
OvenWerk1I do normally try to run the same App while helping someone.00:00
OvenWerk1(unless it is called Blender or something)00:00
autumnacome on Blender isn't so bad. is it?00:01
geirdalno it is not 00:02
autumnasupport page WIP: http://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/support/00:04
geirdalSeventh try ;) bg images just a base: http://geirdal.is/index.php/studio-0 autumna: willa d them to stage when you accept it ;)00:05
geirdalI everybody will accept them not just autumna 00:05
geirdalI mean00:06
autumnageirdal just add them to stage00:06
autumna:) people can view them there00:06
autumnaI mean you can add them00:06
autumnageirdal: feedback: I like how clean these are. they are very bright through00:07
autumna2 options, you can make them darker, or I can reduce their transparency00:07
geirdalyes readability is not ok at this stage00:07
autumnaI like what you did00:07
autumnaI would still experiment with having the icons separate from background next to the text as an alternative to play around. but I do like their placement on this iteration better00:08
autumnaas a consistency thing: I would even remove the hairy thing at the first image.00:09
autumnabut I'll shut up and let other people talk00:09
autumnaI would upload these 3, and any changes you make to them00:10
autumnaso that we can swap them and compare00:10
geirdalok ;)00:10
autumna(well maybe, upload a version after solving the brightness problem, unless you want me to tint/add transparency from css side)00:10
autumnathank you for working on this btw00:11
geirdalwe can do both00:11
autumnaok I am off to sleep. gnight geirdal, OvenWerk1, krytarik00:12
geirdalgnight! autumna :)00:12
geirdalnew front image http://geirdal.is/index.php/studio-001:22
OvenWerk1geirdal: There are a lot of images there. I like the top one for sure.02:02
geirdalOvenWerk1, hope Iam getting there ;)02:05
OvenWerk1Not so sure about the gas mask... I am hoping we don't stink :P02:05
OvenWerk1I would be fine with most of them... but then you have never seen  anything I have done. Sound is my thing. For video my first thought is something like these: http://www.apeximagery.com.au/uploads/8/4/0/6/8406322/6327657.jpg?47102:14
OvenWerk1The ones we used (early 1980s) looked more like this: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e7/Betacam_SP_camera.jpg Except They said JVC and required a separate tape machine (Sony BVU something... U matic of some sort)02:17
OvenWerk1The rich places like CBC had the Betacam.02:20
OvenWerk1What I liked about the first one, is that it looks more like it could be used for movie making as well.02:24
OvenWerk1The reality is that most people will use their phone or a dlsr.02:26
geirdalyes but are we trying to be for everyone?02:44
LiteOPGood morning. Anyone about ?04:58
zequenceLiteOP: Hi05:10
LiteOPHi there !05:12
LiteOPHow do you fit into the team / or are you a plain user of UStudio ?05:13
zequenceLiteOP: I'm the previous project lead. Most of the people here are developers of Ubuntu Studio05:16
zequenceLiteOP: Are you looking to contribute?05:17
LiteOPI'm a wikipedian.05:17
zequenceLiteOP: Oh, cool05:17
LiteOPWhat is the MegaByte size of Ubuntu Studio on the disc at the moment ?05:18
LiteOPor GigaByte, should I say.05:18
* LiteOP is editing wikipedia at the moment too.05:20
LiteOPzequence: you there ?05:22
zequenceLiteOP: Yes, sorry. HAd to do some stuff05:33
zequenceLiteOP: I think the best thing you can do is actually write down all your questions and post it on our mail list05:34
zequenceLiteOP: Would make it simpler to answer them all05:34
zequenceLiteOP: I'm just on my way to the doctor right now. Got assaulted by some maniac the other night, and it seems I have a neck problem because of it05:34
LiteOPsorry to hear that.05:35
LiteOPI take it your in the US, then ?05:35
zequenceNo, Sweden05:35
LiteOPnice place.05:35
zequenceLike being struck by lightning. Can happen anywhere05:35
LiteOPok talk to you later ....05:36
zequenceYeah. Nice talking to you LiteOP. Look forward to your mail list posting :)05:36
LiteOPcheers, have a good one.05:36
sakrecoerautumna, geirdal and hopefully someone with very good english spelling ( OvenWerk1 or krtaylor ?) : http://sakrecoer.com/ubuntustudio/feature-tour.txt07:19
sakrecoeralso, good morning!07:25
* autumna tries desperately to wake up09:06
autumnageirdal I like the change you did to front graphic09:07
sakrecoerhi autumna and geirdal !09:20
sakrecoeryou've been doing some real good stuff!09:20
sakrecoeri like the idea of integrating the category icon with the title.09:21
sakrecoeri also like it better on the left side.09:21
sakrecoeri was trying to shoot some photos today for the .. ehm... OS part? like general "what is US" thing...09:21
sakrecoerbut it didn't come out very well...09:21
sakrecoerthe idea was to shoot my desk, with wacom tablet, camera, midi-kontroler and keyboard... mouse...09:22
sakrecoerbut it just looks messy, even though i cleaned my desk real good :D09:22
geirdaltry to take pictures of it seperate, is probable better to put them in collage image.09:26
sakrecoergood idea!!09:27
autumnaI might contribute some images to that growing pile as well. I do need to figure out where I stashed my old paint supllies through09:34
autumnaand sakrecoer: your stuff is not messy09:35
autumna(based on the panorama you shared earlier at least)09:35
sakrecoer:) well... that is from back when the studio-room was a lot bigger... and... you don't get to see what is behind the camera :D:D:D09:48
autumnaI see10:04
geirdalIs there any special reason why we are using wordpress?21:51
geirdalI have been designing new icon theme for studio, LMMS Logo are very well designed from the beginning it is just perfect design. I think we should have our own icons, this is my fyrst draft :) http://geirdal.is/index.php/studio-023:31

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