
bluesabreflexiondotorg: we are not.00:31
bluesabre... as Unit193 already indicated00:31
Unit193Debian #827792, Debian #827794, https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/numix-icon-theme_0~20160619.217701b-1.html09:49
ubottuDebian bug 827792 in wnpp "ITP: numix-gtk-theme -- modern flat theme from the Numix project" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/82779209:49
ubottuDebian bug 827794 in wnpp "ITP: numix-icon-theme: modern icon theme from the Numix project" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/82779409:49
Unit193bluesabre, ochosi: https://launchpad.net/bugs/159303809:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1593038 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "Please split numix-gtk-theme into a separate source package" [Undecided,In progress]09:53
bluesabreUnit193: sure would be nice if he'd go ahead and package the other10:25
Unit193bluesabre: gtk-theme is in git, just not NEW yet.10:32
bluesabreI meant greybird in debian10:36
Unit193They're unrelated sources, and murrine-themes carries Greybird already.10:38
bluesabredid not know that10:38
Unit193Outdated, and same package, but nevertheless.10:38
Unit193!find Greybird unstable10:38
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 4 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=Greybird&searchon=names&suite=unstable&section=all10:38
Unit193!find Greybird unstable10:38
ubottuFile Greybird found in murrine-themes10:38
* bluesabre shuts up10:39
Unit193Last updated in June, and they have GTK 3.20 already, sooo....10:40
Unit193Also seems GNOME is willing to test GTK 3.20 Greybird maybe.10:45
Unit193flocculant: You haven't noticed screen flickering/glitches on Yak right?19:14
flocculantUnit193: nope - using nouveau 19:25
flocculantI see a glitch with ff if page opening in a new tab includes a flash video - but assume that to be ff :)19:25
flocculantactually - even more specifically - with bbc pages on ff that have a flash video19:27
knomeeven more specifically bbc pages on ff that have a flash video about politics19:28
knomeat that point i'd assume it's your brain giving the black flicker...19:28
flocculantha ha ha 19:28
Unit193Not a black flicker, it'd be amusing if it didn't happen so often and be so annoying.  I'd equate it to xfwm/x having a seizure.19:29
flocculantthis is black - but pretty sure it's not xfanythingatall :)19:29
Unit193Get adobe-flashplugin and browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash. :P19:30
Unit193(...Yes, I typed both out..)19:31
flocculantUnit193: don't have them here - but did have them here before it all went wrong 2 weeks or so back19:32
Unit193Just a recommendation or such, not entirely sure they'd help.19:32
flocculantdoing so let's see :)19:33
flocculantupgraded at the same time19:34
flocculantinitscripts marked as autoremove19:34
pleia2knome: did you find our distinguished PTL yet? I'm conferencing Sunday - Wednesday next week so it would be good to publish this thing soon19:46
knomepain tolerance level?19:47
pleia2too much openstack, XPL19:48
knomeno, i didn't find him yet19:48
Unit193pleia2: Yep, you!19:48
knomebut if he's not around... then just do it19:48
knomeschedule for like tomorrow?19:48
flocculantknome: I'd say so 19:49
pleia2Unit193: take it back19:49
flocculantonly xpl to have an xpl - really he's waiting for council to take over :)19:49
knomewho knows...19:49
flocculantand expires in a week or so again19:49
Unit193I'm waiting on him for theme discussions.19:50
flocculantthat's a bit different - he'd have a different hat on :)19:50
flocculantknome: talking of which - perhaps we should actually move on a bit - I guess it'll be you and I moving that forward ... again :p19:52
knomeschedule that for a bit later today or tomorrow19:53
flocculantI could cope for a while a bit later on today, then continue if we need to19:54
knomeduring the next hour or so?19:55
flocculantneed to eat - and I'm behind atm - mother decided I meant 6 when I said 8 - which has put me all over the place ... 19:55
flocculantby need to eat - read ravenous :p19:55
flocculantit is cooking though right now19:55
knomebut not all over the place like mr. creosote?19:55
flocculantno :D19:56
knomelet's hope that doesn't happen post-dinner either19:56
flocculantif it does then tomorrow :p19:57
flocculantknome: anyway - back now if you like20:25
flocculanthi wxl 20:31
Unit193(That was a netsplit.)20:31
flocculantdidn't seem like much of one here :p20:33
Unit193Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: floc culant, sak recoer, dav mor2_HOLS, w x l20:33
flocculantno difference to the odd bbc black box glitch btw20:35
Unit193Meh, worth a shot I guess.20:36
ax562so how would I go about helping with testing again?20:38
* knome points ax562 to flocculant 20:38
knomeflocculant, i'm good to go in 15ish once wife is in bed and me on the desktop20:39
flocculantokey doke - probably best to pm and pad like last time20:39
ax562I'm about to do a fresh install of xubuntu 16.06 and running 14.04lts with the xfce-environement20:39
ax562flocculant should I pm you?20:40
flocculantUnit193: definitely a ff thing - no such thing in chromium20:41
Unit193ax562: We'd be testing 16.10, .04 is already released.20:41
flocculantax562: #xubuntu 20:41
flocculantI've been running 16.10 since the day after we released 16.0420:41
Unit193I've been running it ever since I upgraded.20:42
flocculantlater I'll do some 14.04.x to 16.04.1 upgrade testing - and will ask others 20:42
flocculantUnit193: :)20:42
ax562cool so right now 16.10 needs testing?  how would one get 16.1020:43
Unit193ISO, upgrade, or minimal+task.20:44
flocculantax562: pretty sure I pointed you at the dev docs the other day20:44
ax562yeah, i missed one of the links20:44
ax562hold on let me check20:44
Unit193flocculant: Point at the most up to date ones! :--D20:44
flocculantchapters 4-7 are all qa/testing ones20:44
flocculantalso http://wiki.xubuntu.org/qa/isotesting20:45
flocculantUnit193: not changed anything20:45
flocculantyet ... 20:45
ax562this is what I should be looking at rigt?20:45
flocculantread up :)20:45
ax562ok cool. so 4-720:46
flocculantand below that ;)20:46
ax562is there a video :p20:46
flocculantax562: but guess what ...20:47
flocculantsee the item David has at the top 20:47
flocculantnothing to stop you doing that given you want to help :)20:48
ax562haha ok20:48
ax562one step at a time though :p20:49
flocculantwell the best people to do something like that - are people who don't do things on autopilot :)20:49
ax562i don't have a plane so I think i'm good ;)20:51
flocculantI'm definitely on autopilot - a command grabs the iso's then boots them sequentially with kvm20:52
flocculantwell - updates the iso's20:52
Unit193Hrm, I should update the ISOs then.20:52
ax562ah your talking about scripts20:52
Unit193flocculant: I tried not using the ubiquity hack recently, did not work. :/20:53
flocculantUnit193: :)20:53
flocculantax562: nope http://paste.ubuntu.com/17767276/20:54
flocculantyes probably krytarik - but it works so *shrug*20:55
ax562that's pretty cool20:55
knomelet's do two things at once21:04
knomeflocculant, the mail to CC (probably doesn't need much work)21:04
knomepleia2, the #lovexubuntu announcement21:04
knomepleia2, let's do it now?21:04
knomei know i said tomorrow... (and it's technically "tomorrow" here now)21:05
pleia2but we don't have our leader dude21:05
knomebut we haven't seen him in a while and we're moving towards a council anyway21:05
flocculantpleia2: yep - but ^^21:05
pleia2ok wfm21:05
flocculantand 3 or 4 of team have said go for it :)21:06
knomei don't think it's a biggie for him21:06
knomehe isn't even in the marketing team...21:06
pleia2indeed :)21:06
flocculantpseudo-council :)21:06
knomemeh, i need to figure out my ubuntu one password21:06
Unit193Still, just XPL pleia2, everyone's happy.21:06
flocculantknome: the CC is easy - send them our plan with a cover note21:06
pleia2Unit193: I don't even have time to do my marketing duties as well as I'd like21:06
Unit193pleia2: FWIW, you're just the fun one this week, last time it was slickymaster. :)21:07
pleia2next time, Unit193 21:07
knomenext time should last for like, 2 years21:07
pleia2yeah, voluntelling is an important skill in XPL21:08
Unit193Rules me out.21:08
knomepleia2, so was there anything we wanted changed in the article, or should i go push it out, then social media?21:09
pleia2knome: it lgtm21:10
knomepleia2, ok, publishing when i'm in..21:10
pleia2I'll do G+ and FB once it's out, then I will take a nap21:10
knomeflocculant, http://pad.ubuntu.com/x-council-cc-mail21:10
knomeflocculant, that's the proposal part (plus some) from the mail to the devel list21:10
knomeneeds some tweaks and an introduction21:11
knomepleia2, https://xubuntu.org/news/looking-memorable-fun-xubuntu-stories/ is out21:12
pleia2ty sir21:12
knomeand making it an article too so it shows up on the front page21:12
knomeand done21:13
knometweeting next...21:13
knome--> https://twitter.com/Xubuntu/status/74608914453587558521:15
pleia2G+ and fb done21:15
knomeflocculant, i'm pretty much fine with it; we could probably tweak it for another hour, but ultimately, it's "just" the CC and we want this to progress ASAP21:25
flocculantknome: did you say ^^ while I was facepalming at stylish? 21:41
knomeflocculant, ok, sent21:41
knomeflocculant, did i say what? :)21:42
knomei said ^ ^ to make sure you saw the whole link :D21:42
flocculant we could probably tweak it for another hour, but ultimately21:42
knomeprobably earlier21:43
knomeor later21:43
flocculantcool - got the cc 21:43
knomei don't remember21:43
flocculantha ha ha 21:43
flocculantright - dreamtime :)21:48
knomenighty flocculant!21:48
flocculantknome: all I'd say is I'd like if we can just get as much done as possible, and start moving on - otherwise it'll be 17.04 dev cycle :)21:49
flocculantanyway - not tonight :)21:50
flocculantnight peeps21:50
ax562so I would have to dl the 16.10.iso to test correct?22:13
Unit193I'd of course be interested in responses too.22:18
knomeax562, note that for the testing to be useful, you will have to follow the steps mentioned in the contributor docs, which will ultimately lead you to reporting a test (or several ones) to the testing trackers22:22
ax562yeah I created a launchpad, joined the xubuntu group, and was at the iso stage but didn't know which to download22:30
ax562or do I have to download22:30
ax562downloading 116.10 :)23:05
Unit193All of GNOME 3.20 is held up right23:31

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