
lynorianhi theos anyway I can help02:12
theosi installed Lubuntu 16.04 and lxlock doesnt work02:12
lynoriantheos, you mean by doesn't work does not lock the screen?02:13
theosyes lynorian . it does not lock the screen02:13
theoseven menu>logout>lock screen,  doesnt lock it02:14
lynoriandoes lxsession-logut and then selecting lock screen lock the screen02:16
theoslynorian i will check it when i can logout. it probably wont work.02:30
theoswhat if it locks?02:30
lynorianthen your screen will be locked and you can unlock it with your password02:31
lynorianalso this is not the guest account is it?02:31
theosbut i dont want to logout everytime i want to lock the screen02:31
theosit is my user account02:31
lynorianlxsession-logout is the direct command line for the menu02:33
lynorianif it fails it might give a hint running it in a terminal02:33
theosoh so it will show the menu only and not logout?02:33
theos(i dont want to logout)02:34
lynorianunless you click logout02:35
theosscreen got locked with lxsession-logout and lock screen02:36
theosit works!02:36
theosok so now i can lock screen from main menu too...02:37
theosbut the keyboard shortcut still doesnt work02:38
lynoriantheos, you will need to edit ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml and maybe include lxsession-logout02:41
lynorianthat would bring up the menu though02:42
theosi have <keybind key="XF86ScreenSaver"> to lxlock03:22
theosmy fn key is not triggering the shortcuts i think03:25
theoslynorian is it possible that lubuntu-rc.xml is not being used?04:00
theosand some other file is being used04:00
lynoriantheos, unlikely04:01
lynorianthat is the default for when you login to a lubuntu session04:01
theosso how can i find out why the fn shortcuts are not working?04:02
lynorianI actually don't know much about that04:03
lynorianI hardly use the fn keys on the rare times I am on my laptop04:03
lynorianI mainly use a desktop now04:03
cooldharma06when lubuntu official upgrade from 14.04 to 16. start??06:22
ubottuUsers of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.06:23
cooldharma06ty :)06:23
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swift110hey all13:23
theoskeyboard shortcuts dont seem to work. how do i fix it?13:37
sodomyHi.  Anyone know if it's possible to dd the alternate cd-image to USB and have it work as a USB installer?16:32
sodomyOr do I need to convert it somehow?16:32
wxlsodomy: naw, it'll woirk.16:41
geniisodomy: All *buntu are hybrid images which work off USB if you just dd them over16:46
sodomyCool.  Just did it actually.... worked fine, even on my mac16:48
swift110hey all16:51
wxlswift110: ok16:51
swift110how are you wxl17:33
Jbmorris289Hello, i join once again18:01
Jbmorris289but this time18:01
Jbmorris289it's not help i need, it's a BUG i found, in lubuntu18:01
Jbmorris289(possible bug)18:01
Jbmorris289Okay so, I went away from my netbook for a while, then when I came back, I noticed something18:02
Jbmorris289My CPU's fan was on high18:02
Jbmorris289When i opened the lid of this netbook, The brightness on my screen was going ballistic18:03
Jbmorris289100% cpu usage, the Brightness was flickering up and down by 118:04
Jbmorris289(this was in a live session using unetbootin)18:04
Jbmorris289swift110, not really funny18:06
swift110yes its funny18:13
Jbmorris289To you it is, not to me, at all.18:14
wxlswift110: ok. you?19:13
swift110im great19:21
swift110Jbmorris289, you fix your issue19:21
Jbmorris289swift110, not sure how19:27
Jbmorris289thus i said it here19:27
swift110did you power off the netbook and turn it back on? Jbmorris28919:28
Jbmorris289it was a live sessionfrom unetbootin19:29
Jbmorris289but that would've stopped it19:29
swift110problem solved19:29
Jbmorris289there's still a bug with the brightness switching19:30
swift110did you turn it off then back on19:30
Jbmorris289If i press the brightness on my computer keyboard  once, it would automatically19:31
Jbmorris289go to max brightness19:31
swift110your not listening19:31
swift110so i wont help any further19:31
Jbmorris289well yes i did, but that doesnt fix the fact that it can sttill be reproduced19:32
Jbmorris289That's why i say 'bug'19:32
wxlJbmorris289: if you have a bug, you should file a bug report.19:33
wxl!bugs | Jbmorris28919:33
ubottuJbmorris289: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:33
Jbmorris289wxl, well since it was only a live session, I have to follow the link...19:38
wxlJbmorris289: there's a million ways to report bugs. just read the wiki page.19:41
Jbmorris289well darn19:47
Jbmorris289i have to register19:47
Jbmorris289Oh well19:47
Jbmorris289i'll jut go ahead19:47
Jbmorris289about to disconnect in a few seconds19:53
Jbmorris289. really. I have jsut realized my typo.20:00
Jbmorris289wxl, this would be a good place, right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/lubuntu/+bugs?20:09
Jbmorris289Whoops. ignore the qmark in the ending of the url20:10
Jbmorris289Oh he's away. this user list is wow.20:14
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