=== Zhao is now known as Guest14976 | ||
LaserAllan | hey guys, i just went into a directory where my irc server keeps allot of logs and i did an "ls" and it just shows me maybe 40 results but above those it says "total 2172", what does that mean exactly? | 00:07 |
sarnold | that's the sum of file sizes in the directory, in kilobytes iirc | 00:09 |
LaserAllan | ah | 00:10 |
LaserAllan | gotcha :) | 00:10 |
sarnold | it's amazing, I've come to ignore the line entirely :) | 00:11 |
LaserAllan | sarnold: You know i tohguth it meant i udnno numbers of somekind since it didn't really define what it actually was | 00:12 |
LaserAllan | I am trying to learn how to grep effectively | 00:13 |
LaserAllan | so far grep -r "word" /path/to/stuff prints out things but what if i have multiple words? | 00:13 |
sarnold | if those words would be on the same line then you can do something like grep -r -e 'word1.*word2' /path/to/files --- but that's not much help if they might be on different lines, but you want to know which files contain both words.. | 00:15 |
sarnold | your next steps typically turn ugly, something like grep -l foo $(grep -r -l bar /path/to/files) | 00:16 |
LaserAllan | I will try that | 00:16 |
LaserAllan | I have only used linux for about 1 year and i am amazed how powerful the temrinal is | 00:16 |
LaserAllan | but i am still very new to learning how to use the cli effectively | 00:16 |
sarnold | since you can only pass so many files as parameters, that only works up to a certain size, and if any filenames have funny names (e.g. start with - ) then you can run into trouble | 00:17 |
LaserAllan | sarnold: Ah yeah lemme see what i can do, when you sday that the specified words has to be wihtin the same line does that mean same message? | 00:22 |
LaserAllan | what does -e do? | 00:22 |
sarnold | what's a message? | 00:22 |
LaserAllan | or line sorry | 00:22 |
sarnold | -e says to use regex matching. I can't recall for sure when grep treats inputs as regex vs literals, so I may over-use it.. | 00:23 |
\9_ | LaserAllan: grep -P 'word1|word2|word3' files | 00:23 |
\9_ | the -P enables perl-style regex which allows for | to separate choices | 00:24 |
sarnold | it also lets you search for multiple expressions, like grep -e sarnold -e root /etc/passwd to print out two lines from /etc/passwd .. | 00:24 |
sarnold | \9_: dude. how long as -P been there? :) | 00:24 |
LaserAllan | I would liek to use that but search in a directory that has allot of files in it | 00:24 |
\9_ | sarnold: since ever | 00:25 |
sarnold | crazy. last I looked it just did extended, basic, and fixed string :) | 00:25 |
\9_ | or well I've used linux for like.. 8 years now and it's been there for as long as I can remember | 00:25 |
sarnold | \9_: thanks :) hehe | 00:25 |
LaserAllan | I have only used it for 1 year I feel like a very newbish person but ive leanred allot in this year | 00:28 |
LaserAllan | ive learned as ive gone forward so to say | 00:28 |
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arooni | hey folks; i'd like to get a backup agent for ubuntu that can connect to AWS and perhaps AWS Glacier. Ideally works with is compatible with Arq which i have running on my mac. Any suggestions? | 02:50 |
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Walex | arooni: at the simplest level there is 's3cmd' | 08:14 |
Walex | arooni: https://www.google.ca/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=backup+program+linux+s3 | 08:15 |
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emper0r | hi, if i got an ubuntu-server 15.04 with all my stuff inside custom-services and develope work on apache2. runing everything i want.... how can i convert that server ready in a ISO image to instal from a CD, and when finish instal take the same result,.. now i'm using a basic server install and execute a big script to prepare ending in the final result but i really want to avoid tat with a custom | 08:52 |
emper0r | cd with all process did it.!.. how can i do that?... some url to read a guide ? | 08:52 |
hateball | emper0r: Do you just want to clone the install as is? Use clonezilla or something | 08:54 |
hateball | emper0r: also 15.04 is EOL | 08:54 |
emper0r | i know i know is EOL... but meanwhile not migrate the new script for new relases and upgrade the develep work beacuse use a different version with django.. i would like to use 15.10 | 08:56 |
XinZhao | heeey | 08:57 |
XinZhao | I bet you arent even an emperor at all!! | 08:57 |
LostSoul | Hi, I'm trying to install 2 packages but my console hangs, what's up? | 08:58 |
LostSoul | http://paste.ubuntu.com/17737006/ | 08:58 |
LostSoul | Any ideas guys? | 09:06 |
emper0r | hateball: clonezilla clone the disk into image... but if i want to do like ipcop for example... little distro with just only tools need it? and it develop software it self? ipcopn had a simple install and finish with just only need running... | 09:07 |
emper0r | will be more like that but with our custom softw for other goal. | 09:07 |
hateball | I'm... not sure I follow | 09:08 |
emper0r | i guess will be .. like linux from scratch.. but..i guess will be a long process to do it | 09:08 |
emper0r | anyway thanx for the info | 09:09 |
emper0r | :) | 09:09 |
emper0r | o/รน | 09:09 |
emper0r | bye | 09:09 |
emper0r | \o/ | 09:09 |
LostSoul | apt-get hangs after fetchign all packages | 09:30 |
LostSoul | Fetched 70.9 MB in 8s (7,960 kB/s) - what can I do? | 09:30 |
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jelly | LostSoul: investigate where it's hanging. use tools like ps and pstree to look at child processes of apt-get; "top" to see if any of those are using cpu time; after identifying a suspect, "strace" to try figure out what it's doing | 10:59 |
jelly | or just press ^C and blindly try again | 11:00 |
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Mr_Pan | !seen | 12:41 |
ubottu | I have no seen command | 12:41 |
frickler | jamespage: do you plan to push ceph-10.2.2 into xenial, too? there are some rgw fixes that we would like to have there | 12:52 |
frickler | also nova-13.1.0 for mitaka would be nice | 12:52 |
jamespage | frickler, yes - its in the review queue for the sru team | 12:53 |
frickler | jamespage: great, can I see that queue somewhere so I don't have to bother you every time? ;) | 12:53 |
jamespage | frickler, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text= | 12:54 |
Odd_Bloke | rbasak: smoser: Can I get uvt-kvm to run an arm64 image on an amd64 host? Should it Just Work? | 13:21 |
smoser | Odd_Bloke, it might need a little tweak | 13:25 |
smoser | i think we needed a little tweak for power, not sure if its in main or not. | 13:25 |
bananapie | Hello. I have a dozen servers connected via gigabit switches ( procurves ). All the machines can ping each other. One of the 12 machines has virtual servers on it. All the virtual servers can ping each other and the physical servers. However, if I try pinging using jumbo frames, the physical servers can ping each other. The virtual servers can ping each other. But between vms and physical, no jumbo packets. From | 13:36 |
bananapie | the vm host, I can jumbo ping any vm and vice versa. The switches are all set to jumbo. Vms are libvirt/qemu/kvm. They are connected to a bridged interface. All the interfaces list mtu at 5000. | 13:36 |
bananapie | I don't think it's a problem with the bridged adapter as the vms and the vm host can all ping each other. | 13:36 |
bananapie | All the vnet cards on the bridge are showing mtu 5000 | 13:37 |
bananapie | I am certain the issue is not the switch | 13:37 |
bananapie | ngrep shows the outbound ping on br0 | 13:38 |
bananapie | ngrep shows the outbound ping on bond0 ( which is the physical link to the switch ) | 13:38 |
bananapie | ngrep shows the outbound ping on em2 ( which is currently the master for bond0 ) | 13:39 |
bananapie | ifconfig shows no errors, overruns, dropped on the tx of em2 | 13:40 |
bananapie | The config worked on monday, something happened in the mean time. | 13:42 |
bananapie | when pinging from a VM to a physical machine, I see the ping on em* interface going out. | 13:47 |
bananapie | scratch everything | 13:51 |
bananapie | all the vms had mtu 5000, all the physical machines had mtu 1500 | 13:51 |
bananapie | LoL | 13:51 |
freakynl | Hi, I'm running a 14.04 server which / (and bootloader) is on a RAID-1 (md). Now I replaced both disks with larger ones, using GPT as the partition setup (4TB disks). As the system hasn't gone down yet, it's still running happily | 14:12 |
freakynl | Can I create a fake msdos partition table on it to allow it to boot? The mainboard only has BIOS (root/md0 is only 19GB and is the first partition) | 14:13 |
ddellav | coreycb can you review/push my neutron ci fix: lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/neutron | 15:07 |
ddellav | xenial/newton | 15:07 |
coreycb | ddellav, sure can, thanks | 15:08 |
coreycb | ddellav, I've pushed your neutron updates. can you kick off neutron builds in jenkins? | 15:37 |
ddellav | coreycb yessir | 15:37 |
coreycb | ddellav, thanks | 15:37 |
LostSoul | Hi | 15:37 |
LostSoul | So I tried to compile MK Livestatus - http://mathias-kettner.com/checkmk_livestatus.html, configure and make went without error but after all I can't do make install | 15:38 |
LostSoul | make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. | 15:38 |
ddellav | LostSoul it sounds like that program does not have an install target. I'd check the readme for the install process or barring that, the makefile itself. | 15:38 |
ddellav | its possible it's a portable app and you just need to run the binaries from that folder | 15:39 |
LostSoul | I've read this project site and after all I should be albe to do make install | 15:41 |
LostSoul | In readme there is nothing interesting | 15:41 |
nacc | cpaelzer: iirc, i wonder if the 'pipe' (ML post on crashes) is happening because the kernel crash handler is manually set to that string? | 16:02 |
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cpaelzer | nacc: could be, but he didn't seem to configure anything for crash before given his feddback to my crash questions | 16:10 |
cpaelzer | nacc: I can say that I intentionally crashed a few things this morning and all worked fine | 16:11 |
cpaelzer | nacc: I checked my dmesg and as expected there is nothing in there in the "default config" | 16:12 |
cpaelzer | nacc: please feel free to ask him if he set soemthing - eventually I'd just love to understand what his mdadm has | 16:12 |
cpaelzer | nacc: but I start to think the system might be a bit special (set up) | 16:12 |
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LaserAllan | hey there | 17:50 |
LaserAllan | for some reason my surveillance tool xymon has detected this: Warning: Use of uninitialized value $pkg in exists at /usr/lib/xymon/client/ext/apt line 146 | 17:50 |
LaserAllan | I just recently saw its showing a few of those | 17:50 |
LaserAllan | I have never seen them before so I ahve no idea what they might mean | 17:50 |
sarnold | LaserAllan: what's on line 146 there? look upwards in the file and see if there's typos or something similar | 17:58 |
LaserAllan | sarnold: Just did a reboot though, it said something had to be updated, aparently the kernel | 17:59 |
LaserAllan | now its gone | 17:59 |
sarnold | LaserAllan: the error message you pasted looks like a perl bug to me. it probably shouldn't come or go based on which packages need updating. | 17:59 |
LaserAllan | sarnold: I also did a reboot and that seemed to fix it but i am not sure | 18:00 |
LaserAllan | sarnold: does perl handle any webstuff? | 18:00 |
sarnold | LaserAllan: for many years, perl -was- the web.. hehe | 18:00 |
LaserAllan | I have had huge problems with a python script ive been running flawlessly for about 6 months | 18:00 |
LaserAllan | it stoped working last night | 18:00 |
LaserAllan | Aparently the information i seek is ther ein htmlcode in somde way but it basically used to display it visually while now I can basically see nothjing | 18:01 |
LaserAllan | this is the thing i am trying to run https://github.com/drzoidberg33/plexpy | 18:02 |
=== degorenko is now known as _degorenko|afk | ||
LaserAllan | question, I am currently running Ubuntu Server 1404LTS but I am wondering if i can update python beyond 2.7.6?, according to things ive read i shouldn't do that so i guess my only option is to upgrade to Ubuntu Server 1604 LTS? | 18:25 |
nacc | LaserAllan: python3 is packaged in 14.04 | 18:26 |
nacc | iirc | 18:26 |
nacc | python3 | 3.4.0-0ubuntu2 | trusty | 18:26 |
LaserAllan | nacc: Ah how do i got about installing it or upgrading to it? | 18:26 |
LaserAllan | just regular repo install? | 18:26 |
nacc | LaserAllan: yes, it's just a package (and i think the default python will stay python 2.7.x, you'd invoke it with python3 (or /usr/bin/env python3 or whatever) | 18:26 |
LaserAllan | nacc: So just apt-get install python3? | 18:29 |
nacc | LaserAllan: i believe so, yeah | 18:31 |
LaserAllan | nacc: I wonder will that replace python, so i can sitll start script with python "scriptname"? | 18:33 |
nacc | LaserAllan: i think i just answered that? (in parentheses) | 18:33 |
LaserAllan | nacc: python3 doesn't seem to be reconiced | 18:33 |
LaserAllan | "recogniced | 18:33 |
nacc | LaserAllan: do you mean the package or the executable? | 18:33 |
LaserAllan | nacc: I am wondering if i am having multiple versions of python since it sid that python3 is allready installed | 18:34 |
LaserAllan | So I guess I should then use python3 "scriptname"? | 18:34 |
nacc | LaserAllan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17760052/ | 18:36 |
nacc | LaserAllan: yes, it looks python3 might be isntalled by default | 18:36 |
nacc | LaserAllan: and yes, just use python3, as i said | 18:36 |
LaserAllan | nacc: Can i safely remove the regular python? | 18:37 |
LaserAllan | and thanks | 18:37 |
nacc | LaserAllan: i wouldn't | 18:38 |
nacc | LaserAllan: at least not on trusty | 18:38 |
nacc | LaserAllan: i think that will try to remove some core stuff, but not sure | 18:38 |
LaserAllan | nacc: hmm, seems like I cannot launch my application in python3 | 18:38 |
LaserAllan | weird | 18:38 |
nacc | LaserAllan: cannot or it fails? | 18:38 |
sarnold | most of the time applications are written for python2 or python3. applications that can handle both are rare. | 18:40 |
nacc | sarnold: ack | 18:41 |
LaserAllan | nacc: Ah, i need to upgrade to 2.7.11 it seems, not sure if that's a good idea on trusty | 18:41 |
LaserAllan | sarnold: that probb explains why it just fails | 18:41 |
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nacc | LaserAllan: fyi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Python | 19:03 |
LaserAllan | Thanks | 19:05 |
nacc | LaserAllan: generally /usr/bin/python must oint to python2.x | 19:06 |
Sebastien | i forgot how to add a user to the sudoer list but that will not require password input to sudo | 20:21 |
Sebastien | so winscp is not broken when i navigate into another /home/user/ | 20:21 |
shauno | Sebastien: if that is the right solution to the problem (and I suspect it's not), man sudoers (not sudo) and look for NOPASSWD | 20:25 |
nacc | Sebastien: really, you're probably not passin ghte right flags to sudo (e.g., -i, -H, or something) | 20:26 |
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Sebastien | thy shauno | 20:32 |
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