
czajkowskiwhere on earth is ketterling00:06
Filbertthe grim north00:07
popeyalso an olde hale & pace joke00:08
daftykinsnot nearly as warm as kettling00:08
=== daftykins is now known as IndianaJones
=== IndianaJones is now known as daftykins
czajkowskiNot gopd04:49
m0nkey_I have a four letter word in mind. Rhymes with duck.04:51
m0nkey_52% leave vs 48% remain04:52
m0nkey_GBP has already tanked04:52
m0nkey_Down $1.50 to $1.3004:53
m0nkey_Canadian dollar took a hit too.. $0.78 to $0.7604:53
m0nkey_Economically, we're screwed.04:53
m0nkey_249K votes required for leave to win04:54
czajkowskiant believe it's happened04:56
m0nkey_Seems BBC is calling it.04:56
czajkowskiaye only 37K votes needed to have it offical04:58
m0nkey_37K votes required for leave to win05:00
m0nkey_Leave has won05:01
Myrttifeeling physically sick now05:01
m0nkey_Arun voted 62.5% leave to 37.5% remain05:03
m0nkey_Arun was my district05:04
m0nkey_However, it'll be at least two years before it actually happens.05:05
m0nkey_I'm disappointed because I never received my postal vote.05:05
m0nkey_So I never got my say05:05
MyrttiI think my Internet today is done05:05
m0nkey_Me too05:07
m0nkey_It's happening already: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-3661151205:11
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=== mapp is now known as mapps
m0nkey_That's enough internet for me tonight.05:27
knightwiseJust some more proof that the media is the sheppard of the simple minded sheep07:09
diploMorning all07:33
diddledanJust seen the news07:37
diploCameron standing down too07:40
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:51
popeymorning brobostigon07:53
brobostigonmorning popey07:53
knightwisepopey: I realy thought that Mycroft was YOU in the beginning of the podcast07:57
knightwiseI thought : WOW , popey is making fun of HPR by doing an HPR style intro to the podcast .. and he is REALY good at it07:57
popeywe weren't "making fun" btw :)07:59
knightwiseSo were you the voice-model for mycroft or is this a freak coïncidence ?08:00
popeyI was08:00
knightwiseSo what did ou have to do to "enable" mycroft to talk ? Read every word known to man out loud into a mike ?08:01
popeyhttps://www.vocalid.co/  - I visited that site and recorded around 3700 sentences08:01
popeythey analyzed them and turned them into a voice file08:01
knightwiseAnd immortality is now within your grasp !08:05
* TwistedLucidity imagines a Glaswegian vocalid.....08:07
TwistedLucidity"Mycroft, what's the weather like?" "Dinnae fash pal, it's nae bad."08:07
diploI'd use that !!!08:08
TwistedLucidityI'd do one, but I'm not a Weegie.08:09
TwistedLuciditySo you'd a have some weird Norn Iron, Scots, other mash-up. Not pleasant.08:09
popeydoesn't sound right08:11
diploWill get my gran to do one, that would be hilarious :)08:13
TwistedLucidityAye, braw.08:32
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JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Friday, and happy Swim a Lap Day! 😃  🏊09:19
popeySwim the channel day.09:19
foobarrythrow farage in the channel day09:19
foobarryslow clap day09:20
popeyI really hoped this would be the day we say goodbye to Farage09:20
SuperMattso had I09:21
foobarrydemocracy is only good if your country aren't numpties09:21
daftykinswow graphics cards got big https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8iiftw23glst03v/AAAD3QXUYgpmkNdK2LYNVJqca?dl=009:24
diploTis huge!09:27
diploLate it flat and it's probably ove rhalf the size of the mobo :P09:27
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
daftykinslovely nvidia 1070 \o/09:29
diplolay it*09:29
diploI'd love one, need the rest of the machine though too09:29
TwistedLuciditydaftykins: Is the GNU/Linux compatibility good?09:30
daftykinsmmm, i did that back in April09:30
daftykinsTwistedLucidity: haha, yeah i'm going to drop £360 on a graphics card and then castrate it by running an OS that hamstrings it09:30
TwistedLucidityI kinda thought that would be the case.09:30
daftykinssorry, i just find it a funny commonality in Linux channels :)09:33
daftykinsi might boot a distro for fun later, but i don't think it'd work very well from nouveau :D09:33
daftykinsthis is my first time using displayport too o0 my lovely 2008 Dell LCDs have had v1.1 support all this time, first time i've owned hardware with it though09:34
TwistedLucidityNow that SteamOS seem to be basically dead, I don't hold out much hope for nvidia getting their act together09:34
TwistedLucidityAll my kit is too old to have new fangled things like displayport.09:35
daftykinsalthough AMD are allegedly turning things around with their new open driver, i have read rumours that their new Radeon RX480 has driver issues in the hands of reviewers... on Windows :|09:35
brobostigonit seems my fiance voted out, so disappointed.09:57
TwistedLuciditybrobostigon: Oh dear.09:58
TwistedLucidityPeople have a right to their opinion. If there is a coherent argument behind is (even one you disagree with), at least you can respect that.10:02
diplobrobostigon: you voting her out now ? :D10:02
popeyfriend of mine posted on fb... "Can anyone who's friends with me who voted leave please identify yourself."10:02
diploAlthough I do agree with TwistedLucidity :)10:03
popeymade me chuckle10:03
foobarry TwistedLucidity , started watching that dog porgramme10:03
diploSeen quite a few of those posts now popey10:03
brobostigondiplo: vote out my fiance? well, no.10:03
foobarryfirst scene was a tunnel i had walked thru in bethnal green earlier that day10:03
foobarryi know where the dog hideout was10:03
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: Yikes10:03
foobarryand the caravan site thing10:03
foobarryi would not bring kids up in e london10:04
brobostigonTwistedLucidity: yes, i respect her decision.10:05
foobarryi always thought 50% were below average intelligence. turns out its 52%10:06
TwistedLucidityI think a big problem was the low Remain turn-out and the poor Remain campaign (which Crobyn has to carry a lot of blame for)10:08
TwistedLucidityAnyway... !politics10:09
popeyI agree. Corbyn was worse than useless.10:09
foobarrybecause he is an outy10:09
TwistedLucidityDid you see him on "The Last Leg"?10:09
foobarrybut his lips said inny10:09
popeycan't watch that programme10:09
TwistedLucidityOh, it can be quite funny. Nick Clegg came across really well. As in, a decent person. Corbyn...err...damp facecloth10:10
TwistedLucidityDepends on your humour I guess10:10
popeyYeah, I quite like Nick Clegg as a human10:10
TwistedLucidityI won't repeat why my g/f said about Farage....10:10
diploDoes this mean we can no longer enter the EuroVision content?!?10:53
diploFriends daughter laid off by German logistics co in UK who announced they are closing, effective this morning. And so it starts. < emeacludguy on twitter10:54
diploDidn't think things would happen so quickly10:54
daftykinsthe sensationalism will, yes10:55
diploI guess it's also an excuse to be able to do it as well10:55
daftykinstotally, i'm sure there's some substance to it but maybe someone is just throwing their toys out10:56
popeydiplo: given Australia are in Eurovision....10:57
diplohehe I did think about it after i typed it :)10:58
popeydiplo: no such twitter account...10:58
popeyah, dick10:59
daftykinsbit rude ;)10:59
popeyit's his name10:59
diploYeah, lives down the road from me10:59
daftykinsyeah that's what the wink was10:59
popeyfor the logs, clarifying :)11:00
diploCouldn't link from my client and was too lazy to open up browser :D11:00
daftykinsi was over at a clients + friend of my dads Dick the other day, who was working in the house with his colleagues husband Dick just to keep it simple11:00
daftykinshehe xe.com is getting trashed with everyone looking at currency stuffs11:02
zmoylan-pitime for people to check their holiday money jar for all those foreign coins...11:02
popeythis is handy...11:02
popeyshows the long view too11:03
daftykinsooh thank ye, i was trying to find something to support the whole 'crash' news but couldn't find anyones that was loading11:03
daftykinsdefinitely not as good as $1.50 to the £1 was, it's going to sting a bit more if i go to the US this year now!11:04
zmoylan-pisomeone will be sitting somewhere with a white cat thinking, i could buy uk now...11:05
diploGot fairly low in March as well then11:05
daftykinsi take it somewhere, someone did a Python parody scene "What did the EU ever do for us?"11:05
zmoylan-pitoday is not over yet11:06
popeyyes daftykins, Patrick Stewart11:08
TwistedLucidityIt was a good read too11:08
popeytis fun11:08
TwistedLucidityOh, didn't know he'd done a vid too11:08
diploWhat a day, now a non-confidence proposal put on Corbyn :/11:12
TwistedLucidityApparently the Little Englanders are now beginning to wonder what leaving the EU means (according to Google search requests)11:13
zmoylan-pilet me guess no one concensus?11:14
TwistedLucidityI don't think the concensus can be stated in a family-friendly channel. But is does rhyme with "Tucked"11:15
zmoylan-pimucked up, yup11:15
TwistedLucidityYeah, mucked up. Ahem.11:15
popeyALL CHANGE! Everybody out!11:17
daftykinspopey: hehe knew someone had to!11:23
TwistedLuciditydiplo: He has been a waste of space. Which is a shame as it was nice to have a different voice in British politics for once.11:25
popeydifferent voice, no backbone11:26
diploEd Miliband was also bad, if his brother had been voted in I'd have probably voted for labour as would a lot of people I know11:27
LaneyInteresting isn't it11:31
LaneyThe expected coalition would have ditched the referendum promise11:31
TwistedLuciditypopey: So...different voice, same backbone (i.e. none)11:31
popeyLaney: really, didnt know that.11:31
TwistedLucidityYup, Lib Dems were against it11:32
popeyThat Nick Clegg, he had his faults, but he was a nice chap :)11:32
LaneySo you can blame this on the pollsters in the last parliament11:32
foobarrynick who?11:34
knightwiseYet another perfect example of : He who owns the media , ownes the world11:40
ali1234http://bitcoincharts.com/charts/coinbaseGBP#rg2zig15-minztgMzm1g10zm2g25 :D :D :D11:40
popeySo, Tom Watson for Labour leader?11:56
diploDidnt even know who he was till I googled him :/12:05
foobarryi used to like tom w, but realised he was a douche too12:21
foobarrydouche about Iraq war, subsequent investigation, expenses and the leon brittan thing was horrific12:24
TwistedLucidityIs there an MP worth supporting? Seems that by the time they gain power, they've become tainted12:26
ali1234we'll probably end up with chris leslie12:27
ali1234he's basically a clone of tony blair12:27
ali1234he's the unofficial leader of what remains of new labour12:27
Myrttilet's try this getting up from bed thing again12:29
Myrttimaybe with chocolate and ice cream12:29
Myrttiand orange soda, and chicken.12:29
foobarrythis pi zero was never meant to be networked12:30
foobarryget to choose keyboard or wifi12:30
foobarryneed to find my usb hub12:30
popeydo both usb ports function as usb?12:31
popeycan you thus power it from the gpio pins?12:31
foobarrydon't think so, but gonna check12:32
foobarryOne is a Power only, the other is Data only12:34
foobarryhave an issue where i need to configure the wifi device12:35
foobarrythink it needs the nonfree firmware package12:35
foobarrymight try a non powered hub but suspect it wont work12:36
popeyyeah, i had this issue12:36
popeyhad to use a hub12:37
popeypowered one12:37
daftykinswho knows that feeling when you pick up low fat cheese because it's 50% in the supermarket, you convince yourself to get it and it's never as good :(13:48
daftykins50% off, even13:48
diploIt's 50% off for a reason :P13:50
daftykinsbeware people, this is what island life outside the EU is ;)13:50
TwistedLucidityI messed up in Lidl, but in reverse. I like their low fat Greek yoghurt as part of breakfast. Grabbed the full-fat by mistake...soooooo rich. Soooo fatty. Bleurgh.13:52
daftykinshaha, fight through!13:52
TwistedLucidityA small bit dolloped on top of cereal would have been fine, but I had a bowl of the stuff!13:53
ali1234i just sent 6 laserjat cartridges back to HP. post off ice man was not happy14:55
diplo. /usr/bin/byobu-reconnect-sockets15:03
diplo. /usr/bin/byobu-reconnect-sockets15:03
diplo. /usr/bin/byobu-reconnect-sockets15:03
diplo. /usr/bin/byobu-reconnect-sockets15:03
diplo. /usr/bin/byobu-reconnect-sockets15:03
diplo. /usr/bin/byobu-reconnect-sockets15:03
diplodunno what happened there :D15:04
diploAh another keyboard slipped on f-keys I think15:05
* Seeker` reconnects diplo's sockets15:18
TwistedLucidityIs this the channel for that sort of thing?15:19
* TwistedLucidity summons the spirit of Whitehouse15:19
arsenipHow's the mood on the isles of taxinium, daftykins ?:D15:26
daftykinshrmm dunno! i don't even follow local news :)15:27
daftykinsarsenip: how's life in arsenipland? :>15:29
arsenipnot bad not bad! apparently the world has ended but i see blue sky here :s15:31
daftykinsi've heard some very odd comments from UK folks yeah, one mate up in Brighton acting all down about things15:42
daftykinss'like er, i don't see what's gonna change your life :P15:42
arsenipindeed, we'll see!15:43
ali1234is there any point buying a 6700K if i don't want to overclock?18:16
daftykinsali1234: i chose a 6700 vanilla since it's 65W instead of 91W TDP and includes a nice retail heatsink18:23
ali1234but isn't the 6700K only 91W if you only overclock it? otherwise it is exactly the same?18:24
daftykinsbuying the K, you've got more power then... need to source a heatsink too i'm pretty sure - and then it's only a bit faster18:24
daftykinsnah that's its' set TDP18:24
daftykinsit's probably down to whether you run more single or multithreaded workloads18:25
ali1234i run exclusively multithreaded18:25
daftykinsso you'd benefit from the consistent higher clocks of the K18:25
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