
ax562brb gonna login to x20:22
pleia2so, we have a #LoveXubuntu campaign draft up now for team members to view: https://xubuntu.org/?p=3974&preview=true20:32
pleia2particularly interested in feedback from flocculant, but really everyone should chime in :)20:32
pleia2also, yes, we did just have our 10th anniversary :) woooo20:33
ax562page not found pleia120:34
ax562page not found pleia220:34
knomeax562, "for team members"20:34
pleia2ax562: you have to be a team member to view it20:34
ax562haha ooops20:34
pleia2it's a preview, not published for everyone yet20:34
pleia2that's why I'm asking for feedback :)20:35
* knome waits the day when everybody in the internet reads things before replying ;)20:35
ax562gonna be old and grey20:35
pleia2haha, right20:35
knomeyeah, as if that ever happened...20:35
flocculantpleia2: mmm20:38
flocculant\o/ 20:38
flocculantmanaged to login :p20:38
knomenot blocked20:39
flocculantpleia2: I lost all my bookmarks ... 20:39
pleia2I recall20:39
flocculantreading now 20:39
knomeflocculant, you relocated?20:39
pleia2I give them all to google to steal my privacy and autosync them between all my devices20:39
pleia2because convenience++20:39
knomei just remember all the URLs i need to access20:39
Unit193I give them all to my server and sync them too. >_>20:40
flocculantknome: good for you 20:40
pleia2knome: we talkad about this, you have an unusual memory20:40
knomeyes we did ;)20:40
flocculantwhat's that then pasi.web./bookmarks 20:40
flocculantremember one :D20:40
ax562do you guys need any help with anything?20:41
Unit193They need mental help for sure.20:41
knomeax562, yes, but it would make more sense if you would tell us what kind of things you can help with20:41
knomeflocculant, you and your other person.20:41
flocculantif anyone should have said us it would be more or Unit193 :p20:42
ax562well pretty much anything I read in the team stuff20:42
knomeax562, in that case fix a few thunar bugs please ;)20:42
knomeflocculant remembers the bug numbers...20:42
* flocculant did20:43
ax562I would say start something simple first maybe test something20:43
flocculantlost the bookmark with bugs 20:43
knomeflocculant, don't we have them in a blueprint20:43
ax562you guys use github right?20:43
knomeax562, nope.20:43
ax562what do you guys use?20:43
knomelaunchpad for the code that is from us20:44
flocculantax562: testing is easy - hardware or virtual - mostly documented here http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/20:44
knomexfce uses git (there's a github clone though)20:44
pleia2yes yes, testing, always need help there20:44
knomei agree testing is a great place to start with as well20:44
ax562isn't xfce = xubuntu?20:44
knomeyou can do it when you have time, and you can finish the task on the same sitting20:45
ax562well isn't it xfce = xubuntu desktop envirenoment20:45
knomeyes, xubuntu uses xfce, but xubuntu !== xfce20:45
knomeand xfce !== xubuntu20:45
ax562now im a little confused20:45
ax562i thought xfce was part of the xubuntu bundle which are part of the same team?20:46
flocculantax562: xubuntu uses xfce and some lots of xfce apps - but it's not *just* xfce20:46
flocculantlots of the xubuntu team are xfce devs - but not all20:46
knomeax562, xfce is indeed included in xubuntu, but the xubuntu team isn't integrated with the xfce team20:46
flocculantsome lots is a special testing term20:47
ax562so xfce and xubuntu are not the same team per say20:47
knomeas flocculant says there is some overlap20:47
flocculantxfce would have no idea who I am :)20:47
flocculantthough I'm not sure I do either20:47
flocculantseems we do a lot of testing for xfce though ;)20:48
ax562so xfce > 10 years then right?20:48
knomesure, it helps us if xfce does well20:48
pleia2I started using Xfce in 2003 or so20:48
ax562oh wow20:48
flocculantpleia2: nice post - but question ... what is colro?20:49
ax562i wasn't even on linux then20:49
ax562i was an xp baby20:49
flocculantI'm guessing should be  t-shirt size and color?20:49
pleia2maybe it was 2004 :) http://princessleia.com/images/MyImages/screen/Desktop110604.jpg20:49
knomeflocculant, colro is the new black.20:49
flocculantok - just so long as that's plain ...20:50
ax562is there like a xubuntu timeline like android?20:50
pleia2I don't know what the android timeline is20:50
ax562blasphemy pleia2 :)20:50
knomewell, xubuntu has been doing releases for the last 10 years every 6 months...20:50
ax562my bad for all the qustions, that used to be my nickname back in the day20:51
knomethat? qustions?20:52
ax562yeah, questions, then quest, then quest quest, go figure20:52
ax562im just waiting on this bleach bit20:52
ax562you guys still use torrents to distribute x16.04?20:53
knomewhat about trying to see some bits from the website?20:54
knomewe don't have a website lead for nothing20:54
ax562wait i thought you were knome20:54
knomei didn't say i wasn't, please read again...20:55
ax562how can i help on that end20:55
knomeat the moment, we have stuff well in control20:55
ax562my buddys lappy is so full of junk20:55
ax562gonna try to convince him to go x16.04 later this afternoon..hehehe20:56
flocculantpleia2: I changed colro to color20:57
pleia2flocculant: thanks :)20:57
flocculantmmm ... gstreamer updates ... this is where it went wrong 6 months ago :p20:58
ax562good god this is taking forever21:57
* genii makes more coffee and passes the mugs around22:18
knomei only had one starbucks cappuccino in the US ;)22:41
geniiStarbucks actually has good coffee but such rediculous names to order something when all you want is for instance their largest mug of strong dark coffee. Also the locations seem populated with unemployed screenwriters pounding furiously on their MacBooks22:45
pleia2knome: who else should we get to sign off on #lovexubuntu?22:50
knomepleia2, the XPL!22:55
knomegenii, yeah...22:55
knomegenii, "i'd like a large cappuccino"22:55
knomegenii, "which size?"22:55
knomegenii, "large"22:55
knomegenii, "which size?"22:55
knomegenii, *looks at the table* "grande"22:55
knomegenii, "OK!"22:56
* knome facepalms22:56
knomeand unsurprisingly, they spelled my name wrong. maybe i should've kept my badge visible :)22:56
geniiknome: Yeah, it's annoying!23:00
Unit193knome: To be fair, you *are* Finnish.23:01
knomeUnit193, sure.23:01
knomeno denying...23:01
Unit193Just like nobody can get my lastname right.  I've learned to find amusment and laugh though so it all works out. :D23:02
knomeyou can't imagine how many times i've heard "you're going to have to spell that to me" during my trips23:03
knomeat that point i'm usually already forking over a piece of something that has my name on it23:03
geniiAfter hearing my last name, people variously want to spell it Callback, Cullbuck, Cowlback, Kalbeck, and so on23:07

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