
TikityTik2i have a 512 MB DDR2 single core 1.7 Ghz laptop11:13
TikityTik2how can i get the most performance from lubuntu-minimal?11:13
TikityTik2should I install lxde from the install disk? Or manually install lxde through apt-get?11:14
TikityTik2I tried to just use a window manager like jwm where lubuntu boots into it, but it's a big headache to setup and i have problems like video playback lag on youtube11:16
l-b_I just downloaded Lubuntu 14.04 LTS and did not find a live option12:06
l-b_looking back at it, that could be because I got the alternate image. I'll try desktop instead12:07
l-b_it's there indeed :D12:09
JunkHunkhello ater upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 the admin login takes me to an empty desktop with reporting program problem warnings I can ctrl+Alt+t and open a terminal and everything looks okay but the desktop...when I login with a guest account I get a pid error but the desktop is okay...which could be the easiest solution here? I am using lubuntu and non-pae so I cannot reinstall the system14:52
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