
torpethi all00:13
torpeti installed ubuntu-gnome 16.04 today and found out about the gnome3 stable ppa. is it worth adding it? will ubuntu gnome LTS get gnome updates along its lifecycle or is it stuck on 3.18 forever?00:14
jbichatorpet: Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS will stay with 3.1800:30
torpetso adding that stable ppa over the course of a few years is worth it so to speak?00:30
torpetor will those changes come to the official package archive?00:30
jbichathe GNOME3 Staging PPA for xenial (16.04) will stay with 3.2000:47
jbichaif you want newer versions, you'll have to upgrade to newer releases00:48
jbichathe Staging PPA is like a beta preview of the next Ubuntu GNOME release00:49
conartistfacing random crashes of gnome-shell12:33
conartistespecially when playing any video with default player totem12:35
=== alvesadrian is now known as adrian

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