
sethjpopey I see a wiki-editors team was created.01:40
popeyyeah, and oddly people keep joining, despite them already being in ~ubuntumembers, and thus not needing to01:41
sethjI noticed xD01:44
sethjtalking to wildman and Thomas in AU chat now01:44
sethjpopey, you might consider putting that in the team description01:46
Kiloshi dholbach svij ejat and others06:20
ejathi Kilos06:21
dholbachhey Kilos06:28
dholbachhello everyone else :)06:28
* dholbach relocates to the office, bbiab06:59
=== Guest42922 is now known as MooDoo
ejatwb dholbach07:16
dholbachhey ejat07:30
ejathey dholbach , how are ya?07:36
dholbachgood good - how about yourself?07:39
dholbachdavidcalle, mhall119, popey: team?15:00
popeyoh, i thought we had it yesterday15:00
* popey joins15:01
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - have a good one everyone!15:59
czajkowskitoodle pip16:04
sethjoh man, I wanted to talk to dholbach.20:26

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