
magespawngood morning05:08
Kilosguten morgen05:41
pavlushkamorning thatgraemeguy 06:34
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 06:34
chesedomorning magespawn Kilos thatgraemeguy pavlushka and others06:34
pavlushkamorning chesedo!06:35
Kiloshi chesedo all good there06:35
chesedoKilos: yip and self?06:35
Kilosjust dunno whats up spacebar06:36
Kiloshave to touch directly centre or it doesntwork06:37
chesedoKilos: guess we will have to get our twitter, g+, mail and what not messages out later today for the meeting next week..06:37
Kilosoh my06:37
Kiloswhere did this month go06:38
* chesedo hopes it went forward :P06:39
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Kilosi go sort sheep07:42
thatgraemeguyhow do you sort them?07:42
Kilosnono i meanmove ramsto onecamp fromtheir lockup kraal and then ewes to another camp07:43
thatgraemeguyI know :-)07:43
Kilosno hanky panky allowed atm07:43
thatgraemeguyI'm not that much of a city boy y'know07:44
Kilosi didntknow07:44
thatgraemeguyI once helped round up some sheep in the morning and then by afternoon we had fresh tails to throw on the braai for snacks ;)07:44
thatgraemeguywool and all. stick em under a pile of hot ashes for a little bit and the wool slips right off07:45
Kilosi dont know what to do to fix this spacebar07:45
thatgraemeguyyum yum, now I'm hungry thanks!07:45
Kiloschops on legs07:45
magespawnKilos: space bar on the keyboard?08:05
magespawnroast lamb with rosemary glaze08:05
pavlushkalol @ magespawn !08:12
Kiloswbb gonna try fix space bar08:41
inetprogood evenings08:47
pavlushkaGood Mornings inetpro , unless otherwise you are in a different time zone, :p08:48
pavlushkaother than your local08:48
inetprohoe gaan dit pavlushka?08:51
* pavlushka thinks inetpro drives him to google translate08:53
pavlushkainetpro: I am fine, thanks, and you?08:54
inetprohaha, you should know the language by now :-)08:54
pavlushkastudy says women are good at learning new languages, and I am not a women so far08:55
magespawnpavlushka: what language do you speak at home? hi by the way.08:57
Kiloshi magespawn 08:57
Kiloshe speaks gibberish magespawn 08:58
pavlushkamagespawn: Bengali08:58
Kiloslooks like the stuff etched on pyramid walls08:58
inetprowb Kilos09:05
Kilosty inetpro 09:05
Kiloshad to repair space bar09:05
inetproKilos: is it fixed now?09:07
magespawnpavlushka: now that might be something to learn09:07
pavlushkamagespawn: if you think so, :)09:10
inetproKilos: cool, else you should just use another character for space09:11
Kilosthank heavens it fixed09:11
inetprowon't look as neat and certainly could get very confusing but...09:12
inetproyou don't really need a space to survive09:13
inetprootherwise just go get yourself a new keyboard with all the money you saved with your travelling delays09:14
Kilosif push comes to shove i can always login on desktop09:15
Kilosmagespawn it looks like this কি নাম রে ভাও 09:16
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
magespawnKilos be careful, you might jusr start an incident, you might have just insulted the whole country ;)09:40
grembleGood afternoon10:22
Kiloshi gremble 10:23
grembleHow are you Kilos 10:23
Kilosok ty and you10:24
Kilosoops power gone10:24
pavlushkaHello theblazehen !11:32
* superfly waves from DebCamp16 day 211:36
magespawnhey superfly camping out i see11:39
superflyit's the hackfest that happens before DebConf11:42
* magespawn is somewhat envious11:47
Kiloshi tareq 12:33
Kilosinetpro superfly and other kde users, can you give us an idea of what to write help files for on kde12:33
Kiloswhat documentation needs to cover what topics12:34
tareqi need some topic, so that it can help new users12:34
Kilostareq wants to write, to helps noobs12:35
tareqin my personal blog, some forums12:35
Kilosjust be patient tareq they are all at work12:35
tareqok, no problem12:35
superflyHonestly, you have two options: either contact the KDE team and find out from them, or just start by yourself.12:35
superflyI'm not a good person to ask because I've been using KDE for more than 10 years.12:36
superflytareq: are your users new to KDE, or new to Linux as a whole?12:36
tareqsuperfly: we have both12:37
tareqI think at first I should target second group12:37
superflySo for "I've used Windows all my life" people, I'd probably start with things like "how to set up your mouse to double-click like Windows"12:38
superflyand potentially "where are my files" and "how do I get on the internet?"12:38
tareqI think a new user should try kde based distro first12:40
superflyI agree12:40
superflyBut KDE is still not very Windows-like beyond initial appearances12:40
tarequnity, gnome shell not for them12:41
tareqbut appearances are key for noobs12:41
Kilostareq look at the above link, you could get some more ideas other than what the guys have said already12:46
Kilosand dont forget to do english as well12:46
Kilosi have my live help in this channel12:47
tareqyea, now I need to get involved12:47
tareqin documentation12:48
tareqI hope it will help me to get official membership12:48
Kiloseven translations help12:49
Kilosthey score on karma12:49
tareqtranslation and documentation12:49
Kilosty superfly inetpro 12:50
theblazehenHey all. Happy birthday for yesterday Kilos :)13:16
tareqKilos, happy birthday13:37
Kilosty tareq 14:15
Kilosty theblazehen 14:15
Kilosmagespawn 14:57
Kilosi need win advice please14:57
Kilosgot a crashed xp pc rotten with virii, cant make backup14:58
Kilosbut using ubuntu i can see about everything14:59
Kilosis all the users data in documents and settings14:59
Kilosand what else must i save to make it like it was , after i format and install xp again15:00
tareqkilos: just copy all documents to another partition15:11
Kilosis that all?15:11
tareqor you can boot scan the drive15:11
tarequsing antivirus15:11
tareqI would prefer boot scan using antivirus15:12
Kilosusing gufw?15:12
tareqyou can15:12
Kiloscool ty15:12
Kilosill try to scan and see what happens15:13
Kilosreinstall doesnt work because it keeps saying it cant find files15:13
tareqKilos: it would be better if you install avast in ubuntu15:13
Kilosso i was going to format the drive15:13
tareqthen scan that drive15:14
tarequsing avast15:14
Kilosi tried avast once in ubuntu and it didnt work15:14
Kiloshave they made a linux version now15:14
Kilosone that works15:14
Kilosoh yes 15:15
Kilosi meant that not gufw15:15
Kilosty tareq let me give it a go15:16
tareqgood luck15:17
tareqits my pleasure :)15:19
magespawnwrong keyboard15:27
magespawnhome time chat later all15:27
Kilosgo safe15:27
pavlushkalol theblazehen , where were you yesterday?16:37
theblazehenpavlushka: dentist. Removed wisdom teeth 16:37
pavlushkaKilos: having XP issue?16:41
Kilosyeah another old ladies pc16:43
* Kilos waves to the noisy crowd18:14
tareqhello kilos18:24
tareqwhat is the update18:24
Kiloshavent got further than copying all documents and settings over to ubuntu tareq 18:27
Kilosbusy with another one that has psu prob18:27
Kilossame as http://www.techspot.com/community/topics/inserting-cd-causes-system-reboot.51206/18:31
Kilosthen hunted through all other pcs for a psu thats right for it18:31
KilosMaaz coffee on19:02
* Maaz washes some mugs19:02
pavlushkaMaaz coffee please19:06
Maazpavlushka: Sure19:06
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and pavlushka!19:06
pavlushkaMaaz, thanks, that was quick19:07
Maazpavlushka: I'll remember that19:07
KilosMaaz ty19:07
MaazYou are welcome Kilos19:07
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:23

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