
=== L235 is now known as InnocentLooking2
=== InnocentLooking2 is now known as Innocent235
=== Innocent235 is now known as L235
=== signed8bit_Zzz is now known as signed8bit
=== stub` is now known as stub
=== gkadam is now known as Guest92635
=== Guest92635 is now known as gkadam
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
kaputtnikSince yesterday evening launchpad is "processing new chnages to this branch..."15:55
kaputtnikIs there a problem with launchpad?15:56
kaputtnikaffected branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~widelands-dev/widelands-website/django1_815:57
cjwatsonkaputtnik: Looks like codehosting was down at the time and caused the attempt to scan that branch to crash.  I suggest you try forcing a rescan: use http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/lp-rescan-branch, run as "lp-rescan-branch lp:~widelands-dev/widelands-website/django1_8"16:15
kaputtnikcjwatson: There is a conflict when i try to install launchpadlib16:22
kaputtnikhm. sorry, it's invalid syntax:16:22
kaputtnikFile "/tmp/pip-build-fap1y1zz/lazr.restfulclient/ez_setup.py", line 9816:23
kaputtnik        except pkg_resources.VersionConflict, e:16:23
kaputtnik                                            ^16:23
kaputtnik    SyntaxError: invalid syntax16:23
sskripnickhi all. is it possible to perform xhr to api? https://api.launchpad.net/devel/16:28
sskripnickim trying but got "invalid json response"16:28
sskripnickI see the header in response: X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN16:31
sskripnickdoes this mean I cannot query launchpad api with browser from other page?16:31
nacckaputtnik: install it to where? that seems to be trying to use python3 specifically, with python2 code16:43
kaputtniknacc: Yes, thanks.. always the same fault :-D16:52
nacckaputtnik: right, so you're using pip to install? in 16.04?16:53
kaputtniknacc: arch-linux, but yes pip16:53
cjwatsonkaputtnik: sigh, we need to get that updated - but in the meantime, should work if you use python216:54
nacckaputtnik: yeah, might need to invoke with python2 directly (rather than python, as arch seems to be the only one that has hcanged the default python)16:56
cjwatsonLatest version of lazr.restfulclient no longer ships ez_setup.py, but PyPI is behind16:57
kaputtnikI have to go for now... thanks for helping16:59
dobeyah that is the fun part of having /usr/bin/python be python3 though. yay arch :)17:14
naccdobey: :)17:14

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