
=== s8321414_ is now known as s8321414
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
flexiondotorginfinity, Laney There were no new iso images built, for any flavour last night.06:55
flexiondotorgI'd also requested an Ubuntu MATE rebuild yesterday which, from what I have access too, built a livefs but no iso materialised and the rebuild request is stuck in a rebuild state in the UI.06:56
infinityflexiondotorg: We had a massive datacenter outage yesterday.07:38
infinityErr... And cdimage is busted.07:40
infinityflexiondotorg: Might be happier now.07:44
flexiondotorginfinity, Thanks.08:06
apwdoko, did you intend that version to be ubuntu2.1 rather than 1.1 ?08:53
dokoapw, ahh, I can change that08:55
apwdoko, not looked at the diff just noticed the anomoly in queuebot output08:56
apwdoko, looking at the diff it looks more like a backport of yakkety's version, but whatever you normally do, do indeed08:57
dokoapw, yeah, the no-pie is a no-op for xenial, anyway, fixing the version ...08:57
dokoapw, fixed09:11
flexiondotorgAn Ubuntu MATE rebuild request is stuck in that state.11:01
flexiondotorgSeems to be caused by a failed sync lock request.11:01
cjwatsonbdmurray: can you have a look at the dpkg/trusty crash rate increase?  I don't *think* it can possibly be related to my SRU, but I can't see the crash reports (errors.ubuntu.com says "Sorry, you are not a member of a group that is allowed to see the data from error reports" which has got to be nonsense)12:50
=== barry` is now known as barry
apw^ clashing upload of dkms15:18
jbichahi, nacc and I would like to upgrade the drupal7 xenial proposed sru to that one ^17:40
cjwatsonbdmurray: thanks for giving me access.  So I think this must be https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/2d0a3dda-39a8-11e6-ba18-fa163eec78fa, but I don't think that can be related to the update as if it were I'd have seen it when upgrading the package to do QA; it's probably just somebody with a slightly broken perl installation for some reason.  Could you override this?18:15
slangasekhmm so apparently nusakan's archive sync lock doesn't do well in the face of a system reboot?18:20
infinityslangasek: Oh, did that asplode?19:17
slangasekseems so19:18
slangaseklock cleared now19:18
infinityslangasek: PS: I'm home.19:19
yofelcould someone please review kinit in xenial-proposed? It's a CVE fix19:24
yofel* in unapproved19:24
infinityyofel: If it's a security fix, it should go through the security team, not the SRU queue.22:06
infinitymdeslaur: ^22:06
yofeleven for universe components?22:08
infinityyofel: Yes.  We still want security updates to be in the security pocket.22:08
infinityyofel: The Canonical security team is happy to usher community security updates through their process.22:08
infinitysbeattie: Around still? ^22:09
sbeattieinfinity, yofel: I am22:12
sbeattieyofel: is there a bug report? Happy to sponser a security update.22:13
infinityLP: #159550722:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1595507 in kinit (Ubuntu Xenial) "World readable X11 Cookie key logger" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159550722:14
infinitysbeattie: There's a rejected upload in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=4&queue_text= if you can read that.22:15
sbeattieinfinity: I can, thanks22:15

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