
mercury00nightelf, for instance, the dd program is fairly simple afaict and not using high level code, whereas I can't speak to whether something like python, ruby or java are making effecient use of write operations to disk00:00
tatertotsI have some questions about your setup Haydar but it will sound like i'm going off topic when i go down that line of questioning so we might have to skip to your third problem or you can hit me up on hangouts/skype.....i'm a friendly person00:00
HaydarOzturk34Yeah that would be better choice I don't wanna disturb anyone at all00:01
HaydarOzturk34what is your skype id00:01
HaydarOzturk34or hangout would be better00:02
HaydarOzturk34tatertots: look out the private massage00:04
tatertotsbrb guys ...apparently she wants me to do something else now....i took out the trash already geez00:05
NightElfmercury00, you are right, at least now i'm sure that the ramdisk is working fine and the problem is related to the writing script. that would help me alot to find out what the problem is, thanks for your help i appreciate it.00:09
extinct_potatoi'm so fucking dumb00:10
Bashing-omMikubuntu: Was there a proprietary driver in use in the old install ... that gor broke in the upgrade ?00:13
hartxthi, I had a dual boot going in a laptop with Win10 on the main SSD and Ubuntu on the 2nd SSD. Now I need to move the Ubuntu SSD to a different PC on its own but it's not recognized as a bootable device, how do I fix that?00:13
MikubuntuO this is VERY frustrating I'm starting to remember that this was a very painful install way back in 201400:13
HeyTherechannel seems rather dead at this time, so ill ask a stupid question: i need a new phone, can i justify buying an iphone, if one of the main reasons i switched from microsoft windows to ubuntu is that i am a supporter of open software or more strictly the free software foundations believe. (casual user, non technical)00:14
MikubuntuBashing-om I am trying to remember what the problem was way back then but it was so long ago00:15
Ben64HeyThere: you might want to try #ubuntu-offtopic since it's not about ubuntu support00:15
Bashing-omMikubuntu: Drivers can be that .. we follow the path af least resistence. At the login screen, can you activate a console ( ctl+alt+F1) ?00:15
HeyThere(not ready to take the step to furbished thinkpads and trisquel)00:15
winston2khartxt you need to install on another pc since its prolly not identicle hardware00:16
HeyThereBen64: the channel is +r00:16
Ben64so register00:16
MikubuntuI will try doing a HD check now not sure why it's all Greek to me00:17
Bashing-om!tab | Mikubuntu00:17
ubottuMikubuntu: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:17
HeyThereBen64: fair enough, i just didnt feel like registering just to join a channel on an irc network, might proceed though as im bored ^^00:18
HeyThereBen64: btw, do you know why it's +r, it wasn't in 08.00:19
MikubuntuBashing-om no tab key on tablet lol00:19
hartxtyes it's not the same hardware but won't proprietary drivers work? would booting via livecd and using bootrepair work?00:19
winston2kimho its more work than doing an install00:19
Bashing-omMikubuntu: Long as you nick to me so I see the response .. busy channel and easy otherwise to miss !00:20
winston2kthe result will be more stable and you will just be back here doing it the other way00:20
Ben64HeyThere: spam00:21
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RandomNewbBen64: so it's got +r to keep people like me out away, considering my stupid question ^^00:21
monte_cristoi made a backup archive of my home directory, but it pulledd in a bunch of a random crap that i dont really want in there,00:22
tgm4883hartxt: I'd try that, boot repair00:22
RandomNewb(just changed nick)00:22
monte_cristowhat is the best tool to like, examine stuff in an archive and purge some things00:22
monte_cristois it "engrampa" now?00:22
monte_cristoor is there a new one00:22
hartxtwinston2k: my dev environment is pretty complex which is why i don't want to go from scratch again.. would I be able to restore a system backup after a reinstall to get all my apps and packages on again?00:23
tgm4883hartxt: have you tried the boot-repair option yet?00:23
hartxtno, still making the livecd00:23
tgm4883hartxt: I don't see why that wouldn't work00:24
hartxtok thanks00:24
tgm4883hartxt: proprietary graphics drivers installed?00:24
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MikubuntuBashing-om maybe I don't even have live image on this stick I will have to go find a working box to see .. guess I see u later. Thx for trying to help00:26
Bashing-omMikubuntu: Fix this install ?00:27
winston2khartxt: you should be able to00:29
HinjesHello. I'm having trouble getting Ubuntu to recognize my keyboard and mouse. I'm booting from a USB and trying to install it to my SSD. Does anyone have advice?00:30
Bashing-omHinjes: bios based machine ? Maybe in bios insure that "USB devices " is set as "legacy" ,, AND that "plug and play" is enabled .00:33
HinjesThank you. I'll try00:33
HinjesThe mouse works, sometimes, but the keyboard is fully inoperable.00:35
Bashing-omHinjes: K, sounds like a driver thing .. in that Bios is passing to the system wrong info .. see what changing the settings in bios effects ( take good notes on what you change !) .00:36
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HinjesI updated my BIOS to tell it that I have a tower cooling unit on the CPU00:38
HinjesWhere should I look to modify USB settings?00:38
HinjesIt's an ASUS bios, if that helps at all00:38
Bashing-omHinjes: Each and every bios is different.00:40
HinjesI set the USB Support to "full initialization"00:40
Bashing-omHinjes: Try and see .00:43
Hinjesthe hotkeys work, but when I try typing in libreoffice, nothing shows up00:43
Hinjesso it's accepting the input, that's not the issue.00:44
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HinjesAlso, I can't close libreoffice...00:45
HinjesThis is very strange00:45
HinjesMaybe there's something fundamental here I'm not getting00:46
HinjesI can press 'c' to continue things00:46
HaydarOzturk34_Guys a friend in here said I can use my separate hard drives half to dual boot without loosing any of my data00:52
HaydarOzturk34_Do you guys know how to do that on ubuntu?00:52
HaydarOzturk34_or should I wait my friend?00:52
tgm4883!dualboot | HaydarOzturk34_00:53
ubottuHaydarOzturk34_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:53
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Bashing-omHinjes: That "c' to continue ... grub boot menu ? You are not able to boot into the install ?01:01
HinjesNope. I can't get to the install itself01:03
Hinjesthe keyboard and mouse stop working01:03
HinjesI had the disk check to see if there were any defects and it said there weren't01:04
mikolotkoJust reformatted "D" drive into ext4 for file storage. Tried to copy/cut+paste on it afterwards but can't. When I tried the sudo caja approach, I suddenly can. Is there something I've done wrong in the formatting stage on gparted?01:08
tgm4883mikolotko: sounds like permissions aren't set correctly01:08
HinjesI got to the "who are you?" part of the install and then the keyboard stopped working again.01:09
mikolotkoTrue, it looks like it, tgm4883. Should I reformat? Or do post format things to change permissions?01:09
mnathaniI am running an application called graylog, and need to assign permissions to that user to bind to ports < 1024 without running the application as root01:10
tgm4883mikolotko: don't reformat, you'll be in the same boat you are in now. Where did you mount the drive?01:10
mikolotko<tgm4883>, I just clicked on it. GUI.01:11
tgm4883mikolotko: this is an internal drive?01:11
mikolotkotgm4883, yes.01:11
tgm4883mikolotko: probably best to mount it somewhere first. Once mounted, we can change the permissions on the drivec01:12
tgm4883mikolotko: what's the output of 'lsblk'01:12
dotaWho is familiar with UEFI? I found that something in UFEI was changed by my ubuntu 16, causing WIN8 unable to discover any USB3.0 devices. I got to load defaults of UEFI to solve the problem.01:12
mikolotko<tgm4883> Alright. And, I don't know what lsblk means, yet.01:13
mnathanihow do I make an IPtable rule persistent01:13
mikolotko<tgm4883>, and google search keywords I should know so that I can go on my way? There seems to be a lot of people in need of help here.01:13
monte_cristoi was running "engrampa" as root01:14
monte_cristoto look at my backup image01:14
monte_cristoand it said "the filesystem "root" has no diskspace remaining"01:14
tgm4883mikolotko: start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive  once you have it mounted, you'll need to chown the directory to your user01:14
mikolotko<tgm4883> hmm, chown seems familiar during 14.04 lts days. I'll look into it. Thank you.01:16
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backboxhowdy there, buckaroo!01:34
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monte_cristoi am trying to view a 25.7 GB bz2 file01:37
monte_cristoand it is taking forever to open01:37
monte_cristoi should have used gzip i guess01:39
benevolentdictatHow did I get ubuntu bash running on Windows 10 now?01:39
Bashing-om!ubuwin | benevolentdictat01:41
ubottubenevolentdictat: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.01:41
Bashing-ombenevolentdictat: Also welcome to join the discussion : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2318965&page=10 .01:44
OptiprismIm trying to Dual Boot win10 and ubuntu16.04, if I press "install alongside" i still get to choose the partition right?01:49
OptiprismSigh I'm just gonna try01:50
Tin_manno I don't think so01:50
Tin_mani think you need the bottom choice don't have it in front of me01:51
Tin_manyour screen01:51
OptiprismAh ok01:51
Tin_manwhat is your bottom choice?01:51
Tin_mansomething else, or something like that01:51
OptiprismYeah I'll try that out01:52
Tin_mangood luck01:52
Tin_manif in doubt don't!01:52
Bashing-omOptiprism: That "manual install" option is if you have done the homework and prior prudent planning !01:53
OptiprismHmm, yeah I'm a bit confused by it, not sure where to put the boot loader in01:55
OptiprismWhat exactly does the "install alongside" option do?01:56
Tin_mankinda divides your partition, and puts ubuntu along side windows01:57
Bashing-omOptiprism: How many physical hard drives are internal ? The "install alongside" will install grub to the 1st (sda) drive\ .01:57
OptiprismAh I see, so say I have 1 ssd with Windows on it, and another HDD where I want to create a partition in to dual boot Ubuntu from01:58
Bashing-om!dualboot | Optiprism01:59
ubottuOptiprism: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:59
OptiprismI would choose something else and create a swap space and a / partition and put the bootloader on the HDD right?01:59
OptiprismThanks I'll read that02:00
Tin_mani've set up dual boot that way, but i didn't have a ssd, just 2 ide drives, but put ubuntu on the slave drive, and kept mint on the master drive, and it worked fine..02:01
Bashing-omOptiprism: Yeah . in essense correct . prior to install set up the partitions as you want . ( I do like partitions of '/', /home, and /swap ) . Else if you have a OS on the 2nd driver, "install alongside ) let the wizard do a default install and then one will need to manually install the boot code after the install completes .02:02
Bashing-omTin_man: Keep in mind in Optiprism's situation, Windows on the primary drive and Windows will not talk grub .02:04
Tin_manyes, i see that, as i mentioned mine was mint, not Windows02:04
OptiprismHmm, so I think I'll try to install the bootloader on the HDD without windows on it, in which case I assume I can select the disk I want my bios to load via boot order?02:07
Bashing-omOptiprism: Somewhat, Windows boot code on the primary driver will not be touched or altered .. Grub on the 2nd drive can talk Windows, and from grub's boot menu you can choose which system to boot .02:08
OptiprismOh I see, yeah this will work for me02:09
Bashing-omOptiprism: That way. booting the 2nd drive you choose the OS . Can then always boot Windows on the 1st drive by changing the boot priority .02:10
OptiprismWell installing it now, let's see if this works :D02:11
Bashing-omOptiprism: :) Ain't no step for a stepper .02:14
Tin_manhope all goes well, i'm outta here..02:22
DonJuan692006Hey peeps! I'm having issues with getting switchable graphics setup on my laptop that I just installed 16.04 on.02:35
Bashing-omDonJuan692006: Show the channel in a pastebin what we are working with - lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' - .02:36
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Bashing-omDonJuan692006: Intel/AMD hybrid graphics .. Not sure personally how that works .. othesr here will have to pick up my slack .02:42
DonJuan692006Bashing-om: Done.02:42
DonJuan692006I'm actually not interested in keeping the hybrid functionality. I'm wanting to force over to the AMD graphics and keep it there.02:43
Bashing-omDonJuan692006: Lemme look and see if switchroo is still the thing in 16.04 .02:43
DonJuan692006Bashing-om: I tried going that route, but none of the commands are making any changes to the switch file.02:44
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Bashing-omDonJuan692006: See : http://askubuntu.com/questions/783205/swapping-between-video-cards-on-ubuntu-16-04 . That help ?02:48
DonJuan692006Bashing-om: Unfortunately, no. The discrete card is showing as DynOFF for me.02:52
virgoretti6would anyone here know why I don't seem to be able to boot my computer from a USB drive?03:05
DonJuan692006What computer do you have? Does is have secure boot enabled?03:07
virgoretti6Acer AXC-603G-UW30, and I think it does.03:08
DonJuan692006You probably need to disable secure boot from BIOS. What are you trying to boot?03:11
Jordan_Uvirgoretti6: How did you prepare the USB drive? How did you try to boot from it? What happened when you tried?03:15
virgoretti6DonJuan692006 Puppy03:15
virgoretti6Jordan_U by using dd, and I put "Removable Drive" as the first priority in the boot menu03:17
Jordan_Uvirgoretti6: That's 2 out of 3 questions answered, but also this channel only suppoets Ubuntu. If you dd an Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit iso to a USB drive I expect you will be able to boot from it.03:31
ubuntucoustomeriI need help03:44
ubuntucoustomeriMy IOMEGA ZIP 10003:45
ubuntucoustomeriI do have a floppy drive too03:45
liuxgis there any NFC lib for armhf?03:49
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NoCodeHi, is the transparency issue fixed for gnome shell?04:11
NoCode@bug gnome-shell transparency04:13
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Yuri4_Guys, my command `mupx deploy` fails with some errors. Some guys on github tolde me "Try deploying while running mupx logs -f to get more info from the logs." How do I do that?04:27
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rukaiIs boot-repair the only way to fix an overwritten mbr on ubuntu? I'm used to using a regular install usb to fix it in Arch Linux.04:47
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rukaiOh, dont worry, figured it out04:50
BaconCOk so I am desperate so I am asking anywhere I can. If anyone here owns a HTC Desire 620 with TWRP recovery and is willing to make a backup of their stock rom for me please let me know so I can unbrick my phone :304:55
Guest43731i have an skylake i7 processor with 520 intel hd graphics. I am using ubuntu 14.04.4 with kernal 4.4.8. When I checked with powertop compiz is using >200 events /s and it is draining a hell lot of power. Tried several desktop environments and there will be some process that sucks alll the power. Gnome metacity and xfce are the only one without any problem. Is it because of any driver issue?04:55
Guest43731Any help?04:58
Guest43731Nyone here? A little help?04:59
baizonGuest43731: yes, what troubles you?04:59
Guest43731the power usage05:00
Guest43731i do want to use gnome05:00
Guest43731But compiz is using all the power and the battery is draining so quickly05:00
baizonGuest43731: did you disable the 3d fancy stuff?05:01
Guest43731mationyes. I tried disabling all the ani05:01
Guest43731yes. I tried disabling all the animations also05:02
baizonGuest43731: try powertop and or tlp05:02
Guest43731I did tried kde plasma and gnome 305:02
Guest43731In kde instead of compiz gnome-shell is taking all the resources.05:03
baizonGuest43731: these are "heavy" DE05:03
baizonthey use more resources then for example xfce or lxde05:03
Guest43731But I tested the these de using some other systems. They all uses < 100 evets /sec and not draining much resources05:04
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baizonGuest43731: yes because, they are "lightweight"05:05
Guest43731I tested unity in my old laptop. It is only using <100 events /s. But in my system even if i disable all the fancy stuffs it goes beyond 500 events /s. I heard there are some problems with the latest skylake series from intel. Is it because of that?05:07
baizonGuest43731: cant tell you that, im not using intel05:08
Guest43731mm. k05:08
Guest43731If you are good with kernel stuffs, can you check this url? https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/2015q4-intel-graphics-stack-release05:10
baizonGuest43731: ubuntu 16.04 uses 4.4 kernel, so if youre using 14.04 this is usefull, else not05:12
Guest43731am using 14.04 with kernel 4.4.805:13
baizonGuest43731: well i guess not everything is up 2 date then05:13
Guest43731Installing those individual packages have any effect?05:15
Guest43731like Mesa - 11.0.4, xf86-video-intel - 2.99.917, etc...05:15
baizonGuest43731: this can break your system, i would recommend to upgrade to 16.0405:16
VirtualManAny know how to work with the Virtual-manager or KVM or qemu?05:17
Guest43731k baizon05:18
VirtualManWhere support?05:19
Guest43731thanx i will try live booting and check t problem still exist in 16.0405:19
baizonGuest43731: np, good idea05:19
VirtualManwhat problem?05:19
VirtualManHelp please05:25
VirtualManHello! Friens! Any Here?05:29
baizonVirtualMan: well its 7AM, so many are sleeping. Thats why you have to be patient05:29
VirtualMan8 :3005:30
veXxdoes virt-manager not have an option for creating snapshots? im using qcow2 format but still not seeing it anywhere05:30
VirtualManI noob and not know hot to work KVM05:30
VirtualManI run Gateway and Whonix. But I think Whonix not see Gateway.05:32
VirtualManNo Whonix and Workstation05:32
VirtualManWorkstation not can work with the Gateway05:33
VirtualManSO why?05:33
VirtualManWho use Virtual-Manager?05:35
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veXx /sigh05:49
zamnutsneed some help getting iptables to take effect, i come from RHEL so the lack of `service iptables ...` is throwing me off. ufw is disabled, i'm using iptables-persistent (which is working), but in the following configuration i can still access port 80 (which i shouldn't be able to): http://paste.ubuntu.com/17841498/05:51
zamnutsi have event attempted to explicitly --dport 80 -j DROP, but still no effect05:52
scilencewhat is this ?05:53
zamnuts@scilence \x20 ?05:56
whoI am new to Ubuntu05:57
scilenceWhat is the main chat here05:57
whois it secure05:57
whoscience @ Ubuntu OS05:57
scilenceeverybody here?05:58
scilenceanybody here?05:59
scilenceWhy I can't have to install playonlinux?06:00
McLightI love to fight with my computer is Ubuntu good for that?06:01
baizonscilence: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayOnLinux06:01
scilencethanks you @baizon06:02
* shanky_ says "hello"06:03
abhishekany free google drive clients for ubuntu?06:12
abhishekinsync and overGrive seem good but they are paid.06:13
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ztag100Judging from the documentation, 3 finger gestures are supposed to be enabled by default, but I don't have any, does anyone know how I can get them to work?06:17
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ztag100My laptop is an l521x06:17
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TheLizardElfHello hello[06:20
tatertotsthose hours that no one on the planet earth has ubuntu linux questions or issues06:22
tatertotsthe 5th dimension06:23
McLighttwilight zone06:26
TheLizardElfAnybody here have the time to help me out with Networking a few devices and securing my connection?06:27
akik!ask | TheLizardElf06:29
ubottuTheLizardElf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:29
tatertotsask your question Lizard06:30
tatertotswhat's the issue?06:31
TheLizardElfMy question is, new to Ubuntu, punks have been munipulating my dads phone and my black berry, I need to get them all secure and find out what type of scripting has been done06:31
McLightmaybe a shrink06:32
akikTheLizardElf: that's not an ubuntu question unless it's a ubuntu phone -> #ubuntu-touch06:32
TheLizardElfno its just ubuntu desktops06:32
akikTheLizardElf: usually when a device is compromised, the best way to go forward is reset/re-flash06:32
tatertotswhen does ubuntu linux come into play in the situation lizard?06:32
TheLizardElfflash the bios?06:32
akikTheLizardElf: you were talking about phones06:33
TheLizardElfI switched from windows to ubuntu06:33
TheLizardElfyea an iphone06:33
TheLizardElflike how do I set up a home VPN\06:34
tatertotsah ok now i understand06:34
tatertotsyou are using or have access to a computer running ubuntu06:34
TheLizardElfand about the comprised device, do I need to flash the bios?06:34
tatertotslizard tell me what type of "manipulation" the punks did to your dads phone and your blackberry?06:35
TheLizardElfi learnt some pretty distrubing things today06:35
TheLizardElfthey are compromised, keylogged, mic hacked and camera06:36
TheLizardElfmy house is sickening06:36
TheLizardElfi cant have friends over or live a life06:37
tatertotswhat version of ubuntu are you running lizard?06:37
tatertotswhat kind of computer?..or what hardware specs?06:38
TheLizardElfhp 1 gig ram06:38
TheLizardElf1.8 ghz06:38
tatertotslaptop or desktop?06:39
McLightSchizophrenia is what you want to learn about06:39
TheLizardElfnope, just ptsd from this prolonged exposure to.....the band06:39
LaogeodrittTheLizardElf: what?06:40
TheLizardElfnever mind06:40
TheLizardElfsomeone going to help me set up a secure network or what06:40
tatertotslizard where's your black berry at right now?06:41
TheLizardElfspying on spys06:41
tatertotsi mean where is your black berry at geographically, in relation to where you are? you as in your physical person or body?06:42
TheLizardElf haha, its close06:42
tatertotsyou want a secure network right?06:42
HoloIRCUser4Where is gopal06:47
TheLizardElfits like calling he police, you just get put on hold06:47
tatertotsthe people that help out around here sometimes ask questions to better assist people with ubuntu06:49
TheLizardElfok tater06:49
tatertotsbut if you don't answer their questions they can't really help you much06:49
TheLizardElfwhats the question06:50
TheLizardElfand im not giving out address and stuff on here06:50
TheLizardElfi shouldnt have too06:50
tatertotsit's too late now06:50
tatertotsyou could have just scrolled up and read what was asked06:50
TheLizardElfyea it shows up06:50
TheLizardElfBlack berry is beside me, I am ready to secure06:51
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=== HoloIRCUser4 is now known as hp
tatertotsbut since you showed that you're not even willing to do two very basic things, one being scrolling up, the other reading.06:52
hpGood afternoon frnds06:52
TheLizardElfi did06:52
TheLizardElfubuntu weiner06:52
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tatertotshmm that was just odd...he didn't even have a real ubuntu issue......imagine that06:55
McLightnutz are good protein06:56
abhishekdo you guys use any anti-virus for ubuntu?06:59
tatertotshello abhishek07:00
abhishektatertots, hey!07:00
tatertotswhat's kind of ubuntu problem are you having?..what version? what kind of computer/hardware? when did you first notice the issue?07:00
abhishektatertots, Sorry, are you asking me?07:01
tatertots@ abhishek07:01
akik!antivirus | abhishek07:02
ubottuabhishek: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus07:02
htnshi guys07:03
htnshey hans__07:03
htnshow experineced are you with GNU/Linux in general?07:03
hans__A little bit07:03
hans__I personally use Ubuntu Unity07:04
abhishekakik, thanks, which one do you suggest? I tried clamav once, it's cli interface was weird for me.07:04
akikabhishek: i don't use one so can't suggest any07:04
hans__Clamav shows false positives07:04
abhishekhans__, is it? can you suggest better alternative?07:05
ducasseAbigailBuccaneer: clamtk is a gui for clamav.07:05
hans__for wine I would suggest Kaspersky Internet Security07:05
abhishekSorry being a bit paranoid of security after watching mr.robot.07:05
hans__Does anyone speak German here?07:06
McLightI have question I love fight with my computer is Ubuntu good for me?07:08
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!07:08
msev-Does anyone know a bash oneliner :), to detect a certain bluetooth device (if I input its mac address)07:08
tatertotswhat version of ubuntu msev?07:09
tatertotswhat are you having trouble with msev?07:11
tatertotsMcLight you shouldn't fight with your computer...violence never solves anything :P07:14
keeshhow can i stream my desktop to a service like youtbue or even my own server07:14
ducassemsev-: 'man hcitool' - look at the 'info' option.07:14
msev-tatertots, its ubuntu 14.0407:15
Qatalistvirsh -c qemu:///system net-define Whonix_network*.xml error: Failed to define network from Whonix_network- error: operation failed: network 'Whonix' already exists with uuid bd458b04-98a3-406d-9afb-97795049e64607:16
msev-no problems just want to use it as presence detection07:16
msev-when the computer detects my phone it should trigger some stuff07:16
QatalistHow to remove it?07:16
tatertotsQatalist what is it that you are trying to remove?07:18
ducassemsev-: i've seen scripts online for locking the screen when a phone goes out of reach, you could look for those and start there.07:19
Qatalisttatertots, I want to update xml07:19
Qatalisttatertots, I changed config07:20
msev-can't find it ducasse07:20
Qatalisttatertots, Importing Whonix VM Templates  https://www.whonix.org/wiki/KVM07:21
ducassemsev-: first hit on google: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/blueproximity-use-bluetooth-device-to.html07:23
msev-this is useless07:24
msev-i don't want it for that purpose07:24
msev-I want it simply for presence detection07:24
msev-so my home automation system (nodered) knows my presence07:24
tatertotsQatalist does that mean you changed the configuration of the vm that you created from template?07:26
ducassemsev-: seems it can also launch scripts.07:26
tatertotsah ok07:27
Qatalisttatertots, I changed xml07:27
msev-ducasse, then its cool :D07:27
tatertotswhat changes did you make? @ Qatalist?07:28
tatertotswhy did you make those changes? @ Qatalist07:28
Qatalisttatertots, How to fix this problem?07:29
QatalistAny help please07:31
tatertots@Qatalist have you tried to import a known good template?....known good as in a template that you haven't made changes to xml data?07:32
tatertotsare you able to successfully import a known good template?07:33
tatertots@Qatalist ^07:34
tatertots@Qatalist yes/no?07:34
ducasseQatalist: try07:35
ducasseQatalist: try 'virsh -c qemu:///system net-undefine Whonix'07:35
Secret-Firehow to disable suspend/hibernate in terminal in 16.04?07:39
QatalistJust how to fix this stupid bug?07:40
QatalistAny fix stupid manual please07:41
ducasseQatalist: did you try the command i gave you?07:41
Tin_manSecret-Fire, might try this link: http://askubuntu.com/questions/1792/how-can-i-suspend-hibernate-from-command-line07:41
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Secret-FireTin_man: how to DISABLE suspend/hibernate in terminal in 16.04?07:42
Qatalistducasse, Network Whonix has been undefined07:42
ducasseQatalist: that should have done it.07:43
Tin_mandon't if it's changed from the terminal point of view Secret-Fire ..07:43
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Qatalist virsh -c qemu:///system define Whonix-Gateway*.xml error: Failed to define domain from Whonix-Gateway- error: operation failed: domain 'Whonix-Gateway' already exists with uuid 1ed124b0-ec1e-4a3f-9f8c-f466e9c4e13707:46
Tin_manSecret-Fire, it says that ( systemctl suspend -i ) is the command for suspend in 16.0407:46
Tin_mani can't test it, i'm on a windows machine now..07:46
ducasseQatalist: is there more than one file that matches the mask you give it?07:47
Qatalistducasse, NO07:49
Qatalistonly one Gateway + xml07:49
ducasseQatalist: try 'virsh -c qemu:///system net-undefine Whonix-Gateway'07:50
Qatalistvirsh -c qemu:///system net-undefine Whonix-Gateway error: failed to get network 'Whonix-Gateway' error: Network not found: no network with matching name 'Whonix-Gateway'07:51
htnsis there a way to get more info on ubuntu packages? like i want to see if i should install one package over another07:52
Qatalistducasse, maybe remove all config of this lib?07:53
catopettI have a blueray rom that will not play movies in ubuntu , what would possibility be wrong , there are programs that read blueray disks for ubuntu ?07:53
Qatalistor purgen07:53
tatertotswhat are you trying to play blu ray with catopett? what software?...i play blu ray on my ubuntu all the time07:56
juanonymousis it possible to install openssl on the machine without root access?07:56
tatertotsJuan you want to make changes to a linux computer by installing additional software on it, but do NOT have administrative level access aka root?07:57
tatertots@ juanonymous07:58
juanonymousi do not have root privilege07:58
tatertotsthen you will not be installing any additional software07:58
juanonymousyes, i think so. hehe07:59
ducassejuanonymous: you can build it from source in your homedir.07:59
juanonymousi do not have link for openssl source07:59
juanonymousi mean i do not know how to install it07:59
ducassejuanonymous: https://www.openssl.org/ - docs on the site.08:00
Secret-FireTin_man: I think i figured it out in the LightDM GTK08:02
juanonymousis this correct when trying to configure openssl -> ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local08:05
ducassejuanonymous: look for an INSTALL or README file in the source dir, it should tell you how to proceed.08:08
hariaakashGuys I am finding an error like this "wine: '/home/user' is not owned by you, refusing to create a configuration directory there"08:08
hariaakashanyone out here can you help me ? I have tried google alot, but I have to run wine as sudo which is the problem08:10
bowlOfPetuniashariaakash; does it literally say /home/user08:10
hariaakashyep it is the directory where the exe file stays08:11
hariaakashwine won't allow to run sudo, but I want to force it to run08:12
ducassehariaakash: it won't allow it because it is a terrible idea. see https://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ#Should_I_run_Wine_as_root.3F08:15
yottanamiI am using an Ubuntu server it will change content of /etc/resolve.conf after each reboot. any change to fix it?08:16
tatertotsHariaakash you probably feel you have a justified reason or some logic in forcing sudo with wine.08:16
tatertotsyou don't08:16
hariaakashthanks bro08:17
ducasseyottanami: if you need to edit resolv.conf, place your edits in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base08:17
QatoIf you enter on #whonix and desconnected then you can't enter on #whonix next time. You will inter on the ##whonix. But there no people! BUG!08:18
yottanamiducasse, I edited it and changed my nameserver to but the problem is after each reboot it will change to another IP address08:19
QatoAnd need change IP and remove cookies for enter on #whonix.08:19
QatoWhy ?08:19
ducasseyottanami: probably gets it via dhcp.08:20
Qatoducasse, but with the chat08:20
Qatoducasse, bug with the chat08:20
ducasseQato: not our problem.08:20
QatoHow it?08:21
ducasseQato: try #freenode08:21
tatertotschat seems to be working fine here08:21
Qatoducasse, all good with other channels!08:21
tatertotshello..can you guys see my typing?...............yep it's working08:21
QatoI use Freenode WEBCHAT08:22
hariaakashI use kiwiirc08:22
QatoI always use freenode webchat BUT ONLY HERE THIS PROBLEM08:22
ducasseQato: it's not an ubuntu problem, ask in #freenode08:23
yottanamiducasse, But I am using static IP here is my /etc/network/interfaces http://dpaste.com/2QHEFF108:24
Qatofreenode have not whonix chat?08:24
ducasseyottanami: then add dns-nameserver lines, see 'man interfaces'08:24
Qatoducasse, what to do?08:25
Qatoducasse, with the KVM?08:25
anabainIn 16.04, I've given up trying to run a radeon video card that is giving me pain with artifacts and other noce goodies, due to the lack of fglrx suuport. I'n switching to nvidia. Where can I find info about what card can support 4K and run smoothly on linux?08:28
Qatoducasse, /home/q/Downloads/uch/Whonix-Gateway- /home/q/Downloads/uch/Whonix_network- /home/q/Downloads/uch/Whonix-Workstation-
Qatoducasse, virsh -c qemu:///system define Whonix-Gateway*.xml error: Failed to define domain from Whonix-Gateway- error: operation failed: domain 'Whonix-Gateway' already exists with uuid 1ed124b0-ec1e-4a3f-9f8c-f466e9c4e13708:31
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Yuri4_Guys, I need to find a line "METEOR_SKIP_NPM_REBUILD=0" inside some file. But, I don't know where this file is located. How do I search for the file that contains it withing /home/telescope? Search also should be done in hidden folders such as /home/telescope/.npm/09:00
rbasakYuri4_: grep -lr METEOR_SKIP_NPM_REBUILD /home/telescope09:01
Yuri4_rbasak, thanks!09:02
selckinhow can i see why removing lightdm wants to install ~90 gnome packages?09:02
rbasakYuri4_: np. See http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/en/man1/grep.1.html for details09:02
FabouHi everyone09:03
rbasakselckin: see Debug::pkgProblemResolver in apt.conf(5)09:03
FabouI have a problem with my external hard disk. I used it to save automatically my /home09:03
Faboubut ubuntu can't see it now09:04
Fabousudo fdisk -l, sudo mount, and gparted don't see it09:04
selckinrbasak: perfcet, thank you09:05
gebbionemy ubuntu is very slaggish, opening a browser tab, switching to another window etc. I can see CPU usually between 20% with tops of 70% and memory 4gb out of 12. So this doesnt look like it has any problems. What else can be slowing things down ???09:05
jattusually opening a browser tab should now increase CPU usage to 70%09:07
effectnethello.  i had a performance boost when i switched to chromium.09:08
tatertotsFabou.....can you see anything in the logs when you disconnect/connect it to the various USB or 1394 ports on your computer?09:08
effectnetwish i had 12G, i am using a pos box 4G max09:08
effectnetdid you open the system performance thing, do you see anything there?09:09
Faboutatertots, any command to see it?09:09
effectnet(re: sluggish)09:09
gebbionedefine:anything and performance thing09:09
tatertotsFabou....have you tried other known good usb ports ?09:10
effectnet"System Monitor" on the launch bar09:10
gebbionei use Task Manager09:10
Fabouon my macbook pro, I have only 2 usb ports. 1 is used by I usb stick that I have to put in it in order to boot my mac and the other one is the usb disk.09:11
bogusjokesis there a way to use the old upgrade process for packages in 16.04 so an icon appears in the dock when there is updates instead of having a notification and updating through gnome software?09:11
arunsI am running Ubuntu 14.04.4 on a Dell Latitude D610.09:11
arunsI have no sound :/09:11
effectnetgebbione,  how long has it been slugginsh09:11
jattaruns: do you use pulseaudio?09:12
arunsI have both the XFCE and Unity desktop environments.09:12
arunsjatt: Both pulseaudio and alsa mixer.09:12
tatertotsFabou.....can you see anything in the logs when you disconnect/connect it to the various USB or 1394 ports on your computer?09:12
Faboutatertots, I can remove the usb stick as I use ubuntu actually. I try to reboot my computer and change usb ports09:12
Faboutatertots, can you tell we where I can see ogs you are talking about?09:12
arunsjatt: I tried purging and reinstalling both, to no avail.09:12
jattaruns: have you tried to remove pulseaudio?09:12
jattaruns: sometimes pulseaudio conflicts with alsa09:13
arunsjatt: Ah.09:13
arunsjatt: Let me also tell you what my sound card is...if I can find it out.09:13
yottanamiducasse, I add dns-nameservers but the problem is it removed after reboot from /etc/networks/interfaces and reset to previews config09:13
ducasseyottanami: then edit whatever generates that file.09:14
effectnetgebbione, good luck with it hope you find it09:14
arunsjatt: I believe it is the Intel ICH6.09:14
gebbioneeffectnet, thanks :)09:14
yottanamiducasse, Is anyway to find out what is generating my interface file? because it is not a desktop version to use gnome-network-manager09:15
effectnetlet me know later if you want09:15
ducasseyottanami: in a default ubuntu install nothing does. it must be something you have installed or set up.09:15
tatertotsFabou....you said "I try to reboot my computer and change usb ports"....have you already done that troubleshooting step or are you still in the process of doing it?09:16
jattaruns: intel chipsets are very well supported by linux, doubt it's a problem with the chipset not being supported. can you check whether you have the kernel modules running? please try:09:16
jattlsmod | grep snd09:16
jattand pastebin the output.09:16
Faboutatertots, +I tried to find how I can see logs. dmesg see that I plug off/on my external hd09:16
yottanamiducasse, I did not configured this server but I need to fix the problem is anyway to find what is generating interfaces file?09:17
Giles1Hey, how can I show the menu bar in nautilus on ubuntu 15.1009:17
Faboutatertots, http://pastebin.com/fSbd23JV09:17
ducasseyottanami: as i said, nothing in standard ubuntu does. i can't answer for something someone else have added.09:17
Faboutatertots, so my usb seems to work properly, isn't it?09:18
EriC^^yottanami: what's the problem?09:18
Faboutatertots, if it is not enough I can now restart my mac and change ports.09:18
arunsjatt: https://bpaste.net/show/5f8615c1bb4909:19
ducasseyottanami: try 'find /etc -name interfaces\*' maybe?09:19
yottanamiEriC^^, The problem is my /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/networks/interfaces is generating after reboot and ignore my changes on an ubuntu server09:20
* RtMFaerie advises looking into /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and /etc/resolvconf.conf09:20
EriC^^yottanami: that's the standard behavior for /etc/resolv.conf09:20
yottanamiEriC^^, So how should I change the nameserver?09:21
jattaruns: looks fine I think the module is snd_intel8x0 and it's loaded. Please try to remove pulseaudio and retry09:21
arunsjatt: Using  sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove?09:22
yottanamiEriC^^, I tried adding `dns-nameservers` in interfaces but it changed after reboot too http://dpaste.com/1XX7S8909:22
ducasseyottanami: the interfaces file says it is generated from interfaces.head and interfaces.tail, so you need to change those.09:22
jattaruns: yes, you can try with apt-get some packages might depend on pulseaudio09:23
EriC^^yottanami: try "man resolvconf" i've never done it myself so i can't really say how to do it09:23
EriC^^yottanami: this might be helpful http://askubuntu.com/questions/239169/how-to-edit-etc-resolv-conf-on-ubuntu-12-0409:23
Giles1Hi how can I show the menubar in nautilus on ubuntu 15.1009:23
liuxgdoes anyone know how to make a Live bootable USB disk on Ubuntu 16.04? I do not want to make it a CD-ROM disk. I want it to be the way in the pre 16.04 release. thanks09:24
liuxgthe latest way on 16.04 of making a live USB is very different from the pre-releases. how can I switch it back to the previous one?09:26
jimliuxg, you can dd the live (or netinst) image to the usb09:27
liuxgjim thanks for your reply. I do not know why it is changed to be like this.09:28
Giles1Hi how can I get to preferences in nautilus on ubuntu 15.1009:28
liuxgjim, I cannot use the rest of the space on the USB any more.. it is just simply a CD-ROM. I do not like it at all.09:28
Archeus_any idea how can i speed up internet09:29
jimget out and push?09:29
tatertotsArcheus...easy just contact your ISP and obtain a faster speed internet tier09:30
Archeus_i mean09:30
Archeus_other laptops speed is very fast09:30
Archeus_on this laptop09:30
Archeus_it laggs up09:30
jimget a faster connection, improve your internal net (nic cards, hubs/switches, routers, modems)09:31
tatertotslol hey you asked ...i answered :P09:31
ubottupeppeb: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:31
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:31
tatertotsjust kidding... a little pre trouble shooting humor09:31
jimpeppeb, this is not a warez channel09:31
yottanamiEriC^^, So where is interfaces.head ?!09:32
tatertotsArcheus are these laptops you are comparing performance of equal in terms of computational power?09:33
random_I'm unable to update via apt-get through terminal.09:33
ducasseyottanami: try 'find /etc -name interfaces\*' maybe?09:33
random_I'm behind a proxy.09:33
jimrandom_, why not?09:34
random_I've gone through some places, like http://askubuntu.com/questions/158557/setting-proxy-from-terminal09:34
random_still no luck. Hi jim09:34
ex32i had install ubuntu on VM09:34
yottanamiducasse, There is just `/etc/network/interfaces`09:34
tatertotsHello ex3209:35
ducasseyottanami: then it must be outside /etc, try /var for instance or ask whoever set up the server.09:35
ex32im getting error when i install the updates09:35
tatertotswhat version of ubuntu is this VM you speak of running ex32?09:35
random_jim -- any hope ?09:35
ex32the latest  one09:36
ducasserandom_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto#Setting_up_apt-get_to_use_a_http-proxy09:36
ex32im using VM workstation pro 12 and  Ubuntu v16.0409:36
tatertotswhat error are you getting when you attempt to install updates ex32???09:37
ex32unmount partitions that are in use09:37
tatertots@ex32 walk me through the steps you took to attempt to install these updates you speak of09:38
ex32i got notifaction an update  on the desktop09:39
ex32i click on install release09:40
ex32and follow the steps09:40
tatertotstell me the version of ubuntu...don't tell me "latest one" you tell me explicitly09:41
ex3216.04 LTS09:42
tatertotscan you pastbin the errors here so we can see these errors you speak of verbose09:43
ex32im newbie in linux09:44
ex32install release <- is that for installing new version of  ubuntu ?09:44
ex32i found where to update  the OS09:45
tatertots@ex32 hmmm no pastbin so we can see your errors.........i'd be willing to look at a screen shot if you were to take one and post it09:46
ex321 moment09:46
ex32i sent it for ya at private09:52
ex32im afraid to get ban from the channel09:53
MonkeyDustex32  paste it in this webpage ... click 'Paste' ... then copy/paste the url here in the channel ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/09:54
tatertots@ex32 are you booted to a livecd/liveusb?09:54
tatertotsare you %100 sure09:55
ph88hey guys, i installed ubuntu on my desktop .. the GUI crashes a lot, then i still see the background but everything else dissappears .. what can i do about it ?09:59
ex32yeah im sure tatertots09:59
ex32i booted from usb10:00
tatertots@ph88 does your GUI crash a lot when booted to livecd/liveusb?10:01
ph88didnt try, i will try that10:03
numnumhi all how do i show me partitions on this device and change them? i want to allocate more space for my linux partition thinx :D10:04
numnumhi all how do i show me partitions on this device and change them? i want to allocate more space for my linux partition thinx :D10:05
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numnumany body online?10:06
ph88i installed ubuntu on my laptop, it was showing the booting circle for like forever .. then i went into advanced options and booted from the previous kernel version which worked fine. How can i fix this situation?10:07
numnumany one?10:09
bazhang!gparted | numnum10:10
ubottunumnum: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php10:10
numnumwill try TY10:10
MonkeyDustnumnum  backup, then boot from live dvd/usb, then use gparted10:10
numnumMonkeyDust: must i use live cd?10:11
numnumi dont have one right now... and wish to just allocate more room for this patition10:12
ducassenumnum: you can't resize a mounted partition.10:12
tatertotsattempting to alter a mounted partition will always = FAIL10:12
MonkeyDustnumnum  you can't repair a cat engine, while driving10:12
numnumany workaround? can i creat a new partitoin to work with this OS? i just need more ROOM to wotk with not necceserly for the OS to run from.. like windows can be installed on a diffrent drive from the proggrms10:13
MonkeyDustnumnum  how much free space do you have left10:14
numnumnot enough to install diablo 2 + LOD10:15
tatertotsnot enough room for diablo 2?.......numnum i think you better make some room on that hard drive sun10:17
ducassenumnum: the easiest way is to just do it from a liveusb10:18
ph88how can i install hibernate on laptop 16.04 ?10:20
numnumokok... i have to partitions. one 200mb for the OS (might need to change that? or just delete old files kernal and such) the outer is 100gb +10:20
tatertotsph88 are you having issue with your laptop going into and out of hibernation???10:22
tatertotsif so @ ph88 please elaborate on your issue/problem10:23
tatertotswelcome back numnum10:25
vikas_hello everyone!10:26
tatertotsHello vikas10:26
vikas_I am new to linux so how can i build my career in linux10:26
numnumhow do i know what progrrams/stuff do i have on my system? for example i installed xgalaga how can i get a list of all proggrams installed on my computer? (pref to terminal list)10:26
tatertots@vikas http://www.lpi.org10:27
ph88tatertots, when closing lid it seems to power off, when i type sudo hibernate i get this message  hibernate:Warning: Tuxonice binary signature file not found.10:27
ph88by the way i think my swap is encrypted but i'm not sure10:27
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tatertotsthere is also a ubuntu certified professional certification .........see how i shamelessly brought that back to ubuntu10:27
vikas_@tatertots thankx10:28
MonkeyDusttatertots  you can drop the @ ... type tat and then hit tab to autocomplete10:28
tatertotstrying to stay on topic best i can  *wink*10:28
ducasseph88: you can't hibernate with encrypted swap.10:28
vikas_yes its working10:28
ph88how do i set my swap to be not encrypted ?10:28
ph88at partitioning during install i just designated it as "swap" nowhere did i choose to encrypt it10:29
tatertotssweet thanks monkeydust10:29
jimph88, did you set up other encryption?10:31
ph88yes for my home folder10:31
ducasseph88: then you have encrypted swap.10:31
jimwhat device is your home on? and, is it actually /home?10:32
arunsjatt: Hi, I am back. Thanks, sound is working again.10:33
ph88i think on my other laptop i have an encrypted home but not encrypted swap10:33
arunsjatt: It didn't work the first time, don't know why it is working now, but oh well :P10:33
jattaruns: great, what was the issue?10:33
jattaruns: great, you got wit working with pulseaudio?10:33
arunsjatt: I think reinstalling pulseaudio and alsa fixed it, but I've had to reinstall them quite a lot recently.10:33
arunsjatt: It's 11 year old hardware, maybe it's just natural wear and tear?10:33
jattaruns: yeah could be the hardware is too old and it's not supported properly with the latest versions10:34
arunsjatt: I think my headphones have also broken :(10:34
jimaruns, hmm... I think I get how reinstalling the packages can get your sound working, but there's a fair chance that can be done some other way10:35
ducasseph88: i think the installer encrypts swap if you use other encryption to avoid leaks to disk.10:35
arunsjim: I think it's just that the hardware is getting old.10:35
arunsOh, by the way.10:35
arunsAnother silly question.10:35
arunsI want to learn how to start a cron job.10:35
arunsAnd I know how to use crontab -e and all that.10:36
ikoniaman cron10:36
arunsBut when it comes to the dates / times10:36
arunsI am not sure how the time format works.10:36
ikoniathe wiki page shows example formats of date/time formats with clear description10:36
arunsIsn't cron deprecated anyway, though?10:36
arunsI think launchd is its successor or something?10:36
jimaruns, so, that's the part you would have to study, so you can become familiar with it10:37
jimaruns, where did that info (of cron being deprecated) come from?10:37
ikoniathin air10:37
jattcron is not deprecated, is pretty standard10:38
jimdo you have a link?10:38
ducassearuns: launchd is an osx thing, afaik.10:38
arunsOh, that's probably why.10:38
arunsI use Ubuntu and Arch at home.10:38
ikonia? so10:39
arunsMountain Lion at work.10:39
ikoniaeven then, cron is still on the mac10:39
arunsSo I think cron is deprecated on OS X.10:39
arunsI know, but I think more people are shifting towards launchd.10:39
arunsOn OS X.10:39
ikoniaaruns: you think wrong10:39
jimthat would probably be because apple doesn't think people can learn it easily10:39
MonkeyDustaruns  just read: launchd for linux was rejected, because it's 'copyright Apple' or so10:40
ikoniayou appear to just be saying random things, cron is still used on mac os x and launchd is quite different than cron10:40
ikonialaunchd is pretty much a stripped systemd10:40
ikonianothing really to do with cron10:40
arunsikonia: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/12819/why-is-cron-being-deprecated10:41
ikoniaaruns: so ?10:41
ikoniaI can write a stackexchange post that says "why-cron-is-stronger-then-ever"10:41
jimI see, so I guess I'm the only one who's not actively trying to make him feel bad about the way he's thinking... congratulations...10:43
ikoniano-one is trying to make him feel bad about the way he's thinking10:44
ikoniahe is however on the wrong track in terms of info10:44
jimon top of which, he's produced a link with support for his position/question10:44
ikoniawhich isn't valid10:44
jimat least it explains why he's wondering10:45
ikoniaas I said, I can write a stackexchange post that says ubuntu-replaces-sysstemd-with-pixe-dustr10:45
ikoniadoesn't make it real10:45
ikoniaDarwin pear.local 15.5.0 Darwin Kernel10:45
tatertotsI'm going to read this link...you guys have peaked my curiousity10:45
ikonia   0   202     1   0 Fri10am ??         0:00.30 /usr/sbin/cron10:45
ikoniacurrent macosx release - cron, still very much in use10:45
arunsSorry,  maybe deprecated is the wrong word.10:46
arunsBut I think that if we polled most OS X sysadmins.10:46
ikoniathey would say "cron is going nowhere"10:47
jim[20160625 03:39:50] <ikonia> aruns: you think wrong <-- evidence in support of my comment, but ok, I'll drop it now, carry on...10:47
ikoniajim: he does think wrong....correcting that is not a crime, rather than let me him believe false info10:47
bazhangperhaps we could get to ubuntu support aruns10:47
ikoniavery true10:47
arunsbazhang: lol10:47
bazhangaruns, not joking10:48
arunsThe only way to settle this is with a poll, then, surely?10:48
bazhangaruns, not here no10:48
ikoniaaruns: nah, bazhang is right, we are moving way offtopic, lets focus back on the ubuntu issue here10:48
jimaruns, no, the best thing is just to drop it10:49
tatertotsok i read the link .....yawn10:49
arunsI guess we will agree to disagree?10:49
arunsThat's fine then.10:49
bazhangaruns, lets take the chit caht to some other location please10:49
arunsbazhang: Yes, I have agreed to drop it.10:49
jimcron is alive and well, and we're back to looking at how the time spec in cron works10:51
ikoniathe wiki documents it well with clear examples10:51
ikoniareally good line diagram pointing at each value10:51
jimthere was a cron evaluator I saw yesterday10:52
ikoniaevaluator, as in worked out the values for you ?10:52
akikaruns left?10:53
tatertotshello dahlia10:57
kernelhelpi'm trying to remove old kernel with autoremove but the ouput is: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.11:00
kernelhelpis this command safe?11:00
kernelhelpdpkg -l 'linux-*' | sed '/^ii/!d;/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\(.*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/d;s/^[^ ]* [^ ]* \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;/[0-9]/!d' | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge11:00
kernelhelpit doesn't look safe lol11:00
dahlia_i am on ubuntu 12.0411:01
jimkernelhelp, what kernel are you running now? (uname -r)11:01
jattthat doesn't look safe at all ☠11:01
kernelhelpjim: 3.19.0-47-generic11:01
jimkernelhelp, ok, and what kernel do you want to get rid of? (is it just one, or?)11:02
jimkernelhelp, I would not consider that command safe11:02
ikoniaeasy option, open the package manager, search for the linux-image package, remove unused versions11:03
ikoniaclean, simple, easy, safe11:03
tatertotsdahlia thanks for confirming you are using ubuntu 12.0411:03
jimkernelhelp, do you want to get rid of -all- kernels -except- the one you're running now?11:04
dahliaoh another dahlia_11:04
dahliahi dahlia_ :)11:04
tatertotsI thought you were about to tell us about a issue or problem you were having with ubuntu dahlia....sorry11:04
serb_i need some help with Newbie Stuff11:04
serb_i am considering hosting some stuff locally to simulate a server usin ubuntu server11:04
kernelhelpjim: all but current one11:04
serb_idk anything about servers11:04
tatertotswait there's two of you?11:04
kernelhelpikonia: yep there they are in synaptic, too easy!11:04
tatertotsoh nvm11:05
serb_i wana use ubuntu server for this but theres like 4 versions and i dont know what any of them mean11:05
dahliawhile we're at it, I'm on kubuntu 15.04 :)11:05
jimserb_, the best thing to do first, is ask a specific question,,, include as much detailed information as you know11:05
tatertotshello serv11:05
jattinstall ubuntu-server for server11:05
serb_im planning on makin a highly interactive and snappy website with roughly 700+ 5 to 30 second videos tht loop seamlessly11:06
jimkernelhelp, ok, take a look at your own ls /boot (it'll show the kernels that are there)11:06
ikoniakernelhelp: clearly not too easy as thats how you are meant to do it11:06
ikoniakernelhelp: just open the package manager, find the kernels click remove, use your system safely11:06
serb_i ve been told tht i gotta start this locally to test it by usin ubuntu server11:06
ikoniaserb_: ubuntu desktop is a great server platform11:07
ikoniait also has lots of tools to make life easier for you11:07
serb_https://gyazo.com/c290cc81a5a8fc96f266cab5d0ca85b6 theres these 4 things and i have no idea if i shld just install the default ubuntu server thing or one of these11:07
ikoniaserb_: what do you want to do with the server ?11:07
serb_uh i wanna put my clips there and try and emulate how it would work to endusers11:08
kernelhelpikonia: gui over command line how you should do it?11:08
ikoniakernelhelp: pardon ?11:08
serb_ikonia: y not ubuntu server ?11:08
kernelhelpikonia: <ikonia> kernelhelp: clearly not too easy as thats how you are meant to do it11:08
ikoniaserb_: the desktop release is a great server platform, but it has tools to make life easier for you11:09
ikoniakernelhelp: I'm not sure what you're asking11:09
ikoniakernelhelp: you want to remove obsolete packages, just open the package manager and remove them11:09
jattyou don't need openstack unless you want your website be hosted by a full cloud solution11:09
serb_ikonia: so u suggest i install ubuntu desktop instead of ubuntu server on my "server" pc11:09
serb_jatt: thanx11:09
ikoniaserb_: yes, that seems a simple entry point for you11:09
serb_ikonia: Thanx11:09
kernelhelpikonia: yeah so that's the easy way to do it like i said above (re: too easy)11:10
jattprobably you just need apache webserver and other packages that depend on how your website is going to be developed/created (e.g. java, etc.)11:10
ikoniakernelhelp: why would you not do it "easy" ?11:10
jimkernelhelp, I'd personally use the command line... I tend to look at what's there and what's current first, then remove11:10
ikoniakernelhelp: thats wy people make the tools to make using the system easy11:10
ikoniayou can also use the command line interface to the package manager with the "autoclean" function11:10
kernelhelpikonia: i WANT an easy way lol ...autoclean, not autoremove?11:11
ikoniakernelhelp: ahh the easy way is the package manager11:11
kernelhelpjim: by looking at my aforementioned command do you have any clue what it does?11:11
kernelhelpikonia: :-)11:11
ikoniakernelhelp: autoremove is the right flag, clean is for the package daa11:12
ikoniakernelhelp: the command you pasted is a messy way to list the kernel packages, work out what's not current, strip it down to a file name and pass it into apt-get purge11:12
ikoniait's over the top mess for something that is simple11:12
jimkernelhelp, it tries to form package names, which it "forwards" to a package removal command (which, btw, has been given a lot of power, like an uncovered knife)11:13
jimkernelhelp, one sec...11:13
dahlia_when i run sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5.9611:14
dahlia_when i run sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5.611:14
dahlia_i get this error11:14
dahlia_The following packages have unmet dependencies:11:14
dahlia_ libapache2-mod-php5.6 : Depends: apache2-api-20120211 but it is not installable11:14
dahlia_E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.11:14
ikoniadahlia_: have you added ppa's11:15
ikoniait appears you have depedencies that cannot be met11:15
dahlia_ikonia, what should i do ?11:15
ikoniathis is noramlly caused by an external repo that is poor at managing dependencies with the current system11:15
ikoniadahlia_: have you added PPA's ?11:15
jimkernelhelp, if you look at ls /boot/vmlinuz*, you can see how many kernels (and which ones) you have to get rid of (but it will also list the current one, which you don't want to get rid of)11:15
jattdahlia_: use apt-get -f11:16
dahlia_ikonia, yes i added PPAs for php11:16
ikoniadahlia_: why ?11:16
ikoniadahlia_: why are you not using the php packages that ubuntu provides11:16
dahlia_i am on ubuntu 12.0411:16
ikoniadahlia_: yes, I understand that,11:16
ikoniathat wasn't my question11:17
dahlia_i need to install laravel11:17
ikonia...again, not my question11:17
dahlia_and laravel needs php5.611:17
dahlia_and i added PPAs for php5.611:17
ikoniaso the common sense thing would be to upgrade your release/reinstall with ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 which has the later versions and are still in support11:17
ikoniarather than trying to use unsupported repos that as you can see don't really work on a release thats going out of support11:18
dahlia_ikonia, if i dont upgrade what should i do while i am on ubuntu 12.0411:19
ikoniamy advice is that you upgrade11:19
ikoniait is the better longer term option than using a dying release with unsupported broken PPA's11:20
ducassedahlia_: basically, if you insist on doing this on 12.04 whatever you do will be unsupported.11:20
dahlia_ducasse, i dont have a good internet for upgrade11:20
ikoniadahlia_: do you have much data on this machine ?11:21
tatertotsdahlia you could just enjoy being on 12.04 until you can upgrade11:21
dahlia_i need to install mbstring for php11:21
dahlia_ikonia, no i dont have much data11:21
dahlia_but it is an old machin11:21
ikoniadahlia_: ok - so I would suggest a.) backup your data b.) get an ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 DVD c.) re-install d.) restore any data you want to keep11:22
dahlia_just 1 GB ram and old graphic card and not compatible with new versions of ubuntu11:22
ikoniadahlia_: 12.04 had pretty much the same requirements11:23
jimdahlia_, you could bring your current dist to be as uptodate as possible, and further split that process into download, and package install11:23
ikoniadahlia_: you could always use lubuntu/xubuntu for a lighter resource profile11:23
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ikoniajim: as he's already broke it with the PPA and seems to be at quite a basic level, I'd not suggest upgrading as the dependency matching will fail and he'd be left with a broken install11:24
dahlia_ikonia, can i install laravel on lubuntu ?11:24
ikoniadahlia_: yes11:24
ikoniadahlia_: lubuntu/xubuntu/kubuntu/ubuntu are the same product with different desktop environments11:24
jimhmm, how can you tell it's broken?11:25
dahlia_how much is xubuntu ?11:25
bekksdahlia_: how much what?11:25
dahlia_bekks, volume11:25
jattit's $2.5011:25
bekksdahlia_: How much space do you have?11:26
ikoniajim: because he's already getting package conflicts after installing a broken PPA11:26
ikoniapart of the packages from the PPA are already installed and so when the upgrade does the dependency / upgrade check it will fail11:26
dahlia_i have 12 GB11:26
jimcan he remove the packages that came from the ppa, then remove the ppa from his sources.list?11:26
ikoniadahlia_: approx 2GB for an install of any ubuntu system11:26
ikoniajim: right, and he's already struggling with basic package managment11:27
jimbut is it possible to do that, and will it fix the current breakage?11:28
ikoniashould fix it yes, but it won't allow him to move forward to his real goal11:28
dahlia_how can i download xubuntu i dont have torrent11:28
ikoniadahlia_: http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/mirrors/11:29
ikoniafind the mirror closest to you11:29
jimwhat do you have now?11:29
wusemanlinks http://www.ubuntu.com > go to downloads, press the download button, otherwise wget is pretty neat ikonia11:29
wusemanOr i can scp it to you aswell, ya the options are unlimited kinda but ikonia gave you the the best tip if you got gui11:30
jattsudormrf: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop11:30
* RtMFaerie shivers at GUIs11:30
dahlia_how can i know my system needs 64 bit or 32 bit?11:32
ikoniadahlia_: what are you currently running11:32
wiehanI don't know what is up with my system, recently installed a fresh 16.04. Updated and now I can't open firefox (or if it opens it is really unresponsive), I tried installing chromium, and it also runs pretty unstable, slow and for example when I try to sign in to google services that log-in box kinda hangs. Ubuntu browser doesn't even open. What could be the thing in common with all the browsers that they all run pretty unstable all of a sudden?11:32
dahlia_i have 32 bit now11:32
ikoniadahlia_: use 32bit then11:32
ikoniajust keep it simple for you11:32
dahlia_but i installed that with no reason11:32
ikoniadahlia_: how much ram do you have ?11:32
dahlia_ikonia, 1 GB ram11:33
ikoniadahlia_: just use 32bit11:33
wusemanGood choice!11:33
ikoniakeep it simple11:33
tatertots32bit is fine11:33
jattwiehan: is xterm sluggish too? or only the browsers11:33
dahlia_ikonia, how can i know my cpu is 32 bit or 64 bit?11:33
ikoniait doesn't matter, you've just got 1gb of ram11:33
ikoniause 32bit - keep it simple11:33
wiehanjatt, opened xterm now, seems fine11:34
wuseman32bit upto 3GB dahlia_ if you got 4gb or more use 6411:34
jimdahlia_, take a look at less /proc/cpuinfo11:34
jim1gb ram is somewhat small for this stuff11:35
wusemanNah, fluxbox running on lower then that.11:35
dahlia_jim, which field show 32 or 64 ?11:36
wusemanSO it all depends on his needs and what he wanna do.11:36
tatertotsgotta work with what hardware you have......we can't all own super computer........sadly :(11:36
dahlia_address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual11:36
jimdahlia_, I forget... but you can do: cat /proc/cpuinfo | nc termbin.com 999911:36
jattwuseman: can you try11:36
jattstrace google-chrome11:36
jattfrom a terminal and see what happens in the terminal when the browser gets sluggish, maybe there is a clue11:36
ikoniadahlia_: use 32bit11:37
jimit should give you a url back, show that to us11:37
wusemandahlia_: do cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 64 and see11:37
wusemanjatt: what11:37
wusemani dont like google-chrome?11:37
tatertotsdahlia just google the make/model of your CPU based on the info u see11:37
jattwuseman: I meant wiehan11:38
jattmy sincere apologies11:38
tatertotsyou will see more info than you care to know about your CPU11:38
wusemanah :)11:38
dahlia_ikonia, i am downloading 32 bit11:38
wiehanjatt, will install google chorme now.11:38
tatertotsincluding it being 32bit11:38
tatertotsor 64bit11:38
BluesKajhiyas all11:38
wiehanjatt did you want me to run something in terminal11:38
tatertotsHiya BlueKaj11:38
BluesKajhey tatertots, jim11:39
jattwiehan: yes to start your browser from the terminal like:11:39
jattstrace google-chrome11:39
jattto see if you get more information on the terminal when the browser gets irresponsive11:39
tatertotsdahlia you could also post the make/model of your CPU in the room..then we can all know what you have and finally put the questions about your cpu to bed11:39
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tatertotsand i'm actually kinda curious which cpu you have on top of that lol11:40
dahlia_my cpu info is11:41
dahlia_tatertots, what is that ?11:42
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dahlia_what ?11:45
wiehanmatt_ sorry, accidently closed xchat, Official chrome seems stable, however firefox and chromium and ubuntu browser really sucky.11:45
wusemanWhy do they suck?11:46
bekkswiehan: Whats the actual issue, besides not using polite english?11:46
wiehanwuseman, all three mentioned are laggy, buggy, and freezy after update and after nvidia drivgers.. don't know if it is related11:46
ikoniawiehan: so the problem is nvidia then not "suck" browsers11:47
ikoniawiehan: what video card do you actually have11:47
jattgood opportunity to move from firefox to chrome 😸11:47
wiehanikonia, sure, but all three now really unstable11:49
jimdahlia_, I can't tell from that... it could be 64 bit... but 32 should work11:49
tatertotswiehan are your browsers laggy, buggy and freezy when booted to livecd/liveusb?11:49
wiehanikonia, How do I quicky check exact model again?11:49
ikoniawiehan: lspci will show you the card11:49
ducassedahlia_: it's 32 bit with pae.11:50
wiehanikonia, NVIDIA Corporation GF110 [GeForce GTX 570 Rev. 2] (rev a1)11:50
wiehantatertots, I don't know, don't have a chance to test with liveboot,11:51
wiehantatertots, Firefox were fine until update and nvidia drivers11:51
bekkswiehan: Which driver are you using, actually?11:54
wiehanbekks, proprietary, tested 361.4212:00
dave_804Hey, I'm running Ubuntu on a laptop.  When I suspend and put it in my bag it turns on.  I then heats up like crazy12:22
dave_804Anyone know how to disable the turn on with screen up.12:23
bekksdave_804: So shut it doen instead.12:23
dave_804Yeah.. I've been doing that but hardly the point of installing linux if I can't get it to do what I want.12:24
bekksdave_804: I dont think that applies to "shutdown your laptop instead of suspending before putting it into a bag". :)12:26
dave_804never brag about not thinking..12:27
dave_804Just saying.12:27
thundercathey hows it going12:30
mdlvos gueule12:31
chinesesausagewhat advantages has Ubuntu (or rather Xubuntu), than Manjaro, which is Arch based?12:35
chinesesausage*over Manjaro12:35
theossometimes some application grows so big that it consumes all of the ram and the system hangs for a long while. what can i do to stop this from happening?12:35
theosor how do i kill that application12:35
chinesesausagekill= Alt+F212:36
theosalt+f2 doesnt work at that time12:36
Dechcaudronor ctrl+C in console12:36
theosi cant type12:36
theosi can type but the system doesnt respond12:37
chinesesausagewhat OS are you using?12:37
theosLubuntu 16.0412:38
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ducassetheos: if the system is swapping the short answer is to get more memory.12:39
theosducasse that will not solve the issue. some applications just keep growing infinitely12:40
theosprobably because of a bug12:40
baldashow to create backup my ubuntu and create iso backup ubuntu...???12:42
bekks!backup | baldas12:43
ubottubaldas: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:43
baldasubotu: tanks....12:44
theosducasse i have 4GB ram. the buggy application used so much ram that everything got moved to swap and only 800MB remains in swap after the application was killed.(probably by the kernel?)12:44
ducassetheos: you could try limiting the process with ulimit, or use cgroups12:46
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theosducasse is there a way to reserve some ram for system processes so the system can work fine(and i can kill the process with a terminal, say)12:48
ducassetheos: you can try running a shell with nice to set it to the highest priority. don't know about memory.12:49
ducassetheos: maybe cgroups can, i'm not familiar with them.12:50
blackhathi my name is blackhat benyam12:50
theoscatchy name12:51
blackhathi iam bini how is every thing12:52
baldasis there a simple way to create a mirror between two servers ubuntu...???12:53
ducassebaldas: mirror of what?12:54
OerHeksbaldas, rsync can easily copy files.12:54
blackhatyes baldas but i dont know now12:54
blackhatand any of can hack a website using sql map please type it over12:55
OerHeksblackhat, wrong channel dude, this is ubuntu support only12:56
blackhatoerHeks iam using backbox the new edition12:57
ducasseblackhat: that's not ubuntu.12:57
ubottuBackbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.12:57
blackhatback box is black ubuntu dudes12:57
baldasin one of my ubuntu server node , there are applications and databases , I would like to make its replication in different places .... ???12:58
OerHeksbaldas, again: rsync can easily copy files between machines12:58
blackhatmen is on me iam a boy 12 years old and programming softwares and pages and hacking cool it down on me12:59
baldasOerHeks: tanks man...12:59
OerHeksthere is a gui too, grsync13:00
SchrodingersScatbaldas: you may want to check if there's specific ways to backup your databases too13:00
OerHeks!info grsync13:00
ubottugrsync (source: grsync): GTK+ frontend for rsync. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.5-1 (xenial), package size 127 kB, installed size 700 kB13:00
blackhatim just 12 in africa13:00
blackhatand my dpkg aint working13:02
SchrodingersScatblackhat: you may have missed the part where you're using an OS that isn't supported here.13:03
Jordan_Ublackhat: Again, we can't help you as you are not using Ubuntu. Please try backbox's IRC channel.13:03
OerHeksblackhat, we don't really care about backbox13:03
blackhatand why aint my pc listing #backbox13:05
ducasseblackhat: #backbox is on a different network.13:06
Jordan_Ublackhat: The backbox channel is on another server, irc.autisticy.org .13:07
Jordan_Us/server/network/ :)13:07
blackhatsorry Jordan_U but iam 1213:08
blackhatfuck ubuntu13:14
blackhatand i am 1213:14
blackhatare you all like this cause you are fucking idiots13:16
baldasyes iam..... :)13:16
baizonblackhat: please stop13:17
blackhatthat's why i side that asshole13:17
calLuanshi guys13:18
calLuanswhat's the difference between ubuntu and mint repositories? thanks13:18
OerHekscalLuans, ubuntu repos are supported here, mints are not13:19
EriC^^!mint | calLuans13:19
ubottucalLuans: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org13:19
EriC^^calLuans: it's better if you ask them as they've added/changed/etc stuff13:20
calLuansok guys13:20
rahtgazThe dooomsday engine requires python-wxgtk2.8, however xenial no longer has this package, only python-wxgtk3.0. How can I make doomsday work in this scenario?13:20
EriC^^hi anonymice13:20
anonymiceI cant open software centre if i click on the icon13:20
anonymiceI can access software-center only through terminal through sudo13:21
calLuansit's bettere install lubuntu 14.04 or 16.04?13:21
EriC^^anonymice: try to launch it from the terminal with "ubuntu-software"13:21
EriC^^calLuans: 16.0413:21
EriC^^anonymice: which command are you trying?13:21
anonymiceI can run it through "sudo software-center"13:21
EriC^^anonymice: hmm i dont have that command13:22
anonymiceBut without sudo , I cant13:22
calLuansthere aren't issues on it? i wanted wait until 16.04.113:22
EriC^^anonymice: which ubuntu?13:22
anonymiceEriC^^: Any way I could own root privilages only for this?13:22
EriC^^anonymice: you shouldn't need to13:23
EriC^^anonymice: what happens when you run software-center without sudo?13:23
anonymicepermission denied, EriC^^13:24
rahtgazIs it ok if I download the python-gtk2.8 from Trusty and install it on Xenial? This package is no longer available on synaptic in 16.04.13:24
EriC^^anonymice: try rm -r ~/.cache/software-center13:24
anonymiceEriC^^: Still the same13:25
ducasserahtgaz: don't mix packages from different releases, that's a bad idea.13:27
acerimmerrahtgaz, if you need an older python I think the saner option would be to virtualbox trusty13:27
anonymiceEriC^^: Any chance? Else, thanks for trying.13:28
rahtgazyes. but that's stock advise. I'm asking for this particular case. I'm looking at the package files listing and there doesn't seem to be any conflict. It would install support for both wxpython 2.8 and 3.013:28
EriC^^i have no idea anonymice to be honest, try find ~ ! -user $USER worth a shot i guess13:28
acerimmerrahtgaz, test it out and see.  be prepared with repairs ...13:29
clovikhello, i want install ubuntu on flash drive, question is can i install it on the same drive from which is booted ubuntu installer?13:29
EriC^^rahtgaz: you could have dpkg put it in another dir in /usr/local or /opt maybe and point doomsday to it maybe?13:29
ducasserahtgaz: wait for an updated package that works on xenial?13:29
EriC^^clovik: no13:30
anonymiceEriC^^: A list came13:30
EriC^^anonymice: aha, those are files not owned by your user, do you have any special permissions you've set yourself?13:30
rahtgazducasse: not sure it will work, ducasse. Xenial moved to wxpython 3.0. Not sure why they would remove 2.8 support. That's a different branch and many application still use wxpython 2.x13:31
EriC^^clovik: you don't have another usb?13:31
rahtgazI will test it out on a VM and see if I can install both versions alongside13:31
clovikEriC^^: have. ok i will install it from another usb13:32
anonymiceEriC^^: No. I am sure I havent done anything like this. By the way, all the tought commands I have typed are from yourself EriC^^. Whenever I couldnt solve a disturbing problem, I came here. And you have solved everything.13:32
EriC^^clovik: ok13:32
lernerThis is about macchanger: https://askubuntu.com/questions/775057/how-can-i-set-mac-address-using-the-command-line-in-ubuntu-16-04/779464#779464 , but I don't understand how to use nmcli to "nmcli connection modify --temporary <connection_name> 802-11-wireless.cloned-mac-address 00:60:1B:EB:F8:73 nmcli connection up <connection_name>" are those 2 commands?13:32
anonymiceEriC^^: *tough commands13:32
EriC^^anonymice: ok, try sudo chown -R $USER: ~13:33
anonymiceEriC^^: Still error. Permission "denied: '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/protobuf-3.0.0b2.post2-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/namespace_packages.txt' "13:34
EriC^^anonymice: try ls -l $(which python)13:35
anonymiceEriC^^: This is the output "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 May  9  2015 /usr/bin/python -> python2.7"13:36
jimanonymice, the permission denied, was as a result of which command?13:36
rahtgazducasse, acerimmer, EriC^^: didn't need to test. It won't work. The package itself is fine. Then checked its depends and that would ruin the installation. Only recourse is to request doomsday developers to update their bloody libraries :)13:36
anonymicesoftware-center, jim13:36
EriC^^anonymice: try ls -l /usr/bin/python2.713:36
anonymiceEriC^^: "-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3345416 Jun 23  2015 /usr/bin/python2.7"13:37
acerimmerrahtgaz, sorry to hear amigo.  but at this point, *all* dev's should be upgrading their python version IMHO13:37
jimso did you run the chown $USER: ...?13:37
EriC^^anonymice: hmm, i guess software-center is trying to use the python2.7 in /usr/local somehow and the dirs there have a permissions issue13:38
anonymiceEriC^^: So, you know how to solve this? Great13:38
EriC^^anonymice: try ls -l /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/protobuf-3.0.0b2.post2-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/namespace_packages.txt13:39
jim(that wasn't the exact command... recursive forms of chown and a few others are very powerful, could fix a bunch, or break a bunch of stuff... so I didn't post the exact cmd)13:39
anonymiceEriC^^: -rw-r----- 1 root staff 7 Apr  5 17:12 /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/protobuf-3.0.0b2.post2-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/namespace_packages.txt13:39
EriC^^anonymice: try as your user ls -l /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/protobuf-3.0.0b2.post2-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO13:41
EriC^^anonymice: just see if it lists the files or no13:41
anonymiceEriC^^: What does trying as user mean? Also when I simply copy pasted it, I got a list of files13:42
EriC^^anonymice: without sudo or root i mean13:42
HaydarOzturk34Hello guys. I have a windows 7 SP1 iso file and I have ubuntu 14.04 LTS OS on my SSD Harddrive. I have an internal Harddrive which has two partitions fully empty. I have a UEFI bios. I also have a usb stick. How can I install this f* thing? Help me guys.13:42
HaydarOzturk34I want to set up the windows on my external device13:43
EriC^^HaydarOzturk34: make a fat32 and extract the windows iso there and boot it in uefi mode13:43
EvanIf I add a line in /etc/security/limits.conf AFTER the "#End of file" line, it should still take effect, right, as it's just a comment?13:43
HaydarOzturk34The last part I don't know. How to boot in Uefi13:44
HaydarOzturk34do I gonna loose anything?13:44
EriC^^anonymice: did it work as your user?13:44
anonymiceEriC^^:Yes. So I got a list of programs.http://paste.ubuntu.com/17855720/13:44
EriC^^anonymice: ok, try sudo chmod +x /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/protobuf-3.0.0b2.post2-py2.7.egg/EGG-INFO/namespace_packages.txt13:44
EriC^^anonymice: sorry, sudo chmod +r not +x13:45
HaydarOzturk34EriC^^: What should I do tho boot in UEFI13:46
anonymiceEriC^^: Yeaaa. It worked.13:46
EriC^^HaydarOzturk34: select uefi in the bios and if you have a boot options menu choose uefi usb13:46
HaydarOzturk34Okay I'll try that thanks mate13:46
anonymiceEriC^^: Last two times, you helped me I have donated to Ubuntu, would do it again soon. Thanks.13:46
EriC^^HaydarOzturk34: no problem13:47
EriC^^anonymice: no problem13:48
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HaydarrBut i cant boot13:59
HaydarrHello guys i am trying to boot from usb i am in the bios right niw its uefi bios13:59
EriC^^Haydarr: did you make a fat32 and copy the contents?14:00
HaydarrYes i did14:00
EriC^^Haydarr: did you try to get a boot menu?14:00
HaydarrWhen i click that usb it gives me error and sends mr grub rescue14:00
HaydarrAfter i say boot from that14:00
HaydarrIt gives me error14:01
EriC^^Haydarr: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999914:01
Jordan_UHaydarr: What error?14:01
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HaydarrI can make the sign | this14:03
HaydarrMy keyboard layout must have been changed14:03
HaydarrHow can i do that sign14:04
EriC^^it's next to enter usually, shift + \14:04
MonkeyDust Haydarr what's your keyboard layout14:04
HaydarrIts q based keyboard with turkish14:05
HaydarrIt makes a sign similar but its something like : this with longer lines14:06
HaydarrDoes it count14:06
MonkeyDustHaydarr  yes, that's a pipe14:06
EriC^^Haydarr: press ctrl+shift+u then type 7c14:06
EriC^^then press enter14:06
EriC^^Haydarr: if it doesn't have a space in the middle then that's it14:07
fchWhat is best virtualization software for other os?14:07
HaydarrI am in grub rescue and sudo commanf is nit working14:07
HaydarrWhen i reset my computer it backs to normal but how am i gonna install windows?14:08
EriC^^Haydarr: do you have a live usb?14:08
HaydarrYes i have14:08
EriC^^Haydarr: ok, boot it14:08
HaydarrI am bios right now14:09
HaydarrThere are 5 disks14:09
HaydarrUbuntwindows boot manager14:09
EriC^^what does it say when you choose the windows usb you made?14:09
HaydarrAnd ubuntu again14:09
HaydarrAnd external harddrive and usb14:09
EriC^^you need UEFI usb14:09
HaydarrFirst three are uefi14:10
HaydarrBut not the usb14:10
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EriC^^Haydarr: is it a 64bit windows?14:10
acerimmerfch, "best" is subjective. personally, I prefer virtualbox.  YMMV14:11
EriC^^Haydarr: so what happens when you choose the usb?14:11
HaydarrWhen i choose the usb and click the boot menu14:12
HaydarrIt shows me those five disk options i tols you14:12
EriC^^Haydarr: ok, try to boot an ubuntu live usb or ubuntu install14:13
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user123456hi! i'd like to ask - which font ubuntu use by default in console for unity DE?14:15
HaydarrIf i close secure boot what happens? I think thats the reason14:15
EriC^^user123456: i think it's ubuntu monospace14:15
user123456EriC^^, thx14:16
acerimmeruser123456, check "Terminal" "Set character encoding"14:16
EriC^^Haydarr: try to disable secureboot14:17
pinetreeHey guys, none of my USB devices are working, including my 2 mice, and my xbox 360 controller. How can I fix this?14:17
HaydarrI can't desible it14:18
jattpinetree: are the devices listed by lsusb?14:18
EriC^^Haydarr: you might need to set an admin password first14:18
acerimmerubuntu 16.04 : where would the restricted extra codecs be?14:19
pinetreeYes, they are listed by lsusb14:19
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HaydarrI think thats risky14:19
EriC^^Haydarr: unless you forget it not really14:20
EriC^^Haydarr: set it, then disable secureboot, then remove the password14:20
user123456guys, i install ubuntu font, then run fc-cache - ubuntu fonts appear in font selection in terminal, but they look not as in ubuntu14:20
EriC^^you may have a point here as windows 7 doesn't support secureboot i think (it does support uefi in 64bit though)14:20
user123456what i have to do?14:21
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ioria(Side Note)   sudo parted -l > file   and  nc termbin.com 9999 < file    , so no need for pipe.14:23
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akikfor uefi usb stick boot, do you still need to create the mbr on the usb stick? (for windows boot)14:26
EriC^^akik: no14:27
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BluesKajakik, uefi boot only applies to drives on pcs with a bios/uefi boot partiton on GPT partiton tables14:30
EriC^^i think he's using a msdos partition table14:30
BluesKajEriC^^, yeah i use a dos table on my uefi/bios equipped laptop14:32
EriC^^yup, ubuntu doesn't mind it, windows is sort of picky about that14:33
EriC^^for some reason14:33
cfhowlettfat32 is the one you want14:33
wintermute_hello everyone14:34
KouneixHello everyone, i have some troubles to install my wifi card, can someone helps ? I did tried from the internet and still it doesn't works14:34
SchrodingersScathello dr wintermute_14:34
wintermute_why I can't boot from usb at UEFI mode?14:34
EriC^^wintermute_: are you haydar?14:34
BluesKajEriC^^, well I was frustrated by the gpt and the uefi so I wiped the hdd and installed msdos pt then kubuntu and W714:35
wintermute_what's haydar? lol14:35
damienKouneix: Have you tried through the Synaptic Package Manager?14:35
EriC^^wintermute_: nevermind :D14:35
wintermute_lol :D14:35
EriC^^wintermute_: there was a person here asking the same question then he pinged out :D14:36
EriC^^wintermute_: so you're trying to install ubuntu?14:36
wintermute_oh lol, indeed14:36
wintermute_well, I'm on ubuntu now14:36
Kouneix@damien no, will it help ? i did tried with apt-get install14:36
wintermute_I had windows 7 on my ssd, then I installed ubuntu and Windows 7 wouldn't boot anymore14:36
Kouneixdamien no, will it help ? i did tried with apt-get install14:37
wintermute_I didn't know Ubuntu was installed on legacy mode14:37
damienGo to the Synaptic Package Manager and then select the correct driver for your WiFi Card.14:37
akikEriC^^: did haydar create a uefi partition table on the usb stick?14:37
EriC^^akik: no idea14:38
wintermute_I followed the explanation on ubuntu's site on how to create a usb flash stick of ubuntu @ UEFI14:38
wintermute_but didn't work14:38
damienYes it should work,provided you install the correct driver,and synaptic package manager has your driver14:38
wintermute_right now i have windows and ubuntu on legacy mode, it's working fine14:38
EriC^^akik: i know what you mean, i meant that i've no clue if he did, i wanted him to pastebin sudo parted -l to see that14:38
wintermute_just wanted to know what happened14:38
damienwhat wifi card do you have?14:39
fchwinter, i think you deleted the windows partition during ubuntu setup.14:40
Kouneixdamien: i'm trying14:40
EriC^^wintermute_: if both are working fine right now then they were installed in legacy mode all along i'd guess14:40
wintermute_yes, they are now14:40
damienyeah just look up in the synaptic package manager for your wifi card14:40
wintermute_I prevent UEFI boot @ bios to guarantee a legacy mode boot14:40
Kouneixdamien: i'm RTL872314:40
damienwhat brand is it14:41
Kouneixdamien: I have a  RTL8723BE14:41
damienwho makes it?14:41
wintermute_I just wanted to know why I couldn't boot on UEFI from usb14:41
wintermute_fch, on the first installation, probably, but then I installed both on legacy, and now it's ok14:41
Kouneixdamien: Realtek14:41
cfhowlettKouneix, atheros has only only ever been a HUGE pita so far as wifi support is concerned.  if you can easily replace it, do so.14:41
EriC^^wintermute_: maybe you need to disable secureboot, how exactly did you make the ubuntu usb?14:41
MessedUpMyPcHello i Urgent need help to get back to Windows 7 i did mess up my pc with doing wrong low level format to remove windows 10 , and then installed Ubuntu Mate nothing works anymore i can't boot tp bios from f2 or lounch the DVD of Windows 7 anymore so im stuck on broken Ubuntu can you help me get back to W 7 low level formatt here on Ubuntu via Terminal since nothing works from boot anymore neither bios usb or dvd14:41
Kouneixdamien: It's an inside wifi card, i'm currently using an external to install the internal14:42
cfhowlettif you scrambled your bios, you are truly screwed MessedUpMyPc14:42
MessedUpMyPci hopw you guys can help me get back14:42
wintermute_I followed the ubuntu's page.. used universal usb installer or something like that on windows, then used unetboot on ubuntu, and finally mounted the iso and control c + control v right on the usb14:42
damientry using the broadcom driver14:42
MessedUpMyPcyou think that's a bios probem cfhowlett  the fact i can't boot anymore from bios with f2 neither louch usb or dvd at boot or what happend ?14:43
EriC^^MessedUpMyPc: do you want to recover any data from windows 7?14:43
cfhowlettMessedUpMyPc, if you cannot access your bios, yeah, you might have a bios issue.14:43
MessedUpMyPcno i need to get back to Windows 7 im stuck on broken ubuntu mate14:43
Kouneixdamien: which one?14:43
damienand install the bcmwl kernel source14:43
damienthats all you shoud need14:43
EriC^^MessedUpMyPc: it might be pretty messed up (might) since you installed 2 os's in the same hdd14:44
MessedUpMyPci can't access bios from f2 afther doing wrong low level formatt to remove windows 10 since then nothing works at boot neither usb stick , dvd or neither i can get the bios when i click f2 gives me grub of Ubuntu just14:44
MessedUpMyPcso i need trow it away or what i need to do EriC^^ ?14:44
Kouneixdamien: There's a plenty ...14:44
damienlet me know if you have any problems but you should'nt as this is a universal driver14:44
MessedUpMyPcim really desperate right now i broke the bios semes14:44
wintermute_relax, take a deep breath14:45
wintermute_are you sure that f2 is the key to bios setup on your moptherboard?14:45
EriC^^MessedUpMyPc: well you could try to recover windows 7 you might be lucky and nothing is touched, otherwise i'd recommend to get whatever data you can from it and reinstall fresh14:45
cfhowlettKouneix, so you do or do not have a broadcom chipset wifi?14:45
MessedUpMyPcyes wintermute_  before i did wrongly low level formatt to remove w10 everything worked fine f2 from bios usb keys and dvd at boot14:45
Kouneixcfhowlett: I have a realtek one14:46
MessedUpMyPcnow nothings boots anymore if i press f2 all i get is ubuntu mate grub display if recovery mode etc14:46
MessedUpMyPcbasically i can't lounch dvd , usb stick neither boot in my bios14:46
wintermute_MessedUpMyPc, others F's stills working? like boot menu or boot from network or whatever?14:46
MessedUpMyPcand ubuntu mate is also broken half says14:46
MessedUpMyPceverything works eccept usb stick at boot dvd at boot and acess bios at boot with f214:47
Kouneixdamien: I can see my wifi card but it doesn't reach any wifi point14:47
wintermute_btw the bios launch is ok? you get a splash screen or something?14:47
Kouneixcfhowlett: I can see my wifi card but it doesn't reach any wifi point14:47
MessedUpMyPcno wintermute_  only ubuntu mate splash screen with f214:47
MessedUpMyPcnothing boots anymore eccept get ubuntu stuff if i try go bios14:47
cfhowlettKouneix, can't help with the realtek. broadcom is silly simple to set up14:47
MessedUpMyPci think i really messed up the pc14:48
cfhowlettMessedUpMyPc, sounds like.   still under warranty?14:48
Kouneixcfhowlett: ok, thank you btw14:48
MessedUpMyPcim basically stuck on ubuntu mate half broken os right now and can't even remove it this is the worst as nothing will boot of my usb or dvd where i got w7 and bios is gone14:48
BluesKajMessedUpMyPc, which make pc ?14:48
MessedUpMyPcno cfhowlett sadly14:48
MessedUpMyPci got acet aspire one laptop e152214:49
cfhowlettMessedUpMyPc, you should be able to flash the bios.  search or contact acer support14:49
hammWhy is Ubuntu spyware?14:50
MessedUpMyPcso you saying i need reinstall the bios back or you can give me a ubuntu teminal command to low level formatt so i can install w7 back?14:50
wintermute_MessedUpMyPc, if you really can't get anything from bios, then i suppose something is really messed up indeed14:50
wintermute_I really don't know what to do, but i'm a noob14:50
MessedUpMyPcyes bios is gone and with it all dvd and usb sticks boot14:50
wintermute_It should be possible to fix it14:50
MessedUpMyPcf2 only gives ubuntu mate splashscreen of what i need to recovery do14:51
cfhowletthamm, it isn't.  stop trolling and spreading fud.14:51
MessedUpMyPcis there a low level formatt command you guys can help me do from terminal to remove at least ubuntu and get back to mate?14:51
MessedUpMyPcto windows 7 i mean?14:51
cfhowlettMessedUpMyPc, no.  you truly and really do need your bios.  see acer support for options.14:51
MessedUpMyPcok if i download the bios wich i got here14:51
MessedUpMyPccan you guys help me install it back?14:52
MessedUpMyPcas i got the latest bios right here14:52
cfhowlettMessedUpMyPc, this is not a hardware support channel.  see what acer tells you.14:52
EriC^^MessedUpMyPc: when you say low level format, what exactly do you mean?14:52
hammcfhowlett: explsin this https://www.fsf.org/blogs/rms/ubuntu-spyware-what-to-do14:52
EriC^^(the thing you did first to remove windows 7)14:52
BluesKajMessedUpMyPc,  if your drives boot then your bios is still working , some laptops have powerup bios button beside the power button , my lenovo has one14:52
MessedUpMyPcto wipe the hard disk as i did to remove w10 from then the problem started14:52
MessedUpMyPclike 100% formatt everything back to 014:53
EriC^^MessedUpMyPc: how'd you do that?14:53
MessedUpMyPclow level14:53
EriC^^where? how?14:53
cfhowletthamm, again, wrong channel. you are being rude and disruptive.14:53
MessedUpMyPci did it with some programs for windows but did it wrong14:53
EriC^^what's the name of the program?14:53
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MessedUpMyPci forgott mabye was killdisk or something14:54
MessedUpMyPcis there acer room here ? as i need someone help me install back the bios for my pc14:54
haydarGuys How can I set efi partion to my external hard drive to boot up with Windows 7?14:55
haydarI have two partions on my external harddrive nfs and fat32 format14:55
MessedUpMyPci mean if you guys don't help me im stuck like this14:55
EriC^^haydar: are you on ubuntu right now?14:55
haydarThe bios doesn't let me to boot from it14:55
haydaryes I am14:55
EriC^^haydar: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999914:56
EriC^^haydar: also sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999914:56
ducasseMessedUpMyPc: try in ##hardware maybe14:56
fchMessed, ##hardware14:56
haydardone. now what EriC^^ _?14:56
BluesKajMessedUpMyPc, your bios is not gone if your laptop boots to a usb14:56
MessedUpMyPcBIOSAcer1. Phase-in new AMD Agesa code 2. Add new HWID support2.073.2 MB2014/01/0214:56
MessedUpMyPcthis is my bios i find it14:56
EriC^^MessedUpMyPc: it's probably a good idea to get the bios working again, i'd try to recover the data first though if you have important stuff on it (ps as you're using mate right now the data might be overwritten..)14:56
MessedUpMyPcon acer site14:56
EriC^^MessedUpMyPc: do you have any important data on it?14:57
cfhowlettMessedUpMyPc, since you are on the acer site, find the bios flash directions and do what you must.14:57
EriC^^i wonder how he could do it if it only works from windows14:57
EriC^^maybe boot some other iso from ubuntu mate's grub?14:58
EriC^^some bios flash thingies work from the uefi shell i think too14:58
MessedUpMyPcthanks people no nothing on it EriC^^14:58
MessedUpMyPcempty pc14:58
MessedUpMyPcjust os ubuntu mate half broken then nothing on14:59
haydarI think I need to make my external hardrive UEFI based to get this boot14:59
hammcfhowlett: i'm perfectly polite. curious if you could answer question. you troll in response?14:59
haydarand it has to be windows set up too because otherwise it won't let me14:59
EriC^^MessedUpMyPc: did you try to remove the battery and press the power button?14:59
MessedUpMyPcim using wired14:59
MessedUpMyPci mean i use plugged no battery14:59
MessedUpMyPcwhat i need to do?14:59
cfhowletthamm, don't like ubuntu.  don't use ubuntu. don't bother me any further.15:00
damienwhat does that mean15:01
damienthe face from kouneix?15:02
BluesKajhaydar, why?15:02
akikMessedUpMyPc: what do you mean broken ubuntu mate installation? you still get the grub boot loader?15:02
haydarI am trying to install Windows 7 on my external harddrive but it is not letting me do that15:02
MessedUpMyPcit tells me i got half broken ubuntu as partions are all messed up15:02
haydarUEFI based BIOS is making problem15:02
MessedUpMyPcso ubuntu mate tells me everything is broken on ubuntu mate also15:02
Kouneix_damien: I did requested you in private15:02
MessedUpMyPcif you want to check from terminal we can see i hope you guys got a terminal way to wipe hard disk so can get back to w7 and from there fix bios15:03
akikMessedUpMyPc: it's just that if you get the grub boot loader, probably the bios is not at fault15:03
BluesKajhaydar,W7 doen't need uefi boot15:03
BluesKajhaydar, is the drive formatted to NTFS?15:03
haydarBut it doesn't work. I tried to boot it but it sends me to the grub rescue section15:03
haydarI have two drives one is fat32 other is ntfs15:04
MessedUpMyPcwhen i press f2 at boot i get basically ubuntu grub splascreen that ask all recovery modes etc but usb key boot and dvd boot and bios boot are gone15:04
haydarmybe I should install grub on that ?15:04
MessedUpMyPcso im stuck on ubuntu mate with messed up partions basically15:04
ducasseMessedUpMyPc: you really should ask in ##hardware15:04
MessedUpMyPcim trying register my nickname to speak there15:05
akikMessedUpMyPc: grub doesn't list usb key and dvd boot. it must've been the bios screen15:05
BluesKajhaydar, you should be asking in #windows anyway15:05
haydarBut I am using ubuntu system If I were on windows there are bunch of other options I know15:05
MessedUpMyPcso you also think i messed up bios when i did wrongly low level formatt to remove that windows 10 akik ?15:05
haydarbut here I don't know much15:05
haydaranyway thank you for trying...15:06
akikMessedUpMyPc: try to compose yourself :) and ask in ##hardware15:06
haydarIf you can think a way to install EFI on external hard drive let me know15:06
akikMessedUpMyPc: i bought an acer f5 laptop some time ago and was really struggling to get into the bios15:06
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fchIf you cannot boot into bios then yes. Take your acer laptop to the nearest customer care they can help you.15:09
* cfhowlett doesn't understand how a low level format could scramble the bios ..15:09
BluesKajhe doesn't read what ppla re suggesting to him , he's convinced his bios is gone , but he can boot his usn=b, what does that tell you?15:11
MessedUpMyPcok thanks everyone for help im asking in ##hardware now15:12
BluesKajwe've had a couple of those types in here in the last while , it must be the weekend :-)15:12
BluesKajMessedUpMyPc, if you can boot to usb your bios bootsequence is still working, hence your bios is still there15:14
blackthorcan i get some help troubleshoot boot issue?   i booted from USB, installed ubuntu on a clean hard drive , but after reboot, only blinking cursor (not even grub menu?)15:14
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | blackthor15:15
ubottublackthor: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:15
blackthorthanks MonkeyDust, will try :)15:15
MessedUpMyPci can't boot to bios BluesKaj when i f2 i jus get ubuntu mate splashscreen wich all the recovery modes etc15:15
MessedUpMyPcis that ok?15:15
MonkeyDustMessedUpMyPc  try f1215:16
BluesKajMessedUpMyPc, do you get the ACER post page?15:16
MessedUpMyPci basically lost ability to do usa key dvd and bios from boot seems with f2  ok i will try ill wait to see what they say in hardware you saying i changed my bios key with MonkeyDust  or what happend?15:16
ducasseblackthor: a blinking cursor can also mean you don't have the right boot device selected15:17
blackthorwill check settings, ducasse15:17
MessedUpMyPcAcer post age says boot bios f2 but not working since wronly low level formatted to remove w10 and installed ubuntu mate wich is messed up partions says15:17
MessedUpMyPci still get the Acer post page btw yes but says f2 for Bios15:17
BluesKajmes adress your answers to the questioner, otherwise there's chaos15:17
MonkeyDustMessedUpMyPc  interpunction, dots and comma's, make your comments esier to read15:18
MessedUpMyPcok sorry im just in panic now15:20
MessedUpMyPcso you want i try f12 or what i should do?15:20
BluesKajMessedUpMyPc, then your keyboard may be shifted by Fn15:20
MonkeyDustMessedUpMyPc  i have an acer too, it's f12 to enter the bios, here15:20
MessedUpMyPcstrange before the low level formatt to remove w10 the bios worked perfect with f2 and so did usb keys and dvd boot at boot unlike now15:21
MonkeyDustMessedUpMyPc  no, i'm wrong, it's f12 to enter the boot device list15:21
MessedUpMyPc, as told f2 works but gives just ubuntu mate splashscreen not bios anymore15:21
akiksame for me, f2 bios and f12 boot device list15:22
aguitelwhat the best way to hide my ass when downloading torrents ?15:22
MessedUpMyPci will try f12 and brb  , but why did i loose ability to boot usb keys and dvd's this is also strange and also f2 boots just ubuntu mate grub splashscreen15:22
MessedUpMyPcaguitel: pm15:23
BluesKajget a vpn, but this is not the place to ask for that kind of support, aguitel15:23
akikMessedUpMyPc: you're not triggering the bios setup with f2 if you see grub15:23
MessedUpMyPcok ill try f12 thanks people brb15:24
BluesKajMessedUpMyPc, do you still have the usb sticj plugged in15:24
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blackthorhmmm it appears that pc (dell) is trying to boot from harddrive, by default in legacy mode, but using F12 i CAN boot see the drive both in legacy and in UEFI mode, and selecting UEFI results in everything working fine. will try to find a way to default to UEFI in the bios. thanks for the help15:29
ioriablackthor, can you paste sudo parted -l ?  (paste.ubuntu.com)15:31
blackthorok fixed. it appeared to be a bios setting where i could define the default boot method (legacy or uefi). changed it and now it works.15:32
BluesKajblackthor, then you probly installed ubuntu in uefi mode, legacy will still work if you did iirc15:32
blackthoric, i don't remember i was given the choice15:32
ioriablackthor, ok15:33
BluesKajuefi is default then15:33
ducasseblackthor: if you boot the installer in uefi mode it will install in uefi mode.15:33
blackthorducasse: ic. well, i created a bootable stick using  lilicreator (on windows) that's probably it then.15:34
MessedUpMyPcI'm back so i did try f12 f11 nothing is really messed up basically since i did this low level formatt done in wrong way to remove w10 it messed up my pc that i can't get into my bios anymore , or lounch any usb key , dvd from boot when i try f2 f11 f12 all i get is Ubuntu Mate grub15:35
MessedUpMyPcany suggestions?15:36
MSPaint_I am booted into an Ubuntu live usb of 14.04 and it is reporting my ssd as unallocated, despite a fresh Win10x64 install on it15:36
MSPaint_It complains that there are GPT signatures but not a valid fakedos table15:36
MSPaint_And whether I push yes or no on the prompt changes little15:36
MSPaint_Any ideas? I've done dozens of installs and dual/multi boot configs on this drive alone, and nothing like this has come up before15:37
MessedUpMyPcso peoplw what you advise me to do now?15:39
MessedUpMyPcim trying to wipe hard drive from ubuntu via terminal seems only way if someone can help me out15:39
ioriaMSPaint_, i did it once, but honestly don't remember very well, btw http://askubuntu.com/questions/249642/gpt-partition-table-warning-message-during-install-of-ubuntu15:41
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MSPaint_So I have to reinstall windows basically15:42
MSPaint_From what I gather15:42
dylan__Running 16.04. YouTube lags whenever I go into fullscreen and try to watch videos in 720p. This was not an issue on Windows, so I doubt it's related to my hardware specifications. The rest of the system runs fine, videos are just incredibly laggy both on Firefox and Chromium. I googled for fixes for about half an hour, nothing seemed to fix it. What do I do?15:42
Jordan_UMessedUpMyPc: I don't think that wiping your hard drive is the best solution, if it would even help at all.15:42
Jordan_UMessedUpMyPc: Please pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr -v".15:42
MessedUpMyPcthanks Jordan_U15:43
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:43
OerHeksMSPaint_, maybe your windows is on exfat, not ntfs15:43
MSPaint_OerHeks: that'd be...interesting to say the least? I definitely went with the default Windows config15:44
MSPaint_I've installed Windows on several dozen machines in the past15:44
Jordan_UOerHeks: MSPaint_: It is incredibly unlikely that you have Windows installed on exfat.15:44
Jordan_UMSPaint_: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".15:44
OerHeksMSPaint_, open terminal: sudo fdisk -l # and see the partitiontype15:45
MessedUpMyPcthere you go Jordan_U http://paste.ubuntu.com/17861148/15:45
OerHeksor parted -l would do too15:45
MSPaint_Jordan_U: OerHeks: http://paste.ee/p/ZeqKR15:45
OerHeksnothing on it :-(\15:46
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MessedUpMyPcwhat does that mean Jordan_U ?15:46
MSPaint_OerHeks: Jordan_U: http://paste.ee/p/qPEQp fdisk too for good measure15:46
ioriaMSPaint_, sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda15:46
MessedUpMyPc~$ sudo efibootmgr -v efibootmgr: EFI variables are not supported on this system.15:47
MSPaint_ioria: http://paste.ee/p/o7mCU15:47
OerHeksand exFAT it is .. sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils  # and open filemanager again15:47
Jordan_UMessedUpMyPc: It means that at one point you had a GPT label on this drive, and then you repartitioned using a tool that doesn't handle GPT properly and only changed the msdos partition table.15:47
MSPaint_I'm not honestly sure if I installed with gpt or mbr15:48
Jordan_UOerHeks: There is no indication that MSPaint_ is using exFAT.15:48
MSPaint_I did some fucky things to this harddrive after accidentally dropping an rm -rf on / one day15:48
MessedUpMyPcso basically my problem is what i tought it was in my small , knowledge of pc that is not bios problem but messed up partiosn that messed all up Jordan_U ?15:48
MSPaint_Had trouble installing a distro, took about 12 attempts for no good reason15:49
Jordan_UMSPaint_: Please watch your language in this channel.15:49
MSPaint_Jordan_U: my apologies, I did not realize that was a rule here and will do so.15:49
OerHeksJordan_U,  i do see it http://paste.ee/p/qPEQp15:49
Jordan_UMSPaint_: If this is a BIOS based system then you should just use fixparts to wipe the GPT headers. If it's a UEFI based system then you should probably re-install Windows for UEFI.15:49
MessedUpMyPcor is also bios Jordan_U ?15:50
MSPaint_Jordan_U: I am admittedly less than versed with UEFI. I think I can support either, via turning off secure boot is it?15:50
MSPaint_Being that this is my first or second machine that is UEFI that I dualboot15:51
Jordan_UOerHeks: "HPFS/NTFS/exFAT" means that the partition type used is one commonly used for HPFS *or* NTFS *or* exFAT, AKA it's a partition that was likely created by Windows. Partition types are only hints at what might actually be there, and unambiguous hints at that.15:51
Jordan_UOerHeks: s/unambiguous/ambiguous/15:51
Jordan_UMSPaint_: You do not need to turn off secure boot.15:52
dylan__Running 16.04. YouTube lags whenever I go into fullscreen and try to watch videos in 720p. This was not an issue on Windows, so I doubt it's related to my hardware specifications. The rest of the system runs fine, videos are just incredibly laggy both on Firefox and Chromium. I googled for fixes for about half an hour, nothing seemed to fix it. What do I do?15:52
ikoniadylan__: what have you tried15:52
MSPaint_Jordan_U: what tool should I be using to write my USBs then, cause sometimes my USB will not show up in the bootloader with secure boot on. Dunno if that's more a tool or distro thing15:52
Jordan_UMSPaint_: It means that at one point you had a GPT label on this drive, and then you repartitioned using a tool that doesn't handle GPT properly and only changed the msdos partition table.15:52
MSPaint_I've been using Rufus as of late15:52
MSPaint_Having had no success with Unetbootin in roughly 2 years15:53
Jordan_UMSPaint_: Some distributions do not support secure boot. Ubuntu and most other major distros do.15:53
dylan__ikonia: Disabling hardware acceleration in Chromium, trying to load chromium without extensions, refreshing cookies15:53
MSPaint_And the win7usb/dvd download tool from MS when using Windows15:53
MessedUpMyPci wait Jordan_U  i see you busy so we can try fix menawhile asking on ##hardware15:53
ikoniadylan__: are you using youtube with flash ot html515:53
Jordan_UMessedUpMyPc: The message I sent you about GPT headers was actually for MSPaint_.15:53
ikoniadylan__: what video card are you currently running15:54
dylan__It's in HTML5. I'm not sure what video card I'm running, I'd have to check. Is there a terminal command for that?15:54
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MSPaint_Jordan_U: assuming I end up using a distro that does not support secure boot (I hop, it's a hobby) does that change me back to BIOs? I admittedly don't know what I'm doing in this one aspect15:54
ikoniadylan__: lspci will show you your pci devices (video card)15:54
ikoniadylan__: also open resource monitor, when you are watching youtube does any specific resource go up/peak15:55
Jordan_UMSPaint_: No. You can use UEFI without secure boot. You cannot however use secure boot without UEFI, so that may be where your confusion arised.15:55
MessedUpMyPco i confused then did you see my paste bin Jordan_U  http://paste.ubuntu.com/17861148/15:55
MessedUpMyPcthis is reply to your command15:55
MSPaint__WiFi dropped, dunno if my last message went through15:55
Jordan_UMSPaint_: No. You can use UEFI without secure boot. You cannot however use secure boot without UEFI, so that may be where your confusion arised.15:55
MSPaint__Jordan_U: assuming I end up using a distro that does not support secure boot (I hop, it's a hobby) does that change me back to BIOs? I admittedly don't know what I'm doing in this one aspect15:55
dylan__Alright, will do that. This is the output from lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/17861649/15:56
MSPaint__Jordan_U: alright, I'll remember it as basically squares and rectangles then15:56
ikoniadylan__: is this a laptop15:56
dylan__Yes, it is.15:56
MSPaint__Jordan_U: should I wipe the GPT stuff as well as the hard drive and just reinstall windows then install linux?15:56
BluesKajMessedUpMyPc, please use the nick of the person you are answering to avoid confusion15:57
CrackerJackhaw to install google chrome ubuntu 16.04 32 bit15:57
ikoniadylan__: ok, so it looks like an onchip intel video card run off the cpu15:57
rogerrogerTrying to install ubuntu 16.04 32-bit on a machine with at Geforce 6600. Tried Ubuntu, Lubuntu and Mint. With and without nomodeset. All give me the failure to set passwd mode to 0060 error and X server wont start. It has a working copy of Ubuntu 13.04 installed.15:57
Jordan_UMSPaint__: I would recommend using GParted to create a new blank GPT disk label, then make sure that you boot your Windows installation media via UEFI rather than BIOS and install Windows, then install Ubuntu.15:57
OerHeksCrackerJack, not, as google dropped 32 bit support15:58
MSPaint__Jordan_U: I'm going to do this with secure boot off, but unsure how to inform Windows whether I will use UEFI or BIOs15:58
Jordan_UMSPaint__: `That is assuming that you have no valuable data on the drive currently.15:58
MessedUpMyPcok BluesKaj   Jordan_U  asked me to this command sudo efibootmgr -v : reply is this efibootmgr: EFI variables are not supported on this system.15:58
MSPaint__Jordan_U: absolutely none15:58
MessedUpMyPcnow what i do?15:58
MSPaint__Jordan_U: This is literally a fresh updated install with programs installed, nothing more15:58
OerHekssudo apt-get install chromium-browser15:59
CrackerJackmy all syste reintal 64 bit only 1 browser15:59
Jordan_UMSPaint__: I believe that if you boot Windows' install media via UEFI then it will instll for UEFI, the same way as Ubuntu's installer, but I am not sure of that. ##windows might be able to confirm or correct that.15:59
dylan__ikonia: I checked with the System Monitor, and nothing seems to spike.15:59
dylan__The 2 main processes that take up memory are 'chromium-browser -enable-pinch' & 'chromium-browse'16:00
ikoniadylan__: so it is most likley your video cards xorg driver/configuration16:00
MSPaint__Jordan_U: So just put UEFI USB above USB in the boot manager then I think?16:00
ikoniadylan__: what cpu is this ?16:00
Jordan_UMSPaint__: Sounds right.16:01
MSPaint__Jordan_U: Sorry, I'm having a bit of a disconnect here16:01
ducassedylan__: do you know which generation cpu this is?16:01
dylan__Hang on a couple minutes, I'll find the information ducasse & ikonia16:01
MSPaint__Jordan_U: so to make a new blank GPT label, I just right click the allegedly unallocated partition and select new and apply?16:02
dylan__ikonia: the cpu is an Intel Celeron N305016:02
dylan__the graphic card is just 'Intel HD Graphics'16:03
ikoniathats surprising16:03
ikoniadylan__: have you actually got flash installed ?16:03
dylan__It didn't cross my mind, since I thought Flash doesn't support 60 FPS YouTube16:04
ikoniadylan__: no no, it's good that you've not16:05
ikoniadylan__: I just wanted to make sure it was using html516:05
MSPaint__Jordan_U: nevermind figured it out in gdisk16:05
BluesKajmost youtube is HTML5  altho some flash is still used16:05
ikoniaif you've not installed flash on firefox, then clearly it can't use flash, which is good16:05
dylan__Yeah I just checked and YouTube is showing it's in HTML516:06
ikoniadylan__: I was just double checking16:06
MSPaint__Though I now have a protective MBR16:06
dylan__I understand ikonia. Thanks for the help, by the way16:06
Jordan_UMSPaint__: You're supposed to have a protective MBR when you're using GPT :)16:06
MSPaint__Jordan_U:  thank you for that knowledge16:07
ikoniadylan__: could you give me a link to one of the videos thats performing poor16:07
Jordan_UMSPaint__: You're welcome.16:07
MSPaint__Just realized that here http://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/walkthrough.html16:07
ikonialets have a look at the spec of what it's encoded with16:07
MSPaint__Jordan_U: should I trim the drive or something now? All that Windows data is still there, just unallocated right?16:07
BluesKajwish all websites would switch to HTML5, it's being adopted, but too slowly for my taste16:08
dylan__Sure ikonia . I'm using this video because I know how it looks without any lag and in 60 FPS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXIf5gAyrf416:08
MSPaint__I wish the same16:08
MSPaint__I started learning with HTML516:08
MSPaint__So thankfully I have nothing to unlearn16:08
YukenApparently, I've accidentally uninstalled GRUB 2 in a UEFI system, so now it is just booting straight into Windows Boot Manager. How would I, with a liveCD/USB/etc, detect the operating systems on one disk and then reinstall GRUB2 onto that disk?16:09
MSPaint__Yuken: Have you taken a look at super grub repair?16:09
ikoniadylan__: and on linux, that performs poor for you16:09
YukenMSPaint__, nope.16:09
MSPaint__Yuken: I usually use a grub repair live usb to fix it but there's likely another way16:10
dylan__Which honestly is surprising to me since Ubuntu is way more lightweight than Windows (at least, it appears so from install size)16:10
ikoniadylan__: ok, thats like silk for me16:10
ikoniadylan__: ubuntu isn't more lightweight than windows, and some of the hardware support/technology support (flash for example) is much weaker16:10
dylan__Ah, I'm sorry, I just made an assumption.16:10
Yukenikonia, wat. Ubuntu, unless you're using KDE or Unity, is much lighter than Windows.16:11
ikoniadylan__: and you're %100 sure the cpu isn't spiking while you're watching this16:11
dylan__I'll check again16:11
ikoniaYuken: no, it's really not16:11
ikoniadylan__: thank you - not saying you're wrong, just want to check for common symptoms16:11
Yukenikonia, ... Ubuntu with Openbox or LXQt or XFCE will run on a mobile C2D from 2006 with ease. Windows 10 will not do that.16:11
MSPaint__Jordan_U: thanks for the help. I'm gonna go try and reinstall things. Should I let Windows format the partition or is it gonna mess with GPT16:11
YukenCPU: 2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5250  @ 1.50GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.50GHz w/ 2048 KB L2 Cache **16:11
Yukenikonia, while using about 1/5th the RAM at idle16:11
MSPaint__PRaise openbox, btw16:11
Yukenikonia, with an install size of 5GiB.16:11
ikoniaYuken: thats not really ubuntu though is it....thats a custom light weight build16:11
Yukenikonia, wat. Install LXQt, XFCE, or just use plain Openbox (which is included with Ubuntu Desktop)16:12
dylan__ikonia: Odd. Now it is showing that it's spiking... I must've seen it wrong.16:12
ikoniadylan__: thats ok, thats why I checked16:12
Yukenand Unity is still lighter than Windows, ikonia, just not by an insane amount.16:12
dylan__Once the video is loaded it's stuck at 100% usage16:12
ikoniaYuken: it's really not16:12
ikoniadylan__: ok, thats what I was expecting16:12
ikoniadylan__: thats "good"16:12
ikoniadylan__: so it looks like xorg is really leaning on the cpu to run the video card16:13
Yukenikonia, I'll just go install Unity right now and look at RAM and processor use.16:13
ikoniadylan__: is this 16.0416:13
ikoniaYuken: I don't really care to be honest with you16:13
dylan__Yes, it is.16:13
Yukenikonia, but you're wrong ;).16:13
ikoniaYuken: I'm not but, enjoy it if it makes you feel better16:13
dylan__I just installed the latest version that the Ubuntu website gave me16:13
ikoniadylan__: nothing wrong with that16:13
ikoniadylan__: can you go to /var/log and see if you have something that looks like Xorg.0.log16:14
dylan__Sure. One second16:14
Yukenikonia, I mean, even the Ubuntu Desktop requirements area kind've disagrees with you.16:15
dylan__ikonia: I do16:15
ikoniaYuken: as I said, I don't really care16:15
YukenAn old 700MHz Celeron and 512MiB of RAM for Unity on Ubuntu Desktop.16:15
ikoniadylan__: can you "grep -i intel" against that log please16:15
dylan__Xorg.0.log and Xorg.0.log.old16:15
ikoniadylan__: forget the "old" log16:15
ikoniadylan__: you should get quite a few results to that command16:15
ikoniadylan__: see if you have something that looks similar (not the same) to this16:16
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nuno_nunesYuken, install to lubuntu or xubuntu16:16
ikoniaand if you do, pastebin what you have and share the link please16:16
dylan__I'm not really sure how to do that command to be honest with you. I tried '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' -grep - i intel but that says permission denied16:17
ikoniadylan__: no problem "sudo grep -i intel /var/log/Xorg.9.log"16:17
ikoniasorry .0.log16:17
ikonianot .916:17
dylan__Alright, that worked. One second, pasting it16:17
nictrasaviosHello, the default eclipse packages in the repo come without software sites, so install support for languages like ruby is impossible without looking up and manually entering the defaults.16:18
dylan__Here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17862805/16:18
nictrasaviosThe defaults are often hard to find, and normal installations come with them - thus, nobody posts them online.16:18
MessedUpMyPcJordan_U:  did you see the pastebin you asked me ?16:19
nictrasaviosI ended up installing their offical versions from their website, but I figured I should inform the #ubuntu channel of this problem.16:19
ikoniadylan__: thats frustating that looks good,16:19
ikoniadylan__: can you do a test for me, can you view your test video at a much lower quality, say 48016:20
ikoniadylan__: what happens with the cpu16:20
ikonia(and how does the video playbook look)16:20
dylan__ikonia: The first 20 seconds of the video at 480p had my CPU running at 100%. After that it went down to around 80%16:21
ikoniaso even then it's really testing it16:21
dylan__The video seemed relatively smooth, except for an occasional 1 second freeze16:22
Yukendylan__, what processor are you running?16:22
ikoniait's leaning on your cpu way too hard,16:22
dylan__Another thing I Just noticed (the video started at 720p60FPS) is that there was screen tearing16:22
ikoniadylan__: I'd not worry about that16:22
dylan__Yuken: an Intel Celeron N305016:23
dylan__ikonia: anything else you can think of?16:26
dylan__If not, I understand.16:26
ikoniadylan__: I'm just looking at that modules and xorg options to see if there is anything that can change the way that driver is being used16:27
ikoniadylan__: on paper that cpu/intel-hd graphics should be enough to deal with that quite easy, but for some reason xorg is pushing the weight onto the cpu generally rather than the graphics chip on the cpu16:28
dylan__ikonia: let's hope there's a fix for that16:28
ducassedylan__: you can try to enable tearfree and dri3, but not sure if it will work with your particular gpu.16:28
ikoniadylan__: every day I see people using this with no problem, there will be room to change the config, it's just a case of what16:29
ikoniaducasse: it's intel on cpu16:29
ducasseikonia: i know.16:29
ducasseikonia: many of them support dri3, but it's not enabled by default. works fine on mine.16:30
ikoniatearfee is not an intel setting16:30
ducassetearfree is mentioned as disabled in the paste you just posted, and works on mine (hd 4600)16:31
ikoniathats interesting16:32
ikoniait's not listed in the module docs16:32
ducasseboth those settings have an effect, and it's noticeable.16:32
ikoniaI can understand the dri3 one, just odd that tearfee isn't meantioned in the intel module docs16:33
ikoniagive them a try, can't make it worse16:33
dylan__I'm trying, but I can't find the config in etc/X11/16:33
dylan__Do I have to manually make that?16:34
ikoniadylan__: yes,16:34
ikoniadylan__: later versions don't use the config unless you use it16:34
ikoniacreate it16:34
sydney_untangleQuick question all, so every time i resume from suspend my caps lock is enabled. Oddest thing. Do you guys know of any good workarounds?16:38
wusemansydney_untangle: did you have a kernel panic recently?16:40
sydney_untanglewuseman: I believe that is what is happening when i try to turn my computer back on after it tries to shut down when my battery is almost dead.16:41
dylan__ikonia: Made the file, now what do I do? Restart, I assume?16:42
sydney_untangleI told it in the power settings to power down, but it seems to be trying to hibernate instead.16:42
wusemansydney_untangle: yeah thats correct.16:42
ducassedylan__: restart lightdm16:42
sydney_untanglewuseman: But what do i do about it, thats my question.16:43
ikoniadylan__: just reboot if you want to be quick and simple with it16:43
abhishekhow can I update nano, I am stuck at 2.5, there is 2.7 release. apt upgrade does upgrade it.16:43
sydney_untangleSorry to put it so bluntly, but ive been trying to solve this all day.16:43
abhishekI meant does NOT upgrade it.16:43
wusemansydney_untangle: have you try to change the battery setting 'When power is critically low' to shutdown instead hibernate?16:44
dylan__ikonia: is this correct? http://paste.ubuntu.com/17864116/ or do I need to add the Identifier & driver flags?16:44
ikoniadylan__: should be enough16:44
ducasseabhishek: the version in 16.04 is 2.5.3-216:44
dylan__Alright, restarting. Will be back in a sec.16:45
abhishekducasse, how can I update?16:45
mrinalhello all16:45
abhishekupgrade I mean. :)16:45
sydney_untanglewuseman: That is what it is set to, but it doesn't shut down fully. It seems to go into some sort of hibernate, yet my power light flashes like it is in standby.16:45
wusemanAlright sydney_untangle16:46
abhishekducasse, There is 2.6 stable release. I think 2.7 also. sudo apt update doesn't find the new version why/16:46
wusemansydney_untangle: Give me the output from your grub file: 'cat /etc/default/grub | grep GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT'16:46
mrinalhow can i determine how many cores my processor has with bash16:47
ducasseabhishek: that is the latest supported version in ubuntu. the usual recommendation is to stick with the official packages.16:47
ducasse!latest | abhishek16:47
ubottuabhishek: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.16:47
wusemanwhats the text inside "" in that line?16:47
bekkswuseman: use this instead: grep GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT /etc/default/grub16:47
SchrodingersScatmrinal: cat /proc/cpuinfo #?16:47
wusemanbekks: ya thats pretty same just another way to type it :P16:48
bekkswuseman: Thats a totally different way. It is not a useless use of cat. :)16:48
wusemanOutput will be same, try.16:49
sydney_untanglewuseman: "quiet splash"16:49
SchrodingersScatmrinal: and if that's too much info, maybe cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor  #and then you can just see how many it recognizes.16:49
abhishekducasse, thanks16:49
SchrodingersScatmrinal: or "cpu cores"16:49
bekkswuseman: The output isnt the issue at that point. Avoiding useless usage of applications is. :)16:49
abhishekAny suggestions on this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/158842816:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1588428 in linux (Ubuntu) "PCI bus error on startup while booting into login screen (Kubuntu 16.04)" [Medium,Confirmed]16:50
sydney_untangleOk, so caps lock is not on when resuming from suspend, just the caps lock light is.16:51
sydney_untangleBut i need it to shut down, not do some sort of deep suspend.16:51
dylan__ikonia: I think that did more bad than it did good16:51
wusemansydney_untangle: okey thats fine, have you tried to edit the hibernating setting to 0 in laptop-mode-tools?16:52
dylan__After the first restart, I got the error saying that I was running in low graphic mode, I believe16:52
dylan__I ignored it and it booted to desktop, after that Ubuntu had a system error16:52
dylan__Restart again, everything appears to be fine now16:52
abhishekhow can I draw to attention to a bug, there is bounty system like on stack for bugs.launchpad?16:52
wusemanENABLE_AUTO_HIBERNATION=1 < try edit this to 0 and see if it will listen on your other setting so it poweroff instead16:52
dylan__ikonia: It also didn't appear to fix YouTube16:53
mrinalcpu cores16:55
mrinalthanx for the command16:55
abhishekare bugs discussed here or on devel? :)16:56
mrinalupon executing i get cpu flush size: 64; cache alignment: 64; address sizes: 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual; cpu family: 6; siblings: 4; core id: 2; cpu core: 216:57
mrinalhow can i optimize ubuntu for fast shutdown16:58
sydney_untanglewuseman: The hibernate setting is greyed out as it is.16:58
abhishekany suggestions?16:59
sydney_untanglehibernate working is a hit or miss thing on this laptop.16:59
mrinalwhat files to edit for a fast start-up/shutdown16:59
mrinalon ubuntu17:00
mrinalschrodingerscat, are you there ?17:01
sydney_untangleIs there any other way i can have a diferent power manager replace unity's power manager?17:19
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bekkssydney_untangle: There arent different "power managers".17:21
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abhishekStuck at this bug, please help. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/158842817:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1588428 in linux (Ubuntu) "PCI bus error on startup while booting into login screen (Kubuntu 16.04)" [Medium,Confirmed]17:30
abhishekIn short, I get weird errors on boot, it slows down the startup. It creates infinite logs when I am booted into kde. I can fix the log thing by adding a kernel parameter but the startup is still slow.17:30
MonkeyDust abhishek 'weird' is a bit vague, the nature of the errors usually contains the beginning of a solution17:36
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yottanamiHow can I find my current DNS nameserver17:58
MonkeyDustyottanami  dig17:59
ate15salut les gens17:59
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:00
ate15i love you justin bieber18:00
jattyottanami: nmcli device show eth018:00
OerHeksif the interfacename is eth0 ...18:01
dbz2kwhat ppa should I use if I don't want to wait for ubuntu push out firefox stable?18:14
OerHeksdbz2k, the only ppa with beta 48 is https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/firefox-nextbut use at your own risc18:16
MonkeyDustdbz2k  better tell the channel what's wrong with FF 4718:20
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lapionsystemd misbehaves quite oftenly when in ubuntu recovery mode18:54
bobbuHello all, so im running Xubuntu 16.04, and everything is working ok, except that putting my laptop to sleep and waking it up using the screen is not working. It acts like there is no screen switch. What can i try?18:54
bobbuHmm, oh man, it is always seeing the switch as open. Arg.18:56
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OerHeksbobbu, try ctrl alt F2 ( to tty2) and back to tty7 = ctrl alt F719:00
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OerHeksdoes it bring the screen up again?19:01
bobbuOerHeks: No, im refering to the physical screen on my laptop, its aparently not triggering the switch to tell when the lid is open or shut.19:02
bobbuThats what i was meaning.19:02
OerHeksoh oke, no clue about that19:02
NetwolfLinux med.edu.ky 4.6.0-pf1-hardened-kernel+ #1 SMP Sat Jun 25 13:15:38 EDT 2016 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux19:03
OerHeksNetwolf, sounds like no ubuntu / mainline kernel19:04
mrdunnocan u say me19:04
NetwolfOerHeks: no, its this one https://pf.natalenko.name/19:05
mrdunnoelementary is too supported by ubuntu?19:05
NetwolfOerHeks: I pulled it off github and recompiled it19:05
NetwolfOerHeks: sooooo much faster than stock19:05
OerHeksNetwolf,  good for you, not supported here.19:05
Netwolfi didnt ask for support19:05
OerHeksthe name is the same as the gentoo kernel19:05
Netwolfare u a low level kernel developer19:05
Netwolfoffering support for mainline on irc?19:06
OerHeksNetwolf, please don't bother us with that, this is ubuntu support only.19:06
Netwolfer bother with what. You are being an arrogant ass for no reason. I never asked for support and to be honest, I am probabaly a lot more educated than you when it comes to kernel internal19:07
tgm4883Ok now, lets stay civil19:08
NetwolfI simply showed a uname -a on ubuntu xenial19:08
Netwolfi agree19:08
tgm4883Netwolf: to be fair, you joined and posted your kernel for zero reason19:08
NetwolfAh. My apolgies. I posted it as it compiled it. Dindnt ask for support however.19:09
NetwolfDo you offer low level kernel support for stock kernels here OerHeks?19:09
ducasseNetwolf: why post your kernel version if you have no questions about it?19:10
OerHeksNetwolf, sure, but for zxenial there is no 4.6x AFAIK http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/19:10
Netwolfsame reason  people post uptime :)19:10
tgm4883Netwolf: you're in the support channel, which is why it appears when you posted that you were asking for support19:10
tgm4883Netwolf: if you want to chat, there is #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss for that19:11
OerHeksit is all yakkety development19:11
mernoirec'est la mer noire19:12
mernoirewhat do you think of mer noire ??19:12
NetwolfI think we might be getting carried away with symantic and wasting each others times. My aplogies. My uname -a was akin to a uptime show off. It's a custom kernel to improve performance on unbuntu/xenial. I do think perhaps it would be the place to talk about such things. :))19:12
Netwolfso what is offtopic vs ontopic if you dont even discuss the components of the os?19:12
tgm4883Netwolf: uptime isn't welcome in this channel either. As I previously mentioned, #ubuntu-discuss is where you probably want to be19:13
MonkeyDustNetwolf  discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic, this is the support area19:13
tgm4883Netwolf: on topic for this channel is Ubuntu Support19:13
OerHeks#ubuntu-kernel or #ubuntu-discuss19:13
NetwolfOerHeks: Yes, while there is no mainline 4.6 version, the pf-kernel is unique as it adds BFQ support and better performance overall on clouds as well19:13
tgm4883!ot | mernoire19:13
ubottumernoire: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:13
Netwolftgm4883: ah okay19:14
stack_overflowHave updare19:16
ZrenWhat do you do when your video drivers crash (screen freezes) and you can't switch to tty1 (game still shows)? Is it because tty1 is video accelerated too?19:17
stack_overflowHave updated video driver to nvidia proprietary and plymouth looks ugly under 16.04. How can I fix this?19:18
mrdunnobecause nvudia didnt not give drivers19:19
mrdunnoin opensource, I mean19:19
MonkeyDustmrdunno  yes, there's no love from nvidia, for linux19:23
stack_overflowOk. I like booting in text mode as well.19:25
tgm4883My nvidia drivers beg to differ19:25
mrdunnocan you re-write you question19:25
mrdunnocause I Lost it19:26
tgm4883stack_overflow: what do you mean looks ugly?19:27
MonkeyDuststack_overflow  i had that too, simply wait a few seconds until all that ugliness disappears and your desktop shows up19:30
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stack_overflowtgm4883: no graphic like after the first installation. After i changed to nvidia driver just text ubuntu and some dots under it. Very low resolution.19:31
GreenDayi run ubuntu19:31
GreenDayVERSION="15.10 (Wily Werewolf)"19:31
GreenDayaudacity crash19:31
GreenDayand rhythmbox has toons of bugs19:32
GreenDayappart from that19:32
GreenDayit works19:32
nolsenGreenDay: Upgrade to Ubuntu 16.0419:32
nolsen15.10 is about to loose support.19:32
ubottuUbuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.10 - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/wily - Scheduled to go EOL in July, 201619:32
GreenDaydo you think i must reinstall or upgrade?19:33
GreenDaybasicaly i started from kubuntu19:33
GreenDayit maybe a good idea to do a fresh install19:33
MonkeyDustGreenDay  yes, and create a separate /home partition, that's easier for future installs19:35
kekentohey, when I paste a command on terminal, it executes itself automatically. how to avoid this?19:35
EriC^^kekento: dont copy the newline with it19:36
kekentosorry sir, what is "newline"?19:36
EriC^^make sure not to select the bottom first start when you copy it19:37
kekentooh I get it, thank you19:37
EriC^^no problem19:37
bpromptkekento:      \r\n, the "enter press, character", which is non--printable, and thus not obvious, but if you copy and paste that, the paste will have, the text/command PLUS the enter key, the enter key will mean to bash, "execute now"19:38
GreenDayMonkeyDust, i have oldschool partitionned with fdisk ;)19:39
MonkeyDustGreenDay  great, then now you can create a partition, for /home19:40
GreenDayi have that scheme for 20 years man19:41
MonkeyDustGreenDay  time to improve things and learn something new19:42
GreenDayI thought i was good administer enough for linux ;)19:42
akikbprompt: on linux it's just \n but on windows \r\n19:43
MonkeyDustGreenDay  'Only shallow people know themselves thoroughly.' - Oscar Wilde19:43
bpromptok :)19:43
bpromptShow me a thoroughly satisfied man - and I will show you a failure.    ~~ Thomas A. Edison ~~19:44
* bprompt ducks19:44
GreenDayMonkeyDust, what in french please?19:48
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jaymeproniHello guys! My notebook has atheros like wireless controller, so. Is there any documentation like this format https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee for atheros in ubuntu wiki? I'm having some difficulties for finding it.20:05
bekks!wifi | jaymeproni20:05
ubottujaymeproni: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:05
jaymeproniThanks a lot. Wireless works fine now :)20:09
tronici have a question: Can a computer be hacked while a browser is not even open? I'm asking with regard to virtual machines - they require the internet to be active on the host, which surely nullifies half the point of having a VM?20:10
tronicSurely the host can be hacked while it is just sat there, doing nothing?20:11
OerHekstronic, hypothetical yes.20:12
tronicuh oh20:12
tronicWell that's no good is it20:12
OerHeksbut escape from the VM to the host, that is a different story20:12
MonkeyDusttronic  if you find someone who has hacked your linux, please let us know, sounds very exciting20:12
tronicnooo i'm not talking about my linux being hacked20:12
tronicactually, the situation is this: Host = Windows 720:12
tronicVM = Linux20:13
monty_hallI want to install a hdd, but I mount to manual mount it and I want it encrypted20:13
tronicVM requires internet connection on host, for internet on VM to work20:13
MonkeyDusttronic  yes20:13
monty_hallthat is, password protected, can this be done?20:13
monty_hallmanual mount/unmount password protected encyrpted drive.20:13
tronicis there no way to run a VM that runs the wireless modem directly, bypassing the host for internet access?20:14
MonkeyDusttronic  i guess you should ask that in the vm's channel20:14
tronicI use Windows for some art software, and would rather not log out, then log into a different partition just for internet20:14
OerHeksmonty_hall, here is a howto for usb sticks, also possible on ext hdd http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/create-secure-usb-drive-ubuntu-linux-unified-key-setup/20:14
OerHeksyou have the tools already20:15
MonkeyDusttronic  is it virtulabox or vmware?20:15
tronicyes, MonkeyDust20:15
MonkeyDusttronic  the one or the other?20:15
tronicdo i /join #virtualbox ? To be fair, i'd be interested in any VM manufacturer that allowed internet directly from the VM bypassing the host20:15
monty_hallOerHeks: thanks!20:15
tronicit's virtualbox20:15
MonkeyDusttronic  type   /j #vbox20:16
tronicok thanks :)20:16
tronicany other suggestions for manufacturers that allow direct wireless, bypassing host?20:16
MonkeyDusttronic  it's not as crowded and active as #ubuntu20:16
tronicapart from virtualbox20:16
tronici take it none ...20:17
brutserhi all, my server is running fine, connecting from a windows client works ok, but now recently i added an ubuntu client - the vpn connection works, but traffic not seem to be forwarded - what could be the reason(s) ?20:18
tronici need a VM for Windows as host, all i can think of is VirtualBox and VMWare plus a few lesser entities gotten off Wikipedia, but i don't know if any of them will do what i need - that is, bypass Windows host internet connection and get one of its own instead20:19
brutseri can ping the vpn server from the ubuntu client once connected, but when open a browser, it still uses the local connection20:19
tronicok i'll go now20:19
SlakVipertronic, if all you use windows for is the art software, why not run windows in the vm, and make linux your host?20:20
tronicSlakViper: it's not just art, it's music too, but the thing is, the software is quite demanding20:20
StRiKahi guys im new to IRC20:21
MonkeyDustStRiKa  great, this is ubuntu support20:21
tronicalso, i don't want to go through the  hassle of re-registering all my art software on the VM20:21
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org20:22
StRiKahow do i find other IRC servers20:22
MonkeyDustStRiKa  /msg alis list bababa20:22
MonkeyDustStRiKa  that's for channels, not for servers20:22
StRiKasorry im a noob still learning lol20:23
tronicthanks MonkeyDust i have KXStudio at the moment, it's based on Ubuntu, but the programs i wish to run apart from GIMP are CorelDRAW, and Reason, VirtualDJ, Ableton, etc. etc. none of which have Linux equivalents, and l'm sure they could run in VM but l require snappy performance20:23
MonkeyDustStRiKa  you already learned something new, then20:24
squintyStRiKa,  if using Hexchat then  Hexchat -> Network List  (from the drop down menu)20:24
MonkeyDusttronic  hope you find a way to accomplish what you want!20:24
SlakVipertronic, I completely understand.  The only other suggestion I would have for you would be maybe trying a usb network card.  I know vbox and vmware on windows both allow passthrough of usb devices, but not much else from what I understand.20:24
tronicyes it has just been suggested to me to try a USB modem / mobile broadband.20:25
tronicalso, btw, i am trying to get into Linux music, hence i have KXstudio on a partition20:25
tronickeep the faith!20:26
monty_hallOerHeks: Here's a twist20:31
monty_hallis it possible to create a file? and mount it like it was a dist?20:32
monty_halli guess I could google it :P20:32
bpromptmonty_hall:   yes20:33
monty_hallI'm curious20:34
monty_hallcan I create an empty file?20:35
monty_halldoes it have to be in "dd" format?20:35
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tatertotshello everyone :P20:35
monty_hallin fact, could you point me to a web page?20:36
monty_hallnot exactly sure what to google20:36
tatertotsHi elichai220:36
elichai2my /var/log is 17GB so I looked into /var/log/syslog and I found these lines huge amount of times:20:36
bekksmonty_hall: touch yourfile; echo "" > yourfile2; ...20:36
SlakVipermonty_hall, touch empty_file; mkfs.ext4 empty_file; mount -t ext4 -o loop /path/to/empty_file /destination     maybe??20:36
elichai2the weird thing is I don't even have a directory `/home/elichai2/.cache/google-chrome/`20:36
tatertotselichai2 what version of ubuntu are you using ?20:37
monty_hallwhen I say empty, I don'pt need to image a file.  I know that I can dd a disk image.  but want to start w/ something empty20:37
monty_hallI would have to assume I'd have to create a file w/ all 0's that's 4GB or so20:37
monty_hallto be my virtual encrypted disk20:37
bpromptmonty_hall:    yeap, using mkfs  to make the file with an FileSystem, then you can mount it, since it's pretty much just an image file, like an ISO, notice above SlakViper's line20:37
bekksmonty_hall: Did you read what I wrote to you?20:37
elichai2tatertots, so?20:38
OerHekssomething like this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/667291/create-blank-disk-image-for-file-storage20:38
tatertotselichai2...give me a second to look at your pastbin20:39
wingnut2626Good day all.  Is there a specific ISO that i need to boot in order to get ubuntu working on a macbook pro 2, 1?20:40
wingnut2626Every ISO i have found fails to boot properly.20:40
bpromptwingnut2626:    the PPC ISO 64bits I"d think20:41
bekkswingnut2626: Which CPU do you use?20:41
wingnut2626Core 2 Duo20:41
OerHekswe have a wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook2-120:41
wingnut262664 bit20:41
bekkswingnut2626: So the PPC iso will not work for you.20:41
wingnut2626I have followed the wiki word for word and the images fail to boot20:41
bekkswingnut2626: so which images did you use so far?20:42
wingnut262615.10, 10.10, 10.420:42
bekkswingnut2626: For which platform? 32bit? mac? ppc?20:43
elichai2tatertots, so? have any clue?20:43
wingnut2626bekks where can i find these options?20:43
bekkswingnut2626: On the page linked to you :)20:43
wingnut2626no dl links for the actual images20:44
bekkswingnut2626: So which iso files exactly did you use?20:44
tatertotselichai2 are you running out of free hard disk space ?20:44
elichai2not really but I need it to move my VM into it20:45
brutseranyone here with some knowledge about openvpn on ubuntu (as a client) - i try connect to openvpn, it works fine, i can ping the server, but the traffic is not routed through the vpn, just keeps using my local connection ...20:45
wingnut2626bekks The 64 bit desktop images.  I am sure that is the problem but I dont know where to find the mactel images.20:45
elichai2only this file (syslog) is 16GB20:45
elichai2and it's not the first time this happens20:45
bekkswingnut2626: Those will not work an a Mac. You need the Mac images.20:45
elichai2(although I don't remember the last times what error was it)20:45
wingnut2626where do i get em?20:45
bpromptbrutser:    there are quite a few folks at #openvpn, there's also an #openvpn-devel channel20:46
tatertotselichai2 you need to move your vm from ???? (inform me of source) to (inform me of destination)???20:46
tatertotsin as much detail as possible20:47
elichai2from My HDD to my SSD(where my ubuntu system is installed)20:47
akikmonty_hall: you can also create a file and treat it as a disk with partitions (losetup, kpartx)20:47
tatertotselichai2...these two disks are in the same computer correct?.....so from /dev/sdX to /dev/sdX????? can you solve for "X"20:48
elichai2from /dev/sdb2 to /dev/sda220:49
tatertotselichai2 ...would you mind pastbin some information for me please20:50
elichai2it doesn't really matter the VM shit, I just want to know why my log is full of this weird error20:50
tatertotselichai2 i want you to run a command and pastbin the output here so i can read it20:50
tatertotsOh so what's important to you is not moving the VM?...ok i understand20:51
tatertotswhen i read "i need to move VM" i thought that was your priority20:52
SolitaryCypherIs it safe to source /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/uevent into a script?20:52
OerHekstry clean the chrome config and start the browser again > /home/elichai2/.cache/google-chrome/20:52
tatertotslike if i were to say "i need food and water"20:52
elichai2OerHeks,  the weird thing is I don't have `google-chrome` dir in `.cache`20:53
tatertotselichai2 were you aware that "hidden" files/folders begin with "."20:53
elichai2using terminal...20:53
tatertotsok just making sure20:53
tatertotsthat ones all yours OerHeks :P20:55
elichai2wow, I forgot a long time ago I mounted the chrome's cache directory into RAM20:56
elichai2And I think it just removed the folder I created in /tmp somehow20:57
elichai2how can I make my system not delete a directory in /tmp?20:58
elichai2I can't believe this was the problem20:58
tatertotsimagine all the other things that you've probably done or copy and pasted from the internet that will negatively impact you in the future20:59
OerHeksThis is somehowe confusing, you want a solution against yourself removing a folder?20:59
elichai2I new what I did it was just a year ago lol20:59
tatertotsyeah lol20:59
elichai2no, I didn't removed it maybe it gets removed on every boot or only when upgrading a version20:59
elichai2i'll try to reboot and see if it gets removed21:00
elichai2is it OK to delete /var/log/syslog?21:00
elichai2or fill it with /dev/null ?21:00
MonkeyDustelichai2  this ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/17877506/21:00
lernersudo chmod 644 shermore.mkv < I want to change permissions to "walter" not "root". what am I missing?21:00
jamesdelichai2: better to properly config logrotate and be sure it runs daily21:01
bekkslerner: chown, not chmod.21:01
dm_complerner: chown walter:walter shermore.mkv21:01
elichai2MonkeyDust, no file called `default` in /etc/chromium-browser21:01
AEL-HHi guys, one of my partitions is having problems mounting, it is telling me the partition is unclean21:01
AEL-HI am on a dual boot system and it is running NTFS21:01
AEL-HI access the partition from windows and ubuntu21:01
dm_compchown <user>:<group> file21:02
lernerdm_comp, so I can use either numbers or username:group as you did?21:02
bekksAEL-H: So start Windows and run a full filesystem check.21:02
elichai2jamesd, I just need it once, how do i run logrotate?21:02
AEL-HI don't know if this makes a difference, but I can access the partition from windows just fine21:02
MonkeyDustelichai2  do   ls /etc/chromium-browser/21:02
elichai2I know how to use the terminal...21:03
elichai2I only got there a directory called `customizations`21:03
elichai2no files21:03
MonkeyDustelichai2  is the file not there?21:03
MonkeyDustok, odd21:03
dm_compnever tied it with numbers and by numbers you mean UID21:03
jamesdlogrotate -vf /etc/logrotate.conf21:03
OerHeksbetter fix your issue, purge and reinstall chrome21:04
elichai2jamesd, and then `sudo rm syslog.1` :)21:05
jamesdelichai2: yeah if you own the box that is fine. if you are an employee  security may not take kindly to removing logfiles21:06
elichai2of course21:07
mhalanohello everyone,21:07
akikAEL-H: do you have fast start-up enabled on windows side (power options/system settings) ? it causes that error when mounting it in linux21:07
mhalanoI have a question not so specific about Ubuntu, but I believe someone already done what I want to do.21:08
AEL-Hakik: I ran ntfs fix, and that fixed the issue for one partition21:08
AEL-Hakik: but the windows partition is saying something about hibernation21:08
akikAEL-H: http://www.howtogeek.com/236807/how-to-mount-your-windows-10-or-8-system-drive-on-linux/21:08
AEL-Hakik: I am not sure about fast start-up it's windows 1021:08
AEL-Hakik: Ah thanks this looks like the issue, my fault for not finding this21:09
elichai2thank you all21:09
mhalanoThe question is: How I create a local proxy for emails usig IMAP? The idea is keep a cache for emails I received so I can access offline but the most important is create a way so I can send emails evens without Internet connection using Thunderbird and whgen I connect the emails levae to the destiny. <EOM>21:09
McLightI love fight with computer is Ubuntu for me?21:12
MonkeyDustMcLight  try Windows21:12
McLightTrue that better fight21:12
McLightI joke too21:13
EriC^^you need a heavy de if you want to do any damage with it21:13
tatertotscomputer lives matter21:13
EriC^^a club or something would be better though21:13
tatertotsi joke too21:13
MonkeyDustMcLight  try to answer mhalano 's question, sounds challenging21:14
McLightThat sounds tough21:19
tatertotsmhalano....so tell us where in the process of making this happen you are currently stuck at and any error you may be getting21:20
tatertotsmhalano.....what work have you done so far?21:20
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tatertotsare you still in the "dreaming" phase...or the "conceptual" phase?21:21
mhalanotatertots, Some research without success. I hope someone can indicate what search for. I was looking for email and proxy and I just know Squid is not for that. :(21:22
mhalanois for personal use, so no worry.21:22
mhalanotatertots, dreaming phase. I can't find some documentation to think about conceptual.21:23
tatertotsmhalano.....who is your mail with right now?21:25
tatertotsmhalano ..........mhalano@company.com21:25
mhalanotatertots, Very basic. HGmail. Online.21:25
mhalanoThe idea is use IMAP with Thunderbird21:25
tatertotsmhalano....i'm familiar with google's "gmail"  :)21:26
mhalanoand do a cache (with IMAP) and keep the send emails until has a connection so I can work offline.21:26
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tatertotsmhalano......so you have a gmail account for email yes/no?21:28
mhalanotatertots, Yes, I have21:29
mhalanotatertots, And I use online but for a short time I used via IMAP21:29
mhalanoI like IMAP because the instant sync, but a need a cache.21:29
mhalanoSo even disconnected I could read some emails.21:30
HackerIIthunderbird with IMAP already compacts and shows dl mail21:31
tatertotsmhalao has acknowledged he's still in dreaming phase or conceptual phase.....i'm going to let him sleep for a few more minutes before i wake him up lol21:32
mhalanotatertots, what is the problem with my idea?21:32
adrian_1908hello. I have a netbook with an Intel `Celeron 2955U` and I found some information that suggests this CPU might support OpenGL 4. When I query glxinfo, I get OpenGL 3.3 (Mesa). Is there some driver/setting to support higher versions?21:33
tatertotsmhalano the good news is that you don't need to do anything21:33
tatertotsfeel free to keep dreaming about doing a bunch of technical stuff if you want21:33
bpromptmhalano:     I recall using an email client a long while ago, and in the IMAP option, it had the availability to keep a local copy(cache) whilst leaving the mail on the server, and synching as needed21:33
HackerIIya, thunderbird21:34
tatertotsthe good people over at google and gmail have already taken care of any of your email concerns21:34
mhalanobprompt, I will look that. Thanks. And about the offline sending?21:34
HackerIIexactly tatertots21:34
tatertotsmhalano you can now feel free to browse the net and check out sports scores and stuff now21:35
bpromptmhalano:    offline sending is easy, all email clients have a deferred sending, you "compose" your message, and click on "send later" or thereabouts option, or just make a "draft" for later sending21:35
mhalanoAnd supose I use a more minimalist email client like mutt or Alpine?21:35
tatertotsmhalano...again the good folks over at google have you covered....you're in good hands with gmail21:36
bpromptmhalano:     well, your options are as good as your email cleint21:36
tatertotsyou'll be fine21:36
tatertotslet the good folks at google continue to manage your email services as they have been21:36
tatertotseverything is fine21:37
tatertotsthere is nothing that you need to do21:37
tatertotsbtw guys if i'm ever dreaming......please allow me to sleep a tad bit longer please21:38
HackerIItatertot lives matter21:38
tatertotsbut after 2 minutes of extra sleep ...PLEASE slash me in the face with a bucket of ice cold water21:39
bprompttatertots:  you are, and we can't wake you up, because we're in it =P21:39
tatertotsmhalano's questions wasn't "challenging" after all LMAO21:40
tatertotshe just needed a cold bucket of water to the face21:41
bekkstatertots: With or without the bucket? ;)21:42
tatertotsmhalano i have linux dreams too21:44
tatertotsand i have ubuntu problems in my linux dreams21:44
tatertotsmaybe yall will help me with my ubuntu problem21:44
tatertotsmy problem is i need to open terminal21:45
tatertotsbut i can't21:45
bekksWhy not?21:45
In4rtiaCtrl + Alt + T21:45
tatertotsbecause my laptop is in the trunk of my car and i don't want to go get it, because it's rather hot outdoors right now21:45
bekkstatertots: Stop trolling then please.21:46
bprompttatertots:     so long you don't forget to press Ctrl-S to save, before you wake up, you'll be ok21:46
HackerIIway to treat your equipment21:46
adrian_1908ok looks like I'm stuck with OpenGL 3.3 for now, with 4+ still being in the workings. Hadn't expected that, but at least it'll come.21:47
tatertots@bekks.....fine...i'll stop with this "trolling" you speak of21:47
In4rtiatatertots We all hope so21:48
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kronokswhen will ubuntu EFI installer be fixed to properly install GRUB2 to the /boot partition, without manual intervention via recovery disk?21:52
Guest94282I want to run my installed system in ram, then copy any differences on shutdown21:53
tatertotsHi kronoks21:53
Guest80143how is it21:53
Guest80143how is it21:53
tatertotskronoks.....are you having issues with EFI?21:54
tatertotskronoks.....are you against "manual intervention"?21:54
Guest94282how can i boot from my ssd to ram, then only write back what's changed on shutdown?21:55
kronokstatertots: are you aware of the issue whereby the installer does not copy files into proper directories, and only system-d boot does so?21:57
dylan__Hi. I came here a couple of hours ago complaining about an issue where YouTube videos were incredibly laggy & frames were getting dropped. Someone was kind enough to help me but eventually left. His "diagnosis" was that Xorg was only using my CPU (which was going to 100% when watching a video) and not my video card. I was wondering how I can fix this. Thanks for any help!21:57
Guest94282dylan__ what is your video card?21:57
dylan__Guest94282: It's just Intel Graphics21:58
kronokstatertots: insufficient21:58
dylan__The CPU is an intel celeron n305021:58
kronoksdylan__: what is the cpu and gpu?21:58
dylan__kronoks: It's just Intel HD Graphics21:59
kronoksdylan__: the n3050 is a recent cpu that can normally play videos without issue. what is the application environment?21:59
dylan__kronoks: what do you mean by "application enviroment"?22:00
kronoksdylan__: the operating system and desktop environment.22:00
dylan__I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 on a laptop (Ideapad 100S). YouTube could be played in 720p60fps fine on Windows22:01
kronoksi know that laptop. it's the 11 or 14 inch variant in black and red tone.22:02
tatertotsdylan........what browser are you using to play these laggy youtube videos you speak of???22:02
dylan__I'm running Chromium.22:03
tatertotsdylan....(A) firefox.........(B) google chrome......(C) Other22:03
tatertotsah C it is22:04
dylan__I'm sorry for not supplying all the information, it slipped my mine since I told it before22:04
dylan__Will do, thanks.22:04
tatertotsdylan...stick with me here and we'll get you fixed up in no time22:04
tatertotsdylan....these laggy youtube videos....are they also laggy when you watch the exact same video in Firefox?  yes/no?22:06
vm096how do I foreach an array in bash?22:06
kronoksdylan__: you could try another desktop environment, in case it's a Unity issue. also, be aware that Windows is more efficient with hardware resources and has better drivers, so that will always be a contributing factor.22:07
dylan__The lag is different though. In Chromium the video is slowed down it seems, and it lags behind the audio. Then, there's a black cut for one second and the video catches back up to the audio.22:07
dylan__In firefox it's just a constant lag22:07
tatertotsdylan....these laggy youtuve videos ....are they also laggy when you watch them in "GOOGLE" chrome? yes/no22:07
dylan__In Chromium I also noticed that there's some screen tearing22:07
kronoksdylan__: is it using flash? or standard HTML5.22:08
dylan__standard HTML5 kronoks22:08
tgm4883I don't think I've ever heard that "windows is more efficient"22:08
dylan__tatertots: I'll install Google Chrome right now22:08
kronoksas a workaround, try to install flash and force firefox to use that in youtube to test it.22:08
mhalanobprompt, I will fix my problem and publish on my blog. I just need to write on my blog first.22:09
kronokschrome is the same as chromium, except it includes the flash plugin and other codecs.22:09
dylan__You can't have 60 FPS in Flash though, right?22:09
kronoksthere may also be variations in distributions22:09
dylan__Whatever, at this point it does not matter. I'm willing to accept any fix that will allow me to watch YT again22:10
edrockscould lvm encryption cause a disk to keep failing if you are using hardware raid 10? I replaced the physical disk22:10
PitbeastHi All!22:10
tatertotsdylan....let me know when you have an answer to my last question to you :P22:10
dylan__Alright tatertots, google chrome is installed. Hang on while I switch to that browser22:10
Pitbeastjoin #ubuntu-mate22:11
tatertotsand i will continue my analysis22:11
tatertotsHello Pitbeast22:11
OerHeksHD Graphics (Braswell) .. not that powerfull, but should do 720/60 ... http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel-celeron-n3050&num=122:12
tatertotswelcome back dylan22:13
tatertotsI hope you have news/info for me ...yes22:13
akikdylan__: i'm not sure if this is still needed "MOZ_USE_OMTC=1 firefox"22:13
dylan__tatertots: google chrome does not appear to be able to play the video in 720p 60 fps22:14
sector_0has anyone experienced any quirks with the r9 290 GPUs on ubuntu?22:14
dylan__akik: I'm not sure what that does in my case?22:14
akikdylan__: possible solution to your choppy videos22:14
dylan__akik: but only for firefox?22:15
bekksdylan__: That may help for firefox. Just test using Google Chrome on that video for now.22:15
tatertotsdylan.....your problem is actually a very easy fix22:15
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tatertotsbut you need to stick with it and answer my questions to the best of your ability22:15
dylan__It is?22:15
dylan__And I'm trying to do that, tatertots.22:15
tatertotsyes dylan...a very common issue22:16
tatertotswith a very common and easy fix22:16
tatertotsbut i must be allowed to complete my analysis to determine if this fix is applicable to you %10022:16
dylan__Go ahead22:16
tatertotsi'm alredy %99.99999922:17
OerHeksgee tatertots you make it like a tv soap22:17
* tgm4883 is skeptical22:18
* bekks grabs the telephone being ready to call on that QVC offer :P22:19
dylan__So tatertots, about that fix :P22:19
OerHekswhole canonical is reading .. lets go!22:19
tatertotsdylan....answer my last question to you please..........i ask in yes/no form for good reasons22:20
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dylan__What was your last question?22:20
dylan__The last think you typed was "I'm already %99"22:20
dylan__tatertots: please, repeat your last question for me so I can answer it22:24
akikdylan__: he asked whether the videos are choppy in google chrome22:25
dylan__akik: and I responded that they are22:25
OerHekshe answered that22:25
tatertotsi'm back dylan22:25
tatertotshad to step away22:25
dylan__sorry tatertots, I didn't know that. I thought you had grown tired of me :P22:25
tatertotslemme see if i can bring back the mental image of the flowchart i had in my head for your issue...standby22:26
tatertotsgot it22:26
tatertotsare these laggy videos you speak of also laggy in google chrome ?...yes/no?22:26
tatertotsdylan...what is your hardware specs?22:28
dylan__Intel celeron n3050, Intel HD Graphics, 2 GB of RAM22:29
tatertotsdylan open google chrome and type this into the address bar please22:29
=== nolsen is now known as {{
tatertotsI want to see this information please22:30
tatertotsALL of it22:30
tatertotsoh you'll need to press "ENTER" after you type that into the address bar22:30
igoryonyaHello, I wanted an advice/suggestion - When I manage a park of dosens computers, I need to backup/restore them. so I came up with the solution, that will just backup the computer specific folders, but all the system folders are located in the separate image, because alll computers are identical - same software packages installed, etc., so I just need to backup per user stuff.22:30
tatertotsi don't care what you use to show me this info..i just want to see it please22:30
igoryonyaI've figured, that If I backup /home, /etc and /var, it would be sufficient. Am I missing some other folder?22:31
igoryonyaPlease, advice22:31
dylan__tatertots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17881472/22:31
tgm4883igoryonya: What are these computers used for? I'd just backup /home22:31
tatertotsdylan.....no wonder playing youtube sucks lol22:32
igoryonyapersonal office workstations (Ubuntu Desktops)22:32
igoryonyatgm4883: office workstations (Ubuntu Desktops)22:32
tatertotsdylan......stick with me here...i'll get you fixed up in no time22:32
dylan__tatertots: thanks a lot :)22:32
arteihello dylan22:32
dylan__hi artei22:32
arteiwere are you from?22:33
tgm4883igoryonya: Are the all the same model? How are you managing updates and such?22:33
arteii am from spain22:33
kronoksartei: are you in spain?22:33
kronoksartei: is your country safe right now, due to the migration?22:33
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igoryonyatgm4883: but I would need to keep configs (/etc), logs etcetera (/var), personal home folders (/home). I just need to know, if there is anything else (per computer, that needs to be saved)22:33
tgm4883!ot | artei kronoks22:34
ubottuartei kronoks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:34
jamesdah the rain in spain falls mainly on the Spaniards.22:34
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igoryonyatgm4883: Yes, the same models, so I don't need to keep (/boot, /bin /sbin, etcetera)22:34
tatertotsdylan....analysis almost complete...standby22:34
tgm4883igoryonya: I'd think those folders are more than enough22:34
igoryonyatgm4883: but, maybe, I am missing something else, I would need to keep22:34
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bekksigoryonya: Since you are using images to set them up identically, you dont need to backup their config.22:35
igoryonyatgm4883: I just thought of one more folder to keep :) (/root)22:35
tatertotsdylan....i have a question for you....are you using the intel linux driver for your gpu? yes/no?22:35
tgm4883igoryonya: I don't think so, what do you change from a default install?22:35
igoryonyaNo, I would like to keep configs (saved per computer, so I don't have to reconfigure stuff, like network config, or other per person preferences)22:36
tgm4883igoryonya: well per person preferences are going to be in /home22:36
tgm4883igoryonya: how many computers?22:37
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tatertotsdylan you will need to make some changes to improve youtube playback22:38
dylan__Sure, no problem22:38
igoryonyatgm4883: yes, but network configs, per person specific (system configured) tunnels, per computer system certificates. etc, (I mean, differing systemwide configs). I don't want to reconfigure them from scratch, after restoring the comp. Around 70 Comps.22:39
tatertotsdylan did you see the problems detected section ?22:39
dylan__Yes, I did. It does not look good22:39
tatertotsI am concerned about some of the things i see there22:40
alive876hi, i am trying to install erlang on ubuntu, so following directions i downloaded the  xx.deb file, then ran sudo dpkg -i  xx.deb, however i dont have the path set, i dont know where it put this, thanks22:40
tatertotsdylan...are you using the intel linux driver yes or no....i'm guessing no but i hate to make assumtions22:41
tatertotsespecially when it comes to matters like this22:41
dylan__I'm not sure if I am22:41
dylan__I just did a clean install of Ubuntu 16.04 yesterday22:41
kronokstatertots: if he installer ubuntu, then xf86-intel-video is installed by default.22:41
kronokstatertots: tell him how to change the acceleration method. that might work.22:41
OerHeksintel driver is a kernelmodule, as that NUC is intel only, i am sure he does22:41
tatertotsi'm going to say that answer is "no" then...you would remember if you installed it22:41
bekksThe driver is installed by default, so there is nothing to remember.22:42
tatertotsdylan enable hardware acceleration and play your videos and report back if you notice improvement in playback22:42
tatertotsin yes/no form please22:42
OerHeksLoLz ... is that the easy fix?22:43
dylan__Hardware Acceleration was already enabled, so no22:43
winston2koh em gee22:43
bekksI bet thats the part he is concerned of.22:43
igoryonyaalive876: why don't you just install erlang from the repository? sudo apt-get install erlang22:44
tatertotsdylan...i'm afraid it isn't supported by https://01.org/linuxgraphics22:44
alive876that didn't seem to work22:44
tatertotssorry to be the bearer of bad news22:44
dylan__What do you mean by "it" that isn't supported?22:45
HackerIIprolly would be about:flags and enable he22:45
igoryonyaalive876: what were the errors? Why do you think, it didn't work?22:45
bekksdylan__: Can you pastebin "sudo lspci -k" please?22:45
dylan__sure, second22:45
alive876like this: Errors were encountered while processing:  couchdb , but still  didn't recognize after i installed couchdb22:46
dylan__bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17882105/22:46
bekksdylan__: As can be seen by the bearer of bad news too, your graphics card is supported by the Intel driver, which is installed, actually.22:46
alive876and i also ran  sudo apt-get install -f multiple time22:47
bekksdylan__: See line 8 in particular.22:47
dylan__So what does this mean bekks?22:47
dylan__Is there no fix for my issue?22:47
igoryonyaalive876: I didn't understand. When you run sudo apt-get install erlang, you get: "rrors were encountered while processing:  couchdb"?22:48
alive876yes, at the end22:48
bekksdylan__: Did you try to enable HTML5 on http://www.youtube.com/html5/ yet?22:49
igoryonyaalive876: Is that the complete error message, or it consists from several lines? Additional information.22:49
dylan__bekks: It's enabled, yeah.22:49
bekksdylan__: Does this video wotk for you?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYc2jP4LLGo22:50
dylan__bekks: it does, yeah.22:51
alive876first when i try to do sudo apt-get ..  i get these http://pastebin.com/qa0iudkb22:52
bekksdylan__: Can you pastebin the entire content of "chrome://plugins/" please, after clicking on "Details" on the top right corner?22:52
dylan__bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17882379/22:53
bekksdylan__: So the problem boils down to HTML5 videos are being displayed properly, while Adobe Flash content isnt. At that point you can just hope Youtube will provide HTML5 content as often as possible for you.22:54
alive876and then i try sudo apt-get install -f  http://pastebin.com/F2Jxs50z22:55
dylan__bekks: that's not the issue at all. It's the fact that HTML5 videos are incredibly choppy22:55
bekksdylan__: Thats what I just asked :)22:55
dylan__And that (according to someone who's helped me before) Xorg uses only my CPU and not my GPU22:55
bekksdylan__: I asked you wether that HTML5 example video worked properly for you.22:55
dylan__Oh, sorry bekks22:56
dylan__HTML5 works, but once I go fullscreen or set my resolution to 720p, that's when it starts to become laggy22:56
bpromptdylan__:   is that a laptop I assume?22:58
bekksdylan__: You could test that here, too: http://www.leanbackplayer.com/example_multi_resolution.html22:58
dylan__bekks: that appears to be way less laggy.22:59
dylan__There's an occasional stutter but for the rest it's fine22:59
bpromptdylan__:     fullscreen video, means more gpu resources and cpu resources to do the rendering of the media, so the bigger the size of the video viewer, the more cpu and gpu resources it will require for rendering22:59
dylan__bprompt: the problem is that it worked fine in Windows, so I don't see why it can't in Ubuntu :(23:00
tatertotsdylan....it's explaining to you exactly why it can't in ubuntu23:00
tatertotssearch for "137247" in that info i had you post23:00
tatertotsdo you see what it says next to "137247"23:01
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tatertotsand that's just one23:01
bpromptdylan__:  hmmm I seem to side with bekks , since I know that flash videos do require more cpu than html5, which is browser native23:01
tatertotsi could go on23:01
dylan__You're saying it can't be fixed, someone else said it CAN be fixed23:01
igoryonyaalive876: 1) What's your Ubuntu version?; Then do: 2) sudo apt-get update; 3) sudo apt-get -f install (and not sudo apt-get install -f)23:01
bpromptdylan__:    keep in mind that, youtube uses about 4 formats to serve the video, and if one doesn't work, the browser simply uses a fallback to use another, I'm thinking your issue may just be a flash one, not a videocard one23:02
bekksdylan__: On the page I just gave you, try fullscreen, and start withe loweest resolution.23:03
dylan__I'm not using flash though, I'm using HTML5 bprompt23:03
igoryonyaalive876: seems like, you have an old Ubuntu version, that doesn't release new package versions anymore, and the latest couchdb version is not recent enough for  erlang requirement.23:03
bpromptdylan__:    if you right-click on the video, does it say it's an html5 video?23:03
bekksdylan__: And not all videos are available as HTML55 on youtube.23:03
tatertotsI'm not saying it CAN'T be fixed.23:03
bekks< tatertots> dylan...i'm afraid it isn't supported by https://01.org/linuxgraphics23:04
bekkstatertots: Actually you did.23:04
dylan__bprompt: yes...23:04
dylan__bekks: the video works fine on all resolutions in fullscreen23:04
alive87614.04 ubuntu23:04
dylan__There's no noticeable lag or slowdown.23:05
bekksdylan__: Cool, so HTML5 works properly. Now you neeed to find out wether a problematic video is HTML5 actually or not.23:05
igoryonyaalive876: and installing the deb package with dpkg, will give you the similar dependancy error. First you have to resolve your couchdb issue23:05
dylan__I'm 90% sure the video I'm testing it on is.23:05
dylan__Hell, I'm even 100% sure.23:05
bekksdylan__: Can you share the URL then? :)23:05
alive876is it possible the repository couchdb is not recent enough?23:06
dylan__Chose this video because I've watched it so often that I know how it's supposed to look like when it's not lagging23:06
dylan__It's in 720p60fps23:06
igoryonyaalive876: and do my nick with a column, before your messages to me, so I don't have to search for your message from all other messages. It's a plain courtecy to the person, hellping you.23:07
bekksdylan__: lagging means it is stuttering :)23:07
igoryonyaalive876: Yes, it is possible, as I mentioned earlier. And your ubuntu version is really old. If you want to keep LTS version, there is 16.04 LTS out. did you do other commands, I23:09
igoryonyaalive876: 've sent to you?23:09
alive876<igoryonya> ok, maybe i could try an older erlang version23:10
igoryonyaalive876: There should be an upgrade from your version to the new one (16.04, sometime in the beginning of July)23:10
alive876<igoryonya> : Depends: couchdb-bin (>= 1.5.0-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed23:11
igoryonyaalive876: an older erlang could help you. Did you do the sudo apt-get update yet?23:11
dylan__bekks: so, what does this mean?23:11
dylan__HTML5 works, but not on YT? :P23:12
bekksdylan__: Unless you see it stuttering, it isnt lagging :)23:12
alive876<igoryonya> yes23:12
igoryonyaalive876: nickname without brackets, just like I do to you alive876: (nickname and a column or comma, right after)23:12
dylan__It is stuttering when I try to do it in fullscreen.23:12
bekksdylan__: HTML5 wrks fine, even on youtube, but not on that particular video, due to the combination of your selected high resolution and the highly moving content of the video.23:12
bekksdylan__: so select a lower resolution then.23:13
dylan__But that doesn't solve my issue...23:13
bekksdylan__: More powerful hardware would solve it. Just doublecheck that it works fine on fullscreen in a lower resolution.23:13
igoryonyaalive876: You could try to search for a more recent couchdb package on launchpad.net for Ubuntu version 14.0423:13
alive876igoryonya, ok23:14
dylan__It's not a hardware issue when W10 can run it without any problems though?23:14
bekksdylan__: The main problem is the driver, which is a different one as in Windows 10.23:14
tatertotsdylan...you probably want to enjoy youtube in it's highest quality and without having to worry about if the video you want to watch is available html5 or not eh?23:15
tatertotslike how you did in windows23:15
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Jordan_Udylan__: Are you able to watch 720p60fps in VLC or any other player?23:15
igoryonyaalive876: add the unofficial couchdb repo from launchpad.net or maybe, they have personal repositories on couchdb site. You should also look at the couchdb's site on a download section, if they have their own repository and you could  try and add their rpository and install from that.23:15
dylan__Jordan_U: I haven't tried.23:16
igoryonyaalive876: After you update couchdb from an unofficial (launchpad.net) or couchdb's repository, you could continue with trying to install erlang.23:16
Jordan_Udylan__: Try. You can even use youtube-dl to watch that exact video in vlc.23:16
bpromptdylan__:     all I can say, is that the n3050 cpu, is newer than say a dual-core i5, I havea an i5 with intel 3000HD video, and youtube works fine in 16.04, even on fullscreen, but not sure if it's the same driver as yours is using23:17
adrian_1908bprompt: but is it aiming at the same market segment as an i5?23:18
alive876igoryonya| ok thanks a lot!23:19
tatertotsbprompt's videos play smoothly23:19
tatertotsbprompt do you use the intel gpu driver?23:19
bpromptadrian_1908:    well, the n3050 came out last year, 16.04 came out just a few months ago,    and nope, from what I know, the n3050 is a budget line23:19
igoryonyaalive876: you are welcome23:19
belowzerohi guys,  wondering if nomodeset for boot will make nvidia cuda to not work for math processing23:19
bekksbelowzero: It will disablemode setting during bootup.23:20
bprompttatertots:    as far as I know, yes23:20
belowzerobekks: ok, so a bad idea if I understand you correctly?23:21
belowzeroI dont want any screen attached.  Ill just ssh into the box23:21
bekksbelowzero: Then why do you want to use nomodeset at all?23:22
belowzeroubuntu throws me a black screen after boot using the normal boot options23:23
adrian_1908I just looked at the data sheet and while the N3050 looks weak on the CPU side, it appears to have a pretty decent GPU. I'm surprised if it struggles like that.23:23
bekksbelowzero: how do you see that without a display attached?23:23
belowzerobekks: I just want to ssh into the box using cuda23:23
bekksbelowzero: "ssh into the box using cuda" - what does that mean? CUDA isnt related to ssh at all.23:23
belowzeronow I got display attached,  but going to move the noisy box away when I get the chance :)23:24
dylan__Jordan_U: trying to playing the video gives me an error in VLC23:24
adrian_1908dylan__: I didn't follow the discussion, but 720p60 YouTube doesn't play smoothly (regardless of HTML5 or Flash)?23:24
dylan__adrian_1908: correct.23:24
belowzerobekks: sorry I was unclear.  I do not need a screen for it, but so far I got one.23:24
tatertotsdylan...would you care to dive into your issue a little deeper....i warn you ...this might get a tad bit involved on your part23:26
dylan__I just want this to get fixed -_-23:27
Jordan_Udylan__: What error?23:27
tatertotsok dylan...first make a note of all the info in chrome://gpu.....i dont care how you do it...take screen shots all the way down the page if needed23:28
bekkstatertots: HE already put that into a pastebin for you.23:28
dylan__Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17883707/23:28
tatertotswe are going to change some things and i'll be relying on your eyes to relay changes to me23:28
dylan__Jordan_U: I'm not sure where I can find the log file, though23:28
tatertotsbekks info is missing from pastbin FYI23:29
tatertotsthat's not ALL of it23:29
tatertotsok bekks23:29
tatertotswe also lost formating in pastbin so what he is looking at contains more info that the pastbin23:30
tatertotshe can even click the hyperlinks to get more details...stuff like that23:30
tatertotsdylan now close google chrome23:30
Jordan_Udylan__: You ned to download the video with youtube-dl first, vlc doesn't directly support youtube (though totem used to, and may still).23:31
dylan__...how am I going to type to you if I close Chrome23:31
adrian_1908youtube-dl is a good thing to have anyway, love that little tool.23:31
tatertotschat with us in firefox while you trouble shoot chrome23:31
dylan__Jordan_U: that statement appears to be incorrect. I tried with another video and it played.23:31
Jordan_Udylan__: cd ~/Videos/ && youtube-dl 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXIf5gAyrf4'23:32
Jordan_Udylan__: That will download the video into your ~/Videos/ directory.23:32
tatertotsthis is going to get involved dylan...if it gets to be too much just tell me when you want to wave that white flag23:32
dylan__Here I am again...23:33
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tgm4883tatertots: being that he's been waiting for your help for 1.5 hours, I think he's in it for the long haul23:34
tatertotswelcome back23:34
Jordan_Udylan__: Cool, I didn't know vlc supported grabbing videos directly from youtube. Did you see my comment explaining how to use youtube-dl anyway?23:35
dylan__I did.23:35
dylan__And while VLC plays videos in 720p without problem, I'd like to be able to stay in my browser23:35
dylan__it's nice to know that that option is still available though, thnanks23:35
tatertotsdylan i'm going to have to open chrome again and look at chrome://gpu and look for changes23:35
tatertotsdon't open it yet though23:36
adrian_1908dylan__: Do you get all blue checkmarks here? https://www.youtube.com/html523:36
tatertotsi'm just letting you know what steps we will be taking in advance23:36
Jordan_Udylan__: It's also helpful to know that with the graphics drivers you have it's possible to play 60 fps 720p video.23:36
tatertotsdylan is not using https://01.org/linuxgraphics23:36
dylan__adrian_1908: correct.23:37
tatertotsbut i digress23:37
tatertotsyou've made note of things in chrome://gpu ...now lets open it again in a slightly different method and check for changes23:39
tatertotsdylan you here still?23:39
dylan__I am23:40
tatertotsdo this23:40
tatertotsthis is case sensiteve23:40
tatertotstype it exactly as i type it23:40
tatertotsLIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1 google-chrome23:41
dylan__And where do I type that?23:41
tatertotsgo back to chrome://gpu....notice any changes?23:41
tatertotsin terminal23:42
tatertotsoh and throw a & at the end of that command please23:42
plop_its_ellietatertots, if i may ask whats going on with chrome?23:42
tatertotsLIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=1 google-chrome &23:42
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tatertotshello plop...long story..i'll fill you in23:43
dylan__tatertots: nothing's changed23:43
plop_its_ellietake your time23:43
dylan__plop_its_ellie: HTML5 in Youtube is stuttering when it's in 720p23:43
tatertotsok dylan...23:44
tgm4883OerHeks: how long ago were you wondering if it was that ^23:45
tatertotsthis isn't supported but i can tell you i've done it the "unsupported" way many times but YMMV23:45
plop_its_elliewhat gpu are you using? and what is the specs on your machine23:45
tatertotstry using the intel driver https://01.org/linuxgraphics23:45
tatertotsgood luck my friend23:45
plop_its_ellieif he has low end hardware then it will stutter23:45
dylan__intel celeron n3050, intel HD graphics23:46
dylan__Worked fine on W1023:46
plop_its_elliehow much ram?23:46
tatertotswhen vendors say "unsupported" it just means "don't call us"23:47
plop_its_ellieI would try firefox as well to see if the problem persists23:47
plop_its_elliechrome is a pretty heavy browser btw so just be aware of that23:47
dylan__tatertots: the latest build is for 15.10, doesn't work on 16.1023:47
plop_its_elliebut try in firefox and see if it stutters there too23:48
dylan__Yes, it does...23:48
plop_its_ellieand you are on 16.04?23:48
plop_its_elliejust using mainline ubuntu, none of the varients?23:49
dylan__Yes, 16.0423:49
plop_its_ellieotherwise i would recommend using ubuntu mate or xubuntu since it is lighter weight23:49
hammer25hey guys, i'm trying to work with python 3.5, but have 2.7 installed. how do i update?23:50
tatertotshttps://01.org/linuxgraphics is your friend23:50
tatertotsjust fyi23:50
adrian_1908hammer25: which ubuntu version?23:51
plop_its_elliemainline ubuntu makes use of heavy 3d acceleration so it may tax performance for other 3d accelerated appliations23:51
adrian_190816.04 comes with python 3.5 by default23:51
dylan__like i said tatertots23:52
dylan__tatertots: the latest build is for 15.10, doesn't work on 16.1023:52
plop_its_ellieheh funny thing is, i installed lubuntu 16.04 on a client's machine which had a pentiumD from 2006, it played 720p youtubg videos with no issue23:52
adrian_1908hammer25: type `python3` into the terminal23:52
tatertotsdylan do you care for a fix bad enough to do what is needed for https://01.org/linuxgraphics23:53
ikoniadylan__: did you get it working ?23:53
tatertotsi warned this would get involved23:53
dylan__ikonia: thank god23:53
hammer25ah, ok, it had both. weird.23:53
dylan__tatertots: how many times do I have to tell you23:53
dylan__it does not work for 16.0423:53
mhalanoNew doubt. I found a solution for half of my problem. Remembering:23:53
ikoniadylan__: how did you get on, I had to step away earlier23:53
tgm4883tatertots: ffs, if you are going to push that so hard, then the least you could do is give him instructions. At this point, I'm seriously doubting your ability to help dylan__ at all23:53
mhalanoOne of my questions is use a way to defer emails automatically when I'm offline23:54
adrian_1908hammer25: yeah, too many ecosystems still rely on 2.7, so ubuntu will keep that around in addition to version 3+23:54
dylan__ikonia: I didn't. I tried editing the xorg config but it gave me an error when starting up23:54
ikoniadylan__: thats annoying23:54
ikoniadylan__: what error did you get ?23:54
dylan__That was a while ago. I Think something about going into low graphic mode?23:55
plop_its_ellietatertots, you can get the latest driver via a ppa23:55
ikoniadylan__: so it was dropping back to the failsafe driver23:55
dylan__I went back to /etc/X1123:55
dylan__and the config was gone23:55
ikoniadylan__: just out of interest, did you try watching it with the fail safe driver23:55
ikoniadylan__: the config file was gone ??23:55
dylan__it did make xorg.conf.failsafe23:56
dylan__and xorg.conf.backup with a bunch of numbers after it23:56
mhalanoI found dma and nullmailer (and I will test ssmtp, msmtp and esmtp). both solution I tested defer emails when using mail command (I don't try with mutt or alpine or any CLI email client). The question is: There a lightweight solution (like ones I mentioned) but which listen on some port?23:56
dylan__but the original xorg.conf is gone23:56
mhalanoThe idea is use Thunderbird (for now) and this solution will do the defer process.23:56
dylan__It could be that I screwed something up while editing the file23:57
ikoniadylan__: the xorg in 16.04 is a little bit newer and more modular, so maybe the location has changed, it always used to be /etc/X11/xorg.conf, let me have a quick look as I don't hve a 16.04 machine ot hand23:57
plop_its_elliehuh why did it go to the failsafe driver?23:57
ikoniadylan__: possible, but with the dynamic xorg, you should basically only have to set parameters you want to override from autodetection23:57
plop_its_ellieoh nvm i see23:57
hammer25I'm having trouble using sudo apt-get23:58
hammer25its saying it "Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock"23:58
hammer25same for /var/lib/dpkg/lock23:58
ikoniadylan__: docs seem to suggest /etc/X11/xorg.conf should still be honoured23:58
dylan__ikonia: Do you think I should try again23:59
ikoniadylan__: with no xorg.conf file, does your machine boot back into your normal (but broken) setup23:59
dylan__Yeah, it did23:59
ikoniaor does it keep dropping back to failsafe23:59
dylan__I think it's back to normal23:59
ikoniadylan__: ok - lets try something23:59
ikoniadylan__: do you know how to boot into recovery mode ?23:59

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