
FourDollarsHi, how can I see the debug messages for ubiquity in live system?07:47
FourDollarsI tried to execute "sh -c ''ubiquity --debug gtk_ui'" in gnome-terminal but there is no debug message at all.07:49
FourDollarsOops, never mind. I found it at /var/log/installer/debug.07:52
fish_is there an easy way to add dkms modules to the ubuntu installer?12:52
fish_or do I have to buuld the modules myself and add them to the initrd?12:52
fish_actualyl I just realize therre is already a module in the kernel package but it's not included in the installer initrd15:14
fish_neither can I select it in the raid driver prompt15:14
fish_oh wait.. it's there for 3.13.0-24-generic, but the trusty-updates installer kernel is 3.13.0-5415:15
fish_ah no, sorry wrong suite. it's in trusty-updates15:18
fish_..but only for ppc *sigh*15:21
cyphermoxwhich module?15:23
fish_cyphermox: pm80xx15:23
cyphermoxtypically all the drivers you need are included in the kernel; from there it may depend what media you use to install15:25
fish_cyphermox: are there multiple variants of the installer initrd?15:25
fish_http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/ <- I'm using this and it doesn't include the module15:26
cyphermoxnah, that seems like the right one, unless you want to use the ubuntu-server iso.15:36
fish_I want to install ubuntu servers, yes ;)15:36
cyphermoxsure, but there is either this link you pasted, which is the netboot installer, or you can use the big iso file that doesn't require network.15:37
fish_requiring network is fine, I just need it to load or include the raid controller module15:38
cyphermoxwhen you run the netboot installer, you should be asked at some point to install extra installer components15:38
cyphermoxfrom there I would expect pm80xx to be in scsi-modules or something15:38
fish_it just says no disk drive detected and pm80xx isn't included in the driver list15:40
fish_but as I said, looks like there is no kernel module for the current trusty-updates installer15:40
cyphermoxyes, there are, but some aren't just installed automatically15:54
cyphermoxif you go back to the menu, you should see that you can download extra installer components15:54
cyphermoxfrom that list, there ought to be 'scsi-modules' which I think is the extra bits you need for pm80xx to work15:55
cyphermox OTOH, it may be that the module just isn't included at all15:58
cyphermoxfish_: best would be to ask on #ubuntu-kernel for a kernel, or file a bug... it looks like it's maybe not in any of the -modules packages for d-i15:59
cyphermoxotherwise, it may be worth trying to use the server cd image:15:59
fish_but the server cd image is, well, a cd image and I need a initrd to pxe boot16:00
cyphermoxthere probably wouldn't be a difference there then16:01
fish_I'll patch the initrd myself, that should work16:01
fish_just need to figure out where to get those drivers.. ;)16:01
fish_at least I found the one for the other raid controller we have16:01
cyphermoxfish_: you can file a bug or ask on #ubuntu-kernel to get the driver you need added to the d-i initrds, if that helps16:03
fish_cyphermox: but the driver isn't even available in the regular kernel debs16:05
cyphermoxall the more reason to ask the kernel team about it :)16:09
cyphermoxsorry, I don't touch the kernel itself16:09
CarlFKhow do I install onto an odroid c2? (and no saying "download some random binary image..." :p16:57
CarlFKwell.. the installer kernel is a binary image I guess..  but trusted source so it's ok.  I guess.16:59
cyphermoxCarlFK: sorry, the only answer is "download some random binary image". ARM devices are fun that way; they don't exactly run an installer in the straight sense of it18:36
CarlFKcyphermox: so where do those images come from?18:37
CarlFKlike... how are they built ?18:37
cyphermoxCarlFK: what you'll probably want to do for installing Ubuntu Touch is following the steps at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices18:37
cyphermoxwe build images more or less the same way for everything, there is a root filesystem being built, which you install along with other things like the kernel and initrd18:38
cyphermoxwhere the images are for supported devices, we build them on Launchpad, for community-driven ports, people build them however they want -- we don't really have control over what might happen there18:40
CarlFKcyphermox: somewhere is a script that builds the ubuntu-desktop cd image ... I am pretty sure I have seen it.   Is there something similar for touch?18:47
CarlFK(and really I am trying to make a fairly minimal install for the odroid c2 - result will be a  headless router18:49
cyphermoxit all uses the same scripts and same build process; part of it is Launchpad, part of it is lp:ubuntu-cdimage, part of it is lp:debian-cd, and still some of it is livecd-rootfs, but I would suggest you follow the Porting guide from http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting19:33
cyphermoxthat will list just what you need to roll your own image for that device.19:33
CarlFKweird.   that page loads bits at time, starting with "This page does not exist or has been moved. If you feel that this is an error, please file a bug."19:53
CarlFKand then like 5 seconds later.. that is replaced with content19:53
CarlFKbut yeah, thats about what I was looking for - thanks19:55

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