
=== Guest72132 is now known as littlebunnyfufu
Nosophorushello, guys!01:14
Dooley_da_Vulcanhello ouroumov03:21
Dooley_da_Vulcanif you are here that is03:21
Dooley_da_Vulcanso is anyone around that has much experience with UM03:22
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=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
mate|95968anyone here?05:46
mate|95968I've got a question on networking05:49
=== rw is now known as Guest24760
open_coderkeep calm and use ubuntu MATE09:17
ouroumovflexiondotorg, you know if the Ubuntu guys plan on changing the default 90s timeout on systemd shutdown to something more reasonable for 16.04.1 ?09:50
flexiondotorgI don't, I'll see if I can find out.09:53
flexiondotorgouroumov, Why does you want the timeout changing?10:24
flexiondotorgAnd there are no plans to change it.10:25
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=== ubuntu-mate is now known as anotherNoob
anotherNoobhi is anyone around?10:33
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as amotherNoob
Guest26133hi guys!10:35
=== amotherNoob is now known as anotherNoob
Guest26133I just installed ubuntu-mate on my raspberry pi. The monitor has display of 1920x1080 but in settings it is 1824x984 and I can't change it.10:36
Guest26133any ideas?10:37
anotherNoobI don't think there are many people around atm10:38
anotherNoobI'm a noob as my nick shows, so I can't be of any help ;-)10:38
anotherNoobnut just wait, someone may be here sooner or later10:39
Guest26133okay thanks!10:39
anotherNoobwould it help to edit the config.txt file display setting in the pi?10:42
Guest26133anotherNoob, I trying that only10:49
Guest26133anotherNoob, how to I edit it as root10:51
ouroumov<flexiondotorg> ouroumov, Why does you want the timeout changing? -> The systemd default is set to 90s. Thing is there's a lot of times when during the shutdown sequence one process attempts to clean up after receiving the SIGTERM. timeout dictates the delay between SIGTERM and SIGKILL. 90s might make sense in a server settings, but the effect on desktop users is not good at all. Some people have to wait one minute and a half for11:30
ouroumovtheir computer to power down. This is windows-like shutdown speed.11:30
ouroumovflexiondotorg, changing to a smaller timeout is a matter of editing a config file ( /etc/systemd/system.conf )11:32
ouroumovflexiondotorg, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/145740011:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1457400 in systemd (Ubuntu) "reduce 90s session kill timeout if the session does not shutdown cleanly" [Low,Confirmed]11:34
flexiondotorgouroumov, I suggest you discuss this with pitti in #ubuntu-devel. He is the systemd maintainer for Debian and Ubuntu.11:34
ouroumovWill attempt to do so, thanks11:35
ouroumovWell, that's too bad, but I see his point.11:48
ouroumovflexiondotorg, you think maybe changing that config file could be implemented as a one-click action in Boutique -> Fixes?11:50
nmoibonjour, on parle aussi français sur #ubuntu-mate11:53
ouroumovnmoi, on peut11:53
ouroumovT'as un problème particulier nmoi ?11:53
nmoioui mes notification pour le gestionnaire de mise a jour ne fonctionne pas .11:54
nmoije suis sur ubuntu mate 16.0411:55
ouroumovnmoi, vérifie que l'application "Update Notifier" (je sais pas comment c'est traduit en fr) est cochée dans la liste des applications au démarrage (System -> Preferences -> Personal -> Startup Applications)11:57
nmoioui j'ai verifié ,il est coché . Au demarrage de mon pc j'ai ,un message d'erreur. quand je desactive update notifier je n'ai plus cette erreur12:01
ouroumovnmoi, ouvre un terminal et tape "ls /var/crash", et dis mois si tu as des fichiers qui apparaissent12:02
nmoi_usr_bin_compiz.1000.crash  _usr_bin_mate-panel.1000.crash12:04
ouroumovC'est tout?12:04
nmoiil faudrait que je reproduise le probleme ,j'ai desactive update notifier .12:06
nmoije quit le canal et je reproduit le probleme et je reviens12:07
ouroumovTu peux supprimer ces fichiers dans /var/crash, il y a des chances que ce soient eux qui causent le message d'erreur au démarrage12:07
ouroumovA moins que le message d'erreur dise spécifiquement que le truc de mise à jours à crash12:08
nmoije vais refaire un essai on en saura un peu plus12:08
nmoide retour ouroumov,voila mon/var/crash :_usr_bin_compiz.1000.crash  _usr_bin_mate-panel.1000.crash12:22
nmoi_usr_bin_lvpnc.0.crash      _usr_bin_transmission-gtk.1000.crash12:22
nmoi_usr_bin_lvpnc.1000.crash   _usr_bin_yelp.1000.crash12:22
olegbubottu: fr12:27
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:27
nmoibon, je vais essayer de supprimer les fichier dans le /var/crash et merci pour l'info . j'aurai peu etre plus de chance sur ubuntu-fr . Salut12:29
azid it possible to have the top left menu open when hovering on it? I think it would be a good alternative to gnome shell compiz thing13:18
azalso if there is one button to show open windows13:18
ouroumovFor the standard menu, I don't think there's an option to unfold when hovering13:23
ouroumov( I've looked in dconf org.mate.panel.menubar - not sure that's the correct place I never know how to use that hierarchy )13:24
azit would be cool IMO13:25
ouroumovaz, I've just looked at the MATE 1.14 changelog and I don't think it was implemented there either. If you really want the feature you might consider creating a Feature Request issue for this up on github?13:28
ouroumovaz, /etc/systemd/system.conf13:32
ouroumovsorry wrong c/c13:32
ouroumovaz: https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-menus/issues13:33
potatozillahi, i made a script that disable gnome keyring and removal seahorse installation files13:35
potatozillai've tested in my ubuntu mate13:35
potatozillaif anyone do test , give me a feedback13:37
azouroumov, https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-menus/issues/4013:48
azhope it described it13:48
ouroumovaz: aw crap13:56
ouroumovI think that's the wrong menu you're talking about13:56
ouroumovaz, you mean the one with the search field in the bottom right corner?13:57
azI mean all menus actually. they all need this.13:57
azI just discovered the one with the search now. it looks better13:57
azI was using some other software to launch that search in software. now with this the only thing missing is showing the open windows13:58
ouroumovaz, you're using synapse?13:59
ubuntu-mateanybody know,ubuntu mate supports locally inegrated menus like ubuntu unity?13:59
azouroumov, yeah14:00
ouroumovubuntu-mate, not sure what you mean but same question: have you tried Synapse? There was an integration effort of synapse in Ubuntu MATE.14:00
azI'm using Synapse it add searching in documents.14:01
potatozillai'm using synapse too14:01
azthe search in Mate menu does not have that when I checked14:01
ubuntu-matei mean - menus of programs is in windows decoration14:02
azpotatozilla, seems great, I assigned f8 to it to be faster to open14:02
=== don is now known as Guest81282
=== bob is now known as Guest34649
Guest34649Hey everyone. Good morning/evening -- depending upon where you live. Small problem: my screensaver is set to run at 3 minutes (standard). However, the screen dims then just returns fully lit, no screensaver action. Was wondering what /home file to reset14:08
ouroumovGuest34649, I've been seeing that happening too, and I think it was discussed on our forum, lemme check14:09
Guest34649ahhh, sweet!14:09
Guest34649I've been searching the net: didn't want to show up hat in hand on this one. Just can't seem to locate an answer yet.14:10
ouroumovGuest34649, https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/automatic-lock-screen-not-activating/5696/1514:11
Guest34649You are a ~gem~ ! Thank you very very much.14:11
ouroumovGuest34649, you have an account on the forum?14:13
Guest34649I'm going to make one once I'm done reading this thread.14:13
Guest34649I was encouraged to try Mint Cinnamon Rosa, but the software's too... old for me.14:14
Guest34649I tested 64-bit Mate, but my Brother MFC240c won't scan on 64-bit14:14
Guest34649Installed 32-bit and all is ~perfect~... except the wonky screensaver14:14
AkuliGuest34649, have you looked at its settings?14:15
Guest34649Yes; tinkered with it. Often my way of testing is to rename a config file/folder blah-OLD and try again14:15
Akulisure, keep a backup of your ~/.config around14:15
Guest34649mhmm! Never trash! Just rename til the new settings file/folder works just right. hehehee14:16
Guest34649so, it's tucked in ./config ?14:16
Akulithere should be screensaver settings in your menu14:16
Guest34649I mean, ~/.config ?14:16
Guest34649Perfect! I'll give that a shot.14:17
Akulisystem, preferences, screensaver14:17
Guest34649In the meanwhile, my sincerest thanks, Akuli. And will be joining the forum momentarily.14:17
ubuntu-matewhat do i prefer for my old laptop (dual core amd a6 chip) ubuntu with unity or ubuntu mate? ubuntu mate is really good, but i like lim menus in unity.14:20
ouroumovubuntu-mate, go to MATE Tweak -> Interface. In "Panels" try the "Mutiny" layout14:22
ouroumovIt doesn't work for every applications, but it's a topmenu alright14:23
ubuntu-mateouroumov, oh i must try it now, thank you14:24
ouroumovHello cristopher14:28
=== superkuh_ is now known as superkuh
=== wolf is now known as Guest81212
Guest81212Haw i instal Line ??14:51
maxspicetrying to uninstall firefox with apt purge, it wants to remove ubuntu-mate-core* ubuntu-mate-desktop* too. what to do?14:56
potatozillai was removed seahorse without uninstall the dependecies15:04
ouroumovmaxspice, it's been discussed in many threads on the forum: those are meta-packages and should be safe to remove15:04
ouroumovmaxspice, this behavior is on track to be corrected for the 16.10 release of Ubuntu MATE15:04
maxspiceouroumov: thank you!15:05
potatozillamaxpice, get the list of installed files in synaptic,searching for firefox,open properties,installed and remove all files related at firefox15:07
potatozillai did that with seahorse15:07
potatozillano more seahorse and gnome-keyring in my system :)15:08
Akulipotatozilla, if you want to remove installations manually you also need to remove the information about the install from a dpkg configuration file15:09
potatozillano has need for me15:10
=== ColtonDRG-ZNC is now known as ColtonDRG
potatozillai have searching for seahorse after removed manuaally and this show that are not installed15:11
Akulipotatozilla, now your system think gnome-keyring is installed... we can fix that if you like15:11
=== uaa is now known as Guest8972
potatozillai already was fixed15:11
Akuliit shows as installed in dpkg --get-selections15:12
Akulior doesn't it?15:12
potatozilladpkg -L seahorse15:13
potatozillano more files15:13
Akulihow about dpkg --get-selections | grep seahorse ?15:13
potatozillaoutput: "seahorseinstall15:14
potatozillais already uninstalled lol15:14
potatozillaand i've only removed manually15:15
Akulipotatozilla, if you want to we can tell dpkg not to treat it as installed15:16
potatozillabut it's isn't installed lol15:17
potatozillai've made a script for people that want remove seahorse and disable gnome-keyring15:18
potatozillaubuntu-mate-core, ubuntu-mate-desktop still on my system :)15:20
potatozilla3 daemons related at keyring are disable on startup, is better now that did15:21
potatozillabefore i was the problem with seahorse keyring storege facebook password and ubuntu one without asking15:23
potatozillabut now i free15:24
potatozillaakuli , after remove all installed files manually , you can run sudo dpkg -P --force-all seahorse ,to ensure that this really off from the system15:39
=== david_ is now known as Eightynine
EightynineHappy birthday Ubuntu MATE. Have just installed it instead of Fefora 24 XFCE.15:42
potatozillacake day for all us15:42
potatozillaparty hard!15:42
Guest34649I started with Breezy Badger and had a hard time remaining with Ubuntu with its new look. So I'm very pleased with Maté.15:43
EightynineFedora and Linux Mint are such a crap. DNF is lightning fast sometimes though.15:43
Guest34649I'm willing to help with Mate in any way possible. bbl15:43
flexiondotorgUbuntu MATE 16.10 Alpha 1 is coming up next week, so anyone looking to help, we love the extra testers :-)15:46
Eightynine13.119s instead of more than a minute in Linux Lite 3.0 and more than a minute on first boot and more than 30 seconds on every boot of Fedora. After kernel update I could start Fedora only some times. Linux Lite had problems with localization. Forgot to say, tty didn't work in Fedora.15:46
EightynineCan I remove Flash?16:11
AkuliYes. Say goodbye to it. It's crap.16:11
EightynineSame thoughts. I hate Trash Player.16:13
ouroumovYes. You. Can.16:13
AkuliUpPerCaSe Words.16:14
EightynineIs there Polari chat client in repositories?16:14
AkuliNo, I Think This Is Called CapsWords.16:14
Akuliapt-cache search polari16:14
Akulitry that16:14
EightynineTrying to remove Flasg and it says Package doesn't exist.16:16
Eightynine Package libhal1-flash isn't available16:16
ouroumovI think there's a one-click install / removal for flash in the Software Boutique16:19
AkuliEightynine, dpkg --get-selections | grep flash16:21
EightynineThank you. When trying to remove HexChat using terminal it says it will also remove desktop.16:21
ouroumovEightynine, yeah that's a meta package16:23
ouroumov-core too16:23
EightynineThat's bad.16:23
ouroumovYou should be able to remove those without breaking your system, according to the forum16:23
core50any admin of ubuntu-mate.org in here?16:33
core50I found a little bug in the website16:39
=== Guest8972 is now known as az
EightynineWhy is mintmenu not available?17:31
fifty-sevenCMine menu?18:06
Akulieightynine quit18:10
Akuliand there is a menu forked from it, it's just not called mintmenu18:10
=== ricardo is now known as Guest71679
MarioMeyHola, gente.19:46
MarioMey¿Qué se usa en Ubuntu-Mate para compartir escritorio y manejarlo remotamente?19:46
MarioMeyHello, there. What software is used to share desktop and controlling it remotly?19:47
MarioMeyOr something else?19:49
YankDownUnderRemmina works...there are other options...19:55
MarioMeyYankDownUnder: I instelled Remmina... but how do I make a computer to share itself?19:56
YankDownUnderMarioMey, https://github.com/FreeRDP/Remmina/wiki => aqui19:57
MarioMeyThere's a tutorial in web that says "search for 'share desktop'"... but I don't find it in Mate.19:57
YankDownUnderMarioMey, You would be using the application to search - and you'd also be making sure that whatever machine you're looking for is using RDP as well...19:58
MarioMeyYankDownUnder: what If my machine is what I want to share?19:59
YankDownUnderMarioMey, I would suggest the website => http://www.remmina.org/wp/ => as I do not use "Remmina", all of my remote connections are static/secure, or I use "Chrome Remote Desktop" for support... :)20:01
YankDownUnderMarioMey, And something else to read: https://github.com/FreeRDP/Remmina/wiki/Remmina-Usage-FAQ20:03
YankDownUnderDe nada20:03
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ubuntu-mateMATE IS FUCKING BAE21:40
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