
=== gfidente is now known as gfidente|afk
smoserrharper, is there something in cloud-init that says is_ipv6_addr(address)14:39
rharpercloud-init/net ?14:39
smoseror something like that. given a list of addresses i want to filter out the ipv4 ones and the ipv6 ones.14:40
rharperlemme look14:40
rharpersmoser: I don't see anything specific, but I think ':' in addr is sufficient14:42
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=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb
=== gfidente is now known as gfidente|afk
harlowjarharper https://github.com/openstack/oslo.utils/blob/master/oslo_utils/netutils.py#L8418:09
harlowjaif u want another way18:09
harlowjabut that uses netaddr ...18:10
rharperharlowja: I wonder what netaddr does?18:20
harlowjathou shall look at the code?18:20
rharperyeah, looking now18:21
rharperharlowja: looks like a fancier versision of checking for '.'  ipv4 and ":" in ipv618:29
harlowjanice, ha18:29
harlowjawhere's the code for that18:29
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=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz
smoserrharper, i just pushed to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/trunk.smartos-fabric/ with what we'd worked on.23:21
NivexHi folks. I'm trying to boot an Ubuntu 16.04 Cloud image on an IPv6-only VLAN. I have the datasource set to local so it doesn't need to talk to the network, but it still hangs on Raise network interfaces for 5 minutes.23:33
=== dmsimard is now known as dmsimard|pto

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