:35] good [06:39] Good morning. [06:44] Have a nice day everyone, :) [06:49] hi dlPhreak [06:55] good mornings [06:55] ohi inetpro all ok [06:55] ? [06:55] all good thanks [06:58] morning all [06:58] hi chesedo [06:58] Kilos: friend in hospital is not giving up yet, still in induced coma but they tell us he's improving now [06:59] ai! [06:59] was very bad over the weekend with blood pressure too low for doctors to do anything [07:00] oh my [07:00] but they are now able to feed him through the nose [07:00] sjoe [07:26] hi tareq [07:30] Hi Kilos [07:36] mornings [07:37] hi thatgraemeguy [07:42] I'm from Bangladesh, 1:42 PM here [07:55] brb [08:44] hi andrewlsd [08:44] andrewlsd: BTW you can set quassel to set your status as away when you quit the client [08:45] Well, not sure if you can do that in the web client [14:42] good afternoon [14:45] theblazehen: yip, can do it from web client, via Configuration --> Identities. [14:46] afternoon magespawn [14:46] hi magespawn, andrewlsd. Cool === Researcher-- is now known as Researcher- [15:17] hmm... [15:18] evening all [15:33] hey Kilos [15:34] hi magespawn [16:05] where would one get this cable [16:05] 80 pin centronics sca-2 connector [16:05] for a scsi drive [16:09] evening every one! [16:10] Hey pavlushka [16:11] heya theblazehen ! [16:11] :) [16:13] hi theblazehen pavlushka [16:13] Hey Kilos [16:15] you guys that know about older servers, how did they connect this drive? [16:15] http://www.cnet.com/products/seagate-cheetah-10k-7-300gb-ultra320-scsi-80-pin/ [16:16] did they plug directly into servers or did they use cables [16:17] hi Rynomster long time no see [16:20] ahoy Kilos ! ask theblazehen , :p [16:21] lol im sure he has seen my query [16:21] he miht be too young [16:21] might [16:21] Kilos: yeah, too young :/ [16:22] i think inetpro would know or guys that have run older servers [16:26] later all hoe time [16:26] home time too [16:26] toods magespawn [16:34] Kilos: I think for that, there should be some empty slot in the disk array system. [16:34] aha, now i want to find a way to connect it to a pc [16:35] Kilos: and you should be able to add the disk like you do for pcs. [16:36] thats what i want to do but it has a differnt connector to ide drives [16:36] kinda like an old printer connection [16:38] Kilos: serial pins with 3 rows? [16:38] 2 rows [16:41] 2 even rows? [16:42] Kilos: I mean the pins are same in numbers and in placement. [16:43] * pavlushka guess' its SATA port [16:43] no man [16:43] * pavlushka guess' its PATA port [16:43] its wide like an ide [16:44] bottom end tapers in [16:44] Kilos: can you upload screenshots? :p [16:45] i can take a picture but maybe can find a pic online [16:48] Kilos: sorry for the hassels and sorry for being stupid, it makes me angry to me, :( [16:49] *with me [16:49] no man [16:49] pavlushka: it's SCSI [16:49] yes [16:54] theblazehen: but it has SCA-2 HDD connector, then the motherboard must have that that port or Kilos has to use some sca-2 to pata/sata converter. [16:54] it takes a funny adapter i see here https://www.amazon.com/ST3300007LC-1-300gb-80pin-Dell-labeled/dp/B006TZGT8M/177-7033999-6134558?ie=UTF8&creative=395105&creativeASIN=B006TZGT8M&linkCode=df0&ref_=asc_df_B006TZGT8M4371314&smid=A3O6GNX9CB6SWD&tag=cnetmp15-20 [17:03] hmm... tv2 news gonna show pta probs today [17:03] sigh [17:43] didnt show 1% of whats going on [17:44] Kilos: Did you hear? [17:44] They not gonna show the violence stuff on tv [17:44] "Because they don't want people to get ideas from it" [17:44] oh yes ty for the reminder [18:10] Found my motherboard speaker, but now it beeps at the wrong frequecny :/ [18:10] hahahaha [18:17] where was it theblazehen ? [18:18] Kilos: Between some wires of pc.. :/ [18:18] Was between 2 wire groups of one cable kinda thing [18:19] lol [18:19] not clever to hide things when half asleep [18:19] Kilos: Yeah.. [18:20] Wasn't even trying to hide it [18:20] and safe places are the worst places to hide things [18:20] lol [18:20] Yeah, that's the truth :) [18:58] good evening [19:00] Good evening [19:00] hi gremble inetpro [19:01] Hey Kilos [19:46] sjoe you are a noisy bunch [19:48] spose i should sleep [19:49] night all. sleep tight