
magespawngood morning05:26
Kilosmorning all05:38
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy anton_may 05:49
anton_maySo, I'm now in the process of finding a different hosting company. I cannot take this crap from Neotel anymore.06:01
thatgraemeguy*cough* *cough*06:02
thatgraemeguyI heard Hetzner are pretty good. o:-)06:02
anton_maylol can you guys do fibre?06:02
* pavlushka coughs too06:02
anton_mayyea looking at hetner and teraco06:03
pavlushkaMorning every one!06:03
thatgraemeguynot sure what "do fibre" means exactly but probably yes06:03
thatgraemeguywe also became a JINX peering point recently06:03
anton_maywell our internet access at the office. We have fibre from Neotel, 10 Meg, but getting only 6Meg06:04
thatgraemeguythen you need another ISP not another hosting company :)06:04
anton_mayand then hosting at the Neotel DC in Midrand06:04
anton_maywell both06:04
thatgraemeguyah, so maybe you need both :)06:04
thatgraemeguywe aren't an ISP, just hosting06:05
thatgraemeguystick to what you're good at, and be the absolute best ;-)06:05
anton_mayafter that inspirational quote, where is your hosting?06:06
anton_maywhich backbone are you guys on?06:07
thatgraemeguyEOH Carrier Services and Internet Solutions are our primary bandwidth providers06:07
thatgraemeguyhttps://hetzner.co.za/data-centre/ ;-)06:07
thatgraemeguyalso https://hetzner.co.za/colocation/06:08
* anton_may wipes the sleep from his eyes06:08
anton_mayso you jinx peering too now?06:09
anton_mayand you don't do managed firewall services?06:11
thatgraemeguymmm not that I'm aware of, let me double-check06:11
thatgraemeguythat's a nope06:12
anton_maykewl 06:13
anton_mayso i can plonk my tik and managed it mysqlf06:13
thatgraemeguyI'll try and find out if its anywhere on the wish list06:13
anton_mayno don't want ti06:14
anton_mayffs can't type today06:14
thatgraemeguyyeah, in colo you get a rack or half rack and an internet connection and you manage the contents yourself06:14
Kilosdont get so excited anton_may 06:14
thatgraemeguywe just make sure your internet stays live and your A/B power feeds stay online06:14
anton_mayawesome.....you don't know how much crap i've had with Neotel Kilos06:15
theblazehenthatgraemeguy: For co location it mentions "Traffic: R2.20 per GB (optional)" What is the base amount of traffic available for it?06:15
anton_mayyea we ave about 1.2 - 1.5 tb a month in bw06:16
thatgraemeguytheblazehen: honestly I'm not sure, I'm not directly involved in the colo side. I'd suggest you drop an email to sales@hetzner.co.za with any queries, I'd rather you get answers from those in the know than me providing information that's likely to be incorrect06:17
thatgraemeguyI do this stuff: https://hetzner.co.za/custom-hosting/06:17
theblazehenthatgraemeguy: Ok, ty06:18
andrewlsdMorning all06:27
chesedomorning all06:29
anton_mayWell going Hetzner will effectively drop our prices as well with 2/306:30
Kiloshi andrewlsd chesedo 06:33
andrewlsdhi Kilos06:34
andrewlsdMorning peeps, last night I attended a Kubernetes 1.2 presentation and came across "zatech" slack team. Interesting set of channels there (and the IRC bridge is enabled).  Just sharing that random bit of info, in case anyone here might also find it interesting06:41
magespawnanton_may: i may be able to help with the fibre, where are you?06:41
magespawnor more to the point where do you need the fibre?06:43
anton_mayWe are in Randburg06:43
Kilosi be go to hospital for meds07:01
inetprogood luck Kilos07:02
inetprogood mornings everyone07:02
=== thatgraemeguy_ is now known as thatgraemeguy
Kilosty inetpro be good07:14
=== magespaw1 is now known as magespawn
theblazehenWhy can't stuff be consistently broken, so that I can try find the problem :(07:20
magespawnahh, the intermittent problem, fun times07:20
paddatrapperMorning everyone08:13
magespawnhi paddatrapper 08:16
paddatrapperhow you doing magespawn?08:33
theblazehenIt's fixed now :(08:38
theblazehenhey paddatrapper, magespawn08:38
magespawngood and you paddatrapper?08:40
paddatrapperI'm good thanks, cold08:40
magespawnhey theblazehen, like Kilos says make notes.08:40
theblazehenmagespawn: Nothing to note..  Literally tried to do thing couple times, kept failing, then it worked, and kept working. I need to break it in the same way again so I can get to root cause08:41
theblazehenI didn't even turn it off and on again08:41
magespawndo you know how you broke it in the first place? that is usually the trick08:44
magespawnthat only applies to windows08:44
theblazehenmagespawn: Didn't do anything different than before or after. And I fixed postfix once by rebooting. Spent couple hours trying to fix it before the reboot.. From what I could tell, environment was exactly same before and afterthe reboot08:55
theblazehenLiterally said give me 10 containers, it would give me bewteen 3 and 7 ones, then it started making them all work08:56
theblazehenAnd before it was failing on node 1, then node 2, then node 1 and 2 sometimes, then none of them08:56
magespawnthere is a bug in the system, might even be a real bug09:00
theblazehenWell, we got a new version that fixed the one bug. But openshift origin is a pretty biggish system..09:00
grembleGood morning09:47
theblazehenhi gremble10:06
grembleHow are you theblazehen 10:07
theblazehenGood and you gremble?10:14
grembleI am well thank you10:15
thatgraemeguy      [====>................]  resync = 24.0% (234413376/976509952) finish=14.9min speed=826772K/sec11:59
Rynomsterhey Kilos :) decided to idle here again :)12:01
thatgraemeguyso this morning around 09:20 or so I got several PMs that were actually messages said here on the channel. anyone else?12:03
theblazehenthatgraemeguy: What are you building the RAID on? PCI-e SSDs?12:13
theblazehenWhat raid level?12:13
thatgraemeguySSDs of some sort, I'm not a hardware nerd12:13
thatgraemeguyoh sorry, 4 in RAID1012:17
magespawnsorry no thatgraemeguy altough it looks like you got one from me12:33
thatgraemeguyyeah :-)12:33
thatgraemeguyvery confused12:33
magespawnlets see just experimneting quickly12:34
magespawnjust tried /msg without a name to see if that would do it but apperently not12:36
magespawnstill confused12:36
superflythatgraemeguy: using Quasseldroid?12:45
thatgraemeguyyeah it was PMs from 4 or 5 people, so I dont think it was something on their side12:45
thatgraemeguyperhaps server-side, or znc hiccup12:46
thatgraemeguymeh, no biggie12:46
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
pavlushkahello everyone!14:09
theblazehenhey pavlushka14:21
pavlushkaHeya theblazehen14:22
Kiloshome at last14:38
Kilosneed food and tea14:38
pavlushkaKilos, sure14:38
pavlushkaSo what's up theblazehen?  broke my fast a while, feels like dead tired.14:52
theblazehenpavlushka: Eh, not much, and you?14:53
magespawnlater all home time16:00
nlsthznGreetings to all in ZA land16:30
Kiloshi nlsthzn 16:31
nlsthznuncle Kilos , hope you are well :)16:31
Kiloskida ty nlsthzn and you guys?16:32
nlsthznalive and kicking... I start working again tomorrow, sat on my arse for a month doing nothing 16:33
nlsthznannual leave... nothing out of the ordernary16:33
Kilosthats a horrible word to spell16:34
KilosMaaz spell ordinary16:34
MaazKilos: Yup, that's a word all right16:34
nlsthznspell checking not working it seems16:40
Kilosi dont use it, it dries me mad and does nothing to help ones spelling16:45
Kilosbeter om te soek in die dikpens merrie om woorde reg te leer spel16:51
* nlsthzn has no idea what that meant :p16:51
Kilosif you have to hunt for a word you remember it normally16:52
Kiloshi NaSb 16:52
nlsthznmy issue is when you don't know how to spell a word, how do you find it to know how to spell it16:57
Kilosask maaz17:00
Kilosi go eat17:00
NaSbHello kilos17:02
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
inetproeh Kilos, time to stop eating now, else you get fat18:06
inetprogood mornings 18:06
Kilosate full  but cant drink  enough18:07
Kilosone small cup tea this morning till we got home18:07
Kilosmorning inetpro 18:07
Kiloshi superfly 18:35
Kilosoh bushtech wb18:35
superflyhi Kilos18:37
chesedohi superfly, do you by any change have experience with Harp (much like nikola but js)18:40
* chesedo is thinking about using it for Ubuntu4Hope's site as it seems simplier than nikola18:45
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:13
* theblazehen will be afk for a couple days probably. Night all19:17

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