
_jamsome apps are occasionally not displaying text. I think it only happens after resuming from a suspend, though I can't be sure01:38
_jammy google-fu is failing me. restarting the app doesn't help01:38
_jamrestarting the computer does, but that's not so helpful01:39
_jamrunning 16.0401:39
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viewer|83942Is Kubuntu 12.04 still supported?03:20
krytarikviewer|83942: Yes, till April next year still.03:26
viewer|83942I hope they don't push the change to systemd down to previous releases like Microsoft to Windows 7 for Telemetry03:27
krytarikChange the init system of a stable release?  Not really.03:30
ChetManlyhey since the driver manager, jockey is broken on my system, and my gui keeps freezing, how do I install the prop. drivers with muon or something05:01
=== nickgeoca is now known as linman
JohnDroidhello! When is the next kubuntu podcast planned?06:58
JunkHunkhello. how do I upgrade from 14.04.4 to 15.04 LTS?07:07
JunkHunkI cannot find the upgrade button anywhere07:07
hateball!ltsupgrade | JunkHunk07:08
ubottuJunkHunk: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.07:08
JunkHunkwill I be able to bypass the 15.04?07:10
JunkHunksorry i missed07:11
JunkHunkno 15.04 LTS07:11
JunkHunkokay but...wikipedia says that 16.04 LTS is already available since 2016-04.2107:12
JunkHunkbut not the automatic update got it07:12
hateballyou can force it, at your own peril07:12
hateball(I'd wait)07:12
JunkHunkokay then07:12
JohnDroidHi! Someone know when the next kubuntu podcast will be aired?08:03
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ret2libcJohnDroid: just out of curiosity: what do they talk about usually in those podcasts?08:36
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JohnDroidret2libc: they talk about what they are working on. They share their screen and showcase some of the new features in kde. They talk about what's going on in the KDE world. It's a bit long to follow and I hope future episode will be more professional, cause now it's amateur09:09
JohnDroidret2libc: they gives some feedback09:10
JohnDroidret2libc: you can read some of the shownotes.  https://goo.gl/jQltkq  https://goo.gl/v6xLxm09:11
ret2libcJohnDroid: i see! thanks09:43
ubottuKDE bug 364660 in general "coloured ls command doesn't have different colours for directories and files in "Solarized Dark" theme" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]09:43
Guest87969Whenever I click on the play button in vlc after pausing, I hear a crackling sound for small duration. I also hear at the startup. Any suggestions?(Kubuntu 16.04)09:47
lethuGuest87969: try launching vlc through a terminal09:48
lethuGuest87969: and wathch for feedback09:48
Guest87969lethu, output http://paste.ubuntu.com/17738362/09:53
Guest87969please check09:53
lethuGuest87969: try removing the "libvdpau-va-gl" package09:56
Guest87969lethu, can't find it. dpkg -l | grep libvdpau-va-gl gives nothing09:58
lethuGuest87969: try installing it then09:59
Guest87969which lib is it a part of?10:00
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lethucracklingsound: there should be a package named libvdpau-va-gl110:06
yossarianukI'm loving the fact that multiple monitor hot plugging works really well in Plasma 5.6.x !10:36
yossarianukseems flawless now10:37
hateballseems, being the keyword10:37
hateballAs there are still plenty of bugs both in Plasma and Qt. But yes, it works a lot better than stock 16.04 at any rate10:38
YankDownUnder...almost "Mac"-ish... ;)10:38
ankiwiMultimonitor with kubuntu is the easiest thing I've ever dealt with.10:49
g105bMany task launcher / switchers have the ability to switch or launch the task using keyboard shortcuts, but I can't figure out how to do this with kubuntu panels. Preferably I would like to press SUPER+1 through SUPER+9 to perform a click on the launcher that corresponds to that number. Is this possible to set up?12:17
JohnDroidWould it be possible in the future to download the iso file over HTTPS?12:47
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest68890
BluesKajHi folks13:00
=== totoro is now known as canada3
BluesKajhi canada315:52
canada3how are you  doing BluesKaj?15:53
BluesKajgood thanks, canada3, and you?15:54
canada3doing well! Just installed 15.10 for the first time a couple days ago, and I think it is just fantastic. Especially Plasma, holy cow!15:55
canada3I do have a question, that I am hoping is a simple fix. On Fedora they have an option to right click in any folder and say "Open in Terminal". Is this possible on Kubuntu? I use that feature a lot15:56
s_20uh, well, right click, actions, open in terminal (or similar)15:58
canada3so I did find that option15:59
canada3however, it only works on that folder specifically, when I go to another location, I have to add it to the list again15:59
canada3if that makes sense15:59
BluesKajcanada3, add it to the list?16:03
canada3is there a native way to screenshot in kubuntu?16:04
canada3I can show you16:04
BluesKajprtscn key should do it16:05
canada3now dolphin is crashing when I select actions16:06
canada3just a moment16:06
BluesKaj.then upload to imgur16:07
canada3Think I am going to have to reboot16:11
canada3dolphin is not playing nice16:11
acheronukon right click, under 'actions' I have 'open terminal here'16:11
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold
dbromi installed dropbox on a kubuntu system and not it wont load the GUI... any ideas y that happened18:12
Nani_Dragonhow did you install it?18:15
soeedbrom: try launching it from Krunner18:17
soeeALT + F2, and type: dropbox , ENTER18:17
BluesKajdbrom, like this ?  https://www.nixternal.com/kde-and-dropbox/18:18
soeeor open Kicker search for shortcut and click on it18:20
geniiheh, nixternal. Haven't seen him for ages18:23
Nani_DragonAnyone know of a good tool that will allow me to take quick screenshots and automatically upload them and give me a link?18:23
genii!info shutter | Nani_Dragon18:26
ubottuNani_Dragon: shutter (source: shutter): feature-rich screenshot program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.93.1-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1379 kB, installed size 17230 kB18:26
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest9690
=== nickgeoca is now known as linman
Nani_Dragongenii, weird, I am trying to install that from the software center and it keeps telling me that I cant because I have not authenticated18:45
ModManMatthey guys im having trouble with my kubuntu install is it better to use the older version?18:45
Nani_DragonThis operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided18:46
geniiNani_Dragon: Have you tried form Muon Discover instead?18:46
soeejust use Spectacle -> button Export Image -> Share -> Imgur18:47
soeeModManMatt: what problem18:47
Nani_Dragonwhat is that genii ?18:47
soeeNani_Dragon: [20:47] <soee> just use Spectacle -> button Export Image -> Share -> Imgur18:47
ModManMattgetting lots of errors that system is broken18:47
Nani_DragonI am in Muon Discover at the moment18:47
geniisoee: Is that in Wily? That is the release this user is on18:47
soeeModManMatt: on Xenial ?18:47
Nani_Dragonis Spectacle built in?18:48
ModManMattcanyt update or runn lots of apps seems like permissions all messed iup im running the newer 6 version18:48
soeewhy are you on Wily oO18:48
soeeModManMatt: sudo apt -f install18:48
geniiNani_Dragon: So no, disregard the Spectacle remark in this case18:48
ModManMattMalformed entry 54 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (Component)18:49
ModManMattE: The list of sources could not be read.18:49
ModManMattE: Malformed entry 54 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (Component)18:49
soeeWily EOL is July 201618:49
ModManMattE: The list of sources could not be read.18:49
ModManMattcant perform any admin commands it seems18:49
soeeModManMatt: install pastebinit18:49
soeethan: sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit18:50
soeeand paste link here pls18:50
ModManMatti cant even open stores now it says my configuration may be broken18:51
ModManMattinstall ./pastebinit18:52
soeewell than check what is on line 54 in /etc/apt/sources.list18:52
geniisoee: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list also works ;)18:54
soeenot if he can't install it18:54
ModManMattnop cant eoither :(18:54
ModManMattguess its time for a backup and reinstall18:55
ModManMattwas first install was bound to screw it up somehow18:55
ModManMattquestion is should i use older version of kubuntu or latest version18:55
ModManMattill do more reading next time i want to start ploaying with permssions on stuff lol18:56
ModManMattbut yeah i think this thing is fudged18:56
soeeuse Xenial atm. It is LTS, has latest Plasma etc.18:56
ModManMattXenial? got a link?18:57
ModManMattthis is old mac mini so need something good for old 32 bit setup18:57
BluesKajnoticed that if one uses the command : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nameofppa-ppa/name , the ppa shows up in the packagemanger gui like muon's settings>configure software sources, but not in the sources.list18:57
soee!download ModManMatt18:58
soee!download | ModManMatt18:58
ubottuModManMatt: Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php18:58
ModManMattfinaly got in soiurces list its empty18:58
geniiBluesKaj: It makes an unique entry usually in a separate file under the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/   directory18:58
ModManMattok i see ubuntu web xenial18:59
BluesKajoh right genii .doh! ..my memory fails me again18:59
soeerofl that link is brone :/18:59
soeeworking one: http://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/18:59
ModManMattdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/upubuntu-com/web/ubuntu xenial main19:00
ModManMattdeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/upubuntu-com/web/ubuntu xenial main19:00
ModManMattshould i get ver 16 or 15?19:00
geniiModManMatt: sed '54q;d' /etc/apt/sources.list19:00
ModManMattnot sure what you mena genie19:03
geniiModManMatt: What I mean is for you to type in, exactly: sed '54q;d' /etc/apt/sources.list19:05
geniiModManMatt: In Konsole or other terminal program, and then tell us what the result of that command is19:05
geniiBTW that upubuntu PPA has no packages for anything later than Quantal19:06
geniiThe command will tell us what is in that file on the 54th line19:08
ubottuKubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from http://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/19:08
yofelthere we go19:08
* genii makes sure yofel gets a fresh beverage19:08
* BluesKaj breaks the cooler open19:10
ModManMattdeb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu Extras19:11
ModManMattjust gonna backup and reinstall anyway it needs it to much crap everwhere from me gettting use to this os19:14
=== nickgeoca is now known as linman
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest32602
Nani_DragonI am having issues installing comics into the plasma comic widget, is there a trick or something?19:39
Nani_DragonI added it to the desktop, and when I click configure, and get comics, nothing happens19:39
soeeNani_Dragon: did you used the button to download some comics ?19:41
soeeby defautl there are not installed i think, you have to download some and check the checkbox for dowloaded items to use them19:42
Nani_DragonWeird, it would not let me download any19:44
Nani_Dragonwhen I clicked get comics, nothing happened19:44
Nani_Dragonhowever,  I found some comics in the software center19:45
Nani_Dragonadded them there, and now it works19:45
user|38837Hello, I just downloaded Kubuntu to a DVD, but how do I load it on my PC? I tried to open the disc but Windows 10 asks me which app I want to us to opne it19:51
soeeuser|38837: set boot priority in BIOS to CD/DVD19:52
soeethan Kubuntu will boot from CD/DVD and you will be able to test/install it19:53
user|38837I don't know how to do that. Sorry. How do i get to the BIOS?19:53
soeeyou usually press F2 or F12 when computer starts19:53
user|38837I am working on two PC's, chatting with youy on this one and trying to load Kubuntu on the other.19:54
user|38837OK thanks.19:54
Unit193soee: Heh, having a bad day botwise aren't you? :P19:54
soeeprertty good day :)19:55
user|38837No I am just forcing myself out of my comfort zone, want to be free of microsoft19:55
BluesKajuser|38837, wait for the computer manufacurer's logo page thewre will an instruction about whioch ket to press for the BIOS19:55
BluesKajfor example my HP uses F1019:57
beowuffDel is also very common.19:59
user|38837Hi, thx for help, sorry I was at the other PC. got it going, I used the URL you suggested, all good now, am installing.20:22
user|38837So far i am very impressed and pleased. Thank you.20:23
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=== darren is now known as Guest34677
user|38837I am having trouble hooking up my WiFi. I entered all the info in the settings, edit mode but it does not let me save it (OK).21:02
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=== darren_ is now known as darren__
soeeuser|38837: and do you have cable connection ?21:05
user|38837I right clicked on the wifi icon it said, not connected, I expanded it, a box has 4 tabs, I set up in each tab what I thought was correct, but the OK button is not clcikable.21:06
user|38837Yes, i am chatting with you on my other PC with it21:06
soeeuser|38837: can you plug that cable on second PC and add backports ppa and update system ?21:07
user|38837It is NetGear Modum21:07
user|38837Oh you mean a direct cable link?21:07
user|38837Yes I have to locate21:07
soeewell an option to get internet connection there :D21:07
soeeif you will have internet connection there type:21:08
soeesudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports21:09
soeesudo apt update21:09
soeesudo apt full-upgrade21:09
user|38837OK Thx21:10
user|38837it configured itself once i connected it. thx21:12
Nani_Dragonare you guys using Konversation, or some other program?21:16
geniiI prefer quassel21:17
Nani_Dragonis that terminal based?21:17
Unit193Irssi. :>21:17
soeekonversation :)21:18
Nani_DragonI like konversation, I just need to change the colors...21:18
bpromptNani_Dragon:   many folks prefer xchat, I've used konversation in the past, it wasn't that good, then again, that was a long while back,  you could always use Kvirc, which is what I ended  up uisng back then21:20
bprompterk, not xchat... though is what used, quite good btw, many folks prefer Hexchat these days21:21
Nani_Dragonthanks for the top, bprompt. what did you not like about it?21:21
bpromptNani_Dragon:     well, it didn't have any colors, as in, coloring each nick's lines, other clients like xchat, do that, and you can track many conversations or threads easy, since you know which color is who21:22
bpromptif you liked the "top", you may also like the "right" and "left" =)21:22
bpromptNani_Dragon:     the lines coloring makes a huge difference on a hectic channel21:23
geniiThe main issue with xchat is that it has been pretty much abandonware for a while21:24
geniiexample... xchat.org.. "Latest News" ..last entry is Aug 28 201021:25
ChetManlywhat am I looking for?21:25
genii!info sddm21:25
ubottusddm (source: sddm): modern display manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.0-1ubuntu5 (xenial), package size 271 kB, installed size 1201 kB21:25
Nani_Dragonbprompt: wonder if it does that now. I dont know much about IRC, just learning myself21:26
ChetManlyis there any other option for 16.04?21:26
bpromptChetManly:   option for ?21:26
Nani_Dragonline coloring21:26
geniiChetManly: You can still install lightdm-kde-greeter if you prefer that21:26
bpromptNani_Dragon:    I"m thinking so, most irc clients do, is a feature that helps greatly when tracking many nicks or threads21:27
ChetManlygenii: I dont perfer that but this unfinished sddm is driving me nuts21:27
bpromptChetManly:    what are  you looking for again?21:27
ChetManlyI like kdm and think it shouldnt have been abandoned until sddm works correctly21:27
ChetManlyI can use gdm cant I ?21:28
geniikdm has not been the default DM for a while now21:28
ChetManlyI know but I could still use it if I liked21:28
ChetManlyand I understand why they are getting rid of it .... but21:29
ChetManlylinux what choice from what I remember21:29
ChetManlycan I use gdm without dragging the environment here?21:29
geniiChetManly: There are many variants of the lightdm. Each flavour has one, for instance. You could install all of them, then just point /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to point to it21:30
Unit193gnome-settings-daemon (>= 3.2), gnome-shell (>= 3.10.1-2~), gnome-session | x-session-manager | x-window-manager | x-terminal-emulator,  no.21:30
geniiThere's also lxdm21:30
bpromptChetManly:    what's the issue with sddm? if I may ask21:31
geniibprompt: For one thing it spans screens21:31
ChetManlyor multi dispaly21:31
bpromptohhhh... ok21:31
geniiSo for two screens your login area is across the bezel21:31
bpromptyou could always just use Unity or lxdm21:32
ChetManlycan cannot set my monitor to be the lgoin screen so I have to turn my tv on to login21:32
Nani_Dragonbprompt: I get what you are saying21:33
geniiI had a similar proble, since my laptop screen died. i need to have the external as my primary. I just used an xrandr script and pointed lightdm to this21:33
Nani_Dragonits hard for me at the moment to follow all these separate conversations21:33
ChetManlywhat is the package ..that used to be called plasma quickaccess for your panel callled again,,, I cannot find it in repos21:34
* genii wanders off to do chores for about 30 minutes21:35
bpromptNani_Dragon:    and this channel isn't that busy, I've been in channels with around 300 folks and about 15 of them talking at the same time, and the screen scrolls constantly, there it makes a huge difference :)21:36
ChetManlyits like folder view except interactive21:36
ChetManlyNani_Dragon: change your color scheme21:36
ChetManlywhy isnt this in the repos ?21:39
ChetManlyit is by FAR the best panel folder access widget21:39
=== tiago__ is now known as lintx
bprompthmmm well....  dunno, I've never used it myself, I odn't see it for 16.04, so it was likely removed21:41
ChetManlyeverything always has to be lightweight21:42
ChetManlylike who installs kde to be lightweight21:42
ChetManlylightdm and the rest.... hands up, whos installing kde on their watch21:43
ChetManlythe days of 16 GB of ram and dedicated gpus and stuff...21:44
ChetManlykubuntu eye candy edition ftw21:45
ChetManlynetbooks are dead21:45
ChetManlyim surprised konversation made it in21:46
ChetManlyplasma quick access and the back button for the kmenu kicker are the two coolest small eye candy things missing21:48
ChetManlybreadcrumbs... thats easy navigate...21:48
Nani_DragonChetManly: do you have a recommendation for color scheme?22:06
ModManMattand im back with a fresh install22:22

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