
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
lpottergrr.. why isnt that waiting to build anymore...03:04
robrulpotter: check the build deps in the packaging03:22
robrurenatu: tedg : failed to build with no build log is an lp bug, all you can do is try again03:24
lpotterrobru: build deps worked before last change to media-hub was merged. the diffs look like it should work04:45
lpotter_hmm.. seems media-hub doesn't actually apply the version number change now ;/04:53
robrulpotter_: what version number change? You need to bump the build dep version every time if you want the build to wait for a different package in the same silo05:08
robrulpotter_: like if you set the build dep to wait for the new build, and then release that and start a new silo, the dep is then satisfied by the distro version so it doesn't wait anymore05:13
robruYou have to bump the dep for every new silo05:13
lpotter_the version change to media-hub (to 4.2.1) should be part of the diff. qtubuntu-media should still have the build dep of >= 4.2.105:41
lpotter_the other change kept it at 4.2.005:42
lpotter_the one just merged05:42
pstolowskitrainguards hmm, chroot problem? https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/158709:15
sil2100pstolowski: it's on the s390x build09:17
sil2100Let me re-try09:18
sil2100(in the PPA)09:18
pete-woodstrainguards: hey folks. could I get a packaging ack on silo 80?10:29
pete-woodsthe massive --- in the symbols is just an artifact of how we do different symbols for each series10:29
pete-woods(it always shows the foo.sybols file as being removed)10:30
pete-woodswe have foo.symbols.vivid, foo.symbols.xenial, etc for the actual symbols files10:30
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robrupete-woods: you need a core dev12:26
Saviqtrainguards, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/silo/036#audit_log seems to be stuck since yesterday, any known issues?12:44
* Saviq might try building diffs12:45
robruSaviq: status job stuck, killed it12:48
Saviqrobru, ack12:48
Saviqrobru, you not on holidays any more?12:49
robruSaviq: should fix itself within 15 min12:49
robruSaviq: been walking around all day, I come to work to relax 😉12:49
Saviqmzanetti, ltinkl ↑↑ should be fine in 15 mins or so12:53
mzanettiyeah... I was watching the build last night... wasn't really worried12:54
kenvandinervr, i just checked, the cellular data switch silo 80 had already been approved by QA but settings needed a rebuild because of silo 41 landing13:42
kenvandinervr, they don't touch any of the same panels, so shouldn't be an issue13:42
rvrkenvandine: Ok13:43
rvrkenvandine: Do you want me to verify?13:43
kenvandineit's building now13:43
kenvandinebut i guess someone will need to look at it once it's built13:43
kenvandinebut there's no overlap at all13:43
rvrkenvandine: Better to have a quick look13:47
kenvandinervr, yeah... i'll give you a shout when it's rebuilt13:48
Saviqrobru, status job stuck again? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-036-0-status/18352/console13:55
Saviqah no there it goes13:57
robruSaviq: not necessarily: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-036-0-status/buildTimeTrend the run time has not exceeded the average13:57
robruSaviq: if it goes past 15-16 minutes you can kill it13:57
Saviqrobru, yeah sry13:57
Saviqrobru, it's done now13:57
robruSaviq: yeah, speeding that up is my top priority when I get back on monday. also the new bileto magic has an auto-kill thing that terminates it after an hour so it'll never get stuck for 20 hours ever again ;-)13:58
Saviqnot like jenkins couldn't do it ;P13:59
robruSaviq: oh you wanna be stuck with jenkins forever huh?14:08
Saviqrobru, I don't hate it is all14:08
robruSaviq: oooooooh I hates it14:09
Saviqyeah I've noticed ;)14:09
Saviqit is, ultimately, a glorified cron, but it does some nice things once you configure it right14:09
robruSaviq: bileto uses the real cron, accept no substitues14:10
pstolowskijibel, hello, any chance to include this bugfix https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1595421 in ota-12 if it's QA-ready this evening?14:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1595421 in unity-scopes-shell (Ubuntu) "Location trusted prompt for Scopes shown immediately after the wizard" [High,In progress]14:16
jibelpstolowski, sure14:20
pstolowskijibel, cool, thanks!14:21
jibelslangasek, hi, can you revert what landed in this silo https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1199 ? it causes bug 159593314:39
ubot5bug 1595933 in Canonical System Image "devices don't boot on first boot after upgrade or fresh flash" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159593314:39
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kenvandinervr, silo 80 is built, please give it a quick look14:48
rvrkenvandine: Ack14:49
Saviqjibel, can't reproduce the boot lock on turbo whatever I do, but I've had fingerprints registered already and working, so that might have an impact14:56
* Saviq bootstraps frieza14:56
kenvandinervr, silo 80 autopkgtest failed, it was unity8 tests had a timeout15:07
kenvandinervr, none of that changed in this silo, so shouldn't effect this15:07
rvrSecond unity8 timeout failure I see this week15:08
rvrSomeone should take a look and fix that15:08
rvrShit, I don't have a tiny SIM for turbo, I have to flash another device15:10
Saviqjibel, tvoss, I got frieza stuck after wipe + ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu@9 + OTA to 1015:18
Saviqwhat do we wanna get out of it?15:18
tvossSaviq, ideally lastboot15:20
jibeltvoss, I've also a crash of system-settings but unlikely what causes the hang15:22
rvrkenvandine: Silo 80 looks good15:50
rvrkenvandine: Checked in current build number: 366 device name: krillin channel: ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en15:50
kenvandinervr, great!15:51
kenvandinervr, give it another signoff and i'll publish it15:51
kenvandineand check off another ota12 landing :)15:52
slangasekjibel: can I revert> if it's landed in the archive, the only way to revert is with a new upload of the affected packages; is that what you're asking for?16:08
jibelslangasek, actually we'll move forward and fix the issue instead of reverting, there is a infinite loop in an upstart job.16:33
slangasekjibel: I'm glad, I don't have an easy revert button for a triple landing silo16:33
slangasekso a revert would unfortunately have involved a fair amount of work16:33
kenvandinervr, can you signoff on silo 80?16:52
rvrkenvandine: Yes, sir16:52
kenvandinervr, thx16:54
Saviqjibel, tvoss, I tried to modify biometryd.conf in a few ways (making it manual, for example) and nothing seemed to help, removed it now completely and it's getting stuck still17:11
* Saviq flashes 9 back and will upgrade packages one by one17:11
tvossSaviq, ack and thx17:12
Saviqjibel, tvoss, installing just biometryd-bin I can't get it to get stuck on factory reset18:02
robruslangasek: can you file a bug against lp:bileto to resurrect the revert code? jenkins *has* an easy revert button but it has completely bit-rotted into oblivion. should be easy to hook it back up in the new bileto world.18:05
Saviqjibel, I can't get it to get stuck after wiping :/18:18
Saviqafter a full dist-upgrade18:18
camakoDoing triple landing in silo 41, I'm getting a "Destination version 0.23.1+16.10.20160610.1-0ubuntu1 is missing from changelog" error for yakkety. What do I need to have in the changelog for it to work for all three targets?18:54
camako^ robru, any idea?18:55
robrucamako: as the error says, you need to have the entry for 0.23.1+16.10.20160610.1-0ubuntu1, which is probably from another silo considering that it's -0ubuntu118:56
camakorobru, then wouldn't xenial and vivid complain? or is bileto smart enough to overwrite the versions for those?18:57
robrucamako: "smart enough", bileto just clobbers the changelogs for everything but the first one in the list of series.18:57
robrucamako: your silo is missing this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir/0.23.1+16.10.20160610.1-0ubuntu118:58
robrucamako: which was aparently copied from silo 43, but silo 43 no longer contains mir, so that would be from some previous landing19:00
camakorobru, it's just the version in the changelog that 's wrong... It was labeled with vivid's label not yakkety19:01
robrucamako: your problem could be that you're targetting lp:mir/0.23, trio silos should generally be targetting trunk unless you know what you're doing.19:03
robrucamako: like, looking at the commits at lp:mir/0.23, train has never released to there before, so not super surprising that it's contents are goofy19:03
camakorobru, oh you're right. That's wrong19:05
robrucamako: I recommend dropping that MP and making a new MP targetting lp:mir/ubuntu, which seems to be the "trunk" you're using (it has the correct yakkety changelog)19:05
robrucamako: strangely lp:mir hasn't seen a commit since 2013, I recommend deleting that and renaming lp:mir/ubuntu to just lp:mir19:06
robruthat would bring you into line with literally every other project19:06
camakorobru, lp:mir is our dev trunk... lp:mir/ubuntu is our distro dest19:06
robrucamako: apologies, I glanced at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/trunk/changes and assumed it was lp:mir19:08
robruwhich it isn't19:08
robrucamako: anyway target lp:mir/ubuntu in the MP and rebuild and you'll be fne19:09
camakorobru, ack... thanks again19:09
robrucamako: you're welcome!19:09
boikoalesage: hi, just FYI, silos 42 and 29 (which are targetted to land in this OTA) are marked as ready, do you need us to do anything else, or is it just a matter of waiting now?19:27
alesagebioko seeing these now, will have a look at thx for the info19:28
alesageboiko, ^^19:28
boikoalesage: thanks!19:29
ToyKeeperboiko, tiagosh: Silo 42 (messaging-app) failed because it broke the ability to open address-book while sending a message.22:50
ToyKeeperNot sure why though, since all the changes looked unrelated to that.22:52
boikoToyKeeper: ugh, maybe it is something already on trunk? I haven't seen the latest landings in there, let me give a quick test22:59
ToyKeeperboiko: I tried krillin rc-proposed 365 with and without the silo.23:00
ToyKeeperThe silo install only changed one package, messaging-app.23:00
ToyKeeper... and the MPs looked pretty innocent.23:01
ToyKeeperboiko: So, you're probably right.  Changes inherited unintentionally?23:01
boikoToyKeeper: so, without the silo it works?23:01
ToyKeeperYes, it works without the silo.23:02
boikoToyKeeper: trying here, let me see23:03
ToyKeeperI had to go back one image since the latest ones fail to boot.  Otherwise, everything is current.23:04
boikoToyKeeper: I have image 366 on my krillin, booting fine23:05
boikoToyKeeper: running device-upgrade to make sure I have latest from silo23:06
ToyKeeperYeah, I ran into this on today's images, only somehow worse: https://launchpad.net/bugs/159593323:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 1595933 in biometryd (Ubuntu) "devices don't boot on first boot after upgrade or fresh flash" [Critical,In progress]23:07
boikoToyKeeper: oups, seems I am in the group of lucky ones who were not affected23:09
boikoToyKeeper: so you open the bottom edge, press the contact button and nothing happens?23:10
boikoToyKeeper: here on krilling @ rc-proposed 366 it works for me23:11
ToyKeeperI start a new message via bottom edge, press the contact button, and nothing happens.23:12
boikoToyKeeper: could you please send me the log? but I think the problem you are seeing doesn't exist on image 366 (as there was a landing of both messaging-app and address-book-app in there)23:12
boikoToyKeeper: would you mind pasting the logs of messaging-app somewhere for me to confirm?23:12
ToyKeeperMaybe I can get 366 to boot, and test again.23:13
boikoToyKeeper: also, you might want to install qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-contacts0.1 and qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-addressbook0.1 at version 0.2+15.04.20160621.3-0ubuntu123:13
ToyKeeperIf it depends on things which landed today, then it shouldn't work on an older version.  :)23:13
boikoToyKeeper: yep, renatu can probably confirm, but I bet his changes to address-book-app and messaging-app are related so you need both at latest version23:14
boikoToyKeeper: if not booting, try just to upgrade the address-book-app related packages to the latest available, should fix the problem23:14
boikoToyKeeper: http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris.en/krillin/366.commitlog23:14
ToyKeeperYes, it'll just take a bit to reflash and get it working and then re-test.23:15
boikotrainguards: can someone please review the packaging changes on silo 29?23:17
boikoToyKeeper: great! thanks!23:17
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