
smoseri'd really appreciate it if someone could take a look at the cloud-init upload in xenial-proposed.00:26
smoserI dont intend to be quick about moving it out of proposed at all, but would like it to get *in* to proposed to further testing.00:26
smoserbug 157787200:27
ubottubug 1577872 in curtin (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] curtin in yakkety to supported releases" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157787200:27
smoserbah. bug fail00:28
smoserbug 159530200:28
ubottubug 1595302 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] xenial cloud-init update" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159530200:28
ubuntu__here something i don't get in /proc/iomem the sound is apparently using this mmap  address  f7d30000-f7d33fff : ICH HD audio doing out the math you only have 16 KB of memory for the buffer of audio . If your sampling  at 32-bit, 192 kHz how is this buffer going to be large enough. Maybe i am misunderstanding something04:35
mgedminthat's probably just the control registers04:50
mgedminI would expect audio buffers to be DMAed from the main memory04:50
cpaelzergood morning05:32
Skuggennacc: Just in case it wasn't clear, it does mean it's actually trying to connect to a database named "${db_name}"05:36
Skuggennacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17732610/05:36
Skuggennacc: And that the user is valid, or you wouldn't see the «to database» bit05:36
pittiGood morning06:14
pittirbasak: mysql-server-5.7 is now the only remaining rdepends of initscripts in the whole yakkety archive; sooo tempted to cherry-pick that upload to finally finish it off..06:15
pittirbasak: would that actually get in your way somehow?06:15
ubuntu__So i am wondering about how this acpi works for advanced configuration power interface really confused06:16
ubuntu__curious anybody familar with how these ports work06:16
ubuntu__  0400-0403 : ACPI PM1a_EVT_BLK06:16
ubuntu__   0404-0405 : ACPI PM1a_CNT_BLK06:16
ubuntu__   0408-040b : ACPI PM_TMR06:16
ubuntu__   0410-0415 : ACPI CPU throttle06:16
ubuntu__   0420-042f : ACPI GPE0_BLK06:16
ubuntu__   0450-0450 : ACPI PM2_CNT_BLK06:16
ubuntu__I have these ports for it06:16
ubuntu__And  d9ff9000-da2f9fff : ACPI Non-volatile Storage06:17
ubuntu__da35b000-da5dafff : ACPI Non-volatile Storage06:17
ubuntu__da5db000-da5dffff : ACPI Tables06:17
ubuntu__da5e0000-da622fff : ACPI Non-volatile Storage06:17
ubuntu__for the mmap06:17
ubuntu__I understand it is made some how platform independent uses some type of bytecode though  don't really get it at all there are like  tons of tables with in the ACPI TABLE 20kb address space  like DSDT SSDT XSDT ...06:19
ubuntu__Anybody good with this stuff06:19
rbasakpitti: an upload to Yakkety? That's fine if you want to upload it.06:27
pittirbasak: yes, that; ok, thanks06:31
=== athairus is now known as afkthairus
LocutusOfBorgpitti, please try ubuntuone-dev-tools against python-coverage in proposed? :) thanks06:55
LocutusOfBorgor the opposite is even better06:55
pittiLocutusOfBorg: err, python-coverage pulls in ubuntuone-dev-tools? that sounds strange06:56
pittiLocutusOfBorg: running: http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running.shtml#pkg-ubuntuone-dev-tools06:59
LocutusOfBorgubuntuone-dev-tools has a test with coverage06:59
LocutusOfBorgand the coverage in proposed is fixed, together with ubuntuone-dev-tools in proposed06:59
pittibut it seemed to me that the new python-coverage regresses06:59
pittioh, ok, great06:59
pittimvo: btw, I uploaded https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-core-launcher/1.0.30ubuntu1 last night, it broke too many things07:00
LocutusOfBorgso, I guess you can retry the one against python-coverage, make python-coverage migrate, and then I can retry the one on ubuntuone-dev-tools and see it migrate too :)07:00
LocutusOfBorgor you can retry them both, as you like07:00
pittimvo: still makes stuff uninstallable (http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt), but I'll leave that other transition to you :)07:01
LocutusOfBorgI'm leaving, thanks pitti07:01
mvopitti: thanks and sorry, we meant to release a new version but there were some hickups there too07:02
LocutusOfBorgthanks pitti it worked flawlessly08:12
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flexiondotorgAnyone able to review a trivial merge proposal for indicator-session that would really help out Ubuntu MATE? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-dev/indicator-session/mate-compatibility/+merge/29718308:27
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kmadacHello, I would like to ask where to find ics-dhcp-client package repository for ubuntu xenial. I tried to make "bzr branch ubuntu:isc-dhcp-client isc-dhcp-client.dev", but I get Invalid url error. Thanks08:39
Odd_Blokekmadac: UDD (which provides bzr branches for packaging) is not used for xenial, so AFAIK your best is to use pull-lp-source in the ubuntu-dev-tools package.08:40
kmadacOdd_Bloke: Thank you :)08:41
Odd_Blokepitti: Good morning!  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/1584393 looks like an ifupdown/SSH systemd deadlock/race condition on xenial; do you have the time to dig in to it?08:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1584393 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "systemctl restart networking hangs reloading ssh.service" [Undecided,New]08:46
pittihey Odd_Bloke08:57
pittiOdd_Bloke: I can't reproduce this in a VM, but yes indeed, looks like a deadlock08:59
pittiOdd_Bloke: it could be fixed in openssh's if-up.d hook to reload asynchronously08:59
pittior in invoke-rc.d to make all reloads async, but this is prone to break other things which expect it to block until it's actually done08:59
Odd_Blokepitti: (If you do want a system to look at, I've `ssh-import-id pitti`'d on ubuntu@
pittialso, utterly low-prio -- restarting networking has never worked at all under upstart, and now it at least seems to work most of the time09:00
Odd_Blokepitti: Yeah, I'm only asking because we're beginning to hear from partners about it.09:00
pittiOdd_Bloke: works on your system too09:01
Odd_Bloke... It didn't before.09:02
Odd_Blokepitti: Thanks for the bug comment. :)09:10
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Unit193jbicha: Howdy.  Do you plan to package numix-gtk-theme as well?09:45
Unit193Ah, #827792 I see.09:47
mwhudsoni'm sure i'm missing something obvious (and i'm tired and my brain isn't working)09:48
mwhudsonbut can someone explain to me why golang-defaults is not migrating?09:48
mwhudsonit says "golang-any-shared-dev/amd64 unsatisfiable Depends: golang-any"09:48
mwhudsonbut golang-any is made by the same package...09:49
mwhudsonand the package installs fine09:51
Unit193jbicha: Also FWIW Shimmer/Xubuntu may look into the GTK-3.20 patch here soon, but since Ubuntu is standing still on that it's not a high priority in Greybird, at least last I knew.09:57
Unit193...It'd be weird for the GTK theme to dep on the icon theme, I'd believe.  Recommends or suggests would be better.10:00
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shemgpis this where i ask for help in fixing an ubuntu bug in a package?10:43
shemgpbzr branch ubuntu:tomboy tomboy.dev from http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/udd-getting-the-source.html#branching doesn't seem to work in my machine10:43
shemgpsays: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu/tomboy/".10:43
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brendandhas anyone here ever tried configuring virsh/kvm to run an ipv6 (only) network? i'm a bit lost as to why it won't work13:10
pittirbasak: yay, mysql-5.7 went in, with it the new sysvinit, so initscripts is history now \o/13:36
infinitypitti: Do you have some armhf autopkgtest machines running trusty kernels and some running xenial kernels?13:43
infinitypitti: I'm seeing a regression on glibc/wily that looks suspiciously related to running kernel.13:44
pittiinfinity: ah, in fact I do; have one with t/w/x each, to bisect bug13:44
pittithe "old" LXC nodes on cyclops all run xenial13:45
pittibut I also have some new scalingstack ones13:45
infinitypitti: I guess there's no way to direct a job at a specific machine? :P13:45
pittiinfinity: but this is actually obsolete, it's not due to the VM guest kernel; so I can bring them all up to xenial again13:45
pittiinfinity: there is with some hand-holding13:45
infinitypitti: Of course, if the goal is to bring them all to xenial, that doesn't help me here. ;)13:46
pittiinfinity: we record the kernel version, so it's easy enough to check13:46
pittiinfinity: oh, you are saying xenial's is *worse*?13:46
infinitypitti: Since it's the xenial builds that fail, all the green ones are trusty.13:46
pitti'cause that's all we've ever had13:46
infinityWell, the random sampling of green that I've looked at.13:47
infinityThey all look to be 3.1313:47
infinityOnly those select few reds were 4.4.013:47
infinityBut I've not been patient enough to download *all* the logs.  If you can prove me wrong, I'm all for it. :)13:48
pittithat indeed was a trusty kernel, yes (green)13:48
pittiinfinity: right, the cyclops boxes run trusty kernels on xenial userspace as newer kernels don't work on those any more13:49
pittiI forgot, sorry13:49
infinity"cyclops" being... highbanks?13:49
infinityIf highbank regressed in xenial, we should fix that.13:49
pitti(Calxeda nodes)13:49
infinityIt's meant to work, so the bug is likely downstream.13:49
pittiyeah, may just be a config issue13:50
pittiAFAIR, it doesn't boot because it doesn't find the root fs, maybe missing driver13:50
infinityNone of this is your problem.  I don't care what kernels the autopkgtest machines run (well, I care for kvm ones, but for lxc runners, whatever), just making sure my hypothesis that tst-signal6 regresses on newer kernels indeed matches your data.13:51
pittiyes, I agree13:51
infinityapw: ^-- On armhf, tst-signla6 is going to flap based on which node you land on, if you grep the log for "running kernel", 3.13 should be fine, 4.4 is bust.  That's not a new regression.13:54
apwinfinity, ack thanks14:49
roadmrHello folks! Firefox 47.0 breaks Selenium, is there a way to get the immediately previous version (46.0)? on Trusty, the only other one I see is 28.0 which is too old :(14:50
naccSkuggen: yep, it's something screwed up during the build, I'm just trying to backtrack with dbconfig where it's getting that database name from. Thanks for the tip!14:51
naccroadmr: is there a bug filed?14:53
naccubuntu__: i think i mentioned this to you earlier this week; that's not really a question for this channel. Ask in #linux or find an ACPI related channel using alis14:53
roadmrnacc: not on Ubuntu, I think. There's this: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/211014:54
naccroadmr: ok, it may help to file a bug in LP and explain. You can see from the changelog (http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/f/firefox/firefox_47.0+build3-0ubuntu0.14.04.1/changelog) that many versions have been published in trusty.15:19
naccrbasak: ugh, this bacula bug is teaching me quite a bit about dbconfig :) ... but not making much progress15:20
naccelbrus: oddly, in /var/log/dbconfig-common/dbc.log: "populating database via sql...  done.", but http://paste.ubuntu.com/17749799/15:22
naccelbrus: that's the the dbconfig output with set -x enabled in the common file15:22
cjwatsonroadmr: you can get older versions by manually downloading the .debs, starting from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+publishinghistory15:24
roadmrcjwatson: awesome!!! thanks! I'm sure I can hack something to use that for my broken tests. Cheers!15:26
naccroadmr: i would try the immediately preceding one first and then it's obviously a regression, etc.15:27
roadmrnacc: it is; Firefox 46.0 works just fine15:28
naccroadmr: ah ok15:35
naccrbasak: elbrus: found it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17750447/15:35
=== davidcalle is now known as davidcalle_afk
naccrbasak: fyi, i might need some assistance from you eventually if bacula needs actual mysql changes (they do some db upgrade stuff in the debian pacakging, and i don't think it's been updated for 5.7) (the last upgrade file mentioned in the contents is 5.2.0)15:55
naccrbasak: still trying to figure out how dbconfig generates files like '/usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/bacula-director-mysql/install/mysql'15:57
nacc        $(foreach db,$(VARIANTS),$(shell debian/scripts/install-dbconfig $(db)))15:57
nacci totally see why dbconfig is better for maintainers, but quite difficult to debug :)16:04
dokoapw, is linux-hammerhead still a supported kernel?16:05
apwi don't think it ever was supported, that was an rsalveti job i think no ?16:05
=== afkthairus is now known as athairus
apwrtg ^ ?16:06
ogra_cjwatson, is https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus dead (LP just told me to check it in the "Uh Oh" message)16:28
cjwatsonogra_: it's alive, but having it be updated for a random unscheduled firewall failure would rather depend on there being any Launchpad staff around for whom it's a reasonable timezone and who aren't on leave.16:29
jbichaUnit193: https://github.com/numixproject/numix-gtk-theme/issues/48816:35
ogra_cjwatson, ah, i thought it is a bot16:36
semiosishmmm launchpad is not working.  probably due to the flood of replies to the comment I left on bug 1565985 earlier today!16:46
ubottubug 1565985 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "vagrant vb ubuntu/xenial64 cannot mount synced folders" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156598516:46
semiosisheh, it just started working again16:46
semiosisaww, there weren't any replies to my comment16:47
infinitysemiosis: We had a datacenter spontaneously reboot.  You didn't break it. :P16:51
semiosisouch.  good luck with that16:52
elbrusnacc: your last message is it...16:53
* elbrus means http://paste.ubuntu.com/17750447/16:53
naccelbrus: yeah, i'm trying to work through dbconfig's generator to see why that's happening16:53
elbrusnacc: dbconfig-common taks that from bacula16:53
nacci think it's a bad variable subsittution in the bacula build16:54
elbrusnacc: I thought you figured that out yesterday while I was still on-line16:54
elbrusisn't /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/bacula-director-mysql/install/mysql in the bacula package, no mistery there I think16:55
naccelbrus: i'm fully new to dbconfig, so i didn't realize that; or which particular file it was16:55
naccelbrus: now i know, and am trying to work out what's generating that file16:55
elbrusdid you read the documentation?16:55
elbrusespecially the design document16:55
elbrusonly about 3 pages IIRC16:56
naccelbrus: yep, after realizing this, reading that now16:56
naccelbrus: so bacula has this debian/scripts/install-dbconfig file; which contains the lines: extract_here("src/cats/make_".$longdb."_tables", "debian/bacula-director-$db/$DBC/bacula-director-$db/install/$db");16:57
naccbut that source file is a shell script, and it seems like it's getting parsed somehow16:58
naccbecause what ends up in install/mysql is just SQL syntax16:59
elbruswhat do you mean with "parsed"?16:59
elbrusduring build?16:59
naccelbrus: let me show you the contents16:59
elbrusit's not shell, it's perl17:01
elbrussee the first line17:02
* elbrus doesn't read perl...17:02
naccelbrus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17755004/17:02
naccelbrus: yes, install-dbconfig is perl, but not he file it's installing17:03
elbrusnacc: where does your /bin/sh point to?17:05
naccelbrus: dash, the default in ubuntu, i think17:05
* elbrus has to attent to a little girl, back in an hour or so17:06
naccelbrus: np, thanks17:06
naccelbrus: ah i figured it out17:10
naccelbrus: the perl script snips out everything between the two herefile markers17:10
naccthis can't ever have worked...17:10
naccelbrus: ah, and at some point, debian did manually sed this file17:17
naccelbrus: rbasak: upstream bug, fixed in the latest upstream git17:29
naccelbrus: also that datetime issue fixed upstream too :)17:29
nemoWhat's wrong with bugs.launchpad.net ?17:36
sarnoldnemo: I understand a datacenter lost power17:37
nemosarnold: huh. hosted in california or something?17:38
nemobut aight. can wait17:38
sarnoldnemo: I think this one is in london17:38
nemosarnold: huh. the power shutdowns and decent into mad max chaos weren't supposed to happen until 21:00 UTC17:43
sarnoldnemo: funny thing about descents into mad chaos..17:44
elbrusnacc: great17:59
Unit193jbicha: Gotta say, not seen that one.  It only happen in MATE?18:03
jbichaUnit193: AFAIK, MATE's theme chooser is the only thing that cares about a gtk theme setting an icon theme18:05
jbichaif no icon theme is set, it won't even show up in the chooser18:05
jbichaand if an icon theme is set but that theme isn't available, it'll show up but with a warning18:06
Unit193Well, recommends are installed both in Debian and Ubuntu, so might make sense to be able to install one without the other, no?18:06
naccUnit193: only if you use `apt`; `apt-get` doens't install recommends by default (iirc)18:07
Unit193nacc: False, both get recommends.18:07
naccUnit193: ah you're right sorry, i chagned my local config :)18:07
jbichaI don't think it helps any thing to demote it from depends to recommends18:08
Unit193Hah, that's fine.  Only flavor that doesn't get recommends is Lubuntu.18:08
Unit193jbicha: It'd give the user the option to uninstall it if the user doesn't plan on using it, while still being able to use the GTK theme.  Was just asking as it doesn't actually require it to run, I've been using it for a while and never noticed a thing (or message.) :)18:12
jbichaso for MATE's benefit, we need to depend on some icon theme: probably numix or adwaita18:12
jbichawho uninstalls icon themes?18:12
naccelbrus: re: zero date. Upstream bacula (as well as the version in debian/ubuntu, did this: http://www.bacula.org/git/cgit.cgi/bacula/commit/?h=Branch-7.4&id=36d647345df3c98a2cc1ad24af31e73aaff4a2e9)18:43
naccwhy doesn't that work?18:43
naccis it an implicit 0 now?18:43
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bdmurraycoreycb: There is a version of horizion already in xenial-proposed.  Should that be verified and release first?18:59
coreycbbdmurray, the version in the queue fixes a bug found in testing of the proposed package18:59
coreycbbdmurray, that doesn't answer your question but maybe it does indirectly19:02
bdmurraycoreycb: it did, thanks19:02
coreycbbdmurray, ok, thanks19:02
bdmurraycoreycb: oh hrmph, the bug (1594249)  didn't have any horizon tasks so didn't get commented on19:04
coreycbbdmurray, I see a comment from you.  it may be confusion between the source package being horizon and binary package being openstack-dashboard.19:07
coreycbbdmurray, thanks for the review19:08
bdmurraycoreycb: launchpad tracks bugs about source packages not binary packages19:09
bdmurraycoreycb: there's nothing here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openstack-dashboard19:09
coreycbbdmurray, that is weird, I wonder why it's valid as a target for the bug19:11
coreycbbdmurray, awesome we have a bunch of bugs here too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openstack-dashboard19:11
coreycbbdmurray, alright let me retarget that19:12
bdmurraycoreycb: I think it used to be a source package19:12
coreycbbdmurray, ok.  I'll chat with jamespage about it and see if we can clean things up.19:13
coreycbbdmurray, that's like half an alphabet ago :)19:15
Unit193...Any chance 1562358 / 1582713 will get in through a SRU, or should I just try and backport it?19:22
krytarikjbicha: Honestly, I'd just follow what the Debian policy lays out there: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps19:22
jbichakrytarik: since recommends are not always installed and since it's broken on MATE if the icon theme isn't installed, I believe a depends is the right choice19:32
seb128jbicha, what package/what sort of breakage?19:32
jbichaseb128: https://github.com/numixproject/numix-gtk-theme/issues/48819:33
jbichaI'm just having numix-gtk-theme depend on numix-icon-theme19:33
seb128that feels wrong19:34
jbichaI could set IconTheme=Adwaita and depend on adwaita-icon-theme instead19:34
seb128well, a gtk theme doesn't depends on icons19:34
seb128recommends seems about righ19:35
Unit193Thanks, seb.19:35
jbichathey used to, MATE has a lot of old tech19:35
roadmrhey folks, where can I learn more about the process a package needs to go through to make it out of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue and into the archive?19:35
jbichaapt depends light-themes19:37
jbichaapt depends mate-themes19:37
naccroadmr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration ?19:37
seb128jbicha, if you had numix-theme I would say add the depends19:38
roadmrnacc: awesome! reading, thanks!19:38
seb128but you have -gtk-theme19:38
jbichabut it's broken in MATE, did you see the screenshot?19:38
naccroadmr: np, it links to several other pages, etc19:38
seb128jbicha, broken like missing from the theme selector?19:39
seb128or like not working if selected in a manual config?19:39
Unit193Sounds like a but in MATE to me.19:40
jbichait looks bad in the theme selector19:40
seb128well, the theme selector is only one UI19:40
seb128if the gtk theme runtime is fine when manually selected then it's not a depends19:40
seb128recommends as "should be there"19:40
jbichaok, how about I just change IconTheme to Adwaita and not depend or recommend on any icon theme19:42
jbichaGTK3 depends on adwaita-icon-theme so it won't be broken19:43
krytarikjbicha: Well, you can still leave it set like that - Greybird does that too, for example.19:45
jbichakrytarik: that's a bug for MATE users then, I recommend it be patched in Ubuntu19:48
elbrusnacc: I don't know those internals of MySQL, but I guess you'll have to set a different default then?19:54
naccelbrus: yeah, i'm not sure; your cacti change did work, so maybe i'll just do that, but it seems like it shouldn't have complained at all (aiui). I'll ask rbasak  :)19:55
naccelbrus: reading the mysql pages about this, i think we just do what you did with cactui19:57
=== tumbleweed_ is now known as tumbleweed
krytarikjbicha: I see no reason to make a difference between Debian and Ubuntu there.20:36
ubuntu__Does anybody know where this driver is located 0 inteldrmfb its for /dev/fb0  cann't find it under lsmod so not a module and cann't find it in kallsyms so doesn't look like its a built in kernel function so where the heck is this driving program for the framebuffer?20:37
naccubuntu__: you've been doing this for days now. Please stop asking non-Ubuntu development questiosn here.20:37
naccubuntu__: ask in #ubuntu or #linux20:38
naccUnit193: thanks! :)20:38
Unit193Sure thing!20:38
jbichakrytarik: sure, Greybird should be packaged for Debian too (in Ubuntu, it's in shimmer-themes currently) :)20:48
Unit193In Ubuntu it's in the src:shimmer-themes and pkg:greybird-gtk-theme, in Debian it's in src/pkg:murrine-themes...20:49
jbichaUnit193: cool, thanks for the pointer20:51
Unit193jbicha: Sure, it's certainly not ideal, and I wouldn't recommend it in Debian as the last update was in June, and since then 3.20 has come out.  You have seen the Fedora patch that fixes Greybird for .20 I believe, though.  Done much testing on it?20:52
jbichano I haven't tried the greybird patch yet20:56
Unit193Ah, OK.  Testing feedback could likely be useful if you were inclined, but that's more GNOME's stuff.20:58
krytarikjbicha: To be clear, I'm referring to your 'Numix → Adwaita' icon theme change in Debian and back in Ubuntu - imo should be Numix in both.21:05
ubuntu__well think i figured out what /proc/fb  comes from this line in kernel code  strcpy(info->fix.id, "inteldrmfb");21:08
ubuntu__all leave it at that kind of a dump thing to but into inteldrmfb how does that string help anything in finding the driver and code its not any name corrosponding to anything21:09
jbichakrytarik: I changed numix-gtk-theme in Debian new to just use Adwaita by default (for MATE) and not depend on any icon theme21:09
jbichaand it'll be synced to Ubuntu21:09
ikoniaubuntu__: you've been told - this channel is not for this discussion21:10
ikoniaubuntu__: please do not start up in here after you've been told not to use this channel21:10
ubuntu__but i will leave it at that i have found the built in driver code so its not an LKM  so lsmod won't list it  kallsyms has it but as   intelfb_create the real name for it . And this is where i stop thanks  goodbye21:10
naccrbasak: elbrus: alright, bacula-director-mysql does install now (my last test build), but does require mysql-server to be fully installed & configured first (ordering isn't working if installed as part of the bacula install)21:22
naccrbasak: should we pre-depend on mysql-server?21:22
naccrbasak: in the bacula pacakge, that is21:22
elbrusnacc: the issue with MySQL (and other databases) is that it may not be running on the same host21:27
elbrusso if you add a (pre) depends, you are annoying admins that don't want the MySQL server on the same host21:28
naccelbrus: oh right, you mentieond this, sorry!21:28
naccelbrus: yep, and i think that's why the ubuntu wiki specifically mentions having the sql server alrady configured21:28
elbrusthat is why in general packages that need MySQL have dependecies on the client, but not on the server21:28
naccright, makes sense21:28
naccelbrus: well, i think bacula with these 3 changes is in a much better state; continuing to debug the remaining bugs21:29
elbrusunfortunately, the Debian dependency system does not facilitate this21:31
naccelbrus: yep, understood (or learning to understand.. :)21:31
elbrusone of the reasons why dbconfig-common exists...21:31
elbrusto make sure that packages don't need to invent this all21:31
elbrusagain and again21:31
elbrusit isn't easy21:31
naccyep, i am learning that! :)21:32
elbrusalso dbconfig-common doesn't get it all correct21:32
* elbrus tries to still fix some difficult bugs before the next Debian release21:32
naccelbrus: thanks for all your help, again!21:34
* elbrus is off to bed...21:35
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naccPharaoh_Atem: can you take a look at LP: #1571436 ?23:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1571436 in wordpress (Ubuntu Xenial) "Needed update to nginx example config file due to dependency change" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157143623:12
naccteward: --^ maybe you too23:12
tewardnacc: that's a Universe package right?23:14
teward!info wordpress xenial23:14
ubottuwordpress (source: wordpress): weblog manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.4.2+dfsg-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 3403 kB, installed size 16968 kB23:14
naccteward: yeah :)23:14
naccteward: feel free to say no :)23:14
tewardtake a torch to it23:14
tewardand burn the package with flame23:15
teward4.4.2 is ancient23:15
tewardat least according to WP23:15
tewardriddled with many security holes23:15
teward4.5.3 is latest23:15
tewardand between 4.4.2 and 4.5.0 i think there were six security patch updates?23:15
tewardfoo i broke my fileshares23:15
tewardnacc: probably an easy fix... if someone goes and looks at the example php-fpm configs in the nginx package currently23:16
tewardor my blog for that matter23:16
naccteward: yes, well, i'll probably sync it for yakkety23:16
tewardnacc: http://dark-net.net/?p=12523:16
naccteward: but our goal should be working packages, even if they are out of date (or so it seems)23:16
naccteward: thanks, i'll refer to it23:16
tewardnacc: true, but i'm not going to go poking every php package that happens to break OOTB when nginx isn't even listed in rdepends23:17
teward(for either suggest or recommends)23:17
tewardnacc: fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;  <-- socket for the conf file23:17
naccteward: ack, hence you can say no :)23:17
tewardnacc: i'm not touching it23:20
tewardPharaoh_Atem: ^ if you want to, you can refer to the nginx default conf currently, or the blog post I linked (http://dark-net.net/?p=125), it's the migration that broke it :)23:23
teward(from 5.x -> 7.0)23:23
=== alexisb is now known as alexisb-afk

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