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kalikiana_t1mp: .api fixes https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/listsAndNameSpaces/+merge/29831415:07
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lars_is it a good idea to still buy a Aquaris E4.5?21:19
JanClars_: depends on what you want it for?22:02
lars_JanC, like, also as a smartphone22:04
JanCif you just want a simple ubuntu phone then it's okay22:04
lars_but also nice for cool stuff22:04
JanCdefine "cool"22:05
lars_like, I'm not sure about how far this Ubuntuphone goes in terms of Linux-stuff22:05
lars_I'm not an Linux expert, but yet, I'm using Arch as desktop distro and usually there's somehow a way to solve things22:06
lars_like, for instance, pidgin, purple, wpa_supplicant22:07
lars_as far as I've read, it needs some effort to make Ubuntu Touch modifiable22:08
JanCbetter to use a chroot than to make it modifiable if you want to get proper system updates22:10
lars_I see22:10
lars_and it's what people usually do with their UbuntuPhones I suppose?22:11
JanCand desktop applications aren't going to work well (even if you get them to work, they usually weren't designed for a small screen and a touch interface)22:11
lars_like, I'm not sure if the restricted app store of Ubuntu satisfies all my needs. So making some X-applications run might be of interested in my case, maybe.22:12
lars_ok, let's say not X22:12
lars_but tools that help a lot22:12
lars_like wpa_supplicant and similar things22:12
JanCWiFi works fine from the GUI (and I don't think it actually uses wpa_supplicant, but I might be wrong)22:13
JanCyou can use command line tools22:14
JanCthere is a terminal app22:14
lars_Well, in the end I'm not fully sure what I expect of my new smartphone22:14
JanCor you can connect over USB or enable SSH22:14
lars_but it's always nice to have some options left22:14
lars_last week I tried to listen to a geo-blocked radio stream on my phone with some SSH-tunnel app, but didn't work, well, somehow expected22:15
lars_I would expect, if I go for Ubuntu, that the OS is not intentionally making such things harder xD22:15
lars_(unlike Android, unrooted)22:15
lars_(I tried this on Android)22:16
JanCnot intentionally, I think, but sometimes you might need to find the right way  :)22:16
lars_yes, sure xD22:16
JanCin any case, you can use sudo22:16
lars_well, apart from that I just want a usable phone, browser, some messaging (doesn't need to be WhatsApp, Facebook, Threema, but something useful, I liked pidgin), email, occasionally soundcloud (for music I have a nice other player :) )22:18
JanCthere is SMS & Telegram by default22:18
lars_makes sense22:19
JanCno e-mail by default, but there is a free ap22:19
lars_do you have the E4.5 yourself?22:19
lars_and it's fine for everyday experience?22:19
JanCno on-line agenda support except for google calendar currently (I think they work on that)22:20
JanCthe browser is based on the browser engine from Chromium22:21
lars_like, in youtube I saw some reviews with lagging youtube-vidoes playing (sometimes happens on my desktop with mplayer too), however, I guess Ubuntu has developed a lot since the launch last year22:21
JanCI don't really play much youtube videos on my phone anyway  :)22:21
JanCthe phone part usually works fine22:23
lars_yeah, true, hopefully me neither, but that's those things that set me into a indecisive state22:23
lars_well, I guess it's worth a try right?22:23
JanCnavigation with uNav works fine for me22:25
lars_still no offline mode?22:26
JanCnever tried it, but I think uNav can pre-cache a route now?22:27
lars_I see, not bad, it's a starting point :)22:28
lars_JanC, thanks for the information so far :)22:29
JanCand it's free (as in freedom)22:29
lars_haha xD22:29
JanCthe camera in the bq 4.5 is also not very good22:29
lars_well, I am intentionally looking for <= 4.5" as I just dropped my current phone one time too many, mostly because it just didn't fit my hand :P when trying to press return with my thumb my phone was always about to fall :P22:31
lars_so I guess I have to make compromises, specifically in that price range :P22:31
JanCwell, it's not the cheapest phone with similar specs for sure22:32
lars_yeah, true22:32
JanCbecause of relatively small numbers sold22:32
lars_I was thinking about a Wileyfox Swift with Cyanogen22:32
lars_however, it's again 5" plus surrounding22:33
lars_(now as the pound dropped, it might be a little cheaper if purchased in pounds and converted to euro xD )22:34
JanChttps://uappexplorer.com/apps should give you an idea about available apps22:34
JanCalso, things like Twitter & Facebook apps & such are usually webapps based on the mobile website22:35
lars_yeah, I read that, well, still better than the mobile website22:36
JanChttp://askubuntu.com/ also has lots of questions & answers about the phone22:40
JanCor http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/ubuntu-touch22:41
lars_I see22:42
JanCI see popey already answered a question in #ubuntu-touch too22:43
lars_looks legit, the amount of available apps22:50
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