
=== Guest72132 is now known as littlebunnyfufu
bulazeemi've been having a lot of problems getting my archer t1u wireless dongle to work consistently on my pc.  anyone have the time and patience to help me while explaining things in a very basic way (linux novice here)01:31
bulazeemwell if anyone decides to take a look, i've explained my troubles here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232804901:38
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
SalmoneusHello all from China. Since leaving my last job I decided to take the plunge with Linux via Lubuntu 16.04.13:00
SalmoneusAs you might expect it hasn't been entirely smooth sailing, but I think I've got my basic bearings and now I need some advanced help, hence my appearance in this IRC Channel.13:00
SalmoneusFor the past several days since installing Lubuntu, I have been struggling with getting an L2TP connection up and running. I have tried via ShrewSoft and then via KVpnc. ShrewSoft is entirely unfamiliar and I cannot get any good guides, while KVpnc appears caught in Version Hell and calls "ipsec whack" from the now-obsolete build of strongSwan.13:00
SalmoneusAny of you have experience setting up L2TP in our beloved Lubuntu?13:00
tewardSalmoneus: L2TP or L2TP+IPSec?13:27
teward(they're different beasts)13:27
SalmoneusGiven that I need it to circumvent the great firewall, L2TP+IPsec is probably the first beast I want to tackle13:28
TikityTik2Why is lubuntu so slow on my grandma's laptop. It takes 5 min after startup to open anything. The laptop has 512 MB DDR2 ram and 1.7 Ghz.13:28
Salmoneusbut it's possible that my vpn provider has simply setup its L2TP connections without IPsec, I don't know at the moment13:29
tewardSalmoneus: that's something that would need to be known - L2TP+IPSec is a beast I don't think there's an easy way to achieve on Ubuntu13:30
tewardSalmoneus: if it's pure L2TP and that's it, that's easier to handle I believe13:30
* teward starts up his Lubuntu VM to make sure13:31
SalmoneusHi teward, well, in that case, let's start with what's accessible, in this case just pure L2TP13:31
tewardfoo i deleted my Lubuntu desktop VM13:33
* teward goes to reinstall13:33
tewardgive me a bit to recreate the thing so I can help :)13:34
SalmoneusTikityTik2: I'm new to this myself, but given how many extraneous packages I've installed these past few days, I could see how the advantage of Lubuntu's lightweight-ness could be eaten up with a bunch of common programs, e.g. LibreOffice etc.13:34
tewardTikityTik2: any chance that's a single-core CPU?13:35
TikityTik2teward: it is13:35
tewardthat's problem #1 there13:35
Salmoneusteward: Thanks, I'll be around13:35
TikityTik2teward: intel celeron 53013:35
tewardTikityTik2: the single core processor is one reason13:36
TikityTik2teward: I thought lubuntu was made for bad computers like this?13:36
tewardi'm just making a note about that being one of the performance bottlenecks :P13:37
tewarddon't shoot me because i made an observation :p13:37
tewardSalmoneus: i was trying to figure this out myself, but I don't think there's a pure L2TP client anymore... last one looks like it was L2TP+IPSec, and I can't find one builtin anymore14:23
tewardbecause that one was deprecated and dropped14:23
tewardsorry if I led you on about there being a solutoin, but googling around a little seems to suggest there aren't any viable solutions14:24
Salmoneusteward: On one hand, I'm satisfied with myself that I was able to figure that much out. On the other, well, that's really disappointing! I thought Linux was supposed to be the super-system to replace Windows/Mac functionality provided one was willing to get down with command line and somewhat coarser UI's!14:26
Salmoneusteward: not you leading my own, more my own misperception of Linux :)14:26
Salmoneus*leading me on14:26
Salmoneusfor ubuntu though, it looks like there's a client called l2tp-ipsec-vpn, but for some reason I can't install the general ubuntu software center on lubuntu, else i would look to give that client a spin14:28
Salmoneuscontinuing with lubuntu then, do you think it would be possible to tweak KVPnc so it didn't rely on the outdated pluto library of strongSwan?14:29
tewardSalmoneus: that's the one i was talking about - it was dropped along with openswan14:32
tewardI think strongswan supports l2tp+ipsec VPNs, but I've never seen a *pure* L2TP VPN without the IPSec part14:32
tewardnot in the wild anyways14:32
Salmoneusha, right, well i'm more than amenable to continuing my venture into the jungle of Linux networking. you said above that l2tp+ipsec was something you were not sure ubuntu supported, but looks like that's the only option left14:34
tewardSalmoneus: possibly, though I roll OpenVPN for the most part on my environments, or old-style Cisco IPSec14:35
teward(because E:OldCiscoEquipment)14:35
Salmoneusright, maybe it's just my client, but here in China, the great firewall seems to be pretty able to block out OpenVPN and I've been working L2TP recently at my vpn provider's recommendation14:36
SalmoneusI suppose that I'll try OpenVPN again, since that seems to be the new kid on the block.14:37
Salmoneusthanks, teward14:37
lobi"#lubuntu-es Cannot join channel (+l) - channel is full, try again later" i didn't know channels could fill up, what's up with that?16:09
lobianyway... hi all. a friend of mine is bringing an old laptop to install lubuntu on, we'll be asking you guys for help if we run into trouble.16:11
krytariklobi: Hi.  That channel isn't used, and just has weird settings - if you want Spanish support, try #ubuntu-es.16:14
lobiok. thanks, krytarik16:15
=== lobi is now known as lobito
=== leszek_ is now known as leszek
lobitois lubuntu precise more likely to run on an older laptop than say trusty or xenial? i mean, is support for older hardware dropped as new versions are released?16:42
freelancerbobmy lubuntu is little bit laggy what i should do or check ?18:19
freelancerbobvideos in firefox are laggy18:20
freelancerbobwhen i typing sometime it freezes for few miliseconds18:20
=== lobito is now known as lobi
TikityTikHi all, just installed Lubuntu-minimal21:40
TikityTikand i don't have a window manager or whatever. Can I put John's window manager on it?21:40
Unit193You should have Openbox, but if you didn't install the task and just went for the meta, that'd change things.  I have never heard of that WM, but you should be able to use it just fine.21:42
Unit193(Do you perhaps mean 'Joe's Window Manager'?)21:43
TikityTikprobably lol21:43
TikityTikalright so how do i make a gui automatically come up?21:49
TikityTikall i get is the sda1 is clean line and everything black21:50

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