
k1lFizzik: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles00:00
naccFizzik: i think you'd just make a launcher that execs that specific file00:00
k1lmake a own custom launcher.00:00
FizzikOk thanks00:02
ufc205hey guys I am running latest version of 64bit ubuntu but it seems kinda slow...00:03
ufc205I have an i7 processor as well00:03
ufc205Intel® Core™ i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz × 800:04
ufc2054GB Ram00:04
ufc205shouldnt that run it quickly?00:04
DonaldTrumpufc205: Did you try turning it off and on?00:04
ufc205:) haha ofc00:04
Fizzikof course d trump has such comments :P00:05
ufc205ubuntu 16.04 LTS00:05
ufc205is there something special I need to do to enable the i7 or something?00:05
ufc205how can I see if all 8 cores are being used?00:05
naccufc205: define 'kinda slow', that really doesn't say anything00:05
k1lufc205: is it a ssd?00:05
Fizzikufc205: it's only 4 cores btw.00:06
k1lufc205: see systemsettings -> software and updates -> prop. drivers tab. maybe you missed the correct drivers00:06
Fizzikit could also be perhaps intel turbo boost or power management00:06
Fizzik'Processor microcode. Intel-microcode. I enabled that althought I don't think it did anything to performance00:08
ufc205yea that what it says its using00:08
ufc205hrm still pretty slow overall vs windows 10 surprisingly00:09
ufc205mint seemed much faster00:09
ufc205maybe ill go back to that00:09
k1lufc205: is it a ssd or hdd?00:09
Fizzikufc205: are you using external monitor? does it have a dedicated nvidia card?00:09
ufc205its a hdd and yes using external monitor and no just onboard intel gfx00:11
ufc205Intel® Sandybridge Mobile00:11
FizzikI'm getting tons of flooding in my dmesg with nouveau drivers using extneral monitor00:14
Fizzik[drm:drm_wait_vblank [drm]] *ERROR* Unsupported type value 0x133, supported mask 0x7400003f00:14
Fizzikgoing to try installing bumblebee and see if that fixes that00:17
danmulveydoes anyone have any experience/thoughts/opinions on using zram (zram-config) with a slower computer?00:18
danmulveythe only problem im really having is that my browser (whether i use firefox or chrome) is constantly stalling/freezing00:19
k1ldanmulvey: Lubuntu (which is made for old and slow hardware) already enables zram00:20
danmulveyk1l: ok cool, so it would be worth trying it out for me then?00:20
danmulveyim just using regular ubuntu, was thinking about ditching unity too though since ive been using xmonad recently anyways00:21
danmulveynot sure if that makes a difference though, from what i understand when i use xmonad, unity shouldnt be loading anyways right?00:21
k1lare you loading it from lightdm?00:23
danmulveyim choosing it when i log in00:23
danmulveyso i think so?00:23
danmulveysorry im still learning a lot of this stuff00:24
k1li really suggest you try out Lubuntu if you are on slow/old hardware.00:24
danmulveyoh im on fairly recent hardware, it's a laptop that's about a year old00:27
danmulveyit has 3gb ram, so i think that's why i run into issues with firefox/chrome because i tend to open way too many tabs00:27
danmulveybut aside from that everything else runs great00:27
SchrodingersScatare there any downsides to using zram?00:32
AgenomotoThere is no "php5" package in ubuntu 16.x lts?00:32
mundus2018Can someone help me with apache? http://apaste.info/94Q00:33
SchrodingersScatAgenomoto: correct, just php, which is now php7, afaik00:33
tewardAgenomoto: php5 was replaced with php7.0.00:33
tewardAgenomoto: php5 does not exist in the 16.04 repositories as a result of the replacing of it with the newer versions00:34
JosyHello, I have a problem with my ubuntu install. After partitioning I have this kind of message (translated) " attempting to mount an ext4 file system encrypted volume on sda2_crypt / failed". Anyone know where it's from ?00:39
naccAgenomoto: is mentioned in the release notes, as well00:40
mundus2018Can someone help me with apache? http://apaste.info/94Q00:40
c0ryb4k3rnickserv ident00:46
Artemis3danmulvey, with lubuntu you have more free ram available, it also comes with zram. use 32bit edition.00:47
danmulveyArtemis3: why 32bit?00:47
Artemis3uses less ram.00:47
Artemis3danmulvey, or try ubuntu-mate if you want something more friendly00:48
JosyAnyone please ?00:49
k1l32bit is kind of dead. there is even no chrome for 32bit anymore.00:50
Artemis3there is always chromium00:52
Artemis3and opera and...00:52
Artemis3gazillion browsers using blink engine00:52
danmulveyim pretty happy with the ubuntu i've been running so far quite honestly00:52
AgenomotoSchrodingersScat:  teward MacCoaster  thanks00:57
danmulveyanyways, gotta run for a bit ill catch ya later, thanks everyone00:57
=== crow is now known as Guest81719
FizzikI'm trying to manually add windows 10 to my grub config can't seem to find the windows 10 efi boot. Boot-repair doesn't help01:15
xubuntu62wCan someone help me out with installation of WNA3100 drivers for xubuntu 16.0401:20
xubuntu62wplease? :D01:20
FizzikCan someone help me with my grub trying to dual boot to windows 10. I installed ubuntu after installing windows 10. Boot repair doesn't fix the issue01:25
=== s is now known as Guest61505
nedstarkxubuntu62w, this explains how to install the driver using ndiswrapper http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2221251  It takes the broadcom bcm43231 driver apparently01:27
Guest61505when is unity 8 install on ubuntu?01:27
Queenslayersuspend mode ubuntu, anyone ever dealt with any issues like it?01:28
QueenslayerUSB devices and monitor fails to operate after01:28
xanguaGuest61505: if you mean when will come by default the answer is when it's ready, you can already try unity 8, emphasis on try01:29
nedstarkthere is an open kernel bug for suspend in 16.04 on some types of hardware, which is supposedly fixed by installing newer kernels01:29
Queenslayernedstark, tried wily, didn't fix it01:30
nedstarksome installed the 4.6 kernel to fix it01:30
QueenslayerOn 4.4.0 at the mo01:30
Queenslayerthanks nedstark I'll try that01:31
QueenslayerAnd nedstark have you been keeping up with your bastard's story?01:31
Mar0kKpossible to run XNU?01:31
nedstarknot lately01:31
QueenslayerGet back into it, you'd be proud of him :P01:31
nedstarkMar0kK, yes, on a hackintosh01:31
Mar0kKI mean01:31
Mar0kKonly XNU01:32
Mar0kKI am running on a Macintosh01:32
nedstarkits a bsd kernel so it wouldn't play well with linux without a major rewrite to a distro01:32
nedstarkdebian used a bsd kernel for a version of debian 601:32
Mar0kKnedstark possible to run like a system as bsd?01:32
nedstarkits possible if you want to make a new distro01:33
nedstarka lot of work01:33
masterI have a question?01:33
Mar0kKbut I know nothing about system LOL01:33
masterwhat is the best way to learn linux01:33
Mar0kKfind a teacher I guess01:34
CodeMouse92master: Define "learn". Just, as a user, sysadmin, Bash?01:34
nedstarkmaster, youtube videos can help01:34
nedstarkthere are a lot of them that go into detail on how to use linux01:34
masterI want have a firm grip on how to use the terminal01:36
masterand other functions within linux back box ?01:36
CodeMouse92master: In the way of books, I personally LOVE "The Linux Command Line" by William E. Shotts01:36
Bashing-om!terminal | master01:37
ubottumaster: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:37
CodeMouse92master: Which you can read free online from the author (or buy the book, whichever): http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php/01:37
CodeMouse92He starts from absolute bare-bones never-used-the-terminal introduction, all the way up into advanced concepts01:38
Mar0kKThat's all I know: cd, ls, pwd01:39
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as cuffs
=== cuffs is now known as SonikkuAmerica
mundus2018Im getting this when I try to enable a site, http://apaste.info/94Q01:50
FishPencilLooking for a decent email client. Suggestions?01:53
nedstarkFishPencil: Thunderbird, Evolution, Geary, or for KDE try Trojlta or Kmail01:58
Queenslayerhey nedstark01:59
QueenslayerTried 4.6.0 and it's sort of crashed01:59
nedstarkdid you select the old one in grub?02:00
QueenslayerHave to press the power button long enough to resume from suspend but not too long that it switches off02:00
QueenslayerUsed grub customiser02:00
QueenslayerUpdate-grub command didn't seem to work.  It was still using 4.4.0 so had to change it via customiser02:00
QueenslayerBut suspend is recoverable but the screen doesn't switch off and cannot be resumed with mouse or keyboard02:01
Queenslayer-But, Now02:01
Queenslayernedstark, worth trying different kernels?02:04
nedstarkQueenslayer, the bug is still open and i'm not sure they have a definitive answer, it appears nobody is working on it02:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1566302 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 16.04: Suspend freezes the system after upgrade to linux image 4.4.0-16" [Medium,Won't fix]02:05
Queenslayerlol. just my luck :(02:05
nedstarkstatus "won't fix"02:05
nedstarkthat's not too encouraging02:05
QueenslayerI'm trying 4.202:05
Queenslayerthanks for that02:06
QueenslayerAt least i know not to wait it out02:06
nedstarkhere's a related bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/158913902:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1589139 in linux (Ubuntu) "[HP Pavilion dv6-6b52sl Entertainment Notebook PC] No suspend on Ubuntu 16.04" [Low,Confirmed]02:07
Queenslayernedstark, I'm on a desktop02:07
QueenslayerBut encouraging that this particular link is HP as my desktop is HP02:07
Queenslayer4.4.11 or 4.4.12, I'll try both02:08
nedstarkit appears the mainline/upstream kernels are working ok, but not the ones in the ubuntu repo02:11
QueenslayerI've not used them from repo02:12
Laslo7_hey all I have an issue starting 15.10.  I get a low graphics mode with my 7950.  I can start through the recovery mode and just resuming.  I am using fglrx.  Any pointers?02:12
=== coup_de_shitlord is now known as stqism
plop_its_ellieLaslo7_, after it boots from recovery it works ok?02:16
Azizexcuse me do any budy have idea about how run the wind application02:18
Laslo7_plop_its_ellie, Yeah everything works great, games, videos, etc02:18
Azizsoeer ** wine02:18
plop_its_ellieLaslo7_, go into /etc/default/grub and replace quiet with text02:18
plop_its_elliethen go into the command linue and type update-grub in the command line as root02:19
plop_its_ellieer replace splash with text02:19
plop_its_ellienot quiet02:19
plop_its_ellieit should boot fine without having to go into recovery mode02:19
=== krhock is now known as krshock
plop_its_elliebut it will be a text boot02:20
plop_its_elliekeep in mind 15.10 will lose support and fglrx is not supported in 16.04, the open source amd drivers work pretty well tho especially for radeonsi cards like yours02:20
Laslo7_I will give it a whirl02:21
nedstarkphoronix doesn't think they work so well02:22
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plop_its_ellienedstark, its not perfect atm but it works pretty well and improving rapidly, much more stable than fglrx as well02:23
plop_its_elliei take phoronix stuff with a grain of salt anyways02:23
Azizhello could any budy help me please02:24
plop_its_ellieAziz, whats wrong02:24
pull_my_fingerAziz, kick it out02:24
Azizi would like to run spss application on ubuntu 14 OS02:24
plop_its_elliewhat is that02:25
Azizits some thing like EXCEL02:25
Azizbut not EXCEL02:25
plop_its_ellietheres libre office calc02:25
pull_my_fingercoup_de_shitlord, nice nickname02:25
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=== coup is now known as stqism
pull_my_fingeri wanna date Siri02:26
Azizso i installed wine application but i don't know how i can use it02:26
pull_my_fingerAziz, insatlled and loaded?02:27
=== W00dP3ck3r is now known as Where_Is_The_Gro
=== Where_Is_The_Gro is now known as Chaddi_Baniyaan
plop_its_elliewine applications dont always work just so you know02:27
Azizi see02:27
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=== lolwa is now known as black_sunshine
Azizso what the solution to run .exe file02:27
plop_its_elliebut if you sais the installation went successfully it should be in the dash02:28
black_sunshinewine <exe file> on terminal02:28
pull_my_fingerAziz, whats ahppening?02:28
plop_its_ellieAziz, why do you need .exe's?02:28
plop_its_ellieits not windows02:28
plop_its_elliei would only recommend wine for very specific programs you need and there isnt a good linux alternitive to it02:29
Azizbecause there's no SPSS for ubuntu02:29
Azizand i need to do some work with it02:29
plop_its_ellieAziz, ah im looking up the program right now, it apparently works well in wine02:30
plop_its_ellieso i would recommend using something called playonlinux, its used for managing wine applications02:30
plop_its_elliesudo apt-get install playonlinux02:30
plop_its_elliethen i can help you out from there02:31
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne
Prelude2004cXXXhey guys.. question03:09
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Prelude2004cXXXrunning ubuntu 14.. i have installed libfdk-aac dev and regular .. and also libfreetype03:10
Prelude2004cXXXyet when i try and compile things like ffmpeg it complains that it does not exist03:10
Prelude2004cXXXanything i can do ?03:10
Prelude2004cXXXldconfig doesn't do anything03:10
Prelude2004cXXXany insight would be greatly appreciated03:10
pennTellerguys does anybody know of a way to search all the files in my OS for an email that is not @myemail.com?03:11
pennTelleris this even possible?03:11
=== Poke95|away is now known as Poke95
greydawgso here I was wring an upstart job03:19
fabihi there03:20
fabican someone help me with my ubuntu maas installation?03:20
greydawgand init-checkconf was not found so I did install upstart and init-checkconf worked but sudo start some_job returned Failed to Connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart03:20
greydawgConnection Refused03:20
=== Poke95 is now known as Cyndaquil
fabiI have generated a ssh key and uploaded it to MAAS, as well as allocated the node to the user where I uploaded the key but for some reason after successfully deploying the node I can't access it via ssh and my key - any ideas?03:22
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=== Pokefan95 is now known as Guest96127
nbros652Anyone know of a decent replacement for pamusb? It would appear that pamusb is not in the 16.04 repos.03:25
Bashing-om!info pamusb-common03:28
ubottuPackage pamusb-common does not exist in xenial03:28
nbros652Bashing-om, right, like I said, it doesn't exist in 16.04... looking for a replacement.03:29
=== Guest96127 is now known as Poke95
pvsharovnbros652: you can add repos from earler release03:34
djangoanybody knows how to ins tall audio driver03:36
nbros652pvsharov, I hadn't thought of that, and have never tried that. If a given package (thinking of dependencies) exists in say both trusty and xenial repos, what kind of problems might this create?03:36
pvsharovnbros652: i think you will no have problems with it. Just try and see.03:38
nbros652pvsharov, thanks03:38
pvsharovit's required only pamusb-tools for workinkg03:38
pvsharovno more dependencies03:39
pvsharoveltema: hi03:40
pennTellerguys anybody know how to search for a particular string all the files in my ubuntu isntall?03:41
=== anonymous is now known as Guest53780
Shed-34046ello lads i got a question.03:42
Shed-34046should SWAP be working on the live USB?03:42
pvsharovShed-34046: yeah, if you have it inabled03:43
Shed-34046pvsharov how do you enable it03:43
nbros652pennTeller, check out grep03:44
Ben64Shed-34046: sudo swapon <swap device>03:44
Shed-34046Ben64 could my current device i am on be used03:44
pvsharovShed-34046: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-space-on-ubuntu-16-0403:45
Shed-34046thank you.03:45
Ben64it needs to be formatted as swap03:45
Shed-34046Ben64 so say i could use my SD card slot tray on my laptop and it can format the sd card to be used for it? sweet03:45
pvsharovBen64: it may be just swapfile03:46
Ben64Shed-34046: why03:46
Ben64sd card is too slow03:46
plop_its_ellieif you happen to runlow on memory and hit that swapfile on the sd card, it will be veeeeeeery slow03:46
FlannelWhy would you use an SD card for a swapfile?03:46
Shed-34046I don't know.03:46
pvsharovShed-34046: you should create swapfile and locate it on your usb device03:47
Ben64no, too slow03:47
plop_its_elliewhy not just put a swap partition on the hdd03:47
FlannelUSB would be faster than SD, if you absolutely needed swap.03:47
Ben64Flannel: not necessarily03:48
Ben64tons of slow flash drives around03:48
pvsharovplop_its_ellie: hi03:48
plop_its_elliea usb2 usb stick would be just as slow as an sd card03:48
plop_its_elliehi pvsharov03:48
pvsharovAnyway I thing you don't need swap on liveusb, because system use ram instead hdd for working03:50
plop_its_elliespeaking of swap, i noticed clonezilla doesnt properly clone swap partitions03:51
plop_its_ellietried to clone an ubuntu install and the swap file came out as an "unknown partition"03:52
pvsharovswap do not make your system faster03:52
plop_its_elliei know03:52
plop_its_elliei still make a small swap partition just in case03:52
pvsharovin this case03:52
=== Poke95 is now known as Poke95|away
BackwardsSwap file does make your system faster.03:55
BackwardsYou need to understand how it works.03:55
BackwardsThere is a better way to use a SWAP file.03:56
BackwardsIf you use Windows the so-called swap file is called: "Contiguous file."03:57
plop_its_elliethe page file03:57
BackwardsIt also depends upon the amount of RAM you have.03:57
BackwardsSWAP is a PAGE file PLOP. Good point.03:58
BackwardsWith Windows the swap file or contiguous file loads up when you use your computer.03:58
plop_its_elliei know03:59
Ben64windows isn't on topic here03:59
pvsharovheheh, okaaayyy ))) Tell me more )))03:59
BackwardsIf your RAM is short then the swap file crams up and then you crash or things don't work.03:59
BackwardsI am not talking about Windows.03:59
abhishekanyway to take snapshot of specific window in kde?03:59
Ben64<Backwards> With Windows....04:00
abhishekvia a python script04:00
BackwardsWith Ubuntu and Linux you can use a separate hard drive and use that as a swap drive.04:00
pvsharovBackwards: joker ))04:01
BackwardsThe SWAP Drive will hold more data, hence, makes the hardware run faster.04:01
Ben64that's not how swap works04:01
BackwardsOK you know everything.04:01
BackwardsRead this first.  http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/swap-partition/04:03
BackwardsThere are Swap partitions, space and drives. Do your homework.04:03
pvsharovBackwards: https://www.amazon.com/UNIX-Linux-System-Administration-Handbook/dp/013148005704:04
BackwardsLet me get another beer and read that handbook.04:04
pvsharovBackwards: I have read this book, but third edition04:06
BackwardsThe same principal applies with Windows. Lots of Technicians don't know that you can take the contiguous file and swap it with on a hard drive.04:06
pvsharovBackwards: we tell about liveusb, if you remember04:07
BackwardsA swap file has limitations. A hard drive that is large has none.04:07
pvsharovBackwards: liveusb, no hdd04:08
pvsharovand any harddrives04:08
BackwardsUSB is another story. I was trying to help others to understand that there are more ways to use swap. You can use a USB as a SWAP drive too.04:09
Ben64a terrible one04:09
plop_its_ellieswap should only be used in emergencies04:09
plop_its_ellieyou really dont wanna have to use swap04:09
plop_its_ellieespecially if the swap is on the same drive as the os04:10
plop_its_ellienot only is disk much slower than ram, but it can take up your disk io especially on the os drive04:10
BackwardsPlop the bottom line is this if you don't have lots of RAM then SWAP is important. Otherwise you are correct.04:11
Ben64if you don't have lots of ram, and you run out consistently, get more ram04:11
BackwardsAmen to that Ben64      <-----<   Take a bow.04:12
pvsharovBackwards: okay, you win in trolling04:12
pvsharovBackwards: you really thing we are so stupid and have no knowledge about it?04:14
BackwardsNo one suggested that Pvsharov.04:15
codepython777how do i setup my wireless network so that one node talks to another in ad-hoc mode without talking to a router?04:19
pvsharovcodepython777: you nedd setup Aceess Point?04:20
Backwards777 if you use wireless you need a router.04:21
Ben64not true04:21
codepython777Ben64: thanks04:21
codepython777pvsharov: I dont have access point. I just need the machines to talk to each other04:21
BackwardsSetting up a NETWORK you need a router or switch.04:22
Ben64hmm... nope04:22
BackwardsOh! So use a Walkie Talkie?04:22
Ben64not sure what your deal is04:23
pvsharovcodepython777: in your wifi network settings just select mode ad-hoc04:23
codepython777pvsharov: how are the ips assigned to the nodes?04:23
pvsharovcodepython777: what ips?04:25
codepython777pvsharov: how do i communicate between two ad-hoc nodes? Can I give them static IPs?04:25
Ben64yes, static04:25
pvsharovcodepython777: yeah04:26
codepython777pvsharov: if i have two wireless cards, I can make one ad-hoc and the other one something else, right?04:27
Ben64what is your goal with all this04:27
codepython777Ben64: I've a few machines that need to talk to each other - there is no internet in the room04:27
Ben64use an ethernet cable04:28
BackwardsUse a HUB04:28
pvsharovcodepython777: second NIC is not required04:29
ugentuHi, I'm doing some Bash scripting, running scripts via the Terminator program. When I run cd to a folder then run a script it works fine. Then when I edit the data that the script reads and re-run the script, the script runs and reads in the old data file.. that doesn't exist anymore?? If I cd up a folder then back down, the script runs with the new data file04:29
pvsharovugentu: it's normal04:31
Backwards777 check this website:   http://www.webopedia.com/DidYouKnow/Hardware_Software/router_switch_hub.asp04:32
ugentupvsharov: It's led to a lot of headache :P Do you know what the issue is called? I've been having trouble finding a solution...04:32
Ben64ugentu: depends exactly whats going on. if a file is open and then modified or deleted, the process that has it opened still has access to how it was before the change04:33
ugentuBen64: So the whole process is: run script with data file in terminal -> works fine. Open the data file in a GUI program without using the terminal, edit and save the data file. Re-run the script from the same terminal that was kept open -> uses old data file04:35
W00dP3ck3rCan i make my ubuntu machine a podcast server?04:38
pvsharovW00dP3ck3r: yes, you can04:39
needsSexyHelphey guys. i know this is off-topic but i really need some suggestions. i had all my games on steam gifted to me and my account is not 'fully' activated - i can't add people etc.. i am looking for an at least 5 euros game to buy but not very expensive that is interesting and fun in your opinion so that my account will be 'fully activated'. thanks a04:48
fenecoyou want a game suggestion? try braid, limbo04:50
needsSexyHelpthank you feneco. they look nice. but i'd like more suggestions before i decide if possible04:52
feneconeedsSexyHelp: what kind of game you like? maybe there's a channel for that too04:53
Gallomimiathere's a #gamingonlinux channel04:54
fenecothere it is04:54
virtuosojRunning Ubuntu 16.04, absolutely love Unity DE, but when playing some games under Wine, Compiz doesn't handle the windows so well04:54
needsSexyHelpfeneco: i usually game only when i am really bored so most things work.. Gallomimia ok thanks. i will paste my request there too04:54
virtuosojWhat alternative WM/DE should I install that will do better?04:55
Gallomimiamy favorite game is Nuclear Dawn04:55
Gallomimiait's about $10 but was just on sale for 204:55
needsSexyHelpi see04:55
=== trench is now known as trench_
=== trench_ is now known as trench
mintuxi could not understand my load is on 100 but cpu and ram is not used http://storage6.static.itmages.com/i/16/0621/h_1466487188_1849199_e00a639766.jpeg05:33
dalI am running Ubuntu 12.04 on a liveboot system05:34
hateballmintux: I/O is also used when determining load05:35
dalWhen I try to "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" for all my packages, I get "is not a debian format archive" for like everything!05:35
mintuxhateball: my ram is full and also swap. how can i ensure it's disk05:35
dalCan anyone give me suggestions? thanks05:35
hateballmintux: well using swap will use disk...05:36
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
dalI am running Ubuntu 12.04 as a liveboot system.05:52
dalWhen I try to "sudo dpkg -i" *.deb" all my packages to install them, I get "is not a debian format archive" for like everything!05:52
dalCan someone provide a suggestion? thanks05:52
hateballdal: No one knows what "all your packages" are.05:53
hateballdal: Why are you not using apt-get ?05:54
dalhateball: Because I only understand how to use "sudo apt-get install" for installing over internet. I use "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" to install from local hard drive.05:55
kknightsudo apt-get update05:56
dalhateball: my "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" scheme was working for older .DEBs, but seems to no longer work with today's .DEBs....it is odd!05:57
plop_its_ellieno it should work05:57
hateballdal: You're still not giving any useful information05:58
plop_its_elliedal, you are using a very outdated version of ubuntu, 12.04 support ends next year too05:58
hateballdal: If you're installing from debs, what are they, and where did you get them from?05:58
plop_its_elliealso you need to have the propper dependencies or else the installation will fail05:58
zhongfudal: sounds like your packages (at least, some of them) are corrupt05:59
dalplop_its_ellie: yes, I suspect the fact that I'm using 12.04 is part of the problem. "Long term stable" is a sort of strange phrase!05:59
zhongfulong term support*05:59
zhongfunormal releases are considered stable too, afaik05:59
plop_its_elliedal, well it still has its place but it wont work to well if you are trying to run something modern05:59
plop_its_ellieunless the developer of said packages are stilll targteting 12.0406:00
plop_its_elliei recommend using 14.04 instead06:00
plop_its_elliehowever the issue you described sounds like you have corrupt packages or non debs in the mix06:00
zhongfu16.04 LTS is out, and 16.04.1 LTS is coming out on July 2106:00
plop_its_elliezhongfu, eh i would wait ~2-3 months after 16.04.106:01
zhongfuah, ic06:01
dalI wonder if, the most recent time I downloaded all my packages--i.e., today--something went wrong with the downloads06:01
plop_its_ellieive been using 16.04 at work, there are some weird quirks here and there06:01
zhongfuhaven't noticed anything much yet, although it might be related to me not using unity06:02
plop_its_elliezhongfu, im not using unity either06:03
dalI ran this "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" and got "is not a debian format archive" for so many packages that I saw "Processing was halted because there were too many errors."06:03
plop_its_elliedal, it sounds like they were not packaged correctly then06:03
plop_its_ellieif i may ask what are you trying to install06:03
hateballWell he's failed to provide that information thus far06:04
zhongfudal: maybe try `file *.deb | grep -v "Debian binary package"`06:04
dalplop_its_ellie: I have a packages.txt that I use to guide me whenever I do this local repo update process, so to speak06:04
plop_its_ellieyea, definately something went wrong during the packaging06:04
* plop_its_ellie does not have much experience in packaging beyond using check install06:05
dalplop_its_ellie: It has a list of...40-50 something packages, such as okular, xchat, filezilla, firefox...just, my programs and stuff06:05
dalhateball: you assume I am a "he"! I am, as it turns out.06:05
zhongfudal: you'll be able to see which files aren't deb packages, and what those actually are06:05
plop_its_elliedal, arent those packages in the repos06:06
zhongfuyou could paste the result at http://paste.ubuntu.com/06:06
dalzhongfu: I ran that command, and it says "empty" under a lot of my packages06:06
zhongfuoh, that means they weren't actually downlaoded for some reason06:06
zhongfuthey're just blank files06:06
hateballdal: Would you provide us with more detail if I address you 'she' or 'it'?06:07
zhongfuhow are you downloading those packages?06:07
dalhateball: probably not, it's a full moon today and the walls between worlds are thin06:07
dalzhongfu: Interesting. I made sure my VPN was up before downloading the packages for security....I had to "apt-get install" openvpn for that06:07
pennTellerhi guys does anybody know of a good way to find all text files that have emails inside?06:08
dalzhongfu: I've had success doing my strange 'local repo update' thing in the past...maybe it would be most productive to just try again06:08
dalzhongfu: in the past being like half a year or more ago06:08
dalI think I am gonna try the download again from scratch06:09
zhongfui'd say that's kind of a troublesome way of getting packages installed, tbh06:09
dalzhongfu: it is :(06:09
zhongfumaybe do checks the next time you download06:09
zhongfuiirc they have hashes of the packages in the ubuntu repos06:10
dalzhongfu: I'll try again...thanks for the help. I may be back06:10
dalthanks all06:10
daleven hateball06:10
mimtfhistory —> how can i use number?06:13
PumpkinPieHowdy, I'm wondering will dual booting Ubuntu with my UEFI laptop that i am on right now06:19
hateballmimtf: !<number>06:19
mimtfthanks hateball06:19
PumpkinPieit has windows 8 on it.. I am wanting to dual boot and maybe later on get rid of windows altogether..06:19
PumpkinPieIf i do a dual boot and decide i don't need it no more.. It would be able to be deleted fairly easily right?06:20
mimtfthen how can i install ssh on linux?06:20
PumpkinPieI just want something that is virus free. Able to do a few basic games. Have flash player. and browse the web fine without lag.06:20
hateballmimtf: Server or client?06:21
plop_its_elliePumpkinPie, yea, you can dual boot06:21
plop_its_ellieand you could easily erase windows later06:21
hateballmimtf: sudo apt install ssh06:21
plop_its_ellieubuntu does all the things you listed perfectly06:21
mimtfsudo apt-get install openssh-server   <—— how about this? hateball ?06:21
hateballmimtf: Yes, that's the real package. ssh is a metapackage that provides both client and server06:22
hateball(and is shorter to type) ;d06:22
mimtfoh thanks hateball06:22
PumpkinPieplop_its_ellie I meant ubuntu would it be easy to remove ubuntu later on if i wanted to?06:22
PumpkinPieWould a simple delete of the partition i install it to remove it from the UEFI as well?06:23
plop_its_elliePumpkinPie, not 100% sure, havent dual booted in a long time06:25
plop_its_ellieno wait yea you should be able to06:25
plop_its_ellieuefi is cleaner for dual boots than mbr06:25
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ducassePumpkinPie: you would just delete the ubuntu partition and the ubuntu directory from the efi partition, and all traces would be gone.06:31
PumpkinPieducasse so i would just have to mount the efi partition as a say drive I and find "Ubuntu" in it and delete it and unmount the efi partition?06:31
ducassePumpkinPie: yes.06:32
PumpkinPieThank you.06:32
ducassePumpkinPie: no problem :)06:32
PumpkinPiewindows has gotten on my nerves lately.. Everything just goes wrong for me on this OS.06:32
PumpkinPieLike tonight a random explorer.exe crash 5 times..06:33
PumpkinPieThen a system wide lock up.06:33
plop_its_ellietypical windows behavior06:33
PumpkinPieumm will ubuntu do the partitioning for me or do i need to do it?06:33
plop_its_elliePumpkinPie, in the installer there is an option "install along side windows"06:34
PumpkinPieok :)06:34
PumpkinPiei'm on intel pentium b960 and intel says it not compatible with Linux.. but as long as it works fast :D06:34
plop_its_elliePumpkinPie, whaaaaaaat????06:35
plop_its_ellielinux works great on intel hardware06:35
PumpkinPiewell they say that about my graphics card..06:35
PumpkinPieplop_its_ellie its the i think 2nd gen intel hd graphics?06:35
plop_its_elliePumpkinPie, yea, support for intel gpus are great06:35
PumpkinPiesandy bridge i think06:35
plop_its_ellieintel makes very good linux drivers06:36
ducassePumpkinPie: how much ram?06:36
PumpkinPie500GB HDD06:36
ducassePumpkinPie: good :)06:36
plop_its_ellieyou should be fine06:36
AndrewMockWhy do AWS repos get so choked?06:53
AndrewMockdo they get attacked?06:53
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didik_swnI've just installed Ubuntu 16.04 on my Lenovo Thinkpad e420s. Everything seems okay, till I found that the battery couldn't be charging. The AC power is detected but battery level stuck. Did anyone else ever get a problem like this?07:12
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Mar0kKI don't have a Lenovo07:14
Mar0kKbut I used my laptop to install ubuntu I reboot it and it lost the system XD07:15
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dalHey it worked07:21
dalI just downloaded "all my pakcages" again, and it worked07:22
dalit must have been a bad download, or maybe a bad copy from /var/cache/apt/archives to /media/[redacted]07:22
Guest98611hi guys, after changing language and deleting "english" amongst all the possible languages, it still is in english, rebooted etc didn't work. help? thanks07:22
dalzhongfu: thanks to you especially, that command that confirmed there was something wrong with the files07:22
zhongfudal: just curious, what's your use case for that?07:23
zhongfumultiple Ubuntu computers on a single network?07:23
jaggzthis is weird.  on my debian system iptables -F will delete a new table I've added.  but in this ubuntu system it doesn't07:23
dalzhongfu: hard to describe. It's a single laptop. But I want a thumbdrive with NOTHING on it except what UNetbootin and the like can put there07:24
jaggziptables -N test; iptables -F  # Removes test, but not in my ubuntu07:24
dalzhongfu: people always lecture me about how I should have persistence stuff on the thumbdrive07:24
zhongfuhuh, alright07:24
dalzhongfu: but, I have an internal hard drive with a single LUKS encrypted partition ,and that's how I want it!07:24
Guest98611jaggz, ubuntu uses ufw, try disableing it first07:24
dalzhongfu: A big problem is that Ubuntu 12.04 includes LibreOffice, which screws things up,07:25
dalzhongfu: I've been told I should switch to ARch Linux if I want a really clean system good for building live stuff from scratch07:25
plop_its_elliewhats wrong witl libre office?07:25
Guest98611yeah, what's wrong with libreoffice?!?!?!07:26
dalplop_its_ellie: well, like every time I boot, I have to deal with uninstalling and re-installing and stuff07:26
dalplop_its_ellie: the fact that the Ubuntu 12.04 distro comes with Libre Office already embedded, makes some of the "start from scratch" hrad07:26
dalplop_its_ellie: also, I've never been able to get the preferences file for Libre Office to work with my liveboot philosophy, the way Thunderbird and Firefox will07:26
jaggzGuest98611, same thing.. no change07:26
jaggziptables -F just flushes all the tables but doesn't remove them07:26
dalplop_its_ellie: With Firefox and Thunderbird, I can just copy the prferences file over from the local hard drive to the RAM disk07:27
dalplop_its_ellie: and it's survived well like that for several years!07:27
Guest98611jaggz, to remove them remove /etc/iptables/iptables.rules or /path/to/iptables.rules in your system and re-make them (the rules) then save > iptables.rules again07:27
dalI gotta go. thanks all07:28
wartyboris boris boris boris07:31
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zunuthmanNotify me07:45
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blut_is there a manpage to the tftp in the busybox on a netboot image?08:03
jaggzhmm.. I don't have an iptables.rules08:03
blut_also, how do i disable any and all network setup with kickstart?08:06
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Netekhi all, we are migrating our server to another host and we are considering using mariadb instead of mysql.  Will sites hosting WordPress and some codeigniter sites database work out of the box in MariaDB or would I need to make modifications?08:17
ducasseNetek: you would need to ask people familiar with those apps.08:19
Netekducasse I will make more research08:20
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JansemonHi all! Got a new HP ProLiant DL120 Gen9 with a SmartHBA H240 controller, which is certified by hp/Ubuntu. Unfortunately, Ubuntu Server 16.04 has MASSIVE (we're talking over 14 times slower!) IO Problems.08:25
JansemonAny idea? 14.04 on same hw is a bit faster than my four year old server (with 4 VMs and 8GB RAM), but as soon as I use 16.04, io bound processes are not getting over 5% CPU utilization, becaus top says "disk wait" (D)08:26
Jansemon(in the state column is a 'D')08:26
Jansemonin numbers: apt-get install gitlab-ce on 14.04 roughly 1min - on 16.04 it takes more than 17min!08:27
rbasakJansemon: certifications are per-release. Is there a 16.04 certification?08:31
rbasakJansemon: it might be worth trying the latest upstream kernel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds08:32
Jansemonyes, I think so...08:32
\9rbasak: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201509-19593/ looks like it08:33
VenkoGood morning all08:34
VenkoI was planning on buying this laptop for my grandma and then wiping the internal SSD and installing Ubuntu for her: https://www.amazon.co.uk/ASUS-Zenbook-UX305CA-FB005T-Windows-802-11ac/dp/B019KZVESM/08:35
VenkoI found this on the community wiki and it all seems fine: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AsusZenbook08:35
VenkoIs that guide applicable to the zenbook that I've selected?08:35
nadermeet welcome08:38
naderim new hear08:38
meetHoow d we move cursor of mouse using keyboard08:38
meetin ubuntu mate?08:38
nadermy english 50%08:38
bolloVenko: I would suggest a thinkpad instead08:39
Venkobollo: What's wrong with the zenpad?08:39
bolloVenko: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/make/Lenovo/08:40
VenkoAha awesome08:40
VenkoNow I need to find her a new similar spec laptop on Amazon.co.uk that's a similar price!08:41
bolloVenko: L460 perhaps08:41
Venkobollo: It seems like Amazon doesn't personally sell them in the UK08:43
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nur_anyone into bitcoin?08:50
k1lnur_: i guess the #bitcoin people are08:50
MondinoWareZ!Hola mundo¡08:57
Squall5668Jansemon: have you tried running iotop? Should tell you which process is using the disk when you are having problems. If the hardware is supported and you are having this problem on a fresh install, you might want to try reporting this as a bug09:04
anddamI have an HFS+ usb memory carrying data for an OS X and an Ubuntu 14.04 hosts, when I insert the usb memory into the ubuntu computer it gets automounted in /media/myuser/<UUID> but in order to write on that I have to specify force,rw as options, also while doing this I get wrong permissions even if I'm passing uid=,gid= options to mount09:09
anddamquestion: is there a way to assign specific options to an UUID while keeping automounting?09:10
anddami.e. I like the fact that the media is under /media/myuser/ but I'd like to add specific options rather than putting an entry in fstab and having to manually mount the device09:10
k1lhfs+ doesnt have proper proper write support. that is why its read only on default.09:10
anddamI read about the journaling thing09:11
anddamI'm now removing the journaling from the fs09:11
anddambut the question still applies, is there a way to "customize" automount on a per-UUID basis?09:11
ikoniaanddam: in what way customize it09:11
anddamI understand that's not the best FS to exchange data between multiple computers but gives osx limitations it's the best option I found09:11
anddamikonia: by specifying "when this UUID gets automounted add this mount options"09:12
anddamikonia: it's not a very good option09:12
ikoniawhy is fat32 not a good option /09:12
anddamikonia: fat32 doesn't retain uid/gid/modes AFAIR09:12
k1lyou can use autofs, udev or even fstab should work09:12
ikoniauid/gid modes ?09:13
ikoniaautofs is the automounter09:13
anddamno, uid, gid, and modes09:13
ikoniaanddam: it has no permissions, but then hfs+ has no safe write09:13
anddamas in UFS attributes09:13
ikoniaI'd rather have no permissions than damaged file systems09:13
blut_i can't find a useful documentation on how to setup kickstart and pxe09:13
anddamikonia: what do you mean by "safe" write?09:13
blut_I want to make a static network configuration in the pxeboot, to avoid any "automatic network detection"09:14
ikoniaanddam: write is not stable in hfs09:14
ikoniahence why it' snot enabled09:14
anddamso far it's written anything flawlessy, I understand it's not considered "stable" but it does the job09:14
ikoniawell, a long as it worked once for you, that means it's totally safe to use going forward09:14
anddamok, I'll look into write status for hfs in order to be more aware09:14
blut_I'm looking for some sort of kernel append command09:15
jeffrey_fSo, I created a folder call Stuff.  I did a find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec mv {} Stufff \;     That worked, however all of my files are in a file now.  HOW to recover?09:19
Triffid_Hunterjeffrey_f: nope, all your files are deleted except the last one09:19
blut_i con't think you can09:19
ducassejeffrey_f: restore from backup09:19
Triffid_Hunterjeffrey_f: restore from your backup09:19
jeffrey_fDang fat finger!  always smashing an extra key!!!  I thought so.  Thanks  <wanders off with head hung low>09:20
jeffrey_fdeja dup??09:21
jeffrey_fwell crap, that wasn't loaded anyway.  Never mind!09:22
blut_jeffrey_f: If you plan on moving many files often I can also recommend you learn a little bit of bash09:26
jeffrey_fblut_: I know bash, i just fat fingered an extra character onto my destination.  BUT I hear ya!  More like double check before smashing the enter key09:27
blut_jeffrey_f: I constantly use stuff like 'for file in *regex*; do sort ${file} ${file##*.}_srt.dat; done'09:27
blut_or that09:27
Triffid_Hunterjeffrey_f: with stuff like that I ensure tab completion works.. a slash on the end of that path would have saved you :P09:28
jeffrey_fG'night all09:28
blut_Triffid_Hunter: that can become really tricky on ssh commands09:28
tr1gg3ri have some trouble with a fresh postgresql-9.5 installation running on LTS-16.04 (server). for some reason it's not possible to connect to it (using the stuff here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL)09:29
tr1gg3rany help/ideas are greatly appreciated. :)09:29
C_minusHad a hardware failure, so Dell guy came round and swapped a bunch of parts. Hard drive is removed. I put it in a caddy and connected it to another laptop (macbook pro), and I can only see my Win7 partition, not my Ubuntu partition.09:32
C_minusI need to see Ubuntu partition to recover various files.09:32
Triffid_HunterC_minus: then put it in something that understands linux filesystems, ie a linux bobx09:32
C_minusAh I see. In that case I might try booting to Ubuntu Live USB environment because everything else around me is Apple (how awful, right?!)09:33
Triffid_HunterC_minus: heh it seems to work for some, I can't use it though :P09:34
VenkoSo the same spec thinkpad is about £400 more09:36
VenkoSo back onto https://www.amazon.co.uk/ASUS-Zenbook-UX305CA-FB005T-Windows-802-11ac/dp/B019KZVESM/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AsusZenbook09:37
VenkoDoes it look OK to you guys?09:38
ducasseVenko: there is a good reason for that. thinkpads tend to use quality components.09:38
TanNguyenducasse: But these day Lenovo tends to make Thinkpads "gay" computers09:39
TanNguyenducasse: I tried my best to keep my X61 usable for years, but then had to give up when my 6th battery failed.09:40
Lihow can I install multiple font files from terminal?09:40
LiI'm trying fc-cache but it keeps failing09:41
k1lTanNguyen: dont use gay as an insult. thanks.09:41
TanNguyenducasse: I hate to say this, but these day it's very hard to find a better machine for *nix lover other than a mac09:41
Triffid_HunterTanNguyen: how about anything with pageup and home keys?09:41
TanNguyenk11: please don't misunderstand me, I don't use "gay" as an insult, I mean the machine is not as durable as before09:41
MultbrelchHi all. Can I also ask a question about Ubuntu phone in this room?09:42
ducasseVenko: those specs look good to me, except i can't find the wifi chipset. the rest should be fine.09:42
ducasseMultbrelch: try #ubuntu-touch09:42
Venkoducasse: Thanks for checking for me <309:43
Multbrelchducasse, it seems that nobody is there09:43
Multbrelchmay be I have to wait09:43
k1lTanNguyen: its still a bad usage of the word. which we dont want in here.09:43
VenkoI agree about quality components but I don't have the budget for my grandma here. Spending £1,200 on her is a little too much for me for a laptop that she won't use all that much.09:43
Limaybe I should ask linux about ubuntu questions09:43
ducasseVenko: no problem, but i would try to find out about the wifi before buying. bad wifi chipsets can give you terrible headaches.09:43
TanNguyenTriffid_Hunter: I use a new key binding, and iTerm is capable of setting key binding in your terminal if you need a GUI09:43
TanNguyenk11: Sorry about that. I will make sure that do not happen again09:44
TanNguyenAnd sorry to everyone here who was insulted by my tactless usage of the word09:44
k1lTanNguyen: ok, thanks.09:45
lapionis there any way to unload the i915 module if kms depends on it ?09:45
Venkoducasse: Any idea how I'd go about that?09:46
bolloVenko: Why your grandma would need SSD and other fance stuff is beyond me but sure go ahead :) At work I use a £450 thinkpad that has ubuntu working perfectly ootb09:47
ducasseVenko: check the manufacturer website, or contact them or the seller and ask?09:47
anddamVenko: what about a chromebook for grandma?09:47
Venkoanddam: She loves her Ubuntu though. She's been updating it on her own on a really really old desktop for about 6 years without any of my help. She's been using Ubuntu for about 8 years in total.09:48
C_minusI'm in a live USB environment, got my old HDD from dead computer connected thru a caddy and an external HDD to back up recovered files to. When copying through Nautilus it says I don't have permission to copy.09:48
C_minusHow do either navigate to the dead laptop's HDD through terminal, or get a sudo-powered Nautilus. I'm copying from my dead laptop's old home directory.09:49
C_minus*Trying to copy09:49
TanNguyenC_minus: use a mount command with -o ro,uid=.... to mount the partition properly09:50
TanNguyenthe "ro" ensures you only use the old partition as read-only09:50
TanNguyenand the uid=... will gives you proper access to the partition09:50
Venkoducasse: https://www.asus.com/uk/Notebooks/ASUS-ZenBook-UX305CA/ this is the asus listing but I don't see any actual chipset09:50
TanNguyenVenko: There is a discussion in Reddit about the bad wifi chipset here https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/3svv6s/dont_buy_the_new_ux305ca_zenbooks_yet/09:51
VenkoTanNguyen: "EDIT: As of February 2016, the laptop works great if you use Linux Kernel 4.5. I'm using it as my main laptop and did not experience crashes with the 4.5 kernel. The touchpad works great. The brightness buttons are not working but you can set the brightness from software or by defining a custom hotkey for it. I did not test the HDMI output."09:52
VenkoDoes that meant it works now?09:52
ducasseVenko: with an unsupported kernel.09:53
VenkoD'oh. Why is the hardware support not reaching Ubuntu's kernel?09:55
ducasseVenko: it will after 16.10 gets released.09:55
Venkoducasse: OK cheers09:56
TanNguyenVenko: 4.5 kernel will get supports when 16.10 gets released https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Support09:56
VenkoI don't know what to do. I don't want to spend more than £600 really but I don't want her to have a crappy laptop.09:56
ducasseVenko: kernels from later releases are made available for lts releases.09:57
gokulping google.com09:57
TanNguyenVenko: But maybe that is ok, your grandma kept an Ubuntu machine running for 6 years, I think she might like living on the edge with a new kernel?09:57
VenkoTanNguyen: Well I want to leave her able to just keep using the updates every six months herself ideally.09:58
C_minus_TanNguyen just to be clear you mean somethign like "sudo mount /dev/sdb5 -o ro, uuid="1234567..."10:00
TanNguyenC_minus: - Find out your UID by echo $UID10:02
TanNguyenC_minus: - Find out the partition name by dmesg (look among the last lines, you will see something line sdb: sdb1, sdb210:03
ducasseor 'lsblk'.10:03
TanNguyenC_minus: - Mount that partition as readonly for your user by sudo mount -o ro,uid=YOUR_UID_HERE,ext4(or2) /dev/sdb... MOUNT_POINT10:04
TanNguyenyes, lsblk will work too. I had some problem with my SD card reader once when I tried lsblk to find the partition so after that I just went back to dmesg10:04
C_minus_Sorry you might need to spoon feed me a little more. Here's my output for blkid and lsblk. The dead laptop's brain I want to recover files from is sdb5 http://paste.ubuntu.com/17637066/10:05
ducasse'-t ext4', it doesn't go in among the options.10:05
TanNguyenducasse: Thank you for that10:06
ducasseTanNguyen: easy mistake to make :)10:06
C_minus_So I want to mount that parition referenced on line 20, in order to recover files from it.10:07
C_minus_And i'm in live usb environment. Which command do I need exactly?10:07
TanNguyenC_minus_: Please paste the result of command "mount"10:08
wef2039          10:10
ducasseC_minus_: something like 'sudo mount /dev/sdb5 -o ro,uid=1000 /mnt' if you want to mount it on /mnt.10:13
C_minusThanks TanNguyen and ducasse (sorry if I missed your communications, I got disconnected)10:14
TanNguyenC_minus_: Use this to mount the old partition to ~/old_drive  http://paste.ubuntu.com/17637285/10:14
basarguys can i install win xp to my raspberry pi 3?10:14
C_minusThanks so either of those will work? Also, I had a folder encrypted with encfs on there. Will I be able to recover the contents?10:14
joeliobasar: probably10:15
TanNguyenC_minus: And where do you plant to copy your files to? Another external hard drive, or a flash drive?10:15
ducassebasar: rpi has an arm processor.10:15
ducassesure, but not native.10:15
TanNguyenbasar: you can try Win10 IoT, but you will have only powershell access10:16
C_minusTanNguyen I have an external hard drive, listed as sdc1 in that paste I sent you earlier.10:16
basarnow i have ubuntu mate on my rpi10:16
TanNguyenC_minus: I see, in that case, use the same procedure describe as above to mount sdc1 as rw with YOUR UID10:16
TanNguyenand you are good to go10:16
joeliobasar: ^^10:16
C_minusTanNguyen I tried your command, it said http://paste.ubuntu.com/17637339/10:17
C_minusCan\t find it in nautilus under /old_drive10:17
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ducasseC_minus: 'sudo umount /dev/sdb5' first, then the command TanNguyen gave you.10:18
TanNguyenC_minus: umount it first with 'sudo umount /dev/sdb5'10:18
TanNguyenbut ducasse is so quick, man :D10:18
JansemonSquall5668: well, if I do an apt-get install gitlab-ce, there's only one process - dpkg. That one is the only one using the disk and it doesn't go beyond 5% cpu utilization, since the state column of that process always shows 'D' (disk wait)10:18
C_minusducasse TanNguyen now it said  http://paste.ubuntu.com/17637368/10:19
TanNguyenwe need the fs type of /dev/sdb510:21
TanNguyenSorry but I have to be AFK now, ducasse, can you please continue with C_minus10:21
ducasseC_minus: 'lsblk -f | grep sdb5'10:22
TanNguyensudo file -sL /dev/sdb510:23
Triffid_Hunterfile -Ls is nice, I use that fairly often10:23
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C_minus_Thanks ducasse I keep getting disconnected. it returned the line ├─sdb5              /media/ubuntu/8842230d-31cc-48c8-9df3-27705abc8a3b10:24
ducasseC_minus_: did you put in -f?10:24
C_minus_as you typed it10:25
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ducasseC_minus_: then try 'sudo file -Ls /dev/sdb5' - see if that gives you filesystem type.10:26
C_minus_ducasse it said: "/dev/sdb: x86 boot sector"10:27
ducasseC_minus_: 'sdb5', not 'sdb'.10:28
C_minus_ducasse, sorry here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17637504/10:29
ducasseC_minus_: ok, 'sudo umount /dev/sdb5 ; sudo mount -o ro,uid=999 -t ext4 /dev/sdb5 old_drive'10:30
C_minus_ducasse thanks but it gave the same error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17637543/10:32
Ben64C_minus_: did your drive die or something?10:33
C_minus_Ben64 not to my knowledge.10:34
ducasseC_minus_: ok, 'sudo umount /dev/sdb5 ; sudo mount -o ro -t ext4 /dev/sdb5 old_drive'10:34
Triffid_HunterC_minus_: and what does dmesg | tail say?10:35
C_minus_ducasse Thanks so much. Although when I navigate to old_drive and try to copy and paste stuff in Nautilus, it syas I don't have permissions to read it.10:35
C_minus_Should I sudo copy stuff through terminal instead?10:36
ducasseC_minus_: i know, ext4 doesn't support uid=... it seems. use sudo to copy.10:36
Ben64what? it says it can't mount it10:37
C_minus_Ben64 No ducasse's last instruction seemed to work.10:37
C_minus_Do I need to mount the external hard drive that I'm storing recovered files in too?10:39
ducasseC_minus_: it isn't visible in nautilus already?10:40
C_minus_ducasse No you're right it is. I just couldn't find it, but it's under /media/ubuntu/HITACHI10:41
ducasseC_minus_: you mentioned ecryptfs - that can be a bit of a hassle. did you store the unwrap passphrase as it told you to?10:41
C_minus_goddamn. I just said "sudo cp The_Directory /media/ubuntu/HITACHI/My_Backups" and it just said "cp: omitting directory 'The_Directory' and copied nothing.10:43
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ducasseC_minus_: 'cp -r'10:43
ducasseC_minus_: you might also want -p to preserve permissions.10:44
C_minus_where does the -p flag come in the cp command?10:45
ducasseC_minus_: 'cp -rp source_dir destination'10:46
C_minus_ducasse (oh and don't worry about the encfs thing, I just remembered I backed that up already. phew, somebody up there likes me).10:46
ducasseC_minus_: good, because without the unwrap passphrase that data would effectively be lost :)10:47
ducasseC_minus_: wait, encfs? that would be ok, but not ecryptfs.10:48
C_minus_ducasse it copied a few things, but for others it's running through saying "failed to preserve ownership for..."10:48
ducasseC_minus_: you would need to run it with sudo to set permissions.10:49
C_minus_I did :(10:49
ducasseC_minus_: what sort of filesystem are you copying onto?10:50
C_minus_NTFS I think10:52
ducasseC_minus_: well, then permissions won't be set. you would need to use chown/chmod/chgrp later.10:53
ducasseC_minus_: i assumed you were copying to another ext4, my fault.10:53
C_minus_ducasse Yeah man, you really dropped the ball on that one ;)10:54
ducasseC_minus_: honest mistake :)10:54
C_minus_ducasse I'm joking, I appreciate your help immensely10:54
hateballwhy not tar it up to preserve permissions10:55
Dikehi all10:55
C_minus_Can I tar the entire home folder, and unzip it somewhere else later?10:55
C_minus_I have a good 70GB of stuff in there, so it will take ages I guess, if it's possible at all.10:56
Dikeneed some guidance on to avoid DNS resolving10:57
ducasseC_minus_: 'sudo tar cfp /mountpoint/of/backup/backup.tar source_dir'10:57
ikoniayou do not want a 70GB tar file10:57
C_minus_Bizzare. Certain files, I can just drag and drop with Nautilus. Others raise this permissions problem :(11:01
ducasseC_minus_: depends on the permissions on the files, some must be world-readable.11:03
k1lC_minus_: what files?11:04
C_minus_k1l I can't see any pattern to the files that are allowed and the ones that aren't.11:05
k1lexcept 2-3 files everything in your home should be owned by your user. if not you messed too much with sudo11:06
ducassek1l: he's copying his old homedir from a live usb.11:06
C_minus_Well for example, this directory containing video files - piano tutorials that I downloaded from a mediafire clone site.11:07
C_minus_And then several .xml files in my Python projects, that are automatically generated by my Pycharm IDE.11:07
C_minus_Oh and some of the .py scripts too. Can you see why I can't determine a pattern?11:08
ducasseC_minus_: you are able to copy files that are world-readable without sudo, as i said.11:09
C_minus_I used "sudo cp -rp Dir_To_Backup /media/ubuntu/HITACHI/Backup_Dir"11:10
DikeI`m using ubuntu 14.04 the problem is when I`m connecting via a VPN client and after disconnecting that VPN runs in the background n edit the DNS of the machine , it over rights the resolv.conf file also any suggestions to stop this11:10
ducasseC_minus_: yes, with sudo you copy everything, but nautilus is running as a diffrent userid.11:11
C_minus_I can't even navigate into this directory it says "bash: cd: The_Directory: Permission denied"11:11
walrideri need help11:12
walridersome one11:12
ducasseC_minus_: from nautilus? because you don't have permissions! nautilus is not running as root.11:12
C_minus_ducasse no, this is in a terminal. How can I use a cd command in nautilus?11:13
ducasseC_minus_: oh, bash? 'sudo -i' first.11:13
Ben64should use rsync though11:13
TanNguyenHello, I'm back. so C_minus is still in the process11:16
C_minus_ok I did that sudo -i thing...11:17
C_minus_And it allowed me to navigate into the directory that I was previously disallowed from entering...11:17
C_minus_But when I tried to copy that directory, it copied a few contents but says "operation not permitted" for most11:17
TanNguyenHow can an operation not allowed for root. Strange11:18
ducasseC_minus_: does it copy the files but fail to set permissions, perhaps?11:18
blutis there a fast way to list directories? I am looking for something better than 'l */ -d'11:19
C_minus_here's the actual output for that copy operation. As I say, it copied a few files but most of them were disallowed. http://paste.ubuntu.com/17638250/11:19
geirhablut: better in what way?11:20
ducasseC_minus_: run cp without -p.11:20
k1lblut: make an alias11:20
geirhawrite function11:20
walrideri need a help cant install .run file teamspeak11:20
TanNguyenC_minus: As ducasse said above, omit the -p switch, you won't be able to set the permission on NTFS file system11:20
TanNguyenC_minus: try cp -r source destination11:20
k1l!teamspeak | walrider11:20
ubottuwalrider: teamspeak is the proprietry VoIP software see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak  For a open source alternative consider using Mumble http://mumble.sourceforge.net/11:20
blutI was just unsure if there maybe was something like lsdir11:21
k1lwalrider: make sure to make it executable11:21
C_minus_ducasse so just use the "-r" flag instead of "-rp"?11:21
ducasseC_minus_: yes.11:21
walrideri have done executing by chmod -x but when i run ./file.run then it says command not found11:21
ducasseC_minus_: you don't even need -r for files, only dirs.11:21
k1lwalrider: use tab-completion to make sure not to have typos11:22
ducassewalrider: chmod +x11:22
k1lwalrider: and its chmod +x11:22
ducassewalrider: -x removes execute bit.11:22
geirhawalrider: what does ''file ./file.run'' say?  the file command detects what type of content the file has11:22
C_minus_ducasse but that directory "Fu.of.Ne-So.Ke" does contain sub-directories.11:23
walriderok let me try again11:23
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C_minus_And in general what would be most helpful is to be able to copy the entire home folder at once.11:23
C_minus_ducasse oh but jeez, it worked! I don't understand the cp command at all :/11:23
ducasseC_minus_: that's what i said, use -r for dirs, not needed for single files.11:24
C_minus_it is a dir11:24
C_minus_Apparently if I used pv to copy my old home directory instead of cp, I would get a progress bar (the home folder is huge) and I would get new permissions for all the files (which is what I want here, right?)11:26
ducasseC_minus_: you can also use cp -rv, that will print out each file as they are copied. you still won't preserve permissions.11:27
k1lC_minus_: you cant use pv instead of cp. you need to pipe thought pv to get a progressbar. which is even more complicated.11:28
k1li dont really understand what is making such a trouble copying data.11:28
rbasakYou could use find, pv and something like cpio or afio all together to get a nice progress bar with permissions preserved as required and so on, but I wouldn't recommend it without understanding how that pipeline would work.11:28
ikoniarsync source destination11:29
ikoniajob done11:29
hateballrsync also has a --progress option11:30
TanNguyenSince the home dir is quite large - 70GB, a progress bar would be nice. I wanted to say that earlier but since you had started cp command I think it would be better to leave it run11:30
C_minus_k1l: background - laptop hardware failure, Dell guy swapped out a bunch of parts, removed hard drive and I put it in a cradle. Now running in Live environment trying to recover my home directory, and getting all kinds of permissions errors that confuse me11:31
C_minus_Well I just started a cp -rv. Gonna let it run.11:31
TanNguyenan rsync command with --progress will give you progress bar + current disk writing/reading throughput11:31
ikoniahow does a laptop = live environment11:31
ikoniaahh you mean live media11:31
C_minus_For my entire 70GB home folder :/11:31
ikoniaC_minus_: it's a 2 minute job to setup11:31
ducasseC_minus_: you are getting permission errors because you are copying to ntfs. we've been over this.11:31
ikoniarsycn /your/external/drive /home/username11:31
ikoniajob done11:32
ikonianot sure why this is taking hours to even start11:32
C_minus_Well it's working now. Thanks everybody.11:32
k1leven nautilus should have worked. and file permissions are kept, but maybe you need to set the owner:group afterwards to the proper uid.11:32
ducassek1l: not on ntfs :)11:32
TanNguyenk11: He didn't mount the destination file system with proper UID so nautilus didn't work under his user. And because it's NTFS he couldn't preserver the file owner:group11:33
ikoniaif it's ntfs - why is this being done with linux11:33
TanNguyenk11: ducasse instructed him to use sudo -i for a root shell to  copy everything11:33
ducasseikonia: he's copying from ext4 to ntfs.11:33
ikoniathat seems bad11:33
TanNguyenikonia: because the source files are from an ext4 filesystem11:34
ikoniaand pointless why would you copy it to ntfs11:34
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ducasseikonia: he needed to be root, as the live environment runs under a different uid than the source files are owned by.11:35
ikoniadoesn't explain why the target is nfts11:35
ikoniayou're not going to run a linux home partion on nfts11:35
C_minus_ikonia i'm not trying to run a linux home partition on ntfs, just back up my data.11:36
ducasseikonia: he needed the files available on ntfs.11:36
k1lntfs will mess with the file permissionsand it will be super_slow anyway11:36
ikoniaC_minus_: why not back it up to ext then ?11:36
ikoniaI'm not understanding why this is being made hard by using ntfs11:36
C_minus_ikonia, i'm constrained by the hard drives lying around my house.11:36
ikoniaC_minus_: how is that a constraint11:37
ikoniapartiton/format a disk11:37
ikonia10 seconds work11:37
TanNguyenikonia: What if he already has some data on the disk?11:37
C_minus_ikonia yeah partition, that would have been a good idea. unfortunately i am painfully stupid.11:37
ikoniapartition the disk11:37
TanNguyenikonia: It's a 1TB drive, hard to imagine it's a blank disk11:37
ikoniaTanNguyen: partition the disk11:37
C_minus_Well I've never done this before. So before beginning I didn't realise that I would encounter these problems. I guess that's why I didn't just decide to partition the disk out of the blue.11:38
xdswhat kind of X is Xubuntu? Is it XFCE? Thinking of where I can download themes11:39
ikoniaxfce yes11:39
lyzexds, xfce-look.org11:40
r4d1umIs there an "DialPad" Software for Ubuntu 16.04 xenial for use with an connected Bluetooth Mobile Phone? "I want to use my Computer as a Android Handsfree"11:54
vivekpAnyone on Ubuntu Gnome 15.04 here?11:56
k1lvivekp: 15.04 is dead. you need to upgrade to 15.10 asap11:57
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untorehhello, I am trying apt-rdepends and a few direct deps are missing from the list,  `apt-cache depends` shows all the correct deps. The particular missing dependency from `apt-rdepends` is tagged as "automatic" by an `apt search` so maybe `apt-rdepends` does not pickup automatic deps??12:00
vivekpk1l: I know but I'm always afraid to upgrade ever since I did it last time (14.04 -> 15.04) and had to bear huge data loss without any back up anywhere :/12:01
vivekpSo, I usually backup everything somewhere and do a clean install to be safe12:01
k1lvivekp: well. 15.04 is not an LTS and only got 9 month support. so if you dont want to upgrade, going to 15.04 was a mistake. just upgrade twice now to 15.10 and then to 16.04 and you will have a LTS again.12:02
k1lupgrades get automated testings. so they do work if you didnt leave the ubuntu setup to much.12:02
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codepython777has someone bought a good wireless usb card recently which works with 14.04 , supports ad-hoc out of the box, and is at least 150Mbps or greater?12:04
gelbeEnteHello! I have some problems with "ecryptfs-mount-private": "Signature not found in user keyring. Perhaps try the interactive 'ecryptfs-mount-private'". My home folder doesn't decrypt. I tried "ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase" but nothing changed. Is it possible to decrypt?12:06
gelbeEnteUbuntu 16.04 LTS (4.6.0-040600-lowlatency #201606100558 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jun 10 10:04:04 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux)12:06
blutmessi1992: is that your pin?12:06
BluesKajHiyas all12:06
vivekpk1l: yes, I understand but whole problem is that I have one single partition and when something goes wrong, I end up losing a lot. Are you sure upgrade (twice) wouldn't bring pain like last time ?12:06
rdzhey all. how can i know about the reason why a certain package was updated? is there a changelog for packages?12:07
django_i cant seem to figure out how to permanently change $PATH12:09
django_im a ubuntu noob12:09
k1lvivekp: you have no chance. either do a reinstall or upgrade. 15.04 doesnt get any updates anymore and is a real security issue.12:09
django_so "change ./bashrc" doesnt do it12:09
hateballrdz: apt-get changelog <packagename>12:09
Ben64django_: put it into ~/.profile12:09
django_Ben64, where do i plae it in there12:09
k1ldjango_: what did you try exactly?12:09
django_k1l, export PATH=$PATH:/home/me/play , source ~/.bashrc12:10
k1ldjango_: that doesnt work that way12:10
vivekpk1l: "real security issue" -- that just made me stand up from my chair. :012:10
k1lvivekp: look at ubuntu.com/usn and see what updates you are missing on nearly daily basis12:11
django_k1l, export PATH  , . ~/.profile ?12:11
Ben64django_: what?12:11
django_Ben64, ?12:11
Ben64you're not making sense12:12
k1ldjango_: you want to for that user? then open the .bashrc in the users home and extend the path to the folder you want.12:12
vivekpk1l: I probably gotta find some time to upgrade urgently.12:12
django_k1l, i do echo $PATH and its not there12:12
Tin_mancodepython777, i bought a usb wifi dongle Eddi Max only 10.00 at walmart online works out of the box with ubuntu12:12
django_and the command i wanna use "not found"12:12
django_k1l, can you plz tell me how to do it i just wanna get work done12:13
vivekpk1l: Please let me know some best practices for an upgrade.12:13
Tin_mancodepython777, http://www.walmart.com/ip/Edimax-EW-7811UN-IEEE-802.11n-draft-USB-Wi-Fi-Adapter/1741947112:13
Ben64django_: open ~/.profile12:13
vivekpI want to minimize the risks involved12:13
vivekpgiven that it's all on one single partition12:14
django_Ben64, ok then>12:14
Ben64django_: if you look in there, it has a line where it adds something to path, make a new line like that with whatever you want12:15
k1lvivekp: well, make backups of the important data. or murphys law will strike back :X  but then you can run the upgrade with the "update-manager"12:16
django_Ben64, PATH="/home/django/anaconda2/bin:PATH"12:17
django_is that right?12:17
TanNguyendjango: Should be export PATH="/home/django/anaconda2/bin:$PATH"12:17
k1lno. add "export PATH=$PATH:/some/path/in/here" to the .profile12:18
k1lafter that relogin or source the .bashrc12:18
django_k1l, http://pastebin.com/rambn6cS12:18
django_after the last f?12:18
vivekpBacking up already. Don't wanna be a Murphy's law victim, not this time :X12:19
k1ldjango_: at the end of the file. yes12:19
django_k1l, ty, do i need to relog for changes to be made?12:19
k1lvivekp: as i said: upgrades get automated testings since some time.12:19
k1ldjango_: scroll up. i already said that12:19
django_k1l, i wanna add more paths, do i add to the same statement?12:20
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vivekpk1l: Cool, you've convinced me to upgrade for good. Thanks ttyl12:20
k1lyou can add more paths with another : as seperator in the same line12:21
k1lif you do a "echo $PATH" you will see how that works12:21
django_k1l, http://pastebin.com/enKDYzez12:21
k1lwithout the "12:21
django_source ~/.bashrc and nothing in echo $PATH12:22
k1lcome on. its your system. you want to start knowing what you do instead of messing with it because you are too lazy and just coping blindly12:22
_MyStartx_who is lazy?12:23
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django_"and ~/.profile. After having edited one of those files, you should re-login in order to initialize the variables."12:25
django_lets see if relogin helps...12:25
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django_k1l, i dd source ~./profile and now it shows it12:26
blutk1l: the right thing to do here would be to provide e.g. a short fork bomb i.e. :(){:|:&};:12:26
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!12:27
blutthat was rude12:28
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:28
fribHello.  I just upgraded to Xenial and nautilus has no File/Edit menu etc.  How can I fix this?  Thanks12:31
blutk1l: I still think that was unwarranted12:32
k1lblut: this is a beginners channel. posting forkbombs is forbidden. your behaviour was rude so you got kicked. making more drama out of that now shows only that you dont want to follow the guidelines and Code of Conduct. End of discussion in here. See the guidelines where you can discuss it.12:33
blutis there an advanced channel?12:35
hiyaGuys in order to block port 25 for vpn users what should I set on openvpn server12:35
hiyaufw deny out 2512:36
ubantuhiya guys, in ubuntu 16 my folders dont show up in the taskbar, so they keep piling up in the background whenever i minify the window. ive looked for solutions online but cant find this problem anywher12:40
ubantuany idea how to let the folder show up in the taskbar again?12:40
juanonymous!info htmlparse12:42
ubottuPackage htmlparse does not exist in xenial12:42
juanonymous!info tls package12:43
ubottu'package' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakkety-proposed12:43
Picijuanonymous: what are you looking for?12:43
juanonymoustls package and a htmlparse package12:43
paninaHi darlings! I'm looking to set up an environment with loads of clients, and a central computer which maintains the OS. Basically a thin-client-solution, but the clients do have decent hardware12:44
paninaAnyone got ideas?12:44
juanonymous"package require htmlparse"12:44
lyze!find htmlparse12:44
ubottuFound: libhtmlparser-java, libhtmlparser-java-doc, libjs-htmlparser, node-htmlparser, node-htmlparser212:44
Picijuanonymous: for tcl?12:45
juanonymousyes i think so12:45
juanonymousi mean yes12:45
Picijuanonymous: if so, its in the tcllib pacakge.12:45
juanonymousi thought it is typed tcl-lib12:46
juanonymousmy bad12:47
de-factopanina https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP12:48
paninade-facto yeah, I'm looking at that. However, the basic setup with LTSP seems to be a powerful central server, and legacy hardware clients.12:49
paninade-facto however, my clients are decent, and my central server isn't that powerful12:49
paninade-facto But maybe I can adjust the LTSP setup to at least use local client RAM...12:50
de-factopanina https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto12:51
paninade-facto yeah, that looks like the best bet12:52
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de-factopanina maybe combine it with virtualization on the host from which the clients get their fs/pxe files, so you could snapshot at version history them12:54
paninade-facto sounds interesting... It'd also be a very good way to test new applications before distributing them to clients12:55
paninade-facto do you have any ideas of what virtual environment would be best for this?12:56
paninaproxmox? vmware?12:57
paninaThere's what I'm looking for! Fat clients!12:58
de-factopanina not really, but id look into virtualbox/vagrant or qemu/libvirt/virt-manager12:58
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paninahggdh interesting, that one is new to me12:59
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hggdhpanina: see https://linuxcontainers.org/13:00
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swati_27Hello. I've not been able to use "mysql -u root -p" since yesterday.13:01
swati_27I use KUbuntu16.0413:01
swati_27Please help.13:01
paninahggdh thanks, I'll look into that. On the surface it looks just like what I need13:02
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de-factopanina you also might want to read into filesystems with snapshots like zfs/btrfs or such13:05
de-factoswati_27 if you go ahead and provide some details you can increase your chances that someone knows a solution to your problem...13:06
swati_27mysqld.sock doesn't exist on my system.13:07
skyliteswati_27 is the service running?13:09
de-factoswati_27 hmm is the mysql service running? "systemctl status mysql"13:09
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=== liz is now known as rany
swati_27Strange is it suddenly stopped yesterday.13:10
de-factosudo cat /var/log/mysql/error.log13:11
mguyswati_27: did you edit my.cnf or change anything related to mysql? File permissions etc?13:12
de-factoalso: what did you do to it yesterday when it stopped?13:12
swati_27It's a long text. Unable to send here.13:13
mguywhy not just keep using pastebin like you have already13:13
mguyand just paste what it's contained since the time it broke13:14
swati_27mguy: I'm even unable to open my.cnf . When I try to open it, mariadb.cnf opens.13:14
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mguyswati_27: what is the output of: ls -l /etc/mysql/my.cnf13:15
craptalki have been searching linux distro which is the lightweight one to cover my old PC, any suggestion?13:16
k1l!lubuntu | craptalk13:17
ubottucraptalk: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.13:17
de-factoLubuntu? Xubuntu?13:17
craptalkde-facto: i tried it several times, and just no changes, still slow13:18
anaoHello@all does anyone tested removing "gnome-*" packages from 16.04 any problems? broken desktop?13:18
craptalklubuntu, LXDE, XFCE, xubuntu13:18
de-factocraptalk hmm depends on your system of course and if you installed the correct drivers (e.g. GPU graphics drivers and such)13:19
swati_27mguy: ??13:20
Tin_mancraptalk, what cpu does your older computer have?13:20
de-factocraptalk also what exactly is slow? program loading (maybe HDD)? the GUI (GFX)? only if you load many or big programs (RAM/SWAP)? etc pp13:20
mguyswati_27: So are you going to tell us what you did?13:20
craptalkde-facto: indeed but i think with my core 2 duo chip, and 2 GB ram, should do me good13:20
mguyswati_27: it looks liek you had two mysql servers going13:20
mguyswati_27:  you've set a passwsord for the root user for some reason13:20
Tin_manthats a newer machine to me..13:21
swati_27mguy: I just killed some mysqld processes as others suggested.13:21
craptalkde-facto: multitasking even i just opened few programs, but strangely i changed to windows 10, and it is better13:21
Tin_manubuntu 16.04 runs on my old pent 4 3.06 single core just fine13:21
craptalkbut i just love linux13:21
swati_27mguy: I installed mariadb again and I didn't set password for root user.13:21
swati_27mguy: How to stop those servers?13:22
de-factocraptalk hmm that sounds strange indeed, im my experience ubuntu always was blazing fast (in comparison to windows on same machine)13:22
CursarionSteam won't start for me13:23
mguyswati_27: what server did you install?13:24
mguyswati_27: this didn't happen from you just killing a mysql server13:24
swati_27mariadb client server13:25
ikoniaclient server ?13:25
swati_27mguy: Then?13:25
mguyswati_27: And did you install from source or apt-get or what exactly did you do13:25
mguyswati_27: If you just show us the .bash_history we can tell you what you need to do13:26
de-factocraptalk does it access the harddisk when you multitask (e.g. the hdd led)? you can also try to profile it (e.g. "free", "top", "iotop" etc, read the logs, "dmesg" and all those to see if something went wrong/is missing for full performance)13:26
swati_27sudo apt-get install mariadb-server13:26
swati_27mguy: sure. How can i get that?13:26
mguyswati_27: did you have a sql server running before you issued that command?13:26
swati_27yes. I uninstalled it and then installed this one again.13:27
swati_27I use mariadb from long time.13:27
craptalkde-facto: of course, cause i installed progam on my HDD, then it is accessing the HDD, isn't it?13:27
mguyswati_27: what do you get if you type 'telnet localhost 3306'13:28
de-factocraptalk background of my question: when you have many programs open and the RAM is not sufficient to hold them all the kernel begins to swap to HDD to provide the memory necessary for operation, but hdd is very slow compared to RAM13:29
swati_27you need .bash_history for last how many commands? there're actually lot..13:29
mguyswati_27: just the ones around your install of mariadb13:30
ruicruzhello there. I've disabled wifi on my ubuntu 16 to save battery. now when I click on enable wifi I got a tick in "enabled" but there are no wifi in range (witch is false, I've my rounter in less than a meter). how do I solve this? :)13:30
swati_27If you need more, I'll upload file here.13:31
craptalkde-facto: the slowness of HDD is how? according to its type like, using SSD or normal HDD?13:32
mguyswati_27: so you never removed mysql13:32
swati_27mguy: Also, I installed it the same way earlier.13:32
swati_27mguy: I just removed removed mariadb using synaptic.13:32
mguysudo apt-get remove mysql-server mysql-common libmysqlclient1813:33
swati_27mguy: 187MB is freed. I made a mistake.13:33
mguyswati_27: now install mariadb and try to start it13:34
swati_27mguy: Thank you for your time.13:34
mguyswati_27: did it work?13:36
swati_27mguy: Just installing. I'll let you know in a while.13:37
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mguyswati_27: you need to give mysql a user and password13:39
mguymysql -u username -p13:39
swati_27i didn't set any password for root earlier also.13:39
swati_27mariadb is used by digiKam (software on which i work) and I can't set root password13:40
mguydid you run mysql_secure_installation13:40
swati_27yes sudo mysql_secure_installation13:41
mguydid you try a blank password just to see if it works13:41
mguyotherwise reset it - https://www.liberiangeek.net/2014/10/reset-root-password-mariadb-centos-7/13:41
swati_27yes. I pressed enter for no password13:41
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
de-factocraptalk yes hdd is mechanical and needs to move heads for access, so that takes more time than addressing flash memory in ssds. you need to find out what exactly hurts your performance and then what you can do about it. SWAP is just a wild guess since you did not provide any details13:43
swati_27mguy: Though "sudo mysql -u root" works13:43
craptalkde-facto: you mean i should increase swap value or something? since linux needs it for its virtual?13:44
de-factonope you need to find out where it spends time and lets you waiting on response13:45
de-factothe more details you can find out the better your chances for finding a cure or alternative to current behavior13:46
DirkosIf i download a .deb package from http://www.google.com/chrome/ and try to install it via software center it wont work (16.04)13:51
DirkosIt starts installing and directly after that stops again13:51
k1lDirkos: do you have all updates installed?13:52
Dirkosk1l: yes did apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade13:52
Dirkosits a fresh install13:52
k1ldid you run apt-get update first?13:52
Dirkosk1l: ofc13:52
k1lok, just making sure.13:52
k1lthere was an issue with the software center and 3rd party debs. but that was fixed with an update. if that still doesnt work try to use dpkg on the terminal: "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/chrome.deb"13:53
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Dirkosk1l: works indeed, still a bit odd though13:59
k1lDirkos: maybe the new softwarecenter needs a relogin or reboot. i dont use that so i dont know. i just know that the issue was fixed with 3rd party .debs13:59
Dirkosok thanks14:00
nschoeHi all, sanity check: has something changed from 14.04 to 16.04 regarding gcc? It's vague I know but we have a problem where compiling a C file with a "#define pi 3.14159" fails with 'error: expected ;, ' or ) before numeric constant' while it compiles ok on 14.04. This is weird14:08
nschoeSo I was just checkling if somehow this was smth known.14:08
mguynschoe: Can you post the acutal C code14:08
nschoemguy, nope sorry it's not even on my computer. It's just a guy in the open space going crazy, we all jumped for a minute to try and help him.14:09
mguyIf it's a standard C program it's highly unlikely that Ubuntu broke it14:10
nschoemguy, yes I think so too. But you know, we've come to the point where we check for invisible chars, and such things. We're back to very basic assumptions, because for god's sake, why would a #define pi 3.14159 would fail...14:12
mguynschoe: who knows without seeing the code14:12
Aziz_excuse me do any budy know how playonlinx working14:13
ikoniawhat do you mean, how it's working ?14:13
nschoemguy, yes I understand. I was just coming here to sanity-check, like "ho yeah I had the same error last week, it was just xxx". that and the fact that it works on 14.04 but not on 16.04, no other changes -_-14:13
Aziz_i'm try to run spss application on it but there's error i don't know what it mean14:13
lyzenschoe, works fine here14:16
mguynschoe: where is the actual error, like the line after the 'error: expected identifier or '('' line14:16
nschoelyze, yeah on my computer too :/14:16
mguynschoe: there should be a little caret pointing up14:16
nschoemguy, well gcc reports the error on the line where the #define is14:17
mguynschoe: You have to give us more information. Like what file it is, etc14:17
nschoemguy, but I've seen that it should not necessary be trusted (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5419406/problem-with-macros-define-showing-expected-identifier-before-numeric-consta)14:17
nschoemguy, yes I know, sorry. I'm currently cloning the repo on my computer to test it (and hopefully give you more material)14:17
lyzemguy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/17643687/14:18
mguylyze: right, but it looks like the same problem as this https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/prismmodelchecker/gtVatHAir9014:18
tommy_Viet nam14:19
nschoeBut don't worry I know this is not a C support chan, I was just coming "in case" it was a known issue (I know this was 0% chance)14:19
tommy_VN no114:20
nschoemguy, indeed, this is similar ^^14:20
QueenslayerSuspend mode bugs, tried different kernels without success.  It does wake up but screen does not turn on nor do any USB devices.  What can it be?14:21
mguynschoe: I think I  might have found something14:24
nschoemguy, you'd be the hero of the day ^^14:25
kshenoyHi, does Ubuntu source ~/.xinitrc while starting up?14:25
iorianot by default14:26
nschoemguy, so?14:26
mguynschoe: This is the patch that fixed the compile problem on that link I sent you14:27
mguynschoe: but it deals with some other function, isnan14:28
mguynschoe: anyway here's the svn history of the patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/17644071/14:28
nschoemguy, thanks!14:29
mguynschoe: I'm just wondering where that PI #define is being used elsehwere in your friends code14:29
nschoemguy, I'm gcc -E + grepping as we speak ^^14:29
Elise001_Can anyone please help me install Ubuntu on my laptop? I am a special ed teacher near Mountain View. I am not working this summer. My laptop was running 10. But now it is stuck in some kind of loop. Thanks14:34
mohsen_Hi does lubuntu have the repositories of lubuntu?14:34
mohsen_the second is ubuntu*14:34
Elise001_I have heard good things about Ubuntu14:35
b0red@Elise001_ if this is your first linux than yes it's a good start14:35
b0red@Elise001_ follow this to make your install usb http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows14:36
kshenoyioria: Out of curiosity, how does the display manager start?14:37
ioriakshenoy, lightdm14:38
BluesKajb0red, @ isn't needed on irc, the nick is sufficient14:38
b0redBluesKaj haha cheers14:38
nschoeHum I've noticed we use colorgcc, I'14:39
nschoell look into that14:39
kshenoyioria: Right, how does that start? Or, what starts it?14:39
ioriakshenoy, it's a service started (if configured) by init14:41
ioriakshenoy, xinit14:41
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kshenoyioria: Got it. Thanks. Ok, back to the original question. If I want to source ~/.xinitrc on startup, what would be a good way to do it? Source it in Startup applications?14:42
ioriakshenoy, no need for it anymore, i think14:43
ioriakshenoy, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/xinitrc14:43
ioriakshenoy, no, you need a .xinitrc in your home14:44
kshenoyioria: Ok, basically I have some setxkbmap and xcape calls in there that I want to source14:45
ioriakshenoy,  i use it for configure some window manager, like twm14:45
ioriakshenoy,  maybe his can help http://askubuntu.com/questions/177824/remapping-caps-lock-to-control-and-escape-not-the-usual-way14:47
nschoeFor those who followed the #define pi problem, we've managed to "solve" it by #undef pi before #include <gst/gst.h> and #define pi 3.14159 after. Currently trying to see if #define pi is in gst/gst.h...14:47
mguynschoe: :) Let me know what you find14:48
nschoemguy, http://www.mit.edu/afs.new/athena/astaff/source/src-9.3/third/gstreamer/gst/gst.h apparently no #define pi in there...14:48
kshenoyioria: Hmm, he put it in .xprofile. Thanks, I'll try that14:49
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ioriakshenoy, good luck14:49
mguynschoe: can you pastebin the whole compile error14:49
nschoemguy, I'm asking the guy.14:50
nschoemguy, "/path/to/source.c:100: error: expected ';', ',' or ')' before numeric constant"14:51
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jhutchinsRumors were that MS was porting Edge to Ubuntu this month.  Anything on the Ubuntu radar?14:57
Elise001_Thank you, b0red.14:59
b0redElise001_ if you run into any problems, a quick google may help or just ask in here14:59
r4d1umjhutchins source?15:01
VenkoOK on the other side of the spectrum then: How do I go about picking a thinkpad for Ubuntu in the UK?15:02
PiciVenko: Theres a lot of good information on thinkwiki: http://www.thinkwiki.org/15:03
Aziz_<plop_its_ellie> hello15:06
mguynschoe: did you ask around in #c?15:06
VenkoPici: Thanks but how do I use this to find which are the thinkpads to consider at the moment? It has a buyer's guide but it looks really out of date.15:06
PiciVenko: hrm.. it was good when I was using it, which I guess was a few years ago.  Sorry :/15:07
nschoemguy, no actually we were focused on the fact that it worked on Ubuntu 14.04 and not 16.04. I'll hang in #c now15:07
Aziz_any budy knows about how i could setup .exe applications on ubuntu15:09
baizonAziz_: you need wine15:09
Aziz_not working with my application15:09
k1l!wine | Aziz_15:09
ubottuAziz_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:09
k1lor ask the project to support ubuntu.15:09
Feren^IRCCloudHello Everyone,15:10
Aziz_it's SPSS application15:10
ducasseAziz_: if it doesn't work with wine you can use a virtual machine with windows.15:10
ducasse!virtualizers | Aziz_15:12
ubottuAziz_: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications15:12
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k1lwine app datapase has entries for spss and pasw. so one might want to invest some effort to read it.15:13
Aziz_it always error15:13
leruI have package-loss with my ubuntu server, especially with TeamSpeak. Is there an error log or so, which i can check for that kind of stuff?15:13
jhutchinsAziz_: THe preferred method is to find a native Linux application that will do the same thing.15:14
Aziz_all my works was with spss15:15
BluesKajleru, if /var/log monitors ubuntu-server15:15
Aziz_i don't know there's another app could read the spss files or not15:16
SaltyCatFishHey all, cant remember the name of the file where you can store username and passwords for ssh.  I think its a 3 liner for each, with just un/pw/ip.  Anyone know?  Googled but must not be explaining correctly15:16
SchrodingersScat!info pspp | Aziz_15:17
ubottuAziz_: pspp (source: pspp): Statistical analysis tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5-5build1 (xenial), package size 3300 kB, installed size 13975 kB15:17
Donitzoreally simple linux question, how do I recursively set 640 +X for directories in a single command?15:17
SaltyCatFishDonitzo: chmod -R15:17
DonitzoYeah I know it's -R for recursive, but I don't know how to use +X together with 64015:18
Donitzoif I set 640 first I can't actually set +X because it can't go through the directories anymore15:18
SchrodingersScatAziz_: PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It is a free replacement for the proprietary program SPSS. <--there you go15:18
Aziz_i saw it now it's so simple15:19
Aziz_i use spss for econometric study15:20
Aziz_pspp will not fit with the data15:20
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ruyicruzhello there. I've disabled wifi on my ubuntu 16 to save battery. now when I click on enable wifi I got a tick in "enabled" but there are no wifi in range (witch is false, I've my rounter in less than a meter). how do I solve this? :)15:23
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akikDonitzo: 640 and +x is not a compatible setting (+x = 1)15:28
akikDonitzo: what you probably want is 75015:29
Donitzoakik: only for directories15:30
akikDonitzo: what is capital x?15:30
Donitzoonly for directories15:31
DonitzoX (special execute) is not a permission in itself but rather can be used instead of x. It applies execute permissions to directories regardless of their current permissions and applies execute permissions to a file which already has at least 1 execute permission bit already set (either user, group or other).15:31
Donitzobut you are however right, I do want 75015:31
Donitzoand then I just remove execute from files and add it to directories15:32
Donitzoremove x from all*15:32
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nikbjorkIs there anyone with experience of playing football manager at ubuntu 16.04?15:58
daxDonitzo: u=rwX,g=rX,o= would work15:58
Donitzothank you15:58
daxDonitzo: depends what the current state of things and what exactly you want to do is though, I guess. in cases where things are really messed up I've done 750 and then used `find -type f' to remove x from files15:59
Donitzoshouldn't -x+X work just as well as find?15:59
pr3d4t0rQ. /etc/shadow - how is the shadow password generated in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?  The format doesn't match crypt(3) information re: Glibc notes.  Thanks in advance.16:01
* pr3d4t0r continues research.16:01
naccpr3d4t0r: did you check `man shadow` ?16:02
daxDonitzo: when I tested it, I ended up with execute bit still being set on files16:02
daxnacc: man shadow says to check crypt(3) ;)16:03
pr3d4t0rnacc: Yes.16:03
pr3d4t0rdax: Exactly :)16:03
naccdax: pr3d4t0r: ah sorry :)16:03
pr3d4t0rAccording to crypt(3) the format is $id$salt$encrypted, but I see $blechstuffhere/andmore instead.16:04
daxpr3d4t0r: mine look like $6$foo$bar/baz16:04
daxwhich would be SHA-51216:05
pr3d4t0rdax: Yup.16:05
pr3d4t0rdax: I see some boxes here that follow the crypt(3) expected result, one box doesn't.16:05
pr3d4t0rdax: Need to check *why*, and then decide what to do about it.16:05
daxalthough according to the bottom of crypt(3), / is a valid part of the encrypted password, so i guess it's just $6$foo$bar16:06
daxpr3d4t0r: does the odd one start with $6$ still?16:06
daxor is it just one $ total16:06
pr3d4t0rdax: Dammit, I'm a moron.16:07
pr3d4t0rdax: I was looking through the wrong filter -- the "$" were being stripped.16:07
pr3d4t0rdax: Thakns :)16:07
* pr3d4t0r hangs his head in shame.16:07
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whohi all16:18
whoneed a help16:18
nacc!ask | who16:19
ubottuwho: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:19
whodolby digital plus cannot be installed on Ubuntu 16.0416:19
naccwho: is that a package?16:20
Ratneshtell about dolby digital plus16:20
umoukunis the latest kernel   79 or 88 ?16:20
naccumoukun: for what version of ubuntu?16:21
whodriver for sound card16:21
ducassewho: is that windows software?16:21
naccumoukun: .88.94 is in -security and -updates16:21
Ratneshhow i will check the version of kernel16:21
whoducasse @ sound card driver software16:22
joelioRatnesh: apt-cache policy linux-generic16:22
ducassewho: for windows or linux?16:22
joeliois http://packages.ubuntu.com/ down?16:22
naccjoelio: no.16:22
Secret-Firehow can i disable screen lock/screen saver in 16.0416:22
naccwho: 'dolby digital plus' is a technology, afaik. What sound card?16:23
whoit is really for windows , if it cannot install on ubuntu I will never get optimum performence of laptop speaker16:23
umoukunnacc: do you know why when I do apt-get dist-upgrade it keeps using 79 instead of 88?16:23
joelioone would assume it's in relation to DTS, 7.1 support etc.16:23
who@ ducasse16:23
joelioI doubt it's on the soundcard, but via digital channel, like HDMI16:23
joeliocould be wrong :)16:23
ducassewho: a windows sound card driver will not work on linux.16:23
Ratneshi think we cant install windows package in linux16:23
naccumoukun: did you run `apt-get update` first?16:23
umoukun$ ls /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-*16:24
umoukun/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-79-generic  /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-88-generic16:24
whonacc@ yeah16:24
naccwho: what sound card?16:24
naccumoukun: you have 88 installed...16:24
naccumoukun: when you say "it keeps using", what is the "it" in that sentence?16:25
who@ lenovo g50 is my laptop16:25
umoukunnacc: $ uname -r16:25
joeliowho: dobby digital plus is for multichannel sound (surround sound), you won't get the benefit on laptop speakers16:25
joeliounless you put headphones in and use binarual conversion ;)16:26
BluesKajwho,  @ is not needed on irc16:26
umoukunnacc: grub is apparently using 79 still16:26
naccumoukun: right, you just booted into the 79 kernel16:26
naccumoukun: i suppose it depends on your grub settings, etc, what kernel you would use16:26
naccumoukun: so reboot and pick the right one :)16:26
Ratneshhow  we will check kernal version16:27
naccRatnesh: that was answered already.16:27
whojoelio @ it works perfect in windows16:27
umoukunI dont have access to the kernel16:27
ducassewho: linux is not windows.16:27
umoukunI mean16:27
Ratneshdid'nt get16:27
pr3d4t0rHave a great day, Everyone.16:27
umoukunI dont have access to the bootloader16:27
naccRatnesh: you can see the running kernel via `uname -r` and the pacakged versions via `apt-cache policy linux-generic`16:27
Jordan_Uumoukun: Please pastebin the output of "sudo update-grub".16:27
yeezusHello, where does Ubuntu store its Touchpad configuration? Comparing to other Distros, Touchpad behavior in Ubuntu is better, so i'd like to know what changes Ubuntu applied. Thanks in advance16:27
whoyeah I know but i think there might be a chance16:28
joeliowho: sure, but multi channel audio is generally for surround sound.. so on your laptop speakers it may not sound too goo :)16:28
joelioyou should *maybe* be able to get 2 channel working thogh16:28
joeliojust DTS, probably not16:28
ducassewho: sorry, but a windows sound card driver will not work under linux.16:28
whoi tried with wine but never worked16:29
joeliowho: if you show some diagnostics, like lscpi output and pastebin it, I'll look16:29
umoukundo I run grub or grub2?16:29
joelio2 channel may have some support and tbh nvidia HDMI audio supports 5.1 / 7.1 etc but just knowing Dobly, linux support may be minimal16:29
BluesKajwhu which audio chip ?16:30
BluesKajwho ^16:30
Yuri4_Hi! I'm troubleshooting SSH login issue. Some guy on serverfault told me that he would ike to see output of ssh -vvv. What is that?16:30
naccYuri4_: outputs verbose information see `man ssh`16:31
joeliowho: also wine is just an emulation layer, it's not really Windows (maybe in virtualbox/kmv with device passthrough.. but that's another can of worms(16:31
Yuri4_nacc, I did see man ssh16:31
whoi am a beginner I do not know how to find audio chip in windows16:31
Yuri4_but why -vvv? triple?16:31
naccumoukun: i think they are aliased together (so you don't have to know)16:31
ouroumovVery verbose16:31
joelioYuri4_: super verbose16:31
Ratnesh@ nacc 016:31
naccYuri4_: from `man ssh`: 'Multiple -v options increase the verbosity.'16:32
naccYuri4_: hence, why I said read `man ssh` :)16:32
naccRatnesh: hrm? you don't need '@' on IRC. Not sure what you are trying to tell me.16:32
Yuri4_nacc, thanks! He also requested sshd logs. How do I get thouse?16:32
naccYuri4_: i wonder if you might start sshd (presming you have some other access to the remote) without daemonizing16:33
umoukunnacc: aliased together?16:33
naccumoukun: see ls -ahl `which update-grub` `which update-grub2`16:33
naccumoukun: update-grub2 is just a symlink to update-grub16:34
joeliowho: do you know command line, if so type -  lspci  | nc termbin.com 999916:34
umoukunso any idea why its using the older kernel?16:34
joelioand paste the link in here16:34
Ratneshnacc: 0 this is showing16:34
naccumoukun: you haven't booted into the newer one?16:34
naccRatnesh: what is 'it'?16:34
joeliowho: in ubuntu, of course :)16:34
umoukunnacc: shouldnt I just be able to reboot?16:34
naccRatnesh: you're using vivid? or the vivid-LTS stack on trusty?16:35
umoukunlike I said, I dont have access to the bootloader menu16:35
Ratneshversion table16:35
umoukunwhen I reboot, it comes up as the old one16:35
naccRatnesh: not sure why you are telling me?16:35
naccRatnesh: as in, do you have a question?16:35
naccRatnesh: 3.19.x is the vivid kernel (iirc)16:36
umoukunjust comment out the config for the old on in grub.cfg?16:36
whojoelio @ tell a code for windows16:36
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmeric
whonow I am using windows for irc16:36
joeliowho: sorry, this is an ubuntu channel16:36
joelioI don't use windows16:36
joelioI'm also off home now, bye :)16:36
Ratneshbecause i didn't understand16:36
whowhat information do you nee @ joelio16:37
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Guest72132
joeliowho: sorry, I'm going home now, I think multichannel will be difficult to get going (Linux audio is hard)16:38
joeliobut you could, maybe, get 2 channel16:38
naccwho: https://github.com/leoluk/thinkpad-stuff/wiki/Haswell-ThinkPad-problems#linux-low-audio-quality16:38
naccwho: may be worth reading and undersatnding16:38
naccwho: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound as well, not sure if it's current16:39
BluesKajjoelio, I use multichannel settings on my audio outs, what are you trying to do?16:40
joelioI'm not doing anything16:40
umoukunwhat the hell16:40
umoukunI commented out 79 from /boot/grub/grub.cfg and it STILL boots to that16:40
joelioBluesKaj: I used to write the automation for a broadcaster to do Linux Audio, I'm a heavy jack/pulse user ;)16:40
joelioit wasn't me that had the issue :)16:41
whonacc@ thanks for the tips16:41
umoukunhow is this even possible16:41
naccBluesKaj: --^ who is the one asking16:41
BluesKajok , joelio think i dressed the wrong guy anyway16:41
BluesKajaddrtessed that is :-)16:41
joelio BluesKaj ah. no worries16:41
joelioright, home, laters :)16:41
BluesKajI don't use jack , it's nor needed in my setup16:42
whowhich anti virus is best for ubuntu16:42
nacc!av | who16:42
ubottuwho: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus16:42
whoi want little bit protection16:43
BluesKajwho why don't you do some reading instead of asking random questions about linux apps16:43
naccumoukun: you may want to look at `man grub-set-default`16:44
effectnetgeez some ppl might need it if they work with windows16:44
whoif i can waste time reading stuff !  why i wan waste my time here16:44
nacceffectnet: that was literally what is in the faq :)16:47
naccwho: that is not a great attitude.16:47
BluesKajreading stuff about linux is wasting time , who ?16:47
whonacc @ i am beginner I need guidence16:48
ducassewho: you do not need antivirus for linux. period. if you absolutely insist on one, there is clamav.16:48
naccwho: you were given guidance, as well.16:48
umoukun<ducasse> who: you do not need antivirus for linux. period. if you absolutely insist on one, there is clamav.16:48
naccwho: please stop using '@', it's not needed on irc16:48
umoukunjust like you dont need antivirus for android either16:48
DArqueBishopwho: I've been using Linux for a couple of decades now, and the only reason I've ever needed to run AV on any of my Linux boxes is for scanning mail on mail servers for infected messages meant for Windows boxes.16:50
ajf-ubuntu just failed installation  because it could not install grub16:50
robotti^android is totally different case than linux desktop16:50
ajf-should I partition again ?16:50
whoI was using Microsoft word , now i am using libre office problem is ..  spell check is not good as Ms word ; How can I add Ms dictionary to lbreoffice16:51
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naccsoso: stop.16:54
sosoHi ineed hellp16:54
bozsikarmandsoso, what are you doing? It seems to be spam.16:55
sosoi need visa card16:55
naccsoso: wrong channel, this is for Ubuntu support.16:55
Myrtti1) walk into a bank 2) apply 3) ???? 4) PROFIT!16:55
whoha ha ha16:55
naccMyrtti: heh :)16:55
sosoI want how to obtain a Visa Card Numbers16:56
bozsikarmandsoso, for legal purposes, right? :D16:56
Myrttisoso: you're in the wrong channel, and network. Please stop.16:56
DArqueBishopsoso: you are SO in the wrong channel for that.16:56
whososo go to dark web16:56
Myrttican we not give any advice on the matter?16:57
bozsikarmandMyrtti, you did.16:57
sosoHow to get if16:57
Myrttibozsikarmand: I'm sure you know it's not really the kind of advice he wants or needs.16:57
Myrttisoso: no.16:58
MWMI am haviung trouble with ffmpeg and WinFF in ubuntu:  first WinFF claimed it could not find ffmpeg, so I used "whereis ffmpeg" to find it and pointed WinFF to it, but now it claims it does not have the correct permissions16:58
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SchrodingersScatMWM: odd, it should just need to be able to execute it, you installed both via repos?16:59
sosoGive me this program, and he said to me in the Visa numbers16:59
Myrttisoso: just stop. Last warning.16:59
tgm4883!illegal | soso16:59
ubottusoso: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o16:59
MWMI think I installed via the repos.... "sudo apt-get install *" right?17:00
naccMWM: yeah17:00
MWMthen yes17:00
naccMWM: well, presuming you're not using any PPAs...17:00
SchrodingersScatMWM: right, sudo apt-get install ffmpeg should set that up no problem17:00
bozsikarmandMyrtti, then anything else is illegal. With other words: I am sure about that we cannot help himp in his needs.17:00
* dax facepalms17:01
MWM"sudo apt-get install ffmpeg" claims that I already have the lastest version.  From there I used "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade" to ensure that all the proper services and everything had been started17:01
ruyicruzhello there. I've disabled wifi on my ubuntu 16 to save battery. now when I click on enable wifi I got a tick in "enabled" but there are no wifi in range (witch is false, I've my rounter in less than a meter). how do I solve this? :)17:01
SchrodingersScatMWM: and ffmpeg should be 755 permissions by default17:01
CodeMouse92(Well, he didn't hide his IP for one thing.)17:02
CodeMouse92(Although he may have been using a proxy, given that he was coming through Denmark?)17:02
Raccoon1400I'm trying to repair boot for by ubuntu after installing windows. I'm in the live usb trying to install boot repair but apt can't load archive.ubuntu.com17:03
Raccoon1400I can ping it though17:03
EriC^^Raccoon1400: from the chroot?17:03
BluesKajruyicruz, try , sudo systemctl restart network-manager17:04
Raccoon1400EriC^^: Just trying to follow these steps, says nothing abour chroot17:04
SchrodingersScatMWM: ls -lah /usr/bin/ffmpeg  output: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 231K Mar 14 12:32 /usr/bin/ffmpeg17:04
MWM775 = rwxr-xr-x ?  Please excuse me, but I am not fluent in permissions tey17:04
SchrodingersScatsee above17:04
ajf-nothing ?17:04
MWMwhen I used "whereis"  I was directed to "/usr/share/ffmpeg" not "/usr/bin"17:05
ioriaMWM, cat /etc/issue17:05
MWM15.10 \n \l17:06
KallisCould anyone possibly help me with my openvpn setup, I can connect fine but I cannot access internet when connected or the local shares on the VPN server17:06
BluesKajMWM, it should also be in /usr/bin17:06
MWMcan I just copy it from its current location with cp and then remove the one I dont need? Is that a viable option?17:07
MWMwhereis ffmpeg17:08
ioriaMWM, ls /usr/bin/ffmpeg17:08
MWMwhoops...supposed to be in the terminal :)17:08
BluesKajMWM, , you can copy it to /usr/bin, but also leave it in /usr/share17:08
doreiis there a way to make ubuntu think that python package is installed without actually installing it?17:09
MWMls /usr/bin/ffmpeg outputs No such file or directory17:09
ioriaMWM,   apt-cache policy ffmpeg17:09
MWMapt-chace policy lists version number and the repos it came from with a 500 out in front (if you need the exact output I can give that as well17:11
nacc!paste | MWM17:11
ubottuMWM: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:11
naccMWM: pastebin the full output17:12
Raccoon1400Anyone else having trouble with apt-get update at the moment? It keeps stalling on archive.ubuntu.com17:13
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MWMsorry it took a minute...cant copy paste because of the way Im set up... had to do it by hand17:16
geniiRaccoon1400: Perhaps change archive.ubuntu.com to a localized repo, like us.archive.ubuntu.com  ( or a different country code if not the US) and try again17:17
ioriaMWM,   ls /usr/bin/ffplay17:17
MWMoutput = no such file or directory17:18
ioriaMWM,  have you tried to reinstall ?17:21
Raccoon1400genii: can you remind me where to do that?17:21
MWMto be honest, even though that is my go to move, I had forgotten to do so... Ill give it a shot :)17:21
geniiRaccoon1400: /et/apt/sources.list   ...make sure to edit with admin priveleges17:22
naccMWM: fwiw, i just spun up a wily container and install ffmpeg and it put it in /usr/bin17:22
swati_27Hello. I'm receiving this error. Please look.17:22
naccMWM: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17652353/17:23
MWMmust have just gotten moved around in an update or something then.... uninstalling now, so Ill report back after the reinstall17:23
naccMWM: gl!17:23
Raccoon1400genii: seems to make no difference. Got to 78% instantly then stopped17:24
Raccoon1400sometimes it stalls at 100%17:24
MWMafter a reinstall its in the right place.  Thanks guys!17:24
geniiRaccoon1400: Is your Ubuntu End-Of-Life?17:25
Raccoon1400genii: 14.04 I think17:25
naccMWM: great!17:26
Raccoon1400Just trying to fix an install on my dad's machine I use as recovery17:26
Raccoon1400Maybe I should just download the new one17:27
MWMlsb_release -a  will show your version number17:27
MWMjust looked it up a minute ago so I know it works :)17:27
geniiRaccoon1400: If different repos and same issue, try deleting all the files in /var/lib/apt/lists/ and then try again17:27
swati_27could you please help with above error?17:28
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naccswati_27: what version of ubuntu? your issue appears to be a mysql configuration one?17:28
swati_27KUbuntu 16.0417:29
Raccoon1400genii: that doesn't seem to do it either. Could it be it is too old a version?17:30
naccswati_27: are you a being affected by teh non-root user trying to login as root w/o password? cf. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes#MySQL_5.717:30
ioriaRaccoon1400, can you ping www.google.com without packets lost ?17:30
geniiRaccoon1400: What does: cat /etc/issue   ...report?17:31
Raccoon1400ioria: yes, I can ping the repo too17:31
swati_27nacc: I didn't set any password for root as you see above in table17:31
Raccoon1400genii: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l17:32
ioriaRaccoon1400,  uname -r ?17:32
Raccoon14003.13.0-24 generic17:32
geniiWell, so not EOL then at least17:33
ioriaRaccoon1400,  well, a bit old ... yes... but17:33
EriC^^Raccoon1400: can you upload pastes?17:33
EriC^^see if "echo something | nc termbin.com 9999" works17:34
Bashing-omRaccoon1400: I just joined, I do not know the issue here, but you are seriously behind on updates: " sysop@1404mini:~$ uname -r >> 3.13.0-88-generic " .17:35
EriC^^Bashing-om: it's a live usb17:35
Raccoon1400Bashing-om: I'm on the live usb17:35
ajf-GRUB installation failed (as superuser): The 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into /target/. without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system with not boot. <--- In the middle of Ubuntu 16.04 MATE install process. What can I do ?17:35
Raccoon1400EriC^^: uploading paste worked17:35
EriC^^ajf-: install it manually, type sudo grub-install17:36
Bashing-omEriC^^: Raccoon1400 K .. never mind .,.. I crawl back in my lurking hole . :)17:36
EriC^^Raccoon1400: ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999917:36
ajf-EriC^^ but on the terminal I will be on the USB. I am guessing I need to mount the installation disk ?17:37
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ioriaRaccoon1400,  i did't get you were on live... nvm17:38
EriC^^ajf-: yeah17:38
Raccoon1400EriC^^: termbin.com/sc6x17:38
EriC^^ajf-: are you familiar with chrooting?17:38
EriC^^Raccoon1400: type sudo mount /dev/sdb6 /mnt17:39
ajf-EriC^^ sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt; chroot /mnt /bin/bash ?17:39
ruyicruzhello. my wireless in unbutu its not working. i've disable and now when I enable it ot shows up as enabled on the ticker but it does not show any networks. any hint?17:39
EriC^^ajf-: you also need to mount --bind the virtual fs17:39
EriC^^(mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys; /proc /run /dev /dev/pts)17:40
Raccoon1400EriC^^: Okay, I mounted that17:40
EriC^^Raccoon1400: type the following17:40
EriC^^Raccoon1400: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done17:41
EriC^^ajf-: ^ you can use that command17:41
ajf-wait but17:42
ajf-do I mount /sda2 (the ext partition) or /sda1 (the EFI part)17:42
EriC^^ajf-: the ext partition17:42
EriC^^ajf-: after you do sudo chroot /mnt then type "mount -a" to mount the rest of the fs17:42
ajf-alright I'm there17:43
ajf-grub-install ?17:43
ducasseajf-: you must also mount the efi partition inside the chroot.17:43
Raccoon1400EriC^^: syntax error near unexpected token "done"17:43
ajf-ducasse sudo mount /dev/sda1 /boot ?17:43
EriC^^Raccoon1400: must have missed something17:43
ajf-mount -a did that no ?17:43
ducasseajf-: /boot/efi17:44
EriC^^ajf-: no, just type mount -a17:44
ajf-error. /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/modinfo.sh doesn't exist. Please specify --target or --directory17:44
DeaDSouLhi, does anyone know how to delete some steam game settings & configs? i just want to delete all custom configs and settings for "tomb raider" but i don't know which folder or file that I should delete... could anyone help me?17:44
EriC^^ajf-: try to reinstall the grub package itself17:44
ajf-sudo apt install grub17:44
EriC^^ajf-: apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed17:44
EriC^^ajf-: no, please type dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 999917:45
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.17:45
Raccoon1400EriC^^: mount -B $i /mnt$i; done?17:45
ajf-ok 1 sec. the install crashed and it's sending a report ..17:45
Raccoon1400Typed exactly that17:45
ajf-I'm stil in terminall though I hope17:45
DeaDSouLhey EriC^^, long time.. how have you been? :)17:45
EriC^^Raccoon1400: you have to type the whole line from for i ... til done17:45
EriC^^DeaDSouL: hey :)17:45
EriC^^godo thanks, yourself?17:46
ioriaRaccoon1400, Eric^^ don't you think his / partition is a bit small   9461MB  ?17:46
ajf-getaddrinfo temporary failure... no command dkpg found17:46
DeaDSouLi'm fine thanks :)17:46
ajf-alright hum17:46
EriC^^ioria: Raccoon1400 yeah it is kind of small17:47
Raccoon1400ioria: it's just a backup install on my dad's machine, just something to boot into for recovery/diagnostic purposes17:47
ioriaRaccoon1400,  oh, isee17:47
ajf-failed to fetch the packages17:47
ajf-maybe I am not partitioning this right. it shouldn't be failing at all17:47
ducasseajf-: copy /etc/resolv.conf from outside the chroot into it.17:47
ajf-I did fiddle with /boot/ before17:47
ajf-but now I'm wiping everything so it shouldn't matter17:48
EriC^^ajf-: ok, in the chroot type "find /boot/efi | grep ubuntu"17:48
EriC^^ajf-: see if there's a shimx64.efi or grubx64.efi file17:48
ajf-find /boot/efi | grep ubuntu17:49
ajf-no output17:49
Raccoon1400EriC^^: okay, got that command, what's next17:50
ajf-but I have ping inside the chroot17:50
ajf-so I'll get grub17:50
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MalinuxBashing-om: I too is intereserted in figureing out the issue :) I just needed some sleep :) I realy do appreciate your help on this :)17:53
EriC^^Raccoon1400: type sudo chroot /mnt17:54
EriC^^ajf-: ok17:54
ajf-weird, probably not related: grub for the USB disk starts with "Linux Mint" (???) instead of Ubuntu MATE17:54
ajf-( I tried that distro before )17:55
Raccoon1400EriC^^: okay, did that17:55
EriC^^ajf-: that's odd17:55
Raccoon1400I used to use this method but haven't had to in years17:55
EriC^^Raccoon1400: grub-install --recheck /dev/sdb17:55
ajf-I just reenabled "secure" boot in the bios which is the only change I had done before, and restarted the live usb. let me know if I shoud do anything before attempting to install again17:55
EriC^^ajf-: try apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed17:55
EriC^^ajf-: also dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 999917:56
Raccoon1400EriC^^: looks like it was successful. Reboot now?17:56
ajf-directly on the usb stick ?17:56
EriC^^Raccoon1400: update-grub17:56
EriC^^ajf-: from the chroot17:56
ajf-ah I'm out of there, I restarted to get the bios settings17:56
ajf-I guess I can mount /sda again17:56
Raccoon1400EriC^^: okay, not reboot?17:56
Raccoon1400*now reboot?17:56
ajf-but those two commands failed me before17:56
EriC^^Raccoon1400: yeah, type exit then reboot17:57
EriC^^ajf-: do you have internet connection from the live usb?17:57
Bashing-omMalinux: I am no nearer a "good" solution to find what is holding that library to the elevated version . Not the best thing to do .. but we can remove it, and force install the correct version; see what breaks .17:57
ajf-I had ping to
ajf-but apparently no name resolving17:57
EriC^^even from the live usb? (not the chroot)17:58
Raccoon1400EriC^^: Thanks for your help, seems to be working now17:58
EriC^^Raccoon1400: cool, no problem17:58
ajf-now I have no connection but apparently because of a different issue (it shows my wifi card as disconnected)17:58
ajf-ok let me narrow this down and come back17:58
ajf-basically getting back to the "grub error"17:59
ajf-and then I'll chroot etc17:59
ubuntuAre stupid17:59
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest11585
Guest11585WTF WJAT IS THIS APLIcation18:00
MonkeyDustGuest11585  caps18:00
OerHeksGuest11585, time to read the topic18:00
MonkeyDustGuest5841  type   /topic18:00
MalinuxBashing-om: okey. How do we force version 1.4 ?18:02
Bashing-om!info libwayland-client0 trusty18:02
ubottulibwayland-client0 (source: wayland): wayland compositor infrastructure - client library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.0-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 20 kB, installed size 81 kB18:02
Bashing-omMalinux: ^^ that is the lib we are working, right ?18:03
MalinuxBashing-om: yes, after digging down the hole, we stopped there :)18:04
nibjorkAnyone who tried installing FM2016 with wine in ubuntu?18:06
Bashing-ommakije: K; let's take a look at what is going to break when we remove it . ' sudo apt remove -s libwayland-client0 ' where the 's' flag is "simulate' to see what will happen but do not do it .18:06
MonkeyDustnibjork  that's a yes/no question, better ask your real question18:06
nibjorkMonkeyDust, that was my real question? I just wonder if someone has done it with success? Because i read that there is slight problems with Football Manager 201618:10
MalinuxBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17654658/18:11
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:11
PiciOerHeks: they're gone :/18:12
Bashing-omMalinux: Look'n .18:12
MalinuxBashing-om: :)18:12
Guy1524http://paste.ubuntu.com/17654766/, what is going on?18:14
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c|onemananyone use thinlinc18:16
MonkeyDustwhat happened to the !anyone factoid?18:17
naccGuy1524: where does libcuda1-367 come from? `apt-cache policy libcuda1-367` (pastebin)18:18
OerHeksc|oneman, seen our wiki ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThinLinc18:19
c|onemanI didn't know it was populaer18:19
OerHeksIt's a 3th party app, so not that populair.18:19
c|onemanpopular enough to have a wiki entry18:20
Bashing-omMalinux: Stewing over what " apt-cache depends qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin " means to our situation . Think'n and look'n .18:20
xianproblem with LO Base moving an integrated file from one computer to other. Anyone?18:24
Bashing-omMalinux: Looks like we have to fix this prior to addressing the other . We have "Breaks: qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin:i386" so, what is installed - apt-cache policy "qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin*" - ?18:27
MalinuxBashing-om: apt-cache policy "qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin*18:28
Bashing-omMalinux: apt-cache policy "qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin*" // we enclose the '*' in quotes , to expand for all .18:29
MalinuxBashing-om: ah, like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/17655661/18:31
Bashing-omMalinux: Yeah .. Not what I had expected .. the correct version is installed .. and no :i386 . Gimme a bit to scratch my head and figure out what is going on here .18:34
MalinuxBashing-om: okey :)18:34
ppfi'm playing around with bluetooth here. how do i list supported my local device's supported profiles properly?18:38
ppfinternet suggests sdptool, but that comes back with "No route to host"?18:38
MonkeyDustppf  try blueman18:39
ppfhm, that lists network and obex as local services18:42
ppfwhat i'm trying to do is check the proximity of my phon18:42
ppfso i guess i need to figure out if this on board bluetooth chip supports PXP?18:44
ppfany idea how to do that?18:46
futurama140I have Ubuntu 16.04 with cinnamon DE and I am having two problems:18:48
Raccoon1400I can't mount my windows partitions from ubuntu. It keeps telling me the ntfs is in an unsafe state, even after checking and fixing18:48
Raccoon1400for both the main and data drives18:48
CodeMouse92Raccoon1400: FWIW, I get a similar error when I try to mount a windows partition for 7 or later, due to "quick boot" being turned on for Windows.18:50
CodeMouse92It kinda holds the partition in a special state of some sort, but I'm not being technically precise.18:51
CodeMouse92All I know is, I had to shut off "quick boot" on Windows.18:51
Raccoon1400CodeMouse92: I didn't have this problem with the last win10 install18:51
CodeMouse92s/Quick Boot/Fast Startup18:51
CodeMouse92Raccoon1400: I'm just wondering if the last one had Fast Startup turned off, and this one has it on18:52
futurama140First, when I click Notifications in my panel and install all updates, it proceeds to open an "upgrading system" window that begins to download updates, when I get an error that says "Failed to download package files Check your internet connection." and gives these details: http://pastebin.com/hfMZ61RR18:52
Raccoon1400CodeMouse92: Maybe. Is it a good feature to have?18:53
CodeMouse92Raccoon1400: It's a good one to turn *off* if you're dual booting.18:53
CodeMouse92It messes with Ubuntu's ability to properly mount the Windows partition.18:53
hexicpythdo you use any google application that uses "google-talkplugin"? Your could remove the repository for it to fix your issue, but would never get updates for that package18:54
Bashing-omMalinux: All I know to do, " Depends: libqt5feedback5 but it is not going to be installed " try and find out why. What results ' sudo apt install libqt5feedback5 ' ?18:55
Guy1524nacc: sorry didn't see your message.  Here you go: http://pastebin.com/mJ6JjQyB18:55
=== Zeek__Huge is now known as ZeekHuge
Raccoon1400CodeMouse92: That was it alright. Not really dual booting, I just have a linux install as a backup on my dad's machine for diagnostics, access to drives18:56
CodeMouse92Raccoon1400: Glad I was able to help, then!18:56
CodeMouse92It's technically considered dual-boot, but yeah18:57
Raccoon1400CodeMouse92: I guess, it probably just won't be used much. But i did use it when win10 crashed to get error log18:57
Bashing-omMalinux: look'n .18:57
Raccoon1400you find that setting makes much difference to boot times for win10?18:57
ruyicruzhello. my wireless in unbutu its not working. i've disable and now when I enable it ot shows up as enabled on the ticker but it does not show any networks. any hint?18:58
CodeMouse92Well, I discontinued my use of Windows a long time ago, haven't missed it one bit. But, back when I used it, I didn't notice much difference.18:58
CodeMouse92(That was on Windows 8)18:58
Raccoon1400CodeMouse92: it still seems pretty fast to me18:58
Raccoon1400I'll leave it off18:59
ioriaruyicruz, restart network-manager  ?18:59
futurama140hexicpyth: i use the google talk plugin with my gmail and gogole voice account so i can recieve google voice calls18:59
CodeMouse92All I know is, either way, most of the waiting after boot is the time period from when the desktop appears to when you can actually do something. Windows 8, 8.1, and probably 10 "backloaded" the bootup processes to create an illusion of a faster boot. It gets slower over time.18:59
CodeMouse92Anyway, glad that worked for you, Raccoon1400!19:00
Raccoon1400CodeMouse92: SSD makes the biggest boot difference19:00
CodeMouse92indeed. The only downside to SSD is that you cannot recover off of a failed drive.19:00
hexicpythfuturama140: OK, I just see that from your error message on pastebin, your computer's stored hash values dont match those on the google-talk-plugin PPA servers. try reinstalling it maybe?19:00
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
futurama140Whenever I try to uninstall this specific non-working applet in cinnamon i get this error: Problem uninstalling gmail@lauritsriple.  You may need to manually remove it.19:01
futurama140Details:  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/harvey/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/gmail@lauritsriple'19:01
futurama140How do I manually remove a folder that doesn't exist?19:01
CodeMouse92rm -f?19:01
futurama140what does -f do?19:02
futurama140ah. ok i'll try that. thanks19:02
Bashing-omMalinux: Yuk .. we are told it is not installable, but yet it is ! Backup and regroup : what returns ' dpkg -l qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin ' ?19:03
futurama140Why can I only navigate to the "~/.local/" folder through the terminal?19:04
tgm4883futurama140: you should be able to navigate anywhere you have permission to19:04
CodeMouse92futurama140: All files preceded with a dot are hidden from nautilus (the file browser)19:05
CodeMouse92To show hidden files in the file browser, hit Ctrl+H19:05
sveinseI see that some tools, such as python's pip tool installs itself under ~/.local/bin. Is that a common location for the users local tools? ...given that Ubuntu use ~/bin/ in its .profile file and all19:05
hexicpyth~/.local is the same as /home/(your username)/.local. The "." on front of it means it's a hidden file, try pressing CTRL+H19:05
Raccoon1400CodeMouse92: Best to backup anyway. Recovery of a failed HDD is often pretty cost prohibitive19:05
geniifuturama140: Because file browsers treat folders beginning with a dot or period as invisible19:05
k1lfuturama140: press ctrl +h. that will show the hidden files and folders. (the ones with a . at the beginning)19:05
tgm4883lol, I read that totally different :)19:05
CodeMouse92Raccoon1400: Meh, maybe. Linux's testdisk is pretty sweet for recovery. It managed to get 80% of the stuff off of a thrice-zero-overwritten disk, so, yeah19:06
tgm4883This reminds me of my logic class in college19:06
yvnehey! i have a usb with ubuntu server on it. when i try to delete the partitions with "Disks" i get the following error: Error deleting partition /dev/sdb1: Command-line `parted --script "/dev/sdb" "rm 1"' exited with non-zero exit status 1: Warning: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes.19:06
CodeMouse92(Also got a good bit of stuff off of a half-dead HDD, too, soooo, yeah.)19:06
yvneAny thoughts?19:06
yvnei want to delete all partitions and format it to ext4.19:07
ioriayvne, have you tried gparted ?19:07
yvneioria: nope, isn't Disks sufficient?19:07
MonkeyDusthow can one have ubuntu-server on a usb stick?19:08
MalinuxBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17657696/19:08
CodeMouse92Gparted > Disks, IME19:08
CodeMouse92A little less fiddly19:08
hexicpythMonkeyDust: I think he meant, he wrote the ubuntu-server iso to the USB Stick19:08
ioriayvne, i only use Disks for encrypt device ... idk19:08
yvneMonkeyDust: i put ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso on the usb and installed it on an old laptop. put it on like i put regular desktop version on it. now i want to use the usb stick for other purposes.19:09
futurama140Whenever I try to enable this applet in cinnamon I get an error: http://pastebin.com/u94LiUt119:09
futurama140Does anyone know what I can do to remedy this?19:09
yvneioria: ok, will try gparted, thanks.19:09
=== nat0 is now known as DefNOTtheNSA
yvnehexicpyth: yes, that is what i meant.19:10
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ioriayvne,  maybe you need also to recreate a PT , go in -> Device -> Create PT19:10
Bashing-om!info qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin trusty19:11
ubottuqtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin (source: qtfeedback-opensource-src): Qt Feedback module - QML plugin. In component main, is optional. Version 5.0~git20130529-0ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 18 kB, installed size 110 kB19:11
=== DefNOTtheNSA is now known as nat0
yvneioria: with gparted i get the following error: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes.19:12
Bashing-omMalinux: Well .. what now ' sudo apt install --reinstall qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin:amd64 ' ?19:13
hexicpythynve: Try opening a terminal, entering the command "parted /dev/sdX"(X being the drive), and entering "mklabel gpt"19:14
ioriayvne, removed all the partitions .... ?19:14
yvneioria: gparted displays the error, but does not even list the usb, only the hdd on the computer i am on.19:14
hexicpyth(note: you may need to use sudo to use parted)19:14
futurama140Whenever I try to enable this applet in cinnamon I get an error: http://pastebin.com/u94LiUt119:14
ioriayvne, you have to fo to the leftand select it19:15
yvnehexicpyth: gui asked me for pass when i launched it so i guess that does the same.19:15
hexicpythynve: I meant use the command-line tool "parted", not the GUI gparted19:15
hexicpythIt might be a little more verbose19:15
ioriayvne,   there is a drop-down window on the left  ...19:16
yvnehexicpyth: read to fast, didnt see you wrote parted.19:16
ioriayvne,   sorry, to the rifght19:16
yvneioria: ah! there it is! ^^ didn't see that. my bad!19:17
hexicpythynve: ok, its fine :) I've made that same mistake myself before19:17
ioriayvne,   yay19:17
yvnethe usb stick apparently is 58.23 GiB while it is 16GB.19:18
ioriayvne,   remove the partitions, left click, rebuild the PT (Device menu)  and reformat19:19
Raccoon1400CodeMouse92: that's pretty impressive. HDD is still best for files anyway. SSD for boot/programs19:19
MalinuxBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17658301/19:19
CodeMouse92Raccoon1400: Indeed! If you can have both internal, that's a win19:20
=== matrix is now known as Guest15095
ioriayvne,  oh, wait select the right device :-)19:21
yvneit can't be my usb im looking at, must be something else. 60 gib.19:21
futurama140Whenever I try to enable this applet in cinnamon I get an error: http://pastebin.com/u94LiUt1 can someone help me?19:21
Guest15095hi guys, running 16.04 and my keyboard randomly stops working, plus my mouse pointer only "appears" after a while following boot... help? thanks19:21
ioriayvne,  sudo parted -l19:21
MonkeyDustGuest15095  bluethooth?19:22
Bashing-omMalinux: :) .. and now the status ' dpkg -l libqt5feedback5 ' ?19:23
Guest15095MonkeyDust, nope, inner keyboard and trackpad, it's a laptop!19:23
CodeMouse92Guest15095: What model of laptop?19:23
Guest15095CodeMouse92, it's an ASUS19:24
yvneioria: what new partition table type should i choose? gpared defaults msdos. other alternatives: aix, amiga, bsd, etc19:25
CodeMouse92Guest15095: It's just helpful for anyone who answers to know. Each laptop has its own drivers and its own known issues. (i.e. Toshiba keyboard backlights don't work on the Linux kernal)19:25
=== Guest18119 is now known as Fritzzzzz
yvne(i'm clueless)19:25
ioriayvne, msdos ... but be sure of the device19:25
OerHeksfuturama140, so this .local/share/cinnamon/applets/gmailnotifier@ applet is not working, disable it perhaps?19:25
hexicpythGuest15095, some ultra portable/detachable ASUS laptops use bluetooth keyboards. I remember looking at one on amazon19:25
ioriayvne, better if you paste sudo parted -l19:26
davelaurence0290Hey all, linux/ubuntu newbie here. I'm on Ubuntu 16 and trying to run jgrasp (Java IDE). When I try to compile it gives me an error message, but mentions that installing the lsb-core module would likely fix this. Any ideas on how to handle this on Ubuntu 16?19:26
MalinuxBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17658674/19:26
yvneioria : it's the usb stick, checked. ok, will go with msdos. if i disconnect i will have formated my laptop hdd instead. ^^19:26
Guest15095hexicpyth, it's just a regular laptop, with 14.04 everything was working fine, since the upgrade though instead...19:27
ioria!paste | yvne19:27
ubottuyvne: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:27
merpnderpWhere would I see what kind of support Ubuntu has has for 2013 MBP trackpads?19:27
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yvneioria: it worked. thanks. unallocated and reporting right amount of storage. making ext4 partition now. thanks for the help! appreciate it!19:28
ioriayvne,  ok, :þ19:29
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
hexicpythGuest15095: I dont know much about laptops, so I probably can't help too much, but I do know that 14.04 will still get support for another few years. It's completely possible to go back if you don't mind the old kernel19:30
MonkeyDustmerpnderp  plenty hits on my search engine, here's the first... http://askubuntu.com/questions/126526/how-can-i-personalize-my-macbook-pro-touchpad19:31
davelaurence0290Hey all, linux/ubuntu newbie here. I'm on Ubuntu 16 and trying to run jgrasp (Java IDE). When I try to compile it gives me an error message, but mentions that installing the lsb-core module would likely fix this. How does one install the lsb core for ubuntu 16? I remember doing it for 14, but it seemed more streamlined than what I've been able to find online19:31
Guest15095hexicpyth, but I do, plus I noticed it is weird, that's what happens: if I want to rename some files on an external hd and I click on one, press F2 then start typing it wouldn't let me, but it does let me copy and paste whatever into it with the mouse... what the hell? I thought it was a permission problem and chown'ed it and chmod'ed it, didn't change anything, really: HELP please :)19:32
ioria!info jgrasp19:32
ubottuPackage jgrasp does not exist in xenial19:32
Masteryoda!info github19:33
ubottuPackage github does not exist in xenial19:33
merpnderpMonkeyDust: a 5,2 is a long ways from an 11,2. But you did give me an idea to search for this which answers all my questions: http://askubuntu.com/search?q=macbook+%2211%2C2%2219:33
davelaurence0290ioria, what exactly does that mean?19:33
merpnderpNo Ubuntu on an 11,2 :(19:34
=== folder|| is now known as folder
cymen_My laptop constantly fails to come back from suspend. Any ideas how to debug?19:34
ioriadavelaurence0290, that it's not an ubuntu package ...19:34
merpnderpIf I liked the trackpads on System76 machines more I'd just order one of those.19:34
=== folder is now known as folder|
Bashing-omMasteryoda: Well ! try now ' sudo apt install --reinstall libqt5feedback5:amd64 ' .19:35
CodeMouse92ioria: Well, he's asking specifically about the error message asking about lsb-core. I don't think he's assuming that jgrasp is a package19:35
davelaurence0290ioria, does that mean it's simply not supported? I have jgrasp on my computer and can run it...19:35
CodeMouse92<davelaurence0290> Hey all, linux/ubuntu newbie here. I'm on Ubuntu 16 and trying to run jgrasp (Java IDE). When I try to compile it gives me an error message, but mentions that installing the lsb-core module would likely fix this. How does one install the lsb core for ubuntu 16? I remember doing it for 14, but it seemed more streamlined than what I've been able to find online19:35
ioriadavelaurence0290,  how did you install it  ?19:35
=== Tristan-Speccy is now known as Guest95150
ioria!info lsb-core19:36
ubottuPackage lsb-core does not exist in xenial19:36
ioria!info lsb-core trusty19:36
ubottulsb-core (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 4.1 core support package. In component main, is extra. Version 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1 (trusty), package size 25 kB, installed size 149 kB19:36
davelaurence0290ioria, it remained from a previous installation when I upgraded to ubuntu 1619:36
Michael19930Help I am trying to install Ubuntu but it wants me to disable secureboot and set a password for it? If i set a password for secureboot being disabled will i be able to remove the password and enable secureboot easily?19:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:36
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/19:36
ioriadavelaurence0290,   lsb-core  seems available only for trusty not for xenual (16.04)19:37
Guest15095hexicpyth, but I do, plus I noticed it is weird, that's what happens: if I want to rename some files on an external hd and I click on one, press F2 then start typing it wouldn't let me, but it does let me copy and paste whatever into it with the mouse... what the hell? I thought it was a permission problem and chown'ed it and chmod'ed it, didn't change anything, really: HELP please :)19:37
hexicpythGuest15095: I literally don't know a thing about how laptop keyboards work on ubuntu, nor how they integrate with anything, so I can't really help19:37
davelaurence0290ioria, ok, is trusty quite a few versions back?19:37
ioriadavelaurence0290,   it's the previous LTS, yes19:38
davelaurence0290ioria, alright I see, thanks!19:38
Guest15095hexicpyth, ok, anybody else? :)19:38
MonkeyDustZeekHuge  use /msg ubottu if you want to explore !factoids19:38
ioriadavelaurence0290,   maybe there is a PPa for xenial ...19:38
MalinuxBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17659255/19:38
Bashing-omMalinux: look'n .19:38
CodeMouse92Regarding lsb-core (CC davelaurence0290), how horrible would it be to follow the advice on http://askubuntu.com/questions/760416/how-to-install-lsb-core-package-on-ubuntu-16-0419:39
Bashing-omMalinux: Looks good ! .. now do the apps you attempted to install 3 days back work ?19:40
ubuntuWTF IS THIS SHIT19:40
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MonkeyDustubottu  caps19:41
ioriadavelaurence0290,   if you want a light java IDE you can use Geany or this https://sourceforge.net/projects/eje/19:41
OerHeksplease not again, Guest1314519:41
MonkeyDustubottu  this is ubuntu support19:41
PiciGuest13145: please mind your language. This is the official Ubuntu support channel.19:41
ZeekHugeMonkeyDust: thanks , just wanted to know the commands it supports.19:41
PiciMonkeyDust: ubottu knows that19:41
ubuntu__What is this aplication. Js it support channel?19:43
Piciubuntu__: This is IRC, you're in the Ubuntu support channel now.19:43
ubuntu__What is this aplication. Js it support channel?19:43
Pici!irc | ubuntu__19:43
ubottuubuntu__: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:43
=== ubuntu__ is now known as BucykPL
Guest15095why is my keyboard randomly not working?!?!?! heeeelp!19:44
MonkeyDustGuest15095  maybe you need to clean it19:45
YankDownUnderGuest15095, Is it a wireless keyboard/mouse with a dongle?19:45
CodeMouse92Guest15095: so, from earlier you have an ASUS (Model?) laptop that worked fine on Ubuntu 14.04, but isn't working well on Ubuntu 16.0419:46
MalinuxBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17659677/19:46
Guest15095YankDownUnder, nope :(((19:46
Guest15095CodeMouse92, yes yes|!||19:46
CodeMouse92Guest15095: Right. YOu need to include all that info when you ask. It makes a huge difference. What is the *exact* model of laptop?19:46
CodeMouse92(Turn it over and read the model number off the bottom)19:46
Guest15095CodeMouse92, x55019:46
CodeMouse92Guest15095: Hmm, that sounds familiar. I think I had one once....19:47
CodeMouse92Guest15095: When you say 'not working', the keyboard is intermittently becoming unresponsive? Is this just for typing, shortcuts, function keys...?19:47
Guest15095CodeMouse92, it is precisely described in the following...19:48
Guest15095hexicpyth, but I do, plus I noticed it is weird, that's what happens: if I want to rename some files on an external hd and I click on one, press F2 then start typing it wouldn't let me, but it does let me copy and paste whatever into it with the mouse... what the hell? I thought it was a permission problem and chown'ed it and chmod'ed it, didn't change anything, really: HELP please :)19:48
Guest15095(sorry hexicpyth)19:48
CodeMouse92Guest15095: This is not a problem with your keyboard (hardware issue), but a software issue. Just to help you narrow it down.19:48
CodeMouse92If it were a hardware issue, you'd notice the keyboard problems happening globally, not only in a specific software-based instance (as described)19:49
Guest15095CodeMouse92, exactly what I think, could you help me narrowing it down? :)19:49
Tameiki___Hello, I have an error while installing my laptop with Ubuntu16.04. After manual partitioning, I have this error (translated) "attempting to mount an ext4 file system encrypted volume (sda2_dmcrypt) on / failed". Anyone can help me plz ?19:49
Guest15095CodeMouse92, I know, that's why I'm here, something about Ibus I guess, but I have no idea...19:49
CodeMouse92Guest15095: What program are you using to rename files on the external hd? Nautilus (the default Ubuntu file browser)19:49
Guest15095CodeMouse92, yep19:49
Numline1Hello guys. Our home server pooped itself today. This strange error message started appearing after 5PM yesterday and it became unresponsive today around lunch. Any thoughts? Thanks. https://gist.github.com/Numline1/d51a9b698b9189e7b05a2bfcdb729cfd19:49
Numline1Rebooting helped, I'm just puzzled a bit19:50
Numline1seems like smbd crashed it19:50
CodeMouse92Guest15095: Okay, so, what happens if you right-click and click rename? Same problem?19:50
Guest15095CodeMouse92, it highlight its name as if it is letting me renaming it but then when I type in, its name won't change, still I can copy and paste words inside with the mouse...19:51
Guest15095as said above...19:51
Bashing-omMalinux: Ouch ! We have a serious conflict somewhere. We just cleared " Depends: libqt5feedback5 but it is not going to be installed " and now it is back .19:51
Tameiki___Here a tail -f /var/log/syslog during the installation: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17641408/19:51
Guest15095CodeMouse92, it looks like I don't have permissions, but, as said above, I chown'ed it and chmod'ed it, still nothing changes...19:51
CodeMouse92Guest15095: I haven't encountered this before, but here's one trick that might help narrow it down. Open up the Terminal and type "nautilus". That will launch the file browser, but since it's launched from the terminal, you can see error messages. Ignore everything that says GLib and GTK19:52
CodeMouse92And then try.19:52
cymen_i dont want the amdgpu driver on my laptop what do i have to remove so I can remove the driver?19:52
MalinuxBashing-om: yeah. Strange, Much to learn we have :)19:52
cymen_currently when I try to unload the module it says it's in use19:52
CodeMouse92Guest15095: Does it give you any error messages in the terminal when you try and type?19:52
Guest15095CodeMouse92, even if I gksu nautilus instead I can see no error outputs whatsoever nor in the cli or gui...19:52
CodeMouse92Guest15095: Okay, next step, we'll try renaming through the terminal19:53
Guest15095CodeMouse92, that works19:53
YankDownUnderNumline1, If you look at the error/bug in the beginning - it's CRC...so an error/bug during a copy/read19:53
Guest15095already tried it19:53
CodeMouse92Guest15095: With or without sudo?19:53
Guest15095I'm going nuts...19:54
CodeMouse92Guest15095: Okay, well that rules out permissions and the file system. The problem is definitely nautilus19:54
Numline1YankDownUnder cheers. I also found this, but I guess it's not related? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/157260819:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1572608 in samba (Ubuntu) "Samba 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 Reversion: CPU Soft Lock" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:54
Guest15095CodeMouse92, should I wipe it and re-install it?19:54
CodeMouse92Guest15095: You could try a different file browser. We have dozens.19:54
Guest15095CodeMouse92, yeah but I'd like to get y19:54
CodeMouse92Guest15095: Mmmmm....I don't know. You could using apt-get...just sudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus19:55
CodeMouse92I wouldn't do anything more drastic, TBH.19:55
Guest15095CodeMouse92, I was thinking it could be an Ibus issue19:55
Guest15095CodeMouse92, because, also my trackpad pointer wouldn't show up for a while after boot19:55
Bashing-omMalinux: Wllk ,, let's look ' dpkg -l libqt5widgets5 ' .19:56
Guest15095CodeMouse92, when I then click click click on something, suddenly it comes out19:56
YankDownUnderNumline1, Has there been any changes to the /etc/smb.conf as of late - and have you considered "reverting" to an older version? Just asking...19:56
CodeMouse92Guest15095: Well, the reason I don't think so is that the problem isn't originating from the keyboard input, nor from the file system itself. The trackpad is probably unrelated.19:56
Numline1YankDownUnder no, no recent changes, this is the first time this happened actually. I'll make sure to backup that data drive, as it may be hardware issue if you're right19:56
Guest15095CodeMouse92, good :(19:57
CodeMouse92Guest15095: Depending on your system specs, the trackpad issue might just be a sideeffect of boot up time19:57
YankDownUnderNumline1, backups are always a good thing...but yeah, back up, revert, and wait/watch...19:57
CodeMouse92Guest15095: Anyway, in relation to the file renaming, see if you have the same problem with Thunar (sudo apt-get install thunar)19:57
Michael19930What does install ubuntu alongside windows do? Does it partition the drive for me or what19:58
CodeMouse92If not, then the problem is definitely nautilus, and possibly worthy of a bug report19:58
k1lMichael19930: yes.19:58
=== ghostman is now known as Sunny
Guest15095CodeMouse92, one thing I forgot, at the beginning it works and I CAN rename files, then after a while it looses it and I can't type anything anymore within the filename box, but the keyboard still works on text editor etc19:58
=== envy is now known as Guest19834
CodeMouse92Guest15095: That still sounds like a Nautilus bug, tbh19:59
Numline1CodeMouse92 yeah. It's mainly NAS, so I wasn't really worried about it, but it's time :D19:59
Numline1thanks for tips19:59
Guest15095CodeMouse92, ok thanks19:59
dbz2kdoes someone know why I cant add this port range in ufw gui "1714-1764"19:59
CodeMouse92Numline1: ?20:00
Numline1CodeMouse92 eeeh, sorry, I ment to highlight YankDownUnder20:00
abhianyone got person of interest latest episode20:01
dbz2kI did it in this format '1714:1764'20:01
Piciabhi: This is Ubuntu support.20:01
abhioh my bad20:01
capum321hello! I am trying to compile mono-addins package as dependency to build a monodevelop 6.0 which doesn't exist in repositories. get this error http://dpaste.com/2PBR989 - - - the package is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono-addins/1.0+git20130406.adcd75b-3 - - -  mono-addins_1.0+git20130406.adcd75b-3.debian.tar.gz20:01
CodeMouse92abhi: This is a support channel, not a piracy channel. Please don't steal20:01
abhisorry sorry20:01
BluesKajabhi, it's on tonight20:03
capum321Maintainer: Debian CLI Libraries Team - - - Where do I find support?20:03
django_1in sublime 3 where is the file20:05
django_1theres no: file, edit view20:06
k1ldjango_1: ask the sublime support. its not in the ubuntu repos20:06
django_1k1l, for the file manager that comes with ubuntu, is it suppose to be there?20:08
k1ldjango_1: using unity? go with the mouse to the upper panel20:08
django_1k1l, yeah its not coming up20:09
OerHeksdjango_1, sublime3 issue, how did you install that?20:10
django_1cant remember20:10
django_1ill just reinstall i guess20:10
OerHeksmenu items only appear on the top panel, if your focus is on the sublimetext window20:12
django_1OerHeks, what do you mean focus20:13
k1lif the sublime window is in the foreground20:14
TurboKrakenAnyone have any luck getting a Dell color printer to work on ubuntu 16.04?20:15
OerHeksTurboKraken, is it listed in openprinting database?20:15
TurboKrakenLet me check.20:16
TurboKrakenOerHeks: No it isn't. There is .rpm drivers for the printer though.20:17
i-make-robotshi ubuntu.  mail mailq is growing and nothing is being delivered.  my mail.err is empty.  how do i diagnose the problem?20:19
OerHeksmaybe someone did find a way, hard to say without specs20:19
happycamper__Hello, is some1 here who can help me with connecting chatty to the twitch irc server?20:19
TurboKrakenOerHeks: What about converting .rpm to .deb?20:22
OerHeks!info alien20:22
ubottualien (source: alien): convert and install rpm and other packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.95 (xenial), package size 53 kB, installed size 166 kB20:22
OerHeksgood luck with that, results may vary20:23
guest341Is any1 here20:26
k1lguest341: yes, a lot of users are here.20:28
ruyicruzhello. my wireless in unbutu its not working. i've disable and now when I enable it ot shows up as enabled on the ticker but it does not show any networks. any hint?20:29
guest341showit plz20:30
azure32sudo service network-manager restart20:31
azure32ruyicruz: type that in terminal ^20:31
ruyicruzguest341 hi. are you talking to me? command not found.20:33
ruyicruzazure32 i've allready done that, it comes back with the ticker of "enable wireless" unchecked, and when I check it still does not come up any network20:33
MalinuxBashing-om: sorry for the delay, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17662140/20:33
ruyicruzand, to be sure... I've around 10+ networks in range of my android. there are networks nearby :P20:33
k1lruyicruz: "rfkill list | nc termbin.com 9999"20:34
ruyicruzsorry I meant "enable wifi"20:34
k1lruyicruz: if that machine got no network at all, then just run "rfkill list" and see if there is something on "blocked yes"20:34
Bashing-omMalinux: Look'n .. here we go again .20:35
i-make-robotsi have no /var/log/syslog and no /var/log/messages.  Where are warnings & such going?20:35
i-make-robotsmy /var/log is drwxdrwr-x root syslog.20:35
ruyicruzI've Hard blocked: yes on it k1l20:35
k1lruyicruz: then try to use the hardware switch on that machine20:36
ente_Could someone explain me (shortly) the advantage of PlayOnLinux compared to a pure wine installation?20:36
ruyicruzk1l its a onboard wireless card...20:36
ruyicruzk1l yesterday I disable it to save battery, and today I got this issue... :(20:36
k1lruyicruz: how did you disable it?20:37
Bashing-om!info qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin trusty20:37
ubottuqtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin (source: qtfeedback-opensource-src): Qt Feedback module - QML plugin. In component main, is optional. Version 5.0~git20130529-0ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 18 kB, installed size 110 kB20:37
ruyicruzon the top  bar, remove the ticker on "enable wifi"20:37
OerHeksente_, POL is a collection of dedicated scripts per game20:37
k1lruyicruz: "sudo rfkill unblock all"20:38
k1lthen see again20:38
Bashing-omMalinux: ^ And here too, elevated version for qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin .20:38
OerHeksyou could with wine and winetricks get the same result, with some tweaks here and there20:39
capum321hello! I am trying to compile mono-addins package as dependency to build a monodevelop 6.0 which doesn't exist in repositories. get this error http://dpaste.com/2PBR989 - - - the package is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono-addins/1.0+git20130406.adcd75b-3 ->  mono-addins_1.0+git20130406.adcd75b-3.debian.tar.gz20:39
ruyicruzk1l done that, but still showing up as hard blocked on the wlan20:39
k1lruyicruz: what machine is it then?20:40
k1lruyicruz: laptop?20:40
k1lthen press the hardware button.20:40
k1lor the fn+.... keys20:40
ente_OerHeks: Thx! I just found a graphic (located in a description for wine...), which I guess sums up your description nicely: http://wiki.playonlinux.com/index.php/Wine;_what_is_it%3F20:41
MalinuxBashing-om: hm, okey. What am I gonna do now? Don't think I got the last message :)20:41
concertiDoes this channel support ubuntu-server?20:42
coleptHello! I'm using OpenVPN (successful connection) but no internet once the routing table goes up - can someone tell me what's wrong with these routes? http://paste.ubuntu.com/17662592/20:43
k1lalthough there is #ubuntu-server too.20:43
concertiok good to know , this should be easy - is there an equivalent to SAR preinstalled on ubuntu servers?20:43
ruyicruzk1l fn+f2 only allows me to change the soft blocked, not the hard blocked :(20:43
Bashing-omMalinux: Hang on .. maybe ny wires are crossed .. double checking at this time .20:43
RomanLierHello, could someone help me with onboard? I can't figure out how to make it display korean characters...20:44
ruyicruzk1l i did try hit it twice and see the results, but every result only change yes/no to the soft blocked20:45
k1lruyicruz: what line is in "lspci" for that wifi card?20:45
MalinuxBashing-om: hm,okey :)20:45
jilocasin0'afternoon everyone20:46
=== merkapto1 is now known as phexonem
ruyicruzk1l you want the number of the line or the reference/line itself? the line is: 02:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)20:47
Bashing-omMalinux: Nope .. you have an elevated version conflict . All we can do is find out the where, then learn what we might be able to do . what results ' sudo apt remove -s qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin ' Let's see what will break if we remove it .20:48
OerHeksacer and hardblocked.. try blacklist acer_wmi20:48
jilocasin0trying to set up an ftp server under ubuntu 16.04 Server with a couple hundred users, each should have read/write access to only their own directory.  Been struggling with vsftpd (ubuntu's default) and I can't get it to work.  Does anyone have any ideas of how to do this (or a location with docs of same) or something else I should be using?  [thanks]20:48
Bashing-omMalinux: ' apt-cache policy qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin ' .. might be helpful first ??20:49
i-make-robotsmy syslog is missing.  is there a daemon I have to restart to make it work?20:49
Refineanyone know how to fix this? im on mint btw https://ghostbin.com/paste/8rgsk/edit20:49
k1l!mint | Refine20:49
ubottuRefine: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:49
Refineit's a trusty problem should be the same for ubuntu20:50
k1lRefine: its not an ubuntu issue since mint changes a lot in the repo handling. talk to their support20:50
RomanLierHello? I'm trying to find some help here20:52
Ben64ask a question20:52
RomanLierOh hi again Ben6420:52
RomanLierok, i ask again20:52
MalinuxBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17663090/20:52
k1lruyicruz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1781350&page=2  try this20:52
ruyicruzchecking. hold on k1l. :)20:53
RomanLierI can't figure out how to make onboard display korean characters...20:53
MalinuxBashing-om: and http://paste.ubuntu.com/17663148/20:53
ruyicruzi was on that exact topic! :p20:53
ubuntu283Hi! I am fairly fluent in ubuntu, but I'm starting out in developing. Are there any programs I should be looking into for java, c#, html, php?21:00
Bashing-omMalinux: I just do not get it .. I keep ecpecting something non-ubuntu repo .. and policy says the file is from our repo . What now ' apt-cache policy libqt5widgets5 ' . Removing qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin will rip your build environment all to pieces .21:00
jilocasin0ubuntu283: Do you mean IDE's?21:00
pennTellerubuntu283, I use codeblocks21:00
ubuntu283thanks! ill look into it :)21:01
jilocasin0ubuntu283: Java: Eclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ IDEA (Community == free, Ultimate == $$)21:01
ubuntu283wonderful! I'll definatly look into these :)21:01
jilocasin0ubuntu283: C# is some form of Mono (not that Mono.. ;)21:02
bpromptubuntu283:    what kind of code are you planning to write?   I mean, a C# IDE may be good for C# but terrible for html21:02
jilocasin0ubuntu283: HTML / PHP: Eclipse, lots of things from VIM/EMACs on up.... ;P21:02
ubuntu283I'm looking into aplication and database development21:02
jilocasin0ubuntu283: free or commercial?21:03
ubuntu283either :)21:03
bpromptubuntu283:    application is a broad term, like "chair", apps for what? what platform? what usage?21:03
jilocasin0ubuntu283: free then Eclipse is probably your best bet, it's unweildy at times but you can do everything in it and it's well supported.21:03
ubuntu283I'm learning server maintance as well as development for windows and android. sorry, im new to all of this21:04
jilocasin0ubuntu283: commercial then Intellij IDEA ultimate, supports practically everything.....21:04
jilocasin0ubuntu283: Android Studio (Google's default IDE for android development) is based on Intellij IDEA Community21:04
tkontoin rhel based Linux (fedora centos etc) I can script password change like:  echo "password" | passwd --stdin username21:05
ubuntu283I've got that already21:05
tkontohow can I do the same in ubuntu (--stdin does not seam to be supported in ubuntu passwd)21:05
jilocasin0ubuntu283: Then you know what intellij IDEA is like.21:05
bpromptubuntu283:     IIRC, google has an Android SDK you can install, as far as windows, one of the best windows IDE would be Visual Studio, as far as doing "sysop" stuff, depends on the langauge, if Java, Netbeans is a popular one21:05
ubuntu283thanks for all the help! I've got to get to class (time to leaern some php!!!)21:05
jilocasin0ubuntu283: Ultimate supports lots of frameworks, databases, etc. that the community one doesn't.21:05
ruyicruzk1l still trying to solve it. hold on :)21:06
bpromptubuntu283:     for php, Zend Studio is a really popular and supported one21:06
k1ltkonto: chpasswd should be able to handle that21:06
tkontothank you sooo much.. I am creating a docker image, and this was a blocking point21:07
anabainI need some help troubleshooting some non-fglrx drivers for a radeon videocard in 16.04. I'm getting bad refreshing, changing windows leaves me with the first windows (totally or partially) Any ideas?21:07
=== superflyy_ is now known as superflyy
fenecohi, is there a way to clean video cache on linux? I use a screenshot tool called 'screencloud' seems that it kept the screen saved from another application, every time I try to take a new screenshot it shows the full screen of another application21:07
fenecoI tried to restart gnome shell (alt f2 r) and clean memory cache (sync; echo > 3 /proc/sys/vm/drop_cache)21:08
MalinuxBashing-om: apt-cache policy libqt5widgets5 http://paste.ubuntu.com/17663148/21:10
vm096feneco did you try to search if is a open process after take the first screenshot?21:10
vm096and try to kill it21:10
rblstfeneco, have you tried any other screenshot tools to see if the problem is not screencloud specific?21:11
bpromptfeneco:     dunno that one, and I don't use screencloud myself, but sounds more like an screencloud issue, not an OS one though21:11
fenecovm096: not yet21:11
fenecorblst: it seems that the 'screen' of the previously opened application is cached only in the screencloud21:11
fenecoon gnome-screenshot it's ok21:11
enoch85Please help us test the Nextcloud VM so that we can make the best possible release once 10 is out, or sooner. https://www.techandme.se/nextcloud-vm/21:12
enoch85Sorry for OT21:12
capum321hello! I am trying to compile mono-addins package as dependency to build a monodevelop 6.0 which doesn't exist in repositories. get this error http://dpaste.com/2PBR989 - - - the package is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono-addins/1.0+git20130406.adcd75b-3 ->  mono-addins_1.0+git20130406.adcd75b-3.debian.tar.gz21:13
fenecoi will try vm09621:13
Bashing-omMalinux: Correct version is installed .. as around and around we go . Looking at the remove list .. we can see that the system "would" remove the correct version of many libraries in favor of several elevated versions. The question remains - what has installed these elevated libraries ?21:14
MalinuxBashing-om: good question. I don't know :)21:14
=== TEST is now known as Guest84009
ruyicruzk1l after doing all that I got it worse... now I don't see any wireless information in the network manager on the top bar. \o21:18
ruyicruzobviously i change ath5k to ath9k witch is my driver.21:19
k1lhmm. did you reload the driver?21:19
ruyicruzk1l not sure. the article didn't mention nothing about reloading the drive21:22
ruyicruzbut I reboot the pc and restarted network manager prior to reboot. didn't help21:22
k1lruyicruz: what did you do?21:22
fenecothere are so many processes that I have no clue which one could be the issue21:23
k1lruyicruz: i would have done "sudo rmmod -f driver; sudo rfkill unblock all; sudo modprobe driver"21:23
ruyicruzyes I've done that21:23
ruyicruzon the post #1021:23
ruyicruzbut the last one gives me an error:21:24
ruyicruzmodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'ath9k': Invalid argument21:24
k1lso its not that one21:24
ruyicruzI saw it on the driver=... earlier21:24
k1l"lsmod" lists all loaded drivers21:24
ruyicruzhold on21:24
ruyicruzcfg80211              499712  3 ath,ath9k_common,mac8021121:26
ruyicruzthis is the closed thing I've with ath*21:26
ruyicruzbut even if I did a mobprobe with those three, I still dont get a wireless option in the network manager k1l21:27
vm096feneco, ok then let us know that21:28
fenecovm096: I'm trying to identify something related to cs:go (counter strike global offensive) process, as when I press the hotkeys to take screenshot it shows its application screen (http://termbin.com/l8ec)21:30
safrabodscd hexchat21:31
fenecolots of bioset processes too21:33
fenecoKilled steam process, mouse and keyboard stopped working21:34
MalinuxBashing-om: maybe I should consider a clean install?21:35
vm096try disable all virtual machines then start the game21:36
vm096VirtualBox process21:36
vm096feneco, try restart u machine then verify if there is some VirtualBox process, stop it, then play u game21:37
fenecovm096: is there any conflit that vbox could cause with the game?21:38
vm096yes with hotkeys21:39
lernerhi, I have a flac file and a cue file to separate the individual audio tracks. Question is, what program do I need...21:44
ruyicruzk1l any idea? I've also run wireless info script from github and confirm that the wireless is not enabled but I had the driver...21:45
fenecowhat screenshot tool do you use in ubuntu?21:46
lerner! screenshot21:46
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.21:46
fenecoI've search something like lightshot, closest thing I found was screencloud21:48
Bashing-omMalinux: Well .. We been on this now for 3 days . still no way forward / I admitt I do not know a way to find what the installed parent of libqt5widgets5 is . Still seeking to find out .21:49
vivekpOn ubuntu gnome 16.04 now, a process named "tracker-extract" is consuming 220+ MB of RAM forever. Is it normal?21:50
Guest19834i installed ubuntu 16.04 lts server on an old laptop. i've now logged in, and want to connect to the inet. i'm not using an21:50
Guest19834                    ethernet cable. with ifconfig -a i get emp2s0 (Link encap:Ethernet), lo (Link encap:Local Loopback) and wlp3s0 (Link encap:21:50
Guest19834                    Ethernet). am i right in that none of these are wifi?21:50
Guest19834sorry, copy/pasted and the irssi didnt like it.21:50
=== Guest19834 is now known as yvne
vivekpOh, and normal RAM usage is very high with just an IRC client opened right now. Never had such issues prior to upgrade.21:52
vivekp2 Gigs of RAM in use right now -- I don't understand why.21:53
ruyicruz maybe its swap ram?21:53
Fooster14.04 has v3 zoneinfo files and 12.04 has v2. does anyone know whether its possible to get v2 on 14.04 easily?21:53
vivekpruyicruz: No, swap is not in use at all.21:54
MalinuxBashing-om: okey21:55
Ben64vivekp: paste the output of "free -m" to paste.ubuntu.com21:56
vivekpAnyone know what this process called "tracker extract" doing?21:56
vivekpBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17666303/21:57
mundus2018Why would the command node not work if I have nodejs installed21:57
mundus2018If I just try to install "node" it has no installation conidate21:58
Ben64vivekp: doesn't look like you're running a normal ubuntu system21:58
vivekpNormal? I'm on Ubuntu Gnome 16.0421:58
Ben64oh, they changed the output of free in 16.0421:59
Ben64vivekp: you've only got 1.5GB used, i think you're doing ok22:00
vivekpBut, system monitor shows different story altogether...22:01
vivekp2 GB it shows22:01
Ben64free doesn't lie, you're probably including some cache/buffer22:02
Ben64even if it was 2GB out of 8.... still totally fine22:02
vivekpBut it's still high usage when compared to what I was used to before upgrade and I have nothing else running right now except this IRC client22:04
Ben64so? what actual problem is it causing22:04
vivekpSorry, nevermind -- my main concern is that process called "tracker extract"22:06
vivekpnot sure what it's doing there22:06
Koyaanishey. im trying to install php-soap with apt-get, but it suggests me not only php-soap, but also php7.0-common and php7.0-soap, which i can NOT have installed. how can i make it only install php-soap?22:06
Ben64 tracker-extract  reads  the  file  and  mimetype  provided in stdin and extract the metadata from this file; then it displays the  metadata  on the standard output.22:06
nmidehi, how can i prevent the system from f***ing with my resolv.conf?22:07
nmidei disabled resolvconf.service in systemd, still the file is deleted on boot22:07
nmidei just want a normal resolv.conf file no weird automated thing that messes with my settings22:07
Ben64nmide: what is the output of "ls -ld /etc/resolv.conf"22:08
OerHeksvivekp, oh gnome version of Kworker > tracker tracker-extract tracker-gui tracker-miner-fs tracker-utils22:08
vivekpBen64: it ought to use 220 MB of RAM to perform its operations?22:08
Ben64vivekp: sure maybe22:08
nmideben64: its a symbolic link to some other strange place instead of properly being just a file22:09
nmideif i remove the link and create a normal file will this solve my issue?22:09
__sledMaybe this question is too specific. But it happens on Ubuntu. Is it possible that, having a heavy SSD disk-write thread, the load of the whole machine for this huge writing of data affects the running time of other threads, even if assigned to different CPU cores using pthread_affinity ?22:09
vivekpOerHeks: Sorry, I don't understand... what again?22:09
Ben64nmide: maybe, it's not recommended though22:09
nmiderecommended by who? for over 10 years if i need to change my resolver settings i simply edit /etc/resolv.conf manually and place my settings there22:10
vivekpBen64: Would you advise against killing it?22:10
nmideor make a dhcp script that does the same22:10
Ben64vivekp: yes22:10
OerHeksvivekp, tracker is some indexing service, let it run out ( it works in the background )22:11
Ben64nmide: easier way is to put whatever you want into /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head22:11
nmiderespectfully, that is not easier, it is radically changing how that configuration is typically done22:12
nmideand isn't behavior that should be present by default22:12
Ben64nmide: then by all means, do whatever you want22:13
nmidebut aside from that, thanks, i removed the sym link22:13
vivekpI don't know, I've never been used to such high RAM usage with just one application running.22:13
vivekp16.04 has sure brought some new things to comply by.22:13
nmide*things to fix, yes, i can see that22:13
Fooster14.04 has v3 zoneinfo files and 12.04 has v2. does anyone know whether its possible to get v2 on 14.04 easily?22:13
vivekpI hope it gets fixed if its not normal behaviour. IMHO it's at-least unusual tho.22:16
Bashing-omMalinux: Not to say I am ready to five up .. a matter of finding what is holding the lis to the elevated versions .. maybe qt5-default ?? Still trying to find out .22:16
nmidei'm sure people that implemented it thought it was normal, but in reality systemd adds an abstraction layer for configuration that nobody was asking for22:16
unicronwhom should i pester about getting the ircd-ratbox package published for 16.04?22:17
nmidefrom what i've seen so far from using 16.04 systemd isn't production ready at all22:17
nmidebut i can understand if experienced admins are not the target user22:17
Ben64nmide: systemd has nothing to do with resolv.conf22:17
Ben64and this is not the channel for rants22:17
nmideif i was 'ranting' you would know, i think what you actually mean is "this isn't the place for opinions ben64 doesn't agree with"22:19
nmideno problem22:19
=== bear_ is now known as werwer
werwerJUST INSTALLED 15.0422:21
werwerHow the hell do I get rid of Unity.22:21
werwerWell, not get rid of because it's kinda handy.22:21
werwerHow do I switch my DE temperarily?22:22
OerHeks15.04 is dead, install a supported version22:22
werwerOerHeks, I downloaded the "Latest"22:22
werwerThe site said 16, I got 1522:22
werwerI'll do a dist upgrade later.22:22
werwerHow do I drop myself into LXDE?22:22
Ben64install a supported version of ubuntu22:23
werwerThat's not an answer.22:23
Ben64it's the best answer22:24
werwerNo it's not.22:24
OerHeksat least an honest answer.22:24
werwerIt's ignoring the question at hand.22:24
werwerThat's like me saying22:24
Broseidon7Seezwhy are you being so aggressive and expecting us to explain this to you?22:24
Ben64you're running an unsupported version of ubuntu. run a supported version of ubuntu22:24
werwer"I installed Ubuntu on my macbook, how do I get my trackpad working?"22:24
werwerANd getting the response22:24
tgm4883werwer: where did you download 15.04 from? that shouldn't even be available anymore22:24
Jordan_Uwerwer: It's the only answer you'll get in this channel. We do not support EOL releases, in any way.22:24
werwer"GO BUY A PC, MACS SUCK!!"22:24
werwerLike I said, I'm going to do a dist-upgrade22:25
werwerI'm trying not to break my install.22:25
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:25
Ben64more like saying "I installed ubuntu 13.04 on my macbook, how do i get my trackpad working?" and getting the response "please install a supported version of ubuntu"22:25
tgm4883werwer: I'm worried about other users downloading that. So please let me know where you downloaded that from22:25
werwerty genii22:25
Jordan_Uwerwer: Then you can get support here *after* you upgrade.22:25
geniiwerwer: See the bot's link, above22:25
werwertgm4883, the website22:25
tgm4883werwer: link please22:25
tgm4883werwer: because I don't see it22:25
Ben64werwer: but if you JUST installed 15.04, then stop, and install a supported version of ubuntu22:25
Ben64much easier than upgrading22:25
Jordan_Uwerwer: We can also help you upgrade properly (though I recommend re-installing, possibly installing an Ubuntu flavor that doesn't use Unity).22:26
futurama140Cinnamon FTW22:26
werwerI don't want to completely leave Unity.22:26
Broseidon7Seezdo you want a windows like environment?22:27
werwerBroseidon7Seez, I prefer LXDE22:27
tgm4883werwer: I've checked all the places I know and I can't figure out where you got 15.04 from22:27
werwerI am willing to make the transition22:27
Ben64werwer: then go grab lubuntu 16.04 iso and install that22:27
Broseidon7Seezand you don't know how to install lxde? is that what you're asking?22:27
werwerFound that one22:27
futurama140if you like the feel of the windows DE then go with cinnamon22:28
tgm4883werwer: can you paste the output of 'cat /var/log/installer/media-info | nc termbin.com 9999'22:28
werwerok nvm22:28
werwerI do have 16.0422:28
tgm4883werwer: you didn't download it from there. That only has snappy images. You wouldn't have that22:28
werwerLiLi mis-identified22:28
werwerSo How do I switch into LXDE?22:29
Broseidon7Seezwerwer, you can just open your terminal and enter: sudo apt update then sudo apt install lxde22:29
werwerI already installed it.22:29
Broseidon7Seezoh ok22:29
Prelude2004chey guys.. looking for some help.. so i had a system in which i compiled ffmpeg on it and i installed libfreetype and libfdk_aac .. and all was well.. once i had the system exactly how i wanted it i simply made a copy of all the partitions and directories of the system to clone to another system... all worked well.. now i went back and i wanted to re-compile ffmpeg and its complaining about can't find libfdk_aac & freetype .. yet when i22:29
Prelude2004clook in /usr/include/* the directories for fdk-aac are there and freetype2 is there.. everything is there. yet i get a ERROR: libfdk_aac not found .. any help would be appreciated as i am stuck22:29
werwerHow do I actually enter it?22:29
futurama140werwer: sudo apt-get install LXDE-desktop-environment22:30
Prelude2004cubuntu 14 btw22:30
Broseidon7Seezall you have to do now is log out and there will be a button next to where you enter your password22:30
Broseidon7Seezor do you have no password to login22:30
futurama140werwer: log out and click the button by your log in and change log in session to the desktop environment you want22:30
SonikkuAmericafuturama140 - [ sudo apt install lxde ] you mean.22:30
werwerE: Unable to locate package LXDE-desktop-environment22:31
futurama140oops wrong one22:31
naccPrelude2004c: libs != source headers?22:31
futurama140just do LXDE22:31
Prelude2004cnacc what does tha tmean ?22:31
werwerlxde is already the newest version (7ubuntu1).22:31
werwerThe button isn't appearing22:31
werwerThat's why I'm confused22:31
futurama140log out and take a screenshot22:31
Broseidon7Seezok so you don't have a password required to log in22:31
naccPrelude2004c: it would be better to pastebin the exact output; and what is the reason for needing a newer ffmpeg than provided by Ubuntu?22:32
SonikkuAmericawerwer - [ sudo apt install lxde ] then try running [ ls /usr/share/xsessions ]22:32
Prelude2004cnacc , its a personal compiled version as we have custom code in it22:32
werwerSonikkuAmerica, ubuntu.desktop22:32
Prelude2004ca few patches and stuff.. i have to use the source .. i don't use repo22:32
werwerOne thing is really surpising me about this so far22:33
Prelude2004cmy question is not the ffmpeg.. its the system.. somehow it can't see the stuff in /usr/include or whatever.22:33
OerHeksright top panel, change de22:33
naccPrelude2004c: like i said, we can try and help if you provide the actual output (pastebin)22:33
werwerI haven't installed my GPU drivers, at least the proprietary ones22:33
werwerYet the performance isn't terrible.22:33
Prelude2004cnacc, do you mean from ffmpeg output ? sure.. one sec22:33
Jordan_Uwerwer: Please pastebin the output of "systemctl status lightdm".22:33
SonikkuAmericawerwer - you need a .desktop file with the LXDE session set to start. Best way to do this is to install the lubuntu-desktop package, which automatically generates one.22:33
naccPrelude2004c: whatever error you are getting, including whatever you are invoking that leads to the eror22:34
naccPrelude2004c: what version of Ubuntu?22:35
werwerSonikkuAmerica, doing that22:35
naccPrelude2004c: it's missing some header file (in particular sys/cdefs.h); where do you see any mention of fdk-aac or freetype2?22:36
naccPrelude2004c: this is a really basic compilation solution, are you sure you want to be compiling from source?22:36
Prelude2004cyes i need to commpile from source22:36
Prelude2004cthis is a custom ffmpeg version22:37
naccPrelude2004c: ok, educational moment. Learn to read the compilation output, in particular the "fatal error" lines. That is the actual error.22:37
naccPrelude2004c: the backtraces are where the file includes come from, not the error itself22:37
Prelude2004chere... locate  shows > /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h22:37
werwerI have two incredibly longshop questions22:38
werwerLinux voicechangers22:38
werwerAlso, does anyone here understand how to redirect audio22:38
werweralso split into multiple pipes22:38
Prelude2004cmaybe because the /usr/include is not set ?22:38
Prelude2004cdo i need to export something first.22:38
Prelude2004cbecause /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h exists but its not seeing that  so maybe its looking in wrong place22:39
Prelude2004ci did include --extra-cflags=-I/usr/include22:39
werwerSonikkuAmerica, It's working.22:40
werwerI love you.22:40
SonikkuAmericaOK then, werwer ... lol :)22:40
naccPrelude2004c: did you have to pass --extra-cflags before?22:41
werwerSonikkuAmerica, Do you understand how to do real time audio manioulation?22:41
Prelude2004cits part of my command configure yes22:42
Prelude2004clet me remove it i guess22:42
naccPrelude2004c: when you built last time too?22:42
SonikkuAmericawerwer - Real-time? Nope. Try #ubuntustudio22:42
Prelude2004cyes last time i built yes it had it22:42
Prelude2004cremoved and it changed nothing22:42
Prelude2004cstill can't find stuff in /usr/include/22:43
Prelude2004cits like the system doesn't know where /usr/include is .. very odd22:43
naccPrelude2004c: that's not true, as it is using files from /usr/include22:43
naccPrelude2004c: *again*, are you absolutely sure you want to compile from source? debugging stuff like this (on your own) is part of it...22:43
naccPrelude2004c: you can see the backtrace says it's using files from /usr/include (math.h, features.h)22:43
Prelude2004cnacc, i don't have a choice.. this is a custom git repo version22:43
Prelude2004cit has certain fixes for my application22:44
werwerSonikkuAmerica, know anything about stream splitting and redirection?22:44
werwerYou know, with Alsa22:44
Prelude2004cwell /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h exists22:44
naccPrelude2004c: are you by any chance cross-compiling or anything? 64-bit?22:45
SonikkuAmericawerwer - beats me22:45
werwerAnyone here know about Alsa?22:45
werwerThe stuff under the hood22:45
RomanLierHello again22:45
werwerI'm just wondering if any of you know about Stream re-direction, splitting, copying, all in real time22:46
Prelude2004cwait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got it22:46
Prelude2004ccp -Rf /old/1/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/ /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/ .. the folder was missing22:46
naccPrelude2004c: uh... why are you mucking with the compiler include files?22:46
Prelude2004cwe excluded the /sys and for some reason it excluded all folders */sys/ .. hum.. i see the issue22:46
Prelude2004cits compiling now :P yay !!22:46
werwerIf anyone's wondering22:47
naccwerwer: that might be better asked in #linux or an alsa channel22:47
Prelude2004csimple problem really22:47
RomanLierI need help with onboard, does it support korean? i can't find any information about the language support...22:47
werwerI want to create a Alsa sink22:47
Jordan_Uwerwer: For redirecting streams you'll want to use pulseaudio or *possibly* jackd, but don't install jackd until you have done your research about it.22:47
naccwerwer: use !alis to find a good channel22:47
werwerJordan_U, Not touching jack, heard horror stories22:47
RomanLierAnd I'd like to use it with korean characters...22:47
Prelude2004cfile was existed as a symbolic link to the missing directory22:47
naccPrelude2004c: so when earlier, you said you made a copy of partitions and directories; you didn't?22:48
naccPrelude2004c: or the  copy wasn't exact?22:48
naccPrelude2004c: that's why there are way better ways of doing backups/system clones then doing it yoursel f:)22:48
=== bear_ is now known as werwer
werwerImportant question!22:52
werwerAlso stupid22:52
werwerI have LXDE working, is it safe to leave Unity alone and just ignore it?22:52
werwerWill there be any side effects from installing LXDE to replace Unity22:53
Broseidon7Seeznot stupid.. have to learn somewhere. You can just ignore unity and log in when you want, so long as you don't mess up dependencies or delete files from unity22:53
werwerok, I have pretty good experience with Linux on my servers but never my desktop22:54
werwerThis is the first time that I've ever had luck with AMD drivers22:54
Broseidon7Seezthere shouldn't be any side effects from installing lxde. just be careful installing desktop interfaces following guides on the net, like if you install kubuntu-desktop to get plasma you CAN run into issues22:54
werwermy computer hasn't burst into flames so far.22:54
werwerAMD drivers are terrible under Linux22:55
werwerNvidia is worse.22:55
werwerIntel was my only smooth experience22:55
Broseidon7Seezwell right now on 16.04 we seem to be in limbo with amd drivers22:55
werwerBroseidon7Seez, would you say Phoronix is a good source to figure out what GPU to get for Linux?22:56
werwerYou guys have to understand, the reason I've never used Linux on my desktop before was because the experience wasn't very polished and felt hacked together22:57
=== sparklyballs_2 is now known as Sparklyballs
werwerLast time I tried was 12.04 Ubuntu22:57
Broseidon7Seezwerwer I'm not sure never have been to that website actually.22:57
werwerFrom 12.04 to 16.04 is like a Pentium 3 to a Core i7 6700k22:57
Broseidon7Seezalot of us are new.. I just started using linux at home with ubuntu 14.0422:57
werwerBroseidon7Seez, I did run Ubuntu 7.04 on a pentium 222:57
werwerGnome on a p2 with 256 of RDRAM was hell.22:58
nacclet's stay on /topic :)22:58
werwerI enured hell.22:58
werwerStupid question again, what's a good alternative to archive manager?22:58
k1l_amd got a lot of issues due to their shift from closed source to kernel drivers since 16.04.22:58
werwerArchlive manager hangs a lot.22:58
k1l_werwer: apt on cli22:59
werwernot package22:59
RomanLierwerwer: Stupid answer: Nautilus22:59
k1l_you mean file-roller?22:59
naccwerwer: isn't archive manager the tarball GUI?22:59
RomanLierOh, i know what you mean22:59
RomanLierwerwer: I use B1 free archiver22:59
werwerty for the suggestions23:00
werwerI'm using Nautilus quite well now23:00
k1l_!info file-roller23:00
ubottufile-roller (source: file-roller): archive manager for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.16.5-0ubuntu1.1 (xenial), package size 313 kB, installed size 2012 kB23:00
=== sparklyballs_2 is now known as sparklyballs_
werwerfile roller hung trying to extract 41mb of files...23:00
k1l_but you need to install the archive packages to get file-roller to handle those formats23:00
werwerit was a .zip23:00
naccwerwer: and what do you mean by "hang"? it can just take some time, depending on disk speed, size of the archive, etc.23:01
k1l_make sure to install the proper formats then. fileroller works with zip and even bigger files23:01
werwernacc, completely unresponsive23:01
=== sparklyballs_ is now known as Sparklyballs
werwerI let it sit, wasn't extracting23:01
werwerCan I get some tips on privacy and security with Ubuntu?23:02
werwerI've already followed fixubuntu.com23:02
k1l_werwer: look at the logs what was wrong.23:02
werwerAny other suggestions?23:02
k1l_werwer: that is FUD, you are aware of that?23:02
werwerThe fact that it searches Amazon still isn't welcome.23:02
werwerif I want amazon I have Chrome and Firefox, I'd rather not use Unity.23:02
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k1l_werwer: look at system settings-> privacy. its opt-in23:04
werwerk1l_, You're talking to the guy who unplugs his mic when not in use23:04
werwerI have a harware switch but I still unplug it.23:04
werwerSo I am taking a performance hit with the opensource amd drivers when trying Minecraft. I've gone from 100fps to 6023:05
werwerSo far nothing's caught on fire though23:05
=== jake_avidbots is now known as iamanewb
werwerSo any suggestions for tweaks I should do to improve my experience coming from windows?23:07
werwerI know I need to set some keybinds23:07
werwerlike Super-L, Super-R23:07
Ben64if you want more performance, i'd suggest not using unity23:08
naccwerwer: i thought you just installed lxde? why do you care about unity?23:08
werwerUsing LXDE23:08
werwernacc, I do want to learn to work with Untiy.23:08
marusi've installed ubuntu 14.04 from usb, and i've got the grub error so i just fineshed the installation without grub23:08
iamanewbHey guys, I hope someone can help me. I am trying to run a gui that uses qt and i am getting these error messages: libGL error: failed to open drm device: Permission denied23:09
iamanewblibGL error: failed to load driver: i96523:09
marusi don't know how can i boot the system23:09
=== conner641 is now known as Conner
MalinuxBashing-om: thanks. i am gonna sleep again :)23:10
werwermarus, boot rescue disk and mount your drive that doesn't have grub23:10
werwerthen iirc, grub-install <disk without grub>23:10
werwerWell, you might want to chroot to that disk first.23:11
nacciamanewb: what gui?23:11
Bashing-omMalinux: Sleep well .. Still do not know how to find what may have installed the libraries . Libraries are common to many applications.23:11
umoukunnacc: can I privmsg you for some kernel/grub help?23:11
maruslike this answer?23:11
naccumoukun: would rather you kept in the channel, if possible23:12
werwerumoukun, yes.23:12
umoukunis there a way to configure a single kernel entry in grub.conf23:12
werwersorry, marus *23:12
naccumoukun: how do you mean?23:12
umoukunwhenever I run update-grub2, it puts the current kernel in the config23:12
Queenslayeruse grub customizer23:13
maruswerwer: so just boot with usb again? and mount the partition where ubuntu is installed and then chroot and excute update-grub?23:13
umoukunI cant use grub custom23:13
umoukunI run server23:13
avis-in addition to amazon icon is there a facebook one ?23:14
iamanewbnacc: is a gui developed for ROS (robot operating system) and uses QT 5 libraries23:14
umoukunshould I purge the unused kernel?23:14
naccumoukun: so were you able to boot to the newer kernel?23:14
naccumoukun: did you try grub-set-default ?23:14
umoukunI dont get it23:14
k1l_iamanewb: try "sudo adduser username video"23:14
umoukunits in /boot23:14
naccumoukun: what is in /boot?23:14
k1l_iamanewb: change username to the exact username23:14
marusseem that everyway has Problem with grub here :D23:14
ConnerAnyone here do programming or operating system dev?23:14
naccConner: yes, but there are probably better channels for that kind of question (check !alis)23:15
ubuntu__curious in ubuntu is there any configuration file for changing the toolbars background color or setting a background theme for the toolbars?23:15
iamanewbk1l_: i tried and the error messages still pop up23:16
Connernacc: "!alis"?23:16
nacc!alis | Conner23:16
ubottuConner: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http23:16
ubuntu__Also is there away to move the left launcher toolbar to a different place on the desktop to an (x,y ) postion on a desktop23:16
campeedoes anyone know the proper syntax to blacklist a module at boot? i'm trying to prevent my 40gig cards from being detected when running the ubuntu installer23:16
campeei did this: APPEND initrd=/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz console=tty0 ixgbe.blacklist=yes mlx4_core.blacklist=yes mlx4_en.blacklist=yes23:17
campeebut i still see the cards, and i'm sure those are the right kernel modules23:17
nacccampee: i don't think that's right.23:17
umoukunnacc: http://pastebin.com/8fqehj7R thats whats in boot23:17
nacccampee: that's passing 'blacklist=yes' as a parameter to those modules23:17
k1l_ubuntu__: left or bottom is possible23:17
nacccampee: but that would necessarily load those modules, to parse the parameters...23:17
ubuntu__not any postion?23:17
k1l_iamanewb: relogin afterwards23:18
campeewhat would you put instead?23:18
k1l_ubuntu__: no.23:18
ubuntu__is there away to change the background color of the toolbars23:18
umoukunnacc: I dont get why update-grub doesnt pickup the new kernel23:18
umoukunhave been using linux for over 20yrs23:19
ubuntu__Or change the size of the icons that are pinned to the tool bars basically can you make the tool bars bigger or skinner , condense it etc23:19
nacccampee: i think you want to use modprobe.blacklist= (see `man modprobe`)23:19
k1l_ubuntu__: look at the "unity-tweak-tool"23:19
naccumoukun: it does pick up the newer kernel, afaict (based upon your prior messages); it's just not setting it to be the default23:19
campeenacc: let me try that23:20
EriC^^umoukun: what's the problem?23:20
ubuntu__O i was wondering from an x11 config file or config file in /etc  or something not having to install a program to do so23:20
umoukunnacc: whats the syntax for a new boot entry23:20
ubuntu__Plus i would then be asking how the program does it23:20
k1l_ubuntu__: you can dig through dconf editor if you like23:20
umoukunsudo grub-set-default --boot-/boot ?23:21
umoukunEriC^^: having problems with kernels23:21
naccumoukun: hrm? new boot entry? or setting the default?23:21
campeenacc: i don't suppose you know of a way to force a particular ethernet card to be detected as eth0 during install?23:21
naccumoukun: did you read `man grub-set-default` ?23:22
umoukunnacc: I commented out the old kernel in grubconf23:22
umoukunthere isnt anything in the man page23:22
k1l_ubuntu__: or the gsettings command on cli. have fun diggin through the docs then :)23:22
EriC^^umoukun: what are you trying to do?23:22
naccumoukun: it tells you how to invoke it... and there's no --boot parameter23:22
umoukuntrying to update my kernel with grub23:22
iamanewbk1l_: hey, i now get a different error message so some progress i think :): libGL error: pci id for fd 15: 8086:1916, driver (null)23:23
iamanewbi965_dri.so does not support the 0x1916 PCI ID.23:23
iamanewblibGL error: failed to create dri screen23:23
iamanewblibGL error: failed to load driver: i96523:23
ubuntu__is there away to get rid of the top menu bar or is that part of the launcher program as well23:23
nacccampee: looking one sec23:23
umoukunwhat do I use for MENU_ENTRY23:23
umoukunthe kernel?23:23
EriC^^umoukun: update-grub should pick it up23:23
naccumoukun: 'MENU_ENTRY is a number, a menu item title or a menu item identifier.'23:23
umoukunEriC^^: it doesnt23:23
naccEriC^^: umoukun's grub does see all the kernels, but it's booting to the older kernel for some reason23:24
k1l_iamanewb: please run "lspci |nc termbin .com 9999" and show the url here23:24
EriC^^umoukun: pastebin update-grub's output23:24
maruscan any one help with ubuntu installion without grub Problem?23:24
EriC^^marus: what's the problem exactly?23:24
k1l_iamanewb: and the output of "uname -a" please in here23:24
campeenacc: hey, that blacklist method worked! thanks a lot! the NIC is showing up as em1 though, and my preseed file tells it to configure eth0 :(23:24
marusEriC^^:Unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda23:25
umoukunI just set the default to 123:25
EriC^^marus: the installer said that?23:25
marusEriC^^: i try to install from usb stick in ssd hard drive and i get this error23:25
iamanewbk1l_: i get http://termbin.com/8wlo and Linux wheely-prototype 4.2.0-27-generic #32~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 22 15:32:26 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:25
umoukunstill the same kerne23:25
marusEriC^^: right23:25
EriC^^umoukun: if update-grub didn't pick it up, setting that won't do anything23:25
umoukunI dont even get it23:25
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
umoukunhow does the config not even control this23:26
umoukunI dont get it23:26
horatiohbHow do I change the root filesystem to another device? I've edited fstab to mount it as the new root fs, but it doesn't take. This is on a vbox, btw.23:26
EriC^^umoukun: can you please paste the output of update-grub?23:26
Ben64horatiohb: how would it change when it has to load fstab from the root partition23:27
marusEriC^^: just like this error http://askubuntu.com/questions/532540/ubuntu-installation-failure-unable-to-install-grub/53254923:27
k1l_iamanewb: you might want to try the new HWE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack replace the wily with xenial on this23:27
umoukunEriC^^: http://pastebin.com/vaXRX2vf23:27
nacccampee: yep, trying to find the syantx, one sec23:28
horatiohbBen64: I don't understand you. I'm on a vbox. I even detached the old device and attached only the new one. But then it won't boot.23:28
craptalkwhat is the most lighweight linux distro for an old pc?23:28
EriC^^umoukun: ok, it does pick up the 88 kernel23:28
umoukunshould I just rm the files and run update grub?23:28
EriC^^umoukun: is that the kernel you want it to boot?23:28
craptalkis it only Lubuntu?23:28
EriC^^umoukun: no23:28
umoukunEriC^^: yeah23:28
umoukunit uses 79 every damn time23:28
EriC^^umoukun: pastebin /etc/default/grub and /boot/grub/grub.cfg23:29
EriC^^umoukun: do you have multiple hdd's?23:29
umoukunone ssd23:29
k1l_craptalk: we only support ubuntu flavours in here, if you want non ubuntu stuff ask in ##linux (like you know that since we told you often)23:29
craptalkk1l_: you know me before?23:30
EriC^^marus: are you in the live usb right now?23:30
iamanewbk1l_: i will give that a shot if i get a chance. Thanks for your help!23:30
ubuntu__ok more general question if i was using pure x11 gnome or kde is there a configuration file to  set the toolbars configuration like sizes, placement,  background color/transparency /image23:31
Bashing-omumoukun: Might also check and see what is set to boot ' ls -al /vmlinuz* ; ls -al /intird* ' .23:31
umoukunEriC^^: http://pastebin.com/ZhDH4y9u23:31
ikoniaumoukun: thats nothing to do with x23:31
ikoniaumoukun: oops, sorry23:31
ikoniaubuntu__: thats nothing to do wtih X, thats a desktop specific config23:31
k1l_iamanewb: thing is, your skylake cpu/gpu is that new and had issues on kernels <4.4. which is shipped on 16.04. with that way i told you you can have that new kernel and xorg on the 14.0423:31
umoukunNOTHING is wrong with my config23:32
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
marusEriC^^: i'm using another hardrive23:32
ubuntu__ok and does normally the desktop manager program have in the /etc a way to configure the toolbar23:32
umoukunI do not understand how it is booting to the same kernel23:32
ikoniaumoukun: no23:32
ikoniaumoukun: damn it, sorry23:32
ikoniaubuntu__: no,23:32
k1l_ubuntu__: gnome uses dconf too, like unity (since they share the same base). i dont know about kde.23:32
marusEriC^^: but i have usb live23:33
EriC^^marus: ok, boot the live usb on the pc that has ubuntu on it23:33
ubuntu__so you kind of need to install another toolbar  and windows manager and put them in your xinitrc at start up or something23:33
EriC^^umoukun: hold shift to get grub and troubleshoot it from there23:33
ikoniaubuntu__: no, why don't you explain your situation and what you're trying to do23:33
EriC^^umoukun: check what it's using for the configfile23:33
umoukunI have no access to the console23:33
ikoniarather than generic questions that depend a lot23:33
marusEriC^^: then?23:33
ubuntu__dconf is a database for what the man page doesn't tell me what it is really for23:33
k1l_craptalk: do i really need to prove you how often i told you about the topic of #ubuntu since march?23:33
EriC^^marus: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999923:34
umoukunhow do I see what config its using23:34
EriC^^try echo $prefix23:34
marusEriC^^. i've typed fdisk -l , and the system is installed in /dev/sdf123:34
k1l_ubuntu__: i dont think you understand how complex a big desktop enviroment like gnome, unity or kde is. what is you endgoal behind the question? you want a minimal desktop?23:34
EriC^^and try to force it with configfile (hdx,msdosY)/boot/grub/grub.cfg23:35
EriC^^marus: ok, try sudo mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt23:35
ubuntu__to customize the toolbar any way i would like it to be23:35
ikoniaubuntu__: what tool bar ?23:36
k1l_ubuntu__: think of dconf as of the windows registry. its a key based configuration system23:36
k1l_ubuntu__: most things are not coded to be changed in "any way"23:36
ubuntu__because apart from the theme desktop picture, icons , the only thing  is the toolbar . For getting the windows manager  for a second23:36
marusEriC^^: sudo mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt, sudo chroot /mnt, update-grub?23:36
ikoniaubuntu__: what desktop are you using23:37
ubuntu__i think unity it is ubuntu 1423:37
nacccampee: can't you just use 'auto' in your preseed?23:37
EriC^^marus: no, after sudo mount do "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done"23:37
campeenacc: hm, i'll try that.23:37
ikoniaubuntu__: ok - so when you say toolbar, are you talking about "the dock"23:37
k1l_ubuntu__: you want a microsoft windows lookalike?23:37
campeenacc: thanks!23:37
nacccampee: also, keep in mind, there is a sort of conceptual race between stuff needed to configure network in order to get your preseed file and then processing the same preseed file23:38
ubuntu__there is only a left hand toolbar that i can from system settings auto hide or the top fix toolbar is the top one called the dock23:38
nacccampee: meaning sometimes you might need to pass the d-i values on the installer cmdline23:38
marusEriC^^: kk will try it23:38
ikoniaubuntu__: ok - so it's the launcher you're talking about23:38
ikoniaubuntu__: where you launch apps23:38
k1l_ubuntu__: on unity the left bar is named "launcher" and the top bar is named "panel"23:38
k1l_ubuntu__: and unity is not that much configurable. neither is gnome-shell. i guess kde gives more options23:39
ubuntu__ok  how do you remove items or change items on the panel thats one thing i was curious  about. And the major thing was the launcher toolbar to the left23:40
k1l_ubuntu__: remove what exactly? and what is "the issue" with the launcher?23:40
ubuntu__the small icons on it changing them , adding or removing23:40
k1l_ubuntu__: did you look into "unity-tweak-tool" if you dont want to dig through dconf settings as i told you 5 times now?23:41
ubuntu__for the panel23:41
k1l_changing the icons would work best with icon themes.23:41
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: Are you wanting to change what programs are ON the launcher?23:41
Tin_mani think thats what he's wanting to do.23:42
RomanLierok bye23:42
k1l_ubuntu__: you can blacklist icons (most are called "indicators") from been shown on the panel.23:43
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: If so, you can remove an icon from the launcher (on the side) by right-clicking the icon and clicking "unlock from launcher". The icon will always be there while the program in question is running, but if the icon is unlocked, then it will disappear as soon as the program is closed.23:43
Tin_manubuntu__, if you don't want a icon in the launcher, just right click on it and remove it.23:43
k1l_but that could have been asked in the first place.23:43
ubuntu__no talking about removing small icons from the panel top bar23:43
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: You can add new icons to the launcher by searching for a program in the Dash, and drag-dropping it onto the Launcher. Alternatively, if the program is already running, you can right-click its icon on the launcher and click "Lock to launcher"23:43
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: Finally, just drag and drop the icons on the launcher to rearrange them23:44
k1l_CodeMouse92: Tin_man i dont think we understood what ubuntu__ wants at all23:44
Tin_manmost of those are fixed icons, like, date, time, and system23:44
ubuntu__i know how to take care of add/removing icons from the launcher not from the panel thats my issue23:44
Tin_mannow he's talking top panel23:44
k1l_ubuntu__: then blacklist them23:44
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: Ah. Which icons specifically do you want to remove from the panel?23:44
ubuntu__EN one on top panel how do you blacklist them?23:45
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: Ah, that's an easy one. Go to System Settings and Text Entry23:45
CodeMouse92And then uncheck the box on the lower left that says "Show current input source in the menu bar"23:46
ikoniaubuntu__: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/ubuntu-help/shell-overview.html23:46
k1l_take it out of the "systray-whitelist" in dconf23:46
k1l_CodeMouse92: that is not working on unity.23:46
CodeMouse92(Why are we overcomplicating this? The option is in System Settings)23:46
CodeMouse92k1l_: Really? I just did it in Unity23:46
ubuntu__so how do you do it for the other ones like mail  time ,...etc23:47
ubuntu__worked for EN23:47
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: The easiest way is with the unity-tweak-tool (sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool)23:47
k1l_CodeMouse92: sorry, you are right. i misinterpreted the "EN".23:47
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: Install that, start it up, and go to Panel. You can toggle most of the built-in icons there23:47
k1l_ubuntu__: i told you to use the easy method: unity-tweak-tool 5 times now. since you refuse go and dig the dconf editor finally. its the com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist key23:48
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: The mail indicator specifically is a program called 'indicator-messages', which you can remove if you don't want it anymore at all23:49
ubuntu__you sure thats availabe for 14 version because i have all repo check and i don't see it23:49
mundus2018I mustve hit some key combination or something but I cant scroll in my terminal anymore, it just scrolls my commands, how do I fix that?23:50
k1l_!info unity-tweak-tool trusty23:50
ubottuunity-tweak-tool (source: unity-tweak-tool): configuration tool for the Unity desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.6ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 325 kB, installed size 2549 kB23:50
k1l_ubuntu__: ^23:50
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: In the terminal, run "sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool"23:50
ubuntu__ok cool one last things on the gui enviorment is windows manager part is that just the program that takes care of the windows decoration , transparency , motion of windows , min,max,23:52
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: By the way, I'm curious why you want to remove many of these things from the panel. Some of them are pretty essential for day-to-day easy use of Ubuntu (clock).23:52
ubuntu__And theme of the windows23:52
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: unity-tweak-tool is good for that as well. You can install additional themes....23:53
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: A whole bunch of great themes for Ubuntu are here: http://noobslab.com/themes23:53
CodeMouse92They have installation instructions on each. Once you've installed a theme, use the Unity Tweak Tool -> Themes to switch the theme. Same goes for icon themes (http://noobslab.com/icons)23:54
ubuntu__I just want to know how to customize the gui enviroment all the different things given an arbitary  desktop manager but apparently it is highly dependent on the desktop manager configuration files and weather they let you configure what settings23:54
CodeMouse92OOps: http://www.noobslab.com/p/themes-icons.html#icons23:54
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: Well, Unity is pretty well limited to what you see already. You can change the icon theme and window colors, and there are some additional things in Unity Tweak Tool (just play with it)23:54
CodeMouse92But, by and large, Unity is what you see here.23:55
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: There are some additional tricks for Unity, which you can get by installing CompizConfig and its extras...23:56
CodeMouse92Install that in the terminal with the command "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins-extra"23:56
CodeMouse92But pay attention to any warnings the program gives you, to ensure you don't break anything or make your system inoperable :)23:57
furkananybody here have a skylake system? when i run prime95 under ubuntu, my CPU gets throttled to 2700MHz... under Windows 10 it runs at the 4000MHz base frequency23:57
LucidI installed google chrome and it's not in the Unity search?23:57
ubuntu__so is the desktop manager just made up of toolbars , windows manager , and desktop theme/icons  (plus maybe a gui widget if one runs a background program)23:57
k1l_Lucid: did you relogin?23:57
CodeMouse92Lucid: sometimes you have to logout/login (or restart) to see those changes23:57
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: Mmmm....not precicely. Unity is a little more integrated than that.23:58
LucidNo I didn't. I'll try that now. Thanks.23:58
ubuntu__Is there away to switch out just the windows manager part  leaving the tool bars23:58
CodeMouse92ubuntu__: No23:58
ikoniaubuntu__: what is the desktop you want23:58
ubuntu__in gnome or kde or lxde23:58
ikoniayou may as well just tell us - as your questions make no sense23:58
ikoniaubuntu__: what is the end goal you want23:58
k1l_ubuntu__: in theory: yes. but practical: not without you doing a lot of coding, since most stuff is not working together out of the box.23:59

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